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Textbook are essential to both students and teachers, it is a great tool to

access reliable sources and evidences in our research, assignments and related

activities. Books are the tool that who will never walk away from us. From

textbook we can learn new words and lessons that can help us. Reading books is

the best key to enhance or critical thinking and our logic reasoning.

In this research it focuses on how lack textbooks affect the academic

performance of senior high school students and how they react in this situation.

Background of the Study

Education is the key factors in the development and advance of a society.

(Shrestha, 2008). The K to 12 curriculum was signed Enhanced Basic Education

Act of 2013, last May 15, 2013 under the administration of President Benigno

Simeon Cojuangco Aquino III and was implemented last 2017. The K to 12

curriculum is a tool that make as ready in college and able to think what track

should we involve in the next chapter of our lives. In this curriculum we are the

third batch in Sacred Heart Diocesan School, Inc. As a senior high student

textbook is part of our lives. Textbooks are one of the most common resources

that contain numerous features that you do not always encounter. Textbooks are

the most valid sources to get because it’s professionally written and design,

edited and tested. Active reading strategies lead to comprehension and retention
that will help students perform better. It is important to remember that textbook

is just one tool, but a great tool to be our weapon.

Today’s library is powerhouse where information is stored. A library

plays a very important role in promoting the progress of knowledge

(Duncan,2017). In dictionaries the word “library” has been defined as “a building

or room containing a collection of books” (Jayanaths,2008). Library is a big part

in our lives because we are able to learn and discover new words. Library can be

our second classroom in school because library has a lot of sources that we can

use upon searching for our assignments, thesis, references, etc.

In this study it talks about lack of references in our school and how it

would affect the academic performance of senior high students. By the use of

textbook we are able to catch up activities and lessons that the teachers are going

to teach. Sometimes textbook is a way that we can study in advance so that we

will not be behind of the lessons and able to understand the teacher very well.

Problem Statement

This study was designed to determine the effects of lack of references

among senior high school students in our institution Sacred Heart Diocesan

School, Inc. Thus, it affect the academic performance of a student or encourage

them to study in advance. The problem is the library is insufficient of books and

sometimes we cannot borrow books because the library is close. Due to

insufficient references in the library, there is a tendency that students

miscellaneous expenses will increase.

Also, this study determines why the school cannot provide individual

references for senior high students in which books are the important tool we

should have.

Purpose of the Study

This study is for the improvements of our school library and to voice out

our concerns to our school administration. This would be the way to enlighten

the school administrators that they should give some attention of our concerns

because books are very substantial in studies.

Significance of the Study

This study will be undertaken to find out the results of lack of references

to our school, Sacred Heart Diocesan School, Inc.

Benefiting this study are the various sections as follows:

The Students:

The direct recipients of the output of this research are the senior high

school students both grade 11 and 12. This will be the way to answer the

questions of the researcher if their academic performance improve or affected

because of lack references of the campus. Through this they can voice out their

concerns to the administration of the school.

The Administration:

This study will be beneficial to the administrator, so that they will be

aware of students concerns. This will be the way to let them know that we
students really need books to access our assignments, lesson and other related

academic activities.

The Parents:

From this concern, the parents will be aware of their son or daughter

problem and let them aware that there will be an additional payment for them if

we will have individual books for senior high.

Overall, it will be beneficial to everyone especially to the next batch of

senior high students. Also it will be helpful to the future research for educational

purposes and basis for their upcoming research paper.

Research Question

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of not having textbook for

senior high school students?

2. Why the school does have not enough references to accommodate the

needs of the students?

3. How does the lack of textbook among senior high students affect their

academic performance?

Research Hypothesis

Obviously, textbooks are really important to students especially

graduating students in senior high. References help as to make our activity easier

and to have guidelines on what lessons will follow.

If the school provides individual books for senior high school students the

reduced of allowances will minimize but our tuition will increase. If the school
provides textbooks that can accommodate one section at a time, it is a best

solution to make because it is a way to read in advance and learn to love books.

Lastly, if the school will provide license librarian, the school library will be

open during class time because in grade 12 we have free time instead of library

time for we cannot visit because it is lock for the reason the library in charged has

a class. From this, the school administrator should hire librarian that is non-

advisory and no subject to handle.

Identification of Variables

Lack of references in Sacred Heart Diocesan School, Inc. can devastate or

enhance the academic performance of a student.

Independent Variable: Lack of references

Dependent Variables: Devastate or enhance the academic performance of

a student

Assumption and Limitations

This study focuses on the effects of lack of references for Senior High

students especially graduating students. In this study grade 11 and 12 are the

respondents to avoid bias.

The main source of data was the survey questionnaire, which was

prepared by the researcher and analytically descriptive from the results of the



Textbooks are usually used in schools when learning. They are books that

have been published to cover the syllabus that a student is supposed to learn in

one grade. Each grade will use different text books. The one benefit of using

textbooks is that they provide information. The teacher is a reliable source of

information, but textbooks can be used to provide more. This is because teachers

do not always mention everything, maybe due to the limitation in duration of the

lessons. Textbooks will also help students in noting and highlighting the key

points. They can also add guides for easy understanding of sentences. If they

note the key words, it makes it easier to remember even during examinations.

Textbooks are also used for future reference. Students will always forget what

they have been taught by the teacher. They therefore need such books to keep

referring to, in order to refresh their memory. Textbooks are also a reliable source

of information because they may contain term papers and thesis. They may come

with instruction and guide the student on the kind of question that they are

likely to encounter during examinations. Here are few reasons why we should

consider reading books:

To expose yourself to new thing:

Through reading, you expose yourself to new things, new information,

new ideas, new ways to solve a problem, and new ways to achieve a goal.
Reading might help you discover hobbies or exploring things you didn’t know

you like. Exploration begins from reading and understanding.

These books will also enable instructors and teachers to get more

organized in their class lessons. Since these books are divided in chapters,

teachers find them reliable by following them as they are in teaching. This will

help when there is need to give tests to students. The teacher will also know on

the topics that students find difficulty in understanding and the ones they have

already understood. Referring to textbooks will therefore enable students to

point out to topics that they need more elaboration on. Referring will also mean

that students who have failed exams can use them to find correct answers to

questions because the teacher cannot repeat classes for a number of students.

To improve oneself:

Reading helps you understand the world more. Through it, you begin to

have a better understanding on a topic that interest you. Self-improvement start

from reading, through reading you have a better understanding and better

decisions to take in the future.

To improve your understanding:

The more you read the more you understand things completely and helps

you find the truth about something. Through reading you learn more about

society and how to adapt in it.

To improve your imagination:

You are limited by what you can imagine, all the worlds described in

books as well as views and opinions by other people, will help you expand your

understanding of what is possible.

To reduce stress:

Studies show that reading reduces stress. The participants in this study

only needed to read silently for a few minutes to slow down the heart and ease

tension in the muscles.

To improve your memory:

When you read you have more to think. Reading gives you a unique

pause button for understanding and insight. The benefits of this increased

activity helps to keep the memory sharp and the learning capacity agile.

To entertain oneself:

Reading has an entertainment value. Reading is not only fun, but it has all

the added benefits that we discussed so far. A good book can keep you

entertained while developing life skills.

The amount a country spends on learning materials is a good indicator of

its commitment to providing a quality education for all. While there are various

types of teaching and learning materials, this paper will focus on textbooks,

which are the most commonly used type. In many countries students at all levels

either lack books altogether or are required to share them extensively with

others. Without textbooks, children can spend many of their school hours

copying content from the blackboard, which severely reduces time for engaged
learning. The cost of textbooks is a key barrier that prevents children from

having access to the learning materials they need. The Fourth Sustainable

Development Goal on Education (SDG 4) calls to “ensure inclusive and equitable

quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”. Access to

appropriate learning materials is listed as a key strategy for achieving the first

means of implementation (4a) under SDG4 related to providing inclusive and

effective learning environments for all: “Ensure that every institution is secure

and has water, electricity, gender-segregated toilets that work and are accessible,

adequate and safe classrooms, and appropriate learning materials and

technology.” The supporting Framework for Action Education 2030 for this new

agenda also highlights access to learning materials as one of the core strategic

approaches for implementing the goal: “Education institutions and programmes

should be adequately and equitably resourced, with safe, environment-friendly

and easily accessible facilities; sufficient numbers of teachers and educators of

quality using learner-centred, active and collaborative pedagogical approaches;

and books, other learning materials, open educational resources and technology

that are non-discriminatory, learning conducive, learner friendly, context

specific, cost effective and available to all learners – children, youth and adults.”

These internationally negotiated texts recognize that teachers need textbooks to

help guide what they do in the classroom, just as children need textbooks that

support their learning experiences. Policy-makers also need textbooks to convert

overarching educational aims to concrete activities in the classroom. The quality

and effectiveness of textbooks vary for many reasons including, for example, the

clarity of curricular intentions and content details and issues related to printing

quality and timeliness of distribution. But millions of students suffer from a very

basic problem: they do not have access to textbooks at all.

The importance of appropriate textbooks in improving the quality of

education has been increasingly highlighted since the 1990s (Braslavsky and

Halil, 2006). In developing countries, where there are limited resources,

textbooks in appropriate languages and at appropriate levels of difficulty are

shown to be relatively low-cost inputs with high returns in terms of student

achievement (Boissiere, 2004). A growing body of evidence confirming the

critical role of textbooks in improving student achievement has influenced

education policies. Swaziland has provided free textbooks to all primary school

pupils since 2003 (SACMEQ, 2011). Other countries, including Guatemala and

Nicaragua, have also introduced free textbook programmes targeting the most

disadvantaged (Porta and Laguna, 2007).In Ghana, an impact evaluation of a

programme supporting basic education found that progress in mathematics and

English test scores between 1988 and 2003 were partly due to the increased

availability of textbooks (White, 2004). In South Africa, students, especially girls,

do better on reading tests when they have their own copies of textbooks (Zuze

and Reddy, 2014).A cross-country analysis based on data from regional

assessments in 22 sub-Saharan African countries shows that pedagogical

resources, especially textbooks for the core subjects of reading and mathematics,
are effective in improving learning; providing one textbook to every student in a

classroom increased literacy scores by 5–20% (Fehrler et al., 2009). In Burkina

Faso, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Madagascar and Senegal, even when a limited

number of pupils had access to textbooks in the classroom, literacy skills of their

peers who did not have textbooks improved thanks to enhanced motivation or

knowledge sharing (Frolich and Michaelowa, 2011). However, while this might

be true if the pupil-to-textbook ratio moves from 1:1 to 1:2, a World Bank study

has shown the negative impact on learning to be far more significant when

moving from a ratio of 1:2 to 1:3 (Fredriksen et al., 2015).



As is indicated in the title, this chapter includes useful data for the

researcher’s study. It is more detailed due to the evidences and actual survey

among students. This survey will be the researcher’s guide for the study and can

come up answers. This part helps a lot to understand well the research study and

can able to fulfill the lock study.


This study designed to determine the effects of lack of references among

Senior High School students in both grade 11 and 12 students in their

academic performance. From this issue the grades 11 and 12 students are

the compatible respondents of the research because there references are

limited in the senior high library.


The participants of the researcher’s study are 3 from ABM 11, 13 HUMSS,

11 STEM and 6 ICT from grade 11. In grade 12, 9 students from ABM, 10

HUMSS, 3 STEM and 5 ICT. This samples are being calculated before selecting

respondents from senior high school, students.


This study took place in Sacred Heart Diocesan School, Inc. SHDS is the

reliable source the researcher can have in the study due to the limitations and

time frame of the research study.


First, the researcher gathers information about the study and think of

possible questioner for the study. Next, construct a permission letter for the

teachers and students before conducting survey. Lastly, conducting survey to the

participants I have mention above.


The researcher’s used stratified random sampling to get samples with 60

samples. Also the researcher used clustered and purposive sampling to avoid

bias in the study.

Data Analysis

The purpose of data analysis is to answer the research question of the

researcher. By the help of data it is easy to compare and contrast researcher

possible answer and the actual outcome of the said surveys.



The purpose of this data presentation and data analysis is to obtain data

collection from the respondents. It helps to get information that can be a big help

from a researcher’s study. It helps people to understand the results of the

surveys conducted and helps to validate the existing research.

This study aims to answer:

The researcher’s researcher questions.

To compare and contrast the researcher’s research hypothesis from the survey


To acquire data the researcher prepare questionnaire and solve for the

samples. After, the researcher’s conduct survey from Sacred Heart Diocesan

School senior high students. It really need effort to wait from the respondents to

get information that you need from your study.

Age Frequency Percentage

15 2 3%

16 19 32%

17 27 45%

18 11 18%

19 1 2%

Total 60 100%
4.1 Respondents profile

4.1.1 Age of Respondents

Table 4.1.1 the age of respondents with sixty respondents, the lowest age that the

researchers have is fifteen with 3%. Sixteen years old with 32%, seventeen with

45%, eighteen with 18% and lastly nineteen years old with 2%.

Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 26 43%

Female 34 57%

Total 60 100%

4.1.2 Gender of Respondents

In table 4.1.2 gender of respondents there are sixty respondents where

43% are male and 57% female.

Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 46 77%

Agree 11 18%

Disagree 1 2%

Strongly Disagree 2 3%

Total 60 100%

4.2 Matrix Survey Results

Table 4.2.1 Textbooks are important tool in learning?

Textbooks are really important in learning because in data shown in table

4.2.1 77% answered strongly agree, 18% agree, 2% disagree and 3% strongly

disagree. Therefore most of the respondents said that textbooks are important

tool that we should treasure.

Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 16 27%

Agree 38 63%

Disagree 3 5%

Strongly Disagree 3 5%

Total 60 100%

Table 4.2.2 As a student we prefer using textbook in making research and other academic


Mostly respondents answered 63% agree, 27% strongly agree, 5% disagree and

5% strongly disagree. Respondents make me open-minded and was able to

determine that students not firmly using textbooks in making research and other

academic activities.

Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 25 42%

Agree 27 45%

Disagree 8 13%

Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 60 100%

Table 4.2.3 The senior high library do not have enough textbooks.

Base on the table 42% strongly agree, 45% disagree and 13% agree. The data

shown above that senior high library is lack of references that can accommodate

the needs of the senior high students.

Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 29 48%

Agree 22 37%

Disagree 5 8%

Strongly Disagree 4 7%

Total 60 100%

Table 4.2.4 Our senior high library is not always open during class hour and

break time.

In this issue almost 50% answered strongly agree with 48%, agree with

37% and disagree 8% and 7% strongly disagree .The data interprets that senior

high school library is not always open during class hour and break time as what

students saw.

Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 31 52%

Agree 23 38%

Disagree 4 7%
Strongly Disagree 2 3%

Total 60 100%

Table 4.2.5 Due to lack of references, our allowances will decrease to photocopy


The table shows that 52% strongly agree, 38% agree, 7% disagree and 3%

strongly agree. Most of the senior high school students experience crisis and the

allowances will be deducted because of photocopies of books.

Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 13 22%

Agree 25 42%

Disagree 13 22%

Strongly Disagree 9 15%

Total 60 100%

Table 4.2.6 The school will provide individual books to senior high students and

it will be additional to the tuition.

The table shows 42 out of 100% agree about the question, 22% strongly agree,

22% disagree and 15% strongly disagree. As you can see there are 22% answered

disagree due to additional payment to the tuition. They prefer having lack of

references rather than paying another tuition. Overall the respondents prefer

additional payment to the tuition.

Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 44 73%

Agree 12 20%

Disagree 3 5%

Strongly Disagree 1 2%

Total 60 100%

Table 4.2.7 The school should hire librarian so that the library will be open

during class hours and break time.

In this question mostly they answer strongly agree with 73%, 20% agree, 5%

disagree and 2% strongly agree. The respondents prefer having school librarian

for more effective flow in borrowing books.

Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 33 55%

Agree 17 28%

Disagree 9 15%

Strongly Disagree 1 2%

Total 60 100%

Table 4.2.8 Lack of references affect your academic performance.

As you can see in the table 55% answer strongly agree, 28% agree, 15%

disagree and 2% strongly disagree. Most of the respondent agreed that lack of

references affect academic performance of a students .

Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 19 32%

Agree 22 37%

Disagree 11 18%

Strongly Disagree 8 13%

Total 60 100%

Table 4.2.9 We can borrow easily books in the senior high library.

In the table shown above 32% strongly agree, 37% agree, 18% disagree and 13%

strongly disagree, in this situation the answers of the respondents are different

because of the difference.

Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 16 27%

Agree 24 40%

Disagree 17 28%

Strongly Disagree 3 5%

Total 60 100%

Table 4.2.10 Lack of references encourages you to study in advance or make

some notes in advance.

Most of the respondent agreed with 40%, 28% disagree, 27% strongly agree and

5% strongly disagree. Some of them agreed that lack of references encourages a

student to study or notes in advance. While some of the respondents do not

agree because they do not like to study or even take notes.

4.3 Dichotomous Survey Results


Yes 47 78%

No 13 22%

Total 60 100%

Table 4.3.1 Senior high library assigned teacher is approachable.

Most of the respondent agreed with the statement with 78% yes and 22% no.

Yes the assigned teacher in the library is very approachable but due her busy

schedule the library is closed.


Yes 40 67%

No 20 33%

Total 60 100%

Table 4.3.2 4 to 5 students cannot borrow mostly books from the library.

The table above 67% answered yes and 33% no, most of the respondents said

yes because most of the senior high school students classes until 5. During 5pm
the library is closed because the librarian already went home. Some of the

respondents answered no maybe there class is not 4 to 5.


Yes 50 83%

No 10 17%

Total 60 100%

Table 4.3.3 The school administration should take action from this situation.

Most of the respondents agreed with 83% yes and 17% no, the school

administration should take action from this situation. They the only one can

make decision from this issue to minimize the students miscellaneous expenses.


Yes 53 88%

No 7 12%

Total 60 100%

Table 4.3.4 Books will be our primary source in making assignments.

The table above 88% answered yes and 12% answered no. As a student we

can get answer from the books especially when the teacher give an assignments

found in textbooks. Aside from that books are reliable sources to gather

information and it is more detailed.


Yes 58 97%

No 2 3%

Total 60 100%

Table 4.3.4 Complete references will encourage students to read books.

Most of the respondents agreed if the textbook are complete will

encourage them to read books with 97% answer yes and 3% no. Yes it will

encourage them and decrease the expenses to photocopy books.

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