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Pringsewu (Lampung Script:) is one of the districts in Lampung Province,

Indonesia. This district was approved as a district at the DPR Plenary Meeting on
October 29, 2008, as a division of Tanggamus Regency. This district is located 37
kilometers west of Bandar Lampung, the provincial capital. Pringsewu is also the
capital and center of government of Pringsewu Regency

Pringsewu Regency is a district that is unique. This can be seen in terms of the area
of Psw district itself which is the smallest and most populous district in Lampung
In the history of the next trip, Pringsewu Subdistrict along with a number of other
sub-districts in the western part of South Lampung which were part of the
administrative area of the Mayor of South Lampung, Kotaagung Region, were part
of Tanggamus Regency based on Law No. 2 of 1997, which was formed as an
autonomous region independent.

At present Pringsewu is approved to be a separate district because of its good

development, both in terms of regional income, economic level and education of
the population. The main livelihood in Pringsewu is farming and trading

Pringsewu Regency is a heterogeneous region consisting of various ethnic groups,

with Javanese people being quite dominant, in addition to the indigenous people of
Lampung, which consist of people who are civilized Pepadun (Pubian) and
Saibatin (Peminggir) civilized communities.
Pringsewu Regency has an area of 625 km2, has a population of 377,857
inhabitants (2011 data) consisting of 195,400 men and 18,457 women.

Pringsewu Regency consists of 96 villages (desa) and 5 kelurahan, which are

spread in 9 sub-districts, namely Pringsewu District, Pagelaran, Pardasuka District,
Gadingrejo District, Sukoharjo District, Ambarawa District, Adiluwih District,
Banyumas District and North Pagelaran District.

Whereas in the case of the government itself was led by a regent in the pringsewu
district. The following is a list of names of pringsewu regents from time to time
1. I.r H. Masdulhaq = April 3, 2009-24 October 2009
2. I.R.H. Helmi Machmud = October 24, 2009-31 August 2010
3. H. Sudano Eddi, S.H, M.H = August 31, 2010 - November 23, 2011
4. H. Sujadi Saddat = November 23, 2011 - November 23, 2016
H.I Handitya Narapati, SZP, SH
5. Drs. Yuda Setiawan = November 23, 2016 - May 22, 2017
6. H. Sujadi Saddat = May 22, 2017 - Incumbent
Dr. H. Fauzi, S.E, M.KOM, AKT, CA

Then, in terms of transportation, the strategic location of Pringsewu Regency in the

West Cross Line which is one of the busiest routes in Lampung Province to a
number of provinces on the west coast of Sumatra, has made the position of
Pringsewu Regency very potential for the development of trade and services
sector, both small trading businesses, medium and large trading business.

With the existence of a terminal (Pringsewu Terminal) which serves both city
transportation services, rural transportation, border transportation, and inter-city
buses in the province and between provinces that serve the community with
adequate transportation services, making this city increasingly exist as one of the
busiest cities in Lampung province.

In the education sector, in the education sector, Pringsewu District has 275 Public
and 39 Private Elementary Schools / Madrasas, 22 Public Middle Schools, 32
Private Middle Schools, 12 Public High Schools / Vocational Schools, 27 Private
High Schools / Vocational Schools and 8 Private Universities such as
Muhammadiyah Pringsewu STIKES , Dian Cipta Cendikia (DCC) Pringsewu,
Pringsewu Technology Academy, STIE Muhammadiyah Pringsewu, STKIP
Muhammadiyah Pringsewu, STIKES Aisyah Pringsewu, AKBID Alifa Pringsewu,
and STMIK Pringsewu.

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