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“Television” has now become a screen for the projection of different kinds of
data that operate in a full-duplex fashion where the screen and its accessories
not only provide data to the viewer of the screen but also become a tool for
the collection of data about the viewer. For instance, the moment a
smartphone is connected to the screen to watch an episode on YouTube, data
about the viewer and viewing habits of the viewer are available to a
corporation. This process opens up significant opportunities for data collection
that borders on surveillance, and different institutions are able to collect
customized information about the individual.

Computer and network surveillance is the monitoring of computer activity and data
stored on a hard drive, or data being transferred over computer networks such as
the Internet. The monitoring is often carried out covertly and may be completed by
governments, corporations, criminal organizations, or individuals. It may or may not be
legal and may or may not require authorization from a court or other independent
government agencies

2. Correlation
- Informations from the radio as the mediated channel of news can be criticized with how
the people behind it processed the imformations that they are broadcastong.
- News from diifferent Network can also be criticized by how they present and
elaboratively picked the news that they will dessiminate without any bias and and
3. Sensationalization
- Issues on the politics can be an example od sensationalized topics, whereas the real and
raw information will be exposed without any sugar-coating. Like the accomplishments
and shortcomings of President Rodrigo Duterte.
- Issues on Economy are also an example since the people in a state have to face the
reality of their nation’s economic status, because it will affect their daily living.
4. Entertainment

Youtube - Some of the biggest media corporations in the world now use the site to
share their own material as part of the YouTube Partnership program. In fact, most
entertainment and broadcast companies now have their own YouTube channel.
Companies are now recognising the power of the website and just how much of an
impact it has had on not only the entertainment industry, but the media industry as a

Many of us now use social media not just for sharing of information and a platform for
communication, but they have found a great advantage from it for entertainment purposes.
Facebook for instance, as one of the biggest social media networks has changed into
something different from what it used to be.

5. Transmission
- A trend in fashion greatly influences a majority of people who uses mass media, since
everyone wants to fit in with the trend and also in the norm of many.
- In buying our Belongings, mass media greatly influenced us what brand are the best and
must be used to be bought in the market.
6. Mobilization
- Calamities such as typhoon and earthquake are the key factors where mobilization in
mass media occurs. Mass media can now thoroughly guide tge people to cope and
survive before, during and after this calamity happen.
- Scarcity such as shortage of the supply in water and food could also be an example
when will mobilization in mass media occur since the people on media can help them by
informing the audience/people on the present happenings.
7. Validation
- Physical Appearance can be an example of what the people are as asking for validation
whereas the more the people are appreciating your looks, the more likely you’re
physical apperance are validated.
- Personal opinions and claims are also what the people wants to be validated. Where
their stand to a particular issue where validated if many people agrees to it.

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