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ANU Press

Chapter Title: C

Book Title: Dictionary of World Biography

Book Author(s): Barry Jones
Published by: ANU Press. (2019)
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of World Biography

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Cadbury, George (1839–1922). English
manufacturer and social reformer. With his brother
Richard (1835–1899) he assumed control of his
father’s Birmingham cocoa business in 1867, and
when it expanded in 1879 he transferred the enterprise
to Bournville. Being greatly interested in housing, he
Caballero, Francisco Largo see Largo Caballero, integrated the factory in a planned housing project
Francisco and so organised the first modern ‘model’ village. A
Quaker and a liberal, George Cadbury owned two
Cabot, John (Giovanni Caboto) (c.1450–c.1498). London newspapers, the Daily News and the Star,
Italian navigator, probably born in Genoa. He lived which were active in all campaigns for social reform.
in Venice from about 1461 and became a citizen in
1476. Between 1484 and 1490 he came to England Cade, Jack (d.1450). English rebel. He led the
and lived in Bristol. Commissioned by *Henry VII, Kentish rebellion of 1450 during the reign of *Henry
in May 1497 he sailed westward in the Mathew, VI. Misgovernment and financial oppression were
reached Nova Scotia in June, explored the coast of the main causes of the rising which soon became
Newfoundland and returned in August, claiming to formidable. Cade headed and managed to keep
have reached China (Cathay). He began a second together a host which swelled to many thousands as it
voyage with four ships in May 1498 and disappeared. moved towards London, overcoming such resistance
as it met on the way. Once they had reached the city
His son, Sebastian Cabot (?1476–1557), was born
the authorities induced them to disperse, partly by a
in Venice. He probably accompanied his father on
show of force but mainly by concessions and promises.
the 1497 voyage and later became map maker to
Cade was hunted down and killed at Heathfield in
*Henry VIII and Ferdinand V of Spain. An attempt
Sussex while resisting arrest.
to find the Northwest Passage (1509) failed owing
to a mutiny of the crew. In 1518 he was appointed Cadillac, Antoine de la Mothe, Sieur (1656–1730).
pilot major by the emperor *Charles V (Carlos I of French administrator and soldier. He settled a colony
Spain). He led an expedition that explored the coast on the site of modern Detroit (1701) and later governed
of South America (1526–30), seeking a passage to Louisiana 1713–16 before retiring to Gascony.
the Pacific. In 1548 he returned to England and
founded a company of merchant venturers, for which Cadogan, Sir Alexander Montague George
he organised an expedition (1553) under Willoughby (1884–1968). English diplomat. Son of the 8th Earl
and *Chancellor to search for a northeast passage Cadogan, educated at Eton and Oxford, he joined the
from the Arctic Ocean to the China coast. In 1544 diplomatic service in 1908 and became Permanent
Cabot published a map showing his own and his Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs 1938–46. A strong
father’s discoveries. opponent of appeasement, he worked closely with
Williamson, J. A. (ed.), Cabot Voyages and Bristol Winston *Churchill and wrote important diaries.
Discovery under Henry VII. 1962. British Ambassador to the United Nations 1946–50
and awarded the OM in 1951, he was Chair of the
Cabral, Pedro Alvares (c.1460–c.1520). Portuguese BBC 1952–57. The Diaries of Sir Alexander Cadogan,
navigator. In 1500 he was made leader of an expedition 1938–45 (1972) are a valuable research tool.
to the East Indies with 13 ships, but while on the way
he was forced westward by adverse currents (some Cadogan, William Cadogan, 1st Earl (1675–1726).
say he deliberately altered course) and landed on British general. The Duke of *Marlborough’s most
the north east coast of Brazil, in Bahia, near Monte trusted subordinate in the campaigns of the War of
Pascoal, and he formally claimed possession on behalf the Spanish Succession, he was known as his ‘maid
of Portugal. During his resumed voyage to the east of work’ from the variety of tasks he undertook.
he lost seven ships with their crews (including the At Oudenarde (1708) he commanded the Allied
famous navigator Bartolomeo *Diaz) before reaching vanguard. He was ennobled for his success in
Mozambique and eventually Calient (near Madras) suppressing the Jacobite rising of 1715.
in India. Having made the first commercial treaty Churchill, W. S., Marlborough. 1933–38.
between India and Portugal, he returned to Lisbon in
July 1501 with much booty. Cadorna, Luigi, Conte (1850–1928). Italian soldier.
Amado, J. C., Pedro Alvares Cabral. 1968. Commander-in-Chief of the Italian armies in World
War I from 1915 to November 1917, after the disaster
Cabrini, St Frances Xavier (1850–1917). American at Caporetto he ordered summary executions of his
religious, born in Lodigiano, Italy. She lived in the US own soldiers, and was replaced by Armando *Diaz.
from 1889 and was naturalised in 1909. She founded *Mussolini promoted him to Marshal in 1924.
the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart, and
schools, hospitals and orphanages. She became the Cædmon (d.c.680). Anglo-Saxon poet. According
first saint of the US when Pope *Pius XII canonised to *Bede he was a herdsman who was granted a
her in 1946. vision and received the gift of song. Of his poems,
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Dictionary of World Biography

most of which were said to be metrical paraphrases and was murdered on landing. Caesar then landed
of the Bible, only a single hymn (‘Nu scylun hergan in Egypt and in 47 confirmed *Cleopatra, on the
hefaenricaes uard / Now [we] must honour the disputed throne. She soon became his mistress and
guardian of heaven’), translated into Latin by Bede is bore him a son. *Plutarch blamed Caesar for burning
regarded as an authentic survival. Cædmon spent the the library of Alexandria, but *Gibbon thought the
last years of his life as a lay brother in Whitby Abbey, charge was groundless. In 46 in North Africa Caesar
Yorkshire. crushed the remaining leaders of Pompey’s faction
at Thapsus. He returned to Rome, now dictator
Caesar, (Caius) Julius (c.100–44 BCE). Roman and tribune for life, to celebrate four triumphs and
soldier and statesman, born in Rome. Although born distribute gifts. In January 45 BCE he introduced
into one of the oldest and noblest Roman families he a 365¼ day calendar, based on Egypt’s. The Julian
supported the democratic faction of *Marius (who calendar was further modified by *Augustus in
had married his aunt) against the senatorial oligarchy 8  CE, with the month of Caesar’s birth, Quintilis,
under *Sulla. Sulla’s triumph in 81 threatened his life renamed ‘Julius’ (July), Caesar extended eligibility
and forced him to live abroad until 78, when, Sulla for citizenship and made other liberal reforms. In
having died, he returned to Rome and resumed his 44 he was at the peak of his power and appointed
political career as a leader of the democratic party, dictator for life. Republican senators who feared
greatly increasing his popularity by lavish expenditure (probably wrongly) that he intended to proclaim
during his year (65) as aedile (organiser of games and a monarchy, organised a conspiracy against him.
festivals). A new political situation was now taking He was assassinated on the Ides (15th) of March
shape. Caesar, back from a year’s campaigning in 44, at the Senate, meeting temporarily in the Hall
Spain, had formed a political association with Marcus of Pompey in the Campus Martius (now lying
*Crassus, an ambitious intriguer and the richest man under the via di Torre Argentina, just south of the
in Rome; *Pompey had returned a national hero and Pantheon). The conspirators were headed by *Brutus
was seeking political support for the terms of his and *Cassius, his erstwhile friends. His will left all
settlement of Asia and especially for the provision of he possessed to his grandnephew Octavian, later to
land for his returning veterans. The possibility of a become *Augustus.
bargain was evident, and in 60 the first ‘triumvirate’
between the three men was formed. It was in effect Though motivated by great personal ambition,
an unofficial division of spoils. Caesar, as Consul Caesar was more than a self-seeking demagogue.
in 59, was able to meet Pompey’s demands and He succeeded in winning stability for Rome and
obtained what he most wanted for himself—a great the provinces, and his dictatorship represented the
military command in Gaul covering northern Italy crushing of an oligarchy and paved the way for
and the conquered lands beyond the Alps. During the empire. He was among the greatest generals of
the next eight years (58–50) Caesar in a series of history, a superb military narrator and commentator
brilliant campaigns raided Britain twice (55 and 54), (his De bello Gallico stands supreme), a statesman
conquered much of Gaul, defeating Vercingetorix of liberal thought and instantaneous and perfectly
(52) with savage killings, and advanced the Roman executed action, and a man of great personal charm.
frontiers to the Rhine. Meanwhile a rift between He was epileptic.
Crassus and Pompey threatened not only stability in Gelzer, M., Caesar: Politician and Statesman. 1968;
Rome but the survival of the triumvirate. Caesar made Meier, C., Caesar. 1982; McCullough, C., Caesar:
a hasty return in 56 to meet his partners at Luca; he a novel. 1998.
patched up the quarrel and renewed the triumvirate
on fresh terms. This time each was to have a military Caesarion (Ptolemy XIV or XV Caesar) (47–30
command. Pompey’s was in Spain, but he exercised BCE). Egyptian pharaoh. The son of *Cleopatra
control from Rome, through deputies. Crassus and Julius *Caesar, he was nominal co-ruler with his
commanded the east where he started a war against mother. After her death he was lured from refuge by
Parthians and was killed in battle in 53. Caesar’s agents of Octavian (*Augustus) and murdered.
command in Gaul was extended and his relationship
with Pompey became increasingly strained. Pompey, Caesarius, St (c.470–543). Gallic prelate. Bishop
having few troops in Italy to oppose him, withdrew of Arles (now in Provence), France (from 502), at a
with the government to Epirus (Albania). This gave time when Visigoths, Ostrogoths and Franks were
Caesar time to enforce the surrender of Pompey’s contending for mastery of the old Roman province,
troops in Spain and consolidate his own position in he gained a great reputation not only for his sermons
Rome, before crossing the Adriatic, luring Pompey and for his staunch support of orthodox doctrines but
out of his entrenched camp by marching into for the statesman like qualities that enabled him to
Thessaly. The issue was finally decided by his great safeguard the communities of monks and nuns under
victory at Pharsalus (48), and he was given the title of his care.
Imperator (‘Supreme Commander’). He described his
victory over the king of Pontus at the battle of Zela Cage, John (1912–1992). American composer,
(in Anatolia), with the famous words ‘Veni, vidi, vici’ philosopher, poet, music theorist and print maker,
(‘I came, I saw, I conquered’). Pompey fled to Egypt born in Los Angeles. A pioneer of ‘indeterminism’ in
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Dictionary of World Biography

music, he studied with *Schoenberg and *Varèse, and Caillebotte, Gustav (1848–1894). French painter
began to experiment in composition in the late 1930s. and collector. A naval architect, he became a
Influenced by Zen Buddhism and I Ching, he became significant patron and collector and organised the
a pioneer of chance music (that is, with random, first Impressionist exhibition in Paris in 1877. His
unexpected outcomes) and non-standard use of best known work, Paris, a Rainy Day (1877), now in
musical instruments. He used sounds of indeterminate Chicago, combines Impressionist techniques with the
notation and duration, produced by a variety of means classical tradition.
(including, but not limited to, musical instruments).
He aimed to encourage audience response to all Cain, James M(allahan) (1892–1977). American
sound; he did not intend to present a selected author and journalist. He achieved great success with
musical structure as a personal expression. His most his novels The Postman Always Rings Twice (1934) and
discussed work was 4’ 33” (1952), catalogued as ‘tacet Mildred Pierce (1946), both filmed.
[i.e. silent] for any instrument’. His impact on other
Cain, John (1882–1957). Australian Labor politician.
creative artists was exceptional, and he experimented
With little formal education, he became an union
with percussion, electronics and the ‘prepared piano’
organiser and municipal councillor, then a Member
in which extraneous objects are placed between the
of the Victorian Legislative Assembly 1917–57 and
strings. Because no two performances were to be
Leader of the ALP 1937–57. In a gerrymandered
alike, relatively little of Cage’s work is available on
parliament, Labor supported a minority Country
CD. Roaratorio: An Irish Circus on Finnegans Wake
Party Government in office 1935–43, 1943–47,
(1976–79) is published on the Wergo label.
1950–52. Cain was Premier three times, for four
Cagliostro, Alessandro, Count de (1743–1795). days in 1943, in a minority government supported
Italian adventurer (possibly Giuseppe Balsamo of by Independents 1945–47, then with a massive
Palermo). He travelled widely in the east, picked up majority in its own right 1952–55. However, a major
some knowledge of chemistry and occult science. split within the ALP over attitudes to Communism
He  claimed to be able to transmute base metals (H. V. *Evatt) began in 1954 and forced Cain from
into gold and made a fortune in Europe selling love office. The Party remained in opposition until 1982.
philtres and elixirs of youth. In 1776 he came to His son, John Cain (1931–  ), a lawyer and Law
England. In Paris he was involved (1784–85) in the Reform Commissioner 1975–77, was MP 1976–92,
affair of the diamond necklace (*Marie Antoinette) and Premier of Victoria 1982–90, initiating many
and briefly imprisoned in the Bastille. Throughout reforms.
this period his reputation as a man of mystery who
Caine, Sir (Thomas Henry) Hall (1853–1931).
could foretell the future (e.g. the execution of *Louis
English novelist. He was best known for a series of
XVI) was immense. He was condemned by the
romantic, religious and melodramatic novels, one
Inquisition and died in a Roman prison while serving
of which, The Deemster (1887), sold over 1,000,000
a life sentence for founding a Masonic lodge.
copies. Others include The Bondman (1890),
Cai Lun (50?–118?). Chinese inventor, born in The Manxman (1894), The Prodigal Son (1904) and
Guizhou. A eunuch and official at the court of the The Woman Thou Gavest Me (1913). His Recollections
Han emperor Hodi, he is credited as the inventor of Rossetti (1882) was inspired by a friendship with
of paper (about 105), and was an actual rather than the poet from 1881 until his death (1882).
legendary figure. Paper remained a Chinese monopoly
Cairns, Jim (James Ford) (1914–2003). Australian
until about 750 when the Arabs began manufacturing
Labor politician, born in Melbourne. An athlete
it in Baghdad and Samarkand.
and policeman, he took up a late vocation as an
Caillaux, Joseph (1863–1944). French radical academic economist, and was a Member of the
politician. A deputy from 1898, he was Finance House of Representatives 1955–77. Handsome and
Minister 1899–1902, 1906–09, 1911, 1925, 1935 charismatic, he led the anti-Vietnam War campaign
and campaigned for a progressive income tax. and challenged Gough *Whitlam for the Labor
As Premier 1911–12 he negotiated with Germany a leadership in 1968. In Whitlam’s Government he
settlement of the Moroccan crisis, but his political life served as Minister for Trade 1972–74, Deputy Prime
was abruptly interrupted when in 1913 his wife shot Minister and Treasurer 1974–75, and Minister for the
and killed Gaston Calmette, editor of Le Figaro, who Environment 1975. Dismissed for careless handling
had made various accusations against her husband of sensitive overseas loans and for misleading the
(she was later acquitted of murder). Caillaux favoured House, after politics he became a prolific author,
the ending of World War I by a peace of negotiation, promoting non-violence and alternative life styles.
and in 1918 he was imprisoned after being convicted Ormonde, P., A Foolish Passionate Man. 1981;
of corresponding with the Germans. Amnestied Strangio, P., Keeper of the Faith. 2002.
in 1924, he played an important part in war debt
Caillaux J., Mémoires. 1942–48.
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Dictionary of World Biography

Caitanya (1485–1533). Hindu mystic, also called dramatist was undisputed. He was made a knight
Gauranga. His worship of Krishna in ecstatic dancing of the Order of Santiago in 1636. After a period of
and singing inspired a form of Hinduism named distinguished army service (1640–42) he took holy
after him. In 1510 he was initiated as an ascetic and orders (1651) on the command of King Philip IV,
afterwards settled in Puri, where a school of disciples but he continued to write religious plays. He wrote
grew up around him. His ecstatic trances and frenzies in verse and, like *Shakespeare, with whom he has
are thought to have undermined his health and been compared, wrote both comedies and tragedies.
hastened his death. His followers continued to follow His  plays were concerned with themes of marital
his practices until the present day. They held that pure honour and with religious and philosophical ideas.
religious ecstasy was superior to all other forms of They suffer, however, from the stylised conventions
worship. An articulate theology, never established by of the period, and are seldom now produced outside
Caitanya himself, who was not a teacher and did not Spain. Over 100 have survived, one of the best known,
intentionally establish an organised sect, was worked El mågico prodigioso (The Prodigious Magician), in
out by six of his disciples. some respects anticipating Goethe’s Faust, others are
El alcalde de Zalamea (The Mayor of Zalamea), La vida
Caius (or Keys), John (1510–1573). English es sueno (Life is A Dream) and El gran teatro del mundo
physician. He obtained his medical doctorate at (The Great Theatre of the World). In addition there are
Padua, returning in 1544 to England, where he some 70 of the so-called autos saeramentales, a special
lectured on anatomy in London. He became a fellow form of religious drama concerned with the mysteries
of the College of Physicians in 1547 and later was of the Holy Eucharist.
nine times president. He was in turn physician to
*Edward VI, *Mary and *Elizabeth and in 1557 Parker, A. A., The Allegorical Drama of Calderón.
endowed and enlarged Gonville Hall, Cambridge, Repr. 1968.
where he had been a student, renaming it Gonville
Caldwell, Erskine Preston (1903–1987). American
and Caius (pronounced ‘Keys’) College. He published
novelist and screenwriter. His Tobacco Road (1932)
A Boke of Counseill against the Sweating Sickness
and God’s Little Acre (1933) are the two best known
(1552) and wrote on a range of medical, scientific and
of a series in which the degraded conditions of ‘poor
antiquarian topics.
whites’ in the southern states are described with
Calas, Jean (1698–1762). French merchant. Victim humour and indignation; both were successfully
of a notorious French miscarriage of justice exposed filmed. He also wrote works of autobiography,
by *Voltaire, he was a clothier in Toulouse whom criticism and travel.
rumour accused of having hanged one of his sons
Calhoun, John Caldwell (1782–1850). American
who had in fact committed suicide to prevent his
politician, born in South Carolina. A lawyer, he
conversion to Roman Catholicism. The father was
served in the state legislature 1808–10 and in the
tried, tortured and executed, but Voltaire, suspecting
US House of Representatives 1811–17. A ‘War
priestly and official prejudice, took up the case and in
Hawk’ (ultranationalist) during the War of 1812,
1765 the verdict was reversed.
he also campaigned for protective tariffs. *Madison’s
Calder, Alexander (Stirling) (1898–1976). Secretary of War 1817–25, he was twice elected as
American sculptor, born in Philadelphia. He studied Vice President, first with J.Q. *Adams (1824), then
engineering in New Jersey and art in New York, with Andrew *Jackson (1828), serving 1825–32.
moved to Paris (1926) and was influenced by *Miró He became the first vice president to resign (1832),
and (after 1930) *Mondrian. After making sculptures breaking with Jackson on the issue of ‘nullification’,
and models of wood and wire, in 1931 he began the doctrine that states could declare federal laws (e.g.
to design and construct ‘mobiles’, moving abstract on slavery or tariffs) unconstitutional where they felt
shapes (originally motor driven) of metal, plastic or themselves fundamentally threatened. Elected US
wood, connected by wires, depending on air currents Senator 1832–43, 1845–50, he served as *Tyler’s
for movement, and (from 1933) ‘stabiles’, which were Secretary of State 1844–45. Calhoun is regarded as
fixtures. He also worked as a painter, lithographer and one of the greatest American orators.
jewellery designer. His mobiles and stabiles, many of Current, J. C., John C. Calhoun. 1963.
them monumental, were exhibited in open spaces in
New York, Washington, Los Angeles, Paris, Madrid, Caligula (Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus)
Stockholm, Spoleto and Jerusalem. (12–41 CE). Roman Emperor 37–41. Son of
Calder, A., An Autobiography with Pictures. 1966. Germanicus Caesar and *Agrippina, he owed his
nickname Caligula (Little Boots) to his popularity as
Calderón de la Barca, Pedro (1600–1681). Spanish a child with his father’s soldiers. At first he ruled with
dramatist and poet, born in Madrid. He was educated moderation but a serious illness, possibly epilepsy,
at Alcalå and Salamanca universities, and was soon a few months after his accession is believed to have
writing plays so successfully that after the death affected his sanity. Thenceforth he behaved as an
of Lope de *Vega in 1635 his position as leading increasingly bloodthirsty and vicious tyrant. The story
that he made his horse ‘Incitatus’ a consul is typical
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Dictionary of World Biography

of many anecdotes indicating his irresponsibility. Callimachus of Cyrene (c.310–240 BCE). Greek
After only four years’ rule, and having declared poet and librarian, born in North Africa. Working
himself a god, a palace conspiracy brought about his in the Alexandrian Library at the time of *Ptolemy
assassination. II, his most important work, Aetia (Causes), which
survives in fragmentary form, tells a series of episodes
Calixtus III see Callistus III purporting to reveal the origins of ancient customs.
He began a systematic catalogue of the library’s
Callaghan, (Leonard) James, Baron Callaghan
holdings and originated alphabetical listing.
(1912–2005). British Labour politician, born in
Portsmouth. Son of a naval chief petty officer, he Callisthenes (c.360–327 BCE). Greek historian. Said
joined the Inland Revenue in 1929. He served in the to have been *Aristotle’s nephew, he accompanied
navy, became MP for South Cardiff 1945–87, was *Alexander the Great on his campaigns but was put to
Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Transport death for allegedly being involved in a plot. The real
1947–50 and Parliamentary and Financial Secretary reason may have been his opposition to Alexander’s
to the Admiralty 1950–51. He was Chancellor of the assumption of divine honours. Only fragments of his
Exchequer 1964–67 and Home Secretary 1967–70 writings survive.
under Harold *Wilson, and when Labour was re-
elected he was Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary Callistus III (Alonso de Borja. Borgia in Italian)
1974–76. When Wilson retired, he was elected (1378–1458). Pope 1455–58. Born in Valencia, he
Leader of the Labour Party, defeating Michael *Foot was a papal lawyer and diplomat. After the fall of
in the third ballot, serving as Prime Minister 1976– Constantinople (1453), he attempted to organise
79. His small majority depended on continuous a crusade against the Turks, aided *Hunyadi and
support from the Liberals and the minority groups. *Skanderbeg but had little support from France and
After the notorious ‘winter of discontent’, marked by Germany. He was deeply anti-Jewish and inclined to
economic stagnation, strikes and a savage freeze, he nepotism—Rodrigo Borgia, later *Alexander VI, being
lost the 1979 election to Margaret *Thatcher and the the main beneficiary. He annulled (posthumously) the
Conservatives, but continued as leader of the Labour sentence of excommunication passed on *Joan of Arc.
Party until 1980. He retired with a KG and peerage
(1987). He was the longest lived British Prime Calment, Jeanne Louise (1875–1997). French
Minister. centenarian, born in Arles. She married a cousin and
never worked. In October 1995 she became the oldest
Callas, Maria (Kalogeropolou) (1923–1977). Greek- person in geriatric records.
American dramatic soprano, born in New York. She
studied in Athens and made her debut there in 1941. Calmette, Albert Léon Charles (1863–1933).
In 1949 she married Giovanni Battista Meneghini, French bacteriologist. With Alphonse Guerin he
appeared at La Scala, Milan, in 1950, at Covent developed the BCG (Bacillus Calmette Guerin)
Garden in 1952 and at the Metropolitan Opera, New vaccine for the prevention of tuberculosis.
York, in 1956. Among her most famous roles were
Calonne, Charles Alexandre de (1734–1802). French
*Bellini’s Norma, and Amina in his La Sonnambula,
financier. An administrator of wide experience, he
while her magnetic stage presence and great gifts as
was one of the ablest of those who, in the hectic years
an operatic actor yielded memorable portrayals of
of unrest before the French Revolution, were called
Violetta in Verdi’s La Traviata and in the title role in
in by *Louis XVI to try to rescue French finances
*Puccini’s Tosca. From 1959 until her death she had
from the chaos that threatened disaster. Appointed
an intense relationship with Aristotle *Onassis.
Controller General of Finance in 1783, he was at first
Calles, Plutarco Elias (1877–1945). Mexican successful in raising loans to meet immediate needs,
soldier and politician. He took an active part in the but his proposals for taxing the privileged classes
revolution which in 1911 overthrew President *Diaz, put before the Assembly of Notables in 1787 roused
and later served under *Carranza and *Obregón. He such indignation among those affected that Louis
was President of Mexico 1924–28. He continued to felt himself forced to dismiss his adviser. Calonne
control events from behind the scenes until in 1936 spent the revolutionary years in England as Finance
President *Cárdenas asserted himself and had him Minister to the emigré government. He returned to
deported. By the vigour with which he carried out the France, poverty stricken, in the year of his death.
policy of land distribution and other reforms Calles
Calvé, Emma (Rosa Calvet) (1858?–1942). French
did much to benefit the peasants, and his attacks on
operatic soprano. She performed with great success in
the Church and the oil companies were in line with
France, England and America. Her greatest role was
revolutionary tradition, but as his rule proceeded he
Carmen in *Bizet’s opera.
became increasingly dictatorial and conservative. He
thus alienated many of his former supporters, and his Calvin, John (English form of Jean Cauvin) (1509–
deposition was popular. 1564). French religious reformer, born at Noyon
in Picardy. The son of an ecclesiastical lawyer, he
went at the age of 14 to Paris University. Originally
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Dictionary of World Biography

intended for the priesthood, he was attracted by rise of capitalism has been a matter of considerable
the new humanism. Acting on his father’s advice he historical controversy, as has the suggestion that
began legal training at Orléans, and later at Bourges. Calvinism encouraged rebellion.
His aptitude proving greater than his interest, so in
Wendel, F., Calvin: The Origin and Development of his
1531, after his father’s death, he returned to Paris and
Religious Thought. 1963; Parker, T. M., Calvin. 1976.
devoted himself to classical scholarship, also beginning
Hebrew. Already sympathetic to the attacks made on Calvino, Italo (1923–1985). Italian writer, born in
traditional theology by *Luther and *Bucer, Calvin Cuba. He began work in Turin, on the magazine
experienced what he called ‘instant conversion’ about L’Unita, and from 1959 he was co-editor of
1533. Under threat of arrest as a Protestant, he spent Il  Menabo di letteratura. He began to write realistic
the next two years constantly on the move, but at last stories of the Italian Resistance (in which he had
took refuge in Basle, Switzerland, where he continued served), but during the 1950s turned to fantasy,
his Hebrew studies and worked on Institutes of some of it allegorical. He  gained a wide reputation
the Christian Religion, completed in 1536 with a with Il visconte dimezzato (1952), Il barone rampante
prefatory letter to King *François I of France in which (1957), and Il cavaliere inesistente (1959). All his
he foresaw the destruction of any kingdom ‘not ruled work shows a concern with what he considers to be
by the sceptre of God’. This, his greatest work, bears the dehumanising influence of contemporary society.
the imprint of St *Augustine’s teaching, especially in His  If on a winter’s night a traveller.  .  . (1979) was
its emphasis on the doctrine of predestination and widely acclaimed in translation.
the supreme sovereignty of God. Calvin taught that
certain souls (‘the elect’) are predestined for eternal Woodhouse, J. R., Italo Calvino: A Reappraisal and an
life and the remainder are damned, salvation being Appreciation of the Trilogy. 1968.
the free gift of God and good works being the sign
of salvation, not its cause. Whether Christ’s death Calwell, Arthur Augustus (1896–1973). Australian
was an act of atonement for the benefit of all or only politician. As Minister of Immigration 1945–49
of the elect is not always clear and was a subject of he initiated a scheme which brought 1,000,000
much controversy in the Reformed Churches. When Europeans to Australia within a decade. He succeeded
passing through Geneva in 1536 Calvin accepted H. V. *Evatt as Leader of the Labor opposition
what was virtually a challenge from Guillaume *Farel 1960–67.
to take over his work of directing the religious and Camargo, Marie Anne de Cupis de (1710–1770).
political life of the city and he used his organising French dancer, born in Brussels. One of the most
ability to create a system of theocratic government. famous figures in the early history of ballet, she
He prescribed a profession of faith, banned all public came from an influential family and received early
entertainment, emphasised the need for unbending encouragement. Her whole career from her first
puritanism in private life and even issued regulations appearance in Paris in 1726 to her retirement in 1751
on dress. Such austerity soon proved unpopular and was a series of triumphs. She appeared in about 80
Calvin was expelled from the city in 1538 after riots ballets and her fame was perpetuated by the celebrated
organised by a faction called the Libertines. The three artists and writers (including *Voltaire) of her time.
years that elapsed before he was recalled were spent She is said to have introduced the characteristic short
mainly at Strasbourg where he entered upon a brief ballet skirt. The Camargo Society was founded in
but happy marriage (his wife died in 1549, their London in 1930 (*Ashton, *Lambert).
son having already died in infancy), continued his
studies and renewed contact with Bucer and other Cambacérès, Jean Jacques Regis de, Duc de Parma
reformers. Back in Geneva he resumed where he (1753–1824). French politician. In the violent phase
had left off and organised a Presbyterian system of of the Revolution, he played a placatory role. In
government. He wanted Geneva to be a ‘city of glass’, November 1799, he helped to organise the ‘coup
and many informers helped to enforce his imposition of 18 Brumaire’ which overthrew the Directory
of social discipline and puritan morality. The burning and installed *Napoléon Bonaparte as First Consul.
of *Servetus demonstrated his rigid intolerance Cambacérès became Second Consul in 1800. His great
in religious matters. The regime lasted during his interest was jurisprudence and he became principal
lifetime and at least the hard work, thrift and sobriety architect of the Code Napoléon. Under the empire he
enjoined brought trade and wealth to the city. The was Archchancellor 1804–14, holding second place
college which later became Geneva University was in the state hierarchy, receiving a dukedom in 1808.
founded to provide an educated clergy. Calvinism After the restoration of *Louis XVIII he was expelled
spread before and after its founder’s death and shared but allowed to return in 1818.
with Lutheranism the allegiance of the greatest part
of the Protestant world. It provided a pattern for Cambridge, George William Frederick Charles,
Presbyterian Churches in Scotland and elsewhere: 2nd Duke of (1819–1904). British prince and field
it was the faith of the Huguenots in France, of the marshal, born in Hanover. A grandson of *George III,
Dutch Reformed Church and of several German and briefly (1819) heir presumptive to the throne, he
states. The relationship (if any) of Calvinism to the married morganatically in 1847 but was also loyal
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Dictionary of World Biography

to his mistress. He devoted his life to the army and to leave (‘Brexit’) was unexpected, and Cameron, who
served in the Crimean War. Having been mildly had led the ‘Remain’ campaign, felt obliged to resign
sympathetic to reform, as Commander-in-Chief as Prime Minister. Theresa *May succeeded him.
1856–95 he became increasingly hostile and the army
became ossified until, despite loyal support from his Cameron, Julia Margaret (née Pattle) (1815–1879).
cousin, Queen *Victoria, he was forced out by Henry English photographer, born in Calcutta. Influenced
*Campbell-Bannerman. by G.F. *Watts, after 1864 she made remarkable
portraits of *Tennyson, *Darwin, *Herschel, *Carlyle,
Cambyses (Kambusiya) (d.522 BCE). King of Persia *Browning, *Hooker and *Eyre. A great-aunt of
529–22 BCE. Son of *Cyrus the Great, he added Virginia *Woolf, she died in Ceylon (Sri Lanka).
Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Egypt to the Persian empire
but his subsequent expeditions to the south (Nubia) Cameron, Verney Lovett (1844–1894). British naval
and west were partial or total failures, as a result of officer and explorer. Much of his service was spent in
which, according to a tradition related by *Herodotus, African waters in the suppression of the slave trade.
Cambyses became a cruel, drunken and capricious Sent in 1873 to relieve *Livingstone, he met the party
tyrant. He died while returning to Persia to deal with carrying his body to the coast. Proceeding westwards,
a usurper who claimed to be his murdered brother. he found some of Livingstone’s papers and then
surveyed Lake Tanganyika, arriving at the correct
Olmstead, A. T., History of the Persian Empire. 1948. conclusion that its outlet flowed to the Congo.
He  eventually reached Portuguese Benguela (1875)
Camden, Charles Pratt, 1st Earl (1713–1794). and so was the first European to cross equatorial
English judge. As Chief Justice of the Common Africa from east to west. He wrote accounts of his
Pleas 1762–66 he pronounced against the legality travels and adventure stories for boys, including Across
of ‘general warrants’ in the case of John *Wilkes and Africa (1877).
became extraordinarily popular. He became Lord
Chancellor in 1766, but his support of Wilkes and Camões (or Camoens), Luis de (1524–1580).
opposition to the government’s unyielding American Portuguese poet, born in Lisbon. From a poor family
policy caused him to resign in 1770. He served under of the minor nobility, he received his education at
*Rockingham and *Pitt as Lord President of the Coimbra University and gained early recognition for
Council 1782–94 and was created an ear1 in 1786. his gifts as a lyric poet and dramatist. After he left the
university it is surmised that he had many love affairs
Camden, William (1551–1623). English antiquarian, and that he was exiled from Lisbon as a result of one
historian and schoolmaster. Educated at Christ’s of these (supposedly with Caterina de Ataide, a lady
Hospital, St Paul’s School and Oxford, he became a of the court). He served in the army in North Africa
master at Westminster in 1575 and was headmaster (1547–49) and lost his right eye there, returned to
1593–97. His professional occupation allowed him Lisbon, was again exiled and went to Goa in India,
time to travel up and down England and collect where he served with military expeditions in the Far
material for his great antiquarian survey Britannia, East. After further adventures and misadventures he
the original Latin version of which appeared in 1586. left Goa in 1567 for Mozambique, but it was not
His Annals of Queen *Elizabeth’s reign were published until 1570, after his debts and passage money had
posthumously. Most of his many works, which include been paid by friends, that he reached home. He lived
an account of the trial of the Gunpowder Plotters in poverty on a small pension from the king until he
(*Fawkes) are in Latin. His name is commemorated by died in hospital of the plague. While in the East he
the Camden professorship at Oxford. worked on his masterpiece, As Lusiadas (The Lusiads
Trevor-Roper. H., Queen Elizabeth’s First Historian. i.e. the Portuguese), a national epic, broadly modelled
1971. on *Virgil’s Aeneid, and largely inspired by the
discoveries and heroic exploits of da *Gama and his
Cameron, David William Donald (1966–  ). fellow navigators and soldiers in the East. The work
English Conservative politician, born in London. was published in 1572 and was an immediate success,
Son of a stockbroker, educated at Eton and Oxford, with 36 editions published between 1580 and 1640.
he worked in the Conservative Party’s Research Camões also wrote three verse comedies, many
Department, then for a public relations firm. He was lyric poems of great poignancy (some to a favourite
MP 2001–16, Shadow Minister for Education 2005 Chinese slave girl) and philosophical sonnets.
and Leader of the Opposition 2005–10. He became
Prime Minister May 2010 as head of a Conservative- Freitas, W., Camões and his Epic. 1963.
Liberal Democrat Coalition. Conservatives won an Campanella, Tommaso (1568–1639). Italian
outright majority in May 2015 and the Coalition astronomer and philosopher, born at Stilo in
ended. Under pressure from anti-EU Conservatives, Calabria. He entered the Dominican order and early
he imprudently called a referendum (June 2016) to intellectual influences on him included the writings
decide on Britain’s continued membership. The vote of Telesio (who advanced atomistic views of nature).
In 1592 he was denounced to the Inquisition for
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Dictionary of World Biography

heresy. Between then and 1629 he spent much of his including The Masks of God (4 volumes: 1959–67)
time in internment. He passed his last few years in and The Historical Atlas of World Mythology (1983–
safety in France. Campanella was one of the foremost 87). Television and radio programs with Bill Moyers
champions of the Copernican view that the sun was helped to popularise his ideas.
the centre of the planetary system. He may have held
such views because of his independent conviction of Campbell, Kim (Avril Thaedra) (1947– ). Canadian
the truth of natural magic and astrology, which led Progressive Conservative politician. Educated at the
him to see the sun as the source of great spiritual University of British Columbia, she became a lawyer
powers. Throughout his life he defended the right and academic, was elected MP 1988–93, and served
of philosophers and scientists to speculate freely in as Attorney-General 1990–92 and Minister for
matters relating to the natural world. In his view, Defence 1992–93. She succeeded Brian *Mulroney
Scripture did not pronounce on such matters and as party leader and Prime Minister of Canada
the Church should not dogmatise. Of importance 1993. In October 1993 her Conservative Party was
as a political utopian, he conceived of a perfect state overwhelmingly defeated. She became Consul-
(the Civitas solis, the Commonwealth of the Sun) General in California and also taught at Harvard.
in which work and wealth were equally shared, and
Campbell, Sir Malcolm (1885–1948). British
men perfected themselves by coming to a spiritual
sportsman. In 1935 his famous car Bluebird reached
understanding of God through his creation.
301 mph (484 kph), on Bonneville Flats, Utah, US.
Campbell. Scottish noble family, the heads of which In 1939 he captured the world water speed record
have been earls (from 1457) and dukes (from 1701) on Coniston Water, in the English Lake District, by
of *Argyll. reaching 141.7 mph (228 kph) in his motor boat,
also named Bluebird. His son, Donald Malcolm
Campbell, Alexander (1788–1866). American Campbell (1921–1967), broke the world water
religious leader, born in Ireland. He was a Presbyterian speed record again at Coniston in 1955 by travelling
then a Baptist preacher, before forming his own group, at 202 mph (325 kph), a speed which he had raised
which, merged with others, became the ‘Disciples of to 260 mph (418 kph) by 1959. In 1964 he also
Christ’, a body with over 1,000,000 members in the established a land speed record of 403 mph (648 kph)
US. Campbell, who founded Bethany College in at Lake Dumbleyung, Western Australia. His boats
1840, believed that Christianity should rest solely and cars were also named Bluebird. In an attempt to
on biblical authority and that forms of worship attain a water speed of 300 mph (483 kph) his boat
should resume the simplicity of New Testament disintegrated and he was killed.
times. He produced his own translation of the New
Testament and was a prolific writer. Campbell, (Ignatius) Roy (Dunnachie) (1901–
1957). South African poet, born in Durban. His
Campbell, Beatrice (Stella, née Tanner) (known as poems have a vigorous ‘outdoor’ quality, often mixed
Mrs Patrick Campbell) (1865–1940). English actor. with sharp satire, and reflect the interests of Campbell
She created the role of Eliza in Bernard *Shaw’s himself, who was accomplished at bull tossing,
Pygmalion (1912) and was earlier successful in the jousting and steer throwing. He fought for General
plays of *Pinero (notably in the title role of The Second *Franco in the Spanish Civil War. His poetic works
Mrs Tanqueray), and *Ibsen. Her close friendship with include The Flaming Terrapin (1924), Wayzgoose
Shaw led to a lively and fascinating correspondence, (1928), Adamaster (1930) and Flowering Rifle (1939),
later published. which was inspired by his experiences in the Spanish
war. Light on a Dark Horse (1951) is autobiographical.
Peters, M., Mrs Pat. 1984.
He was killed in a motor accident in Portugal, where
Campbell (originally Macliver), Colin, 1st Baron he had lived since 1947.
Clyde (1792–1863). British field marshal. Son of a Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry (1836–1908).
carpenter, he adopted his mother’s family name, and British Liberal politician. Son of a lord provost of
as a young man served in the Peninsular War. Fame, Glasgow, he was educated at Glasgow University
knighthood (KCB) and experience of Indian conditions and Trinity College, Cambridge and sat as MP
came in the second Sikh War (1848–49), followed by 1868–1908. A strong supporter of *Gladstone’s
much frontier fighting. In the Crimea (at Alma and Irish policy, he became Chief Secretary for Ireland
Balaclava) he proved himself the most effective of the 1884–85. As Secretary for War 1886; 1894–95
British generals and when the Indian Mutiny broke out he reformed the army and managed to remove the
(1857) he became Commander-in-Chief 1857–60. apparently immovable George, Duke of Cambridge
He relieved Lucknow and suppressed the rising. (1819–1904) as Commander-in-Chief in 1895. He
Campbell, Joseph (1904–1987). American author, succeeded Sir William *Harcourt as party leader in
born in New York. Educated at Columbia University, 1899. He read widely, supported votes for women
he taught at the Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville and had a gift for languages. Prime Minister 1905–
1934–72 and became a prolific (and controversial) 08, his ministry was outstanding, including *Asquith,
author of books on mythology and folklore, *Grey, *Haldane, *Lloyd George and *Churchill, and
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Dictionary of World Biography

was one of the most brilliant in history. The Prime such as L’Étranger (1942) and La Peste (1947), short
Minister was responsible for granting self-government stories, as L’Exil et la Royaume (1957), and plays such
to the defeated Boer republics, the Transvaal and the as Le Malentendu (1944). He won the Nobel Prize for
Orange Free State, from which stemmed the Union Literature in 1957. He was killed in a motor accident.
of South Africa. Heart disease forced his resignation
Todd, O., Albert Camus. 1996; Lottman, H. R.,
and he died in 10 Downing Street 17 days later.
Albert Camus. 1996.
Wilson, J., CB: A Life of Sir Henry Campbell-
Bannerman. 1974. Canaletto (Giovanni Antonio Canale) (1697–1768).
Italian painter. Famous for his pictures of Venice, he
Campin, Robert (c.1378–1444). Flemish painter. received his first training at Venice from his father,
Active in Tournai, he is now identified as the previously a scene painter, but later studied in Rome. His best
misdescribed ‘Master of Flémalle’, regarded as the pictures combine exact topographical detail with
founder of Flemish Realism and a major influence on a remarkably subtle feeling for light. An English
Jan van *Eyck and Rogier van der *Weyden. connoisseur, Joseph Smith, whose collection of over
50 Canalettos was bought by *George III, persuaded
Campion, Edmund (c.1540–1581). English priest, him to come to England, where he lived between 1746
born in London. He was educated at Christ’s Hospital and 1756, but though some of his London scenes are
and Oxford, and later studied for the Roman Catholic as skilful as the Venetian ones in reproducing detail
priesthood at Douai and Rome. He joined the Jesuits and conveying atmosphere, it is upon the latter that
(1573) and in 1580 returned to England on a mission his reputation finally rests.
to revive the spirit of the Roman Catholics suffering
under Queen *Elizabeth’s Anglican rule. With his Constable, W. G., Canaletto. 1962.
eloquence and the qualities of a brilliant mind he was
Canaris, Wilhelm (1887–1945). German admiral
proving most successful when within a year he was
and spy. After long naval service, he became head of
captured. Despite torture he refused to recant and
the Abwehr (German military intelligence) 1935–
argued persuasively with his accusers. Nevertheless he
44, became convinced that *Hitler might destroy
was condemned on charges of sedition and hanged,
Germany and was involved in plots to remove him.
drawn and quartered. Campion was beatified in 1886.
He was hanged at Flossenbürg, on the same day as
Waugh, E., Edmund Campion. 1936. *Bonhoeffer.
Campion, Thomas (1567–1620). English poet Candolle, Augustin Pyrame de (1778–1841).
and musician. By profession a physician, he is best French botanist, born at Geneva. After working in
known for his books of ‘ayres’ containing lyrics, Paris, he was professor at Montpellier from 1807–16,
some set to music (for the flute) by himself, he also when he returned to Geneva. He is best known for
wrote masques for court performances and a treatise his system for classifying plants in natural categories
on harmony. In  his Observations in the Art of Poesie rather than in what he held to be the artificial ones in
(1602) he attacked the practice of rhyming. the system of *Linnaeus.
Camrose, William Ewart Berry, 1st Viscount Canetti, Elias (1905–1994). German-Jewish writer,
see Berry, W.E. born in Bulgaria. From a Sephardic family, he
was educated in Manchester, Vienna, Zürich and
Camus, Albert (1913–1960). French writer, born Frankfurt, and became a British subject in 1935.
in Algeria. He became a journalist and an actor and He was awarded the 1981 Nobel Prize for Literature
managed a theatrical company (1935–38). He went for a lifetime’s work, including the novel Auto da Fé
to Paris in 1939. Towards the end of World War (1935, originally Die Blendung), Crowds and Power
II he worked for the resistance movement and was (1960) and two volumes of autobiography.
editor of the left wing newspaper Combat (1944–47).
For a time he belonged to the Communist party, Cannadine, Sir David (1950– ). English historian,
but became disillusioned, and after breaking with born in Birmingham. He studied at Cambridge,
*Sartre abandoned public activities. In his later Oxford and Princeton, held chairs at Columbia,
works he revealed himself as a humanist, discouraged London and Princeton, and became editor of the
by the failure of contemporary civilisation to cope Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 2014– .
with major moral issues, and unable to accept the His  works include Decline and Fall of the British
existence of God, but constantly trying to find Aristocracy (1990), G. M. Trevelyan (1992),
significant values in a meaningless world. Most of his Orientalism (2001), In Churchill’s Shadow (2002),
thought is centred on the concept of the ‘absurd’— Mellon (2006) and George V (2014).
that man’s predicament in the world is absurd. He is
often termed an existentialist—to which he himself Canning, Charles John Canning, 1st Earl (1812–
laid no claim. Among his works are the philosophical 1862). English administrator. Son of George
essays in Le Mythe de Sisyphe (1942), L’Homme révolté *Canning, he was educated at Eton and Oxford,
(1951), a declaration of his own attitude to life, novels became a protégé of Robert *Peel and served as
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Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs 1841–46 and Cannon, Walter Bradford (1871–1945). American
Postmaster General 1853–55. *Palmerston appointed physiologist, born in Wisconsin. Son of a poor
him as Governor-General of India (from 1856), railroad worker, he gained admission to Harvard, and
becoming the first Viceroy 1858–62. His skill and graduated in 1896. He had already developed interests
moderation in dealing with the Indian Mutiny in neurology and psychology, and proceeded to study
(1857) and its aftermath, which earned him the at Harvard Medical School. From 1902–42 he was
nickname ‘Clemency Canning’, are much more in the Harvard Physiology Department. Cannon’s
widely recognised today than they were at the time. early research was on digestion. He made pioneer
use of X-rays to examine gastrointestinal action and
Canning, George (1770–1827). English politician, the mechanisms of swallowing. He then directed his
born in London. Son of an Irish landowner and an research to a study of the sympathetic nervous system,
actor, the family was left in poverty (1771) and George and developed the notion that the autonomic nervous
was brought up by relatives, who sent him to Eton and system aims to keep the internal environment of the
Oxford, where his brilliance soon attracted attention. body in a state of constant equilibrium (homeostasis).
In 1793 *Pitt found him a seat in parliament. In 1797 These views he expounded in his Wisdom of the Body
he founded the satirical Anti-Jacobin, in which Tories (1932). His later work on digestion shared many
less extreme than himself, especially Pitt’s successor, similarities with the researches of *Pavlov in Russia.
*Addington, were violently attacked. The other side During World War I he had made deep studies of
of his political nature was shown when, after holding the new phenomenon of shell shock. All the ways in
minor office, he first became foreign secretary, in the which the nervous system operated to some degree
Portland administration of 1807. Expert and liberal autonomously from mental consciousness were of
statesmanship abroad and reactionary politics at home deep interest to him. Cannon had strong civic and
were characteristics of his policies. In his first term as political convictions, sympathised with the Russian
foreign secretary his promptness in obtaining control Revolution and campaigned for the Republican cause
of the Danish and Portuguese fleets after *Napoléon’s in the Spanish Civil War.
reconciliation with Tsar Aleksandr at Tilsit and his
support for the Spanish insurgents against Joseph Cano, Juan Sebastian del (d.1526). Spanish navigator.
*Bonaparte’s rule had decisive effects in the struggle He commanded one of the five ships in *Magellan’s
against Napoléon. A duel with his rival *Castlereagh great expedition of 1519, and when Magellan was
in 1809 caused a long interruption in his political killed in the Philippines (1521) Cano took command.
career, during which he occupied important posts On returning to Spain (1522) he was acclaimed as the
(Ambassador to Portugal, 1814–16, President of the first man to circumnavigate the world.
Indian Board of Control 1816–21). Appointed to be Canova, Antonio (1757–1822). Italian sculptor, born
Governor-General of Bengal, he was recalled to the near Venice. Trained as a sculptor from the age of 11,
government after Castlereagh’s suicide (1822), and he settled in Rome at 24 and Vatican patronage soon
became Foreign Secretary once more. It was during made him prominent. He led the Italian neo-classical
this second term that his recognition and support of movement, famous for his idealised and sometimes
the South American colonists in revolt against Spanish sentimentalised representations of the human form.
rule evoked the phrase ‘I called the New World into His monuments to popes Clement XIII and XIV
existence, to redress the balance of the Old’. His belong to this period. Later he was patronised by the
support for the Greek independence movement also *Bonaparte family and especially *Napoléon’s sister,
proved decisive. He succeeded *Liverpool as Prime Pauline, Princess Borghese, presented semi-naked on
Minister in April 1827 but died in August. a couch. In 1815 he was sent to Paris to negotiate for
Petrie, C., George Canning. 2nd ed. 1946; Hinde, W., the return of works of art looted by Napoléon. Among
George Canning. 1973. his best known classical works are several versions of
Cupid and Psyche and the Perseus in the Vatican.
Cannizzaro, Stanislao (1826–1910). Italian
Munoz, A., Canova. 1957.
chemist. He was appointed to academic posts at
Genoa (1855), Palermo (1861), and Rome (1870). Canrobert, (François) Certain (1809–1895). French
He was the first to appreciate the importance of the marshal. After long and distinguished service in
hypothesis of *Avogadro as a means of introducing Algeria he succeeded Marshal *St Arnaud as French
order into chemical classification, and brought Commander-in-Chief in the Crimean War. In 1859 he
it to general attention in his Sketch of a Course of commanded a division against the Austrians at Magenta
Chemical Philosophy (1858). Cannizzaro also did and Solferino in the war for Italian independence.
important work in organic chemistry. The reaction In  the Franco-Prussian War of 1870 he was taken
of benzaldehyde with potassium hydroxide to form prisoner with his troops when Metz surrendered.
benzylalcohol was discovered by him and is often
referred to as ‘Cannizzaro’s reaction’. Cantor, Georg (Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp) (1845–
1918). German mathematician, born in Russia.
He  developed an arithmetic of the infinite and
became a lecturer at the University of Halle in 1869
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Dictionary of World Biography

and professor in 1879. His work was summarised controlling the gambling, vice and supply of illegal
in Contributions to the Founding of the Theory of liquor of Cook County. The gang’s earnings were
Transfinite Numbers (English translation, 1915). estimated to be in the region of $US105 million.
From  1884 he suffered from acute depression, He was responsible for numerous brutal murders,
largely due to the failure of colleagues to grasp the but avoided prosecution by bribery and coercion of
revolutionary significance of his work. Chicago law officers. He was eventually prosecuted by
Federal authorities, but could be convicted only for
Bell, E. T., Development of Mathematics. 1945.
tax evasion (1931). He was released in 1939 following
Canute see Cnut mental and physical collapse due to syphilis.

Cáo Xuěqín (originally Cáo Zhān or Mèngruǎn) Capote, Truman (Truman Streckfuss Persons) (1924–
(c.1715– c.1763). Chinese novelist, poet and painter, 1984). American novelist, born in New Orleans.
born in Nanjing. His family served the *Qing He  wrote much about social decay in the southern
(Manchu) court, then fell from wealth and power. states of the US and his novels include Other Voices,
His novel Dream of the Red Chamber (or The Story of Other Rooms (1948), The Grass Harp (1951) and
the Stone), circulated in manuscript from the 1760s, Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1958). He wrote the dialogue
and first printed in 1791, is regarded as the greatest for the film Beat the Devil (1953). In Cold Blood
novel in the classical Chinese tradition. (1966), a powerful ‘non-fiction novel’, described the
murder of a farming family in Kansas, the trial and
Capablanca (y Granperra), José Raoul (1888–1942). hanging of two young men. It was his last major work
Cuban chess master. A diplomat by profession, he was but collected essays appeared in Music for Chameleons
the world chess champion from 1921, when he defeated (1980). He conducted bitter and protracted literary
Lasker, until he lost the title in 1927 to Alekhine. feuds with *Mailer and *Vidal.

Čapek, Karel (1890–1938). Czech playwright and Clarke, G., Capote. 1986.
novelist, born in Malé Svatosnovice. He was best
Capra, Frank (1897–1991). American film producer
known as the author of the very successful satirical
and director. Of Italian parentage, among his many
plays R.U.R. (Rossum’s Universal Robots) (1920)
successes were It Happened One Night (1934), Mr
which gave the word ‘robot’ to the languages of the
Deeds Goes to Town (1936) and Lost Horizon (1937).
world and (with his brother Joseph) The Insect Play
(1921), a terrifying satire on a hedonistic, acquisitive Capra, F., Frank Capra: The Name Above the Title.
and regimented society. His play The Makropulos Case 197l.
(1922) was the basis of *Janáček’s opera. His novels
include the satires on misused science Krakatit (1924) Caprivi, Georg Leo, Graf von (1831–1899).
and War With the Newts (1938). He also wrote books German soldier and politician, born in Berlin.
on travel, on gardening, many essays and a biography A successful chief of staff in the Franco-Prussian War
of President *Masaryk (1928). (1870–71), he then directed the administration of the
German navy 1883–88 until *William II appointed
Harkins, W. E., Karel Čapek. 1962. him Chancellor and Foreign Minister 1890–94, after
the dismissal of *Bismarck. He negotiated the treaty
Capet. French dynasty which ruled from 987 to
with Britain (1890) under which German claims in
1328 when *Philippe IV died without male issue.
Zanzibar were abandoned in return for the cession
Succeeding dynasties (*Valois, *Bourbon) were
of Heligoland. He was dismissed in 1894 after
remote descendants of *Hugues Capet through
negotiating a commercial treaty with Russia.
the female line. In 1992 *Louis XVI was tried and
executed as ‘Louis Capet’, a derisive name. Caracalla (popular name of Marcus Aurelius Severus
Antoninus Augustus) (188–217). Roman Emperor
Capet, Hugues see Hugues Capet
211–17. Born in Lyon, of mixed Punic and Syrian
Capodistrias, Ioannes, Count (1776–1831). descent, son of the emperor *Septimius Severus, he was
Greek politician, born in Corfu. After service in given the nickname Caracalla from the long-hooded
the administration of the Ionian Islands, he went to Gaulish tunic he wore. On his father’s death, he and
Russia, where eventually he became Foreign Minister his brother Geta became joint rulers but Caracalla
1815–18. He returned to Greece in 1822 to devote seized power by murdering Geta and his supporters.
himself to the national cause, and after independence He  secured his popularity with the troops by a
from Turkey had been won was elected first president 50 per cent increase in pay. His reign was notorious for
of Greece (1827), but his autocratic measures were cruelty, assassination and extravagance. He pacified the
unpopular, and he was murdered. German frontiers and was unsuccessfully attempting
to emulate the achievements of *Alexander the Great
Capone, Al(phonso) (1898–1947). American in the East when his assassination in (modern) Turkey
criminal, born in Naples. He became a New York was contrived by the prefect of his praetorian guards.
gangster, and in 1920 went to Chicago, where, during During his reign Roman citizenship was extended to
the Prohibition years, he became the head of a gang
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Dictionary of World Biography

all free men in the empire (probably to increase the algebra. His Ars Magna (1545) was the first algebraic
number of taxpaying citizens) and the colossal baths of text to be printed. His academic career at Bologna
Caracalla were constructed at Rome. ended with imprisonment for heresy (astrology was
one of his interests). He spent his last years in Rome
Mackenzie, D. C., The Reign of Caracalla. 1949.
and is said to have starved himself to death to prove
Caratacus (known also as Caractacus/Caratācos/ the accuracy of a prediction. He was a polymath who
Caradog/Karadeg) (d.c.54 CE). British chieftain wrote prolifically in science, history and music.
of the Catuvellauni tribe. Son of *Cunobelinus,
Cárdenas, Lazaro (1895–1970). Mexican general
after fighting bravely against the Romans, he was
and politician. Of mixed Tarascan and Spanish
defeated and in 51 handed over by Cartismandua,
descent, he was a follower of *Carranza and *Calles
queen of the Brigantes, and taken to Rome, where
and became Minister of War 1933–34. President of
his bravery before the emperor *Claudius secured him
Mexico 1934–40, he expanded Calles’s revolutionary
honourable treatment.
policy of breaking up large estates and redistributing
Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da (1573– the land among the peasants. He was strongly anti-
1610). Italian painter, born in Milan. His break clerical. A temporary breach with the US and Great
with the conventions of the Mannerists created a Britain was caused by his nationalisation of the oil
resurgence of art in the 17th century and exercised fields in 1938. He served as Secretary for Defence
enormous influence on e.g., *Rubens, *Velázquez 1943–45 and later supported *Castro’s rule in Cuba.
and *Rembrandt. A revolutionary technique was the Scott, R. E., Mexican Government in Transition.
setting of brightly lit figures against a dark background Rev. ed. 1964.
(e.g. in his St Matthew series in the church of San
Luigi dei Francesi, Rome). Moreover he offended Cardigan, James Thomas Brudenell, 7th
against accepted convention in his sacred pictures by Earl of (1797–1868). English soldier, born in
depicting ordinary people in everyday surroundings. Buckinghamshire. He sat in the House of Commons
Another innovation was the introduction of ‘still life’ 1818–29, first representing a rotten borough, and
as a separate branch of painting. The dramatic nature then 1832–37, after the Reform Bill, when he spent a
of his painting may have reflected the violence of fortune to win the seat. He was leader and survivor of
his own life. In 1606 he was banished from Rome the famous charge of the Light Brigade at the Battle of
after killing a man in a fight. From Naples he reached Balaclava (October 1854) during the Crimean War.
Malta, where he insulted a knight, was imprisoned but
Woodham-Smith, C., The Reason Why. 1953.
escaped to Sicily. When disembarking in Italy on his
way to Naples he was arrested in error but on release Cardin, Pierre (1922–  ). French couturier, born in
found that his boat with all his belongings had sailed Italy. He worked with Christian *Dior, established
away. There was an attempt on his life in Naples and his own fashion house in 1949, extending his brand
his death was prematurely reported three times. On name to men’s and women’s clothing and accessories.
his way to Rome to receive a papal amnesty, he seems He bought Maxim’s and established it as a worldwide
to have died in Porto Ercole, Tuscany, and in 2010 restaurant chain.
remains found there were identified as Caravaggio’s.
Famous in his lifetime, he was forgotten soon after Cardoso, Fernand Henrique (1931–  ) Brazilian
and interest was revived only in the 1920s. About 80 sociologist and politician. He taught in France,
works can be safely attributed to him. Some of his became Minister for Foreign Affairs 1992–93,
greatest masterpieces are in Rome: Boy with a Bowl Minister for Finance 1993–94 and President of Brazil
of Fruit (1593), St Jerome Writing (1605–06), David 1995–2003.
with the Head of Goliath (1609–10) at the Borghese, Cardozo, Benjamin Nathan (1870–1938).
Rest on the Flight into Egypt (1597) at the Doria American judge, born in New York. From a Sephardic
Pamphilj, Judith Beheading Holofernes (c.1598) and Jewish family, he was a judge from 1913 and Chief
Narcissus (c.1599) at the Barberini. Three Martyrdoms Justice of the New York Court of Appeals 1927–32.
of John the Baptist at the Pro-Cathedral of St John, President *Hoover appointed him to succeed Mr
Valletta, Malta, are also outstanding. Caravaggio is Justice *Holmes on the US Supreme Court 1932–
now in the highest rank of Renaissance painters. 38. A liberal, he supported *Roosevelt’s New Deal
Berenson, B., Caravaggio: His Incongruity and his legislation and his views on law as a force in effecting
Fame. 1953; Jullian, R., Caravage. 1961; Robb, P., M. social changes were highly influential. As well as
1999; Langdon, D., Caravaggio: A Life. 1999. several authoritative legal works Cardozo wrote Law
and Literature and Other Essays (1931).
Cardano, Geronimo (also known as Jerome Cardan
or Hieronymus Cardanus) (1501–1576). Italian Carducci, Giosuè (1835–1907). Italian poet. Son of
mathematician and physician. Although professor of a physician, educated at Pisa University, he became
medicine at Pavia 1543–59 and Bologna 1562–70, he a school teacher until appointment as professor of
is best known for his work in mathematics, particularly Italian literature at Bologna (1860). Elected to the
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Dictionary of World Biography

Italian parliament as a Republican in 1876, in 1890 he the first Swedish monarch with purely symbolic
became a senator. His poems, representing a reaction duties, without Constitutional responsibilities, and
from Romanticism, were written in strict classical the longest reigning. Deeply interested in science
form in a style and language of great distinction. His and  the environment, he received more foreign
main works include Rime (1857), Nuove poesie (1873) honours than any person living or dead.
and Rime e ritmi (1898). He won the Nobel Prize for
Literature in 1906. Carleton, Guy, 1st Baron Dorchester (1724–1808).
British soldier and administrator. He was first
Cardwell, Edward Cardwell, 1st Viscount (1813– appointed to a command in America in 1758 where
1886). British politician. A Liberal MP 1842–74, he served in the French and Indian Wars. As Governor
he carried out important army reforms as Secretary of Québec 1766–77 he worked for the Quebec
of State for War 1869–74 under *Gladstone. These Act (1774) to better relations between English and
included the abolition of the purchase of commissions French Canadians. He successfully defended Canada
(1870), the reorganisation of the regiments of the against American attacks during the American
line on a county basis, and the system by which one Revolution, he was briefly in command (1782) of
battalion of a regiment served abroad while the other the British forces towards the end of the fighting and
remained in support and reserve at home. He also was skilful in helping Loyalists to withdraw safely
established the supremacy of the minister over the to Canada. He  had a second term as Governor of
Commander-in-Chief. Québec 1786–96.

Carew, Thomas (c.1594–1639). English poet. Carlo Alberto (Charles Albert) (1798–1849). King
Having left Oxford without a degree, he accompanied of Sardinia and Piedmont 1831–49. He supported
diplomatic missions abroad. On his return his wit and liberal causes as a young man, believed in Italian unity
pleasant manner made him a favourite of *Charles but he was no crusader. He shrank from *Mazzini’s
I, before whom his masque Coelum ritannicum was extremism and harshly punished those of his followers
produced in 1633. A friend and admirer of *Donne who had taken part in a revolt. In 1848, ‘the year of
and *Jonson, he also wrote short, polished lyrics in revolutions’, however, having given the country a
the Cavalier tradition, the well known Elegy on the liberal constitution, he marched against the Austrians
Death of Dr Donne, and The Rapture. then ruling much of northern Italy. Defeated at
Custozza and Novara he abdicated in favour of his
Carey, George Leonard, Baron Carey of Clifton son, *Vittorio Emanuele II, he died in Portugal.
(1935–  ). English cleric. Educated at a secondary
modern school, and at King’s College, London Carlos I (1863–1908). King of Portugal (from 1889).
University, he served in the RAF, then lectured in His suspension of the constitution provoked civil
theology in London, Nottingham and Bristol. He was disturbances and led to the assassination of himself
Bishop of Bath and Wells 1987–91 and Archbishop and his son while driving in Lisbon. The abdication
of Canterbury 1991–2002. of his younger son *Manõel II in 1910 initiated the
Portuguese republic. He was an able painter.
Carey, Peter (1943–  ). Australian novelist, born
in Bacchus Marsh. He dropped out of Monash Carlos I, II, III and IV. Spanish Kings see Charles I,
University and worked in advertising. His novels II, III and IV
included Bliss (1981), Illywhacker (1985), Oscar and
Carlos, Don (1545–1568). Spanish prince. Eldest
Lucinda (1988, which won the Booker Prize over
son of *Philip II of Spain and Mary of Portugal, he
Salman *Rushdie’s Satanic Verses), The Tax Inspector
was suspected of treason, imprisoned by his father
(1991), Jack Maggs (1997), True History of the Kelly
and shortly after died in prison. Carlos showed signs
Gang (2000, which won him a second Booker Prize
of insanity and was clearly an inadequate heir to the
in 2001), My Life as a Fake (2003), Theft: A Love Story
vast Spanish empire, but there is no real evidence for
(2006) and Parrot and Olivier in America (2010). the legend that Philip II had him murdered. He is the
Carey, William (1761–1834). English Baptist subject of a tragedy by *Schiller and an opera by *Verdi.
missionary and scholar. One of the first Baptist Carlos, Don (1788–1855). Spanish prince. Son of
missionaries to go to India (1793), he began, almost at King *Charles (Carlos) IV, he was deprived of the
once, the translation of the Bible into Bengali. In 1799 right of succession to the throne when the Salic Law
he set up at Serampore not only a church and school was revoked in 1833 and *Isabella, the daughter of
but also an establishment for printing and publishing his brother *Ferdinand VII, became queen. The first
the Bible and other educational books in many Indian Carlist War then broke out and lasted until 1840.
languages. In 1801 he became professor of Indian A second Carlist revolt (1873–76) was equally
languages at Fort William College, and produced unsuccessful and the last pretender in the direct line
dictionaries of Sanskrit, Bengali, Marathi etc. died in 1936.
Carl XVI Gustaf (Carl Gustaf Folke Hubertus Carlos (‘the Jackal’) (Illich Ramírez Sánchez) (1949– ).
Bernadotte) (1946– ). King of Sweden 1973– . He Venezuelan mercenary and terrorist. Believed to have
succeeded his grandfather *Gustaf VI Adolf, becoming executed many assassinations in the Middle East and
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Dictionary of World Biography

Europe, he was arrested in 1994 and taken to France second part, is based on that of Carlyle himself. He
for trial. In December 1997 he was convicted of had already begun his most famous work, The History
murder and sentenced to life imprisonment. In 2011 of the French Revolution, when he and his wife moved in
and 2017, he received two more life sentences for 1834 to Cheyne Row, Chelsea, their permanent home.
assassinations. He wrote Revolutionary Islam (2003). Disaster came when the manuscript was accidentally
burnt in the flat of his friend J. S. *Mill—‘we must try
Carlota (1840–1927). Belgian princess. Daughter and hide from him how very serious this business is’
of *Leopold I of Belgium, she married the Austrian was Carlyle’s generous comment. He rewrote the book
Archduke *Maximilian in 1857. When he became and it was published in 1837. It is not strictly factual
Mexican emperor in 1864, she accompanied him, history but an inspired interpretation: its rhetorical
returning to Europe in 1866 seeking help for his style is highly eccentric but the sheer dynamism of the
doomed empire and went mad after his execution work is inescapable and the character descriptions (e.g.
the ‘seagreen Incorruptible’ *Robespierre) memorable.
Carlson, Chester Floyd (1906–1968). American From the point of view of Carlyle’s development it
inventor. A patent attorney, he invented the process is interesting that he, who believed himself a radical
of dry photocopying known as xerography (1938). and welcomed revolutionaries such as *Mazzini to his
The first copier was not marketed until 1959. home, was beginning to feel and see history in terms
of the hero or superman. In The French Revolution
Carlsson, Ingvar Gösta (1934–  ). Swedish Social (3 vols, 1837), the chief characters, *Danton especially,
Democratic politician. Educated at Lund University are already larger than life, and in On Heroes, Hero
and in the US, he worked in the party machine and Worship and the Heroic in History (1841) he expands
entered the Riksdag in 1964. He was a Minister the theme, which is implicit also in Oliver Cromwell’s
1969–76, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Letters and Speeches (1845) and his great biography
Research 1982–86. On Olof *Palme’s murder he Frederick the Great (1858–65). He appears to disregard
succeeded as Prime Minister 1986–91 and served the corruption of character by power. Past and Present
again 1994–96. (1843) contrasts the ordered society of feudalism
with the unordered confusion of modern times. The
Carlstadt (or Karlstadt) (Andreas Rudolf Bodenstein) death of his wife in 1865 virtually ended his creative
(c.1480–1541). German religious reformer. period. His influence on contemporary thought in
A professor at Wittenberg University, he became an many fields—religious and political especially—was
adherent of *Luther (1517), until Luther repudiated immense. Carlyle should be seen as more of a prophet
his extreme iconoclasm. Accused of being involved in than a historian or commentator.
the Peasants’ War, he fled to Switzerland and from
1534 preached and taught in Basle. Kaplan, F., Thomas Carlyle. 1983; Heffer, S., Moral
Desperado. 1995.
Carlyle, Thomas (1795–1881). Scottish essayist and
historian, born in Ecclefechan, Dumfriesshire. Son of Carmichael, Hoagy (1899–1981). American
a stonemason, at the age of 15 he went to Edinburgh songwriter, singer and actor. Originally a lawyer, his
University, intending to be a clergyman. Religious many songs include Stardust (1931) and he appeared
doubts ended this ambition, and after some years as in several films, generally playing himself.
a schoolmaster and private tutor (during which time
he formed a close friendship with and was much Carmona, Antonio Oscar de Fragoso (1869–1951).
influenced by Edward Irving, later the founder of the Portuguese soldier and politician. A general with
Irvingite sect) his true vocation had become manifest. distinguished military service, he had almost no
His earliest works stemmed from his interest in German political experience when called upon in 1926 to join
literature—a Life of Schiller (1825), and a translation the ruling triumvirate. He was Premier 1926–28 and
of *Goethe’s Wilhelm Meister (1824), which won the President 1928–51, with all effective power held by
author’s praise. In 1826 he married Jane Welsh, whose Antonio *Salazar.
wit could wound as well as delight, and whose letters Carnap, Rudolf (1891–1970). German-American
still sparkle as brightly as when they were written. Her philosopher. A pupil of *Frege at Jena, he was
strong personality and her husband’s produced one an original member of the ‘Vienna circle’ which
of the strangest love stories, a blend of irritation and expounded and developed logical positivism, and
mutual dependence, in literary history. he concerned himself with such problems as the
In 1828 the Carlyles withdrew to Craigenputtock structure and meaning of utterances and the nature
where he set to work on Sartor Resartus (The tailor of statements of probability. He was professor of
retailored), which appeared in Fraser’s Magazine in philosophy at Chicago University 1936–52 and
1833–34. It purports to reveal the philosophical UCLA 1954–62.
speculations of a Professor Teufelsdrockh, and Schilpp, P. A. (ed.), The Philosophy of Rudolf Carnap.
concludes that all institutions, political, religious etc., 1963.
are in fact clothes constantly in need of repair and
renewal. The life of the professor, which forms the
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Carnarvon, George Edward Stanhope Molyneux Directory 1795–97 after *Robespierre’s overthrow,
Herbert, 5th Earl of (1866–1923). English aristocrat. fleeing to Nuremberg in 1797 under an accusation
An enthusiastic amateur Egyptologist, from 1906 he of royalist sympathies. He returned after *Bonaparte’s
financed Howard *Carter’s excavations in the Valley of seizure of power and as Minister of War 1799–1800
Kings near Thebes, culminating in Carter’s discovery provided the organisational skill necessary for the
of the tomb of *Tutankhamen (1922). He  died in success of the Italian and Rhineland campaigns. He
Cairo from the effects of a mosquito bite. remained, however, a sincere republican, and retired
when he understood *Napoléon’s aims. The disasters
Carné, Marcel (Albert Cranche) (1906–1996). that followed the retreat from Moscow induced
French film director. Trained as a technician, his him to offer his services once more. Napoléon
19 films include Quai des Brumes (Port of Shadows, made him Governor of Antwerp in 1814 and he
1938) and Le Jour se leve (Daybreak, 1939) both defended it bravely against Allied attack. He was
typical of romantic pessimism in French cinema in Minister of the Interior during the Hundred Days.
the late 1930s. The latter had a strong influence on He ended his days in exile and died at Magdeburg.
Hollywood direction in the 1940s. His masterpiece He wrote mathematical treatises as well as The Defence
was Les Enfants du Paradis (Children of the Gods, of Fortified Places (1810).
1943–44) starring Jean-Louis *Barrault and Arletty,
shot during the German occupation. He was elected His son (Nicolas Leonard) Sadi Carnot (1796–1832),
to the Académie Française in 1980. named in honour of the Persian poet, was born and
educated in Paris, became an army officer and after
Carnegie, Andrew (1835–1918). American 1819 devoted himself to the study of the steam
industrialist and philanthropist, born in Dunfermline, engine. Regarded as the founder of thermodynamics,
Scotland. The family emigrated to Pittsburgh in 1848 his book Reflections on the Motive Power of Fire (1824)
and Andrew then began work as a bobbin-boy in first stated the principle that the efficiency of a heat-
a cotton mill, was a messenger for Ohio Telegraph engine in operating a thermal cycle depended on the
from 1850 and in 1853 a secretary/telegrapher for relative temperature of its hottest and coldest parts.
the Pennsylvania Railway. He started to invest in oil This led to the formulation of the Second Law of
in 1864 and a year later entered the iron and steel Thermodynamics by *Clausius and *Kelvin nearly
industry. By the judicious merging of companies, 20 years after he died of cholera. Lazare Hippolyte
he gradually built up a chain of interests not as a Carnot (1801–1888), his brother, was a journalist and
financier but as an industrialist mainly concerned radical politician, a consistent opponent of *Napoléon
with steel (but also with coal and iron fields, rail III, his son (grandson of the Revolutionary leader),
and steamship lines). Carnegie Hall in New York (Marie François) Sadi Carnot (1837–1894), was an
(1891) remains an outstanding monument to his engineer and local administrator before being elected
philanthropy and music. In 1901 he sold his vast deputy in 1871. Minister of Public Works 1880 and
interests to the US Steel Corporation for $250 Finance 1880–81, 1885–86, regarded as notably free
million. He asserted, ‘To die rich is to die disgraced.’ from corruption, he was elected as President of the
His remaining years, most of which were spent in Republic 1887–94. Assassinated in the last year of his
Scotland in retirement, he devoted to philanthropic term by an Italian anarchist, Sante Caserio, he was
ends to which he gave more than $300 million, e.g. popularly regarded as having the evil eye.
the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,
the endowment of libraries in Britain and the US, Caro, Sir Anthony (1924–2013). British sculptor,
and gifts to Scottish and American universities. born in London. Educated at Charterhouse,
His Autobiography appeared in 1920. Cambridge, the Regent St Polytechnic and the
Royal Academy School, he worked with Henry
Wall, J. F., Andrew Carnegie. 1971; Nasov, D., Andrew *Moore 1951–53 but was heavily influenced by the
Carnegie. 2007. American David *Smith. He lectured at St Martin’s
College 1953–79 and in Vermont 1963–65. His
Carnot, Lazare Nicolas Marguerite (1753–1823).
large, ground-based metal sculptures, often using
French military engineer and politician, born in
prefabricated materials, then painted, were intended
Burgundy. An army captain in 1789, he was elected to
to create a new aesthetic and he was recognised as the
the Legislative Assembly 1791–92 and the National
most important sculptor of his generation. He won
Convention 1792–95, becoming one of the 12
prizes at the Biennales in Paris 1959, Venice 1967 and
members of the Committee of Public Safety 1793–
São Paulo 1969. He received the OM in 2000.
95. As de facto minister of war 1793–95 he received
the title ‘Organiser of Victories’ for his achievement Carol I (Karl Eitel Friedrich) (1839–1914). First
in raising, clothing, feeding, and training 14 armies— king of Romania (1866–1914). A prince of the
more than 1,100,000 men—to defend revolutionary Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen family, he was invited
France against intervention by foreign troops, also by the major European powers in 1866 to become
proving a resourceful and original strategist. (Claude ruler of the United Principalities of Moldavia and
Antoine *Prieur de la Cote d’Or shares credit Wallachia, still under the nominal suzerainty of
for producing the armaments.) He served on the Turkey. The Congress of Berlin (1878) made these
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Dictionary of World Biography

territories independent (1881) under the name of Carpaccio, Vittore (c.1460–1526). Italian painter,
Romania. In 1869 he married Princess Elizabeth of born in Venice. A follower of Gentile *Bellini, his
Wied (1843–1916), a well-known novelist and poet subtle treatment of light and the warm humanity of
under the pen name Carmen Sylva. He was succeeded his interpretations anticipate the work of the major
by his nephew *Ferdinand II. painters of the Venetian High Renaissance. He is a
painter of pageantry, of architectural vistas and of
Carol II (Karl von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen) details of contemporary life. His major achievement
(1893–1953). King of Romania 1930–40. Son of is the illustration of the story of St Ursula in a
*Ferdinand I, after divorcing Zizi Lambrino, he series of large, teeming and charmingly decorative
married (1921) Princess Helen of Greece, mother compositions. Another cycle illustrates the lives of St
of his son *Michael. His association with Magda George and St Jerome. The Presentation in the Temple
*Lupescu created a scandal which forced his is his outstanding altar-piece. All the above are in
renunciation of the throne and when Ferdinand Venice. He was much admired by *Proust.
died in 1927, Michael succeeded. In 1930 Carol
supplanted his son and became king. In 1938, he Carpenter, Edward (1844–1929). English writer.
was torn between Romania’s long-standing alliance He  gave up Anglican orders in 1874 to become a
with France and the prospect of economic support socialist follower of William *Morris and a literary
from Germany, and he faced the rising power of the disciple of Walt *Whitman. He rejected all existing
authoritarian, xenophobic and populist ‘Iron Guard’ norms of Victorian, Edwardian and Georgian society,
led by Ion *Antonescu. Carol proclaimed Romania’s lived by writing and craft work and deeply influenced
neutrality in World War II, then signed a treaty E. M. *Forster.
with *Hitler, after the USSR occupied Bessarabia.
Antonescu forced his abdication in September 1940. Carpentier y Valmont, Alejo (1904–1980). Cuban
He went into exile in Mexico, then Brazil, where he novelist. Of French descent, he was an architect,
married Lupescu in 1947, and, finally, to Estoril, journalist, professor of literature and composer,
Portugal, where he died. whose passionate novels include The Lost Steps (1953),
Explosion in a Cathedral (1962) and Reasons of State
Caroline of Anspach (1683–1737). British queen (1974).
consort 1727–37. Daughter of the Margrave of
Brandenburg-Anspach, she married the future Carpentier, Georges (1894–1975). French boxer.
*George II of Britain in 1705. Her skill in managing He  was light heavyweight champion of the world
an often obstinate king was a factor in maintaining (1919–22), and in 1921 an unsuccessful contender
Sir Robert *Walpole in power. She befriended *Pope, with Jack *Dempsey for the world heavyweight title.
*Gay, and *Chesterfield, was a patron of *Händel,
took a keen interest in ecclesiastical patronage and Carpini, Giovanni de Piano (c.1182?–1252). Italian
was an amateur botanist and gardener. friar, born in Perugia. He entered the Franciscan
order, taught in Germany for many years and was
Caroline of Brunswick (1768–1821). British sent by Pope Innocent IV as missionary and explorer
queen consort 1820–21. Daughter of the Duke of to the Mongols. He set out from Lyon in April 1245,
Brunswick, she married the future *George IV of reaching Karakoram in July 1246. On his return, he
Britain in 1795. After the birth of Princess Charlotte wrote an account of the journey, Liber Tartarorum.
(1796) he deserted her and went to live with Mrs
Maria *Fitzherbert. Caroline’s indiscretions and Carr, Bob (Robert John) (1947–  ). Australian Labor
eccentricities in Italy provided George with an excuse politician, born in Sydney. After graduating in history,
to seek divorce as soon as he became king, but when, he became a journalist, with a passionate interest in
in 1820, a bill was introduced into the House of Lords, political science, foreign affairs and the environment,
a brilliant defence by the queen’s counsel Henry (later reluctantly entering the New South Wales Parliament in
Lord) *Brougham caused the bill to be dropped. Her 1983, serving as Premier 1985–95. A Senator 2012–13,
forcible exclusion from Westminster Abbey at the he was Minister for Foreign Affairs. He wrote several
coronation (1821) caused much resentment among books, including Thoughtlines (2002), My Reading Life
the populace of London, and when she died a month (2008) and Diary of a Foreign Minister (2014).
later her funeral procession was accompanied by
West, A., and R. Morris. Bob Carr: A Self-Made Man.
rioting in the London streets.
Carothers, Wallace Hume (1896–1937). American
polymer chemist. The inventor of nylon, in 1929, Carracci, Annibale (1560–1609). Italian painter,
after long research he found that adipic acid and born in Bologna. With his brother Agostino (1557–
hexamethylene diamine would condense together 1602) and cousin Ludovico (1555–1619), Annibale
to form a tough polymer that could be drawn into led a reaction against the prevailing exaggerated
a fibre. This plastic, which was called nylon, could Mannerism and worked in the style of the High
be made into tough fabrics, cords and mouldings. Renaissance masters *Michelangelo, *Raphael and
There is now a family of nylons derived from slightly *Titian. In Bologna they decorated the Palazzo
different starting materials. He committed suicide. Fava and founded an academy of fine arts: pupils
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Dictionary of World Biography

included *Domenichino and Guido *Reni. From Carreras, José (1947–  ). Spanish tenor, born in
1595 Annibale worked in Rome, painting frescos for Barcelona. He made his operatic debut in Spain in
the Farnese Palace. The ceiling of the great gallery, 1970 and in the US in 1972. He sang all the great
with its mythological scenes in settings painted to *Verdi and *Puccini tenor roles and appeared in the
imitate architectural or sculptured work, became films Don Carlos (1980) and West Side Story (1985).
famous throughout Europe and greatly influenced He founded a leukaemia research foundation in
the development of the Baroque decorative style. His Melbourne (1992).
most famous paintings include The Butcher’s Shop
(1583), Domine, Quo Vadis? (1601), Flight into Egypt Carrier, Willis Haviland (1876–1950). American
(1604) and Pietà (1607). Annibale was buried near engineer, born in Angola, New York. He designed the
*Raphael and became a major influence on *Poussin first air-conditioning system in 1902, published an
and *Claude. important paper on internal climate control in 1911
and founded the Carrier Corporation (1915).
Agostino was a masterly engraver, famous for his
anatomical studies and portraits. Ludovico anticipated Carrington, Peter Alexander Rupert Carington,
the Expressionists. *Ruskin deeply disliked the work 6th Baron (1919–2018). British Conservative
of the Carraccis. politician. Educated at Eton and Sandhurst, he served
as High Commissioner to Australia 1956–59, First
Carranza, Venustiano (1859–1920). Mexican Lord of the Admiralty 1959–63, Secretary of State for
politician. As Governor of Coahuila 1910–15, Defence 1970–74 and Foreign Secretary 1979–82,
he supported Francisco *Madera’s overthrow of resigning over criticism that the Foreign Office had
Porfirio *Diaz’s long dictatorship (1911), and not anticipated the invasion of the Falkland Islands
opposed Victoriano de la *Huerta who murdered by Argentina. He was chairman of General Electric
Madera and seized power himself. Carranza led the 1983–84, Secretary-General of NATO 1984–88 and
‘Constitutionalists’ who favoured political but not received a KG and CH.
economic reform. In 1915 he became provisional
president. As President under the Constitution Carroll, Lewis (pen name of Charles Lutwidge
1917–20, he accepted some measures of land and Dodgson) (1832–1898). English author and
labour reform, was anti-American and kept Mexico mathematician, born in Daresbury, Cheshire. The son
out of World War I. In 1923 Alvaro *Obregón led a of a clergyman, he was educated at Rugby and Oxford,
revolt and Carranza was murdered while escaping to and lectured in mathematics at Oxford 1855–81. His
Vera Cruz. life was generally uneventful and he never married.
His most famous children’s books Alice’s Adventures
Carrel, Alexis (1873–1944). French biologist and
In Wonderland (1865) and Through the Looking Class
surgeon, born in Lyon. From 1904 he worked in
(1872) both written for Alice Liddell, the daughter
Montréal, Chicago and New York (at the Rockefeller
of Carroll’s friend, the Dean of Christ Church, are
Institute for Medical Research 1912–14, 1919–39)
full of subtle and almost surrealist humour, and the
and was an army surgeon in France during World
many fantastic characters have become familiar to
War I. He won the 1912 Nobel Prize for Medicine
millions of readers. Both books were illustrated by
for his work on the surgery of blood vessels and his
techniques for transplanting arteries and suturing (i.e. *Tenniel. Other favourites were The Hunting of the
joining) veins which during World War I reduced the Snark (1876) and Sylvie and Bruno (1889 and 1893).
number of amputations. Carrel devised equipment Among his mathematical studies (written under his
for keeping animal organs alive outside the body and real name) was Euclid and His Modern Rivals (1879).
he was able to keep a chicken heart alive for 32 years. He was also a skilful photographer.
Later he devoted himself to cancer research. He wrote Cohen, M. N., Lewis Carroll. 1995.
Man the Unknown (1935), The Culture of Organs
(1938) with Charles A. *Lindbergh, a close friend, Carson, Ben(jamin Solomon) (1951–  ). American
and Reflections of Life (1943). He returned to France neurosurgeon and Republican activist, born in
in 1939, had links to Jacques *Doriot, and worked for Michigan. An Afro-American, educated at Yale,
the Vichy regime. He supported eugenics, proposed he became a surgeon at Johns Hopkins Hospital,
gassing of the criminally insane, and was successively Baltimore, and in 1987 was the first to successfully
Catholic > agnostic > Catholic. He won awards from separate twins joined at the back of the head.
the USSR but not Britain. After initial strong support from evangelicals and
conservatives in the Republican contest for the 2016
Carreño (García de Sena), (Maria) Teresa (1853– Presidential nomination, his campaign collapsed.
1917). Venezuelan pianist, singer, composer and He was *Trump’s Secretary of Housing and Urban
conductor, born in Caracas. Her family migrated to Development 2017– .
New York in 1862. She had a phenomenal technique
and declined an offer of tuition from *Liszt. She Carson, Edward Henry Carson, 1st Baron
recorded player piano rolls in 1905 and toured (1854–1935). Anglo-Irish lawyer and Conservative
Australia and New Zealand 1907–08. A crater on politician. Educated in Dublin, he became a barrister
Venus is named for her. and won fame as the defender of the Marquess of
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Dictionary of World Biography

*Queensberry in the action for criminal libel brought Southwestern College. He graduated from the US
by Oscar *Wilde. In parliament, where he sat as Naval Academy in Annapolis (1946) and served
Unionist MP 1892–1918 he bitterly fought Liberal as an electronics instructor and engineering officer
proposals to grant Irish Home Rule and organised the in Hyman *Rickover’s atomic submarine project.
Ulster Volunteers, a military group which planned to In 1953 he left the navy and returned home to manage
oppose home rule by force and was diverted from this the family peanut business. He became involved in
by the outbreak of World War I during which Carson community and church affairs and was elected to
was Attorney-General in the first coalition and in the Georgia State Senate 1963–67. In 1970 he won
*Lloyd George’s war cabinet was First Lord of the the Democratic primary for Governor as a moderate
Admiralty 1916–17 and Minister without Portfolio conservative by defeating the liberal ex-governor Carl
1917–18. He was a Lord of Appeal in Ordinary Sanders. As Governor of Georgia 1971–75 Carter
1921–29. introduced ‘zero base budgeting’, urged reforms in
environmental controls, schools and prisons and
Carson, Kit (Christopher) (1809–1868). American tried to ease racial tensions. In July 1976 he won the
trapper, guide and scout, born in Kentucky. He acted Democratic presidential nomination and was elected
as a guide for J. C. *Fremont 1842–44 and helped President in November. During his term of office he
to settle and explore California 1845–46. Although failed to work with his Democratic Congress and
almost illiterate, he became a prominent and effective his only significant success was in negotiating the
Indian agent 1853–61 and served as a brigadier of Egyptian-Israeli accord between *Sadat and *Begin.
volunteers in the American Civil War. The continued captivity of 52 hostages in the US
Embassy in Teheran (kept for 444 days and not
Carson, Rachel Louise (1907–1964). American released until he had left office) was politically very
biologist, writer and environmental activist. Working damaging, because Carter’s extraordinary restraint
for the US Fish and Wildlife Service, she wrote Silent was attacked as weakness by his opponents and he
Spring (1962), an apocalyptic warning about the lost heavily in 1980 to Ronald *Reagan. Out of office,
contamination of the environment by fertiliser and he devoted himself to the problems of urban poverty
pesticides. The book was extremely influential. and housing, world peace and observing elections in
Carte, Richard D’Oyly (1844–1901). English the Third World. In 1994 he was a peace negotiator
impresario. He won fame by staging the Gilbert and in Korea, Haiti and Bosnia-Herzegovina. He received
Sullivan operas. His background was a family music- the Nobel Prize for Peace in 2002.
publishing and instrument-making business, from Carteret, John see Granville 2nd Earl
which he progressed to become a concert agent and
impresario. His success with Gilbert and Sullivan’s Cartier, Jacques (1491–1557). French explorer,
Trial by Jury in 1875 inspired him to form a syndicate born at St Malo, Brittany. He made three voyages
for the performance of future productions. In 1881 to North America in search of a northwest passage
he built the Savoy Theatre for this purpose. His later linking the Atlantic to the Pacific. On his first voyage
venture the building of the Palace Theatre for serious (1534) he explored and claimed for France the coasts
opera, was not a success. The rights of the D’Oyly of Newfoundland and Labrador and the gulf of the
Carte family over the Gilbert and Sullivan operas St Lawrence, on his second (1535) he ascended that
ended only in 1961, when the libretto contract river (hoping it was a passage to China) and reached
expired. the site of Montréal. The third voyage (1541), also
to the St Lawrence, provided much information but
Carter, Elliott Cook (1908–2012). American brought no new discoveries.
composer, born in New York. Educated at Harvard
and in Paris with Nadia *Boulanger, he worked Cartier-Bresson, Henri (1908–2004). French
with Charles *Ives and taught at Columbia, Yale, photographer. He worked as an assistant to the film
the Juilliard School and Cornell. His works include director Jean *Renoir, was a prisoner of war, escaped to
concertos for piano, violin, oboe, cello, horn, clarinet the US and founded Magnum-Photos. His evocative
and flute, Concerto for Orchestra (1969), Symphony compositions, loaded with context and history, were
for Three Orchestras (1977), quintets for brass and exhibited internationally and he published books of
woodwind and five string quartets. He was the photographs, including The Decisive Moment (1952),
longest-lived major composer in musical history. and studies of China, Russia, France and the US.
Carter, Howard (1873–1939). English Egyptologist. Cartland, Dame (Mary) Barbara Hamilton (1901–
A pupil of Sir Flinders *Petrie, he worked in Egypt for 2000). British author. She wrote popular romantic
many years, and in 1922, when working with Lord fiction, and according to The Guinness Book of Records
*Carnarvon, found the tomb of *Tutankhamen in the her 540 books had global sales of 600 million,
Valley of the Kings, near Luxor. translated into 25 languages. Her books also include
poetry, biography and an autobiography.
Carter, Jimmy (James Earl Carter, Jr) (1924– ). 39th
President of the US 1977–81. He was born in Plains,
Georgia, and educated at public schools and Georgia
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Cartwright, Edmund (1743–1823). English Carver, Raymond (1938–1988). American writer,

inventor. Educated at Wakefield Grammar School born in Oregon. He fought alcoholism, poverty
and Oxford, he became a clergyman but having and cancer, producing magnificent short stories, in
married a rich woman was able to give time and Chekhovian vein, including Cathedral (1984) and
money to his inventions. In 1785 he invented a power Where I’m Calling From (1988).
loom which became the parent of the modern loom.
He also invented rope-making and wool-combing Cary, (Arthur) Joyce (Lunel) (1888–1957). British
machinery. In 1793, having been forced by debt to novelist, born in Ireland. Educated at Oxford, he
sell a mill he had set up in Doncaster, he went to fought in the Balkan Wars (1912–13) and World War
London and worked with Robert Fulton on steam I and was for a time in the colonial service in Africa,
engines. His money troubles were eased when in where he found inspiration for Mr Johnson (1939).
1809, in response to a petition to the Prime Minister His best known novel, The Horse’s Mouth (1944),
from 50 firms which had benefited by his inventions, successfully filmed in 1958, is part of a trilogy with
he was awarded £10,000. Herself Surprised (1941) and To be a Pilgrim (1942).
Rich characterisation and feeling for the complexities
Caruso, Enrico (1873–1921). Italian operatic tenor, of human emotions distinguish his work.
born in Naples. He came from a poor family, sang
Wright, A., Joyce Cary. 1958.
in church choirs and had a relatively late debut in
Naples in 1894, appearing in Milan (1898), Buenos Casabianca, Louis (1762–1798). Corsican French
Aires (1899), Rome (1899), London (1902) and New sailor. As commander of the French ship Orient, he
York (1903). His voice had unusual range, power was burnt to death when his ship was destroyed at the
and flexibility, he became a pioneer recording artist Battle of the Nile. The heroism of his young son, who
and was acclaimed as the greatest tenor of his time. perished with him, is the theme of a poem by Mrs
Leading tenor at the Metropolitan Opera, New York Felicia Hemans (‘Casabianca’).
1903–20, he retired after bursting a blood vessel in a
performance of Halévy’s La Juive. Casadesus, Robert (Marcel) (1899–1972). French
pianist, born in Paris. Of Catalan descent, he was
Carver, (Richard) Michael Power, Baron Carver a great *Mozart, *Chopin and *Ravel interpreter,
(1915–2001). British field marshal. Educated at often appearing in concerts with his wife Gaby and
Winchester and Sandhurst, he was Chief of the son Jean.
General Staff 1971–73 and Chief of Defence Staff
1973–76 and achieved a new reputation as an incisive Casals, Pablo (or Pau) (1876–1973). Spanish
writer on military and geopolitical affairs. (Catalan) cellist and conductor, born in Vedrell. Son
of an organist, he studied music at Barcelona and
Carver, George Washington (1864–1943).
Madrid, and made his concert debut as a cellist in
American agricultural chemist, born in Missouri. Son
Paris in 1899. He revived interest in *Bach’s works
of slaves, he was kidnapped with his mother by slave
for unaccompanied cello, and developed improved
raiders and redeemed with the exchange of a racehorse
cello techniques, gaining great popularity for this
by his owner, Moses Carver, who then adopted
instrument with concert audiences. Active in his
him. He  became the first black student at Simpson
support of the government in the Spanish Civil War,
College, Iowa (1889) and from 1896 taught at the
he left Spain after *Franco’s victory (1939). From
Tuskegee Institute, Alabama, where he gained a PhD
1950 he organised a series of music festivals at Prades,
and directed agricultural research. He promoted the
planting of sweet potatoes and peanuts to replenish in the French Pyrenees, and he continued these from
the soil, denuded of minerals by cotton and tobacco 1956 at San Juan in Puerto Rico.
farming, developing 300 new products from peanuts, Casanova de Seingalt, Giovanni Giacomo (1725–
including fibres, dyes and soap. He declined offers to 1798). Italian adventurer, born in Venice. He spent
work for *Edison and *Ford. most of his life travelling through Europe in the
Holt, R., George Washington Carver: An American varying capacities of preacher, gambler, journalist,
Biography. Rev. ed. 1963. violinist, lottery director, police spy, alchemist and
cabbalist and met most of the famous men and
Carver, John (c.1576–1621). English merchant, women of his time. He was a man of intelligence
born in Nottinghamshire. Organiser of the London and learning, his famous Memoirs—12 volumes
contingent of the Pilgrim Fathers, he emigrated to written in the last years of his life, when (from 1785)
Holland in 1609. His preparations for the voyage he was secretary and librarian to Count Waldstein
to America included the hiring of the Mayflower, on in Bohemia, though largely concerned with his love
which he sailed in 1620 with his wife and members affairs, throw much light on the manners and morals
of his household. He was chosen as governor of the of the time.
Plymouth plantation but died the following year.

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Casaubon, Isaac (1559–1614). French-Swiss scholar, 1951–60. Patronised by Menzies (and disparaged by
born in Geneva. He became professor of Greek at *Hasluck), he became the first Australian life peer
Geneva (1581), at Montpellier (1596) and royal (1960), was Governor-General 1965–69 and the first
librarian in Paris (1604). As a Protestant he felt unsafe Australian Knight of the Garter (KG) in 1969.
after the death of *Henri IV and came to England,
Hudson, W. J., Casey. 1986.
where he found himself in sympathy with the middle
position of the established Church and able to be of Casimir III (Kazimierz) (the Great) (c.1310–1370).
help in matters both of religion and scholarship. His King of Poland 1333–70. Knowing that his first task
religious writings display his tolerance, and his gifts would be to unify Poland he learned western politics
as a classical commentator are shown by his editions and secured help from his brother-in-law, Charles
of *Aristotle, *Theophrastus, *Suetonius etc. His son, Robert, the Angevin King of Hungary, to whose son,
Méric Casaubon (1599–1671), also a classical Louis, he promised the Polish throne. He also came
scholar and controversialist, settled into a living in to terms with Bohemia and the Teutonic Knights.
the Church of England. Later he enlarged his kingdom in the east and, thus
secured, could concentrate upon internal reforms.
Casella, Alfredo (1883–1947). Italian composer,
Brigandage was suppressed, the liberty of the peasants
conductor and music critic, born in Turin. A pupil
protected and the nobles curbed. Jews were tolerated
of *Fauré in Paris, he worked there until World
and encouraged to settle. In 1364, he founded the
War I when he went to Rome. In 1924 he joined
University of Kraków (later renamed Jagiellonian),
d’Annunzio and others in founding a society to
which made the city not only an administrative
encourage contemporary Italian music, but he
and commercial centre but one of the great cultural
himself was a notable experimenter and retained an
centres of Europe.
international outlook. His range of composition was
wide and included two symphonies, concertos, songs, Casimir (Kazimierz) IV Jagiełłon (1427–1492).
chamber music and lesser pieces. Grand Duke of Lithuania 1440–92, King of Poland
1447–92. Son of *Władysław II, he belonged to
Casement, [Sir] Roger David (1864–1916). Irish
the Lithuanian *Jagiellon dynasty which, linked by
nationalist and colonial administrator. He joined
marriage with the Polish royal family, had brought
the consular service and was knighted for his work
the two countries under one ruler. He reigned during
in exposing the exploitation of natives in the Congo
one of Poland’s greatest periods. After failure against
and in Peru. In Germany during World War I he
Turkey he turned against the old enemy, the Teutonic
attempted to form an ‘Irish Brigade’ of Irish prisoners
Knights in the north. After 13 years of war he destroyed
of war which he hoped would invade Ireland and
their power and in 1466 by the peace of Thorn (or
free it from British rule. On his return to Ireland by Torun) he annexed Pomerania with Danzig and much
submarine (1916) he was captured by the British and of south and west Prussia. To achieve these successes
tried for treason. He was convicted, deprived of his Casimir conceded representative government to the
knighthood, and hanged at Pentonville. In 1960 his lesser gentry and so a parliament (Sejm) was created.
‘black diaries’ revealing homosexual practices were He encouraged the growth and influence of the
made available for study in the Public Records Office Jagellonian University in Kraków and was made a
in London. Casement’s remains were restored to KG in 1450. In 1973, his tomb was opened by 12
Ireland in 1965. researchers, of whom 10 died prematurely due to
MacColl, R., Roger Casement. 1956. exposure to fungi, which produced deadly aflatoxins.

Casey, Richard Gardiner, Baron Casey of Berwick Casimir-Perier, Jean-Paul-Pierre (1847–1907).

(1890–1976). Australian Liberal politician, born French politician. He served as a deputy 1877–94,
in Brisbane. Son of a mining magnate, educated was President of the Chamber 1893 and 1894, and
at Melbourne University and Trinity College, Premier 1893–94, being elected President of the Third
Cambridge, he served in World War I, winning a Republic 1894 on the assassination of *Carnot. He
DSO and MC. His wife Maie Casey (Ethel Marian resigned unexpectedly in 1895 and went into business.
Sumner; 1892–1983) was a poet, librettist, aviator
Caslon, William (1692–1766). English type founder.
and patron of the arts. Casey was a Member of the
A broadsheet of 1734 gave examples of 12 different
Australian House of Representatives 1931–40 and
sizes of his roman and italic types, which at the time
1949–60, was Commonwealth Treasurer 1935–39, a
were recognised as the best in Europe. Caslon Old
strong supporter of appeasement, and first Australian
Face (1726), revived in 1840 after a temporary decline
minister to the US 1940–42. Winston *Churchill in fashion, remained among the most popular types
appointed him Minister of State in the Middle East in the first half of the 20th century, being favoured by
1942–43, with a seat in the War Cabinet, and Governor printers because of its simplicity and legibility.
of Bengal 1944–46, at a time of famine. In Australia
after the war, under *Menzies, he was Minister of Cass, Lewis (1782–1866). American Democratic
National Development 1949–51, Minister in charge politician, born in New Hampshire. He became a
of CSIRO 1950–60 and Minister for External Affairs lawyer, served in the 1812 war and as Governor of
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Michigan Territory 1813–31 opened new territories Cassivellaunus (fl. 54 BCE). British ruler. As chief
in the west for settlement. He was US Secretary of of the Catuvellauni he offered strong resistance to
War under President *Jackson 1831–36, US Minister *Caesar’s advance across the Thames during his
to France 1836–42, and a US senator 1845–48, second invasion (54). The loss of his capital (now
1849–57. Democratic candidate for the presidency in Wheathampstead, Herts.), forced him to make peace.
1848, he was defeated by Zachary *Taylor when he His later history is unknown.
lost the support of the Free-Soil wing of his party. He
resumed his work in the Senate, but was too old to Casson, Sir Hugh Maxwell (1914–1999). English
be effective when Secretary of State under President architect. One of the leading exponents in Britain of
*Buchanan 1857–60. the contemporary style, he was chief designer (1951)
for the Festival of Britain exhibition buildings on the
Cassatt, Mary (1845–1926). American artist. Whilst south bank of the Thames in London and knighted in
young she went to Paris, and under the influence of 1952. He wrote Homes by the Million (1947). He was
Camille Pissarro, her teacher, *Degas and *Manet, President of the Royal Academy 1976–84 and made
joined the Impressionists. Neglected at first in a CH (1984).
America, her pictures, which show the Impressionist
techniques applied to domestic subjects such as Castiglione, Baldassare, Conte (1478–1529).
mothers with children or ladies at the tea table, Italian humanist writer, born near Mantua. The son
have won her posthumous fame. She was an ardent of a nobleman, he served more than one Italian duke,
campaigner for women’s rights. but it was the court of Urbino that provided the
background for his great book, the Libro del cortegiano
Watson, F., Mary Cassatt. 1932; Matthews, N. M. (The Courtier, 1518), a prose dialogue defining the
Mary Cassatt. 1998. attributes of the ‘perfect gentleman’, and discussing
Cassel, Sir Ernest Joseph (1852–1921). Anglo- etiquette, hunting, social problems, the significance
German financier, born in Cologne. He lived in of the arts and Platonic love. It was translated into
London from 1870, and raised state loans for China, English in 1561 and widely read in Europe.
Egypt and South American governments. From an Castle, Barbara Anne (née Betts), Baroness Castle
immense fortune he gave away about £2 million to (1910–2002). English Labour politician. Married to
hospitals, educational institutions etc. He became a journalist, she was MP for Blackburn 1945–79 and
a friend of *Edward VII, and his granddaughter, a member of the Labour Party’s National Executive
Edwina Ashley, married Lord Louis *Mountbatten. 1950–79. She was Minister of Overseas Development
1964–65, of Transport 1965–68, Secretary of State
Cassin, René (1887–1976). French jurist. He won
for Employment and Productivity 1968–70, and for
the 1968 Nobel Prize for Peace, for his work as author
Social Services 1974–76. She was a member of the
of the UN Declaration of the Rights of Man, and as
European Parliament 1979–89.
President of the European Court of Human Rights.
Castlemaine, Countess of see Cleveland, Barbara
Cassiodorus, Flavius Magnus Aurelius (c.477–
Villiers, 1st Duchess of
570). Roman writer and administrator. Only about
20 years old when he joined the secretariat of the Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Viscount (afterwards
emperor *Theodoric, he rose to high office, in which 2nd Marquess of Londonderry) (1769–1822). Anglo-
he continued after Theodoric’s death. In 540 he Irish politician, born in Dublin. Son of a landowner, he
retired from the Ravenna court to a monastery he had entered the Irish parliament (then separate) as a Whig
built on the Calabrian coast, and there set himself the (1790), but turned Tory in 1795. As Chief Secretary
task of creating a compendium of learning, pagan and for Ireland 1799–1801, he was instrumental in
Christian alike, almost encyclopaedic in its scope. This securing the passage of the Act of Union of Ireland with
he achieved by getting his monks to copy and amend England, which, as he realised, was likely to fail unless
ancient manuscripts and by his own voluminous Catholic emancipation was granted. *George  III’s
works on history, theology and grammar. His Variae, veto on such concessions was crippling. He  became
collections of edicts, documents, etc., issued during Secretary of State for War and the Colonies 1805–06,
his period of office, are of great importance for the 1807–09, being responsible for choosing Sir Arthur
study of the history of the Ostrogothic empire. Wellesley, the future Duke of *Wellington, for the
peninsular command. But equally he must take some
Cassius (Gaius Cassius Longinus) (d.42 BCE). responsibility for the selection of the incompetent Earl
Roman soldier and politician. An adherent of of Chatham for the disastrous Walcheren campaign.
*Pompey, he became reconciled to *Caesar but was In 1809 Castlereagh fought a duel with and slightly
a principal in the conspiracy to assassinate him. He wounded his political rival George *Canning, who had
left Italy with *Brutus and after their defeat by Mark been intriguing against him. He left office but returned
*Antony at Philippi ordered one of his freedmen to in 1812 to begin his great period as Foreign Secretary
kill him. 1812–22, when he was responsible for forming and
holding together the anti-French alliance in the late
stages of the Napoléonic Wars. After the French defeat
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he represented England at the Congress of Vienna and as a professional writer began. Her first major success
the signing of the Treaty of Paris (1815). He opposed was O Pioneers (1913). Other major works include
vindictive peace terms and was instrumental in One of Ours (Pulitzer Prize, 1922), Death comes for the
keeping Alsace-Lorraine French. Later he was opposed Archbishop (1927) and Shadows on the Rock (1933).
to the Holy Alliance being exploited as a means of
suppressing all liberal movements in Europe. Little Catherine I (Ekaterina) (1684–1727). Tsarina
interested in domestic politics, he had to defend and (Empress) of Russia 1725–27. Marta Skowronska
bear censure for the government’s repressive policies. was born in Poland to a Lithuanian peasant family,
This, combined with strain and overwork, and threats became a servant and the mistress first of Prince
of blackmail about his homosexuality caused him to *Menshikov, then of *Peter the Great. She married
cut his throat. One of the ablest statesmen of his time Peter in 1712, became Empress Consort in 1724 and
and a man of character, he did not deserve the great succeeded to the throne on his death.
unpopularity of his last years, expressed in the cheering
which broke out at his burial in Westminster Abbey. Catherine II (known as ‘the Great’) (1729–1796).
Tsarina of Russia 1762–96. Sophie Augusta Frederika
Bew, J., Castlereagh. 2013. (her original names), daughter of Prince Christian
of Anhalt-Zerbst (in Prussia), was born in Stettin,
Castro Ruz, Fidel (1926–2016). Cuban politician. joined the Orthodox Church in 1744 and married
The  son  of a rich sugar planter, he studied law at (1745) the future tsar, *Peter III. Catherine hated her
Havana University and became a violent opponent degenerate and feeble-minded husband but realised
of the repressive and dictatorial *Batista regime. that marriage could be a path to power. Their only
Sentenced to five years’ imprisonment for an attack child, the future *Paul I, was born in 1754. Peter
on an army barracks in 1953 he was released under became tsar in 1762 but six months later a military
an amnesty two years later and went into exile. He coup led by two of Catherine’s many lovers, Count
returned in 1956, landing secretly in the Oriente Grigori *Orlov and Prince Grigori *Potemkin,
province, where he gradually built up a guerrilla force deposed him, and he was murdered some days later.
which, by January 1959, proved strong enough to In taking the throne Catherine supplanted her own
overthrow Batista. He was Prime Minister 1959–76. son. Though in her zeal for self-education she read and
The US refused to recognise his government and corresponded with *Voltaire and others and practised
supported the abortive ‘Bay of Pigs’ invasion by and patronised art and literature, she ruled as an
Cuban exiles (April 1961). Construction of a Russian autocrat. An enlightened despot she may have been,
missile base in Cuba led to a confrontation between but a despot none the less, and she never forgot her
*Kennedy and *Khrushchev in October 1962 and the political dependence on the nobility and gentry who
base was dismantled. He was First Secretary of the had set her on the throne. Although she abolished
Communist Party (based on his United Revolutionary capital punishment (except for political crimes), and
Socialist Party) 1965– and President of Cuba 1976– prepared comprehensive schemes of educational,
2008. Cuba became increasingly dependent on Soviet legal and administrative reform, little was actually
aid which declined under *Gorbachev. Castro’s regime accomplished. The number of serfs increased and
actively intervened in Angola and Central America. the military and economic burdens on the peasantry
He maintained his ideology despite the collapse of the grew worse. Following the revolt (1773–75) led by
USSR without making any concessions to political Emelian *Pugachev, a pretender who claimed to
freedom or democratic practice. Pope *John Paul II be her dead husband, her domestic policy became
visited Castro in January 1998. His brother, Raúl increasingly repressive. She pursued an imperialist
Modesto Castro Ruz (1931– ) was first vice president foreign policy and in two wars with Turkey (1768–72
of Cuba 1976–2008 and President 2008–18, but and 1787–92) expanded her territories near the Black
remained as First Secretary of the Communist Party. Sea and annexed the Crimea. The Ukraine was fully
Matthews, H. L., Castro: A Political Biography. 1969. absorbed and when Poland was obliterated by the
three partitions of 1772, 1793 and 1795 Russia took
Catesby, Robert (1573–1605). English conspirator. the largest share.
A Roman Catholic gentleman, embittered by a fine
Grey, I., Catherine the Great: Autocrat and Empress
imposed for joining Essex’s rebellion, he took a
of all Russia. 1961; Troyat, H., Catherine the Great.
leading part in the gun powder plot. After the arrest
1977; Massie, R.K., Catherine the Great: Portrait of a
of Guy *Fawkes he fled to Warwickshire but was
Woman. 2012.
pursued and killed.
Cather, Willa Sibert (1876–1947). American Catherine de’Medici (de Medicis) (1519–1589).
novelist, born in Virginia. She grew up in Nebraska, French queen consort 1547–59. Born in Florence,
where she was taken at the age of nine, and whose daughter of Lorenzo de’*Medici, she married *Henri
pioneering history is the subject of some of her best II of France in 1533 and was the mother of three
books. After graduating at the University of Nebraska, kings *François II (first husband of *Mary, Queen of
she went to Pittsburgh as a teacher and journalist. Scots), *Charles IX and *Henri III. She became regent
In  1904 she moved to New York, where her career in the reign of Charles IX, her aim was to increase the
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Dictionary of World Biography

independence and power of the crown by maintaining son *Henry VI, she married Owen *Tudor, a Welsh
a balance between the Roman Catholic extremists landowner, and her grandson, Henry Tudor, became
(under the Guises) and the Huguenots (Protestants). King *Henry VII in 1485.
It was because the balance appeared to be endangered
by the marriage of her daughter, Marguerite de Valois, Catherine Swynford see Swynford, Catherine
to the Protestant leader *Henri of Navarre that she
Catiline (Lucius Sergius Catilina) (c.108–62 BCE).
obtained the agreement of Charles IX to the ‘massacre
Roman conspirator. A supporter of *Sulla as a young
of St Bartholomew’ of the Huguenot guests gathered
man, he later professed extreme democratic opinions
in Paris for the wedding. Under Henri III, Catherine’s
to further his interests. The events that brought about
influence waned. She was much hated and traduced,
his ruin originated from his belief that he was being
but stood for a policy of moderation in general, in the
unfairly deprived of the consulship, which he felt was
interests of the survival of the monarchy which she
his due. Thus his first conspiracy (65) was intended
saw as the basis of French stability.
to help his own candidacy for 64. The plot was
Sutherland, N. M., Catherine de’Medici and the Ancien mismanaged and Catiline escaped conviction, but
Regime. 1986. when he again sought election in 63, it was *Cicero, a
man of lower rank than himself but with conservative
Catherine (Catalina) of Aragon see Katherine of backing, who was preferred. A second plot was then
Aragon contrived to bring about the death of Cicero and
other hostile senators. News of it had reached Cicero,
Catherine of Braganza (1638–1705). British queen who took emergency measures and in one of his most
consort 1660–85. Daughter of *João IV of Portugal, famous orations denounced Catiline in the Senate.
she married *Charles II in 1662. She brought Bombay Catiline himself gained a short respite by flight,
and Tangier to England as her dowry. No children but in January 62, he was hunted down and killed,
survived, but, though he was notoriously unfaithful, with many of his followers, at Pistoia, while those
Charles treated her with dignity and kindness. She conspirators who had stayed in Rome were arrested
finally returned to Portugal in 1692. and executed.
Catherine (or Katherine) (Howard) (1521–1542). Cato, Marcus Porcius (known as Cato the Elder)
English queen consort 1540–42. A granddaughter (234–149 BCE). Roman politician. As a young man
of the 2nd Duke of Norfolk and related to Anne he served against the Carthaginians in the second
*Boleyn, she married *Henry VIII as his fifth wife Punic War. As Consul (195) he fought in Spain, but
in 1540. Less than two years later she was beheaded it was as ‘censor’ (184) that he showed the zeal for
for adultery with Thomas Culpeper and a young moral reform by which he is best remembered. He
kinsman, Francis Dereham. denounced extravagance, tried to restore a sense of high
Catherine (Parr) (1512–1548). English queen moral values in public life, and strongly resisted Greek
consort 1544–47. Sixth and last wife of *Henry VIII, cultural influences, which he regarded as corrupting.
and daughter of a controller of the royal household, His visit to Africa in 153 convinced him that Carthage
she had been widowed twice before marrying the king could still be dangerous and for many years he ended
in 1544. After his death she married Lord Thomas every speech in the Senate with the words ‘Carthage
Seymour, a brother of *Jane Seymour, the mother of must be destroyed’. He wrote books on the history of
*Edward VI. For a time she provided a home for the Roman towns (Origines) and on farming. His great-
young Princess *Elizabeth. grandson, also named Marcus Porcius Cato (Cato the
Younger) (95–46 BCE), supported *Pompey against
Catherine of Siena, St (Caterina Benincasa) Julius *Caesar in the Civil Wars, and after Pompey’s
(c.1347–1380). Italian nun and mystic, born in defeat at Pharsalus (48) escaped to Africa, where he
Siena. Daughter of a dyer, she became a Dominican defended Utica. When news of Caesar’s victory at
tertiary and attracted a group of followers, nursing Thapsus (46) reached him he committed suicide. His
and healing the sick. Although illiterate, she dictated daughter, Portia, married *Brutus. As a patron of the
hundreds of letters and the famous Dialogue or Stoic school of philosophers Cato was famed for his
Treatise on Divine Providence. She helped to persuade unbending rectitude. He was seen by his enemies as an
Pope Gregory XI to return from Avignon to Rome obstructive, old fashioned and inflexibly doctrinaire
in 1376. She negotiated peace between Florence and politician; his admirers saw him as upholding the
the papacy and supported Rome in the Great Schism. ancient Roman virtues in a corrupt age.
A  stigmatic, she was canonised in 1461, became
patron saint of Italy in 1939 and a doctor of the Catullus, Gaius Valerius (c.84–c.54 BCE). Roman
Church in 1970. lyric poet, born in Verona. He lived mainly at Rome
and at his villas at Tibur and Sirmio. His surviving
Catherine of Valois (1401–1437). English queen works consist mainly of love poems, some passionate,
consort 1420–22. Daughter of *Charles VI of France, some playful, and scurrilous, witty or satirical verses
in 1420 she married *Henry V of England. After written probably in the last years of his short life.
his death (1422) and the accession of their baby They show his command of lyric metres and ability
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Dictionary of World Biography

to express the tenderest and most personal emotions. Mark’s, Venice, where he was trained by Claudio
His poems were lost until an early manuscript was *Monteverdi. He became maestro di cappella at St
found in Verona in 1305. Mark’s in 1668. He wrote 42 musical dramas, of
which 27 survive. They use a small orchestra and show
Wiseman, T. P., Catullan Questions. 1969; Quinn, K., the beginnings of the use of recitative and aria, the
Catullus: The Poems, edited with Commentary. 1970. music complemented extravagant sets and costumes.
Cavafy, C. P. (Constantinos Petrou Kavaphes) Worsthorne, S. T., Venetian Opera in the Seventeenth
(1863–1933). Greek poet, born in Alexandria. He Century. 1954.
lived in Liverpool 1870–77, then his family returned
to Egypt where he worked as a minor civil servant Cavallini, Pietro (c.1250–c.1330). Italian fresco
and journalist in Alexandria, rarely visited Greece painter and mosaic artist. Working mainly in Rome,
and wrote 154 poems, terse, ironic and pessimistic, his first authenticated work is known to have been
skilfully evoking the past. The first publication in painted over a fifth century Christian fresco in which
book form (1935) was posthumous. An English the Roman classical tradition had survived. It is this
translation by John Mavrogordata (1951) led to tradition which seems to have influenced him in his
international critical acclaim, aided by the advocacy departures from the contemporary Byzantine style.
of his friend E. M. *Forster, and he was admired by His paintings reject the stiffness of Byzantine art, and
W.  H. *Auden, Leonard *Cohen and Marguerite they re-introduce sculptural modelling of figures and
*Yourcenar. Among his greatest poems are ‘Waiting drapery, assisted by directed light. His best known
for the Barbarians’ (1904) and ‘Ithaca’ (1911). The works are probably The Last Judgment (fresco) in Sta.
translations by George Barbanis are particularly Cecilia in Trastevere, Rome, and Six Scenes from the
effective. Life of Mary (mosaics) at Sta Maria in Trastevere.
He strongly influenced *Giotto.
Cavaignac, Louis-Eugène (1802–1857). French Toesca, P., Pietro Cavallini. 1960.
soldier and politician. Son of a revolutionary lawyer,
when *Louis Philippe was deposed (1848) he became Cavell, Edith Louisa (1865–1915). English nurse,
Minister of War in the provisional government, born near Norwich. A clergyman’s daughter, she was
and armed with dictatorial powers suppressed an a governess, then had a late vocation for nursing.
extremist rising in Paris with great loss of life. But She worked in Brussels from 1907. When Belgium
for his republican principles he might have assumed was overrun by the Germans during World War I,
supreme power, in fact he laid aside his dictatorship she remained in Brussels to nurse the wounded of
to become President of the Council of Ministers. both sides and assisted over 200 Allied soldiers to
A new constitution was promulgated under which escape into neutral Holland, an act of treason in the
Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte (later *Napoléon III) was German military code, for which she was condemned
elected president with about 5,500,000 votes, against and shot. Her execution caused widespread outrage,
less than 1,500,000 for Cavaignac. The latter, after especially in Britain, the US, Canada and Australia.
refusing to take the oath, retired into private life. She was widely memorialised, with statues, coins,
a mountain in Canada and in plays, early films and
Cavaillé-Coll, Aristide (1811–1899). French organ music. She was reburied at Norwich Cathedral. Her
builder. He belonged to a dynasty of organ builders in statue in St Martin’s Lane, London, carries her words:
France and Spain, and his company made nearly 500, ‘Patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or
noted for their astringent but exhilarating timbre, bitterness towards anyone.’
including Notre Dame, La Madeleine, La Trinité, St
Hochling, A. A., Edith Cavell. 1958; Souhami, D.,
Sulpice and Ste Clotilde in Paris, the basilica of St
Edith Cavell. 2010.
Denis and cathedrals in Caen, Rouen, Bayeux and
Toulouse. *Franck, *Saint-Saëns, *Fauré, *Widor and Cavendish, Henry (1731–1810). English scientist,
*Messaien wrote specifically for Cavaillé-Coll organs. born in Nice. Son of Lord Charles Cavendish, an
Asteroid 5184 Cavaillé-Coll was named for him. able experimenter, Henry’s elder brother became
3rd Duke of Devonshire, and he inherited two large
Cavalcanti, Guido (c.1255–1300). Florentine poet.
fortunes, making him one of England’s richest men.
A friend of *Dante, his sonnets and other poems Educated at Peterhouse, Cambridge, unmarried, and
reveal a philosophic and introspective temperament. devoid of any passion but science, he lived in London,
His active support of the Ghibelline (imperial) cause either in Bloomsbury or at a villa at Clapham, in
led to his exile in the last year of his life. English eccentric seclusion. His waking hours were devoted
translations were made by *Rossetti and Ezra *Pound. to scientific research. In 1766 he isolated hydrogen,
Cavalli, Francesco (Pietro Francesco Caletti di realised that it was an element, and investigated many
Bruno) (1602–1676). Italian operatic composer, born of its properties and received the Copley Medal of the
at Crema. Son of Gian Battista Calettidi Bruno, he Royal Society. He was the first to determine accurately
later took the name of his Venetian patron Federico the chemical composition of water and air. Like
Cavalli. At 15 he became a singer in the choir of St *Priestley, he supported the phlogiston theory later
disproved by *Lavoisier. He also conducted many
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Dictionary of World Biography

experiments in heat and electricity, and measured the printing, probably at Cologne, and began printing
constant of gravitation, from which he estimated the at Bruges, where he published the Recuyell of the
mean density of the earth (accurate to within 1 per Historyes of Troye, which he had translated from the
cent). The Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge is French. This is the first known book to have been
named after him. printed in the English language. In 1476 he set
Berry, A. J., Henry Cavendish: His Life and Scientific up the first English press, at Westminster. His first
Work. 1960; Jungnickel, C. and McCormmach, R., publication there was The Dictes or Sayengis of the
Cavendish. The Experimental Life. 2016. Philosophers (1477), a  translation from the French
by the 2nd Earl Rivers. He also printed the works of
Cavour, Camillo Benso di, Conte (1810–1861). *Chaucer, *Malory and *Gower and was active until
Italian politician, born in Turin. The main architect his death as translator and editor. His first illustrated
of Italian unity and independence, he was the son work was the Myrrour of the World (1481) and his
of a nobleman. He found army life alien to his most elaborate the Golden Legend, lives of the saints
liberal ideas and turned to scientific agriculture illustrated with woodcuts. In all he published about
as a means of showing that, to prepare a country 100 volumes, of which roughly one third survive.
for freedom, practical improvements were more
Cayley, Arthur (1821–1895). English mathematician.
important than political agitation. His search for
Educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, he supported
the newest techniques, which eventually brought
his research by practising as a barrister for 14 years.
him a fortune, took him abroad and introduced him
Elected FRS at the age of 31, he became first Sadleiran
to many influential people who shared his liberal
professor of mathematics at Cambridge 1863–95. He
views and moderate approach. In 1847 he founded
published 300 papers, received the Copley Medal in
Il Risorgimento, a liberal journal aimed at securing
1882 and became President of the British Association
the political unification of Italy but at the same
1883. He made important contributions to abstract
time advocating such steps as the construction of
geometry and theoretical dynamics, his best known
railways, free trade, and democratic constitutions,
book (his collected papers alone fill 13 volumes)
which would tend to bring unity naturally about.
being Elementary Treatise on Elliptic Functions (1876).
Meanwhile, political events were helping him. In
1848 *Carlo Alberto, the king of Sardinia (and ruler Bell, E. T., Men of Mathematics. Repr. 1961.
of Piedmont) went to war with Austria (which then
held the rest of northern Italy), and, though defeated, Cayley, Sir George, 6th Baronet (1773–1857).
he was prepared to grant a democratic constitution, English engineer, inventor and aviation pioneer, born
which provided a means by which Cavour could in Scarborough, Yorkshire. Privately educated, as
bring about his aims. In 1852 under the new king, early as 1799 he proposed an aircraft with a fuselage,
*Vittorio Emanuele, he became Premier of Piedmont- fixed cambered (i.e. asymmetrical) wings, a rudder
Sardinia. By reforms of the army and administration, and separate power source. He experimented with
expanding the economy and strengthening the model balloons, then built a series of large gliders,
financial situation by reducing debt, he steadily built and in 1810 published a paper identifying the four
up the idea in Europe that the supporters of Italian aerodynamic forces in flight: weight, lift, drag and
unification were no longer reckless revolutionaries but thrust, rejecting *Leonardo da Vinci’s concept of
sober serious politicians. He gained further goodwill bird-like flight for humans. Now often described as
by sending Sardinian troops to aid the British and ‘the Father of Aviation’, he was the first to explain
French in the Crimea. Finally in 1858, accord with the problems of flight mathematically. He invented
*Garibaldi having already been reached, came the a hot air engine in 1807, forerunner of the internal
secret deal with *Napoléon III by which Nice and combustion engine, improving it in 1837. He also
the Savoy duchy were promised to France in return invented an artificial limb, a tension spoke wheel,
for French aid. When war broke out with Austria in safety belts and self-righting lifeboats. He was a Whig
1859 the French victories at Magenta and Solferino MP 1832–34 and was elected FRS. In 1853 he built a
secured northern Italy (except Venice). Garibaldi large glider, claiming ‘steadiness, safety and steerage’,
landed in Sicily in May 1860 and a few weeks later he which carried a passenger.
and Vittorio Emanuele rode through Naples together. Fairlie, G. and Cayley, E., The Life of a Genius. 1965;
In March 1861 Cavour became first Prime Minister Dee, R., The Man who Invented Flight. 2007.
of the almost united Italy. He died in June.
Mack Smith, D., Cavour. 1985. Ceauşescu, Nicolae (1918–1989). Romanian
Communist politician. He was imprisoned for
Caxton, William (c.1422–1491). English printer, political offences 1936–38, 1940–44, and became
born in Kent. He became a prosperous silk merchant, Minister of Agriculture 1947–50 in the first
and was a prominent member of the English Communist Government, Deputy Minister of the
commercial community at Bruges (1463–69). Armed Forces 1950–54 and a Politburo member
From 1471 to 1476 he was attached to the court of 1955–89. On the death of his patron Gheorge
Margaret, Duchess of Burgundy, sister of England’s Gheorghiu-Dej (1901–1965), he succeeded as
*Edward IV. During this time he learned the art of Secretary-General of the Romanian Communist
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Party 1965–89. With his wife Elena Petrescu Celestine III (Giacinto Bobo-Orsini) (c.1106–
(1919–1989), he built up a powerful family network 1198). Pope 1191–98. A student and friend of
and was President of the Romanian State Council *Abelard, sympathetic to *Becket, he was a diplomat
1967–74 and President of the Socialist Republic until election to the papacy at the age of 85. His
of Romania 1974–89. While pursuing a repressive attempts to restore papal influence were thwarted by
policy at home, marked by extravagant expenditure the emperor *Henry VI.
on public buildings, he won international support by
pursuing a foreign policy independent of Moscow, Celestine V, St (Pietro di Morrone) (c.1215–1296).
cultivating good relations with China, Israel, Britain Pope 1294. He lived for many years as a hermit in the
(where he received an honorary GCB) and the US. Abruzzi and gathered round him an ascetic group, later
With the collapse of Communism in eastern Europe, known as the Celestines. After the death of Nicholas
Ceauşescu’s use of force in Timisoara led to an army IV in 1292 the cardinals were unable to agree on a
revolt and in December he was overthrown and new pope, and after a two-year delay Celestine, now
executed with his wife. old and incompetent, was elected. Finding himself
a political pawn he abdicated after five months, but
Cecchetti, Enrico (1850–1928). Italian ballet dancer was kept in captivity by his successor, *Boniface VIII,
and trainer. One of the strongest influences in the to prevent him becoming a centre of faction. He was
development of modern ballet, both his father and canonised in 1313, though *Dante sets him at the
his mother were dancers, and he, by a blend of vigour gateway of Hell.
and precision with French grace, produced the style
of male dancing which came to be known as Russian. Celibidache, Sergiu (1912–1996). Romanian
In 1902 he became Director of the Imperial School conductor. He studied in Paris and Berlin and
at Warsaw, but later took *Pavlova, at her special was Chief Conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic
request, as his sole pupil. A long association with Orchestra 1948–52 during its post-war rebirth.
*Diaghilev followed, and in 1919 he started his own He  made a few recordings 1945–50, but his
school in London, where Ninette *de Valois and international reputation depended exclusively on
Marie *Rambert were among his pupils. concerts. Like the pianist *Michelangeli, he remained
an intensely controversial figure. He was musical
Cecil. For members of this family other than director of the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra
those below, see Burghley, 1st Baron, Salisbury, 1979–96.
3rd Marquess of, and Salisbury, 1st Earl of
Céline, Louis-Ferdinand (real name Louis Ferdinand
Cecil, Lord (Edward Christian) David (Gascoyne) Destouches) (1894–1961). French novelist. His
(1902–1986). English literary critic and biographer. major novels, Journey to the End of the Night (1932)
Son of the 4th Marquess of Salisbury, he was and Death on the Instalment Plan (1936), are
professor of English literature at Oxford University autobiographical, describing his experiences during
1948–69. He wrote biographies and studies of Walter World War I, his work as a doctor in Paris slums, and
*Scott, Lord *Melbourne, Jane *Austen, William his childhood and youth. Born a petit bourgeois, his
*Cowper and Thomas *Hardy, and a critical study, writings reveal a pathological loathing for capitalist
Early Victorian Novelists (1964). society and its products. Celine, assumed to be a
leftist, was invited to the USSR in 1936 but hated
Cecil of Chelwood, 1st Viscount, (Edgar Algernon) what he saw. His visit made him first an anarchist
Robert Gascoyne Cecil (1864–1958). British and soon after a fascist. His anti-Semitism became so
politician. A son of the 3rd Marquess of *Salisbury, virulent that even the French fascist press rejected his
educated at Eton and Oxford, he became a barrister writings. He  fled to Denmark, went into hiding in
and QC (1889). After World War I, although a 1945 and was sentenced to death in absentia. Broken
minister in *Baldwin’s Government 1923–24, in health, he was amnestied and returned to France
1924–27, his main preoccupation was the League of in 195l.
Nations, where he represented Britain 1919–32 and
at its last session in 1946. He served as President of Cellini, Benvenuto (1500–1571). Italian artist, born
the League of Nations Union 1923–45 and later of in Florence. His life, according to himself, was as
the United Nations Association. He was awarded the colourful as his work. His father was a musician and
Nobel Peace Prize in 1937 and a CH in 1956. he himself studied music until the age of 15. Later he
was apprenticed to a goldsmith, and it was during his
Celestine I, St (d.432). Pope (from 422). A Roman apprenticeship that he was banished after fighting a
deacon, as Pope he attacked the teachings of duel. Making his way to Rome, he was employed by
*Nestorius, which argued that the human and divine Pope *Clement VII as a musician, but soon attracted
natures of Jesus were independent, and of *Pehagius, notice by his gold and silver craftsmanship. He
who rejected predestination and the doctrine of claimed, too, to have killed the Constable of Bourbon
original sin. He sent Palladius (431) as the first bishop and the Prince of Orange during the sack of Rome
to Ireland. by the imperial forces in 1527. After a short absence
he was back in Rome in 1529, designing coins for
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the papal mint. Pardoned by Pope *Paul III for the He may have fled after wounding a man in a duel, and
murder of a rival goldsmith, he was again in trouble in Rome became chamber assistant in the household
in 1538 when he was charged (falsely, it is said) with of Giulio Acquaviva, later cardinal, 1569–70.
having stolen papal jewels during the sack. After
In 1571 he served at the Battle of Lepanto, suffering
escaping from prison, he served *Francois I of France
three gunshot wounds, one of which crippled his left
until 1545, when he returned to Florence, where he
hand. Later he rejoined his regiment and served in
enjoyed the patronage of Duke Cosimo de’*Medici
Corfu and Tunis. While returning to Spain with his
for the rest of his life. Cellini’s Autobiography (1558–
brother Rodrigo, Moorish pirates captured his ship
62), a lively and boastful account of his adventurous
and he was imprisoned as a slave in Algiers (1575–
life, also gives much valuable information about the
80), finally ransomed after several abortive attempts
goldsmith’s craft. It is indeed for their intricate and
to escape. In Madrid he tried to support himself by
ingenious craftsmanship rather than for their artistic
writing plays, poems, and a pastoral novel, La Galatea
sensibility that his works, such as his statue of Perseus
(1585). In 1584 he married Catalina de Palacios
in Florence, are most praised.
Salazar y Vozmediano (1565–1626). The marriage
Parker, D., Cellini. 2004. was unhappy and they had no children, though
Cervantes had a daughter, Isabel, from an earlier
Celsius, Anders (1701–1744). Swedish astronomer. liaison. Employed (1587) in raising provisions for the
Nephew of Olaf Celsius (1670–1756), the botanist Armada, he was confirmed as a civil servant (1588),
and patron of *Linnaeus, and grandson of Magnus but was finally dismissed (1597) and imprisoned for
Celsius who deciphered the Helsing runes, he was three months because of discrepancies in his accounts.
professor of astronomy at the University of Uppsala
1730–44 and was a member of the expedition He lived in Seville, in great poverty, from 1595 to
which, in 1736, visited Lapland to measure an arc 1603, and occupied himself with poetry, unsuccessful
of the meridian and investigate the Aurora Borealis. plays and writing the first part of his masterpiece,
In 1742 he introduced the Celsius, or centigrade, Don Quixote, in full El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quixote
temperature scale. de la Mancha (The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote
of La Mancha). A satire on medieval romances of
Cenci, Beatrice (1577–1599). Italian noblewoman. chivalry, Don Quixote recounts the adventures of an
To escape the cruelty and the incestuous attentions elderly and confused hidalgo, Alonso Quixano, who
of her father, she arranged with her stepmother and reinvents himself as Don Quixote, a knight (‘The
brother to have him assassinated. Put on trial with knight of the doleful countenance’), who tours the
her accomplices, she confessed under torture and was countryside on his steed Rocinante (just a nag), with
beheaded. Her story was the basis of *Shelley’s verse his princess Dulcinea del Toboso (in reality a peasant
tragedy The Cenci. girl) in his heart and his faithful squire Sancho Panza
(a peasant) in his wake, ‘to defend the oppressed and
Cerdic (Ceretic?/Caraticos?) (d.c.534). King of the to undo wrongs’. Part I of Don Quixote was published
West Saxons (Wessex) 519–34. Everything about in 1605 and won immediate success, being reprinted
his antecedents is contested, and his claimed descent four times in the same year.
from Wotan is unlikely. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
describes him as a Saxon adventurer who defeated the Translated into English by John Shelton in 1612,
Britons, but the name is not Germanic, and he may there were early versions in French, German and
have been a Roman-Briton. He established a line that Italian.
included *Egbert and *Alfred (the Great). Don Quixote is built around a long-running joke—
Cernuda (y Bidón), Luis (1902–1963). Spanish the absurd obsolescence of romantic fiction with
poet, born in Seville. A member of the ‘Generation its implausible events, exaggerated emotions and
of 1927’, he was a friend of *Lorca. He left Spain in self-delusion, and also has the characteristics of the
1938 during the Civil War and remained an exile until ‘buddy’ story, very familiar in modern novels and
his death in Mexico City. His reputation has grown films. Simon *Leys (Pierre Ryckmans) wrote: ‘It is
since his death with two collections of translations bizarre to observe how a literary masterpiece which
in English, The Poetry of Luis Cernuda (1977) and was to exert such universal appeal—transcending all
Selected Poems of Luis Cernuda (1999). barriers of language, culture and time—could, from
the start, have been entirely predicated upon such a
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de (1547–1616). narrow, tedious and pointless literary quarrel.’
Spanish novelist, born in Alcalá de Hernares, near
In 1605, Cervantes was arrested on suspicion of
Madrid. Fourth child of Rodrigo Cervantes, a barber-
conspiracy to murder, when the body of a notorious
surgeon from Córdoba, and Leonor Cortinas, little is
rake, believed to be a lover of his daughter, Isabel,
known of his childhood or education but he was an
was found in his house; the charge was, however,
avid reader and a lover of the theatre. He borrowed
dropped. Isabel was again mixed up in some sort
the name of Saavedra from a relative.
of mysterious imbroglio (1608–12). Fame seems,
however, to have brought him some happiness,
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Dictionary of World Biography

though he remained poor. Among Cervantes’ last boyhood friends Émile *Zola, who persuaded him,
works were some short plays, a collection of Exemplary against his father’s wishes, to take up art in Paris. From
Novels (1613) in the manner of *Boccaccio, and The 1863 he joined the group round *Manet, and his
Trials and Peregrinations of Persiles and Sigismunda, earliest works, influenced by *Delacroix, were often
a linked series of about 20 short novels, published erotic or mythological scenes executed with violent
posthumously. strokes of the palette knife. The Franco-Prussian
War having broken up the group, Cézanne became
In 1614, a spurious Part II was published over the more closely associated with the Impressionists, and
name of Alonso Fernández de Avellaneda—the through Camille *Pissarro (1872–73) became friendly
author has never been identified but the successful with *Monet and *Renoir. He soon developed an
playwright Lope de *Vega may have organised the original and personal style. He saw natural objects
deception. The effect was catalytic and provoked as made up of basic geometrical forms, such as the
Cervantes to complete an authentic Part II in 1615. cylinder, sphere or cone, and his aim was to represent
Cervantes became a member of the Order of San them by colour alone without shadows or perspective,
Francisco in 1613 and died, aged 68, probably of space being suggested by a series of receding planes.
dropsy (edema, leading to chronic heart failure) Cézanne achieved his effects with a limited colour
in Madrid on 23 April 1616, the same date as range: blue, green and tan predominantly, and brush-
*Shakespeare (but 10 days earlier in the Gregorian work as distinctive as it is difficult to describe. From
calendar). In March 2015, it was claimed that his about 1876 he gave up small brush strokes and
remains, long lost, were found at the Convent of the painted in masses. His subjects, repeated over and over
Barefoot Trinitarians, Madrid. again, were few: landscapes, still life (mainly fruit and
flowers), a few local portraits (and some of himself )
Don Quixote is repeatedly listed as one of the world’s and groups of card players and bathers. The enormous
greatest novels many critics place it first. The lost prices now paid for his works make it hard to credit
play Cardenio (1613?) by *Shakespeare and *Fletcher that, until he was over 50, Cézanne’s talent went almost
is based on a character in Part I of Don Quixote. unrecognised. He became embittered and eccentric,
*Telemann wrote an opera (1761), as did *Salieri withdrew to Provence in 1878 and except for short
(1771), *Mendelssohn (1825), *Massenet (1910) and intervals lived there in seclusion for the rest of his life.
de *Falla (1923). Several ballets have been based on When his father died (1886), leaving him enough to
Don Quixote, the first in 1719, the most performed live in comfort, he married Hortense Figuet, a model
version (1869) to music composed by Ludwig with whom he had previously lived, and his work
Minkus; but at least four more are in the repertoire. of the next 10 years is his most serene and assured.
Richard *Strauss wrote a memorable tone-poem Don His last works are more violent and lyrical, e.g. the
Quixote (1898), for cello and orchestra. The novel wonderful variants of Le Chateatu noir and Mont St
has been dramatised many times. There have been Victoire. In 1895 Ambroise Vollard (1865–1939), a
24 films or television series based on Don Quixote: leading art dealer in Paris, mounted his first exhibition
the Russian version (1957) directed by Grigori and thereafter Cézanne enjoyed at least moderate
*Kozintsev is the best. Orson *Welles tried and only fame. A diabetic, he died from exposure after a fall.
partly succeeded. Terry Gilliam’s attempt in 2000 was He had a profound influence on *Matisse, *Picasso
a magnificent failure, as recorded in the documentary and *Braque. Cubism was the obvious development
Lost in La Mancha (2002), available on DVD. From of his geometrical theories but his influence extended
1965 the musical Man of La Mancha was immensely far more widely and his works led from the traditional
successful internationally. schools to the revolutionary theories and techniques of
Grismer, R. L., Cervantes: A Bibliography. 1946–63; today. The Card Players (1893) was bought by the royal
Byron, W., Cervantes, a biography. 1978; Canavaggio, family of Qatar in 2011 for $US250 million, making
J., Cervantes. 1991; McCrory, D. P., No Ordinary it the most expensive painting in the history of art.
Man. 2006. Rewald, J., Cézanne. 1986; Callow, P., Lost Earth:
A Life of Cézanne. 1995; Danchev, A., Cézanne. 2012.
Cetewayo (Cetshwayo) (c.1836–1884). Zulu king.
After he had gained the throne by killing his brother Chabrier, (Alexis) Emmanuel (1841–1894). French
his hostile attitude to the British settlers in Natal composer. He was largely self-taught. At first a civil
brought on the Zulu War of 1879. The results of servant, he did not become a professional musician
early successes, including the victory of Isandllwana, until 1880. His first successful work, the orchestral
were wiped out by the decisive defeat of Ulundi. After rhapsody Espana (1883), shows the gaiety and
imprisonment he was restored to part of his kingdom orchestral flair that characterise his music: other
in 1883 but failed to secure the allegiance of his examples are the Marche slave and Marche joyeuse. He
subjects, and was driven out. also wrote the light operas Gwendoline (1886) and Le
Roi malgré lui (1887). His influence on later French
Cézanne, Paul (1839–1906). French post
composers was notable, and his songs, piano music
impressionist painter, born in Aix-en-Provence. Son of
and the orchestral Suite pastorale were much admired
a rich banker, he wrote poetry, and had as one of his
by Ravel and Debussy.
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Dictionary of World Biography

Chabrol, Claude (1930–2010). French film director. Chagall, Marc (1887–1985). Russian-Jewish artist,
Educated at the University of Paris, he became a born in Vitebsk. He worked as a stage designer
critic, coauthored a book on Alfred *Hitchcock, and under *Bakst, lived in Paris (1910–14) and was there
directed a series of films, many featuring his wife influenced by the Cubists. He returned to Russia,
Stephane Audran, about crime, passion and family served in World War I and became a commissar of fine
life among the bourgeoisie. arts after the revolution. In 1922 he returned to Paris.
He lived in the US 1941–47, returning to France in
Chad (Ceadda), St (d.672). Anglo-Saxon missionary, 1948. His style, though it links up with that of the
born in Northumbria. Educated at Lindisfarne, he Surrealists, is highly personal. His dreamlike pictures
succeeded his brother, Saint Cedd, as abbot of their are made up of Jewish and Russian folk fantasies and
joint foundation at Lastingham in 664. He was symbols and childhood memories. His first wife,
consecrated Bishop of the Northumbrians with York Bella, appears in many of them. He also designed
as his see, but the appointment gave rise to a dispute stained glass, sets for ballet, e.g. Firebird (1945) and
and he resigned in 669 in favour of St Wilfrid. He was Daphnis and Chloe (1958) and opera, e.g. Magic Flute
then made bishop of Mercia, with his see at Lichfield, (1967), illustrated books, e.g. La Fontaine’s Fables,
and is credited with the conversion of the Kingdom and painted the ceiling of the Paris Opera (1964).
of Mercia. He died of the plague. His remains are in Alexander, S., Marc Chagall. 1979.
St Chad’s Cathedral, Birmingham.
Chain, Sir Ernst Boris (1906–1979). Anglo-
Chadwick, Sir Edwin (1801–1890). English social German biochemist, born in Berlin. He lectured at
reformer. Originally a lawyer, he became a friend and Oxford from 1935 and with *Florey devised methods
disciple of Jeremy *Bentham. He worked (1832– of producing penicillin in commercial quantities.
46) for the Poor Law Commission and played an He  shared the 1945 Nobel Prize for Medicine with
important part in the drafting of the Factory Act Florey and *Fleming.
(1833) and the Poor Law Amendment Act (1834).
He was the leading public-health reformer of the Chailly, Riccardo (1953– ). Italian conductor, born
19th century. He wrote The Sanitary Condition in Milan. He was principal conductor of the Berlin
of  the Labouring Population (1842) and advocated Radio Symphony Orchestra 1982–88, the Royal
the introduction of comprehensive drainage and Concertgebouw Orchestra, Amsterdam 1988–2004
sewerage systems in English cities. This and other and the Gewandhaus Orchestra, Leipzig 2005–16.
reports, e.g. that on The Practice of Interment in Towns, He made powerful recordings of *Mahler. He was
led to important reforms. appointed director of La Scala, Milan 2015– .
Chadwick, Sir James (1891–1974). English physicist. Chaka see Shaka
He studied at Manchester and under *Rutherford at
Cambridge and was appointed professor of physics Chaliapin (Shalyapin), Fyodor Ivanovich (1873–
at Liverpool in 1935. Chadwick investigated highly 1938). Russian singer, born in Kazan. His family was
penetrating radiation which in 1930 had been desperately poor and he had little formal education,
observed by Bothe and Becker when certain light but after working at a variety of odd jobs he joined
atoms, such as those of beryllium, were bombarded a touring opera company at the age of 17. His
with alpha-particles. By analysing the masses and powerful bass voice and his great dramatic gifts soon
speeds of the particles involved, he showed in 1932 brought him to St Petersburg and fame. He appeared
that neutrons, uncharged sub-atomic particles whose at La Scala in 1901, New York 1907 and London
existence had been predicted by Rutherford, were in 1913. He left Russia in 1921. The title roles in
being produced. Chadwick is thus generally credited the operas Boris Godunov and Prince Igor provided
with the discovery of the neutron, and was awarded ideal opportunities for his talents. He acted in the
the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1935. He worked on silent film Ivan the Terrible (1915), and acted and
atomic energy research during World War II, was sang in the film Don Quixote (1932). He made 200
knighted in 1945 and became Master of Gonville and recordings and toured Australia in 1926.
Caius College. Cambridge 1948–58. Challoner, Richard (1691–1781). English Roman
Chadwick, (William) Owen (1916–2015). English Catholic bishop. Leader of the English Catholics, he
historian. Educated at St John’s College, Cambridge, was made apostolic vicar of the London Catholics
he was ordained as an Anglican priest and at in 1758, increased their numbers, strengthened
Cambridge became Master of Selwyn College 1956– their resistance to hostility and founded a charitable
83, Regius Professor of Modern History 1968–83 institution for the poor and aged. He revised the
and Vice Chancellor 1969–71. His books included Reims Douai Bible (an English translation of the
The Reformation (1964), The Victorian Church Vulgate for Roman Catholic use) and wrote many
(1966–70), The Secularization of the European Mind devotional works.
(1976), Michael Ramsey: A Life (1990), A History of
Christianity (1995) and A History of the Popes 1830– Chamberlain, Sir (Joseph) Austen (1863–1937).
1914 (1998). He received the OM in 1983. English Conservative politician. Son of Joseph
*Chamberlain by his first wife, and educated at Rugby
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Dictionary of World Biography

and Cambridge, he was a Conservative MP 1892– Chamberlain, (Arthur) Neville (1869–1940).

1937 and a junior minister from 1895, becoming English Conservative politician, born in Birmingham.
Chancellor of the Exchequer 1903–05 under *Balfour, Son of Joseph Chamberlain by his second wife and
and again 1919–21 under *Lloyd George. He led half-brother of Austen, he was educated at Rugby
the Conservative party 1921–22, but his adherence and Birmingham, ran the family’s banana and sisal
to Lloyd George and the coalition deprived him of plantation in the Bahamas 1890–97, then returned to
the opportunity to become Prime Minister himself. Birmingham where he became a leading industrialist
Under *Baldwin he was Foreign Minister 1924–29, and a reforming lord mayor 1915–16. It was not
and crowned his work for European conciliation by until he was appointed Director of National Service
negotiating and signing the Locarno Pact (1925) on 1916–17 during World War I that he became closely
which high and vain hopes were set, and for which associated with national politics. Elected Conservative
he shared a Nobel Peace Prize with Charles Gates MP for the Ladywood division of Birmingham in
*Dawes and received the KG. 1918, he rose rapidly to become Minister for Health
1923, 1924–29 and Chancellor of the Exchequer
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart (1855–1927). 1923–24, 1931–37. His energy, despite an abrasive
Anglo-German racial theorist. He was educated in vanity, made him the natural successor to *Baldwin
Paris, Geneva and Vienna and eventually (1908) as Prime Minister in 1937. His government followed
settled in Bayreuth and married Richard *Wagner’s a policy of appeasement towards Hitler, for which
daughter Eva. He remained in Germany when World he must bear the main responsibility, although the
War I broke out and in 1916 became a German policy had wide political and popular support as
citizen. He wrote on Wagner and on aesthetic and the reception of the Munich Agreement of 1938
philosophic themes, but the main work of his life, indicated. After Munich, Chamberlain turned
The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century (1899), was to preparations for war, but lacked the powers of
based on *Gobineau and expounded a racial theory inspiration required of a political leader in time of
of history which provided arguments for Aryan and war. Labour refused to join a Coalition government
German racial supremacy repeated by Hitler to justify under Chamberlain and in a no-confidence motion
anti-Semitism. in the House of Commons, the Conservative
nominal majority of 200 shrank to 81. Chamberlain
Chamberlain, Joseph (1836–1914). English resigned (10 May 1940), *Halifax took himself out
politician, born in London. Son of a screw of contention and Winston *Churchill became Prime
manufacturer, he studied at University College Minister. Chamberlain served as Lord President of
School, London, then, to further his father’s interests, the Council in the War Cabinet until October, when
entered a firm of screw manufacturers at Birmingham he became terminally ill. He declined an earldom
and remained closely identified with the city. He and a KG on his resignation and in November died
retired from business in 1874, with a fortune of of cancer. Historians have judged him harshly, but
£100,000, was a reforming mayor of Birmingham Chamberlain was an extremely able man, widely read,
1873–76 and MP 1876–1914. During his first years a gifted naturalist and amateur musician.
in parliament he was an advanced radical and even
a republican, but after serving under *Gladstone Dilkes, D., Neville Chamberlain. Vols 1 & 2. 1984–
as President of the Board of Trade 1880–85 and 86; Smart, N., Neville Chamberlain. 2010.
President of the Local Government Board 1886, he Chambers, Ephraim (c.1680–1740). English editor.
disagreed with the proposal to grant Home Rule to His two-volume Cyclopaedia (1728) was translated
Ireland and resigned to become a Liberal Unionist into French and provided the foundations for
in alliance with the Conservatives. Always a staunch *Diderot’s famous Encyclopedie (1751–80).
imperialist, he was Colonial Secretary 1895–1903 in
the ministries of *Salisbury and *Balfour. He was a Chambers, (Jay David) Whittaker (1901–1961).
strong supporter of the Workmen’s Compensation American journalist. A member of the Communist
Act (1897). He encouraged *Rhodes in his anti- Party 1923–38, he later worked for Time magazine
Boer policies and was partly responsible for the and in 1948 accused Alger *Hiss of having been a
South African War (1899–1902). His support for member of a Communist spy ring in Washington a
the creation of the Commonwealth of Australia decade earlier. This led to furious debate (in which
(1901) was more constructive. In 1903 he resigned Chambers’ main supporter was Richard *Nixon) and
as a minister to promote ‘imperial preference’, in strenuous denial. After two trials Hiss was convicted
opposition to free trade. He became first chancellor (1950) of perjury. Chambers wrote an autobiography,
of Birmingham University 1901–14 and actively Witness (1952).
promoted its development. Crippled by a stroke in
1906, he remained MP until his death. Chambers, Sir Edmund Kerchever (1866–1954).
English civil servant and stage historian. Educated
Amery, J., and Garvin, J. L., The Life of Joseph
at Oxford, he was a civil servant in the Board of
Chamberlain. 6 vols, 1932–69.
Education, devoting his free time to the study of
*Shakespeare. He wrote The Elizabethan Stage (4 vols,
1923) and William Shakespeare (2 vols, 1930).
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Chambers, Sir William (1726–1796). British lroquois Indians and opened up the fur trade. In 1629
architect, born in Gothenberg. A voyage to China he was captured and taken to England but returned to
in his youth inspired his book Designs of Chinese Canada in 1613.
Buildings (1757) and the pagoda at Kew Gardens.
Bishop, M., Champlain: the Life of Fortitude. 1948.
He  designed Somerset House, London, in which
he most successfully used and modified the English Champollion, Jean François (1790–1832). French
Palladian style. Chambers played an important scholar. In 1822, he found the key to Egyptian
part in the founding of the Royal Academy (1768) hieroglyphics by deciphering the inscriptions on the
and helped to raise the status of the architectural Rosetta stone, a basalt slab discovered in 1799 during
profession. *Napoléon’s Egyptian expedition. Champollion was
Chambers, William (1800–1883) and Robert educated at Grenoble, where he was professor of
(1802–1871). Scottish publishers. The brothers history (1809–16), and was attracted to Egyptology
founded the Edinburgh firm of W. and R. Chambers. at a very early age. He was still only 21 when he began
William Chambers started Chambers’s Journal in publication of his Egypt Under the Pharaohs. In 1826
1832, and the well known Chambers’s Encyclopaedia he became Director of Egyptian Antiquities at the
(1859–68). Robert also wrote a number of books, Louvre, and a chair of Egyptology was founded for
including Traditions of Edinburgh (1823) and him at the College de France four years later.
Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation (1844), Chancellor, Richard (d.1556). English navigator. In
published anonymously, an ambitious and influential 1553 he commanded the Edward Bonaventure on the
speculation about evolutionary theory, applying it to expedition of Sir Hugh Willoughby to find a northeast
biology, geology and cosmology. sea passage to China. Separated from his leader in a
Chambord, Comte de, Henri see Berry, Duc de storm off the Lofoten Islands, he went alone into the
White Sea, and travelled overland to Moscow, where
Chamfort, (Sebastien-Roch) Nicolas (1740–1794). he negotiated a trade with the tsar Ivan the Terrible.
French playwright and cynic. He won an early On his return to England his reports encouraged
reputation for his plays and for conversation and the foundation (1554) of the Muscovy Company.
was elected to the Académie Française. During the He went to Moscow again (1555–56) and lost his life
Revolution he worked with *Mirabeau and as a in a shipwreck on the way home.
secretary to the Jacobin Club. He became a moderate
during the Terror, was imprisoned, attempted Chandler, Raymond Thornton (1888–1959).
suicide and died of his wounds. Among his famous American detective story writer. Educated in
remarks were: ‘Be my brother or I’ll kill you’ [said England at Dulwich College, he followed a variety
of the Jacobins] and ‘One would have to eat a toad of occupations before winning fame as an author.
every morning to be certain of doing nothing more He brought to the ‘tough’ school of thriller-writing a
disgusting for the rest of the day’. more sophisticated technique. His novels introduced
the cynical, laconic private detective with moral
Chamisso, Adelbert von (1781–1838). German standards, Philip Marlowe. Some of the best known
writer, born in France. His parents fled to Germany were filmed, e.g. The Big Sleep (1939), The Lady in the
during the French Revolution and he worked as a Lake (1943) and The Long Goodbye (1953).
botanist and editor. His prose fable Peter Schlemihls
wundersame Geschichte (1814), a Faust-like story, Chandragupta Maurya (d.c.298 BCE). Indian
became famous. His poems Frauenleibe und King c.320–297 BCE. He conquered the Magadha
Frauenleben (A Woman’s Love and Life, 1831) were kingdom, and in 305 defeated *Seleucus’ attempt to
set by *Schumann. He took part in a Russian round- regain the Indian territories conquered by *Alexander
the-world expedition and became keeper of the Berlin the Great. His spacious capital, Patahiptura (Patna),
Botanical Gardens. was linked to the northwest frontier by a good road
with rest houses. He abdicated, became a Jain monk
Champaigne, Philippe de (1602–1674). French and fasted to death. *Asoka was his grandson.
painter, born in Brussels. An outstanding portraitist, Nilakanta Sastri, K. A. (ed.), The Age of Nandas and
e.g. of *Richelieu, he modified the style of *Rubens Mauryas. 1952.
with classical restraint, was influenced by Jansenism
and devoted himself to religious subjects. Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan (1910–1995).
Indian-American astrophysicist, born in Lahore. He
Champlain, Samuel de (1567–1635). French studied at Cambridge, had a tense relationship with
explorer. After an expedition to the West Indies *Eddington but admired *Dirac, lived in the US from
(1599) he made three voyages (1603–08) to Canada 1936 and taught at Chicago from 1937. He was the
and founded Québec (1608). He was prime mover greatest theoretician of black holes and white dwarf
for the founding of New France (i.e. Canada) and stars. He determined ‘Chandrasekhar’s limit’, i.e. that
became its Lieutenant-Governor 1613–29. In 1615 stars with a mass more than 1.5 times that of the sun
he discovered and explored the Great Lakes, repelled

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will collapse. He shared the 1983 Nobel Prize for World War II Chaplin’s radical views came under
Physics with William Alfred Fowler (1911–1995) increasing political attack and in 1952 he left the US,
and received the Copley Medal in 1984. living mainly in Switzerland. The last of his 82 films
were Monsieur Verdoux (1947), Limelight (1952), A
Miller, A. I., Empire of the Stars. 2005.
King in New York (1957) and The Countess from Hong
Chanel, Coco (Gabrielle Bonheur-Chanel) (1883– Kong (1967). He married four times: his second wife
1971). French fashion designer. She was a dominant was the actor Paulette Goddard, his fourth Oona
influence in world fashion 1925–38, and her loose, O’Neill (the playwright’s daughter), by whom he
comfortable designs were widely copied, making had eight children, including the actor Geraldine
haute couture accessible to women generally. She Chaplin (1944– ).
introduced the perfume Chanel No. 5 in 1922, Robinson, D., Chaplin: His Life and Art. 1985.
designed jewellery and hair styles. The musical Coco
(1969), later filmed, was based on her life. Chapman, George (1559–1634). English poet
and translator. A prolific and popular playwright,
Chaney, Lon (Leonidas Frank) (1883–1930). he was admired by *Webster and *Jonson, his
American film actor. Well known for his horror roles, best known plays being the comedy, written with
(e.g. in The Hunchback of Notre Dame), it is said Jonson and *Marston, Eastward Ho! (1605), and
that his skill in miming originated with attempts to the tragedy Bussy d’Ambois (1607), the story of a
communicate with deaf-mute parents. His son, Lon swashbuckling swordsman at the French court. But
Chaney Jr (1906–1973) played Lennie in Of Mice it is his translations of *Homer that have ensured
and Men (1940). his immortality (reinforced by John *Keats’ famous
Chang Tsolin and Chang Xuehliang see Zhang sonnet). The Iliad began to appear in 1598 and was
Tsolin and Zhang Xuehliang continued under the patronage of Henry, Prince of
Wales (1609–11). The Odyssey was completed in 1614,
Channon, Sir Henry (‘Chips’) (1897–1958). Anglo- and The Whole Works of Homer (1616) comprised
American politician and diarist, born in Chicago. In both works. Though often inaccurate as a translation,
1933 he married into the *Guinness family, became since Chapman tended to expand the text to stress
a Conservative MP 1935–58, was an assiduous a moral issue, the work introduced Homer to many
social climber and wrote sharp and malicious diaries, generations and so exercised enormous influence.
published, in bowdlerised form, as Chips: The Diaries
Spivack, C. K., George Chapman. 1967.
of Sir Henry Channon (1967).
Char, René (1907–1988) French poet. Originally
Chaplin, ‘Charlie’ (Sir Charles Spencer) (1889–
a Surrealist, and friend of *Camus and of *Picasso,
1977). British film actor and director, born in
*Braque and *Miró who illustrated his work, he wrote
Kennington, London. From a poor family of music-
Le Marteau sans maître (1934), later set to music by
hall artistes in Kennington, London, he went on the
*Boulez. He served in the Resistance 1942–45 and his
stage aged 8 and from 1906 acted with his brother
Oeuvres completes appeared in 1983.
Sidney in one of Fred Karno’s troupes, touring the US
in 1910 and 1912. In 1913 he joined Mack *Sennett’s Charcot, Jean-Martin (1825–1893). French
Keystone Company in Los Angeles and in 1914 neurologist. He studied medicine in Paris, and became
appeared in 35 films, mostly short slapsticks. Chaplin an intern at the Salpêtrière, Paris’s largest hospital,
gradually evolved his character of the tramp or ‘little in 1848. He became interested in the diseases of
man’, with the costume, make-up and shuffling walk long-stay patients, such as arthritis, sclerosis, and
becoming universally recognisable after The Tramp other chronic nervous conditions. His medical
(1915) which he wrote and directed for Essanay. interests ranged widely. He studied poliomyelitis and
He  took artistic control of all his films from 1915, investigated liver and thyroid diseases. Later in his
rejected slapstick, using the magnifying power of career he became more interested in the physiological
cinema to develop an individual style as a mime, roots of psychic behaviour. He supported the ideas
mixing pathos and satire. By 1917 he had a salary of Hughlings *Jackson who believed that specific
of more than $US1 million and was an international aspects of behaviour were controlled from particular
cult figure. With D. W. *Griffith, Mary *Pickford local centres of the brain. His lectures on hysteria
and Douglas *Fairbanks he formed the United Artists attracted wide attention, since, partly through the use
Corporation in 1919. His best films were silent of hypnosis, he was able to control the behaviour of
and include The Immigrant (1917), Shoulder Arms hysterics by gesture and suggestion. *Freud was one
(1918), The Kid (1921), The Gold Rush (1925),The of many who were highly impressed by Charcot’s
Circus (1928), City Lights (1931) and Modern demonstrations of hysteria, for they suggested a world
Times (1936), defiantly rejected speech but used of the unconscious beyond the rational control of the
Chaplin’s own music. His first talking film was The subject. His son Jean Baptiste Charcot (1867–1936)
Great Dictator (1940), a satire on *Hitler, his exact led two major explorations of Antarctica.
contemporary. (They were born in the same week
and Hitler resembled Chaplin’s ‘little man’.) After Guillain, G., J. M.Charcot. 1959.
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Dictionary of World Biography

Chardin, Jean Baptiste Simeon (1699–1779). the Carolingian Renaissance. His octagonal Palatinate
French painter. His still life pictures and domestic Chapel in Aachen Cathedral, built in Byzantine style
scenes follow the Dutch tradition and are notable for 796–805, became his burial place. His biographer,
detail and simplicity and for the skill with which the Einhard, gives a picture of a large, robust man, of
natural appearance and texture of familiar objects, great industry and natural talent. Though he lived
bread, fruit, an apron etc. are portrayed. simply he fully enjoyed the pleasures of the senses
with a succession of three wives and many mistresses.
Rosenberg, P., Chardin 1699–1779. 1979.
His empire fell apart soon after his death and with it
Chardonnet, Hilaire Bernigaud, Comte de (1839– his dream of a united Europe.
1924). French industrial chemist. He patented Bullough, D. A., The Age of Charlemagne. 1965;
a cellulose nitrate-based fibre in 1884, and first Fried, J., Charlemagne. 2016.
exhibited rayon at the Paris Exposition of 1889.
Charles (‘the Young Pretender’) see Stuart, Charles
Charlemagne (Carolus Magnus, Karl der Grosse, Edward
Charles the Great) (742–814). King of the Franks
768–814 and Emperor of the West 800–814. He Charles (1226–1285). Count of Anjou, and King of
and his brother, Carloman, jointly succeeded their Sicily 1265–83. This ambitious ruler, the youngest
father, *Pepin III (‘the Short’). On his brother’s death son of *Louis VIII of France, became Count of Anjou
in 771, Charlemagne became sole ruler of the Franks in 1246, acquired Provence by marriage, supported
and launched a vast expansion. Germany, Bavaria and the papal party in Italy against the imperialists and
Saxony had been conquered by 808 and Christianity by his victories was able to accept the throne of
forced upon the people. At the request of the pope Sicily (1265). He was planning to invade the Balkan
he took his army over the Alps to Italy, conquered peninsula, with a view to reviving the Latin empire
Lombardy (773–74) and established his son as king of Constantinople, when in 1282 his Sicilian subjects
(781). His first expedition to Spain, however, ended signalled their revolt by the massacre of Frenchmen
in failure and the death of his commander Roland known as the Sicilian Vespers and by offering the
(the hero of romantic legend). But from 785 he throne to Peter of Aragon. Charles failed to re-
systematically subdued north east Spain and in 80l establish himself though his descendants remained
captured Barcelona. He accomplished the conquest kings of Naples until 1435.
and forced conversion (791–96) of Pannonia and the
kingdom of the Avars (barbarian tribes in Hungary). Charles (known as ‘the Bold’ or ‘le Téméraire’) (1433–
By 800, Charlemagne was the supreme power in 1477). Duke of Burgundy. Son of *Philip ‘the Good’,
western Europe, and he and his counsellors, such as the on his succession in 1467 he ruled extensive but
English *Alcuin, wishing to emphasise an imaginary scattered territories in France and the Low Countries
continuity between Charles, his empire and that of and set out to unite them under a single form of rule.
Rome, argued that the imperial throne was vacant This brought him into collision with *Louis XI, King
owing to the crimes of the Beastorn (Byzantine) of France, the feudal overlord of his French lands.
empress Irene. Having obtained the assent of Pope Charles, having supported a baronial revolt against
*Leo III he went to Rome, and on Christmas Day Louis, induced him (1468) to come to an interview,
800, was crowned as Emperor in St Peter’s. This new imprisoned him at Peronne and exacted a crippling
empire associated the idea of ancient power with a treaty. He then annexed the prince bishopric of Liege,
Christian community, but while it thus created a focus and by peaceful or warlike means extended his power
of loyalty it soon led to a struggle between empire in Guelders, Alsace and elsewhere. Meanwhile by
and papacy as well as conflicts between imperial subsidy and subtle diplomacy Louis XI continued to
claims and feudal states and thus eventually impeded oppose him, especially by inflaming Swiss fears. War
the national development of Germany and Italy such followed and in 1476 Charles was totally defeated at
as was gradually taking place elsewhere. To rule his Granson on Lake Neuchâtel. In the following year the
vast empire Charlemagne retained the old system Burgundians were again defeated by the Swiss outside
of local government ‘counties’ governed by counts Nancy and Charles was killed. He left no male heir
(comtes) but exercised control and secured a degree and the bulk of the Burgundian inheritance passed,
of uniformity through the famous ‘Missi Dominici’, through his daughter Mary, who had married the
palace officials sent on circuit, a system which became emperor Maximilian, to the Habsburgs.
a feature of later medieval administration. Many legal
Charles (Carlos) I King of Spain see Charles V
reforms were effected by the issuing of ordinances,
while the use of writing was encouraged to secure Charles I (Charles Stuart) (1600–1649). King of
uniformity of administration. Although Charlemagne England, Scotland and Ireland 1625–49. Born in
read little and never learned to write, he encouraged Dumferline, Fife, son of James VI of Scotland (later
the foundation of monastic and episcopal schools, *James I of England) and Anne of Denmark, in 1616,
and from his court at Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle) he on the death of his elder brother, Henry, he became
stimulated the revival of arts and of letters known as Prince of Wales and heir to the throne. Charles, like
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Dictionary of World Biography

his father, was firmly under the influence of the Duke jurisdiction or defend himself. Beheaded in Whitehall
of *Buckingham, with whom in 1623 he made an (30 January), he was remembered for his courage as
undignified and futile expedition to Madrid to woo ‘the martyr king’.
a Spanish princess. After his accession he married
Hibbert, C., Charles I. 1968; Reeve, L. J., Charles I
*Henrietta Maria, daughter of *Henri IV of France, a
and the Road to Personal Rule. 1989.
union which introduced a Roman Catholic influence
at court, deeply alienating the growing body of Charles I. Emperor of Austria-Hungary see Karl I
Puritans. Buckingham’s influence ended with his
murder in 1628, but his last venture, an attempt Charles I and II. Kings of Romania see Carol I and II
to relieve the French Protestants in La Rochelle,
was a fiasco that further discredited the king. Thus Charles II (known as ‘the Bald’) (823–877). King of
antagonised, Charles’ first three parliaments failed to the west Franks (Francia, later France) and Emperor
vote him adequate revenues and he attempted to raise 875–877. The death of his father, *Louis I (‘the
money by an intensive and dubious use of the royal Pious’), son and successor of *Charlemagne, was
prerogative. In 1628, however, in return for a promise followed by a prolonged struggle for power with
of funds, he assented to parliament’s ‘Petition of Charles’ elder brother, *Lothair, ended by the Treaty
Right’, which denounced the levying of forced loans of Verdun (843), by which Charles became the ruler
and illegal taxes. of the western part of the empire. On the death (875)
of his nephew Louis II he invaded Italy and was
The greatest of royal art collectors and connoisseurs, crowned king and emperor by Pope John VIII. The
he bought about 1500 pictures, including the disorders of his reign were increased by the Normans,
Gonzaga collection from Mantua (1628–29) who sacked Paris and Bordeaux.
and was a patron of *Rubens and *Van Dyck. His
collection, sold after his execution, included paintings Charles II (1630–1685). King of England, Scotland
by *Leonardo, *Raphael, *Titian, *Mantegna and and Ireland 1660–85. Son of *Charles I, born in
*Rembrandt. In 1629 Charles, still unable to work London, he took some part in the Civil War but in
with parliament, dissolved it, and until 1640, ruled 1646 made an adventurous escape first to Jersey and
England with the help of Thomas Wentworth, Earl then to France. After his father’s execution he came to
of *Strafford, an efficient but stern administrator, terms with the Scots and was crowned at Scone in 1651,
and William *Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, but his invasion of England, with Scottish troops, was
whose attempt to impose a uniform liturgy roused routed at Worcester by *Cromwell (1651). Charles,
even greater hostility than the forced exactions of after hiding in an oak tree at Boscobel, escaped to the
the civil government. Indeed, it was the need to Continent, and established a makeshift court first in
finance an unsuccessful war undertaken to impose a France and then in Cologne, Bruges, Antwerp and
uniform prayer book on Presbyterian Scotland that Brussels. In 1658 Cromwell died and the protectorate
forced Charles in 1640 to summon first the ‘Short’ soon collapsed. Early in 1660 General George *Monck
and then the ‘Long’ parliaments. In an attempt at intervened from Scotland and eventually a convention
conciliation he even allowed the impeachment and parliament, called under his auspices, invited Charles
execution of his loyal minister Strafford (1641), to return to England on the basis of his Declaration
an act of treachery which brought him no respite. of Breda. This offered assurances of a settlement
In January 1642, now desperate, he tried to arrest five generally acceptable to ‘the political nation’. In May
of the leading opposition members in the House of 1660 Charles landed at Dover and, to the joy of
Commons (*Pym, *Hampden, Holles, Strode and almost all, the monarchy was restored. Charles’ main
Haselrig). This act contributed to a complex situation preoccupation was to retain the throne and ‘never go
which produced, in August 1642, a civil war. In the on his travels again’. He never therefore pressed a point
beginning the royalists (Cavaliers) had some successes at issue to extremes and used his very considerable
but the possession of London by the parliamentarians intelligence to evade a direct challenge. Thus he tried
(Roundheads) and the training of a New Model to thwart the ‘Clarendon Code’ (named for his chief
Army by *Cromwell turned the scales. After his last minister Edward Hyde, Earl of *Clarendon), which
crushing defeat at Naseby, Charles surrendered to the imposed restrictions on dissenters and Protestants and
Scots (1646) and in the following January was handed was opposed to his natural tolerance, by a Declaration
over by them to the English parliament, soon to fall of Indulgence; this, however, he had to withdraw.
into the lands of the army leaders. At first his captivity But he welcomed the war with the Dutch (whom he
was not strict and he was able to communicate with disliked) by which the English acquired New Holland,
his friends abroad and even to negotiate a treaty with including New York, and much trade. The plan of
the Scots, which brought about the second Civil War. his next ministry, the Cabal (*Clifford, *Arlington,
But the royalists’ defeat strengthened the extremists. *Buckingham, Ashley—see *Shaftesbury, *Lauderdale),
Charged with ‘high treason and other high crimes’, to create a Protestant alliance in northern Europe
he was tried in Westminster Hall (20 January) before against the French, he evaded by a secret treaty (1670)
a specially constituted court, refusing to recognise its with *Louis XIV. In return for subsidies Charles helped
France against Holland but failed to fulfil a clause that
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Dictionary of World Biography

he should declare himself a Roman Catholic. This was an able administrator and is considered the most
discretion was the more necessary because alarm was successful Bourbon ruler of Spain, and showed some
caused in the late 1670s by the ‘discovery’ by Titus interest in education and science.
*Oates of an alleged Roman Catholic plot. Having
Herr, R., The Eighteenth Century Revolution in Spain.
with patience and ingenuity discredited Oates, and
defeating an attempt to have his Catholic brother and
heir James, Duke of York (*James II) excluded from Charles IV (1748–1819). King of Spain 1788–1808.
the throne, Charles came into calmer waters. The During most of his disastrous reign Charles was
French subsidies had eased his financial necessities, dominated by Manuel *Godoy, lover and favourite
but the proceeds of customs and excise granted by of his queen, Maria Luisa. *Goya made unforgettable
parliament and swollen by increasing trade enabled portraits of his family. He was induced to abdicate
him to rule without summoning parliament, which (and was suitably pensioned) by Napoléon in 1808
he had dissolved in 1681. Thus by tortuous methods and after four years in France spent his last years in
Charles contrived to guide the country in the way Rome.
he thought it should go, also encouraging science
(the Royal Society dates from 1662) and interesting Charles V (known as ‘the Wise’) (1338–1380). King
himself in the navy, the growth of the colonies and of France 1364–80. He was regent from 1356 during
cultural activities. His main pursuit, however, was the English captivity of his father, John II, and in
pleasure. His wife *Catherine of Braganza, brought 1358 suppressed the Jacquerie, a peasant revolt. By
him as a dowry Tangier and Bombay, but none of the reorganisation of the army, the administration
her children survived. In his gay and licentious court and finances, he was able to achieve his ambition of
there were at least 12 children by eight colourful restoring his kingdom after its defeats by the English
mistresses, including Lucy Walters, mother of the under *Edward III. So successful were his military
Duke of *Monmouth; Barbara Villiers, who became efforts that by the end of his reign the English had
Lady Castlemaine and Duchess of *Cleveland; Nell been driven out of all but a few fortresses and their
*Gwyn the actor; the fascinating intriguer Louise de ancient patrimony Guienne, around Bordeaux.
Keroualle, Duchess of *Portsmouth. His intelligence,
wit and amoral nature set the tone of the Restoration Charles V (1500–1558). King of Spain (as Carlos I)
period as a whole. After an apoplectic fit, probably due 1516–56 and Holy Roman Emperor (as Karl V)
to uraemia, he became a Catholic, although his fervour 1519–56. Son of *Philip (Felipe) of Castile and
may be doubted, urged his successor to look after his Juana, daughter of *Ferdinand and *Isabella, he was
mistresses (‘Let not poor Nelly starve’) and died. born in Ghent and brought up in Flanders by his
Kenyon, J. P., The Stuarts: A Study in English Kingship. aunt Margaret of Savoy, daughter of his grandfather,
2nd ed. 1967; Fraser, A., King Charles II. 1979. the emperor *Maximilian (*Katherine of Aragon
was his aunt). His happy boyhood owed much to
Charles II (1661–1700). King of Spain 1665–1700. his tutor, Adriaan Boeyens, later Pope *Adrian  VI.
An epileptic of weak intelligence, who succeeded his Charles was declared of age in 1515, and on the
father *Philip IV at the age of four, and so spent the death of Maximilian (1519), elected emperor,
first years of his reign under his mother’s regency. defeating *François I of France, after heavy bribes
As he was childless he was induced to name in his (largely financed by the *Fuggers) which included
will Philip, grandson of *Louis XIV of France, as the Spanish conquests in the New World and the
his successor. This provoked the War of the Spanish Aragonese possessions in southern Italy. In 1526 he
Succession (1700–13). married Isabella of Portugal. In his wars with France,
although Charles was on the whole victorious, the
Charles III (‘le Gros’ or ‘the Fat’) (839–888). Emperor final result (by the Treaty of Crepy, 1544, Burgundy
of the West 881–87, King of the Franks 881–88. remained in French lands while France relinquished
Great-grandson of *Charlemagne, an epileptic, its claims in Italy) was hardly worth nearly 25 years
thought to be subject to demonic possession, he of struggle. A more vital matter with which Charles
ruled, in theory, much of France, Germany and had to contend was the Reformation in Germany.
northern Italy. Deposed, his empire was broken up, Charles was a devout Catholic but in this matter his
never to be restored and he soon died. aim and interest was to come to some sort of terms
with *Luther’s movement to prevent the weakening
Charles III (1716–1788). King of Spain 1759–88 of the empire by a prolonged religious struggle. The
and of Naples and Sicily 1735–59. Son of *Philip Peace of Augsburg (1555), though it satisfied neither
V by his second wife Elizabeth (Isabella) Farnese, by
side, was probably the best that could be obtained:
her intrigues he secured the throne (as Charles IV)
it adopted the compromise formula cuius regio eius
of Naples and Sicily (1734). When he succeeded to
religio (i.e. each state was to adopt the religion of its
the Spanish throne on the death of his half-brother,
ruler). Charles was a patron of *Titian and the father
Ferdinand VI, he proclaimed a younger son (another
of Don *John (Juan) of Austria. After early difficulties
Ferdinand) king of Naples and an elder one (the eldest
Charles consolidated his rule in Spain and the
was incompetent to rule) his heir in Spain. Charles
conquests in the New World were among the many
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Dictionary of World Biography

signs of the country’s advance to greatness. To him Charles VIII (1470–1498). King of France 1483–98.
in his last years it proved a place of refuge. He spent Son of *Louis XI, the reign began with the regency of
only 18 years of his life in Spain and never mastered his sister Anne of Beaujeu, who secured his marriage
the language. In the autumn of 1555 he astonished (1491) to *Anne of Brittany to ensure the acquisition
all by announcing the abdication of his powers. of that duchy. Charles revived the Anjou claim to
The imperial crown and the Habsburg lands in east Naples (*Charles, Count of Anjou) and, allied with
Europe were to pass to his brother *Ferdinand, and the Sforzas of Milan, invaded Italy. Although he
the Netherlands and the Spanish throne to his son captured Naples easily (1495) he was forced to retreat
*Philip, the husband of Queen *Mary of England. He to France after a few weeks by the forces of the League
retired to a monastery at Yuste in the north of Spain. of Venice (the papacy, Venice, Spain and the Empire).
He died at Amboise after striking his head on a beam.
Charles VI (1368–1422). King of France 1380–1422.
His reign, during most of which he was either a minor Charles IX (1550–1574). King of France 1560–
or insane, saw a continuous struggle for power, at first 74. The weak and indecisive son of *Henri II and
in council and (from 1411) in the field, between *Catherine de’Medici, the effective ruler throughout,
factions (Burgundians and Annagnacs) headed by his reign was marked by a fierce religious struggle
the royal dukes of Burgundy and Orléans. *Henry between the Roman Catholics and Huguenots that
V of England seized the opportunity to resume the culminated in the massacre of St Bartholomew’s Day,
Hundred Years War, won the Battle of Agincourt 1572.
(1415), and in 1420 was able to secure the Treaty of
Troyes, by which Charles’ daughter *Catherine was Charles X (Charles Philippe) (1757–1836). King
to marry Henry V and their son was to succeed to of France 1824–30. Younger brother of *Louis XVI
the French throne. Meanwhile Henry was the virtual and *Louis XVIII, he was known as the Comte
ruler of France. d’Artois, left France in 1789 on the outbreak of
the Revolution, living in Savoy, Turin, Trier, then
Charles (Karl) VI (1685–1740). Holy Roman Koblenz. He escaped to Great Britain in 1792 and
Emperor 1711–40. Before succeeding his brother lived in Edinburgh and London with his mistress
*Joseph he was Austrian candidate for the Spanish until *Napoléon’s first abdication in 1814. After the
throne, left vacant on the death of *Charles II. Bourbon restoration he led the ultra-royalists and,
During the War of the Spanish Succession (1700–13) becoming king on the death of Louis XVIII, tried to
he fought bravely in Spain. Ultimately the Bourbon revive absolutism. The result was the Revolution of
*Philip V was recognised as King. As Emperor, 1830 after which he came once more to England, his
Charles became obsessed with securing (by means of cousin *Louis Philippe displaced him, with the new
the Pragmatic Sanction) the recognition of the rights title of ‘King of the French’. Charles then lived in
of his daughter *Maria Theresa to succeed him as ruler exile in Dorset, Edinburgh and Prague. He died of
of Austria and Hungary. Despite these efforts the War cholera in Gorizia (then in Austria-Hungary, now in
of the Austrian Succession followed his death. Italy) and was buried there. His son, Louis Antoine,
Charles VII (Karl Albrecht) (1697–1745). Holy Duc d’Angouleme (1775–1844) married Marie
Roman Emperor 1742–45. Head of the Wittelsbach Therese, daughter of *Louis XVI and claimed the
dynasty, he was Duke of Bavaria 1720–45. When throne himself as Louis XIX.
*Charles VI died without male heirs he claimed the Charles IX, X, XI and XII, Kings of Sweden see
Habsburg lands, provoking the War of the Austrian Karl IX, X, XI and XII.
Succession (1740–48). He was elected Emperor as a
puppet of France and Prussia. Charles XIV John (Karl Johan) (King of Sweden) see
Bernadotte, Jean Baptiste Jules
Charles VII (1403–1461). King of France 1422–61.
On the death of his father, *Charles VI, he had to Charles Philip Arthur George, Prince of Wales
contest the right to the throne with *Henry VI (1948–  ). British prince. Eldest son of Queen
of England, the legal successor under the Treaty of *Elizabeth II of Great Britain and the Duke of
Troyes. He fought half-heartedly against the English *Edinburgh, he was educated at Cheam School,
in France from his own limited territory in the Gordonstoun, Geelong Grammar (‘Timbertop’) and
centre and south until the heroic efforts of Joan of Trinity College, Cambridge (MA). He was created
Arc stirred him to greater action. After her capture of Prince of Wales in 1958, served briefly in the Royal
Orléans (1429) he was crowned at Reims and secured Navy, then pursued active and controversial views in
recognition as national leader. After the Burgundians the environment, architecture and urban planning. In
joined Charles’ cause in 1435, Paris was recaptured. By July 1981 he married Lady Diana Spencer (*Diana)
1450 the English had been driven out of Normandy, and the couple had two sons, William (1982–  )
and by 1453 nothing but Calais remained of their vast and Henry (1984–  ). They separated in December
possessions in France. Charles was not a heroic figure, 1992 and after bitter public controversy agreed on
but for the thorough administrative reorganisation a divorce (1996). This raised speculation about the
which made these successes possible much credit was future status of Camilla Parker-Bowles (née Shand)
due to the king himself.
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(1947– ) and the situation was complicated by Diana’s Charpentier, Gustave (1860–1956). French
sudden death. In her Jubilee year (2002), his mother composer. Encouraged by Massenet to take up
awarded him the OM, and in April 2005 he married composition he won the Prix de Rome in 1887. He is
Mrs Parker-Bowles who took the title Duchess of best known for his opera Louise (1900), for which
Cornwall. he also wrote the libretto, and the orchestral work
Impressions of Italy.
Dimbleby, J. The Prince of Wales. 1994.
Charteris, Leslie (Leslie Bowyer Yin) (1907–1993).
Charles, Jacques Alexandre César (1746–1823). American thriller writer, born in Singapore, resident
French physicist. He gave public demonstrations in Britain. He created ‘the Saint’, a charmingly
of *Franklin’s electrical experiments and eventually ruthless detective called Simon Templar, the hero of
became professor of physics at the Conservatoire des most of his books and of film, television, radio and
Arts et Metiers, Paris. Data obtained by him on the comic strip series based on them.
expansion of gases were added to by *Gay Lussac,
who devised the law (called Charles’s Law) which Chase, Salmon Portland (1808–1873). American
states that the volume of gas at constant pressure is lawyer and politician. He gained his reputation as an
directly proportional to its absolute temperature. attorney for fugitive slaves, was US senator from Ohio
Charles was also the first to use hydrogen instead of 1849–55 and 1861 and Governor of Ohio 1855–59.
hot air to lift balloons. He sought the 1860 Republican nomination for
president, but was regarded as too extreme on the
Charles Albert see Carlo Alberto slavery issue and lost to *Lincoln. As US Secretary
of the Treasury 1861–64 he raised unprecedented
Charles Edward Stuart see Stuart
taxes and established a national banking system.
Charles Martel (c.688–741). Frankish soldier and He  resigned to pursue the presidency again, failed,
administrator. As ‘mayor of the palace’ under the and Lincoln made him Chief Justice of the US
decadent Merovingian kings of Austrasia (Rhineland) Supreme Court 1864–73. He presided with notable
and Neustria (northern France), he became de facto fairness at Andrew *Johnson’s impeachment (March–
ruler of the Franks. He extended his authority over May 1868).
lands now France, the Netherlands and the Rhineland
Chase, Stuart (1888–1985). American social
and intervened in Bavaria. He gained his nickname
scientist. Educated at the Massachusetts Institute
Martel (‘the hammer’) by his great victory at Poitiers
of Technology and at Harvard, he worked as a
(732), the first decisive check to the Muslim advance
research economist in the *Wilson and *Roosevelt
into Europe. His rule marked the beginning of
administrations. He wrote many books and articles
Carolingian power: his grandson was *Charlemagne.
on the ‘economics of plenty’ and was in a sense a
Charles (‘the Young Pretender’) see Stuart, Charles precursor to *Galbraith. Among his works are The
Edward Economy of Abundance (1934), Live and Let Live
(1960) and The Most Probable World (1968).
Charlotte Augusta (1796–1817). British princess.
Only child of the future *George IV, she married Chastelard, Pierre de Boscosel de (1540–1564).
in 1816 *Leopold of Saxe-Coburg, later king of French poet. Grandson of the Chevalier *Bayard, at
the Belgians. Her death in childbirth re-opened the the French court of *François II he fell romantically
question of succession to the English throne and her in love with *Mary, the future Queen of Scots, and
unmarried uncles were persuaded to marry. Her uncle accompanied her to Scotland. Many of his poems
Edward, Duke of *Kent became the father of the were addressed to her. Found once hiding in her
future Queen *Victoria. bedchamber he was forgiven, but later he repeated the
offence and was hanged. The story was dramatised by
Charlotte (Sophia) (1744–1818). British queen *Swinburne.
consort 1761–1818. Daughter of the Duke of
Mecklenburg-Strelitz, she arrived in London on 8 Chateaubriand, François René, Vicomte de (1768–
September 1761, met *George III for the first time 1848). French author, soldier and diplomat, born at
and married him six hours later. She gave birth to St Malo. He spent most of his lonely childhood in
15 children, 13 of them surviving into adulthood, Brittany, was a cavalry officer at the age of 18 and
including *George IV, *William IV and Edward, in 179l went to North America which he described
Duke of *Kent (whose daughter became Queen in his Voyage en Amerique (1827). Opposed to
Victoria). She was a devoted, but reclusive, consort, the Revolution he joined the emigrant army on
passive about things she could not change, but widely the frontier, was wounded and lived in poverty
read, an enthusiast for gardens and a pupil of J. C. in England (1794–99). He returned to France to
*Bach. hold minor diplomatic posts under *Napoléon but
soon became anti-Bonapartist. After the restoration
of *Louis XVIII he held ambassadorial posts in
Berlin (1821) and London (1822) and was Foreign
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Minister 1823–24. After the revolution of 1830, *Wordsworth, *Coleridge, *Shelley and *Rossetti,
which replaced *Charles X by *Louis Philippe, he and controversy about the genuineness of the Rowley
played little part in public life. About the time of his poems continued well into the 19th century.
return to France he abandoned his scepticism and
wrote his great apologia Le Cenie du Christianisme Chatwin, (Charles) Bruce (1940–1989). British
(1802), which not only defended the religious travel writer, novelist and photographer. He worked
aspects of Christianity but also its effects on art and for Sotheby’s in London until 1966, then studied
architecture, literature and institutions. In advance archaeology in Edinburgh and joined the Sunday
he published with great success an episode intended Times as a travel writer. His travel books were In
for the book Atala (1801), a highly coloured story of Patagonia (1977), The Songlines (1987), a study
an Native American girl convert and her tragic love. of Australian aboriginal creation myths, and a
René, extracted from the great work and published posthumous collection What Am I Doing Here?
separately (1805), presents a passionate, disillusioned, (1990). His novels include On the Black Hill (1982,
egotistical Byronic young man (in fact Chateaubriand later filmed) and Utz (1988). He died of AIDS.
himself ), irresistible to those who initiated the French
Chaucer, Geoffrey (c.1340–1400). English poet,
Romantic movement. Perhaps his greatest work
courtier, bureaucrat, diplomat and scrap metal
was the autobiographical Memoires d ‘Outre Tombe
collector, probably born in London. Son of a rich
(published in six volumes between 1848 and 1902).
vintner, the Black Death occurred during his early
Madame *Récamier was the best known of his many
childhood. About 1356 he became a page in the
household of Lionel, Duke of Clarence. He fought
Châtelet-Lomont, Gabrielle Émilie (née Le in what became known as ‘the Hundred Years’ War’
Tonnelier de Breteuil), Marquise de (1706–1749). in France (1359–60), in which he was captured in
French mathematician, philosopher and translator. Rheims and ransomed for £16. In 1366 he married
Educated at home, possibly by *Fontenelle, she Philippa de Roet, a lady-in-waiting to Philippa of
translated *Newton’s Principia, corresponded with Hainault, King *Edward III’s queen, and sister of
*Leibniz, *Euler and *Bernoulli. *Voltaire lived with Catherine Swynford who became *John of Gaunt’s
her 1733–38. She proposed the hypothesis of the third wife. He entered the king’s household in 1367.
conservation of total energy. After Edward’s death in 1377, Chaucer served in the
court of *Richard II until the king’s deposition in
Chatham, 1st Earl of see *Pitt, William (‘the Elder’)
1399 (and, later, murder) by Bolingbroke (*Henry
Chatterji, Bambin Chandza (1838–1894). Indian IV), John of Gaunt’s son. His wife had died in
author. He revolutionised Indian literature by being 1387. He travelled to France and Italy on seven
the first to write novels following the European diplomatic or commercial missions, may have met
pattern devoted to Indian themes and in a native *Boccaccio and *Petrarch, and also visited Spain and
language (Bengali). The song Bande Mataram Flanders. He was comptroller of customs in London
originally a poem in his novel Amanda Math (1882) (1374–86), a knight of the shire (that is, Member of
was adopted as the national anthem of the Republic Parliament) for Kent (1386) and clerk of works at the
of India. royal palaces (1389–91). On the accession of Henry
IV, after some delay, his pension was renewed and he
Chatterton, Thomas (1752–1770). English poet, spent the remaining months of his life in comparative
born in Bristol. Posthumous son of a schoolmaster, comfort. He had a deep interest in science, especially
he read voraciously as a boy and began concocting astronomy.
pseudo-antique poetry. At the age of 17 he sent to
Chaucer’s works may be divided into three periods.
Horace *Walpole manuscripts purported to be the
In the first, contemporary French influence was
work of a 15th-century monk, Thomas Rowley.
strong: The Book of the Duchess, and his part of the
Walpole accepted them as genuine at first but later
translation entitled The Romaunt of the Rose. In the
rejected them, and they are now known to have been
second (c.1372–86), the Italian influence of *Dante
invented by Chatterton. In 1770 he went to London
and Boccaccio was apparent: Troilus and CriseydeThe
and in a few months produced an amazing amount
Parlement of Foules, The Legend of Good Women and
of work, including satires, political essays, and the
The House of Fame. To the final period belongs his last
Ballade of Charatie. The death of his patron, the
and greatest work The Canterbury Tales, stories told
Lord Mayor William Beckford, and the increasingly
by a party of 30 pilgrims, of all social classes—knight,
frequent rejection of his manuscripts brought him to
miller, cook, wife of Bath, friar, merchant, doctor
despair. At last, penniless and starving, he poisoned
etc.—journeying to the tomb of Thomas *Becket at
himself in his lodgings. The mock antique was
Canterbury. ‘Here is God’s plenty’, *Dryden wrote of
regarded in that age not as forgery but as a semi-
the work. Written in rhyming couplets, 17,000 lines
legitimate literary form (cf. *Macpherson’s Ossianic
in total, the stories present a vivid picture of life in the
poems) and his rhythms and general approach to
Middle Ages. A masterpiece by any standard, though
poetry were remarkably modern. The tragic boy
incomplete, The Canterbury Tales is also the first major
poet became a literary hero romanticised by *Keats,
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Dictionary of World Biography

work written in the vernacular (Middle English), and In 1892 he went to live with his family at Malikhovo
one of the first to be printed, by William *Caxton, near Moscow and helped in the cholera outbreak of
in 1478 and 1483. Chaucer is regarded as one of the 1892–93. In 1897, threatened by tuberculosis, he
greatest English poets. went to the Crimea, and from 1900 lived mostly at
Yalta, where he became friends with *Tolstoy and
Robinson, F. N. (ed.), Chaucer: Complete Works.
*Gorki. After several false starts as a dramatist, he
2nd  ed. 1959; Rowland, B. (ed.), Companion to
achieved great success with *Stanislavsky’s revival
Chaucer Studies. 1968.
(1898) of The Seagull (1895), which had previously
Chausson, Ernest (1855–1899). French composer. failed. His masterpieces Uncle Vanya (1901), The
Trained as a lawyer, he became a pupil of *Franck Three Sisters (1901) and The Cherry Orchard (1904)
and *Massenet. His romantic but melancholy works followed. In the last two, leading parts were played
include a symphony (1890), Poème for violin and by Olga Knipper (1868–1959), whom he married
orchestra (1896), chamber works and songs. He was in 1901. In his plays, as in his short stories, he used
killed in a bicycle accident. an impressionistic technique, eschewing the dramatic
and the obvious and, while portraying the lives of
Chauvel, Sir Harry (Henry George) (1865–1945). ordinary people, hinting always at the absurdity,
Australian soldier, born in New South Wales. beauty and tragedy of life. He died in Badenweiler,
In World War I, he served in Egypt, Gallipoli, and his Germany. His funeral was Chekhovian: the coffin
Light Horse Brigade defeated the Turks at Beersheba was taken to Moscow by train in a refrigerated car
(October 1917) in the last great cavalry charge in intended for oysters, and the funeral procession was
history. He was Chief of the General Staff 1923–30 confused with a general’s, accompanied by a military
and the first Australian promoted to General (1929). band. His heroes are almost always the gentle and the
sensitive, at the mercy of forces which are too strong
Hill, A., Chauvel of the Light Horse. 1978.
for them. His influence on European short-story
Chauvin, Nicholas (c.1770–1820?). French soldier. writers has been immense.
His exaggerated expressions of loyalty to *Napoléon Troyat, H., Chekhov. 1986; Rayfield, D., Anton
and vain-glorious patriotism resulted in the coining Chekhov: A Life. 2000; Malcolm, J., Reading Chekhov.
of the word ‘chauvinism’. A Critical Journey. 2002; Bartlett, R., Chekhov. Scenes
from a Life. 2004.
Chávez (y Ramírez), Carlos (Antonio de Padua)
(1899–1978). Mexican composer, conductor and Chelmsford, Frederic John Napier Thesiger, 1st
teacher. Founder of the Mexican Symphony Orchestra Viscount (1868–1933). English administrator.
(1928), his works include five symphonies and several Educated at Oxford, he became a barrister,
operas. He was much influenced by Mexican folk inherited a barony in 1905 and served as Governor
music but also followed contemporary trends, e.g. of Queensland 1905–09 and New South Wales
abstract music. He was Norton Professor of Poetics at 1909–13. A captain in his regiment in India when
Harvard 1958–59. unexpectedly appointed as Viceroy 1916–21, he was
identified with the ‘Montagu-Chelmsford’ reforms
Chávez Frias, Hugo Rafael (1954–2013).
(1918), under which dyarchy (i.e. a division of the
Venezuelan politician. He served as an army officer
functions and instruments of government between
and was imprisoned 1992–94 for leading an armed
the centre and the provinces) was adopted as a limited
coup. He founded the United Socialist Party and was
constitutional reform for India, but opposed by
President of Venezuela 1999–2013, working closely
*Gandhi. A massacre of civilians by British troops
with Cuba and attracting US suspicion for his radical
at Amritsar (Jallianwala Bagh), in April 1919, led
measures, including land reform. In 2012 he had
to an equivocal response by Chelmsford. In 1924,
eight months’ treatment for cancer in Cuba.
although a Conservative, he accepted appointment as
Cheever, John (1912–1982). American novelist and First Lord in the first Labour Government. He was
short-story writer. Many of his stories appeared in Warden of All Souls, Oxford 1932–33.
The New Yorker, and his highly praised novels include
Chen Duxiu (Chen Tu-hsiu) (1879–1942). Chinese
The Wapshot Chronicle (1958),Bullet Park (1969) and
Communist politician. In 1915 he became first
Falconer (1977).
editor of the periodical New Youth which launched
Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich (1860–1904). Russian a violent attack on traditional Chinese government
dramatist and short-story writer, born in Taganrog. and society, and promoted Western philosophies.
Grandson of a liberated serf and son of a shopkeeper, He is regarded as the main inspiration of the
he studied medicine at Moscow University May Fourth Movement, a social and intellectual
(supporting himself by writing about 600 comic revolution sparked off by a students’ rising on 4
sketches), but later he practised little. Through the May 1919, resulting in his imprisonment. On his
help of the publisher Aleksei Suvorin, with whom he release, greatly impressed by the Soviet revolution in
travelled in Italy, he achieved early success with his Russia he became a Marxist. He founded the Chinese
stories and in 1887 his first play Ivanov was produced. Communist Party in Shanghai in July 1921 and
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Dictionary of World Biography

became its first Secretary-General. He was dismissed Chernyshevsky, Nikolai Gavrilovich (1828–1889).
at the instigation of the international Comintern Russian political philosopher and utopian socialist,
in 1927 because he opposed its insistence that the born in Saratov. Son of a priest and educated in St
CCP cooperate with the Nationalist Guomintang. Petersburg, he was influenced by *Herzen, *Belinsky
Expelled from the CCP in 1927, his direct influence and *Feuerbach, and in turn influenced *Lenin,
came to an end, but he continued to teach a highly especially with his novel What Is To Be Done? (1863).
individual version of Marxism which incorporated He spent years in prison and Siberian exile and
some democratic ideas. The Nationalists jailed him inspired the Russian populist (Narodnik) movement.
1932–37. *Dostoevsky attacked him.
Chow Tse-tsung, D., The May Fourth Movement. Cherubini, (Maria) Luigi Carlo Zenobio Salvatore
Intellectual Revolution in Modern China. 1960. (1760–1842). Italian composer, born in Florence.
He lived in Paris from 1788, wrote much religious
Cheney, Dick (Richard Bruce) (1941–  ). music in his early life and this, with chamber music,
American Republican politician, born in Nebraska. occupied him almost exclusively during his later
A Congressman from Wyoming 1978–89, he served years. His reputation rests upon his operatic work,
as US Secretary of Defense 1989–93 under George and *Beethoven (oddly) thought him the greatest of
H. *Bush and Vice President of the US 2001–09 his contemporaries in this field. He wrote 29 operas
under George W. *Bush. including Medée (1797) and Anacreon (1803). To the
Gellman, B., Angler: The Cheney Vice Presidency. 2014. opera comique he introduced a romantic interest and
an exciting plot, though the music itself remained
Chénier, André Marie de (1762–1794). French poet, classical in form and rather austere. Cherubini was
born in Constantinople. The son of a diplomat, he Inspector General of the Paris Conservatoire from
hailed the French Revolution on its outbreak, but 1821, a post that brought most of the 19th-century
became disgusted with its excesses and in one ode French composers under his influence.
extolled Charlotte *Corday. He was arrested in 1794
and guillotined on *Robespierre’s order only two days Deane, B., Cherubini. 1965.
before the Terror ended. His poems, Élégies, Bucoliques, Cherwell, Frederick Alexander Lindemann, 1st
Odes, Hymnes and Iambes, all follow classical models. Viscount (1886–1957). British physicist, born
Umberto Giordano wrote an opera based on his life. in Baden Baden. Friend and scientific adviser to
His brother, Marie Joseph Chénier (1764–1811), Winston *Churchill. In World War I, as director of
was a poet and dramatist. Fully committed to the the experimental laboratory at Farnborough, he made
Revolution he obtained fame for his revolutionary a personal and practical test in the air of his theory of
poetry, especially the Chant du départ. how to bring an aeroplane out of a spin. Professor of
Cheops see Khufu experimental philosophy at Oxford 1919–57, in World
War II he advised the cabinet on scientific matters,
Cherenkov, Pavel Alekseivich (1904–1990). while his close relationship with the Prime Minister
Russian physicist. In 1958 he shared the Nobel Prize made him powerful. Paymaster General 1942–45 and
for Physics (with Tamm and Frank) for the discovery 1951–53, he was created Viscount in 1956.
that light waves radiate from a charged particle
passing through a transparent material at speeds Cheshire, (Geoffrey) Leonard, Baron Cheshire
greater than the speed of light through such material. (1917–1992). British airman and social worker.
This ‘Cherenkov radiation’ is used to detect charged The son of an Oxford don, he joined the RAF in
particles and plot their course and speed. World War II, flew bombers in over 100 missions,
was promoted to group captain and awarded the VC,
Chernenko, Konstantin Ustinovich (1911–1985). DSO (2 bars) and DFC. In August 1945 he was an
Russian Communist politician. Son of a peasant, official observer when the US Air Force dropped an
he joined the CPSU in 1931, became an official atomic bomb on Nagasaki. After retiring from the
in Moldavia, worked for the Central Committee RAF in 1946 he devoted himself to establishing the
1956–65 and for the presidium 1965–84. He was a Leonard Cheshire Foundation homes for the sick and
Central Committee member 1971–85, joining the incurable, aided by his wife Sue Ryder (1923–2000),
Politburo in 1978. On the death of Yuri *Andropov later Baroness Ryder of Warsaw. By 1990 there were
(Jan. 1984) he was elected to succeed him as nominee 270 homes in 50 countries. He received the OM in
of the Brehzhnevite anti-reform group, defeating 1981 and a peerage in 1991.
M.S. *Gorbachev. He died after 13 months as First Braddon, R. Cheshire VC. 1954.
Secretary of the CPSU and President of the USSR.
Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th Earl of
Chernomyrdin, Viktor Stepanovich (1938–2010).
(1694–1773). English statesman and man of letters.
Russian politician. He worked in the oil and gas
As Lord Stanhope he was an MP 1715–23. After
industry until 1985, became a minister 1985–92,
inheriting the earldom (1726) he was Ambassador to
Deputy Prime Minister 1992, and Prime Minister
the Netherlands 1728–32 and later held a succession
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Dictionary of World Biography

of high offices. A friend of *Pope, *Swift, *Bolingbroke Chevrolet, Louis (1879–1941). American racing car
and *Voltaire, he took an active interest in scientific river and designer, born in Switzerland. In 1911 he
matters, but is best remembered for his letters to his founded his own automobile company, but in 1917
illegitimate son Philip Stanhope (1732–1768). They sold out to General Motors which retained his name
are witty, elegant and cynical, and are marked by great for a popular model. He continued his career as
shrewdness of observation—women, manners and a driver but died in poverty.
education being the constantly recurring themes.
Chiang Ch’ing (Jiang Qing) see Mao Zedong
Chesterton, G(ilbert) K(eith) (1874–1936). English
author and literary critic, born in London. He was Chiang Kaishek (Jiang Jieshi in pinyin). (1887–
educated at St Paul’s School before studying art at the 1975). Chinese marshal and politician, born in
Slade. But art was always secondary to letters. He wrote Zhejiang. Son of a farmer, as an officer cadet he
regular articles for many newspapers and magazines, became involved in the successful revolution (1911)
took over the New Witness on the death of his brother, against the last Manchu emperor and was from
Cecil, in 1918 and revived it as G.K.’s Weekly in 1924. then onwards a loyal adherent of *Sun Yat-sen who,
He was a man of much geniality but he had a strong in 1921, established himself as President of the
antipathy for the squalor of industrialism and disliked republican government centred on Canton. The
both capitalism and socialism, yearning, like his great north was still in the lands of self-appointed warlords
friend Hilaire *Belloc (whose books he amusingly and after Sun’s death in 1925 Chiang was chosen to
illustrated), for a return to the distributivist economics command an expedition to bring them under control.
of the Middle Ages. All his work, which includes This was delayed by a split between the Communist
essays, poetry, novels, and literary, social and religious and Nationalist wings of Sun’s revolutionary party, the
studies (he was converted to Roman Catholicism in Guomintang. Appointed leader of the Nationalists,
1922), reveals his tremendous energy, robust humour Chiang, as generalissimo, resumed the delayed
and mastery of paradox. He is probably best known as northern drive and by 1928 overcame the warlords
the creator of the detective priest Father Brown, who and occupied Beijing (Peking). He then broke with
figured in several collections of semi-philosophical the Communists. He was Commander-in-Chief of all
detective stories beginning with The Innocence of forces under Guomintang control 1928–46 and held
Father Brown (1911). His novels, The Napoleon of the titles of President of China 1928–31, 1943–49
Notting Hill (1904), The Man Who Was Thursday and Premier 1930–31, 1935–37, 1939–45, 1947.
(1908) and The Flying Inn (1914), combine fantasy In 1931 the Japanese invaded Manchuria. Chiang
with social comment. He also wrote biographies of was torn between wanting to resist the Japanese and
*Browning, *Dickens and G. B. *Shaw. Chesterton defeating the Communists who ruled in Kiangsi
was enormously fat. province, settling for appeasement of the invaders.
Pearce, J., Wisdom and Innocence. 1996; Barker, D., In the great ‘Long March’ (October 1934–January
G. K. Chesterton. 1973. 1936), * Mao Zedong led his followers from Kiangsi
to the remote Shensi province. In 1936 Chiang
Chevalier, Maurice (1888–1972). French music- was kidnapped at Xi’an by * Zhang Xueliang and
hall singer and film star. His engaging smile and released on promising to make a truce with the
charm won him fame not only in Paris music halls Communists and stop appeasing the Japanese. This
(where he was long a co-star with *Mistinguett) but led to an intensification of the war, with the Japanese
internationally. He appeared in several films, notably occupying Shanghai, forcing Chiang’s government to
Le Roi (1949) and Gigi (1958). move from Nanjing progressively up the Yangtze river
until it found refuge above the rapids at Chungking.
Chevreul, Michel-Eugène (1786–1889). French Pressure eased when, in 1941, the US entered World
chemist, born in Angers. He worked at the Museum War II and in 1945 Chiang emerged as president of a
d’Histoire Naturelle and the Jardin des Plantes in stricken and impoverished country.
Paris and became the director of both. He began a
major study of the chemistry of oils and fats which But immediately the old struggle with the
led to soap-making becoming an exact science and Communists broke out, and political manoeuvre was
to greatly improved candles. Elected FRS in 1826, he followed by civil war in which the Communists finally
received the Copley Medal in 1857. A director of the triumphed. Chiang withdrew to Taiwan in 1950 and
Gobelins tapestry works, he became interested in the continued to lead a Guomintang administration,
chemistry of dyes and in colour contrast. His ideas which occupied the seat of China in the Security
influenced neo-impressionist painters, e.g. *Seurat. Council of the United Nations until 1971.
The first to grasp the significance of sugar in the urine
Chiang obtained help and encouragement at every
of diabetics, he was also a pioneer in gerontology and
stage of his career from his American-educated
his 100th birthday was commemorated in the first
photographic interview (by Felix and Paul *Nadar). second wife Song Meiling (1898–2003), sister of Sun
Yat-sen’s widow. His son Chiang Chingkuo (Jiang

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Dictionary of World Biography

Jingguo) (1910–1988), was Premier of the ‘Republic Representatives 1928–31 and 1940–51, and served as
of China’ (i.e. Taiwan) 1972–78 and President Minister of Defence 1931–32 under James *Scullin.
1978–88. When the ALP split in New South Wales, during the
Depression, he supported the Federal leadership and
Fenby, J., Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek and the strongly opposed J. T. *Lang.  
China He Lost. 2003; Crozier, B., The Man Who Lost
China. 2009; Pakula, H., The Last Empress. 2009. Chifley held the key position of Commonwealth
Treasurer 1941–49 under *Curtin when war with
Chichele, Henry (1362–1443). English prelate and Japan broke out. After Curtin died, he became Prime
patron of learning. Educated at Winchester and Minister 1945–49, and was the architect of post-war
New College, Oxford, he soon became prominent reconstruction, including full employment and the
in Church and state, and after serving on embassies welfare state, supported *Evatt on foreign policy and
abroad became Bishop of St David’s in 1408 and *Calwell in the post-war mass migration program. He
Archbishop of Canterbury 1414–43. He strongly was strongly committed to Bretton Woods, the World
supported *Henry V’s war policy in France and his Bank and early elements of the global economy, but
resistance to the encroachments of papal power at had to use all his political skills to win Caucus’s
home. In 1437 he founded two Oxford colleges, reluctant approval. He aided the CSIRO and the
All Souls and St John’s (originally called St Bernard’s). ABC, created The Australian National University but
ran aground with his preoccupation with banking
Chicherin, Georgi Vasilievich (1872–1936). and excessive regulation. The long coal strike of 1949
Russian diplomat. Of noble origin, he served in the was no help either. However, there were significant
Russian foreign office but resigned on joining the gaps in his political repertoire: White Australia
Social Democrat party; from 1904 he lived with Policy, aborigines, women’s issues and schools, the
revolutionaries abroad. In 1917 he was arrested in last regarded as a state responsibility. On these issues,
England and exchanged for Sir George Buchanan, Chifley was a man of his times.
British Ambassador. He became Peoples’ Commissar
for Foreign Affairs 1918–30. He signed the Brest- Day, D., Chifley. 2001.
Litovsk Treaty which ended the German war. While
attending the Genoa Conference (1922) he secretly Chikamatsu Monzaemon (Sugimori Nobumori)
negotiated the Rapallo Treaty, securing recognition (1653–1724). Japanese dramatist. He wrote about
and trade agreements from Germany. Illness led to 160 plays for the Bunraku puppet theatre. He was
his resignation (1930). the first playwright to introduce true drama to the
puppet theatre, previously a display of virtuoso skill
Chichester, Sir Francis Charles (1901–1972). by the puppeteers. Many of his plays were adapted
English aviator and yachtsman. In 1929–30 he made a for the Kabuki theatre and remain in the repertoire.
solo flight from England to Australia in a Gipsy Moth He wrote historical melodramas such as The Battles
bi-plane; in 1931 he made the first east–west flight of Kokusenya (1715) and realistic domestic tragedies
between New Zealand and Australia. He began ocean such as The Love Suicides at Amijima (1720).
sailing in 1953. In 1960 he won the first transatlantic
race for solo yachtsmen. In 1966–67 he sailed round Childe, V(ere) Gordon (1892–1957). Australian
the world single-handed in Gipsy Moth IV. archaeologist, born in Sydney. Educated in Sydney
and Oxford, he became secretary to John Storey,
Chichester, F., The Lonely Sea and the Sky. 1964. Premier of New South Wales 1920–21, and his How
Labour Governs (1923) was a pioneering analysis.
Chifley, Ben (Joseph Benedict) (1885–1951). He wrote several important books on archaeology,
Australian Labor politician, born in Bathurst. including The Dawn of European Civilization (1925),
Chifley’s family suffered in the 1890s Depression. providing a theory of social structures in prehistory,
Separated from his parents and two younger brothers still widely supported, and the popular What
at the age of five, he rarely saw his mother for the Happened in History (1942). He excavated Skara Brae,
next nine years, and lived with his grandparents at Orkney, held chairs in archaeology at Edinburgh
Limekilns until 1899, where he slept on a chaff- 1927–46 and London 1946–56. He jumped to his
bag. He attended the Patrician Brothers' High death in the Blue Mountains, New South Wales.
School in Bathurst for two years (1899–1901) and
became a voracious reader, including *Gibbon and Childeric III (735–755). King of the Franks 743–
*Plutarch. In 1902 he joined the New South Wales 51. Last of the Merovingians, he was deposed by
Railways as a shop-boy, then became a cleaner and *Pepin III.
fireman. He studied at the Workers’ Educational
Association and the Bathurst Technical School, and Childers, (Robert) Erskine (1870–1922). Anglo-
became an industrial advocate for the Locomotive Irish author and nationalist, born in London. A clerk
Engine-drivers’, Firemen’s and Cleaners’ Association. in the House of Commons, he won a sensational
Promoted to first-class locomotive engine driver, success with his novel, The Riddle of the Sands (1903),
he was later demoted because of his role as a trade dealing with secret preparations for a German
union activist. He was a Member of the House of invasion of Britain. Later he became a strong Irish
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nationalist. He was a leader of the Sinn Féin resistance Chirico, Giorgio De’ (1888–1978). Italian painter,
to the Irish Free State, condemned by an Irish military born in Greece. One of the most important precursors
court and executed. His son Erskine (Hamilton) of Surrealism, he painted objects and landscapes in
Childers (1905–1974), born in London, educated at unexpected juxtaposition with no regard to reality.
Trinity College Cambridge, became a Fianna Faíl MP Thus window dummies, plaster busts, abstract shapes
1938–73, Deputy Prime Minister 1969–73 and was or bits of machinery might be grouped against a
President of the Irish Republic 1973–74. background of classical architecture. From this
he developed a style which came to be known as
Wilkinson, B., The Zeal of the Convert. 1978.
metaphysical painting in which there was a greater
Ch’in. Chinese dynasty, now called *Qin (pinyin), symbolic content. In the 1920s he abandoned his
which ruled 221–205 BCE. earlier style and turned to more conventional styles
and subjects, but the galleries of the world have
Ch’ing. Chinese dynasty, in pinyin *Qing, which chosen to show his earlier idiosyncratic paintings.
ruled 1644–1912. Chirico, G. de’, Memorie della mia vita. 1945.
Chippendale, Thomas (c.1718–1779). English
Chisholm, Caroline (née Jones) (1808–1877).
furniture maker and designer. The son of a Yorkshire
English social reformer, born near Northhampton.
joiner, he moved from Worcestershire to London
She married an officer in the Indian army, and
where by 1755 he and his firm were occupying three
campaigned for migration and employment
houses in St Martin’s Lane. Furniture still surviving in
opportunities of young women to Australia as an
Harewood House and elsewhere is mentioned in his
essential precondition to a civilian society, and lived
accounts. His own best work, almost exclusively in
near Sydney 1838–46, 1859–66 and in Victoria
mahogany, is in the neo-classical style, the association
1854–59. *Dickens satirised her, unfairly, as Mrs
of his name with an Anglicised rococo style (with
Jellyby in Bleak House.
Gothic and oriental variants) being due to the fact
that it was to that particular style that the designs Chisholm, George Brock (1896–1971). Canadian
of his publication The Director (The Gentleman and psychiatrist. After a distinguished career he was
Cabinet Maker’s Director, 1754) were devoted. Most Director General of the World Health Organisation
so-called Chippendale furniture is the work of other 1948–53. His Can People Learn to Learn? (1958) was
craftsmen taken from The Director, designs inspired, a bestseller.
but not actually drawn, by Chippendale himself.
Choiseul, Etienne François, Duc de (1719–1785).
Coleridge, A., Chippendale Furniture. 1968.
French diplomat. Through the patronage of Madame
Chirac, Jacques René (1932–  ). French politician, de *Pompadour, he became ambassador to Rome and
born in Paris. As a student activist, he was briefly in Vienna 1753–58, returning to take office as Foreign
the Communist Party, graduated from Sciences Po Minister 1758–70. He was thus at the heart of affairs
and the ENA, served as an army officer, then worked during the Seven Years’ War and signed the Treaty
as public servant and a staffer for Georges *Pompidou. of Paris (1763), which confirmed the losses, e.g. in
A  Member of the National Assembly 1967–74, Canada and India, of the preceding years. He was
Minister for Agriculture 1972–74, and the Interior also responsible for popular reforms in the services,
1974, he became Prime Minister 1974–76, under supported the publication of the Encyclopedie, and
*Giscard d’Estaing. He led the RPR (Rassemblement assisted in the suppression of the Jesuits. Madame
pour la République) 1976–94. After the revival of du *Barry’s party at court were responsible for his
the office of Mayor of Paris (in abeyance since 1871), downfall (1770) and he lived in retirement until
he was elected, serving 1977–95. In 1981, he was a his death.
candidate for the President, splitting the conservative Chomsky, (Avram) Noam (1928–  ). American
vote, resulting in Giscard’s defeat. He was Prime theoretical linguist and political activist, born in
Minister again 1986–88, in ‘cohabitation’ with Philadelphia. Educated at Pennsylvania and Harvard
*Mitterrand, but ran against him in 1988. President Universities, he taught linguistics at the Massachusetts
of France 1995–2007, his resumption of nuclear tests Institute of Technology from 1955 and held chairs in
in the Pacific (1995–96) drew international protests. modern languages and linguistics from 1961. His
In 1997, he apologised to the descendants of *Dreyfus principal thesis was first defined in Syntactic Structures
and *Zola. He was frank in his condemnation of the (1957) and developed further in Aspects of the Theory
French regime during the German occupation, and of Syntax (1965), Language and Mind (1968),
its role in the Holocaust. He was re-elected President Reflections on Language (1975) and Essays on Form and
in 2002, defeating Jean-Marie *Le Pen, with 82 per Interpretation (1977). He argued for the existence of
cent of the vote in the second ballot. In 2011, he was a universal grammar that underlies all languages, and
found guilty of diverting public funds and abusing that the structural principles of language are innate,
public confidence as Mayor of Paris and given a two- biologically determined and capable of genetic
year suspended prison sentence. transmission. He regarded linguistics as a branch of
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Dictionary of World Biography

cognitive psychology. He was a vigorous polemicist, Minister 1984. Leader of the National Liberal Party
opponent of US foreign policy, especially in Vietnam, 1990–2003, and Prime Minister 1993–2003, he was
Iraq and with Cuba. He vigorously denied charges awarded the Order of Merit in 2009.
that he was an apologist for *Pol Pot in Cambodia
and described himself as a libertarian socialist. His Chrétien de Troyes (fl. 1166–1190). French
political books include Manufacturing Consent (1988) trouviere. A poet at the court of Champagne, he
and Deterring Democracy (1991). Between  1980 developed many of the legends which were later
and  1992, according to the Arts and Humanities incorporated into Arthurian romances (*Malory)
Citation Index, Chomsky was cited more often than and also the Holy Grail and Parsifal (*Wolfram von
any other living scholar. Eschenbach, *Wagner). Perceval, left unfinished at
his death, is the first in which the story of the Holy
Chopin, Frédéric François (Fryderyk Franciszek) Grail is associated with Arthurian material. His claim
(1810–1849). Polish-French composer, born near that material for the epic Guillaume d’Angleterre was
Warsaw. From boyhood Chopin suffered from ill found at Bury St Edmunds suggests that he may have
health, but early displayed musical gifts. His music visited England. He was one of the most influential of
teacher in Warsaw encouraged him to develop in medieval poets and many translations and imitations
his own way and by 21 Chopin was already an of his work appeared.
accomplished pianist and composer for the piano. He
made his debut as a concert pianist in Vienna in 1829, Christ, Jesus see Jesus Christ
and from 1831 lived mainly in Paris and did not return
Christian IX (1818–1906). King of Denmark
to Poland. His recitals were successful and he became
1863–1906. As Prince Christian of Glucksbürg
the friend of *Bellini (who, like *Donizetti, influenced
he had been recognised as heir of the childless
his melodic style) and *Mendelssohn. Catholic,
Frederik VII to all parts of the Danish monarchy, but
conservative and royalist, he admired *Bach, *Haydn
immediately after his accession he had to face war
and *Mozart but had grave doubts about *Beethoven.
with *Bismarck’s Prussia and surrender the duchies of
He gave few concerts after 1831. His compositions
Schleswig and Holstein to overwhelming force. He
established the piano as a solo concert instrument. No
ruled as a constitutional monarch but gained a special
other composer has surpassed him in this field which
notoriety by the way in which he extended his family
he explored more fully than any of his predecessors.
connexions. His children included his successor
His individual lyric and harmonic sense and his
Frederick VIII, *Alexandra, wife of Edward VII of
innovations in the technique of playing the piano
Great Britain, *George I of Greece, and Dagmar, wife
were profoundly influential. His fame rests upon the
of the Russian emperor *Aleksandr III. In the next
wide range of his piano compositions, including three
generation this dynastic network spread further still,
sonatas (1828, 1839, 1844), two concertos (both
and, not only through Queen Alexandra but through
1830), 24 preludes (1836–39), four ballades (1835,
its Greek connexions, included Prince *Philip, Duke
1839, 1841, 1842), four scherzos (1835, 1837, 1839,
of *Edinburgh, and Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent.
1842), 15 polonaises, 60 mazurkas, 21 nocturnes and
many etudes and waltzes. In Paris he fell in love with Christian X (1870–1947). King of Denmark 1912–
the woman novelist George *Sand, an affair which 47. Son and successor of Frederick VIII, he proved
began in 1838, survived a horribly uncomfortable himself a skilful and sympathetic constitutional
winter in Majorca (1838–39), before ending in monarch. He achieved great popularity by his
a quarrel in 1847 due to her children’s jealousy. courageous bearing and behaviour during the German
Chopin’s health deteriorated over many years but occupation in World War II.
the cause is uncertain: tuberculosis, bronchiectasis
or cystic fibrosis of the lungs have been suggested. In Christie, Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa (née Miller)
1848 he visited England and Scotland, giving several (1890–1976). English writer. After limited schooling,
concerts. He died in Paris and was buried in the Père- although she read widely, she married Colonel
Lachaise cemetery. Archibald Christie in 1914, became a nurse in World
War I, published The Mysterious Affair at Styles in
Hedley, A., Chopin. 1947; Rosen, C., The Romantic 1920, disappeared equally mysteriously in 1926,
Generation. 1995. and in 1930 married the archaeologist (Sir) Max
Mallowan (1904–1978). She published 66 detective
Chou En-lai see Zhou Enlai
novels, and 15 collections of short stories, translated
Chrétien, (Joseph Jacques) Jean (1934– ). Canadian into 103 languages, with total sales estimated at 4
Liberal politician. Educated at Laval University, he billion books. Her plots were ingenious but hardly
became a lawyer and was a Liberal MP 1963–86, more baffling for her devoted readers than for her two
1990–2003, serving under *Trudeau and *Turner as most famous sleuths, the Belgian Hercule Poirot and
Minister for Industry, Trade and Commerce 1976– the homely Englishwoman Miss Jane Marple. Her
77, for Finance 1977–79, Attorney-General 1980– best known play, The Mousetrap, had an unbroken
82, External Affairs Minister and Deputy Prime run in London from its premiere on 25 November
1952, entering its 60th year in 2012.
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Christie, John (1882–1962). English opera promoter. objects’, temporary public sculptures in which
Born to a rich landed family, educated at Eton and buildings, walls, bridges or coastlines were wrapped
Trinity College, Cambridge, and taught at Eton for up. His wife Jeanne-Claude Denat de Guillebon
seven years. He won an MC fighting in France, and (1935–2009), born in Morocco on the same day, was
decided to turn his family home at Glyndebourne, his collaborator.
Sussex, into an opera house, supported by his wife
Audrey Mildmay (1900–1953), a Canadian operatic Christoff, Boris (Kirilovich) (1918–1993). Bulgarian
soprano. The Glyndebourne Opera began in 1934 singer, born in Sofia. The greatest operatic bass since
(Fritz *Busch) and was revived in 1950. He received *Chaliapin, and a powerful actor, he was a notable
a CH in 1954. His son, Sir George Christie (1934– Boris *Godunov, Prince Igor and *Philip II (in
2014), was chair of Glyndebourne Opera 1962– *Verdi’s Don Carlos).
2014, built a new opera house (1994) and received
a CH (2001). Christophe, Henri (1767–1820). King of Haiti
1811–20. Originally a black slave, he became
Christie, John Reginald Halliday (1899–1953). *Toussaint l’Ouverture’s most successful general in his
English murderer. He was convicted and hanged struggle against the French. After the death (1806) of
for the murder of his wife but also confessed to the *Dessalines he was elected President but, impatient of
murder of five other women whose bodies were found constitutional control, he set up an independent state
at his home. Among those whom he claimed to have in the north. After he was proclaimed King (1811), he
killed was the wife of Timothy John Evans, an built a palace on the model of St Cloud and created
illiterate truck driver. When Evans was tried in 1950 a nobility to provide a court. Though ruthless and
for murdering his wife and daughter, Christie had capricious he showed an extraordinary willingness
been the principal witness for the prosecution. Evans to learn and to introduce laws, educational methods,
was hanged for the murder of the child but received agricultural machinery indeed anything he thought
the consolation of a posthumous pardon in 1966. useful from abroad. A stroke left him helpless in the
face of a military revolt and he shot himself.
Christie, William Lincoln (1944–  ). American-
French harpsichordist and conductor, born in Christopher, Warren (1925–2011). American lawyer
Buffalo. Educated at Yale and Harvard, he lived in and administrator, born in North Dakota. Educated
France from 1971 and in 1979 founded the baroque at Stanford, he became a Los Angeles lawyer, served
group Les Arts Florissantes, directing outstanding as Deputy Secretary of State under President *Carter
performances of baroque operas and making many 1977–81 and was President *Clinton’s Secretary of
recordings. Also an expert gardener, he became a State 1993–97.
French national in 1996.
Christus (Cristus), Petrus (c.1420–1473). Flemish
Christina (1626–1689). Queen of Sweden 1632–54. painter, born near Antwerp. Active in Bruges from
Daughter of *Gustaf II (Gustavus Adolphus), during 1444, he was strongly influenced by the van *Eycks
her minority, until 1644, the country was effectively and is best known for his altarpieces and portraits, of
governed by the great chancellor Axel *Oxenstierna, which about 30 survive. He may have visited Milan
but on assuming power she soon revealed her in 1457.
distrust of him and the ruling aristocracy. Able and
capricious, she achieved at least two of her political Chrysler, Walter Percy (1875–1940). American
aims, the early ending of the Thirty Years’ War and motor manufacturer, born in Kansas. He left the
the recognition as her heir of her cousin Charles, to Buick company, of which he was president (1916–
whom she had previously been secretly engaged. But 19), to form the Chrysler Corporation, which he
her main interests, apart from indulging her personal ran until 1938. Chrysler produced the Jeep and the
extravagances, were literature, art, philosophy and Dodge. In 2009, to avoid bankruptcy, it formed a
religion (*Descartes came to Stockholm at her strategic alliance with Fiat.
invitation). In 1651 she first announced her intention
to abdicate, and though persuaded to postpone the Chrysostom, St John see John Chrysostom, St
decision, she left the country in 1654, became a Chu, Steven (1948–  ). American physicist, born
Roman Catholic and went to live in Rome. On the in St Louis. Professor of physics at Stanford 1987–
death of *Charles X (1660) and again in 1667, she 2001, he shared the 1997 Nobel Prize for Physics
attempted to regain her throne, but was rejected for ‘development of methods to cool and trap atoms
because of her religion. She became reconciled to with laser light’ and directed the Lawrence Berkeley
life in Rome, where she ruled a brilliant artistic and National Laboratory 2004–09, and in Houston
literary circle until her death. Superconductivity. US Secretary of Energy 2009–
Weibull, C., Christina of Sweden. 1966. 13, he was an effective advocate for climate change
Christo (Christo Vladimirovich Javacheff) (1935– ).
Bulgarian-American artist. Educated in Sofia and Chu Hsi see Zhu Xi
Paris, he gained early recognition for his ‘wrapped
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Dictionary of World Biography

Chun Doo Hwan (1931–  ). Korean soldier and (patchily) at Harrow and Sandhurst. He served with
politician. He commanded the defence security the Spanish forces in Cuba (1895) then joined the
unit in the South Korea army (1979–80), organised British army in India, where he began to take an
a coup that took over the army leadership in 1980, intense interest in history and literature. He was sent
and became President of the Republic of Korea to the Sudan in 1898 and took part in the battle
1981–88. In 1996 he was tried for his involvement of Omdurman. A  correspondent of the London
in the murder of President *Park Chung Hee (1979), Morning Post during the Boer War, he was captured
sentenced to death and amnestied in 1997. by the Boers, escaped and returned to England as
a hero. In  1900 he published a novel, Savrola, and
Church, Alonzo (1903–1995). American was elected to the House of Commons, serving as
mathematician and logician, born in Washington MP 1900–22 and 1924–64 (Conservative 1900–04,
DC. A pioneer of symbolic logic, he taught at 1924–64, Liberal 1904–22). His dreadful relatives
Princeton and UCLA. His students and collborators and friends caused deep seated suspicion. Although
included Alan *Turing. a devoted monarchist, he was mistrusted by *Edward
VII, *George V and (at first) *George VI.
Churchill, Arabella (1648–1730). English mistress.
Sister of the 1st Duke of *Marlborough and mistress In the Liberal ministry of *Campbell Bannerman
of James, Duke of York (later *James II), their son, the he was Undersecretary for the Colonies 1906–08,
Duke of *Berwick, became a distinguished soldier in President of the Board of Trade 1908–10 and Home
the French armies. Secretary 1910–11. As First Lord of the Admiralty
1911–15, he was responsible for the mobilisation
Churchill, Charles (1731–1764). English satirical of the fleet on the outbreak of World War I. He
poet. Ordained in 1756 he was briefly a curate but planned the Allied landing at Gallipoli (1915) and
soon turned to writing satirical and political verse. when this failed he was subject to severe criticism
He led a dissipated life, and left the Church in 1763. and resigned. In 1916 he served in France with the
He  was a vigorous supporter of John *Wilkes and 6th Royal Scots Fusiliers, but when *Lloyd George
wrote much of his famous political polemic in The displaced *Asquith he recalled Churchill to office as
North Briton. Minister of Munitions 1917–19. He was Secretary
Laver, J., Poems of Charles Churchill. 1970. of State for War and for Air 1919–21 and Colonial
Secretary 1921–22. When the war ended he was
Churchill, Lord Randolph Henry Spencer (1849– prominent in organising armies of intervention to
1895). English politician. The third son of the 7th overthrow the Soviet Government in Russia. He saw
Duke of Marlborough, he was educated at Eton and the futility of continued violence in Ireland and
Oxford and became a Conservative MP in 1874. supported the establishment of the Irish Free State.
He developed a policy of progressive conservatism, After the dissolution of the Turkish Empire he was
known as Tory Democracy, and attacked both Liberal responsible for creating the new states of Jordan and
and Conservative leaders. He was Secretary for India Iraq (suggesting the last name himself as a substitute
1885–86 and Chancellor of the Exchequer 1886, for Mesopotamia) which became British mandates.
resigning the latter office after six months as a protest He opposed breaking up Lloyd George’s coalition
against the excessive financial demands of the army government and was defeated in the 1922 and 1923
and navy. Then 37, he never held a Cabinet post again general elections. Returned in the October 1924
and was crippled by syphilis in his later years. In 1874 election, he served as Chancellor of the Exchequer
he married Jenny Jerome (1854–1921), daughter of 1924–29, under Stanley *Baldwin. In 1925 he pegged
a New York newspaper proprietor. sterling to the Gold Standard, at the 1914 exchange
Churchill, W. L. S., Lord Randolph Churchill. Rev. ed. rate, leading to an overvaluation which made
1952. exporting harder. He took an extremist line against
the General Strike of 1926, calling it ‘revolutionary’
Churchill, Winston (1871–1947). American and had to be calmed down by Baldwin. He also
novelist, born in Missouri. Among his successful showed some sympathy for *Mussolini. He was not
romantic novels were Richard Carvel (1899) and offered a place in the *MacDonald-Baldwin National
The Crisis (1901). Active in politics as a Progressive, Government (1931), flirted briefly with Lloyd George
he was sometimes confused with his namesake, the and Oswald *Mosley and took an extreme view in
British politician. opposing all moves towards self-government in India.
He denounced *Gandhi in 1931 as ‘this seditious …
Churchill, Sir Winston Leonard Spencer (1874– fakir of a type well known in the east … half-naked’.
1965). English politician, soldier and author, born He remained deeply anti-Indian. In 1936 he reached
at Blenheim Palace. An adoring son of a bullying his political nadir, supporting King *Edward VIII
remote father and a vivacious remote mother, his against Baldwin over the abdication crisis. Despite his
parents were Lord Randolph *Churchill, a seventh lamentable judgment in other areas, he was correct in
generation descendent of the Duke of *Marlborough, his consistent opposition to *Hitler, although silent
and Jenny Jerome, an American. He was educated on Ethiopia and Spain. After *Chamberlain became
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Dictionary of World Biography

Prime Minister (1937) he bitterly attacked the policy biographical presentation and for his brilliant oratory,
of appeasing Germany and, on the outbreak of World in which he has always stood forth as the defender of
War II (1939), became First Lord of the Admiralty. eternal human values’. He suffered from periods of
Chamberlain resigned after widespread criticism of depression which he called the ‘black dog’.
his wartime government.
He was awarded the CH (1922) and OM (1946),
In May 1940 Churchill was made Prime Minister in made a Knight of the Garter in 1953, and received
a coalition government. He told the nation: ‘I have innumerable awards, degrees and fellowships,
nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.’ including FRS and RA.
As Prime Minister and Minister of Defence he led
He married Clementine Ogilvy Hozier (1885–1977)
a coalition government with Labour and Liberal
in 1908. She was created GBE in 1946 and Baroness
support. He worked in close cooperation with
Spencer-Churchill in 1965. Their son, Randolph
*Roosevelt, whom he met in August 1941 in the
Frederick Edward Spencer Churchill (1911–1968)
Atlantic, near Newfoundland, and other world leaders
was a notoriously erratic writer and journalist.
including Josef *Stalin (August 1942, Moscow),
He served in the army in World War II and was a
General *de Gaulle and *Chiang Kaishek. He took
Conservative MP 1940–45. Among his books were
little interest in the Pacific War and Asia (other
The Story of the Coronation (1953) and The Rise and
than India: he had never visited Australia or New
Fall of Sir Anthony Eden (1959). Their daughter Mary
Zealand). His strategic judgment was often erratic
Spencer-Churchill, Baroness Soames (1922–2014)
and he treated some able generals (*Dill, *Wavell,
married Christopher Soames, wrote Clementine
*Auchinleck) harshly. Apart from his opposition to
Churchill’s biography (1979) and was created LG in
Hitler, his war aims were ill-defined apart from a
2005. Randolph’s son Winston (Spencer) Churchill
determination to maintain the British Empire. In
(1940–2010) was a Conservative MP 1970–97.
October 1944 at Moscow he conceded Stalin’s claim
to dominate Eastern Europe and the Balkans, and Churchill, R. S. Winston S. Churchill 2 vols (and
Roosevelt acquiesced at Yalta (February 1945). companions) 1966–67, continued by Gilbert, M.
6 vols (and companions) 1971–88; Soames, M.,
At the post war general election of July 1945 his
Clementine Churchill 1979; Charmley, J., Churchill:
party was heavily defeated by Labour and *Attlee
The End of Glory 1992; Jenkins, R. Churchill. 2001;
replaced him at the Potsdam Conference. Churchill
Roberts, A., Churchill. Walking with Destiny. 2018.
continued as Conservative leader and Leader of the
Opposition. In March 1946 his famous speech at Chu Teh see Zhu De
Fulton, Missouri helped to define the ‘Cold War’.
He led the Conservatives to a narrow victory (his only Ciano, Galeazzo, Conte di Cortellazzo (1903–
one) in October 1951 and resumed office as Prime 1944). Italian Fascist politician. The son of a naval
Minister 1951–55 and Minister of Defence 1951–52. hero who became a minister in the first Fascist
His relationship with *Elizabeth II had embarrassing Government, he married *Mussolini’s daughter Edda
parallels with Lord *Melbourne and Queen *Victoria. in 1930. He served as Minister for Foreign Affairs
He maintained his close relations with the US under 1936–43 but voted for Mussolini’s deposition at the
Presidents *Truman and *Eisenhower. In April 1955, Grand Council (1943). He was later captured by
past 80, he gave up as Prime Minister very reluctantly, Mussolini’s supporters, tried and shot as a traitor.
although he had suffered two serious strokes and his
memory was failing. Anthony *Eden replaced him. Cibber, Colley (1671–1757). English actor,
He declined a dukedom in 1955, wishing to continue playwright and poet. The author of about 30 plays,
as a member of the House of Commons. Always a the best known being She Would and She Would Not,
colourful and controversial figure, he earned the he was denounced by *Pope, *Fielding and *Johnson,
gratitude of the democratic world for his dynamic and his appointment as Poet Laureate in 1730 was the
leadership in the wartime years. He was an enthusiast subject of much derision. He achieved varying success
for Franco-German reconciliation and some form of on the London stage as an eccentric comedian.
European union. He wrote the autobiographical Apology for the Life of
Mr Colley Cibber, Comedian (1740).
A gifted amateur painter, he was made an honorary
Royal Academician in 1948. His literary work reflects Cicero, Marcus Tullius (106–43 BCE). Roman
the stylistic influence of *Gibbon and *Macaulay. orator, politician and philosopher, born in Arpinum.
Among his books were Lord Randolph Churchill Educated in Rome, Rhodes and Athens, he achieved
(1906), The World Crisis (1923–29, a history of early fame as an orator, served as quaestor of Sicily
World War I), My Early Life (1930), Life of the Duke (75) and praetor of Rome (66). Although he was
of Marlborough (1933–38), Great Contemporaries not of noble birth his ability won him the support
(1937). He published The Second World War (6 vols, of the senatorial party. As Consul (63) he exposed
1948–54) and A History of the English Speaking and suppressed the conspiracy of *Catiline but
Peoples (4 vols, 1956–58). He won the Nobel Prize for was later exiled, and deprived of his property for
Literature in 1953 ‘for his mastery in historical and having illegally passed death sentences on some of
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Dictionary of World Biography

the conspirators. He served as Governor of Cilicia Cincinnatus, Lucius Quinctius (519–435 BCE).
(52–51). He supported *Pompey against *Caesar Roman politician and soldier. He was twice appointed
during the civil war (49–48) and only returned to dictator by the Senate to deal with invasions by the
Rome on Caesar’s invitation in 47. He supported the Aequians. On each occasion he returned to retirement
conspiracy against Caesar but did not take part in his in the country as soon as the military emergency was
murder. He led the republicans in opposition to the over. He was famous as a model of devotion to duty
Second Triumvirate (Mark *Antony, *Octavianus and and the unselfish renunciation of power.
*Lepidus) and was exiled and ultimately murdered
on Antony’s orders. His severed head and hands were Cinna, Lucius Cornelius (d.84 BCE). Roman
displayed to the mob. politician. A leader of the democratic party, he was
Consul in 87 and in 86–84, and supported *Marius
Vain but sincere, he proved an inept politician. in the civil war against *Sulla. His daughter Cornelia
Regarded as the greatest of Roman orators, 57 of his became the second wife of Julius *Caesar, whose
major speeches have survived. His vivacious letters and ambitions Cinna encouraged. He was killed during a
his books on law and philosophy (On Oratory, On the mutiny of his own troops. His son Lucius Cornelius
Republic, On Old Age, On Friendship) were of great Cinna (d.44 BCE) was one of Caesar’s assassins.
historical significance and affected the development
of Latin style. His writings were a major influence on Cinthio (name used by Giovanni Battista Giraldi)
the literature of the Renaissance, and *Petrarch wrote (1504–1573). Italian novelist and poet, born in
commentaries on his works. Ferrara. *Shakespeare’s Othello is almost certainly
drawn from a story in Cinthio’s Hecatommithi (1565).
Stockton, D., Cicero: A Political Biography. 1971.
Cipriani, Amilcare (1844–1918). Italian
Cid, El (Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar) (c.1040–1099). revolutionary politician. A friend of *Garibaldi, he
Spanish soldier. The name ‘El Cid’ is Arabic: ‘seyyid’ fought for Italian unification, then served in the
means ‘lord’. He was also called ‘El Cid Campeador’: Paris Commune (1870–71). He spent many years in
‘the lord champion’. So many legends have been told prison or in exile. He raised a battalion to fight for
about him that it is difficult to determine the truth. Greek independence from the Turks, and supported
He seems to have been a soldier of fortune who sold the Allied cause in World War I.
his services from time to time to both the Christians
and the Moors. Noted for his skill in guerrilla warfare, Citroën, André Gustave (1878–1935). French
he conquered and ruled Valencia 1094–99. Medieval motorcar manufacturer. After World War I he began
legends incorrectly described him as a valiant to produce small, low-priced cars, but in 1934 he
champion of Christianity against the Moors. went bankrupt and lost control of the company that
still carries his name.
Ciller, Tansu (1946–  ). Turkish economist and
politician. Educated in the US, she became an Cixi (pinyin, in Wade-Giles Tz’u Hsi)  (1835–1908).
academic, wrote textbooks, succeeded *Demirel as Dowager empress of China 1861–1908. Daughter
leader of the True Path party and was Prime Minister of an army officer, her personal name was Yehonala.
1993–96. A striking beauty who became the concubine of the
weak and dissolute emperor Xianfeng (1831–1861)
Cimabue, Giovanni (‘bull-headed’) (Cenni di she achieved personal domination over him, bore his
Pepo or Pepi) (c.1240–1302). Italian painter, born only son, Tongzhi (1856) and became regent when
in Florence. Little has survived of his work apart he succeeded at the age of five. She was probably
from some mosaics in Pisa, and panel paintings and responsible for the death of Tong and his wife (1875).
frescoes attributed to him in Florence and Assisi. She gained a new term of regency by placing her
His use of a golden background reveals the extent of sister’s four-year-old son Guangxu (1871–1908)
Byzantine influence, but his figures are more natural on the throne. When he came of age (1889), she
than those of his predecessors. He was the teacher of continued to rule in his name, maintaining authority
*Giotto according to *Vasari but there is hardly any with diplomatic skill to prevent further foreign
documentary evidence of his life and work. *Dante, encroachments. But there were major blows. China
his contemporary, refers to him as enjoying a fame was defeated in a war with Japan (1894). In 1898
that was overtaken by that of Giotto. the emperor encouraged the ‘Hundred Days’ Reform
Battisti, E., Cimabue. 1967. movement (*Kang Yuwei) but the empress rallied
reactionary forces, regained power and imprisoned
Cimarosa, Domenico (1749–1801). Italian composer, Guangxu. There were even more disastrous effects
born in Naples. He wrote about 60 operas, few of from reprisals for the anti-foreign Boxer Rebellion
which are still performed; the best known is The Secret of 1900 (secretly encouraged by Cixi) which left the
Marriage (1792), a comic opera. He  became court *Qing (Manchu) dynasty thoroughly discredited.
conductor for *Catherine the Great at St Petersburg. She introduced some modest reforms including the
A popular oboe concerto was arranged by Sir John abolition of footbinding for women (1905), which
*Barbirolli from Cimarosa’s music. had never been part of Manchu custom. Guangxu
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died of arsenic poisoning, a day before Cixi, and the served as Chancellor of the Exchequer 1660–61 and
likeliest culprits were either the empress herself, despite Lord High Chancellor 1660–67, being the effective
her fragile health, or *Yüan Shikai. On the death of head of *Charles II’s Government. The Clarendon
‘the Old Buddha’, a two-year-old child (*Pu’yi’, or Code which aimed at maintaining supremacy for
Xuantong) was left to succeed. The revolution was in the Church of England and denied toleration to
sight. She liked to be designated ‘Motherly Auspicious Catholics and Dissenters was somewhat erroneously
Orthodox Heaven-Blest Prosperous All Nourishing ascribed to him. Charles II began unjustly to blame
Brightly-Manifest Calm Sedate Perfect Long-Lived him for every failure of national policy and dismissed
Respectful Reverend Worshipful Illustrious Exalted him in 1667, the ‘Cabal’ ministry then taking office.
Empress Dowager’. Clarendon was impeached and fled to France,
where he remained for the rest of his life. He wrote
Chang, J., Empress Dowager Cixi. 2013.
an important History of the Rebellion, published
Clair, René (1898–1981). French film director. posthumously in 1704, with a perpetual copyright to
Noted for developing a cinematic equivalent of the the University of Oxford, which became the basis of
verbal cut and thrust of stage comedy, and for his the Clarendon Press. He also wrote against *Hobbes.
poetic originality, his best known films are The Italian He was Chancellor of Oxford University 1660–67.
Straw Hat, A Nous la Liberté and La Beauté du Diable. His daughter, Anne Hyde (1637–1671) was the first
He  became a member of the Académie Française wife of *James II.
in 1960. Wormwald, B. H. G., Clarendon: Politics, History and
Clarensol, G., and Regent, R., René Clair: Un Maître Religion, 1640–1660. 1951.
du Cinéma. 1952.
Clark, Colin Grant (1905–1989). Australian
Clare, John (1793–1864). English poet. Called ‘the economist. Educated at Oxford, he divided his time
Northamptonshire peasant poet’, he became a farm between Britain and Australia and popularised (1940)
boy at the age of seven, then worked as a gardener A.G.B. Fisher’s analysis of the labour force into
until he joined the local militia. He was a vagrant for primary, secondary and teriary sectors.
some years, lived with gypsies and, after an unhappy Clark, George Rogers (1752–1818). American
love affair, became insane. He was confined in an surveyor, soldier and frontiersman. He led successful
asylum from 1837. His simple and direct lyrics have military expeditions defending Kentucky during the
an unusual purity of style and he published The Village War of Independence. He attacked the Shawnee
Minstrel (1821) and Rural Muse (1827) which were well Indians as well as the British, his aim being the
received. His best known lyric, written in the asylum, extension of American settlement. After the war he
was: ‘I am: yet what I am, who knows or cares?’. was appointed an Indian commissioner, and helped
Storey, E., A Right to Song: The Life of John Clare. to negotiate a treaty with the Shawnee tribe in 1786.
1982. He lost his position as the result of intrigues, and
in 1793 was part of an intrigue against Washington
Clarence, George Plantagenet, Duke of (1449– to persuade the US to join France in a war against
1478). English prince. The son of *Richard Duke Britain. He returned to Louisville on the Ohio River
of York and the brother of King *Edward IV, he (which as Fort Nelson, had been one of his main war
was also the son-in-law of the Earl of *Warwick time bases) and lived in retirement.
(‘The Kingmaker’). A vacillating character, he first
supported Warwick against Edward, then changed Clark, Graeme Milbourne (1935–  ). Australian
sides and was ultimately imprisoned in the Tower medical scientist. Educated at Sydney University,
on a charge of necromancy. He died in the Tower, he was Professor of Otolaryngology at Melbourne
traditionally having been ‘drowned in a butt of University 1970–2000 and developed a cochlear
Malmsey’, presumably meaning that he drank himself implant, known as the bionic ear, which restored
to death. hearing to the profoundly deaf. He was awarded an
AC, FAA, FRS, the Lister Medal (2010) and the
Clarence, William Henry, Duke of see William IV Lasker DeBakey Prize (2013).
Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of (1609–1674). Clark, Helen Elizabeth (1950–  ). New Zealand
English lawyer, politician and historian, born near Labour politician. She lectured at Auckland
Salisbury. The son of a squire, he was educated at University, became an MP 1981–2009, Minister for
Oxford, became a successful barrister and sat in the Health 1989–90, Leader of the Opposition 1993–99
House of Commons 1640–42. Although he had and Prime Minister 1999–2008. She was Director of
criticised the practice of the monarchy of ‘the personal the UN Development Programme 2009–17.
government of *Charles I’, he joined the King before
the outbreak of the Civil War (1642) and tried to exert Clark, Joe (Charles Joseph) (1939–  ). Canadian
a moderating influence on him. Chancellor of the politician. A journalist and academic in Alberta, he
Exchequer 1642–43, he was the chief adviser to the was a Progressive Conservative MP 1972–93, Leader
future Charles II from 1646. After the Restoration he of the Opposition 1976–79 and 1980–83, and Prime
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Minister 1979–80. He became Minister for External Clarke, Sir Arthur C(harles) (1917–2008). British
Affairs 1984–91 and Minister for Constitutional novelist and science writer. His predictions of future
Affairs 1991–93, under *Mulroney. technological developments scored well for accuracy,
including the communications satellite (1945). With
Clark, Kenneth Mackenzie Clark, Baron (1903– Stanley *Kubrick he wrote 2001: A Space Odyssey
1983). British art historian and critic. Educated (1968) as a novel and script for an important film.
at Oxford, he worked with Bernard *Berenson in He published more than 50 books. He lived in Sri
Florence for two years, and became Director of the Lanka from 1956.
National Gallery, London 1934–45. He was Slade
Professor of Fine Arts at Oxford University 1946– Clarke, John Morrison (1948–2017). Australian-
50 and 1961–62, Chairman of the Arts Council New Zealand satirist, actor, writer and film producer.
of Great Britain 1953–60 and of the Independent A penetrating satirist in the tradition of *Swift and a
Television Authority 1954–57. His books included master of language, he punctured political absurdity
Leonardo da Vinci (1939), Landscape into Art (1949), and pomposity on film, television, radio, books and
Piero della Francesca (1951), The Nude (1956) and journals.
Rembrandt and the Italian Renaissance (1966). His
television series and later book Civilisation (1969) Clarke, Kenneth Harry (1940–  ). British
were extremely popular. He received a KCB in 1938, Conservative politician. A barrister (QC)  , he was
the CH in 1959, a peerage in 1969 and the OM a Member of Parliament 1970–  , Secretary of State
in 1976. His son Alan Kenneth Mackenzie Clark for Health 1988–90, for Education and Science
(1928–1999) was a controversial military historian 1990–92, for Home Affairs 1992–93 and Chancellor
and diarist, Conservative MP 1974–92, 1997–99, of the Exchequer 1993–97. Under David *Cameron,
and a junior minister. he served as Minister for Justice and Lord Chancellor
2010–12, then as Minister without Portfolio 2012–
Secrest, M., Kenneth Clark. 1984. 14, then forced out, consoled by the award of a CH.
Clark, (Charles) Manning (Hope) (1915–1991). Clarke, Marcus Andrew Hislop (1846–1881).
Australian historian. Educated at Melbourne and Australian novelist, born in London. He became a
Oxford, he was professor of Australian history at The journalist in Melbourne and wrote a powerful (but
Australian National University (1949–80), writing not completely accurate) novel about the convict
the massive but controversial A History of Australia settlement at Port Arthur (Tasmania), For the Term
(1962–87, 6 vols). of His Natural Life (1874).
Clark, Mark Wayne (1896–1984). American soldier. Claude, Georges (1870–1960). French chemist. He
He served in World War I and was wounded, and in invented neon lighting and founded a company to
World War II became GOC of the US Fifth Army exploit this invention. Among his other achievements
in the invasion of Italy (1943), later commanding all was the invention of processes for the production of
US troops in Italy 1944–45 and Austria 1945–47. liquid air and of synthetic nitrates.
He succeeded General M. B. *Ridgway as Supreme
Commander of Allied Powers in the Far East and UN Claude Lorrain(e) (Claude Gellée) (1600–1662).
Commander-in-Chief in Korea 1952–53. He was in French landscape painter, born in Nancy. Originally
charge of the allied armies at the end of the Korean a pastrycook, he was trained in Rome and lived there
War. He wrote From the Danube to the Yalu (1954). from 1627. Most of his paintings were based on
biblical, classical or medieval themes, for example The
Clark, Sir Wilfred Edward Le Gros (1895–1971). Judgment of Paris (1646), Seaport: The Embarkation
English anatomist. Professor of Anatomy at Oxford of the Queen of Sheba (1648) and Landscape with
University 1934–62, he wrote History of the Primates the Marriage of Isaac and Rebekah (1648). He made
(1949) and The Fossil Evidence of Human Evolution thousands of fluent, almost impressionistic, drawings
(1955). and was also an etcher. He died rich and about 250
of his paintings survive, most in England, where his
Clark, William (1770–1838). American explorer, idealised landscapes were much admired, especially
born in Virginia. He joined the army in 1792 by *Turner.
and fought against the Native Americans. With
Meriwether *Lewis he went on an expedition to the Claudel, Paul Louis Charles Marie (1868–1955).
northwest of the United States (1804–06). Leaving French poet, playwright and diplomat. He studied
from St Louis, they explored the Missouri River to its law, joined the diplomatic service in 1890 and spent
source, crossed the Rocky Mountains and followed most of his adult life abroad. He served as Minister to
the Columbia River to the Pacific. They returned to Brazil 1917–19, and Ambassador to Japan 1921–25,
St Louis and published a valuable scientific record to the US 1926–33, and to Belgium 1933–35. He
of their expedition. Clark was Governor of Missouri called himself a follower of *Rimbaud and it was the
Territory 1813–20 and Superintendent of Indian influence of the Symbolists which turned him away
Affairs 1822–38. from materialism and the acceptance of a mechanical
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Dictionary of World Biography

universe; however, he reacted against the decadence Clausius, Rudolf Julius Emanuel (1822–1888).
of the symbolists and his work reflects his devotion to German mathematical physicist, born in Pomerania
Catholicism. His plays include Break of Noon (1908). (now in Poland). He was educated in Berlin and
The Tidings Brought to Mary (1916) and The Book Halle, and became a professor of physics at the
of Christopher Columbus (1930). He was elected to Artillery and Engineering School, Berlin 1850–55.
the Académie Française in 1946. He is important in In 1850 he enunciated the First and Second Laws of
the history of the theatre because of his use, in his Thermodynamics (‘Work and heat are equivalent’,
later plays, of ‘total theatre’ stage presentation. His ‘Heat cannot of itself pass from a colder to a hotter
sister Camille Claudel (1864–1943) was a sculptor, body’) precise formulations of discoveries by J. R.
mistress and model of *Rodin, confined in an asylum *Mayer, *Joule and *Helmholtz, and of Sadi *Carnot
from 1913. The film Camille Claudel appeared respectively, just anticipating *Kelvin with the Second
in 1989. Law. In 1857 Clausius provided explanations of how
electrolysis works and the kinetic theory of gases. He
Fowlie, W., Claudel. 1958.
held professorships at Zürich 1855–67, Würzburg
Claudius I (Tiberius Claudius Drusus Nero 1867–69 and Bonn 1869–88. In 1865 he proposed
Germanicus) (10 BCE–54 CE). Fourth Roman the concept of ‘entropy’, the measure of unavailability
Emperor 41–54 CE. Born in Lugdunum (modern of energy for work within a system: with any change
Lyon), son of Drusus, the brother of the Emperor in the system, entropy increases (from order to
*Tiberius, his supposed, or assumed, imbecility and disorder). Elected FRS, he was awarded the Copley
physical incapacity saved him from the fate of many Medal in 1879. A lunar crater is named for him.
of his relatives, but he wrote and studied history Clay, Henry (1777–1852). American Whig
although his works (in Latin and Greek) are now lost. politician, born in Virginia. He became a lawyer,
He became Emperor after *Caligula’s assassination in lived in Kentucky from 1797, achieved great success
41. He built the Claudian aqueduct, commenced the as an advocate and served in the state legislature. He
conquest of Britain and was present for part of the was a US senator 1806–07, 1810–11, 1831–42 and
campaign. He appeared to condone the viciousness 1849–52, a Member of the House of Representatives
and profligacy of his wife *Messalina, but when 1811–14, 1815–21 and 1823–25, and three times
she publicly married a lover he had her executed. Speaker 1811–14, 1815–20 and 1823–25. He was
*Suetonius makes a confused reference to Claudius’ defeated each time he tried for the presidency, in
attempt to expel Jews from Rome in 49 CE, because 1824, 1832, 1840 and 1844. He insisted ‘I would
they had been ‘causing disturbances at the instigation rather be right than President’, and proved his
of Chrestus (sic)’. His second wife *Agrippina, who is point. When no candidate secured a majority in
believed to have poisoned him, was the mother of the the 1824 poll, he urged his supporters in the House
next emperor, *Nero. of Representatives to vote for J.Q. *Adams, rather
Graves, R., I Claudius, Claudius the God. 1934. than Andrew *Jackson who had led on the popular
vote. Adams was elected and appointed Clay as
Claudius II (Marcus Aurelius Claudius Gothicus) US Secretary of State 1825–29. A great orator and
(d.270). Roman Emperor 268–70. Born in Sirmium, magnetic personality, Clay was called ‘The Great
Pannonia (now in Serbia). A career soldier, he was Pacificator’ for his ability to effect compromises on
Governor of Illyria, and was then appointed by the issues that seemed likely to split the Union, e.g. the
Emperor *Gallienus as his military deputy. After Tariff Bill of 1833, in which as an ardent protectionist
senior officers murdered Gallienus, troops outside he proposed that tariffs be lowered in order to appease
Milan proclaimed Claudius as emperor. He defeated the south. He also arranged the 1850 compromise, by
the Goths at Naissus (269) and died of the plague in which California was admitted to the Union as a non-
his birthplace. slave state, and the Fugitive Slave Law was passed.
His nephew Cassius Marcellus Clay (1810–1903)
Clausewitz, Carl Philipp Gottleib von (1780–1831). was an ardent abolitionist who edited an anti-slavery
Prussian soldier and military strategist. Of Polish newspaper in Lexington.
origin, he served as a staff officer under *Scharnhorst
and *Gneisenau, and directed the Prussian army van Deusen, G.G. The Life of Henry Clay. Repr. 1967.
school at Berlin 1818–30. His famous book On War
(Von Kriege, published posthumously by his widow in Cleanthes (fl. c.300 BCE). Greek philosopher.
1832–37) dealt with military strategy in an analytical A  Stoic, he was the pupil of *Zeno of Citium, and
manner and remained of major importance until became a great teacher. St *Paul quoted from one of
World War I. He coined the aphorism ‘War is the his poems in The Acts of the Apostles.
continuation of politics by other means’. Clegg, Sir Nick (Nicholas William Peter) (1967– ).
Parkinson, R., Clausewitz. 1971; Howard, M., English Liberal Democrat politician. Educated at
Clausewitz. 1983; Strachan, H., Clausewitz, 2007. Westminster School and Cambridge, he was MEP
1999–2004, MP 2005–17. He served as Deputy
Prime Minister and Lord President of the Council
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2010–15, in coalition with David *Cameron’s Clement VII (Giulio de’Medici) (1478–1534).
Conservatives. In the elections of May 2015, the Pope 1523–34. A cousin of Pope *Leo X, he was
Liberals suffered a catastrophic loss, falling from 56 Archbishop of Florence 1512–34. He proved an
seats to 8. indecisive pope and failed to cope with the problems
raised by the Reformation. In 1527 Rome was sacked
Clemenceau, Georges Benjamin (1841–1929). by the Imperial troops of *Charles V but by 1529
French Radical politician, born in the Vendée. Clement had become reconciled with Charles, and
Son of a physician, he studied medicine in Paris, begged him to solve the problem of Lutheranism. He
but went to the US as a journalist (1865–68) and refused *Henry VIII’s request for an annulment of his
taught for a time at a school in Connecticut. He was marriage to *Catherine of Aragon, the aunt of Charles
Mayor of Montmartre 1870–71 and a Member of V (1534).
the Chamber of Deputies 1876–93. He founded a
radical newspaper in Paris, La Justice, in 1880, and Clementi, Muzio (1752–1832). Italian pianist and
became a remorseless critic of ministerial ineptitude. composer. He lived in England 1766–80, 1782–
He forced the resignation of President *Grévy over an 1804, 1810–32, and achieved great fame, first as a
honours scandal (1887). He was defeated as a deputy pianist and composer, later as a publisher, teacher and
in 1893. The ferocity of his journalistic attacks earned piano manufacturer. He was one of the founders of
him the soubriquet of ‘The Tiger’ and his revelations the modern school of piano playing, and composed
caused the fall of several ministries. He was a strong 70 sonatas and a famous collection of studies Gradus
supporter of Captain *Dreyfus, unjustly charged ad Parnassum.
with espionage. A senator 1902–20, he served as
Minister of the Interior 1906, and Premier 1906–09, Cleopatra VII (Thea Philopater) (69–30 BCE).
completing the separation of Church and State, but Queen of Egypt 51–30 BCE. Born in Alexandria,
losing the support of the Socialists by using troops daughter of Ptolemy XII Auletes, she was a member
to break several strikes. During World War I he of a Macedonian-Greek dynasty, but spoke Egyptian
flayed government inefficiency in his newspapers, as well. She married her younger brother, Ptolemy
L’Homme Libré (suppressed by the censor in 1914) Dionysus, in 5l but was forced into exile by her
and L’Homme enchainé. At a critical moment in the brother’s guardian, Pothinus, in 49. From Syria she
war, when resistance was low (November 1917), attracted the interest and attention of Julius *Caesar,
President *Poincaré appointed him as Premier and and after he conquered Egypt in 48 she was restored
Minister of War, and he held these posts 1917–20. to power. She became Caesar’s mistress, bore him
He proved a vigorous leader, mobilised all available a son (Caesarion, 47 BCE) and lived with him in
resources, and crushed defeatism, but ruled as a Rome 46–44. On returning to Egypt she married
virtual dictator, ignoring the legislature. He was Ptolemy XIV, another of her brothers, but he was
responsible for the appointment of Marshal *Foch soon poisoned on her orders. In 42, she met Mark
as Allied Generalissimo in March 1918. He was *Antony, they lived together for 12 years and had
elected to the Académie Française in 1918. After the three children. Cleopatra’s union with Mark Antony
war had been won he became President of the Paris cost him much support in Rome, and after his heavy
Peace Conference (1919) and trenchantly criticised defeat at the battle of Actium (31) he committed
President *Wilson’s proposals as impracticably suicide. Cleopatra tried to win the love of the
idealistic. In 1920 the French legislature elected Paul victorious Octavian (*Augustus) but failed, and killed
*Deschanel as President of the Republic in preference herself (according to tradition) by applying an asp to
to Clemenceau. This was a left-handed compliment her breast. She was intelligent and widely read but
as his cynical advice at previous presidential elections subject to an overmastering ambition and sensuality.
had always been ‘Vote for the stupidest’. He retired She is a major character in plays by *Shakespeare and
from public life, visited India and the US, and *Shaw, operas by *Händel and *Massenet and several
devoted himself to literature. films.
Monnerville, C., Clemenceau. 1968; Watson, D.R., Volkmann, H., Cleopatra. 1958.
Georges Clemenceau. 1974.
Clerk Maxwell, James see Maxwell, James Clerk
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne see Twain, Mark
Cleveland, Barbara Villiers, 1st Duchess of
Clement I, St (Clement of Rome) (c.30–100? CE). (1641–1709). English noblewoman. The daughter
Pope 90–100? Thought to have been the fourth of Viscount Grandison, she was the mistress of
Bishop of Rome (i.e. Pope), assuming St *Peter to *Charles II from 1660–74 and her sons became
have been the first, an old tradition claims that he was Duke of Cleveland, Duke of Grafton and Duke of
consecrated by St Peter himself. He wrote an Epistle Northumberland. She became a Roman Catholic and
to the Church of Corinth (c.95) which has survived her influence over Charles contributed to the fall of
and demonstrates that the Roman see was exercising *Clarendon. Among her other lovers was the future
authority outside the boundaries of Italy. He is Duke of *Marlborough.
thought to have died in exile, perhaps in the Crimea.
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Cleveland, (Stephen) Grover (1837–1908). 22nd and Clifford, Clark McAdams (1906–1998). American
24th President of the US 1885–89; 1893–97. Born lawyer. Practising in Washington, he was an adviser
at Caldwell, New Jersey, the son of a Presbyterian to Presidents *Truman, *Kennedy and *Johnson but
clergyman, he worked in a lawyer’s office from the held no public office until his brief term as Secretary
age of 17 and became an attorney in 1859. He served of Defence 1968–69, during which the US began to
as Assistant District Attorney of Erie County, New retract its military action in Vietnam. He was accused
York State, 1863–65, sheriff (and hangman, three of conflict of interest in banking in 1991 which
times) of Erie County 1871–73, then returned to destroyed much of his reputation.
his law practice. In 1881 he began his extraordinary
political career which took him in four years from a Clifford of Chudleigh, Thomas Clifford, 1st
law office to the White House. As mayor of Buffalo Baron (1630–1673). English politician and courtier.
1881–82 he proved a notable reformer and gained the Educated at Oxford, he was MP 1660–72, served
Democratic nomination for Governor of New York on several diplomatic missions for *Charles II, and
State, serving 1883–85. He was Democratic candidate became a member of the ‘Cabal’ (Clifford, Arlington,
for the presidency in 1884, 1888 and 1892. In the Buckingham, Ashley, Lauderdale) ministry, as
1884 election he was narrowly elected and served as Commissioner for the Treasury 1667–72 and Lord
22nd President 1885–89. In 1888, although he gained Treasurer 1672–73. He became a Roman Catholic
a majority of the popular vote, he was defeated in the about 1670. He was a sincere but ineffective minister.
electoral college by 233 votes to 168 and Benjamin
Clinton, Bill (William Jefferson Blythe, Jr) (1946– ).
*Harrison succeeded him as President. He defeated
42nd President of the US 1993–2001. Born in Hope,
Harrison in 1892 and became the only ex-president
Arkansas, he took his step-father’s name after his
to return to the White House. He was extremely
widowed mother remarried. Educated at Hot Springs
conservative on all economic questions and favoured a
High School and Georgetown University, he won a
laissez-faire policy. He reformed the civil service, vetoed
Rhodes scholarship to Oxford (where he campaigned
about 300 Civil War pension bills, urged a policy of
against the Vietnam war) and completed legal studies
free trade (believing that protection was ‘pampering
at Yale. In November 1975, he married Hillary Diane
employers’), and instituted the Interstate Commerce
Rodham (Hillary *Clinton). He was a professor at
Commission (1887). His second term was marked
the University of Arkansas Law School 1974–76,
by an economic depression. He secured the repeal of
Attorney-General of Arkansas 1977–79 and Governor
the Sherman Silver Purchase Bill and was anxious to
of Arkansas 1979–81, 1983–93. In 1992 he won the
maintain the gold standard. He used Federal troops to
Democratic nomination for president against a weak
suppress the Pullman strike in Illinois (1894), despite
field, at a time when George *Bush was thought to
the protests of J. P. *Altgeld, and invoked the *Monroe
be unbeatable. In November, he defeated Bush 43 to
Doctrine against Great Britain in a dispute over the
38 per cent in the popular vote, with H. Ross *Perot
Venezuelan border (1895). He was virtually repudiated
on 19 per cent, after a vigorous campaign marked
by his party in 1896 when W. J. *Bryan was nominated
by strong personal attacks. Clinton concentrated
on a free-silver policy. He strongly opposed female
on the US economy and promised an era of ‘hope
suffrage. He retired to New Jersey, became a Trustee
and change’. After a shaky start as President, he
of Princeton University 1901–08 and of the Equitable
achieved some successes in foreign policy, backed
Life Insurance Company, New York, 1905–08.
the Middle East peace and supported Boris *Yeltsin.
Cleveland, John (1613–1658). English poet. The Republicans won control of Congress in 1994
Champion of the Royalist cause during the Civil War, with a hard Right agenda, but this victory soon
his best-known work is a series of political poems in caused a political reaction, Clinton moved to the
heroic couplet: Rupertismus,The Rebel Scot and The centre on policy issues and recovered lost popularity.
King’s Disguise. In November 1996 he became the first Democrat since
Franklin *Roosevelt to be elected for a second term,
Cliburn, Van (Harvey Lavan Cliburn, Jr) (1934– winning 49 per cent of the vote, in a low turnout,
2013). American pianist, born in Louisiana. Brought against Bob *Dole and Perot. His second term was
up in Texas, he studied in New York, specialising in distracted by allegations of sexual impropriety
the Russian romantic tradition. Winning the first (‘Zippergate’) by Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky,
International Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow Kathleen Willey and others. Fears of a second Gulf
(September 1958) made him an instant celebrity, War in February 1998 were averted (or postponed)
highly honoured in the US and USSR. However, by the intervention of Kofi *Annan. Clinton, pursued
he kept playing the same repertoire that made him by special prosecutor Kenneth Starr, gave evidence
famous, suffered a ‘burnout’ in 1978 and withdrew to a grand jury (August 1998) and made damaging
from concerts until 1994. admissions about sexual relations with Lewinsky.
Starr’s report alleged 15 offences by Clinton, and
Cliff, N., Moscow Nights. The Van Cliburn Story. 2017. the House of Representatives decided to conduct
impeachment hearings. Despite Democrat gains in
the 1998 Congressional elections, in December the
House, voting on party lines, impeached Clinton
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on two counts, perjury and obstruction of justice. (‘Whitewater’), which intensified after the Republican
(Air attacks on Baghdad at this time consolidated victory in mid-term elections in 1994. At the end of
Saddam’s position.) After trial in the Senate January– her husband’s term, she was elected as US Senator
February 1999, the prosecution failed on both from New York, serving 2001–09. She campaigned
counts, but Clinton suffered heavy personal damage. for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008,
NATO missile attacks and bombing of Serbia (April– and although initially regarded as a clear favourite,
June 1999) following ‘ethnic cleansing’ in Kosovo lost to Barack *Obama. She then served as his
appeared at first to strengthen *Milosevic, but led effective but controversial Secretary of State 2009–13,
to a peace agreement in which NATO and Russian declining reappointment. In April 2015 she launched
troops occupied Kosovo under UN auspices. The her campaign for the Democratic Party Presidential
Clinton Foundation was founded in 2001 and has nomination. Overwhelmingly supported by the party
developed programs for tackling problems of global establishment and in the Southern States, she was
health, education and exposure to climate change. In challenged by Senator Bernie *Sanders who appealed
2008, the Clintons campaigned for Barack *Obama to the ‘outsider’ vote and young people. By June
after Hillary failed to win the Democratic nomintion, 2016 she had enough pledged delegates to secure the
and used networking skills to promote her candidacy nomination—the first woman endorsed for President
in 2016. by a major party. In November, despite a popular
vote of 65.8 million, the second highest figure in US
Clinton, B., My Life. 2004; Branch, T., The Clinton
history, a 2.1 per cent plurality, winning 20 states and
Tapes. 2009.
the District of Columbia, she was defeated by Donald
Clinton, De Witt (1769–1828). American lawyer. *Trump in the Electoral College.
US Senator from New York 1802–03, Mayor of Clinton, H. R., Living History. 2003, Hard Choices.
New York City 1803–07, 1808–10, 1811–15, and 2014; Aller, J., and Parnes, A., HRC. 2014.
State Governor 1817–23, 1825–28, he was Federalist
candidate for president in 1812, against *Madison. Clive, Robert Clive, 1st Baron (1725–1774). English
He first put forward the idea of a canal linking the soldier and administrator, born near Market Drayton,
northeast coast with the Great Lakes through Lake Shropshire. Son of a squire, he was educated at the
Erie. The State Legislature accepted a scheme in Merchant Taylors’ School, became extremely unhappy
1816 and Clinton supervised the project himself and there, and in 1743 joined the East India Company
opened the Erie Canal in 1825. He was also noted for as a ‘writer’ (i.e. clerk administrator). He worked in
his interest in education and the dissemination of the Madras 1743–46 but obtained an ensign’s commission
arts and sciences. in the Indian army after fighting began with *Dupleix’s
French troops. After training a large force of sepoys he
Clinton, George (1739–1812). American politician, defeated 10,000 French and Indian troops at Arcot in
born in New York. Lawyer and soldier, he was 1751 in a clash that resulted from a dispute over the
Governor of New York 1777–95; 1801–04 (a record control of the Carnatic. Lieutenant Governor of Fort
period), opposed ratification of the US Constitution St David 1755–57, he was sent in 1756 to punish the
and became a founder of the emerging Democratic- Nawab of Bengal and Calcutta, Surajud Dowlah, who
Republican Party. In 1792, he was a candidate for had locked 146 British civilians in a small room, 123
Vice President (losing to John *Adams), but won of them dying of suffocation overnight in the ‘Black
in 1804 and 1808, serving under *Jefferson and Hole of Calcutta’. Clive defeated the Nawab at Plassey
*Madison 1805–12, and dying in office. De Witt in 1757, thus placing the large state of Bengal under
*Clinton was a nephew. British control. The Seven Years’ War had begun in
Europe and fighting between the British and French
Clinton, Sir Henry (c.1738–1795). English soldier.
soon broke out in India. As Governor of Bengal 1757–
A Member of Parliament 1772–84 and 1790–94, he
60 he established the supremacy of British power
was an indecisive Commander-in-Chief of British
throughout most of India. Returning to England in
Forces in North America 1778–81, and wrote a
1760 he was a Member of Parliament 1760–62. After
narrative of the campaign.
being raised to the peerage, he went back to India as
Clinton, Hillary (Diane) (née Rodham) (1947–  ). Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Bengal 1764–
American lawyer and Democratic politician, born in 67, making reforms in administration. He retired in
Chicago. Educated at Wellesley College (Mass.) and 1767 because of ill health, and after facing several
Yale, in 1964 she campaigned for Barry *Goldwater, charges of mis-government and peculation, he was
but became a Democrat and a lawyer for the Senate’s absolved of all blame. An opium addict, he committed
*Nixon impeachment team. She married Bill *Clinton suicide by cutting his throat.
in 1975. After her husband’s election as President Harvey, R., Clive: The Life and Death of a British
(1992), as First Lady she proposed comprehensive Emperor. 1998.
changes in health insurance which were blocked in
Congress and she came under bitter personal attack
about property dealings in Arkansas in the 1970s

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Clodius (Pulcher), Publius (c.93–52 BCE). Roman and was baptised himself in Reims in 496. (This event
politician. A leader of the democratic party, he led to a controversial commemoration in 1996 when
became a supporter of *Caesar and an opponent of Clovis was hailed by the ultra-Right as the founder
*Pompey and *Cicero. As Tribune of the People 59– of Christian France.) He opposed the Arians and
57, he proved to be a capable demagogue, revived the convened a Church council at Orléans (511).
guilds, ordered free gifts of corn for the people, and
Verseuil, J., Clovis. 1992.
sent Cicero into exile. He organised street gangs to
help him in his campaign for the Consulate but was Clyde, 1st Baron see Campbell, Colin
killed by the rival gang of Milo.
Clynes, John Robert (1869–1949). English Labour
Cloete, (Edward Fairly) Stuart (Graham) (1897– politician. Son of an Irish labourer, he worked in
1976). South African novelist. His novels include cotton mills from the age of 10, became a union
Turning Wheels (1937), The Hill of Doves (1941), The organiser and a Labour MP 1906–3l, 1935–45.
African Giant (1955), The Mask (1957), Rags of Glory He led the Labour Party 1921–22, during Ramsay
(1963) and The Abductors (1966). He was a strong *MacDonald’s absence from parliament, and was
critic of apartheid and the Boer tradition. Lord Privy Seal 1924 and Home Secretary 1929–31.
Cloete, S., Victorian Son. 1972.
Cnut (or Knud = ‘knot’, also written as Canute)
Clore, Sir Charles (1904–1979). British financier (c.995–1035). King of England 1016–35, Denmark
and businessman, born in London. Noted as a 1018–35 and Norway 1028–35. Son of *Sweyn
practitioner of the ‘take over’, he was son of an Forkbeard, King of Denmark, and a Polish mother,
immigrant Russian tailor who became prosperous in he invaded England in 1015, divided the kingdom
the textile trade. An established dealer in businesses, with *Edmund Ironside and on his death became
he bought J. Sears and Co. in 1956, by going directly sole king. He codified law, encouraged the Church
to the shareholders with an offer per share at well and (bigamously) married *Æthelred’s widow Emma.
above market value. This method, now common, He occupied Norway after a civil war in 1028. The
was then new. At the time of his death his fortune legend of him attempting to command the tide to
was estimated at £50 million, and his companies turn back has been misunderstood: he was ironically
were active in retailing, engineering, transport, shoe- pointing out to fawning courtiers that there were
making and bookmaking. He was committed to the limits to his power.
Zionist cause, to which he gave generously, as he did Bolton, T., Cnut the Great. 2017.
to many charities. He was the donor of the Clore
Gallery (opened 1987), an extension of the Tate. Coates, Albert (1882–1953). English conductor,
born in St Petersburg. He worked in business and
Close, ‘Chuck’ (Charles Thomas) (1940– ). American studied in both England and Russia, then became a
painter and photographer, born in Washington State. pupil of *Nikisch in Germany. He conducted the St
Working in a variety of forms, including collage, Petersburg Opera 1910–19, toured Europe and the
woodcuts, lithographs, etchings, finger paintings, US and made many recordings of *Wagner and the
tapestry and mosaics, he was known for his massive great Russians. He lived in South Africa 1947–53.
portraits (e.g. Philip *Glass, Barack *Obama) and His disappearance from recording catalogues is hard
there were many international exhibitions. to fathom.
Clough, Arthur Hugh (1819–1861). English poet. Coates, Eric (1886–1957). English composer.
Brought up in the US, he was educated at Rugby His light music gained wide popularity and included
and Oxford, and became the friend of *Carlyle, the London Suite, London Again, The Three Elizabeths
*Emerson and Matthew *Arnold. A civil servant, and The Three Bears Suite.
he was a melancholy sceptic whose verse reveals his
preoccupation with ethical questions. He revised Coates, (Joseph) Gordon (1878–1943). New
*Dryden’s translation of Plutarch’s Lives. His sister, Zealand politician. A Member of Parliament 1911–
Anne Jemima Clough (1820–1892) became the first 43, decorated in World War I, he became Leader of
Principal of Newnham College, Cambridge 1871–92. the Reform Party and Prime Minister 1925–28, the
Chorley, K., Arthur Hugh Clough. 1962. first born in New Zealand. As Minister for Finance
1933–35 he attempted to tackle the Depression’s
Clovis I (Germanic form Hlodwig, Latinised as impact and during World War II served under Labour
Louis) (466–511). King of the Franks c.481–511. as a non-party minister 1940–43.
Born in Tournai (modern Belgium), son of Childéric
Cobb, John (1899–1952). English racing motorist.
I, ruler of the Salian Franks, he murdered rivals to the
He  broke the world land speed record, 1947, by
succession, defeated the Gallo-Roman rulers of the
travelling at 634.4 km p.h.in a Napier-Railton. He was
Kingdom of Soissons in 486, made Paris his capital
killed in a motor boat accident on Loch Ness, Scotland.
and won territory from the Alemanni, Burgundians
and Visigoths. He married Clothilde, a Christian,
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Cobbett, William (1763–1835). English pamphleteer the production of the atomic bomb in the US. He
and Radical politician. After service in the army in was director of the UK Atomic Energy Establishment
Canada 1783–91, he became a Tory propagandist, at Harwell 1946–59 and first Master of Churchill
under the pen name of Peter Porcupine, and attacked College. Cambridge 1959–67. He shared the Nobel
all forms of radicalism and democracy. After 1804, Prize for Physics in 1951 with Walton, received the
he joined the radical cause, was imprisoned for OM in 1957, and won the Ford ‘Atoms for Peace’
denouncing flogging in the army and later acquitted Award of $US75,000 in 1961. He was Chancellor of
on a charge of sedition. A Member in the first reformed Australian National University, Canberra 1961–65.
Parliament 1832–35 he wrote extensively on political
and agricultural subjects. Rural Rides (1822–28), Cockerell, Sir Christopher Sydney (1910–1999).
published as a series of pamphlets, is masterly. English engineer. He was a pioneer of the amphibious
hovercraft that can travel across a variety of surfaces
Cole, G. D. H., The Life of William Cobbett. 3rd ed. on a cushion of air. The air is produced by jets.
1947. Cockerell was knighted in 1969, 10 years after a
prototype hovercraft crossed the English Channel.
Cobden, Richard (1804–1865). English Liberal
politician. A Member of Parliament 1841–65, the Cocteau, Jean (1889–1963). French poet, ballet
co-founder, with John *Bright, of the Anti-Corn designer, novelist, playwright, actor, film producer
Law League, he became known as ‘The Apostle of and graphic artist, born near Paris. He published his
Free Trade’. Prominent in opposing the Crimean first volume of poetry La Lampe d’Aladin in 1908, was
War (which brought him much unpopularity), associated with *Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes and served
he was an active worker for international peace as an ambulance driver in World War I. His ballets
and disarmament. Although he regarded himself include Parade (1917), with music by Erik *Satie,
as a radical, he firmly believed in ‘laissez faire’ and sets by Pablo *Picasso and staged by *Diaghilev, Le
opposed trade unions and factory legislation, which Boeuf sur le toit (1920, *Milhaud/ *Dufy) and Les
he thought were opposed to liberty of contract. Biches (1924, *Poulenc). He wrote eight novels of
He supported the North in the US Civil War. which Thomas l’imposteur (1923) and Les Enfants
Hinde, W., Richard Cobden. 1987. Terribles (1929, filmed 1950) are the best known. His
opera-oratorio Oedipus Rex (1927) was set to music
Cobham, Sir Alan John (1894–1973). English by *Stravinsky and remains in the repertoire. Several
aviator. After serving in the Royal Flying Corps of his plays were filmed under his own direction e.g.
during World War I, he entered civil aviation, took Orphée (1926, 1950), and Les Parents terribles (1938,
part in many notable long distance flights and 1948), while others were successful on television and
won the Britannia Trophy in 1926 for his flight to radio, e.g. La Voix Humaine (1930) and La Machine
Australia and back. He pioneered the London–Cape á écrire (The Typewriter, 1941). His beautiful but
Town route and devised a system for refuelling planes obscure films were based on a private mythology not
in the air. always shared with the audience. The best known
were Le Sang d’un poete (1932), L ‘Eternal retour
Cochrane, Thomas, 10th Earl of Dundonald (1775– (1944) and La Belle et la bête (1945). In the 1950s
1860). Scottish sailor. After many brilliant exploits in he was active as a graphic artist and fresco painter.
which he captured over 50 French and Spanish ships, After decades as an ‘enfant terrible’ and foe of artistic
he became a Whig Member of Parliament 1805–16. orthodoxy, Cocteau accepted immortalisation by
Deprived of his naval command in 1816, after being election to the Académie Française (1955).
tried for fraud he was imprisoned for one year. On his
release he went to South America, where the struggle Cody, William F(rederick) (1846–1917). American
against Spanish domination was in progress, and showman, known as ‘Buffalo Bill’. Originally an
served as Commander of the Chilean Navy 1818–22, Indian scout, he gained his title by supplying buffalo
and of the Brazilian Navy 1823–25, contributing meat to railway workers. From 1883 he organised a
much to the success of the nationalist risings. On ‘Wild West Show’ which stimulated wide interest in
returning to Europe he became Commander of the ‘Cowboys and Indians’.
Greek Navy 1827–28, but when the Whigs came to Coen, Joel (1954–  ) and Ethan Coen (1957–  ).
power in England he was reinstated in the British American film directors, born in Minneapolis.
Navy (1832) and served as Commander-in-Chief of Their films include Raising Arizona (1987), Barton
the North American Station 1848–51. Fink (1991), Fargo (1996) and O Brother, Where Art
Cockcroft, Sir John Douglas (1897–1967). English Thou? (2000). They won the Academy Award for No
physicist. Educated at Manchester and St John’s Country for Old Men in 2008.
College, Cambridge, he worked with *Rutherford Coetzee, J(ohn) M(axwell) (1940– ). South African-
at the Cavendish Laboratory. In 1932, with E. T. Australian novelist and critic, born in Cape Town.
S. Walton, he succeeded in splitting the nucleus Educated at the University of Cape Town and in
of the atom. Professor of natural philosophy at Texas, he worked in London and for IBM as a
Cambridge 1939–46, during the war he worked on computer programmer. He taught English at Buffalo,
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Dictionary of World Biography

New York and in Cape Town and held a chair in responsible for the prosecution of *Essex, *Raleigh
Chicago. He won the Booker Prize twice, for Life & and the Gunpowder Plot conspirators. However,
Times of Michael K (1983) and for Disgrace (1999). on his appointment as Chief Justice of the Court of
Other novels include Waiting for the Barbarians Common Pleas, in 1606, he became the champion
(1980), Master of Petersburg (1994), Elizabeth Costello of the Common Law in opposition to the exercise of
(2003), Slow Man (2005), Diary of a Bad Year (2007) the Crown’s prerogative rights. In 1610 he decided
and The Childhood of Jesus (2013). He relocated to that the king’s proclamations could not override laws
Adelaide in 2002 and became an Australian citizen made by Parliament and that ecclesiastical causes must
in 2006. Awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in be subject to the jurisdiction of the secular courts.
2003, the citation calls him ‘a scrupulous doubter, He was promoted to the office of Chief Justice of the
ruthless in his criticism of the cruel rationalism and King’s Bench Division 1613–16 where it was hoped
cosmetic morality of western civilisation’. He has that he would, prove less troublesome to *James I and
published outstanding volumes of essays and literary his advisers. His fearless defiance of those orders of the
criticism. king which he regarded as illegal made the supporters
Kannemeyer, J. C. J. M. Coetzee. 2012. of the Divine Right determined to secure his removal
from office. In 1616 several trivial charges prepared
Coeur, Jacques (c.1395–1456). French merchant by *Bacon, the Attorney-General, were brought
and pioneer capitalist, born in Bourges. Son of a against him and he was dismissed. A leading member
merchant, he travelled through the Mediterranean and of Parliament 1621–29, he denounced interference
the Levant. His investments included ship-owning, with the liberty of the House of Commons. In 1622
salt, tax collecting, mining, shipping, arms, money he was seized and imprisoned as a result of his attacks.
changing, importing furs, silk, jewels and artefacts, He vigorously opposed the Duke of *Buckingham’s
and property in Paris, Marseille, Montpellier, Lyon monopoly of office and favour, describing him as ‘the
and Tours. He was a Minister to *Charles VII, then grievance of grievances’. Coke’s law reports helped
accused of disloyalty, tortured and imprisoned. He to systematise and consolidate the Common Law of
escaped and died on the Greek island of Chios. England and his writings on jurisprudence, such as
His palace in Bourges, begun in 1444, is the finest the four Institutes are well known, especially Coke
surviving example of medieval domestic architecture, on Littleton.
and a mansion in Paris (4e arrondissment) is still Holdsworth, W. S., A History of English Law. 2nd ed.
in use. Vol. 5. 1937; Throne, S. E., Sir Edward Coke. 1957.
Coggan, (Frederick) Donald, Baron Coggan
Coke, Thomas William, 1st Earl of Leicester
(1909–2000). English prelate. He was Principal of
of Holkham (1752–1842). English agricultural
the London School of Divinity 1944–56, Bishop of
innovator. He represented Norfolk as a Whig MP
Bradford 1956–61, Archbishop of York 1961–74 and
1776–84, 1790–1832, but is much better known for
Archbishop of Canterbury 1974–80. His theology
the many farming improvements he introduced on his
was evangelical, and, although concerned with social
Norfolk estate of Holkham. By use of bone meal and
issues, he stressed that a changed society can only
fertilisers, by sowing seeds in drills, by planting sainfoin
come from the conversion of the individual to the
and clover to enable larger numbers of livestock to be
service of God. His works include Sinews of Faith
maintained, by many other new or improved methods,
(1969) and The Heart of the Christian Faith (1978).
he so increased the value of his estate that in 40 years
Cohan, George M(ichael) (1878–1942). American from 1776 the rents are said to have risen from about
songwriter, prouducer and performer, born in Rhode £2,000 to £20,000. His example, propagated through
Island. Of Irish Catholic descent, he worked in ‘open days’ and tours of inspection, led to a general
Tin Pan Alley and composed more than 150 songs, improvement in British farming. He was a Radical,
including Over There and I’m a Yankee Doodle Dandy. denied a peerage until *William IV died.

Cohen, Leonard (1934–2016). Canadian poet, Colbert, Jean Baptiste (1619–1683). French
singer, novelist and poet, born in Montréal. Relatively administrator. After the death of *Mazarin he
late in securing recognition, he recorded and toured became the Chief Minister of *Louis XIV. As
for the first time in 1970 but soon had a great Controller General of Finance 1665–83, he repaid
reputation in a variety of art forms and received most of the national debt, reorganised the French
many honours including the Canadian CC (2003). Navy, established new colonies in Africa and
His novels include The Favourite Game (1963) and America, encouraged shipbuilding and foreign trade
Beautiful Losers (1966). and reformed the French administrative service.
To finance these reforms he had to introduce higher
Coke, Sir Edward (1552–1634). English lawyer and taxation which made him unpopular.
politician. A Member of Parliament 1580–1606, he Mongredien, G., Colbert, 1619–1683. 1963.
was Speaker of the House of Commons 1593–94
and Attorney-General 1594–1606, proving to be a
zealous supporter of the royal prerogative and being
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Cole, G(eorge) D(ouglas) H(oward) (1889–1959). Colet, John (1466–1519). English theologian.
English economist. The author of The Common People A friend of *Erasmus and Thomas *More, he revived
(with Raymond Postgate) (1938) and The Intelligent the humanist tradition in the English Church and
Man’s Guide to the Post War World (1947), he became his liberal opinions influenced the Reformation in
professor of social and political theory at Oxford England. He was Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral 1505–
University in 1944 and was active in the Labour 19, and founder of St Paul’s School, London.
Party and the Fabian Society. With his wife Dame
Margaret Isabel Cole (née Postgate) (1893–1980) he Colette, Sidonie Gabrielle Claudine (1873–1954).
wrote 29 detective novels (1923–42). French novelist. She began her working life as a
music hall actor. Her first husband, Henry Gauthier-
Cole, Nat(haniel Adams) ‘King’ (1919–1965). Villars (1859–1931), discovered her talent for
American singer and jazz pianist, born in Montgomery, writing and, by keeping her prisoner, forced her to
Alabama. He first gained recognition as the leader of produce novels which he published under his pen
a jazz trio in the 1930s. Later he performed mainly as name of ‘Willy’. After their divorce she continued
a singer. He had wide popular success with his more to write and the semi-autobiographical ‘Claudine’
sentimental songs. novels became very popular. A brilliant observer, she
wrote always of love, with a masterly understanding
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772–1834). English of human motives. Her books include The Vagrant
poet and philosopher, born in Devonshire. After (1912), Chéri (1929), Claudine in Paris (1931), and
leaving Jesus College, Cambridge, he became a friend The Cat (1936). Gigi (1951) was the basis of a highly
of Robert *Southey and William *Wordsworth. successful musical film.
Keenly interested in religion and philosophy, between
1794 and 1804 he was attracted by Unitarianism, Richardson, J., Colette. 1982; Gilmour, J., Colette’s
preached for a time, planned to become a minister, France. Her lives, her loves. 2013.
then became agnostic. Involved in plans to set up a
utopian community, a Pantisocracy, in Pennsylvania, Colfax, Schuyler (1823–1885). American
his enthusiasm soon waned. Republican politician, born in New York City. He
became a journalist, Congressman from Indiana
With Wordsworth he published Lyrical Ballads (1798) 1855–69 and Speaker of the House of Representatives
and the volume was a major contribution to the 1863–69. He was Vice President of the US 1869–73,
Romantic revival in English literature. All Coleridge’s serving with Ulysses S. *Grant.
great poems were written in an 18–month burst:
‘Kubla Khan’ (1797–98), ‘The Rime of the Ancient Coligny, Gaspard de (1519–1572). French soldier,
Mariner’ (1797–98), ‘Christabel’ (1797; 1800), admiral and Huguenot leader. Brother of a cardinal,
‘Frost at Midnight’ (1798) and ‘The Nightingale’ noted as a fearless leader and imprisoned in Spain
(1798). He claimed that ‘Kubla Khan’ was part of a 1557–59, he became a Calvinist convert. From
longer poem that he heard in an opium dream. 1560 he was joint leader of the Huguenots with
Louis I, Prince of *Condé, and actively promoted
After 1800 he was completely addicted to opium and the Protestant cause. Although he was a favourite of
was dependent on the charity of friends. He spent time *Charles IX, he was murdered by servants of the Duc
in Malta and Italy (1804–06) attempting to recover. de Guise at the St Bartholomew’s Day massacre.
At his height he was celebrated as a dazzling
conversationalist but later, because of debt and Colijn, Hendrikus (1869–1944). Dutch Christian
increasing ill-health, he became a melancholic. His Democratic politician. Prime Minister 1925–26 and
principles of literary criticism are to be found in his 1933–39, he died in German captivity.
Biographia Literaria (1817) and he is regarded as Collingwood, Cuthbert Collingwood, Ist Baron
the founder of the modern school of Shakespearian
(1750–1810). English sailor. After *Nelson’s death he
criticism. He was also interested in metaphysics and
became Commander-in-Chief of the Mediterranean
translated works by *Schiller, *Kant and *Lessing.
Fleet 1805–10.
He popularised the word ‘psychology’ (1800).
Although most of his poetry is of uneven quality, his Collins, Michael (1890–1922). Irish nationalist
masterpieces have a mysterious and magical beauty politician. He worked in London 1906–16 as a clerk
that echoes the music of a visionary world. in the post office and a bank, returning to Ireland
Bate, W. J., Coleridge. 1968; Wilson Knight, G., The to take part in the Dublin rising and was interned
Starlit Dome. Repr. 1971; Holmes, R., Coleridge: briefly. Elected to the House of Commons (1918) as
Early Visions. 1989; Holmes, R., Darker Reflections. a Sinn Féin MP, he refused to sit in Westminster but,
1998. with other Irish Nationalists, set up the Dáil Éireann
(1919) and proclaimed the Republic. Under *de
Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel (1875–1912). English Valera, he became Minister for Home Affairs 1919
composer, of West African descent. His cantata and Finance 1919–22, general of the Irish volunteer
Hiawatha achieved great success and his Little Concert army and director of intelligence for the Irish
Suite is often performed. Republican Army (IRA). In December 1921, with
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Arthur *Griffith, he negotiated a treaty with *Lloyd focus of attention away from the heart to the lungs.
George that partitioned Ireland and set up the Irish His vivisections also led him to understanding the
Free State, with Dominion status. When de Valera heartbeat. He emphasised the contraction of the heart,
repudiated the treaty, demanding full independence and the importance of its expulsion of materials. Such
and the formation of a Republic, civil war broke views were later taken up by *Harvey.
out between the two Irish factions and Collins
commanded the Free State forces. On  the death of Colt, Samuel (1814–1862). American inventor.
Griffith, he became head of the Free State Government In 1835 he produced the famous revolver named after
but only 10 days later he was ambushed by soldiers of him and adopted by the US Army.
the Irish Republican Army and murdered.
Coltrane, John (William) (1926–1967). American
Taylor, R. Michael Collins. 1958; Coogan, T. P., jazz saxophonist, born in North Carolina. He made
Michael Collins. 1996. his professional debut in 1945 and worked with Dizzy
*Gillespie (1949–51) and Miles *Davis (1955–57).
Collins, (William) Wilkie (1824–1889). English He was already regarded as a leader of modern jazz in
novelist. A close friend of *Dickens, whose literary the late 1950s. From then on he became increasingly
technique he influenced, he is well known for his interested in experimental jazz and free form.
exciting but melodramatic novels. The Woman in
White (1860) is based on a personal experience: while Colum, Padraic (1881–1972). Irish playwright and
he was walking with Dickens one night a distraught poet. He helped to found the Abbey Theatre and
young woman, dressed in white, begged him for help, wrote the plays TheLand and The Betrayal. He was
claiming that her life was threatened. On this theme also the author of several books of verse and stories
he wrote a dramatic story, featuring the memorable for children.
villain, Count Fosco. The Moonstone (1868) has been
described by T. S. *Eliot as ‘the first, the longest and Columba (Colm Cille), St (c.521–597). Irish
the best of modern English detective novels’. missionary. He established a monastery at Iona (563)
and was responsible for the conversion of much of
Collor de Mello, Fernando (1949–  ). Brazilian Scotland. He illuminated 300 books himself and
politician, born in Rio de Janeiro. His family owned established a scriptorium which produced the Book
newspapers and magazines, and he entered politics of Kells (c.800).
in Alagoas State, as a mayor 1979–82, Federal
Deputy 1982–86 and Governor 1986–89. He Columbus, Christopher (Cristóbal Colón in
formed the National Reconstruction Party and after Spanish, Cristoforo Colombo in Italian) (1451?–
a sophisticated media campaign was elected President 1506). Spanish navigator and explorer, born in
November–December 1989 in Brazil’s first free Genoa (Liguria). Probably of Castilian descent (but
direct election since 1960. Collor appeared to have not Jewish, as sometimes suggested), and writing no
cast off his playboy image, but serious accusations Italian, son of a master weaver, went to sea at 14, and
of corruption were raised in the Congress and in claimed to have sailed to Iceland, Ireland, England,
December 1992 he resigned to avoid impeachment. Tunisia, the Greek islands and West Africa. He lived
in Lisbon in the 1470s, possibly as a chartmaker,
Colman, Ronald (1891–1958). English actor, sailor and sugar buyer, trading with Madeira, the
resident in Hollywood. He was well known for his Canaries and the Azores. He married in 1479. His
romantic roles in films such as Beau Geste, Random wife, who owned property in Madeira, died about
Harvest and The Prisoner of Zenda. 1484. Columbus became convinced that the shortest
trade route to Asia was by sailing west, contrary to the
Colombo, Matteo Realdo (1510–1559). Italian prevailing Portuguese belief that the eastern (African)
anatomist, born in Cremona. Son of an apothecary, route would be quicker. (He assumed the earth had a
he studied medicine under *Vesalius in Padua, circumference of about 25,000 kilometres; the true
succeeded him there in 1544, then moved to Pisa figure is 40,000.) With his brother Bartholomeu
(1546). In 1549 he established himself in Rome, Columbus (Bartoloméu Columbus 1445?–1515) he
where he spent the rest of his life. His fame rests sought patrons for a voyage of exploration. *João II
on his great skill and experience in dissection, refused him and *Henry VII of England and *Charles
vivisection and autopsy. In his only book, the De Re VIII of France turned his brother down. After eight
Anatomica (published posthumously in 1559) he years of pleading, assisted by Genoese bankers and the
offered excellent descriptions of the eye, the pleura, Franciscans, he attracted the patronage of *Ferdinand
and the peritoneum. But he is best known for his and *Isabella, rulers of the newly united Spain.
discovery of the course of the passage of blood from On  3  August 1492, he set off from Palos with 87
the right cardiac ventricle to the left through the men and three old ships (Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria),
lungs (‘the  pulmonary circuit’). From this he drew sailing via the Canaries. On 12 October 1492 he
the important conclusion that it is not in the heart, sighted an island, probably Watling Island in the
but in the lungs, that venous blood is mixed with Bahamas, naming it San Salvador. He assumed it to
air to become arterial blood. He thus switched the be part of India, describing the inhabitants as Indians,
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Dictionary of World Biography

a term which has stuck. He then sailed by the north British Columbia, cities, rivers, mountains and
coast of Cuba (which he thought was China) and universities. The towns at either end of the Panama
an island he named Hispaniola (Española), leaving Canal are Cristóbal and Colón.
a party to set up a fort in Villa de la Navidad (now
The 1992 Quincentennial, The Encounter of Two
in Haiti). The  Santa Maria was wrecked on a reef
Worlds, revived much controversy about Columbus.
in Santo Domingo (now the Dominican Republic),
Some biographers saw him as a scientific, rational
the Pinta lost in a storm and Columbus left for Spain
Renaissance explorer, most as an obsessed, medieval
in the Nina on 18 January 1493. On his return in
crusader who brought disease and slavery to the
March his discoveries were acclaimed, he was made
New World.
Admiral of the Ocean Sea and Viceroy of the Indies,
including all present and future discoveries. The Fernandez-Armesto, F., Columbus. 1991; Henige, D.,
impact was immediate. In 1494 Pope *Alexander In Search of Columbus: The Sources for the First Voyage.
VI divided the world between Spain and Portugal 1991.
in the Treaty of Tordesillas. In his second expedition
(1493–96) Columbus had 17 ships and 1500 men. Combes, (Justin Louis) Emile (1835–1921). French
He discovered the islands of Dominica and Jamaica Radical-Socialist politician. He was trained for the
and established the first European town in the New priesthood but became a physician. A senator from
World on Haiti, at Isabella. Because he was unable 1885, he became Minister of Education 1895–1906,
to secure financial advantage to Spain from his and as Premier 1902–05 introduced anti-clerical
discoveries he had difficulty in gaining support for legislation (1905) that ended the Concordat of 1801
a third expedition. However, in May 1498 he sailed and completed the separation of Church and state.
again, discovered Trinidad, and on 5 August made his
first landfall on the South American continent, on the Comenius, Johannes Amos (Jan Amos Komensky)
Paria peninsula in Venezuela, then found the mouth (1592–1670). Czech educationist. A pastor of the
of the Orinoco. Columbus was now convinced that Moravian Church, he is famous for his innovations in
he had discovered ‘an Other World’ (otro mundo), the methods of teachings, especially of languages, and
a continent to the south of China, concluding wrote the first pictorial text book for children Orbis
(oddly) that the world was pear—or breast—shaped. sensualism pictus (1658). He was invited to England
Meanwhile, John *Cabot had already landed in by the parliament in 1641 to advise on education and
North America (June 1497) and Vasco da *Gama also assisted in reforming education in Sweden and
had found the eastern sea route to India (May 1498). Hungary.
Columbus was a poor administrator and after clashes Spinka, M., John Amos Comenius: that Incomparable
with the colonists he lost his position of Viceroy of Moravian. 1943.
the Indies. In 1499 he was arrested by his successor,
Francesco de Bobadilla, and sent back to Spain in Commodus, Lucius Aelius Aurelius (161–192).
chains. Soon released, although still in disfavour, he Roman Emperor 180–92. Son of *Marcus Aurelius,
was later reinstated to his former position of honour. he was co-Emperor from 177. He ended the
In his fourth expedition (1502–04), he sailed along persecution of Christians but his rule was marked by
the coast of Honduras and Nicaragua, spending extravagance, cruelty and corruption. He identified
four months in Panama (Jan.–Apr. 1503) without himself with Hercules and had all the months of the
realising that the Pacific was barely 70 kilometres year renamed in his honour. He was strangled in his
away. When he returned empty handed once more, bath by the wrestler Narcissus, at the orders of his
his reputation suffered, his patron Isabella was dead, mistress, Marcia.
and he was ill and neglected. But he did not die in
poverty and received regular payments of gold from Compton, Arthur Holly (1892–1962). American
Hispaniola. He died in Valladolid, was later buried physicist. He shared the Nobel Prize for Physics in
in Seville, then reburied (1542) in Santo Domingo, 1927 (with C.T.R. *Wilson) for their research on
transferred to Havana (1795) and back to Seville in X-rays. He was Chancellor of Washington University
1898. However, in 1877 a casket labelled with his 1945–53. His brother Karl Taylor Compton (1887–
name was found in Santo Domingo. Although his 1954) was President of the Massachusetts Institute of
remains were said to have been transferred to Havana Technology 1930–49. Both brothers were associated
in 1795, and back to Seville in 1898, it is probable with the development of the atomic bomb.
that they never left Santo Domingo and that the
Compton, Dennis Charles Scott (1918–1997).
tomb in Seville contains his son. Diego Columbus
English sportsman. He was a noted Test cricket
(1480–1526), appointed Viceroy of the Indies (1511)
batsman and soccer player and wrote The End of an
and created a duke, was refused authority over the
Innings (1958).
mainland, although the Columbus estate received
the gift of Jamaica and land in Panama. Ironically, Compton-Burnett, Dame Ivy (1884–1969). English
adoption of the name America celebrates a relatively novelist, born in London. Her first two novels Dolores
minor figure, Amerigo *Vespucci. Nevertheless, (1911) and Pastors and Masters (1925) were followed
Columbus is widely commemorated—in Columbia, by a sequence of 17 more, including Men and Wives
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Dictionary of World Biography

(1931), A House and its Head (1935), Parents and preceding. As duc d’Enghien he defeated the forces
Children (1941), Mother and Son (1955) and A Cod and of the Spaniards and of the Holy Roman Empire
his Gifts (1963) in which she examines the complexities in many notable battles (1643–46). After a bitter
of lives in middle-class families in the period around dispute with Cardinal *Mazarin he defected to Spain
1900. Her novels consist mostly of dialogue. and later led the Spanish forces in several battles
against the French. However, in 1659, he returned to
Baldanaza, F., Ivy Compton-Burnett. 1964.
France where he was pardoned and later commanded
Comstock, Anthony (1844–1915). American the armies of *Louis XIV in succession to *Turenne.
reformer. Secretary of the Society for the Supression He is commonly known as the Great Condé.
of Vice in New York 1873–1915, his name has been Mongredien, G., Le Grand Condé. 1959.
used in the word ‘Comstockery’, meaning prudery.
Condillac, Etienne Bonnot, Abbé de (1714–
Comte, Auguste Isidore Marie François (1798– 1780). French philosopher. Son of a vicomte, he
1857). French philosopher and mathematician. At took orders essentially as a means of establishing a
first strongly influenced by *Saint-Simon, he was career and income. He became one of the leading
a lecturer at the École Polytechnique (1833–51) Paris philosophes of the mid-18th century, a friend
until periodic attacks of insanity compelled his of *Rousseau and *Diderot. One of his major
retirement. He was financially assisted by J. S. *Mill undertakings was to make the empirical approach
in his later years. In The Course of Positive Philosophy to epistemology developed by *Locke thoroughly
(6  vols, 1830–42) he preached ‘humanism’ in its familiar in France. Condillac, however, pursued a
most extreme form, stating that mankind in general more reductionist analysis. Locke believed that all
(and the individual also) passes through intellectual human information came into the mind through the
stages, the Theological (dominant in Europe until senses, but that the mind possessed innate powers of
the 13th century) and the Positive (which he hoped reflection on those sense-data. Condillac argued that
would dominate Europe in the future, science taking the powers of judgment themselves were associations
the place of theology and philosophy). He theorised which had been formed on the basis of previous
that because nothing can be ascertained beyond sensations. In this regard, Condillac in particular
physical facts, it is useless to enquire into the origin insisted that language itself was not innate, but was
of physical phenomena. Human knowledge is relative learnt through individual experience. For this reason,
and not absolute, therefore mankind must seek moral he was an advocate of the reform and systematisation
values not in God, who is unknowable, but in the of scientific language, in order to purify thought.
perfecting of human society on a scientific basis. This This  idea played an important role in *Lavoisier’s
system is known as Logical Positivism. There are small reforms of the language of chemistry.
Positivist Churches in several countries and these
follow ‘The Religion of Humanity’ by worshipping Condorcet, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas Caritat,
the personification of man as an ideal. Comte was Marquis de (1743–1794). French philosopher,
finally excommunicated by the Roman Catholic mathematician and politician. Elected to the Académie
Church, and he died of cancer after a long illness. Française in 1782, he was a protégé of d’ *Alembert, a
contributor to the Encyclopedie, biographer of *Turgot
Conant, James Bryant (1893–1978). American and *Voltaire and a pioneer of probability analysis.
chemist, administrator and educationist. He was He supported the Revolution and served in the
assistant professor 1919–27 and professor of organic Legislative Assembly 1791–92 and the Convention
chemistry 1928–33 at Harvard University, becoming 1792–94. A devotee of reason, he remained naively
president of the university 1933–53. He became convinced about human perfectibility. Proscribed by
High Commissioner 1953–55, then Ambassador, Robespierre as a Girondin, he was captured and died
to West Germany 1955–57, and undertook a survey in prison, perhaps by suicide. He was strongly anti-
of American secondary education. Among his books clerical and anti-Imperialist. He supported pacifism,
are Organic Chemistry (1942), Education is a Divided birth control, legal equality for both sexes, and the
World (1948), Education and Liberty (1953) and establishment of social services. His optimistic essay
The American High School Today (1958). on population, published posthumously, urged active
Hershberg, J. G., James B. Conant. 1994. social choices, especially education for women and
family planning (*Malthus’ Essay on Population was
Condé, de. French noble family, members of which written as a response).
include Louis I de Bourbon, Prince de Condé Baker, K. M., Condorcet: From Natural Philosophy
(1530–1569). French soldier. He was, with Gaspard to Social Mathematics. 1982; Badinter, E. and R.,
de *Coligny, a leader of the Huguenot faction in Condorcet. 1988.
the religious struggle against the party of the duc
de Guise. After his defeat at the battle of Jarnac Confucius (Latinised form of Kongfuzi, i.e. ‘Master
he surrendered but was treacherously slain by a Kung’, personal name Kong Qiu in pinyin or K’ung
Catholic officer. Louis II de Bourbon, Prince de Ch’iu in Wade-Giles) (551–479 BCE). Chinese
Condé (1621–1686), was the great-grandson of the philosopher and teacher, born in Ch’ü-fu, state of
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Dictionary of World Biography

Lu (modern Shandong). Little is known of his life, the best English comedies of manners, was a failure at
but according to legend he was the son of a soldier first and Congreve, disappointed, abandoned writing
who belonged to an impoverished noble family. His for the stage.
early years were spent in poverty and after some
Lynch, K. M., A Congreve Gallery. 1951.
years of manual work he became an accountant and
then a teacher c.531–517, wandering through the Conkling, Roscoe (1829–1888). American
countryside discussing ethical problems. During Republican politician. US Congressman 1859–63,
his travels he is thought to have met *Lao Zi, the 1865–67, US Senator from New York 1867–81, he
founder of Daoism. He married at an early age but was progressive on slavery, a supporter of *Lincoln
the marriage soon ended in divorce and women and *Grant, and the Civil Rights Act (1875). However,
are seldom mentioned in the Confucian writings. as leader of the ‘Stalwart’ faction, he was corrupt and
During a period of civil war Confucius fled to the strongly opposed to civil service reform. He declined
neighbouring province of Chi and his fame spread appointment as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
throughout China. Duke Ting of Lu made him in 1873 and as an Associate Justice in 1881.
Governor of the city of Chungtu. He was Minister
of Works and Justice 501–498 and Prime Minister of Connally, John Bowden, Jr (1917–1993). American
the province 498–495 until he was forced to resign politician. Originally a Democrat and protégé of L. B.
by the pleasure-seeking duke. For 13 years he was an *Johnson, he became Secretary of the Navy 1961, and
itinerant teacher. In 482 a new duke of Lu invited Governor of Texas 1963–69, being shot and injured
him to return and his three remaining years were in Dallas when President Kennedy was assassinated.
devoted to collating and revising the ancient Chinese He was *Nixon’s Secretary of the Treasury 1971–72
scriptures. He was buried with great ceremony at and joined the Republicans in 1973.
Qufu where his grave still attracts pilgrims. The term
Confucianism is an 18th-century European coinage Connaught and Strathearn, Prince Arthur William
and characterising it as a religion is misconceived. Patrick Albert, 1st Duke of (1850–1942). English
Confucius was no more a religious teacher than soldier and prince. The son of Queen *Victoria, he
*Socrates or *Plato: he was an ethical philosopher and served for many years in the British Army and was
none of his teachings deals with the nature of God Commander-in-Chief in the Mediterranean 1907–
or prospects of future life. He stressed that society 10 and Governor-General of Canada 1911–16. His
depends on the observance of natural relationships son, Prince Arthur of Connaught (1883–1938),
of authority, obedience and mutual respect, both was Governor-General of South Africa 1920–23, his
within the family and between ruler and subject, daughter Princess Margaret of Connaught (1882–
and he urged strict observance of loyalty, submission 1920) married the future *Gustaf VI Adolf of Sweden.
and benevolence. Many of his sayings are included
in the famous Analects copied down by his disciples: Connelly, Marc(us Cook) (1890–1980). American
they include Confucius’s ‘golden rule’: ‘What you playwright. He wrote the plays The Wisdom Tooth and
do not like when done to yourself do not do to Green Pastures and won the Pulitzer Prize in 1930.
others.’ Although he was never deified he has been Connery, Sir Sean Thomas (1930– ). Scottish film
the object of prayers and sacrifices by the Chinese actor. He worked in many casual jobs, including
and ancestor worship is inextricably linked to his coffin polisher. He was the original James Bond in
teachings. Confucius was an exact contemporary seven films based on Ian *Fleming’s novels (from
of the *Buddha. Until World War II, knowledge of Dr No, 1962 to Never Say Never Again, 1983). He
the Confucian scriptures (The  Five Kings, The Four won an Academy Award for best supporting actor for
Books and the Analects) was compulsory for Chinese The  Untouchables. Other films included The Russia
university students and civil servants. Confucian House (1990) and The Rock (1996).
teaching was also influential in Japan and Korea. H.
H. Kung (1881–1967), one of *Chiang Kaishek’s Connolly, Cyril (Vernon) (1903–1974). English
ministers, was a direct descendant of Confucius, in critic and editor. He edited Horizon 1939–50 and
the 75th generation. his books include Enemies of Promise (1938) and
Creel, H. G., Confucius and the Chinese Way. 1960; Condemned Playground (1944).
Dawson, R., Confucius. 1981; Leys, S., The Analects Connolly, James (1870–1916). Irish socialist
of Confucius. 1997. politician. After joining the Sinn Féin movement, he
became Commander-in-Chief of the Easter Rising in
Congreve, William (1670–1729). English dramatist.
1916. He was captured by the British and shot.
Brought up in Ireland and originally for the law he
went to London in 1692, and became a novelist and Conrad, Joseph (Jozef Teodor Konrad Nalecz
playwright. Double Dealer (1694) and Love for Love Korzeniowski) (1857–1924). British novelist, born
(1695) show his mastery of construction and style. He in Berdichev, Poland (now in Ukraine). From 1874
was a friend of *Dryden and *Swift. His best known he worked as a seaman on French ships, joining the
play, The Way of the World (1700), regarded as one of British merchant marine in 1880. He sailed round the
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Dictionary of World Biography

world and qualified as a master in 1886. He became later opposed *Napoléon and was banished and after
a naturalised British subject in 1886, explored the the Bourbon Restoration supported constitutional
Congo on foot 1890, retired from sea life in 1894 and liberalism. He published the psychological novel
devoted himself to writing. His novels, all written in Adolphe in 1816 and later wrote the monumental
English, include Almayer’s Folly (1895), An Outcast of study On Religion. In 1951 Cecile, another of his
the Islands (1896), The Nigger of the Narcissus (1898), novels, was discovered and published.
Lord Jim (1900), Nostromo (1904), The Secret Agent
Nicolson, H., Benjamin Constant. 1949; Wood, D.,
(1907), Under Western Eyes (1911), Chance (1913),
Benjamin Constant. A Life. 1993.
Victory (1915), The Shadow Line (1917), The Rescue
(1920) and The Rover (1923). His novella, Heart of Constantine I (‘the Great’) (Flavius Valerius
Darkness appeared in the collection Youth (1902). Aurelius Constantinus) (c.280–337 CE). Roman
Orson *Welles planned a feature film and it inspired Emperor 306–37. Born at Kis (now in Serbia), the
Francis Ford *Coppola’s Apocalypse Now (1979). illegitimate son of *Constantius Chlorus (250–306)
Conrad worked with Ford Madox *Ford and was and *Helena, he served as a soldier under *Diocletian
befriended by Henry *James and John *Galsworthy. and *Galerius, and in 305 accompanied his father to
His novels show a real mastery of narrative style and Britain. After his father’s sudden death, Constantine
great psychological insight. There is also a strong was proclaimed as Emperor by his troops. There
sense of the mystery of nature, especially of the sea, were several years of struggle before his authority was
and of the forces summoned up in human nature in fully recognised throughout the empire. Between
order to fight it. The critic F. R. *Leavis placed him 306 and 316 his capital was at Augusta Treverorum
(1941) in ‘the great tradition’. (modern Trier), where he built a great basilica,
Baines, J., Joseph Conrad: A Critical Biography. 1960. which largely survives, and imperial baths. In 312
he finally defeated the general *Maxentius (who had
Conrad von Hotzendorff, Franz, Graf [Count] been proclaimed Emperor in Rome by his troops) at
(1852–1925). Austrian field marshal. Chief of Staff the battle of Milvian Bridge. At this battle he saw a
of the Imperial Army 1906–17, he was the leading vision of the cross in the Heavens accompanied by
Austrian advocate for war in 1914, anti-Serb and anti- the words ‘in hoc signo vinces’ (‘In this sign shalt
Italian and persuaded the foreign minister *Berchtold thou conquer’). In the Edict of Milan (313), he and
to support a punitive war against Serbia. Licinius officially granted toleration ‘for Christians
and all others’. In 324 he became sole ruler of
Conran, Sir Terence Orby (1931–  ). English both the Eastern and Western Empires, and after
designer. He had a major influence in designing gaining the support of the Christian Church for this
shops, restaurants, furniture, gardens and toys, was administration, he established an absolute monarchy.
a prolific writer, able publicist, effective entrepreneur Although he did not become a baptised Christian
and company director. until shortly before his death. he took an active
interest in Church affairs and convened (325) the first
Consalvi, Ercole (1757–1824). Italian cardinal and
General Council of the Church at Nicaea (modern
diplomat. As Papal Secretary of State 1800–23 he
Iznik) at which the Athanasian (or Nicene) Creed was
proved to be a masterly diplomat, took part in the
adopted and toleration, in effect, withdrawn from
Paris Peace Conference of 1814 and secured the
other religions. In 325 he chose Byzantium as the
restoration of the Papal States. He followed a relatively
capital of the Roman Empire (‘Roma Nova’), in 330
liberal domestic policy.
renamed Constantinopolis in his honour. He then
Constable, John (1776–1837). English painter. His made Christianity the state religion and improved
landscape paintings have received recognition for their the administration throughout the empire. His son,
spontaneity and freshness, and greatly influenced the Flavius Claudius Constantinus (317–340), ruled as
techniques of many 19th-century artists, notably the Constantine II 337–40. He shared the government
Barbizon school in France. He first exhibited at the of the Empire with his brothers, taking Britain and
Royal Academy in 1802, but he did not gain general Gaul as his personal responsibility. He was killed in a
recognition until about 1824, when his View on the battle against his brother Constans.
Stour and The Hay Wain were exhibited in Paris, won McMullen, R., Constantine. 1969; Fletcher, J.,
gold medals and aroused great admiration. His work Life of Constantine the Great. 2008; Stephenson, P.,
was rooted in a deep love of the East Anglian landscape, Constantine. Roman Emperor, Christian Victor. 2010;
and characterised by his ability to convey atmosphere, Potter, D., Constantine the Great. 2013.
weather and changing light. He is considered, with
*Turner, the greatest English landscape painter. Constantine I (1868–1923). King of Greece
Gadney, R., Constable and His World. 1976. 1913–17, 1920–22. Son of *George I of Greece, he
supported Germany during World War I and was
Constant (de Rebecque), (Henri) Benjamin (1761– forced to abdicate by the pro-British Prime Minister
1830). French-Swiss writer and politician, born in Eleutherios *Venizelos. After the war he was recalled
Lausanne. A member of the Tribunate 1799–1802, he by a plebiscite but abdicated once more on the
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Dictionary of World Biography

failure of the Greek campaign against the Turks in Cook, Frederick Albert (1865–1940). American
Asia Minor. He was the father of three Greek kings: physician and explorer. In 1908 he claimed to have
*Alexander, *George II and *Paul I. reached the North Pole but R. E. *Peary challenged
this and Cook was greatly discredited. To the end of
Constantine II (c.879–953). King of Alba (Scotland) his life he still maintained that he was the first man to
900–43. Grandson of Kenneth MacAlpine, and son reach the Pole. He died in poverty after having been
of Aed, after a long reign he abdicated and died as a jailed for five years for mail frauds.
hermit in St Andrews.
Cook, James (1728–1779). English explorer,
Constantine IX (Kōnstantinos Monomarkhos) navigator and scientist, born in Marton-in-
(c.1000–1055). Byzantine Emperor 1042–1055. Son Cleveland, Yorkshire. Son of an agricultural labourer,
of a Macedonian official, he was chosen to be husband he joined the Royal Navy in 1755 and received rapid
and co-ruler by the Empress *Zoë. After her death promotion, largely because of his skill at navigation.
(1050) he ruled with her sister Theodora. He revived His detailed charts of the St Lawrence River assisted
the university in Constantinople and promoted arts, *Wolfe’s victory on the Heights of Abraham, Québec
architecture and literature. However, he lost territory (1759) and he was stationed in Newfoundland and
to the Normans in the West, to a rebellion in Thrace Labrador waters 1763–67. In 1768 he was appointed
and the Seljuk Turks were about to invade Anatolia. commander of the barque Endeavour which was to
The ‘Great Schism’ of 1054 between the Latin and take an expedition of scientists, headed by Joseph
Greek churches occurred during his reign but he was *Banks, to observe the transit of Venus, at Tahiti.
not involved. On  his return he circumnavigated the two islands
Constantine XI Palaeologus (1404–1453). of New Zealand and explored the eastern coast of
Byzantine Emperor 1448–53. Last Emperor of the Australia, landing at Botany Bay 29 April 1770.
East, he was killed by the Turks after the capture of (Inexplicably, he failed to explore Port Jackson, the
Constantinople, and was buried without a trace. future site of Sydney, just to the north.) He charted the
whole of the eastern coastline, which he named New
Constantine XIII (1940– ). King of Greece 1964–67. South Wales, and his discovery was acclaimed on his
Son of *Paul I, he grew up in South Africa and won an return to England in 1771. On a second expedition
Olympic Gold Medal for yachting in 1960. Although (1772–75), in the Resolution, he charted the coast of
his grandfather was *Constantine I, he adopted New Zealand, crossed the Antarctic Circle (January
the numeral XIII to stress his continuity with the 1773) and reached 71°10’S, explored (and re-named)
Byzantine (Greek) emperors before 1453. Following a New Caledonia and named the New Hebrides (now
military  coup in April 1967, the king attempted Vanuatu). By scientific control of diet, he was able to
a  counter-coup in December in order to restore eliminate scurvy in his crew and for this achievement
his personal authority. This failed and Constantine he was awarded the 1775 Copley Medal of the Royal
retreated to exile, settling  in Hampstead. He was Society. On his third voyage to the Pacific (1776–79)
stripped of Greek citizenship in 1994. he circumnavigated New Zealand, made the first
European landing on the Hawaiian islands (which he
Constantius I Chlorus (Gaius Flavius Valerius named the Sandwich Islands) and charted the Pacific
Constantius) (250–306). Roman Emperor 305–306. coast of North America up to the Arctic regions in
Born in Dardania (modern Kosova), his partner an unsuccessful attempt to find a north-east passage
(or wife) was *Helena. Their son was *Constantine through North America from the Pacific. On
I. He left her and married the daughter of emperor returning to Hawaii he was involved in a scuffle with
*Maximian who promoted Constantius to be ‘Caesar’ natives over a stolen boat and was clubbed to death
in 293, under the tetrarchy created by *Diocletian, and dismembered. His remains were returned to the
and on his abdication became joint Emperor with British and buried at sea. Minor planet 3061 Cook,
*Galerius, ruling as ‘Augustus’ in the west. He a Moon crater and places in Australia, New Zealand,
defeated a rising in Britain and died suddenly at Canada, Alaska, Hawaii, Antarctica, Chile, French
Eboracum (York). Polynesia and the Cook Islands are named for him.
Constantius II (Flavius Julius Constantius Augustus) Beaglehole, J. C. (ed.), The Journals of Captain James
(317–361). Roman Emperor 337–61. Born in Serbia, Cook. 1955–67; Frame, W. and Walker, L., James
third son of *Constantine, he shared the throne with Cook. The Voyages. 2018.
his brothers *Constantine II and Constans, but in the
ensuing conflict, Constantine II was killed and the Cook, Sir Joseph (1860–1947). Australian politician,
empire was divided, with Constantius taking the east. born in Staffordshire. Originally a coal miner, he
He engaged in inconclusive warfare with the Persians, emigrated to Australia in 1885, becoming a union
continued his father’s promotion of Christianity organiser, fervent Methodist and Member of the New
and attempted to find a compromise between the South Wales Legislative Assembly 1894–1901. He
supporters of the Nicene Creed and Arianism. broke with Labor on the solidarity pledge in 1894,
Baptised on his deathbed, he was succeeded by his serving as a Minister under George *Reid. Elected as a
cousin *Julian the Apostate. Free Trader to the House of Representatives 1901–21,
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Dictionary of World Biography

he later became a Liberal, then Nationalist. Minister University 1968–76. From 1972 he had an intense,
for Defence 1909–10, he succeeded *Deakin as touching relationship with the poet Judith *Wright
Leader of the Opposition 1913, narrowly defeating and they were prolific correspondents.
*Forrest. He was Prime Minister 1913–14, Minister
Coombs, H. C, Trial Balance. 1981; Rowse, T.,
of the Navy 1917–20 and High Commissioner in
Nugget Coombs. A Reforming Life. 2002.
England 1921–27.
Cooper, (Alfred) Duff, 1st Viscount Norwich
Cook, Robin (Robert Finlayson) (1946–2005).
(1890–1954). English Conservative politician and
British Labour politician. He was a tutor and racing
writer. A descendent of *William IV, educated at
journalist, Edinburgh councillor, MP 1974–2005,
Eton and Oxford, he entered the Foreign Office and
Foreign Secretary 1997–2001 and Leader of the
won a DSO in World War I. Member of Parliament
House of Commons 2001–03. He broke with Tony
1924–29, 1931–45, he was Secretary of State for War
*Blair over the Iraq war.
1935–37, First Lord of the Admiralty 1937–38
Cook, Thomas (1808–1892). English tourist agent. (resigning as a protest against *Chamberlain’s
His firm pioneered the organisation of international appeasement policy), Minister of Information
tourist services which greatly encouraged European 1940–41, and Ambassador to France 1944–47.
travel. A skilful author, he wrote biographies of *Haig, *Foch
and *Talleyrand. In 1919 he married Lady Diana
Swinglehurst, E., Romantic Journey: Story of Thomas Manners (1892–1986), a daughter of the Duke of
Cook and Victorian Travel. 1974. Rutland, a famous beauty and actor. For his son, see
John Julius *Norwich.
Cooke, Robin Brunskill, Baron Cooke (1926–
2006). New Zealand judge. A judge from 1972 and Cooper, D., Old Men Forget. 1953. 1986; Charmley,
President of the Court of Appeal 1986–96, in 1995 J., Duff Cooper. 1986.
he became New Zealand’s last life peer.
Cooper, Gary (Frank James) (1901–1961). American
Coolidge, (John) Calvin (1872–1933). 30th film actor. He appeared in 91 films as a vigorous man
President of the US 1923–29. Born in Plymouth, of action. The best known are For Whom the Bell Tolls,
Vermont, son of a storekeeper, he was educated at Sergeant York and High Noon.
Amherst College, became an attorney, city councillor,
Mayor of Northampton, State Senator 1912–15 and Cooper, James Fenimore (1789–1851). American
Lieutenant-Governor of Massachusetts 1916–18. writer. His dramatic stories of the adventures of the
As Governor 1919–20, he won fame by his firm pioneers with Native Americans include The Last of
handling of a police strike in Boston, 1919. In 1920 the Mohicans (1826), The Pathfinder (1840), and The
he was the successful Republican candidate for the Deer Slayer (1841). He lived in Europe 1826–33,
vice presidency and served 1921–23. On the death where his novels were very popular and praised by
of Warren *Harding, he succeeded to the presidency. Franz *Schubert, Victor *Hugo and *Balzac.
Although re-elected overwhelmingly in 1924, Grossman, J., James Fenimore Cooper. 1949.
he declined to stand again in 1928. He believed
‘That  the best government is the least government’, Coote, Sir Eyre (1726–1783). English soldier. He
and exercised little executive authority as president. served under *Clive at the battle of Plassey (1757).
A cold, somewhat introverted personality, he was As Commander-in-Chief in India, 1779–83, he
notorious for his laconic utterances. allied himself with Warren *Hastings and helped to
White, W. A., A Puritan in Babylon. 1938; Shlaes, A., complete the conquest of the subcontinent.
Coolidge. 2013. Copernicus Nicolaus (Mikolaj Koppernigk) (1473–
1543). Polish astronomer born in Torun. He studied
Coombs, H C (‘Nugget’) (1906–1997). Australian
astronomy, mathematics and medicine in Cracow
economist, banker and public servant, born in
and Padua and was physician to his uncle, the Bishop
Western Australia. Educated at the University of WA
of Ermeland, 1506–12. Although not in holy orders,
and the London School of Economics, he became
his uncle appointed him to the office of Canon of
Director of Rationing 1942–43 and Director-General
Frauenburg in 1513 and he held this position until
of Post War Reconstruction 1943–49. For more
his death. For over 30 years he studied the theory,
than 40 years he played a decisive role in economic
first enunciated by *Pythagoras, that the earth is
and social policy formulation, including central
not the centre of the solar system, but his great
banking as Governor of the Commonwealth Bank
work which lays down his final conclusions was not
1949–60 and the Reserve Bank 1960–68, education,
published until shortly before his death. In this book
was Chairman of the Australian Council for the
De revolutionibus orbium coelestium, he argued that
Arts  1968–74, the Council for Aboriginal Affairs
the sun is the centre of the solar system, the earth
1968–76 and Chancellor of Australian National
rotates daily on its axis and that other planets also
revolve around the sun in orbits. He is regarded as
the founder of modern astronomy. His theories were
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Dictionary of World Biography

adopted by *Galileo and *Kepler, rejected by Tycho in 1903 and became an actor, appearing in 12 films.
*Brahe. He also advocated monetary reform and Errol *Flynn played Corbett in the film Gentleman
anticipated *Gresham's Law. Jim (1942).
Banville, J., Doctor Copernicus. 1977. Corbusier, Le see Le Corbusier
Copland, Aaron (1900–1990). American composer, Corbyn, Jeremy Bernard (1949–  ). British Labour
born in New York. His parents came from Russia, politician. MP 1983– , but never a Minister, strongly
where the family name was Kaplan. A pupil of Nadia opposed to many policies advanced by Tony *Blair,
*Boulanger, his works, mostly for orchestra, have often voting against the Labour Government (or
great rhythmic vitality and many critics consider abstaining), especially on Iraq and national security.
him the leading contemporary American composer. In September 2015 he won Labour’s leadership with
His music includes the ballets El Salon Mexico, strong votes from trade unions and branch members,
Appalachian Spring, Billy the Kid and The Tender despite only minuscule support from fellow MPs.
Land (an opera) and he was awarded a Pulitzer Prize Despite low expectations, Corbyn campaigned well
(1944), an Oscar (1950) and the Presidential Medal in the June 2017 election, reviving many pre-*Blair
of Freedom (1964). policies, securing a 9.5 per cent swing to Labour
Smith, J., Aaron Copland. 1955. and denying a Tory majority to Theresa *May.
Corbyn seemed unable to shake off accusations of
Copley, Sir Godfrey, 2nd Baronet (c.1653–1709). anti-Semitism.
English official. MP 1678–81, 1695–1705, he
endowed the Royal Society’s Copley Medal, its Corday, Charlotte (Marie Anne Charlotte Corday
highest award, first conferred in 1736. d’Armont) (1768–1793). French assassin and
revolutionary. A member of an old Norman family,
Copley, John Singleton (1738–1815). American she supported the principles of the French Revolution,
portrait painter. Noted for his ‘Boston portraits’ of but, horrified by the Reign of Terror, she murdered
New England families, he moved to England in 1774 one of the Jacobin leaders, Jean Paul *Marat, by
and extended his work into the genre of historical stabbing him in his bath. She was guillotined four
paintings. These were technically sophisticated but days later.
they lacked the vigour of his early work and his
reputation suffered. His son, John Singleton Copley, Corelli, Arcangelo (1653–1713). Italian composer
1st Baron Lyndhurst (1772–1863), born in Boston, and violinist, born in Fusignano. Educated in
became Lord Chancellor 1827–30, 1834–35 and Bologna, he lived in Rome from 1675, enjoying
1841–46, and was a moderate reformer with a high the patronage of Queen *Christina and Cardinals
judicial reputation. Pamphili and *Ottoboni, and composed orchestral
music for great occasions. He created the Concerto
Coppola, Francis Ford (1939–  ). American Grosso form, wrote 60 of them, was extensively
film director and writer. The son of a musician, published, influenced *Scarlatti, *Händel and *Bach
educated at UCLA, his extremely successful films and became the first composer known exclusively
include The Godfather (1972), Godfather II (1974), for instrumental works. Corelli was an outstanding
The Conversation (1974), Apocalypse Now (1979), teacher, ensemble trainer and one of the earliest
Godfather III (1990) and The Rainmaker (1997). conductors.

Coquelin, Benoît-Constant (1841–1909). French Pincherle, M., Corelli et son temps. 1954; Allsop, P.,
actor. He made his debut at the Comédie Française in Arcangelo Corelli. New Orpheus of Our Times. 1999.
1860, and became a full member of the company at Corelli, Marie (Mary Mackay) (1855–1924).
23. His range was exceptionally wide, and he excelled English novelist. She enjoyed a decade of sensational
at the broadest comedy and most delicate pathos. He success with her novels A Romance of Two Worlds
formed his own company in 1892. In 1895–97 he (1886), Barabbas (1893), The Sorrows of Satan (1895)
worked at the Renaissance Théâtre, Paris. In 1897 he and The  Mighty Atom (1896), followed by a critical
was a director of the Théâtre de la Porte-Saint-Martin, reaction and oblivion.
where he created the part of Cyrano de Bergerac
in *Rostand’s play. In 1900 he toured with Sarah Cori, Carl Ferdinand (1896–1984). American
*Bernhardt and acted at her theatre during the last biochemist, born in Czechoslovakia. Professor of
years of his career. Biochemistry at Washington University, St Louis
1931–67, he and his wife Gerty Theresa Cori
Corbett, James John (1866–1933). American boxer, (née  Radnitz) (1896–1957) shared the Nobel Prize
born in San Francisco. Known as ‘Gentleman Jim’, for Medicine in 1947 for their studies in carbohydrate
he defeated John L. *Sullivan to become world metabolism.
heavyweight boxing champion in 1892, losing to
Bob *Fitzsimmons in 1897. He retired from boxing

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Dictionary of World Biography

Coriolanus, Gaius Marcius (fl. 490 BCE). Roman he was a signatory of the Treaty of Amiens (1802).
hero. After being exiled from Rome he became Lord Lieutenant of Ireland 1798–1801, he imposed
Commander of the Volscian army, heading it against executions and brutal punishments after the 1798
Rome. He stopped his forces outside the city in Young Ireland rising (and an abortive French
response to the pleas of his wife and mother, and was invasion), but detested the corruption involved
killed by the Volsces as a result. *Shakespeare wrote a securing the Act of Union (1801), which absorbed
tragic play on this theme. Ireland into the United Kingdom. Sympathetic to
Catholic emancipation, he resigned, with William
Corneille, Pierre (1606–1684). French playwright, *Pitt when reform was blocked by *George III.
born in Rouen. Of a middle-class family, educated On Pitt’s return as Prime Minister, Cornwallis was
by the Jesuits, he became a lawyer and was Crown reappointed as Governor-General of Bengal 1805,
Counsel in Rouen until 1650. Between 163l and but nine weeks after his arrival he died of fever in
1635 he had written seven successful comedies, Ghazipur and was buried there.
was awarded a pension by Cardinal *Richelieu and
became nationally famous with his drama El Cid Corot, (Jean-Baptiste) Camille (1796–1875). French
(1637?) which led to an obscure quarrel over royalties landscape and figurative artist, born in Paris. Son of
and the loss of the Cardinal’s favour. Corneille’s later prosperous shopkeepers, he was largely self-trained
plays were mostly tragedies, dramatic rather than and apart from three years in Rome (1825–28)
cathartic, written in Alexandrine verse, physically spent most of his life uneventfully in Paris, often
static but emotionally vigorous and brilliantly visiting the country to sketch and paint. He never
characterised, generally turning on the conflict married. He began painting in the classical *Poussin
between two duties, and mostly based on classical tradition but evolved a subtle and original style that
subjects. They include Médée (1637), Horace (1640), influenced and anticipated the Impressionists. He was
Cinna (1641), Polyeucte (1643), Oedipe (1659), Othon a friend, but not a member, of the Barbizon school
(1664) and Suréna (1674). He was greatly admired (*Millet). He was extremely prolific, much imitated
by *Molière, *Voltaire, *Napoléon and *Balzac. He (and forged): cynics observed that of Corot’s 3000
became a member of the Académie Française in 1647. paintings, 5000 were in the United States.
His brother Thomas Corneille (1625–1709) was the
author of two very successful plays, Timocrate (1656) Correggio, Antonio Allegri da (c.1494–1534).
and Ariane (1672). Italian painter. His works are mostly on religious
subjects and show great mastery of the art of
Yarrow, P., Corneille. 1963; Stegmann, A. (ed.), composition. One of the best known is The Ascension
Oeuvres complètes de Pierre Corneille. 1963. of the Virgin in Parma Cathedral.
Cornforth, Sir John Warcup (1917–2013). Cortés (de Monroy y Pizarro Altamirano), Hernán
Australian organic chemist, born in Sydney. Educated (1484–1547). Spanish (Castilian) conquistador, born
at Sydney and Oxford universities, and completely in Medellin, Extremadura. Son of an impoverished
deaf from the age of 20, he worked for the UK hidalgo, he attended university at Salamanca, went to
Medical Research Council 1946–62, directed the the New World in 1506 and became an administrator
Shell chemical enzyme laboratory 1962–75, and in Hispaniola (Santa Domingo) and Cuba. He led an
shared the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1975 for expedition of 508 soldiers, 100 sailors and 16 horses
work on the stereochemistry of organic molecules which landed in Yucatan in February 1519, and soon
and reactions. He was Australian of the Year in 1975, formed alliances with some Mexican kingdoms hostile
received the Copley Medal in 1982 and an AC in to Aztec domination. He arrived in Tenochtitlan
1991. (Mexico) in November 1519. The superstitious
emperor *Moctezuma II may have identified Cortés
Cornwall, Earl of see Richard, Earl of Cornwall
with the god Quetzalcoatl and became a pliant
Cornwallis, Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess hostage of the Spaniards until he died in June 1520,
(1738–1805). English general and politician, born in either as a result of stoning by his own people or
London. Son of the 1st Earl Cornwallis, educated at Spanish murder. During Cortés’ absence, the Aztecs
Eton and Cambridge, he was a Member of Parliament drove the Spanish out of Tenochtitlan. He returned
1760–62. An able soldier, he served in British forces with a larger army in August 1521 assisted by horses,
in the American War of Independence from 1776, cannon and the devastating pandemic of smallpox to
under William *Howe and the incompetent Henry which the Spaniards were immune. Tenochtitlan was
*Clinton, until forced to surrender to George destroyed. Cortés established control of the whole
*Washington in Yorktown, Va. (October 1781), after Aztec empire and was made Governor of New Spain
defeat by American and French troops. 1523–26. He  explored Honduras 1524–26. Cortés
was subject to violent attack by rival Spaniards and
As Governor-General of Bengal and Commander-in- had powerful enemies at the court of *Charles V.
Chief in the East Indies 1786–93, he consolidated However, in 1529 he was created marques del Valle de
and simplified the legal system, imposing the English Oaxaca, married a duke’s niece and was confirmed as
model. Master-General of the Ordnance 1795–1801, Captain General of New Spain. In 1536 he explored
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Dictionary of World Biography

(and named) Lower California. He returned to Health building in Rio de Janeiro 1937–43 which is
Spain in 1540, claimed poverty and neglect but was regarded as pioneering modern architecture in Brazil.
enormously rich and died on his estate near Seville. He designed the plan for the city of Brasilia in 1956.
He is now buried in Mexico.
Costello, John A(loysius) (1891–1976). Irish
Madariaga, S. de, Hernån Cortéz, Conqueror politician. Leader of Fine Gael, he was an opponent
of Mexico. 1941. of *de Valera, served as Prime Minister 1948–51,
1954–57 and took Ireland out of the British
Cortot, Alfred (Denis) (1877–1962). French Commonwealth (1949).
pianist and conductor, born in Nyon, Switzerland.
He began his career as a *Beethoven pianist, then Costello, Peter Howard (1957– ). Australian Liberal
studied *Wagner’s operas in Bayreuth and premiered politician, born in Melbourne. Educated at Monash
Parsifal and Götterdämmerung in Paris (1902). In University, he became a barrister and was a Member of
1905 he formed a trio with Jacques Thibaud and the House of Representatives 1990–2007 and Deputy
Pablo *Casals and toured extensively. He became a Leader of the Liberal Party 1994–2007. In John
noted interpreter of *Chopin, made many recordings *Howard’s Government, despite some tensions on
and was an important teacher (*Lipatti was a pupil). the issue of succession, he became Australia’s longest
He collaborated with the German occupation and serving Commonwealth Treasurer 1996–2007.
*Petain’s government and in 1945 was suspended
from performing for a year. Coster, Laurens Janszoon (c.1370–1440?). Dutch
inventor. He worked in Haarlem and is sometimes
Corvo, Baron see Rolfe, Frederick William claimed to have preceded *Gutenberg in the
development of movable, metal type.
Cosgrave, William Thomas (1888–1965). Irish
politician. Originally a grocer, he became active in the Cotman, John Sell (1782–1842). English landscape
Irish Nationalist Movement and was a member of the painter and etcher. With *Crome he is considered the
House of Commons 1918–22, although he did not leading member of the Norwich School. He had a
take his seat. Following the sudden deaths of Arthur deep interest in architecture, and painted landscapes
*Griffith and Michael *Collins, he became the first with a strong structural form, emphasised by flat
Prime Minister (President of the Executive Council) washes. His Liber Studorium of 1838 consists of 48
of the Irish Free State 1922–32. He crushed *de soft-ground etchings, and is considered a landmark in
Valera’s rebellion far more harshly than the British had etching technique.
ever acted and, by 1923, 11,000 Republicans were in
prison and more than 50 had been executed. His son, Cotton, Charles (1630–1687). English poet. He was
Liam Cosgrave (1920–  ) was Minister for External a country gentleman who wrote some beautiful short
Affairs 1954–57, and Prime Minister 1973–77. lyrics, admired by Wordsworth. He translated the
Essays of Montaigne, and became the friend of Izaak
Cosgrove, Sir Peter John (1947–  ). Australian Walton, to whose Compleat Angler he contributed. He
general, born in Sydney. Educated at Duntroon, he wrote many parodies of the works of classical authors.
was Chief of the Army 2000–02, Chief of the Defence
Force 2002–05 and Governor-General 2014–19. He Coty, René Jules Gustave (1882–1962). French
wrote My Story (2006). conservative politician. Originally a lawyer, he was
active in local government and served as Deputy
Cossa, Baldassarre (c.1370–1419). Italian prelate 1923–35 and Senator 1935–42. He took no part in
and anti-Pope, known as John XXIII, born in the politics during the war, but after the Liberation was
kingdom of Naples. Educated at Bologna, he rose re-elected as Deputy (1945) and Senator (1948). He
in the church bureaucracy at a time of ‘the Great became Minister of Reconstruction 1947 and was
Schism’, with rival popes in Rome (*Gregory XII) and Vice President of the Senate 1949–53. In December
Avignon (Benedict XIII). In Pisa, he was elected as 1953 on the 13th ballot he was elected as President
‘pope’ by a group of cardinals and was recognised by of the Fourth Republic as a compromise candidate
France, England, Portugal, Florence and Venice. He and served Jan. 1954–Jan. 1959. In May 1958, he
appointed the *Medici as bankers to the papacy. Cossa installed General *de Gaulle as Premier, retiring on
was deposed by the Council of Constance (1413), the inauguration of the Fifth Republic.
imprisoned in Germany, then ransomed by Florence.
*Gibbon wrote of him, ‘The more scandalous charges Coubertin, Pierre, Baron de (1863–1937). French
were suppressed; the vicar of Christ was accused only publicist and educator. He was responsible for the
of piracy, rape, sodomy, murder and incest’. revival of the Olympic Games and presided at the
first modern Olympiad in Athens in 1896. He served
Costa, Lúcio Marçal Ferreira Ribeiro Lima (1902– as President of the International Olympic Federation
1998). French-Brazilian architect, born in Toulouse. 1894–1925.
A follower of *Le Corbusier, appointed as Director
of the School of Fine Arts in 1931, he was one of a
team responsible for the Ministry of Education and
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Coué, Emile (1857–1926). French psychotherapist. Courtauld, Samuel (1876–1947). British

He believed that auto-suggestion has a powerful effect industrialist and patron of the arts. As chairman
on sickness (even organic disease) and his slogan of Courtauld’s textile company he pioneered the
‘Every day, in every way, l am getting better and commercial development of man-made fibres. His
better’ became extraordinarily popular in the 1920s. collection of French paintings became the nucleus of
the collection at Home House, where he also set up
Coughlin, Charles Edward (1891–1979). American the Courtauld Institute for the study of art history.
priest, born in Canada. He began broadcasting
from Detroit, Michigan, in the 1920s, originally Cousin, Victor (1792–1867). French philosopher
in opposition to the Ku Klux Klan. In the period and educationist. A popular lecturer at the Sorbonne,
1930–36 he had a weekly audience of more than he developed what he termed ‘eclectic’ philosophy,
10 million. Originally a supporter of the New Deal, insisting that truth can be discerned by ‘intuition’.
he turned strongly against Roosevelt and in 1935 As  Minister of Education 1840–5l, he introduced
formed the National Union of Social Justice which many reforms into French primary education, most
had anti-Semitic and pro-Fascist tendencies. In of them derived from Germany. He translated *Plato’s
1942 his broadcasts were banned and he quickly lost works and wrote studies on *Pascal and *Kant.
influence. Joseph P. *Kennedy was a strong supporter
of Father Coughlin. Cousteau, Jacques Yves (1910–1997). French
marine explorer, conservationist, author and film-
Coulomb, Charles Augustin de (1736–1806). maker. A French naval officer, with Emil Gagnan
French physicist. Noted for his work on electricity and he invented the aqualung (1943) which permitted
magnetism, he was a military engineer by profession, much underwater exploration and popularised scuba-
and invented a magnetoscope, a magnometer diving. In the Calypso, he conducted experiments to
and a torsion balance. He proved that the force of extend the period divers could spend underwater.
attraction between two electrical charges is inversely With specially designed submarines, he made many
proportional to the square of their distance: this underwater films: three won Academy Awards in
is known as ‘Coulomb’s Law’. A ‘coulomb’ is the 1957, 1959 and 1965. He directed the Oceanographic
standard unit of electrical quantity, a current of one Museum, Monaco from 1957. The Cousteau Society
ampere per second. In 1802 *Napoléon appointed (established in 1973) was a prolific producer of books
him as inspector of schools. and a 21–volume encyclopaedia. A member of the
Académie Française 1988–97, he played a central
Couperin, François (1668–1733). French composer,
role, with Bob *Hawke, in securing international
harpsichordist and organist, known as ‘Couperin
agreement (1991) to preserve Antarctica from mining
le Grand’. His family produced many notable
for 50 years.
musicians. He studied the works of *Corelli and
*Lully, becoming a church organist at St Gervais in Cousteau, J. Y., The Ocean World of Jacques Cousteau.
Paris (from 1683) and music master at the Royal 20 vols, 1973; Matsen, B., Jacques Cousteau. The Sea
Court 1717–33. He was a great keyboard virtuoso King. 2009.
and composed more than 300 vivacious and graceful
harpsichord works that greatly influenced J. S. *Bach Couthon, Georges (1755–1794). French
and *Händel. He also wrote chamber music, songs revolutionary. A cripple, trained as a lawyer, he was
and religious works. a Member of the Legislative Assembly 1791–92,
a Member of the Convention 1792–94 and of
Mellers, W., François Couperin and the French Classical
the Committee of Public Safety 1793–94. He was
Tradition. 1950.
guillotined with *Robespierre.
Courbet, Gustave (1819–1877). French realist Couve de Murville, Maurice (1907–1999). French
painter. Originally a student of theology, he taught diplomat and politician. He served as French
himself painting by copying the works exhibited in Ambassador to Egypt 1950–54, to NATO 1954–55,
the Louvre and ultimately became one of the most to the United States 1955–56 and to West Germany
prolific of all French artists. His realism in painting 1956–58. President *de Gaulle appointed him
made him the enemy of the traditionalists, and his
Minister for Foreign Affairs 1958–68, in 1968 he was
original technique influenced later French schools.
Minister of Finance and Economy (June and July)
An atheist and socialist, he was active in the Paris
and then Prime Minister 1968–69. He was Chairman
Commune, sitting as a member of the revolutionary
of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National
assembly (1871). He later served six months in jail,
Assembly 1973–81.
before he fled to Switzerland where he died. His best
works include The Burial at Ornans (1850), Bonjour, Couve de Murville. M., Une politique étrangère,
Monsieur Courbet (1854), The Painter’s Studio (1855) 1958–1969. 1973.
and the powerful nude The Origin of the World
(L’Origine du monde, 1866).
Zahar, M., Gustave Courbet. 1950; Rubin, J. H.,
Courbet. 1997.
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Coverdale, Miles (1488–1569). English prelate and Cowley, Abraham (1618–1667). English essayist
translator, born in Yorkshire. Educated at Cambridge, and metaphysical poet. Educated at Cambridge, he
he joined the Augustinian order, later becoming an wrote a series of pastoral comedies as a young man
ardent Protestant. In 1535, in Antwerp, he published but was expelled from university in 1643 on account
the first printed, complete English translation of the of his Royalist sympathies during the Civil War. He
Bible, including the Apocrypha. Having no Hebrew or lived on the Continent 1646–56 and undertook
Greek, he worked from the Latin Vulgate and *Luther’s confidential missions for the royal family. Later he
German translation, and incorporated *Tyndale’s became a physician and actively engaged in botanical
translations of the Pentateuch and New Testament. experiments. His poems include The Mistress and
Coverdale’s edition formed the basis of the so-called Pindaresque Odes.
‘Matthew’s Bible’ of 1537, the first to be licensed for
sale in England, and he worked on ‘The Great Bible’ Cowper, William (1731–1800). English poet.
of 1539 (also retaining Tyndale’s material). Coverdale’s Trained as a lawyer, his verse was popular in his lifetime
Psalms were preserved in the Authorised (King James) because of its directness and the natural sympathy he
Version. He was a Puritan and, because of his extreme expressed towards everyday scenes and events. His
views, spent several years in European exile, mostly in life was characterised by evangelical religious fervour
Germany 1543–48 and 1555–59. A notable preacher, and periods of melancholia and mental instability.
he was Bishop of Exeter 1551–53 but lost this office He  collaborated with the evangelical divine John
on the accession of Queen *Mary. Newton in writing Olney Hymns (1779). He made an
effective blank verse translation of The Iliad (1791).
Coward, Sir Noël (Pierce) (1899–1973). English
Ryscamp, C., William Cowper. 1959.
playwright, actor, producer and composer, born in
Teddington. He made his stage debut as a boy and Cox, James Middleton (1870–1957). American
became a popular performer in light comedies. His newspaper publisher and politician. He was
first play The Vortex, portrayal of decadence, caused a Governor of Ohio 1913–15 and 1917–21, and
sensation when produced in London in 1923. It was became Democratic candidate for president in 1920,
followed by many sophisticated comedies including campaigning in support of *Wilson’s policies with
Hay Fever (1925), Private Lives (1930), Blithe Spirit Franklin D. *Roosevelt as his running mate. He was
(1931), Present Laughter (1943) and Nude with heavily defeated by Warren *Harding.
Violin (1956). He composed the music and wrote the
dialogue for the musical comedies Bitter Sweet (1929) Coypel, Charles-Antoine (1694–1752). French
and Words and Music (1934). He wrote and produced painter. Court painter to *Louis XV, he also designed
the successful films Cavalcade (1938), In Which We tapestries, woven by the Gobelins manufactory,
Serve (1942), This Happy Breed (1944), Blithe Spirit illustrating *Cervantes’ Don Quixote. He wrote
(1945) and Brief Encounter (1947). Among his several plays.
other works were several volumes of autobiography,
e.g. Future Indefinite (1954) and a number of witty Cozens, Alexander (c.1715–1786). English landscape
songs, e.g. Mad Dogs and Englishmen. He was an painter, born in Russia. He settled in England (1746)
accomplished actor who appeared in a number and from 1763 to 1768 was drawing master at Eton.
of films, e.g. In Which We Serve and Our Man in His watercolour landscapes are mainly in monochrome
Havana. After World War II he lived in Bermuda. and are sometimes almost impressionistic in technique.
He was knighted in 1970. His son John Robert Cozens (1752–c.1799), whom
he taught, started to work in monochrome but later
Morley, S., Noël Coward. 1969; Hoare, P., Noël used a fuller range of colour.
Coward. 1995.
Oppé, A. P., Alexander and John Cozens. 1954.
Cowen, Sir Zelman (1919–2011). Australian lawyer,
academic and administrator, born in Melbourne. Cozzens, James Gould (1903–1978). American
Educated at Melbourne and Oxford, he was Dean novelist. Educated at Harvard, his novels were
of Melbourne University’s law school 1951–66, conservative accounts of people operating within
and a prolific textbook writer, Vice Chancellor of organisational or professional constraints, highly
the University of New England 1967–70 and of praised on publication, now undervalued. They
Queensland 1970–77. As Governor-General of included The S.S. San Pedro (1931), The Last Adam
Australia 1977–82 he brought a ‘touch of healing’ (1933), Men and Brethren (1936), The Just and the
after the controversial Sir John *Kerr. He became Unjust (1943), Guard of Honour (1948) and By Love
Provost of Oriel College, Oxford 1982–90 and Possessed (1958). He won the Pulitzer Prize in 1949.
Chairman of the UK Press Council 1983–88, then Crabbe, George (1754–1832). English poet, born
returned to Australia. at Aldeburgh, Suffolk. He went to London to seek
Cowen, Z., A Public Life. The Memoirs of Zelman success as a writer. Edmund *Burke, to whom he had
Cowen. 2006. sent some poems, gave him encouragement, as did Dr
*Johnson. In The Library (1781), The Village (1783)
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Dictionary of World Biography

and The Newspaper (1783), he showed that stark but he became a painter to the Saxon court at Wittenberg.
vivid realism which is his predominant characteristic. He became an ardent Protestant and among his many
He took holy orders and in the following years, when portraits in which he is inclined to over-concentrate
he was chaplain to the Duke of Rutland (1783–85) on the accessories of dress is one of *Luther. Two of
and then a parish priest, he published nothing further. his sons were trained by him, Lucas Cranach (1515–
In 1807 came The Parish Register, and The Borough 1586), whose work is often indistinguishable from
in 1810. A tale in the latter inspired Benjamin that of his father, and Hans Cranach (d.1537).
*Britten’s opera Peter Grimes. (Britten later moved
to Aldeburgh.) Crabbe's Tales (1812) and Tales of Crane, (Harold) Hart (1899–1932). American poet.
the Hall (1819) again show his realistic appreciation After working as a reporter in New York, he drifted
of character and somewhat grim sense of humour. unhappily through a succession of odd jobs. Most of
Crabbe’s main contribution to English poetry was his his poetry, which shows the influence of *Rimbaud
skill in telling a short story in verse. and *Whitman, was published in two volumes, White
Buildings (1926) and The Bridge (1930), which has been
Blunden, E. (ed.), The Complete Works of George called ‘a mystical interpretation of the past, present and
Crabbe. 1947. future of America’. He jumped over the side of a ship in
despair at his homosexuality and alcoholism.
Craig, (Edward) Gordon (1872–1966). English
theatrical designer, producer and actor. Son of Ellen Crane, Stephen (1871–1900). American writer
*Terry and the architect Edward Godwin, he acted on and war correspondent. He wrote two novels, the
the London stage for some years under Henry *Irving, stark and powerful Maggie, A Girl of the Streets
but after 1900 he devoted himself to stage design and (1892), ignored at the time of publication, and The
production. His first production (1900) was *Purcell’s Red Badge of Courage (1895), a sensitive account of
Dido and Aeneas, at the Hampstead Conservatoire, heroism under fire in the American Civil War. Its
London. He lived with Isadora *Duncan 1905–07, success led to his appointment as war correspondent
then worked in Berlin, Florence and Rome. He in the Greco-Turkish and Spanish-American Wars.
produced a notable Hamlet in Moscow (1912) with He also wrote poetry and realistic short stories. From
Konstantin *Stanislavsky. His outstanding influence 1898 he lived in England and came to know Joseph
upon modern stage production was conveyed *Conrad, Henry *James and other writers. He died of
through his books, The Art of the Theatre (1905), tuberculosis in Germany.
Towards a New Theatre (1913), Scene (1923) and his
magazine Mask (1908–14, 1919–29). By simplifying Stallman, R. W., Stephen Crane: a Critical
three dimensional scenery with costumes and lighting Bibliography. 1972.
effects in harmony, he conceived a production as a
Crane, Walter (1845–1915). English artist. He
unified and complete work of art. He spent several
is best known as an illustrator (e.g. of the Toy-book
years in Florence, where he started a school of stage
series). Like William *Morris he sought to ally art to
design. He received a CH in 1958 and died in Vence.
industry and everyday objects.
Craig, E. G., Gordon Craig: The Story of his Life. 1968.
Cranmer, Thomas (1489–1556). English prelate,
Craigavon, James Craig, 1st Viscount (1871–1940). born in Nottinghamshire. Educated at Cambridge
Ulster politician. In the House of Commons 1906– University, he became a Fellow of Jesus College and
21 he made his name as a bitter opponent of Home lectured in divinity, at the same time studying *Luther’s
Rule for Ireland. After the partition of the country he works critically. (Martin *Bucer was a more important
became the first Prime Minister of Northern Ireland influence than Luther.) A widower, he also served
(Ulster) 1921–40. as a diplomat. In 1529 he attracted the attention of
*Henry  VIII by expressing his opinion that Henry’s
Cram, Ralph Adams (1863–1942). American reasons for divorcing *Katherine of Aragon were valid,
architect. Practising in Boston, and teaching at and that views from European universities should be
MIT, he was exceptionally productive in designing sought. Cranmer was sent on missions abroad to rally
54 cathedrals, churches and chapels, mostly in the support and in 1530 arrived in Rome to present the case
‘collegiate Gothic’ style. The huge Cathedral of St for annulment of the marriage to Pope *Clement VII.
John the Divine, New York, was begun in 1892: He became envoy to Emperor *Charles V in 1532 and
Cram became its chief architect in 1912 and designed in Nuremberg married Margarete Osiander. In January
the nave. Other works include buildings at Princeton 1533 he was raised from Archdeacon of Taunton to
University, including the chapel. become Archbishop of Canterbury, working with,
and to a large degree under the direction of, Thomas
Cranach, Lucas (1472–1553). German painter and *Cromwell. He declared the king’s marriage to
engraver, born in Kronach, Franconia. His name was Katherine null and void (1533). In 1536 he annulled
derived from his birthplace. His earlier work included Henry’s marriage to *Anne Boleyn but gave no detailed
religious subjects (e.g. Rest on the Flight to Egypt) with explanation and he pleaded against her execution. He
idyllic backgrounds and remarkable for their fresh supported too, the Act of Supremacy (1534) which
colouring. He also executed many woodcuts. In 1505
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Dictionary of World Biography

asserted the royal headship of the Church of England. Crean, Simon Findlay (1949–  ). Australian Labor
He also encouraged the English translations of the politician. Son of Frank (Francis Daniel) Crean
Bible but failed to reach doctrinal agreement with the (1916–2008), a Minister under Gough *Whitlam
German reformers, with the result that little change in 1972–75, he was President of the Australian Council
doctrine was made in Henry’s reign. The two prayer of Trade Unions 1985–90, a Federal MP 1990–2013,
books of *Edward VI’s reign, the latter little different Minister 1990–96; 2007–13 and Leader of the
from the Book of Common Prayer (of *Charles II’s reign) Opposition 2001–03.
still used, were, however, largely due to Cranmer’s work
and inspiration, and his gift for noble and sonorous Crébillon, Claude Prosper Jolyot de (1707–1777).
expression is fully displayed. The words of the marriage French novelist. A gay and witty man of the world,
ceremony are his. When *Mary came to the throne his he chose elegant, sophisticated and licentious themes.
Protestantism, combined with his support for Lady In his most famous work, Le Sopha (1745), an
Jane *Grey, made his fate inevitable. He tried to save oriental prince transformed into a sofa is titillated by
his life by a recantation of his opinions, but this he overhearing the amorous conversations of those who
afterwards withdrew and met his death at the stake at choose him for a resting place. His father, Prosper
Oxford with the same courage as his fellow martyrs, Jolyot de Crébillon (1674–1762), a playwright,
*Ridley and *Latimer. was regarded as a rival to *Voltaire; his sensational
tragedies, e.g. Atrée et Thyeste (1707), were based on
MacCulloch, D., Thomas Cranmer: A Life. 1996. unnatural crimes.
Crashaw, Richard (1613–1649). English poet. Creevy, Thomas (1768–1838). English diarist. His
The son of a Puritan clergyman, he was educated letters and journal, covering more than 40 years, give
at Charterhouse and Cambridge University. While a sometimes prejudiced but always vivid account of
at Peterhouse, he became a Roman Catholic and in the political and social events and gossip of his time.
1643 fled abroad. He eventually obtained a benefice at He married a rich widow, was an often absentee
Loreto, where he died soon after his arrival. His gentle Whig MP 1802–26, 1831–32, always representing
character made him much loved. He wrote secular ‘rotten boroughs’, but regarded himself as a disciple
and religious poems in both Latin and English, and of Charles James *Fox.
his fame mainly rests on those in which devotion and
mystical experience are expressed in ardent, almost Cremer, Sir (William) Randal (1836–1908). English
sensual, terms. politician. Originally a carpenter and trade union
leader, he was a friend of *Mazzini and *Garibaldi
Crassus, Marcus Licinius (c.110–53 BCE). Roman and secretary of the Workmen’s Peace Association
magnate. Considered the wealthiest Roman of his 1871–1908. He served as MP 1885–95 and 1900–08,
time, he was also an able politician and a skilled but founded the International Parliamentary Union (IPU)
brutal general, who destroyed the slave revolt (73–71 in 1889 and received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1903.
BCE) led by *Spartacus. He used his money for
political ends and so was able to form with *Caesar Crerar, Harry (Henry Duncan Graham) (1888–
and *Pompey the first triumvirate which dominated 1965). Canadian soldier. After having commanded
Roman politics from 60 BCE. He held the office of the Canadians in Italy and the Mediterranean area
consul twice (70 and 55) and as part of the bargain (1943–44) he was GOC of the Canadian 1st Corps,
made with his associates at Luca became Governor of which formed (1944–45) the left wing of the great
Syria in 54. His campaign to subdue the Parthians (53) Allied liberating drive from Normandy to the German
ended in disaster in Mesopotamia and his own death. frontier. An excellent staff officer, less successful in
the field, he was one of many generals scorned by
Craxi, Bettino (1934–2000). Italian Socialist *Montgomery. He received a CH in 1945.
politician, born in Milan. He became a journalist and
party organiser, Deputy 1968–94, party leader 1976– Cressent, Charles (1685–1768). French cabinet-
93 and Prime Minister 1983–87. He was charged maker. Considered the greatest in the Regency style
with corruption in 1993, retired to Tunisia and was and one of the finest in the 18th century, he began his
sentenced in absentia (1994) to 8½ years jail. career in the studios of *Boulle, and was appointed
official cabinet maker to the Duke of Orléans, Regent
Cray, Seymour R(oger) (1925–1996). American of France, in 1715. He was a skilled metalworker, not
computer designer. Educated at the University of only designing and making his pieces but casting and
Minnesota, he worked for Remington Rand and carving their characteristic gilded bronze ornaments
UNIVAC, and became the co-founder of Control himself.
Data in 1957. In 1972 he established Cray Research
Inc. and designed a series of supercomputers, leading Cresson, Edith (née Campion). (1934–  ). French
to the Y-MP C90 of 1990. Supercomputers were Socialist politician. She served under *Mitterrand
soon challenged by ‘massively parallel’ computing, and was Minister for Foreign Trade 1983–86 and
where a network of smaller computers was linked for European Affairs 1988–90. She was France’s
synergistically to create greater computing capacity.
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Dictionary of World Biography

first woman Prime Minister 1991–92 and became panspermia’—that bacteria were introduced to
European Commissioner for Research, Science and earth from other planets. He received the Royal
Technology 1995–99. Society’s Royal Medal (1972) and Copley Medal
(1975) and the OM in 1991. What Mad Pursuit:
Crewe, Robert Offley Ashburton Crewe-Milnes, A Personal View of Scientific Discovery (1990) was
1st Marquess of (1858–1945). English Liberal a memoir. His last great area for investigation was
politician, born in London. Son of Richard Monckton theoretical neuroscience and he attempted to explain
*Milnes (Lord Houghton), educated at Harrow and the physical basis for consciousness. The Astonishing
Cambridge, he became Lord Lieutenant of Ireland Hypothesis (1994) described the soul as ‘no more than
1892–95. Created earl in 1895, he served as a the behaviour of a vast assembly of nerve cells and
Minister under *Campbell-Bannerman and *Asquith their associated molecules’.
1905–16 and was Secretary of State for India 1910–
15. Liberal Leader in the House of Lords 1908–23 Judson, H. F., The Eighth Day of Creation. 1979;
and 1936–44, he played a key role in securing passage Edelson, E., Francis Crick and James Watson: And
of the Parliament Act 1911, which ended the veto the Building Blocks of Life. 2000; Ridley, M., Francis
power of the House of Lords. Promoted to marquess Crick: discoverer of the genetic code. 2006.
in 1911, he served as Ambassador to France 1922–28
Crippen, Hawley Harvey (1865–1910). American
and Secretary of State for War 1931. The last Whig,
dentist and murderer, resident in London. In 1910
he was the son-in-law of *Rosebery and wrote a
he poisoned his wife, a music-hall actor known as
boring official biography (1931).
Belle Elmore, and concealed her dismembered body
Crichton, James (1560–1582). Scottish scholar. beneath the floor of his house. With his mistress,
Known as ‘the Admirable Crichton’ for his skill Ethel Le Neve, who was dressed as a boy, ‘Dr’
as a poet, linguist, mathematician and athlete, he Crippen sailed for America but was arrested on the
graduated from St Andrew’s University at the age ship as the result of a wireless signal—the first time
of 15, left Scotland in 1577 and in the course of his this new invention had been used to bring a criminal
continental travels gained fame by his ability to carry to justice. He was found guilty and hanged; Ethel Le
out disputations in 12 languages. He was killed in Neve was acquitted.
Mantua in a street brawl. (The play The Admirable
Cripps, Sir (Richard) Stafford (1889–1952). British
Crichton by *Barrie is wholly unrelated.)
politician. Son of the ecclesiastical lawyer Charles
Crick, Francis Harry Compton (1916–2004). Alfred Cripps, 1st Baron Parmoor (1852–1941)
British molecular biologist, born in Northampton. who served in the Labour governments of 1924 and
Educated at Mill Hill School, he graduated in physics 1929–31, Cripps, educated at Winchester and London
from University College, London and worked for the University, was already one of the most successful KCs
Admiralty developing magnetic mines during World in the country when he became immersed in politics.
War II. From 1947 he worked at Cambridge, first at MP 1931–50, and Ramsay *MacDonald’s Solicitor
the Strangeways research laboratory 1947–49, then General 1931, he was expelled from the Labour party
at the Medical Research Council’s molecular biology (1939) for supporting a ‘Popular Front’ with the
laboratory 1949–77, where he studied under Max Communists. In World War II he was Ambassador to
*Perutz. At the Cavendish laboratories he worked with Russia 1940–42, Lord Privy Seal 1942 and Minister
J. D. *Watson on the molecular structure of DNA for Aircraft Production 1942–45. In 1942 he failed in
(deoxyribonucleic acid), partly basing their work on a mission to India to secure agreement among Indians
the X-ray diffraction studies of M. H. F. *Wilkins and on the terms on which a promise to give dominion
Rosalind *Franklin. Crick and Watson published a status to India after the war could be fulfilled.
joint paper in Nature (25 April 1953) explaining the In Attlee’s postwar Labour government, Cripps,
double helical structure of DNA, the chemical bases as President of the Board of Trade 1945–47 and
joining the helixes (like steps on spiral staircases) and Chancellor of the Exchequer 1947–50, was especially
the replication mechanism. This was regarded as one associated with the austerity policy of rationing and
of the greatest scientific discoveries in all biology, controls. (Churchill called him ‘Christ and carrots’.)
in the face of fierce competition e.g. from Linus Cancer forced his retirement (1950).
*Pauling and many others. In 1962 Crick, Watson Cripps, S., Towards a Christian Democracy. 1945.
and Wilkins shared the Nobel Prize for Physiology
or Medicine. Crick was a fellow at the Salk Institute Crispi, Francesco (1819–1901). Italian politician,
at San Diego 1962–73 and a research professor there born in Sicily. A republican, inspired by *Mazzini, he
1977–2004. He proposed what he called the ‘central took refuge in France after the collapse of the 1848
dogma of molecular biology’ (1970)—that DNA revolution. He landed in Sicily with *Garibaldi’s
determines how cells will grow, that RNA acts as a Thousand in 1860. He accepted the monarchy of
transmission line, and ‘information’ is passed on to *Vittorio Emmanuele as a unifying force, and in the
the protein which changes as directed. He wrote Chamber of Deputies gained a great reputation for
Of Molecules and Men (1966) and in the controversial independence and his support of a nationalism based
Life Itself (1981) proposed the concept of ‘directed on moral unity. As Prime Minister 1887–91, 1893–96
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Dictionary of World Biography

he abandoned Italy’s traditional amity with France by Member of the House of Representatives for much
strengthening the Triple Alliance with Germany and of the period 1817–35, and killed at the Battle of
Austria. He also developed the Italian settlements in Alamo, fighting against the Mexicans.
East Africa, Somalia and Eritrea. The crushing defeat
of the Italians at Adowa (1896) forced his resignation Croesus (d.546 BCE). Last king of Lydia (Asia
and had a demoralising effect on Italian politics for Minor) 560–546 BCE. He extended his kingdom
decades. eastwards but when opposed by Cyrus, the Persian
king, he was quickly overthrown and his realm
Cristofori di Francesco, Bartolomeo (1655–1731). annexed. It is for his proverbial wealth that he is
Italian harpsichord maker, born in Padua. Under remembered. His help in the rebuilding of the temple
Medici patronage, in 1700 there is the first reference at Ephesus is commemorated by a column inscribed
to an ‘arpicembalo’, a harpsichord that could produce with his name, now in the British Museum.
a soft or loud note according to the pressure on the
keys. This he did by introducing a hammer action Croker, John Wilson (1780–1857). British literary
in place of the former plucking of the strings. The critic and politician, born in Ireland. An MP 1807–
instrument was the first ‘piano forte’ (‘soft loud’) and 52, he was a vitriolic opponent of parliamentary
the forerunner of the present pianoforte. He died in reform and coined the political name ‘Conservative’.
Florence. In 1809, he helped to found the Quarterly Review,
in which appeared his attack on Endymion that, in
Crivelli, Carlo (c.1430–c.1495). Venetian painter. Byron’s words, ‘killed John Keats’. Macaulay detested
His many altarpieces and pictures illustrate the life him ‘more than cold boiled veal’. He was one of the
of the Madonna. His Annunciation in the National founders of the Athenaeum Club, London, in 1824.
Gallery, London, is remarkable for its background
ornamentation (which includes a peacock, a hanging Crome, John (1768–1821). English painter.
carpet and many other decorative objects) and the A  leading member (with *Cotman) of the Norwich
mathematical precision of its perspective. School, he began as a sign painter and educated
himself in art mainly by copying works owned by
Croce, Benedetto (1866–1952). Italian philosopher, a friendly local collector. Most of his life was spent
historian and critic, born in the Abruzzi region. Son in and around Norwich (where he was a drawing
of a landowner, he lost both parents and his sister master) and his pictures, e.g. The Poringland Oak,
in an earthquake at Ischia (1883) from which he and Mousehold Heath, both in the National Gallery,
narrowly escaped. Educated in Rome, he abandoned London, which show the serenity and spatial quality
law for history and aesthetics. In Naples, he founded of the Dutch landscapists, are mainly of local scenes.
the journal La Critica in 1903 and edited it until River and windmill, skies drenched in light, meadows
1944. Early formulations of his views on literature, and storm-wrecked trees are typical subjects.
philosophy and history appeared there and he also held
Clifford, D., and Clifford, T., John Crome. 1968.
an honorary chair in philosophy at Naples University
1903–44. His philosophy, influenced by Hegel, is Cromer, 1st Earl of, Evelyn Baring (1841–1917).
an idealism that holds that the only reality is mind English administrator, born in Cromer. Member of a
or spirit. This is not a transcendent entity, however, merchant banking family (*Baring), he was educated
but rather to be identified with human experience at Woolwich, served as a staff officer in Malta and
and includes works of art. Croce’s discussion of this Jamaica and became private secretary 1872–76 to his
area, which in a rather wide sense of the word he calls cousin Lord *Northbrook, Viceroy of India. One of
aesthetics, has been the most influential part of his the European commissioners of the Egyptian public
philosophy. Actual works of art, according to Croce, debt 1877–79 and Comptroller-General 1879–80, he
are expressions of sensuous insights of artists. The returned to India as Finance Member of the Viceroy’s
insights, it is claimed, are the ‘real’ works of art, and Council 1880–83. As British Consul-General and
the actual paintings, for example, are merely means Agent to Egypt 1883–1907, he was the de facto
of communicating them to others. Croce’s greatest ruler of ‘the veiled protectorate’, with responsibility
work is the Philosophy of the Spirit (1902–17) but for finance, foreign affairs, defence, education and
his views on aesthetics are also presented in Aesthetic public works, although the country was nominally
(1902). He was a Senator 1910–44 and Minister part of the Ottoman Empire. He was a Latin and
of Education 1920–21, withdrawing from politics Greek scholar but never attempted Arabic. He saw
when *Mussolini came to power. He wrote An himself as ruling in an enlightened Whig tradition
Autobiography (1927) and returned to public life as and was showered with British honours including an
Leader of the Liberal Party 1944–47. earldom in 1901, the OM in 1906, the Albert Medal,
a FRS and £50,000 from parliament. He led the
Crockett, David (‘Davy’) (1786–1836). American
Unionist free traders in the House of Lords and was
hero. This semi-legendary figure of the pioneer days
a vigorous opponent of votes for women. He chaired
(‘cradled in a sap trough, clouted in a coonskin …’)
Dardenelles Commission 1916–17, enquiring into
was a lawyer, active in the development of Tennessee,
the Gallipoli fiasco, where his exertions contributed
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Dictionary of World Biography

to his death. His grandson, (George) Rowland year of haggling to the English parliament. In 1647
Stanley Baring (1918–1991), 3rd Earl of Cromer, parliament and army quarrelled, Charles was seized in
managing director of Baring Brothers (from 1947), the name of the army and thenceforth, Fairfax being in
headed the British Treasury’s delegation in the US favour of conciliation and no longer able to influence
(1959–61), became a Director of the International events, Charles depended for his life on Cromwell’s
Monetary Fund and the World Bank, Governor of mercy. Probably the king’s intrigues with the Scots,
the Bank of England 1961–66 and Ambassador to the which brought them into a war against him, made
US 1971–74, receiving a KG in 1977. Cromwell decide that he must die. Having crushed the
Scots at Preston, he caused Charles to be brought to
Crompton, Richmal (pen name of Richmal trial and his execution followed (January 1649). With
Crompton Lamburn) (1890–1969). English writer. the formation of the Commonwealth, Cromwell’s
Originally a classics teacher, beginning with Just only official position was his army leadership, but he
William (1922) she wrote 37 children’s books about gradually gathered the executive reins into his hands.
William Brown, a mischievous but endearing middle- First a rising of the extremist ‘Levellers’ had to be
class schoolboy and his friends (and enemies). By suppressed (1649), then he went to Ireland, still in
1977, nine million of her books had been sold. royalist hands, and achieved a conquest by cruelties,
such as the massacres of the garrisons of Drogheda and
Crompton, Samuel (1753–1827). English inventor,
Wexford, which provoked bitter memories that still
born near Bolton, Lancashire. He was working in
survive. His settlement, based largely on dispossessing
a spinning mill when he invented the ‘spinning
Roman Catholic Irish and replacing them by English
mule’, which combined the virtues of *Hargreaves’
ex-soldiers or land speculators, was equally disastrous.
‘spinning jenny’ and *Arkwright’s waterframe.
In contrast, after he had crushed, at Worcester, a
In  1812 Crompton received a grant of £5,000, but
Scottish invasion headed by Prince Charles (the future
his business ventures failed and he died in poverty
*Charles II) he brought to Scotland the advantage of
only mitigated by secret gifts from friends.
union and free trade with the more prosperous and
Cromwell, Oliver (1599–1658). English soldier, advanced England. Meanwhile he was in trouble with
statesman and Lord Protector of the Commonwealth, the surviving members of the old parliament, known
born in Huntingdon. Of yeoman stock (the original as the Rump, who had little relish for a new autocrat.
family name was Williams), related by marriage to Cromwell dissolved them by a show of force and called
Thomas *Cromwell, he attended grammar school, spent a Puritan convention, nicknamed the ‘Barebones
a year at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, and may Parliament’, which proved equally intractable and
have studied law at Lincoln’s Inn, London. In 1620 he was also dismissed. Supreme power now rested
married Elizabeth Bourchier, the daughter of a London with Cromwell and his officers. In 1653 under an
merchant. He represented Huntingdon in Parliament ‘Instrument of Government’ he was declared Protector,
1628–29, but during the 11 years of *Charles I’s a council of state assisted him in his executive functions
absolute rule (1629–40) he was active only in local and a single-chamber parliament dealt with legislation
affairs, though he became a fervent, but not bigoted, and taxation. His ordinances had the effect of law when
Puritan. In 1638 he inherited property at Ely from an parliament was not in session. The members varied
uncle, but suffered a nervous breakdown, leading to from the sycophants to the querulous, but Cromwell
‘reconversion’ and a burst of religious fervour. He was never succeeded in working with assemblies and had to
MP for Cambridge in the Short and Long Parliaments rule as a virtual dictator with ‘major-generals’ acting as
1640–53. Soon after the Civil War broke out (1642) regional administrators. He was offered the crown but
he was serving under *Essex and won distinction as a would have forfeited the support of the army had he
cavalry officer at Edgehill. His military skill became accepted. Cromwell proved as good an administrator
more and more evident, his tactics being especially as he had been soldier. In his religious reforms he took
effective at the great parliamentary victory (1644) at measures to improve the quality of the ministry but
Marston Moor near York. He played a principal part showed tolerance to all denominations other than
in the creation of the New Model Army (known as Roman Catholicism and Anglican episcopalianism. His
the ‘Ironsides’), who were subjected to rigid discipline legal ordinances aimed at the suppression of corrupt
and stern morality. Cromwell emerged as the leader of practices swept away many barbarous punishments
this body and it became devoted to his interests. He and provided relief for debtors. His foreign policy was
was helped too by the passing of the Self Denying designed to strengthen English trade. Although the
Ordinance (1645) under which the parliamentary 1651 Navigation Act precipitated the first Dutch War
generals (Cromwell himself excepted) gave up their (1652–54), *Tromp found a match in *Blake, whose
commands. This left *Fairfax and Cromwell to lead successes brought the Commonwealth much prestige.
the New Model Army to victory at Naseby. This was In the war with Spain (1655–58), in which Jamaica
the beginning of the end: the west country and other was won, Cromwell even managed to gain the alliance
royalist held areas were gradually overrun, the towns of Catholic France. He  suffered from gout, malaria
were stormed or surrendered. Charles himself was and stones in the bladder. He died on 3 September
harried and chased until at last he surrendered to the 1658, the anniversary of his victories at Dunbar
Scots near Newark, only to be handed over after a and Worcester. His body was buried in Westminster
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Dictionary of World Biography

Abbey, but in January 1661, after the Restoration, his marriage failed, Henry could vent his anger in the
embalmed body was exhumed, hanged at Tyburn, then certainty of public approval. Cromwell was arrested,
decapitated and his head exposed on a pole outside condemned by bill of attainder for heresy and treason,
Westminster Hall until 1684. (In 1960 his head was and executed, without trial, in July 1540. However,
buried at Sidney Sussex College.) in December 1540 Henry created Gregory Cromwell
(c.1520–1555) a baron, apparently claiming to have
Cromwell believed in, and found biblical justification
been misled about his father’s guilt.
for, all that he did and was unquestionably among the
greatest of all English rulers, but that his system struck The two Man Booker prize–winning novels by
no deep roots was proved by the fact that within two Hilary *Mantel are persuasive rehabilitations of his
years of his death the people were cheering the return reputation, arguing that he was a practical reformer,
of the monarchy. His third son, Richard Cromwell remote from religious fanaticism and a restraint on
(1626–1712), succeeded him briefly as Lord Protector Henry. Diarmaid *MacCulloch’s biography is a
(1658–59), becoming virtually a prisoner of the army powerful reinforcement.
which deposed him. Known as ‘Tumbledown Dick’,
he lived in exile in Paris until 1680. Dickens, A. G., Thomas Cromwell and the English
Reformation. 1959; Mantel, H., Wolf Hall. 2009;
Ashley, M., The Greatness of Oliver Cromwell. 1966; Mantel, H., Bring-Up the Bodies. 2011; MacCulloch,
Fraser, A., Cromwell: Our Chief of Men. 1973. D., Thomas Cromwell. A Life. 2018.
Cromwell, Thomas, 1st Earl of Essex (c.1485– Cronin, A(rchibald) J(oseph) (1896–1981). Scottish
1540). English lawyer and administrator, born in novelist. Originally a physician, his books include
Putney. Son of a brewer and a gentlewoman, he Hatter’s Castle (1931), The Citadel (1937), The Green
did not attend university but left home, led an Years (1944) and The Spanish Gardener (1950).
adventurous life on the Continent and became fluent
in Italian, French and Latin. He became established Cronje, Piet (1835–1911). South African soldier.
(c.1513) in London as a trader. He attached himself He was a leading figure of the Transvaal army in the
(1514) to *Wolsey and, though elected to parliament first and second Boer Wars. In the early stages of
(1523), continued to serve him as an assistant and the latter he had a striking success at Magersfontein
secretary until his downfall. This he survived and when he repulsed Lord Methuen’s attempt to relieve
soon proved as useful to King *Henry VIII as he Kimberley. In the following February, however, at
had been to Wolsey. MP again 1529–36, he became Paardeberg he was forced to surrender with 4000 men
Chancellor of the Exchequer 1533–40, Principal to Lord *Roberts. He was confined at St Helena for
Secretary to the King 1533–40, Master of the Rolls the rest of the war.
1534–36 and Lord Privy Seal 1536–40. Sympathetic
to the religious reformers in Zürich, Geneva and Crookes, Sir William (1832–1919). English chemist
Strasbourg, and strongly opposed to papal supremacy, and physicist, born in London. Educated at the
after Henry’s position as head of the church was Royal College of Chemistry, like *Huggins, *Joule
secured by the Act of Supremacy (1534), he was and *Rayleigh he inherited wealth and was able to
given the rather odd title of Vice-Gerent 1535–40, pursue independent research without having to teach.
in which, as the king’s deputy in religious affairs, he He discovered (1861) the element thallium from
carried out the dissolution of the monasteries and spectroscopic investigation of selenium residues from
secured a large part of their revenues for the crown. a sulphuric acid plant. He invented the radiometer
He played a significant role in the execution of and a vastly improved vacuum tube, leading to the
John *Fisher and *Anne Boleyn (not so much with development of the cathode ray tube. He correctly
Thomas *More), succeeding Fisher as Chancellor of concluded that cathode rays consisted of streams of
Cambridge University 1535–40 and attending Anne’s particles, later called electrons. He was unlucky not
beheading. to have beaten *Röntgen to the discovery of X-rays.
He designed ‘Crookes glass’ to protect the eyes of
He continued to support Henry’s personal ambitions industrial workers from strong radiation which is now
and, by centralising the administration and making it also widely used for protection against bright sunlight.
more efficient, added to his power. For his services he He was also President of the Society of Psychical
was created a baron 1536 and KG 1537. Research 1896–99 and of the Royal Society 1913–15.
He secured publication of the ‘Matthew Bible’ (1537) Among his distinctions were his knighthood (1897)
and the ‘Great Bible’ (1539), most of it translated by and the OM (1910).
the unnamed (and unnameable) William *Tyndale,
Crosby, Bing (Harry Lillis) (1903–1977). American
with the remainder by Miles *Coverdale and John
singer and actor, born in Tacoma, Washington.
He began singing professionally in the 1920s,
In April 1540, he was created Earl for arranging working 1926–30 with Paul *Whiteman’s band.
Henry’s marriage with *Anne of Cleves. It was this A baritone, Crosby was a pioneer of ‘crooning’, a soft,
service that proved his undoing. As the king’s agent murmuring style, ideal for singing into a microphone.
he made many powerful enemies and so, when the He made his film debut in 1930 and began his radio
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Dictionary of World Biography

career as a soloist in 1931. His 84 films, some as Crumb, George Henry (1929–  ). American
narrator, included Pennies from Heaven (1936), Road composer, born in West Virginia. He studied in
to Singapore (1940, first of a Road series with Bob Berlin, and was influenced by *Webern. His output
*Hope), Going My Way (1944, Academy Award), was small, but intense and deeply emotional,
The Bells of St Mary’s (1945), White Christmas (1954) including Black Angels (1970) for amplified string
and High Society (1956). He won many awards, quartet, Vox Balaenae (Voice of the Whale) (1971), for
invested in technology, died suddenly on a golf course electric flute, electric cello, and amplified piano, Music
in Spain and left a large fortune. for a Summer Evening (Makrokosmos III) (1974), for
two amplified pianos and percussion, songs and piano
Crosland, (Charles) Anthony Raven (1918–1977). works.
British politician. After war service in North Africa and
Italy, he resumed his studies at Oxford and lectured Crusell, Bernhard Henrik (1775–1838). Finnish
in economics there 1947–50. He was a Labour MP composer, conductor and clarinetist. He worked in
1950–77, serving under Harold *Wilson in a variety of Stockholm from 1791, composed three vivacious
ministries 1964–70, and as Minister for Environment concertos for clarinet, a Sinfonia concertante for
1974–76. He contested the party leadership in 1976, clarinet, horn, bassoon and orchestra (1808), much
polling badly, but James *Callaghan appointed him chamber music, and translated the libretti of Figaro
Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary, a post he and Fidelio into Swedish.
held until his sudden death. Crosland will be best
remembered for his writings on political philosophy, Cruz, Ted (Rafael Edward) (1970–  ). American
especially for his advocacy of democratic socialism in Republican politician, born in Canada. His father was
a mixed economy in The Future of Socialism (1956) Cuban born. Educated at Princeton and Harvard, he
and The Conservative Enemy (1962). became a lawyer and administrator. US Senator from
Texas 2013– , he was a strong conservative contender
Crosland, S., Tony Crosland. 1982. for the Republican Presidential nomination in 2016.
Crossman, Richard Howard Stafford (1907–1974). Cudworth, Ralph (1617–1688). English philosopher.
British Labour politician. Son of a judge, he was The best known of the group of philosophers generally
educated at Winchester and Oxford, becoming a called the ‘Cambridge Platonists’, he summed up his
don at New College and Deputy Editor of the New philosophy in his The True Intellectual System of the
Statesman 1938–44. A Labour MP 1945–74, as an Universe, a rambling uncompleted work intended to
intellectual he aroused deep suspicion and *Attlee counteract materialism by proving the existence of a
excluded him from office. He was party chairman supreme divine intelligence. The learning displayed
1960–64, serving under Harold *Wilson as Minister was immense, the presentation of his opponents’ case
for Housing and Local Government 1964–66, Lord was so fair and their arguments against the existence
President of the Council 1966–69 and Secretary of of God so strongly put forward that *Dryden could
State for Social Security 1968–70. He edited the doubt whether he had successfully demolished them.
New Statesman 1970–72. His Diaries, published
posthumously (1975–77), although largely self- Passmore, J. A., Ralph Cudworth. 1950.
serving, give vivid insights into the workings of
Cuénod, Hugues (-Adhémer) (1902–2010).
cabinet government.
Swiss tenor. His voice was small, but beautifully
Crowley, Aleister (1875–1947). British charlatan. managed, with outstanding diction and a repertoire
He  liked to be known as ‘the wickedest man in which extended from *Monteverdi to *Stravinsky.
the world’. He devised a form of Satanism, which He recorded selectively and was an admired teacher,
involved many obscure and repugnant rituals, and who continued his career well into his 90s.
attracted a small number of eccentric disciples.
Cugnot, Nicolas-Joseph (1725–1804). French
Cruden, Alexander (1701–1770). Scottish bookseller military engineer. In 1769–70 he designed and built
in London. He compiled the Concordance of the Holy two steam-propelled vehicles for hauling heavy guns.
Scriptures (1737). He became insane soon afterwards The vehicles had three wheels, the single front wheel
and was subsequently subject to periods of madness steering and driving. Cugnot had not solved the
in which he called himself ‘Alexander the Corrector’. problems of water supply and of maintaining steam
pressure, but his invention pioneered steam traction
Cruikshank, George (1792–1878). English vehicles.
caricaturist. Both his father and his elder brother were
caricaturists. His cartoons, especially those ridiculing Cui, Cesar Antonovich (1835–1918). Russian
participants in Queen *Caroline’s trial, created his composer of French-Lithuanian origin. He was
reputation but he is now best known for his book associated with the group of composers known as
illustrations, especially those for *Grimm’s fairy ‘The Five’ (*Balakirev), and composed operas, piano
tales, *Dickens’ Oliver Twist and some of Harrison pieces and orchestral works. By profession he was a
*Ainsworth’s novels. military engineer and became a lieutenant general.

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Cuitlahuac (or Quetlavaca) (d.1520). Mexican in 1838 and in 1840, in association with Robert
(Aztec) Emperor 1520. He replaced his brother Napier and others, started a fortnightly trans-Atlantic
*Moctezuma, who was under Spanish control, service. The first vessel used was the Britannia, a
rebelled against *Cortés and died of smallpox during wooden paddle steamer of 1156 tons, but iron and
the siege of Tenochtitlan. screw propelled ships of much greater speed and
tonnage were gradually introduced.
Culbertson, Ely (1891–1955). American bridge
player. A brilliant player, often partnered by his first Cunningham of Hyndhope, Andrew Browne
wife, Josephine, he did more than anyone else to Cunningham, 1st Viscount (1883–1963). British
develop and popularise contract bridge. The card- sailor. In World War I he distinguished himself
showing conventions set out in his Gold Book of (DSO with two bars) in the Dardanelles campaign
Bidding and Play (1941) and earlier works, led the and the Dover patrol. In May 1939 he was appointed
way to a vast literature on modern contract bridge. Commander-in-Chief in the Mediterranean where
he had to face the much more numerous enemy
Cullen, Paul (1803–1878). Irish prelate. He worked squadrons. In September 1940 a brilliantly planned
in Rome for 20 years, became Archbishop of Armagh and executed naval air attack on the ships in Taranto
1849–52 and Dublin 1852–78, and was the first Irish harbour crippled the Italian battle fleet. Three more
cardinal (1866). Because of his Vatican links, he was cruisers and two destroyers were eliminated at the
able to shape the Catholic Church not only in Ireland battle of Cape Matapan in the following March.
but in the US, Canada and Australia. Cunningham had to organise the evacuations from
Greece and Crete, to contain and attack when possible
Cumberland, Ernest Augustus, Duke of (1771– the Italian fleet and above all to protect the passage of
1851). British prince and, as Ernst August, King of convoys to Malta and the armies in North Africa in
Hanover 1837–51. Born in London, the fifth son the face of almost continuous German and Italian air
of *George III, also King of Hanover, he fought the attack. In 1943 he succeeded Sir Dudley *Pound as
French in the Hanoverian army (1792–93) and was First Sea Lord. Created a baronet in 1942, he received
severely wounded. In the House of Lords he was the KT in 1945 and a viscountcy and the OM in
an extreme reactionary, and was rumoured to have 1946. His brother, Sir Alan Gordon Cunningham
murdered his valet. He succeeded *William IV as (1887–1983), commanded the brilliant and
King of Hanover, because the Salic Law excluded successful attack from the south (1940) against the
Queen *Victoria. Italians in Ethiopia. His later appointment (1941) as
Commander of the 8th Army in the western desert
Cumberland, William Augustus, Duke of (1721–
ended when he was superseded while an offensive
1765). British prince and Field Marshal. Known as
which he had launched was still in progress. He was
‘Butcher’, son of *George II, in the War of Austrian
later High Commissioner in Palestine 1945–48.
Succession he distinguished himself at the battles of
Dettingen (1743) and Fontenoy (1745). He was then Cunningham, A. B., A Sailor’s Odyssey. 1951; Winton,
recalled to meet the threat of the Jacobite invasion J., Cunningham. 1998.
from Scotland under Charles Edward *Stuart (the
Young Pretender). Having reached Derby the Scots Cunobelinus (d.c.40). British ruler. From
retreated to their own country where Cumberland Verulamium (St Albans) he extended his power
gained a decisive victory at Culloden (1746). It was to cover most of southeast England. The legends
his severity after this battle that earned him his preserved in *Shakespeare’s Cymbeline are of no
nickname. He commanded the Hanoverian army in historical value.
the Seven Years War but, hopelessly outnumbered
by the French, was defeated at Hastenberg (1757) Cuomo, Mario Matthew (1932–2015). American
and signed the convention of Kloster Zeven (later Democratic politician. He served as Secretary of State
repudiated by George II) which left Hanover and of New York 1975–79, Lieutenant-Governor 1979–
Westphalia in French hands. 82, and Governor 1983–95. An outspoken liberal,
he declined to run for the presidential nomination
cummings, e e (Edward Estlin Cummings) (1894– in 1992 and was dubbed ‘Hamlet on the Hudson’.
1962). American poet and painter, educated at His son, Andrew Mark Cuomo (1957–  ) was US
Harvard. He was imprisoned for six months during Secretary for Housing and Urban Development
World War I by the French who mistakenly believed 1997–2001 and Governor of New York State 2011– .
him to be a spy. He wrote about this experience in
The Enormous Room (1922). His volumes of poetry are Curie, Marie (née Manja Sklodowska) (1867–
notable for their unorthodox form and abandonment 1934). Polish-French physicist, born in Warsaw. The
of punctuation and capital letters. youngest of five children, her father was a teacher of
mathematics and physics, her mother principal of a
Cunard, Sir Samuel, 1st Baronet (1787–1865). girls’ school. She taught briefly, then studied at an
English ship owner, born in Nova Scotia. Having underground nationalist university. (Poland was then
acquired experience of coastal shipping by carrying under Russian rule.) In 1891 she followed her sister
the mails from Halifax to Boston he came to England
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Bronja to Paris, where she enrolled at the Sorbonne, Manja Sklodowska (Marie *Curie) and thereafter
living in great poverty. She became the assistant of they devoted themselves to the study of radioactive
Pierre *Curie and married him in 1895. minerals. Jointly with his wife and *Becquerel, he was
awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics (1903). He was
Following *Becquerel’s discovery of radioactivity
run over by a truck and killed.
(1896), the Curies in 1898 identified two new
elements, polonium and radium, in pitchblende Cotton, E., Les Curies. 1963.
(a form of uranium oxide found in pitch-like
substances), and after processing eight tonnes of it, Curnow, (Thomas) Allen (Munro) (1911–2001).
isolated a gram of radium salts. She shared the 1903 New Zealand poet. Some of his best poems were
Nobel Physics Prize with *Becquerel and Pierre *Curie collected in At Dead Low Water and Sonnets (1949),
for their work on radioactivity, becoming the first while his satiric verses, written under the pen name
woman Nobel Laureate, and, at 36, still the youngest. ‘Whim Wham’, proved popular. He edited the much
On her husband’s death in an accident, she succeeded praised A Book of New Zealand Verse (1945; expanded
him as professor of physics at the University of Paris 1960).
until 1919, being the first woman ever appointed.
Currier and Ives. Nathaniel Currier (1813–1888)
She investigated the medical effects of radioactivity,
founded a lithographic and publishing business,
and in 1910 isolated metallic radium. In 1911 she engaging James Merritt Ives (1824–1895) as
was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for the designer. The prints, which represent many aspects of
discovery and isolation of radium and polonium, the US of their time—houses, coaches, railway and
becoming the first person (and only woman) to outdoor scenes in general—were popular in their day
win two Nobel Prizes in the sciences. Her gender and have become valued collectors’ pieces.
precluded election as FRS or award of the Copley
Medal. She had a close relationship in 1911 with the Curtin, John (Joseph Ambrose) (1885–1945).
physicist Paul *Langevin, but gave him up to devote Australian politician, born in Creswick, Victoria.
herself to research. She founded and directed the After being secretary of the Victorian timber-
Radium Institute in Paris and in World War I took a workers’ union 1911–15 and editor of the Westralian
mobile treatment unit to the battlefields. Worker 1917–28, he was a Labor MP 1928–31
Professor of radiology at the University of Warsaw and 1934–45. Leader of the ALP 1935–45, having
1919–34, she continued her intensive research been a determined isolationist and supporter of
and also wrote a biography of her husband (1923). appeasement, from the outbreak of World War II he
In 1921 she visited the US, met President *Harding urged the strongest support of Britain in the struggle
and was publicly acclaimed. She died of leukaemia, against *Hitler. In the deeply divided parliament
induced by her years of working with radioactive elected in 1940, *Menzies was forced out by
materials, near Sallanches in Haute-Savoie. The film colleagues, *Fadden was dogged but inadequate and
Marie Curie (1943) featured Greer Garson in the two Independents decided to support Labor. Curtin
title role. The element ‘curie’ was named for her in became Prime Minister in October 1941. When
1944 by Glenn *Seaborg. In 1995 she was reburied Japan’s conquest of Southeast Asia and invasion
with her husband in the Panthéon, the first woman of the East Indies threatened Australia he appealed
so honoured. to *Roosevelt for US aid. Joint defence was set up
under the supreme command of General Douglas
She had two daughters. Irène Curie (1897–1956), *MacArthur. Curtin was fortunate to be supported by
worked with her mother, married another assistant, a strong Treasurer, J. B. *Chifley, and in the election
Jean Frédéric Joliot (later *Joliot Curie), sharing the of 1943 he won a massive majority. He died in office
1935 Nobel Prize for Chemistry with him for the and many historians regard him as Australia’s greatest
creation of artificial radiactivity. They both joined Prime Minister.
the Communist Party. Eve Curie (1904–2007) wrote
her mother’s biography (1937) and Journey among Serle, A. G. For Australia and Labor. 1998; Day, D.,
Warriors (1943). John Curtin: a life. 1999; Edwards, J., John Curtin’s
War. 2 vols, 2017, 2018.
Cotton, E., Les Curies. 1963; Quinn, S., Marie Curie:
A Life 1995. Curzon, Sir Clifford (Michael) (1907–1982).
English pianist. He was noted as an exponent of
Curie, Pierre (1859–1906). French physicist. *Mozart, *Beethoven and *Brahms, and toured
In 1880, with his brother (Paul) Jacques Curie (1855– widely.
1941), he discovered piezoelectricity (electricity
produced by pressure in certain crystals). He also Curzon of Kedleston, George Nathaniel Curzon,
investigated the magnetic properties of materials 1st Marquess (1859–1925). English Conservative
and established ‘Curie’s Law’ which relates magnetic politician, born in Kedleston, Derbyshire. Son of
properties and temperature. He was director of the a peer, he showed brilliance at Oxford, was an MP
laboratories 1882–95 and professor of physics 1895– 1886–99 and equipped himself by travel in Russia
1906 at the University of Paris. In 1895 he married and the East and by extensive study to become
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Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs 1895–99. In 1899 intact European book and one of the world's most
he was appointed Viceroy of India, the youngest ever, significant books’, bought by the British Library in
and accepted an Irish barony, hoping to return to 2012 for £9 million.
the Commons. He effected major reforms in Indian
administration and his term was extended in 1904. Cuvier, Georges (Léopold Chrétien Dagobert)
However, in 1905 he resigned over a quarrel with (1769–1832). French zoologist, anatomist and
the Commander-in-Chief, India, Lord *Kitchener, palaeontologist. As a youth he assumed the name
as much a clash of two autocratic temperaments as a of his dead brother Georges. Educated at Stuttgart,
real difference concerning the relation between army where he began his animal studies, he became a tutor
and civil authority. Curzon was an activist Chancellor near Caen, Normandy, where he could study fossils
of Oxford University 1907–25, accepted an earldom and the animal life of the seashore at first hand. His
in 1911 and was raised to a marquessate in 1921. In abilities were recognised by a visiting savant and he
World War I he was a member of *Lloyd George’s was invited to Paris, where eventually he became
war cabinet as Lord President of the Council 1916– a professor at the Jardin des Plantes (zoological
19, later as Foreign Secretary 1919–24, continuing gardens). He pioneered the study of fossils and is
after the coalition broke up (1922). On Bonar *Law’s regarded as the founder of comparative anatomy.
resignation (1923), Curzon was bitterly disappointed Cuvier believed firmly in the fixity of species, and
to be passed over, when *George V, acting on advice was strongly opposed to the evolutionist viewpoint.
from *Balfour and others, chose Stanley *Baldwin His Le Regne animal (1817) contained a systematic
as Prime Minister, partly because Labour, having classification of all animal life, based on structural
become the major opposition party, was virtually similarities, and these theories led him to modify the
unrepresented in the Lords. Curzon’s temperament Linnean system of animal classification.
was as much his enemy as circumstances. His attempts Coleman, W., Georges Cuvier, Zoologist. 1964.
to conceal his intense sensitivity, combined with a
real love of, and skill at, organising pageantry, gave Cuyp, Aelbert (1620–1691). Dutch landscape
him a reputation for arrogance, hauteur and even painter. He was the son of Jacob Cuyp (1575–1649),
bombast, which had a most damaging effect on his also an artist, best known for animal subjects and
career. After Labour’s 10 months in power, Curzon military scenes. Aelbert, though he also painted
became Lord President of the Council 1924–25, portraits, military and hunting scenes, is famous for
but without departmental responsibilities. He was a idyllic scenes near his native Dordrecht (e g. Landscape
pioneer conservationist and donated Bodiam Castle with Cattle at the National Gallery, London) in tones
and Tattershall Castle to the National Trust. warm and golden with sunshine. He greatly influenced
English landscapists of succeeding generations.
Gilmour, D. Curzon. 1994; Gilmour, D., Curzon:
Imperial Statesman. 1994. Cymbeline see Cunobelinus

Cushing, Harvey Williams (1869–1939). American Cyprian, St (Thascius Caecilius Cyprianus) (c.200–
surgeon. An early pioneer in brain surgery, he made 258). Latin bishop and martyr, born in Carthage.
valuable contributions, both technical and as teacher Trained as a rhetorician, he was past middle life when
and writer. His The Life of Sir William Osler (1925) (c.246) he was converted to Christianity. As Bishop
won the Pulitzer Prize. He held chairs at Harvard and of Carthage he proved to have great powers of
Yale, was nominated 38 times for the Nobel Prize organisation, especially during the persecutions of
(without success) but was elected FRS. the emperor Decius when he had to direct the affairs
of the see from hiding. Later he showed moderation
Custer, George Armstrong (1839–1876). American and humanity in dealing with the lapsed, those who
soldier, born in Ohio. A dashing cavalry leader in for one reason or another had abandoned their faith.
the Civil War, he served in many campaigns against He  was martyred during the persecutions of the
the Indians and is especially famous for ‘Custer’s last emperor Valerian.
stand’ (1876), at Little Bighorn River, Montana,
when he led 200 cavalry into a Sioux Indian ambush Cyril (Kyrill, originally Konstantinos), St (c.827–
(*Sitting Bull) in which all were killed. This tragic 869) and his brother St Methodius (originally
exploit has made him the subject of much controversy. Mikhaël) (c.825–885). Greek missionaries in Russia,
born in Thessalonica. In c.860 Cyril went to preach
Goble, P. and D., Custer’s Last Battle. 1970. among the Tartar Khazars to the north of the Black
Cuthbert, St (c.634–687). Anglo-Saxon monk, Sea. Meanwhile Methodius had been working among
possibly born in Scotland. He lived as a hermit, was the Bulgarians but in c.863 the two brothers went
faithful to the Roman tradition and became Bishop together to Moravia, where their knowledge of
of Lindisfarne in 686. *Alfred the Great was inspired the Slav language of the people and their ability to
by Cuthbert who became regarded as the patron saint transcribe the Bible and other liturgical works made
of northern England and was reburied at Durham them more influential than the missionaries already
Cathedral in 1104. Buried with him was a tiny there who knew only Latin or German. Summoned
Gospel of St John, described as ‘the earliest surviving to Rome, they received papal sanction for their use
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of the Slavonic language. Cyril died there (869) but

Methodius, now Bishop of Moravia, returned to
complete their work. Cyril devised the Glagolitic
alphabet, a modification of the Greek with symbols
for additional elements in spoken Slavonic. A later
modification, developed in Bulgaria, now called
Cyrillic, is the basis of written Russian, Ukrainian,
Bulgarian and Serbian.
Cyrus (Ku’rash) (d.401 BCE). Persian prince. He was
pardoned for conspiracy against his brother, King
*Artaxerxes II, and became satrap of Asia Minor, he
then raised a rebel army, many of them Greeks, but
was met, defeated and killed at Cunaxa in Babylonia.
The epic homeward march of the Greeks, the dangers
they encountered, including the snows of Asia Minor,
is described in the Anabasis of *Xenophon, who was
with them.
Cyrus II (‘the Great’: Greek form of Ku’rash) (c.585–
529 BCE). King of Persia 559–529 BCE, Shahanshah
(King of Kings) of Iran 550–529. Son of Cambyses
(d.559 BCE), King of Persia, he conquered Media,
Lydia (where he overcame *Croesus) and Babylon
(*Belshazzar), and founded the Achaemenid Empire,
the greatest to that time. Notably tolerant, he allowed
the Jews to return from captivity in Babylon (539)
and rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. He is often
credited with promoting the first ‘charter of human
rights’, and abolishing slavery, but this is contested.
He had an enthusiasm for gardens. Killed fighting a
nomadic tribe, the Massagetai, at his death Cyrus’s
empire spread from Afghanistan to the Bosphorus.
His reign was described by *Xenophon, *Herodotus
and the Book of Daniel. His son *Cambyses added
Egypt, Libya and Thrace to the empire.
Frye, R. N., The Heritage of Persia. 1963.

Czerny, Karl (1791–1857). Austrian pianist and

teacher. Noted for his studies and exercises designed
to improve technique, he studied with *Beethoven,
and his pupils included *Liszt and *Leschetizky.
Cziffra, György (Georges) (1921–1994). Hungarian-
French pianist. A phenomenal technician, he left
Hungary in 1956 and made many recordings.

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