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\ Cr. UPL | CHAPTER -1 ashi SCleNcE : . From Latin word ‘scientia ; means "to- know" SCIENTIFIC = MeTHOD: Systematic obsesvations controlled expesiments, qvoritative and quambitetive veasonini , mathematical modellin prediction 2 verification or FalsiFiaakion of theories. Theories keep evolving. for exownple ; plnetary motion Cam lee better explainad with elliptical paths to Fit the data. beter. Or the need of better model than Newtonian Prysics to explain atomic pnenomena, Puysics: Study of the loasic laws of natuxe and their Manifestation in differerd natwal bhenomena —> Unification: few Laws to explain divesse. brenomena eg grovity expdains motion o moon & the Fall apple. Reduction : Understanding Complex Systems from the properties of Simpler parte. €4. Tempesature in thermodynamics | Mmmm Scope 2 EXCITEMENT OF PHYSICS EEE > MICROSCOPIC “Atomic molecular 2 nuclear scale. 10g ; 14m, ~> MACROSCOPIC. * Lob, terrestrial 2 Astronomical seale 1m ; 10°F ka € lo’ CLASSICAL PHYSICS; Deals with maczoscopic phenomen > Mechanics : Gravitotion, motion, rigid boorday Ayramics > Electro dynamics: Change, magnots, current, radio Optics: bhonomena involvivy ight > Thermodynamics: Macrosco pic. equilibrium , temp, entyop » heat work Tauasfer. * Claxsical Physics Can vot handle electrow, photons etc. Hence, Quantum theory as needed . HYPOTHESIS , AXIOMS 3 MODELS olf we assume something, its hy pothesis. fox example, We assume that roids hina ‘fotce 1s proporhonal t mows D inverse. of Gistancey; it explains a lot visible Phenomena . Ng po thesis Needs validation from vesults . + Axioms ocre dogical, se} evident trdh. €4. Kezdan mostly a mathematical 7 express the oWviow logic. thes& aretha buildi blocks. A+tb = b+a; paralleling. *modsk: special cares. eg. Bohr's model of Hednogen BEEN FUNDAMENTAL Forces IN NATUR DERIVED Forces: Contact Fosces, Frictim, torsion, tension, beeopamcy , viscous forces, pressure, Surxfoce tension, electric “2 megvehe forces. FUNDAMENTAL Forces: | . Gravitahonal force «mars cr : Electro magnetic Force charge | magnets * Strong Nucleon force : protonser neutrons P * Weak nuclear forces: B-decay. Srey Werk{Unification of forces in nadure} mmm NATURE OF PHYSICAL LAWS tttuny Conservotion Laws en > char Srern =o a tiles >ohw, Laws 4 nature do nat Chomgs Wit tives . Space is hom ogeneous, amd Have is no erred docotion an te Umiverge P| Spacetiva 2

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