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Saint Louis University Medical Clinic stores patient’s medical records using the yellow or green

cards. Through observation and interview, some apparent problems are perceived with the existing

system. The SLU-MEDRECS Information System (SMIS) is a computerized patient record management

system proposed to address the problems of the current system by making the process of looking for the

personal record of the patient faster and easier. Thus, it will enable easier manipulation of the inputs

which will lead to a more efficient health system and will avoid error and misplacement of the

documented medical record. The SMIS integrates a complete view of not just the patient’s health

information, medical prescription, and clinical letters but also the latter’s personal information. This

electronic patient record is a more improved and modernized system that has a familiar resemblance with

the traditional paper record that is currently being used in SLU Medical Clinic at Maryheights Campus.

Table of Contents

Abstract....................................................................................................................................................... xi

Chapter 1 Introduction............................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background of the Study................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Business Profile ................................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Importance of the Study .................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Statement of the Problems ................................................................................................................ 4
1.5 Statement of Objectives .................................................................................................................... 5
1.6 Scope and Delimitation of the Study................................................................................................. 6
1.7 Definition of Terms ........................................................................................................................... 6
Chapter 2 Research Methodology ........................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Review of Related Literature ............................................................................................................ 7
2.2 Data Gathering Techniques and Sources of Data ............................................................................ 13
Chapter 3 Existing and Proposed System ............................................................................................. 14
3.1 Overview of the Existing System .................................................................................................... 14
3.2 Problems of the Existing System..................................................................................................... 14
3.3 Overview of the Proposed System .................................................................................................. 15
3.4 System Workflow............................................................................................................................ 16
3.4.1 Context Diagram .................................................................................................................... 16
3.4.2 Decomposition Diagram ....................................................................................................... 17
3.4.3 Diagram 0 .............................................................................................................................. 18
3.4.4 Level 2 ................................................................................................................................... 19
3.4.5 Data Dictionary ..................................................................................................................... 20
3.4.6 Process Description ................................................................................................................ 25

3.5 Cost Benefit Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 28

Chapter 4 Summary Conclusion Recommendation ............................................................................. 33
4.1 Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 33
4.2 Conclusion....................................................................................................................................... 34
4.3 Recommendation............................................................................................................................. 34
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................ 35

Appendix .................................................................................................................................................. 36

Appendix A: (Prototype) ............................................................................................................. 36



1.1 Background of the Study

Saint Louis University Medical Clinic at Maryheights Campus stores patients’ medical records using either the

yellow or green cards. Patients who are going for a consultation needs to look for their own medical record or if the latter

don’t have a record, he/she has to fill up the necessary information on the card and then give it to the assistant staff who will

write the patient’s medical information and the preliminary diagnosis. Because of these paper based system, it may slow

down the procedure in many ways. For an instance, there are a lot of patients and since the medical clinic is exercising the

paper based system, searching for the medical cards itself takes a couple of minutes and so with the whole process. But with

the integration of an information system, the process will be faster thus saving a lot of efforts from the medical staff as well

as time.

The Information Technology (IT) improves a lot today. A lot of computer based system can help to manage business

process. Michael Hammer and James Champy define a business process as a collection of activities that take one or more

kinds of input and create an output that is value to the customer (Mathias Weske, 2012, p.4). Once a system can manage the

business process of a clinic, a lot of paper works are able to automation and no need for paper based system.

This study aims to provide the SLU Medical Clinic a system that will help to eliminate problems; a system that will

help the clinic in providing efficient and effective medical services to its stakeholders. Lastly, a system that will provide a

facilitative and secured medical information and will make the process of looking for the personal record of the patient faster

and easier.

1.2 Business Profile

The SABM Medical Clinic is an integral part of Saint Louis University. The clinic takes good care of the university

students and staffs and makes sure that stakeholders are given the right medical attention they deserve. The clinic’s activities

include the following: regular check-ups, attending to injuries/wounds and prescribing the right medications to those in need

may it be within the university or mere visitors.

The procedures followed by the clinic are the following:

The staff will ask the patient if he/she already has an existing record in the
clinic and will ask the student to retrieve their records in the filing cabinet. If
no such record exists the student is asked to fill up one.

The patient will then proceed to the other working staff and will be
asked about the symptoms he/she is feeling. The working staff will
record these and will direct the patient to the doctor’s room.

Consultation with the doctor.

Doctor’s prescription and giving of

available medicine by the school nurse.

Record the daily number of patients,

consultation, and medical certificates.

The people who are responsible for the clinic are the following:

Dr. Benjamin B.

Medical Clinic

Dr. Hosanna F. Pajela Dr. Laila G. Jara

University University
Physician Physician

Joanne Leigh M. Sally Jhudy Praise E. Ma. Antonette M. Jose C. Cabansag

Aniceto Morales
University Nurse University Nurse University Nurse University Nurse

Louwee Andrew C. Karth Lou D.

Cortez Namingit

Working Scholar Working Scholar

The clinic’s services are made possible through its resources: 1 wheelchair, 1 medical clinic head, 2 university

physician, 4 university nurse, observation room (5 beds), treatment area (2 beds w/ wheels), doctor room (1 bed), 1

refrigerator, 1 cabinet, 1 file cabinet for employees, 1 stretcher & papers used to record transactions (yellow for students,

green for staff).

1.3 Importance of the Study

Nowadays, everything is computerized; there will be a great decrease with regards to the use of paper in keeping

medical records in the future. There will be a transition from the paper-based system into a digital-based system. Patients do

not need to spend their time in searching for their record through the file cabinet. Doctors and the assistants can easily access

the information and medical history of the patient within seconds with the increased efficiency in technology. It also

eliminates the need for writing on the part of the patient.

Privacy and security of the patient’s personal information are also significance in the study of this project. The

proposed system needs to ensure that the system is secured enough to prevent any unauthorized person to gain access the


The importance of the study is to provide a system that can transform the current paper-based system into a

computerized system, which can improve the process of patient record management, electronic generating report and others.

The proposed system is designed based on the problems and requirements gathered from the target users.

1.4 Statement of the Problems

The paper based system currently in use cause many problems to the patients. When the patient first visits the clinic,

the assistant staff requires the former to fill in a new medical card (Yellow for students and Green for Faculty and Staff).

This include some private information that can be obtain from the patient’s identity card such as name, ID number, age,

gender, date of birth, contact information and address. Then, the assistant staff will pass the medical card to the doctor for

the consultation. After the doctor checks the condition of the patient), some diagnosis will be written down on the medical

card by the doctor and the medicine prescription will be written down on the prescription paper. After the patient got his/her

medicine, the assistant staff will keep the medical card in the organized cabinet. Usually, these medical cards are sorted in

alphabetical order according to the patient’s family name. The patient needs to search for his/her medical card through the

file for any subsequent visit.

Few problems that the patients have encountered by using the manual system are:

A. Time consuming

- By using the traditional medical cards, time is wasted especially when there are a lot of patients because the medical

card passes from the assistant staff to the doctor during consultation and is given back to the school nurse who

gives the medicine to the patient. Besides, the staff also spends some time in organizing the medical cards from time to time.

Another one is that finding your medical card in the filling cabinet or filling a new one consumes a lot of time.

B. Lack of security

- The medical card is easily exposed to unauthorized user. They can easily get the vital information of the patient from

the clinic because the medical cards are just kept and left on the cabinet unsecured.

C. Limited Capacity

- What can be written in the medical card is limited. The medical card just includes some basic information about the

patient, diagnosis and simple treatment information. When the card has no more space, the patient need to fill up a new

medical card again using the same information that was written in the old medical card.

D. Space

- The cabinet where the medical cards are placed occupies a space in the clinic. The greater the increase in the number

of the medical cards, the more that the clinic will allot space to house the new cabinet.

E. Inventory

- Inventory of the medicines are conducted every end of each semester only resulting to a problem wherein what if in

the middle of the month the medicines run out and these medicines are needed by the patient right away.

1.5 Statement of the Objectives

This project aims to:

a) Create an information system that organizes and stores the medical information of the patients.

b) Assist the staff and the doctor in patient record management.

c) Share information electronically in a timely and secure manner.

d) Generate report automatically (Medical certificate, medical prescriptions/treatment, and health certificate especially

to the athletes).

e) Retrieve past medical record.

f) Produce report about the inventory of the medicines.

1.6 Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The proposed system is to be used in Saint Louis University Medical Clinic at Maryheights Campus only. The target

users of the system are doctors, nurses or any office workers in the clinic. This project is mainly emphasized on developing

a system for storing electronic patient record. It also includes some other functions that can help the target users to improve

their performance. Electronic patient record is a database module of the proposed system. It keeps the patient information

and their medical record. The medical record included the patient medical history, previous diagnosis records and previous

treatment records.

1.7 Definition of Terms

• CLINICAL INFORMATION SYTSTEM- is a technology based system that is applied at the point of care and is

designed to support the acquisition and process of information as well as providing storage and processing capabilities. It is

a collection of various information technology applications that provides a centralized repository of information related to

patient care across distributed locations.

• MEDRECS – Medical Records

• MEDICAL PRESCRIPTIONS-health-care program implemented by a physician or other qualified practitioner in

the form of instructions that govern the plan of care for an individual patient.

• PRELIMINARY DIAGNOSIS- To serve as a visual aid for discussion of treatment recommendations with patient

prior to actual treatment



2.1 Review of Related Literature

In this section, the research, location and analysis of the existing knowledge related to the subject of inquiry are

explored and cited. Martin (1976) data within an organization is incr4easingly being regarded as a basic resource needed to

run an organization. As with other basic resources, professional management and organization of data are needed. The

importance of efficient use of data for planning, predicting and other functions will become so great in a computerized

organization that it will have a major effect on growth and survival of co-operations. In relation, the presence of an automated

data management system in SLU Medical Clinic’s efficiency, timely decisions and responses will be achieved.

Dr. Nick Booth, HSCIC Clinical Director for Information Standards Delivery said, "Achieving consistency in

professional record keeping allows the continual improvement of high quality information about care. By working closely

with a range of health and social care professionals, citizens, carers and health IT specialists, these generic and professionally

owned standards have been created to be a key enabler for better informed patients, better informed care professionals, and

better informed health service management. These will be invaluable in supporting the future development of electronic care

records in health and social care."

Elements of a Useable Information System

According to Comptroller (1995), to function effectively as an interacting, interrelated, and interdependent feedback

tool for management and staff, MIS must be “useable.” The five elements of a useable information system are: timeliness,

accuracy, consistency, completeness, and relevance. The usefulness of information system is hindered whenever one or more

of these elements are compromised.

o Timeliness: To simplify prompt decision making, an institution's MIS should be capable of providing and distributing

current information to appropriate users. Information systems should be designed to expedite reporting of information. The

system should be able to quickly collect and edit data, summarize results, and be able to adjust and correct errors promptly.

o Accuracy: A sound system of automated and manual internal controls must exist throughout all information systems

processing activities. Information should receive appropriate editing, balancing, and internal control checks. A

comprehensive internal and external audit program should be employed to ensure the adequacy of internal controls.

o Consistency: To be reliable, data should be processed and compiled consistently and uniformly. Variations in how

data is collected and reported can distort information and trend analysis. In addition, because data collection and reporting

processes will change over time, management must establish sound procedures to allow for systems changes. These

procedures should be well defined and documented, clearly communicated to appropriate employees, and should include an

effective monitoring system

o Completeness: Decision makers need complete and pertinent information in a summarized form. Reports should be

designed to eliminate clutter and voluminous detail, thereby avoiding "information overload."

o Relevance: Information provided to management must be relevant. Information that is inappropriate, unnecessary,

or too detailed for effective decision making has no value. MIS must be appropriate to support the management level using

it. The relevance and level of detail provided through MIS systems directly correlate to what is needed by the board of

directors, executive management, departmental or area mid-level managers, etc. in the performance of their jobs.


Lian (2002) defined a medical record as confidential information kept for each patient by health care professional or

organization. It contains the patients’ personal details such as name, address, date of birth, a summary of the patient medical

history and documentation of each event including the symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and outcome. Relevant documents

and correspondence are also included.

According to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) records include, “… all books, papers,

maps, photographs, machine-readable materials, or other documentary materials, regardless of physical form r characteristics,

made or received … or in connection with the transaction of public business and preserved r appropriate for preservation by

that agency or its legitimate successor as evidence of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations,

or because of the informational value of the data in them.”

The International Council on Archives (ICA) Committee on Electronic Records defines a record as “recorded

information produced r received in the initiation, conduct, or completion of an institutional or individual activity and that

comprises content, context, and structure sufficient to provide evidence of the activity.” A record can be defined as “evidence

of an even.”

Automation of Records

Sorrentino [ 1991:23] advocates that automation can provide them with an opportunity to direct their time and effort

to meaningful patient care. Tedious administrative tasks can be eliminated using computerization.

According to Neame [1995:4-6] the benefits of an electronic medical record are numerous. Information is available

from every computer that is connected to the database and entries made by multiple providers in different locations can be

linked to create a single record for an individual. Data can be checked as it is entered to ensure adequacy and accuracy. The

same data can be viewed in different ways and links to knowledge based tools are also possible.

Adderley et. Al. [1997:45] maintains that “computerization has allowed more time for personalized patient care and

patient/ staff interaction”. They also concluded that “it (computerization) has made information readily available for

acquisition and analysis of data”.

Anderson et. Al. [1995:767] also argue that a computer-based patient record could improve health care in several

important ways. It could provide practitioners with rapid access to more reliable patient data. It could also support clinical

decision making, clinical reminders and alerts, quality assurance and outcomes research.

When a health information system is computerized, the worldwide trend is to combine the statistical processing with

the patient record system into a single health information system [Leske 1992:260: Neame, 1995:11; Pulliam, 1992:123;

Wallace, 1994:1]. Such a system will keep a permanent record of individual patients and simultaneously increment the

number of cases without the service provider even being aware of it. At regular intervals the statistical data will be

summarized and presented in a format that will be useful to both the service providers.

Patient Record Management System

Lenhart et al. defines a patient record management system as a system that stores demographic and medical

information from ancillary services such as registration, lab, radiology, pathology, pharmacy, consultation and transcription.

They state that a record management system is not simply automated updates of paper based charts, but rather a dynamic

system used to help health care workers make better informed dragonesses.

According to Gaillour et al. a record management system is only effective at achieving the goals of increasing quality

of care and lowering costs if the organization re-designs its current workflow and practices. Hence a very user-friendly system

needs to be crated to mitigate the risk of user dissatisfaction towards the new system.

Function of Patient Record Management System

According to Melongoza (2002) these are incorporated into the technical (clinical) and business (administration)

component of health service. These are divided into three (3); transactional control reporting, operating, planning and

strategic planning.

o Transactional functions: handle day to day operational and administrative task of the organization. Example of this

includes the following: order entry, service scheduling, treatment and other personal staffing and scheduling.

o Control reporting and operating function: provide summarized data about the operation of the organization to the

manager and health care professional that permits the monitoring of various activities. These tasks include medical record

tracking, medical audit and peer review.

o Strategic planning function: provide a framework from decision making with long range implications which include

patient care strategy like level of care, occupancy and service demand, requirement and project cost.

Thus the patient management information system in this study ideally consists of integrated approach to maintain patient

related administrative and clinical data considering the continuum of care dependent on the services provided.

Significance of Patient Record Management System

According to Professor Angelika Menne- Harits, director of the archive school in Marburg, Germany, electronic

office systems enable us to see clearer. “It is no longer the fear of being inundated by enormous amounts of paper, but

awareness that nothing was left for appraisal, if we do not formulate fundamental principles, which make us think about a

theory to guide everyday decisions.”

He continues to say that the experience with electronic records sharpens our perception. Thus, the aim of records

management system is to make records eloquent and to facilitate research.

According to ARMA International, a not-for-profit professional association and authority on managing records and

information, records management systems are important because Records are information assets and hold value for the

organization. Organizations have a duty to all stakeholders to manage them effectively in order to maximize profit, control

cost, and ensure the vitality of the organization. Effective records management ensures that the information needed is

retrievable, authentic, and accurate.

Clinical Benefits of an Information System

Fromberg et al. claim the clinical benefits to such system include:

o Easier, more rapid access to patient data charts

o More educated patients about their own ailments

o An increase in time to spend consulting with patients

o An increased perception of patient care and theoretically a better working environment

According to Dassenko and Slowinski, an average of up to 15 minutes was saved per patient on the patient’s first

visit and further 20 minutes on each subsequent visit as a result of implementing a computer based patient record.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer Based Information System

According to Gordon (2006), the following are what he identified as the advantages of computer based information


o They are user friendly and the navigations is very easy.

o They help in organizing and managing documents effectively. Since the data is stored in a highly organized manner,

accessing necessary data is very easy.

o It helps save time. People are able to access data needed in real time thus enabling them access detailed information.

o Accurate, current and reliable data is provided. As data can be analyzed correctly and plans made can be implemented

at astounding speed due to proper automated systems.

o They are installed to improve internal efficiency of the organization

o They increase security and protect data from being misused.

According to Gordon (2006), the following are what he identified as the disadvantages of computer based information system.

o Hackers: information sent by use of the internet can easily be hijacked and terminated by unauthorized persons before

reaching its destination.

o Virus: this can destroy files by replicating themselves in the document hence losing the meaning of the file.

Problems of the Administering Patient Management System

According to Gordon the following are possible problem to be encountered while administering the system:

o It is not suitable for computer illiterate people.

o The user must be a member in order to make use of the system.

o The systems do not do away with paper work completely; the papers are still used at some point.

2.2 Data Gathering Techniques and Sources of Data

Survey is a research tool for collecting information from a selected group of people using standardized questionnaire. In

continuous quality improvement, surveys help to measure satisfaction levels and determine specific areas for improvement.

The sources of data came from students, faculty and staff of School of Accountancy and Business Management (SABM) in

Saint Louis University (SLU).

The facts in the study are done through a face-to-face interview with the student, staff and doctor. By interviewing the medical

staff, the researchers have known the process in the medical clinic and acquired additional knowledge of what they are doing

like recording the daily number of patients and the consultation that has done by the doctor for each patient. The researchers

also used the observation method to have a personal experience of the process involved in the clinic to find out what is

lacking in the current system and to have ideas for improvement. The purpose also of observation is for the researchers to be

familiar to the process of the service of the clinic or how they manage their day-to-day operation.



3.1 Overview of the Existing System

The researchers decided to choose the SLU MEDICAL CLINIC Maryheights Campus as the entity to work on. They

have known the current process of the SLU Medical Clinic by interviewing the students, staff and doctors. The current

process/procedures followed by the clinic are the following: first, the staff will ask the patient if he/she already has an existing

record in the clinic and will ask the student to retrieve their records in the filing cabinet, if no such record exists the student

is asked to fill up one; second, the patient will then be asked about the symptoms he/she is feeling and the working staff will

record these and will direct the patient to the doctor’s room; third, consultation with the doctor take

place and the doctor will also record the consultation in the medical card of the patient; fourth, doctor’s prescription and

giving of available medicine by the attending nurse; lastly, record the daily number of patients, consultation, and medical

certificates released. They add their daily tally to produce the monthly tally of the patients who visited the clinic for future

decision making.

3.2 Problems of the Existing System

SLU Medical Clinic at Maryheights Campus is currently using a paper-based system which results to some problems

that are being encountered by the staffs and patients. Such problem occurs when a patient is asked to either fill in the medical

card or to look for their medical card in the cabinet. The process is time consuming and it may cause some inconvenience

not only to the patient but also to the assistant staff who spends time in organizing the medical cards at the end of the day.

Another problem arises when the medical card is already filled and there’s no more space to write on. The procedure is

redundant because the patient needs to fill in a new medical card with the same information that can be seen in the old medical

card. Another problem takes place because of the cabinet that is used to store all the medical cards. Since the cabinet is

unsecured, the medical cards are exposed to unauthorized person and they can easily gain access to the confidential

information written on the medical cards. Furthermore, the cabinet occupies a large space in the clinic; another problem

transpires due to the inventory system they use. Given that the medical staffs only make an inventory count at the end of the

semester, it is inevitable that some medicines may run out of stock at the middle of the semester.
3.3 Overview of the Proposed System

SLU-MEDRECS Information system is a system that helps the patient to save time in searching for his own medical

card in the file cabinet as well as for the doctors and nurses to easily access the information and medical history of the patient.

The proposed system aims to maintain health records of the patients to be secured, organized and can be access to up-to-date

patient information. Only the student assistant, the doctor and the nurse are authorized to make use of the system.

The patients just have to say his school identification number and the system must automatically generate the latter’s

medical record. Upon entering the medical clinic, the patient will directly go to the student assistant who receives the patient.

The student assistant will be generating inputs from the patient such as the latter’s symptoms that brought him in the clinic

and other relevant information. Afterwards, the doctor will input his/her diagnosis about the patient in the system together

with the prescribed medicines. Lastly, the nurse will input in the medicine that he/she will give to the patient (e.g. name of

the medicine and quantity).

The proposed system must generate medical certificates and prescription. It also contains a report generation of the

inventory of the medicines in the clinic so that the inventory process will be easier. Other features of this system are the

ability to create, update and retrieve through search results all the medical records. The proposed number of computer units

in the medical clinic in order to properly execute the system is three (3) in which each of the computers are networked with

each other so that the information will be relayed well.

This SLU-MEDRECS information system purposely built to eliminate the existing system of the medical clinic

which is the paper-based system or if not, minimize the use of paper as well as to fasten the medical procedures. Moreover,

the system will be developed to realize the functionality of the system to help the patients, doctors, and

nurses at the medical clinic.

3.4 System Workflow

3.4.1 Context Diagram

3.4.2 Decomposition Diagram

3.4.3 Diagram 0

3.4.4 Level 2

3.4.5 Data Dictionary
ACCOUNT This contains the User Account File Log in Account
DETAILS name and password Details=Name+
that the staff Password
registered in the
ADDITIONAL This includes Assistant Update Patient File Additional
DETAIL patient’s additional Detail=Medical
details such as History+(Allergies)
allergies, past
operations (if any).
ACCESS This is the Verifies Name Grant User Access Access
GRANTED confirmation and Password Granted=Registered
indicating that the Name+ Correct
entered name and Password
password is correct.
DIAGNOSIS This is the doctor’s Doctor Update Patient File Diagnosis=Findings
diagnosis of the
patient’s condition.
EDIT ACCOUNT It enables the staff to Staff Create or modify Edit Account=New
edit his/her password account Password+(Delete
or deactivate his/her Account)
account anytime
there will be a
change of staffs.

GAIN ACCESS It enables the staff to Log in Staff Gain

access the system. Access=Password+
Name of Staff
INITIAL This includes the Assistant Update Patient File Initial Findings= Body
FINDINGS patient’s preliminary Temperature+ Blood
condition upon Pressure
visiting the clinic
(body temperature,
blood pressure, etc.)
INITIAL This is the medicine Nurse Record Available Initial Medicine
MEDICINE inventory given by Medicine Count=Name of
COUNT the school Medicines+ Quantity
administration at the of Medicines
beginning of the
LIST This is the list of the MIS Establish and Update List=Name of Students
students (including Patient Record and Faculty + ID
transferees) and Number
faculty of the
university (past or
LIST OF This includes the Record Medicine Inventory File List of Available
AVAILABLE name and quantity Available Medicine= Name of
of available Medicine+ Quantity
medicines at the
beginning of the
LOOKS FOR The name and Verifies Name User Account File Looks for Name and
NAME AND password entered by and Password Password=Name+
PASSWORD the staff will be Password
searched from the
user account file.
MEDICAL This is a document Generate Medical Patient Medical Certificate=
CERTIFICATE certifying that the Certificate Patient’s Name+
student has been Illness +Treatment
sick at a certain date
to be presented to
the Student’s
Affairs Office for
special purposes.
MEDICAL This is the past Patient File Update Patient File Medical History= Past
HISTORY diagnosis of the Diagnosis+
patient including Treatment+
treatment and Prescription
MEDICAL This is the document Update Patient Generate Medical Record=
RECORD that consists the File, Patient File Prescription, Patient Patient’s Information +
patient’s personal File, Medical History
information and Generate Medical
medical history. Certificate,
MEDICINE This is a Check Medicine Record Medicine to Medical
CONFIRMA confirmation Availability be Released Confirmation=
TION whether the Prescribed Medicine
prescribed medicine Available
is available at the
MEDICINE This is the name, Nurse Check Medicine Medicine
DETAILS dose and quantity of Availability Details=Quantity+
the drug that the Name+ Dose
doctor has
MEDICINE This is the inventory Inventory File Produce Inventory Medicine Inventory=
INVENTORY of the medicine at Report List of Medicine+
the end of the Quantity+ Medicine
semester. Name+ Dose
MEDICINE This is the final Produce Inventory Admin Medicine Inventory
INVENTORY report of inventory Report Report= Quantity of
REPORT at the end of the Remaining Medicines
semester that will be
submitted to the
MEDICINE NAME This is the name of Check Medicine Inventory File Medicine Name=
the medicine Availability Name of the Drug
prescribed by the Prescribed

MEDICINE This is the Inventory File Check Medicine Medicine Status= List
STATUS availability of the Availability of Available
medicine to be given Medicines+ Quantity
to the patient.
MODIFIED This is the account Create or modify User account file Modified
ACCOUNT of the staff after account Account=new
editing his/her password+(deactivated
password. account)
MONTHLY This is the number Create Monthly Admin Monthly Tally
TALLY of patients who Tally of Patients Report=Name of
REPORT visits the clinic for Patients + ID number
the month.
NAME This is the full name Staff Log in Name=First
of the staff Name+(Middle
registered in the Initial)+Last Name
NEW ACCOUNT This is the account Create or Modify User Account File New
to be registered in Account Account=Registered
the system. Name+ Valid
NUMBER OF This is the number Patient File Compute for Number of Patients
PATIENTS of patients who Number of Patients Daily=
DAILY visits the clinic Monthly
PATIENT This includes the Doctor Create Request Patient Details=Name+
DETAILS name, age, gender, Letter Age+ Gender+
address of the Address
PATIENT This is the patient’s Establish and Patient File Patient Information=
INFORMATION personal Update Patient Name+ Age+ Birth
information. Record Date+ Course and
Year+ ID Number+
City Address+ Contact
PASSWORD This is a secret Staff Log in Password=Numbers+
series of numbers or Letters
letters that allows
the staff to access
the system.
PRESCRIPTION This includes the Generate Patient, Nurse Prescription= Medicine
medicine, dosage, Prescription Name+ Dose+
quantity, and how Quantity+ Number of
often the medicine days to be
will be taken. taken+(Frequency)
REGISTER This includes the Staff Create or modify Register
ACCOUNT name of the staff and account Account=Name+
the password chosen Password
to create his/her
REQUEST This is the letter of Create Request Patient Request Letter=
LETTER referral made by the Letter Referral + Patient

doctor for further Details
examination of the
TOTAL This is the Compute for Create monthly tally Total Patients
PATIENTS accumulated number number of patients of patients Monthly=accumulated
MONTHLY of patient monthly. monthly number of patients
TREATMENT Medical remedy and Doctor Update Patient File Treatment=Medical
prescribed Remedy+ Prescription
cure/medicine for
the illness of the
UPDATED List of available or Record Medicine Inventory File Updated Inventory=
INVENTORY remaining medicine to be Released Inventory Count after
after releasing the Release of the
prescribed medicine Medicine.
USER ACCESS This is the Grant User Access Staff User Access
GRANTED confirmation that the Granted=Correct
staff can access the Name+ Correct
system. Password
USER IS LOGGED This is the denial of Cancel Log in Staff User is Logged
OUT access if the staff Out=Incorrect Name+
entered the wrong Incorrect Password
VALIDATE The name and User Account File Verifies Name and Validate Name and
NAME AND password entered by Password Password=Name+
PASSWORD the staff will be Password
validated if the name
and password
matches the
registered accounts
in the user account
VERIFY NAME The name and Log In Verifies Name and Verify Name and
AND password entered by Password Password=Name+
PASSWORD the staff is to be Password
WRONG NAME If the name and User account File Cancel Log in Wrong Name and
AND password entered by Password=Incorrect
PASSWORD the staff does not Name+ Incorrect
match the registered Password

INVENTORY FILE Stores the name of available medicines with Inventory File= Available
quantity and dose. Medicines+ Quantity+ Name+
PATIENT FILE Stores the list of patients with their personal Patient File=Patient’s Personal
information and medical history. This also adds Information+ Medical History
the number of patients who visit the clinic daily
for a month.
USER ACCOUNT FILE Stores the user name and password registered User Account File=User
in the system. Name+ Password

ADMIN People responsible for the release of Medicine Inventory Report
medicine inventory in each school. Monthly Tally Report
ASSISTANT Someone who first attends to the Gain Access Name and password
patient and asks for the latter’s Edit account
condition (body temperature, blood Register Account
pressure, etc.) Additional Detail
Initial Findings
DOCTOR Conducts check up on the patients Gain Access Name and Password
and gives medical treatment. Medical Record Edit Account
Register Account
MIS System containing the personal List
information about the student and
NURSE Personnel in charge of the medicine Prescription Name and password
being released to the patient. Edit account
Register Account
Medicine Details
Initial Medical Count
PATIENT May be a student or faculty in need Medical Certificate
for medical assistance. Prescription
Request Letter
STAFF This includes authorized personnel User Access Granted Name
(assistant, doctor, nurse) to access the User is Logged Out Password

3.4.6 Process Description

ESTABLISH The list of patients (students 01 List Patient
AND UPDATE and faculty who have been Information
PATIENT part of this university
RECORD including the transferees)
from the MIS is integrated
with the system by saving in
the patient file data store.
This list includes
ADD Patientpersonal
Information to PATIENT FILE
information such as ID
CREATE OR The staffname,
number, will input his/her
course and 02 Edit Account New Account
MODIFY name and password to create Register Account Modified Account
year, address, birth date,
ACCOUNT account. If the staff wishes to Name and Password
contact number and others.
change his/her password, the
staff will log in first then
change his/her password.
Moreover, when the staff is
replaced, he/she can
deactivate his/her account.
ADD name and password

LOG IN The staff will input his/her 03 Account Details

registered name and password Name and password
to access the system.
ADD Name and Password
THEN verify Name and Password
VERIFIES NAME The system will verify if the 3.1 Verify Name and Access Granted
AND name and password is Password Looks for Name and
PASSWORD registered and valid. Validated Name and Password
GET Name and Password
THEN look for Name and Password in USER ACCOUNT FILE
IF Name and Password in USER ACCOUNT FILE
THEN validate Name and Password
AND activate Access Granted
GRANT USER If the name matches the 3.2 Access Granted User Access
ACCESS password, the system will Granted
grant the user the access.

IF Access is granted
THEN allow User Access
CANCEL LOG IN If the name doesn’t match the 3.3 Wrong name and User is Logged Out
password, the system will Password
cancel log in.
IF Wrong Name and Password
THEN User is Logged Out
UPDATE PATIENT The assistant will update the 04 Additional Detail, Medical Record
FILE patient file by putting the Initial Findings,
patient’s additional detail and Diagnosis,
initial findings which will be Prescription, Medical
used by the doctor to diagnose History
the patient and prescribe the
necessary treatment. These
information will be stored in
the patient file producing the
patient’s medical record.
IF Patient come to clinic for the first time
THEN add Additional Details and Initial Findings
ELSE add Initial Findings only

ADD Diagnosis to Patient File after Consultation

CREATE If the doctor needs to refer or 05 Patient Details Request letter
REQUEST send the patient to consult a
LETTER medical specialist, a request
letter will be created and be
given to the patient.
ADD Patient Details
THEN create Request Letter
GENERATE From the patient’s medical 06 Medical Record Medical Certificate
MEDICAL record saved in the patient
CERTIFICATE file, medical certificate which
contains the patient’s illness
will be generated to be given
to the patient.
OPEN Medical Record
THEN create Medical Certificate

GENERAT From the medical record 07 Medical Record Prescription

E which contains the doctor’s
PRESCRIP prescription stored in the
TION patient file, prescription is
generated to be given to the

OPEN Updated Patient File
THEN give Prescription to Patient

RECORD The nurse will record the 08 Initial Medicine List of Available
AVAILABLE inventory of medicines Count Medicine
MEDICINE (medicine name and quantity)
at the beginning of the
semester and will be saved in
the store of inventory file as
the list of available medicines.
ADD Initial Medicine Count to INVENTORY FILE

CHECK The nurse will input the 09 Medicine Details, Medicine Name,
MEDICINE details of the medicine/s Medicine Status Medicine
AVAILABILIT prescribed by the doctor and Confirmation
Y the system will check from the
inventory file the availability
of the medicine.
GET Medicine Details of Prescription
THEN verify Medicine Status
IF Medicine available
THEN confirm Availability

RECORD After checking the 10 Medicine Updated Inventory

MEDICINE TO BE availability of the medicine, Confirmation
RELEASED the system will record the
medicine released and will
update the inventory file to
keep the inventory file up-to-
IF Prescribed Medicine is Released

PRODUCE The inventory of medicines at 11 Medicine Inventory Medicine Inventory

INVENTORY the end of the reporting period Report
REPORT (end of semester) is checked
from the inventory file and is
used to produce inventory
report to be submitted
GET Medicine Inventory
THEN create Report to Admin

COMPUTE FOR The number of patients daily 12 Number of Patients Total Patients
NUMBER OF is accumulated to compute Daily Monthly
PATIENTS the number of patients daily.
GET Number of Patients Daily from PATIENT FILE
THEN add Number of Patients Daily
AND compute for Number of Patient Monthly
Number of daily patients will 13 Total Patients Monthly Tally
CREATE be added to get the monthly Monthly Report
MONTHLY tally report.
PATIENT GET Total Patients Monthly
THEN create Monthly Tally Report to Admin
LOG OUT The staff will log out his/her 14 Log Out Account Account Logged
account after doing their Out
IF the staff Log Out his/her account
THEN Account is Logged Out

3.5 Cost Benefit Analysis

The cost-benefit analysis is a systematic approach to estimating the strengths and weaknesses of alternatives

that satisfy transactions, activities or functional requirements for a business. It is a technique that is used to

determine options that provide the best approach for the adoption and practice in terms of benefits in labor,

time and cost savings.

SLU-Maryheights Campus Medical Clinic, being one of the medical clinics in Saint Louis University,

should assess whether to change their current system/process to an automated one.


Cost of learning the system 2, 850 *Benefits 34, 526
Cost of developing the system 18, 000
Computer set 35, 997
Epson L120 Printer 4, 995
Repairs and Maintenance Cost 2, 000
Electricity Cost 5, 712



Cost of learning the system
Number of Persons to be trained 2
Baguio City minimum wage 285
Days of training 5 2, 850
Cost of developing the system 18, 000
Computer set (P11, 999*3) 35, 997
Epson L120 Printer 4, 995
Repairs and Maintenance Cost 2, 000
Electricity Cost (P6.80 per kwh*8hrs*105 days) 5, 712

Acquiring the SLU MEDRECS Information System may incur certain costs as follows:

1. Cost of learning the system software

- According to Wage Order No-RB-CAR-17 Effective June 29, 2015, the Baguio City minimum

wage amounts to P285 per worker multiplied by five (5) days with two staff operator

- (285)(5days)(2 employees)

2. Cost of Developing the new system software

- The cost of developing the system software depends upon the complexity of the system. After

researching from a system specialist, the development of SLU MEDRECS Information System

totaled to P18,000 including the installation costs.

3. Computer Set

- The computer set that fits the system includes the following specifications:

Processor: Intel Celeron G1620 2.7GHZ LGA 1155

Motherboard: Intel Board LGA1155, DDR3, VGA, LAN

RAM: 2GB DDR3 PC12800/1600

HDD+SSD: WD 1TB Blue/Green

Case: Bysuo casing black

Monitor: LG 15.6” Led Monitor



Keyboard/Mouse: Trailblazer USB MOUSE/ PS2 Keyboard

4. Epson L120 Printer

- Smallest, single function ink tank system printer delivers cost-effective and reliable color printing

that is suitable for the generation of reports.

5. Repairs and Maintenance cost

- This includes the restoration of the defected parts of the hardware and also sustaining the hardware


6. Electricity Cost

- Benguet Electric Cooperative (BENECO) imposes P6.80 per kwh in Baguio City.


Cost of Prescription Paper

Expected number of patients per day 100
Multiply: by Average number of days per 105
Total Number of Patients per Semester 10, 500
Divide by: Sheets per pad 100
Number of prescription pads issued per semester 105
Multiply by: Price per prescription pad 30 3, 150
Cost of Medical Cards
Price of Card per Piece 5
Add: Printing Cost per piece 1
Price of medical card per piece 6
Multiply by: Patients Filling up new medical 50
card per day
Expenses Incurred daily by using medical cards 300
Multiply by: Average number of days per 105 31,500
Cost of Medical Certificate
Expected number of patients acquiring medical 40
certificate per day
Multiply: by Average number of days per 105
Total number of medical certificates released per 4, 200
Divide by: Sheets per pad 100
Number of medical certificate pads issued per 42
Multiply by: Price per medical certificate pad 30 1, 260


Cost of Prescription Paper

Expected number of patients per day 100
Multiply: by Average number of days per 105
Total Number of Patients per Semester 10, 500
Divide by: Sheets per ream (480*4) 1, 920

Number of reams of newsprint per semester 5.5

Multiply by: Price of one (1) ream 110 605
Cost of Medical Cards
Expected number of patients to be issued with 40
medical certificates per day
Multiply: by Average number of days per 105
Total Number of Patients per Semester 4, 200
Divide by: Sheets per ream (480*2) 960
Number of reams of newsprint per semester 4.4
Multiply by: Price of one (1) ream 110 484
Epson L120 Ink 295

Total expenses without the system incurred per semester 35, 910
Less: Total expenses with the system incurred per semester 1, 384
*BENEFITS P34, 526

The transition from the paper-based system to the electronic patient record management system can acquire

the following benefits.

1. New features in the recording

- These may include new and improved process of recording personal and medical information.

2. Faster record-finding

- With the use of the system software, record finding would be faster and less time consuming

in times of emergency.

3. Improved quality service

- By using system software that will support the medical clinic in terms of recording

information, it will enhance the quality service of the clinic.

At the end of approximately 2 semesters, the cost invested in the said system will be returned.

4.1 Summary
As discussed in the previous chapters the main problem that was addressed was dealing with patient medical

record. It is the above situation that drove the researchers to develop the SLU-MEDRECS Information System to be

used only in SLU-SABM Medical Clinic to enable them to handle details efficiently and effectively. Saint Louis

University Medical Clinic at Maryheights Campus stores patients’ medical records using either the yellow or green

cards. Patients who are going for a consultation needs to look for their own medical record or if the latter don’t have a

record, he/she has to fill up the necessary information on the card and then give it to the assistant staff who will

write the patient’s medical information and the preliminary diagnosis. This kind of system is troublesome and plaguing.

Moreover, patient’s information is not really secured in the cabinet.

SLU-MEDRECS Information System (SMIS) is a computerized patient information system whose main

purpose is to make the process of looking for the personal record of the patient faster and easier. Therefore, it will enable

easier manipulation of the inputs which will lead to more efficient health system and will avoid error and misplacement

of the documented medical record. With this system, the medication process will be more focused on the patient and

not on searching and filling up the medical records which will enable the clinic to provide patients with quality care in

a timely and cost- effective manner. The SMIS integrates a complete view of not just the patient’s health information,

medical prescription, and clinical letters but also the latter’s personal information. This system will ensure the safety

and security of the patient’s private information unlike the clinic’s current paper-based system. This electronic patient

record is a more improved and modernized system that has a familiar resemblance with the traditional paper record that

is currently being used in SLU Medical Clinic at Maryheights Campus.

The proposed system will benefit the doctors, patients and assistant staffs. With the system, much workloads

and planning can be scheduled and done in a timely but efficient and accurate manner. It aims to assist users in

achieving their respective goals and objectives efficiently and effectively.

4.2 Conclusion

In a nutshell, SLU-MEDRECS Information System (SMIS) is a computerized patient information system. It

simplifies the works of the student assistant, nurse and doctor, as well as the patient. This project aims to solve the

encountered by the medical clinic of Saint Louis University, Maryheights Campus. By using the system, the staffs in

the clinic should be able to do their works more efficiently and time saving. The time used by patients in searching for

their medical cards will be decreased as well as most of the process is done using computer rather than handwriting.

Moreover, there is a function to generate Medical Certificate and prescription to the patient. The doctor will just sign

these documents rather than writing the details of the patient. The proposed system is expected to give benefits to

Medical Clinic in terms of increased overall performance and efficient records management at the Medical Clinic of

Saint Louis University, MaryheightsCampus.

4.3 Recommendation

Given the limited amount of time, the project’s scope was rather limited to only one clinic in the entire Saint Louis

University. The scope can further be widened to include all other clinic of Saint Louis University to make a more

integrated comprehensive system that covers the entire university’s records management. A few other components can

be included in the system in the future. This may include the ability to include an upload functionality for patient images

could greatly enhance the usefulness of the system.


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Appendix A


Log in page

Sign up page

Account Settings

Assistant Student Dashboard

Nurse Dashboard

Doctor Dashboard

Medical Certificate


Inventory Repo


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