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1.-They are the types of glial cells that are part of the brain

Astrocytes, microglia, Oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells

(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Functional Neuroanatomy, Brain organization, pag. 4.)

2 Select the somatosensority modalities

Light touch, pressure, pain, temperature, vibration and propioception

(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Functional Neuroanatomy, Brain organization, pag. 4. )

3 What is believed to be a major target for the antipsychotics properties of dopamine?

Mesolimbic projection
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Neurophysiogy and Neurochemistry, Monoamine neurotransmitters pag. 37. )

4 What are the two enzimes that play major roles in the degradation of catecholamines?

Monoamine oxidase and catechol-O-methyltransferase

and Neurochemistry, Monoamine neurotransmitters pag. 39. )

5 Mention the three main types of neurotransmitters of the brain?

Monoamine, amino acids and neuropeptides

(Kaplan and Sadock Sinopsis de psiquiatría 10ed.; El cerebro y la conducta, Neurofisiologia y neuroquímica, pag. 98 )

6. Descriminate the neurotransmitters that correspond to the catecholamines group

Norepinephrine, epinephrine, Dopamine

(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Neurophysiogy and Neurochemistry, Monoamine neurotransmitters pag. 39. )

7. What is synthesized the Serotonin from?


(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Neurophysiogy and Neurochemistry, Monoamine neurotransmitters pag. 39. )

8. It is the enzyme that transforms the tyrosine to DOPA

Tyrosine hydroxylase

(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Neurophysiogy and Neurochemistry, Monoamine neurotransmitters pag. 39)

9. It is the best place of action of LSD

Serotonergic system

(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Neurophysiogy and Neurochemistry, Monoamine neurotransmitters pag. 42. )
10. It is the part of the clinical evaluation that describes the total number of observations and
impressions on the part of the observer.

C) Mental status examination

(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Examination and Diagnosis of the Psychiatric patient, Mental Status Examination pag.

1.- Overinclusion of trivial or irrelevant ______Circumstantiality________

details that impede the sense of getting to
the point.

(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.,

Psychiatric interview, History, and mental status examination;
Mental status examination, pag. 202.)

2.- A break-down in both the logical _______Derailment____________

connection between ideas and the overall
sense of goal directednes.

(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.,

Psychiatric interview, History, and mental status examination;
Mental status examination, pag. 202.)

3.- A succession of multiple associations ______Flight of ideas___________

so that thoughts seem to move abruptly
from idea to idea.

(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.,

Psychiatric interview, History, and mental status examination;
Mental status examination, pag. 202.)

4.- The invention of new Word or phrases _________Neologism__________

or the use of conventional wors in
idiosyncratic ways

(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.,

Psychiatric interview, History, and mental status examination;
Mental status examination, pag. 202.)

5.- Repetition of out of contex Word _____Perseveration___________

phrases or ideas.

(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.,

Psychiatric interview, History, and mental status examination;
Mental status examination, pag. 202.))

6.-In response to a question, the patien _____Tangentiality____________

gives a reply that is appropriate to the
general topic without actually answering
the question
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.,
Psychiatric interview, History, and mental status examination;
Mental status examination, pag. 202.)
7.- Thoughts are associated by the sound _Clang associations____________
of words rather than by their meaning

(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.,

Psychiatric interview, History, and mental status examination;
Mental status examination, pag. 202.)

8.- It is essentially what thoughts are _____Thought content__________

occurring to the patient.

(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.,

Psychiatric interview, History, and mental status examination;
Mental status examination, pag. 202.)

9.- Motor activity may be described as __Hyperkinesia________________


(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.,

Psychiatric interview, History, and mental status examination;
Mental status examination, pag. 202.)

10.-Motor activity may be described as ___Bradykinesia_______________

normal, slowed

(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.,

Psychiatric interview, History, and mental status examination;
Mental status examination, pag. 202.)

11.- The alertness, orientation, ___Cognition__________________

concentration, memory, calculation,
abstract reasoning and judgment to

(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.,

Psychiatric interview, History, and mental status examination;
Mental status examination, pag. 202.)
12.- Refers to the person´s capacity to
make good decisions and act on them.

(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.,

Psychiatric interview, History, and mental status examination;
Mental status examination, pag. 202.)

13.-It is the ability to shift back and forth _________ Abstract reasoning_____
between general concepts and specific

(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.,

Psychiatric interview, History, and mental status examination;
Mental status examination, pag. 202.)
This section consists on a general description of how
the patient looks and acts during the interview.
Aspect T89R.- Abstract
1.- (L98H)
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed., Psychiatric interview,
History, and mental status examination; Mental status examination, pag.
It can be described as cooperative, frank, seductive,
hostile, defensive. .-Actitude
2.- (A95J) L98H.- Aspect
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed., Psychiatric interview,
History, and mental status examination; Mental status examination, pag.
3.- Describe aspects of motor behavior of the patient.
motor activity
T00H.- Content of
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed., Psychiatric interview,
History, and mental status examination; Mental status examination, pag.
4.- It is defined as the patient´s internal and sustained
emotional state Mood
(C03D) A95J.-Actitude
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed., Psychiatric interview,
History, and mental status examination; Mental status examination, pag.
5.- It is defined as the current emotional sensitivity of the
patient, which is deduced from the expression of the
patient. Affect
(K07Ñ) B03N.- Attention
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed., Psychiatric interview,
History, and mental status examination; Mental status examination, pag.
6.- It is when a person formulates, organizes and
expresses his thoughts. Thought process G05J.-
(D04F) Instrospection/
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed., Psychiatric interview, Insight
History, and mental status examination; Mental status examination, pag.
7.- It is essentially what thoughts are occurring to the
patient Content of thought
H06K.- Thought
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed., Psychiatric interview,
History, and mental status examination; Mental status examination, pag.
8.- A sudden disruption of thought or a break in the flow
of ideas Thought blocking
(H06K) K07Ñ.- Affect
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed., Psychiatric interview,
History, and mental status examination; Mental status examination, pag.
9.- It is a level of consciousness somnolence
(T94P) L09Q.- Neologism
(Kaplan and Sadock Sinopsis de psiquiatría 10ed.; Historia psiquiátrica,
Examen del estado mental pag. 235)
10.- It is evaluated calculating or spelling words
Attention D04F.-Thought
(Kaplan and Sadock Sinopsis de psiquiatría 10ed.; Historia psiquiátrica,
Examen del estado mental pag. 236)
11.- It refers to the patient´s understanding of how he or
she is feeling, presenting, and functioning as well as
(G05J) the potential causes of his or her psychiatric C03D.- Mood
presentation. Instrospection/ Insight
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed., Psychiatric interview,
History, and mental status examination; Mental status examination, pag.
12.- Is the ability to shift back and forth between general
concepts and specific examples Abstract thought
(T89R) J01H.- motor activity
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed., Psychiatric interview,
History, and mental status examination; Mental status examination, pag.

R08T.- Intelligence

T94P.- somnolence

Y01U.- Judgement

I03I.- Circumstantial

1. Mention the tracts of dopaminergic central nervous system.

Nigrostriatal, mesocortical, mesolimbic, and tuberohypophyseal

(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Functional Neuroanatomy, Neurophysiology and neurochemistry, pag. 36)

2. Mention the main neurotransmitter that is involved in depression


(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Functional Neuroanatomy, Neurophysiology and neurochemistry, pag. 36)

3. Mention the amino acid precursor of norepinephrine and epinephrine.


(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Functional Neuroanatomy, Neurophysiology and neurochemistry, pag. 39)

4. Mention the location of serotonergic neurons.

Raphe nuclei

(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Functional Neuroanatomy, Neurophysiology and neurochemistry, pag. 36)

5. It is an inflammatory mediator stored in mast cells and released upon celular interaction
with allergens


(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Functional Neuroanatomy, Neurophysiology and neurochemistry, pag. 37)


1.-Justin was a 9-year-old African American adopted boy who was referred for an evaluation by
his 4th grade teacher, who informed his adoptive parents that she was unable to manage Justin’s
impulsive and aggressive behaviors in the classroom. Justin was attending public school and was
in a regular classroom with two resource room periods per day to help him with reading and math.
Justin also received speech therapy once a week. Justin had been referred in the past for
psychiatric evaluation, but his adoptive parents were opposed to medication so they did not follow
through. Justin’s adoptive parents knew very little about his biological family other than that his
biological mother was known to be a polydrug abuser and was currently incarcerated. Justin was
adopted as an infant and hispediatrician had told his adoptive parents that Justin was entirely
healthy at birth. However, ever since kindergarten, Justin’s teachers had complained that Justin
did “not seem to listen,” had “poor concentration,” and was unable to stay in his seat. Which of
the following is the most likely diagnosis?

B. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child Psychiatry, Attention-defficit/hyperactivity disorder, pag. 1070.)

2.-What is the first-line treatment according to the previous clinical case?

B. Methylphenidate

(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child Psychiatry, Attention-defficit/hyperactivity disorder, pag. 1072.)

3.-What is the first symptom that is diminished according to the previous clinical case?
A. Hyperactivity

(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child Psychiatry, Attention-defficit/hyperactivity disorder, pag. 1071.)

4.-What is the symtom that persists THE MOST in the adulthoodaccording to the previous
clinical case?
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child Psychiatry, Attention-defficit/hyperactivity disorder, pag. 1071.)

5.-Dana was born as a full-term and healthy baby term after an uncomplicated pregnancy. An
amniocentesis had been obtained because of advanced maternal age of 40 years, and findings
were normal. At birth, Dana received good Apgar scores and her weight, height, and head
circumference were all near the 50th percentile. Her development during the first months of life
was unremarkable. At approximately 8 months of age, her development seemed to wane, and
her interest in the environment, including the social environment, declined. Dana’s developmental
milestones failed to progress, and she became markedly delayed; she was just starting to walk
at her second birthday and had no spoken language. Evaluation at that time revealed that head
growth had decelerated. Self-stimulatory behaviors emerged, and in addition, marked cognitive
and communicative delays were noted on formal testing. Dana began to lose purposeful hand
movements and developed unusual stereotypical hand-washing behaviors. By age 6, her EEG
was abnormal and abnormal hand movements were prominent. Subsequently, Dana developed
truncal ataxia and breath-holding spells, and motor skills further deteriorated. Which of the
following is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Rett disorder
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child Psychiatry, Autism spectrum disorder,, pag. 1065.)

6.- It is a disability characterized by limitations such as intellectual functioning (thinking, learning

and problem solving) and in adaptive behavior (conceptual, social and practical skills) that starts
before 18 years old.
A. Intellectual disorder
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child Psychiatry, Intellectual Disability, pag. 1027.)
7.-Mention the genetic syndrome that is characterized highly associated (until three quarters) to
B. Fragile X syndrome
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child Psychiatry, Intellectual Disability, pag. 1030.)

8.-According to the DSM V, intellectual disability must begin before age?

A. Onset before the age of 18 years
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child Psychiatry, Intellectual Disability, pag. 1028.)

9.- The intellectual disability is associated with various other physical and mental health problems.
Which of the following conditions are more frequently seen in patients with intellectual disability ?
D. All of the above
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child Psychiatry, Intellectual Disability, pag. 1029.)

10.-The intellectual disability child shown in figure demonstrates the characteristic facial
features and high degree of social responsiveness suggestive of which of the following
C. Trisomy 21
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child Psychiatry, Intellectual Disability, pag. 1037.)

11.- The physical phenotype shown in figure, including long facial contour, large anteverted
ears, and macroorchidism(not shown) in this young adult with mental retardation is consistent
with which of the following diagnoses?
B. Down syndrome
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child Psychiatry, Intellectual Disability, pag. 1037.)
12. Brett was the first of two children born to middle-class parents both in their early 40s after
dificult pregnancy, with an induced labor at 36 weeks due to fetal distress. As an infant, Brett was
undemanding and relatively placid; he did not have colic, and motor development proceeded
appropriately, but language development was delayed. Brett’s parents first became concerned
about his development when he was 18 months of age and still not speaking; however, upon
questioning, they noted that, in comparison to other toddlers in his play group, Brett had seemed
less uninterested in social interaction and the social games with toddlers and adults. Stranger
anxiety became marked at 18 months, much later compared to the other toddlers in his day care
program. Brett would become extremely upset if his usual day care worker was not present and
would tantrum until his mother took him home. Brett’s pediatrician initially reassured his parents
that he was a “late talker”; however, when Brett was 24 months old he was referred for
developmental evaluation. At 24 months, motor skills were age appropriate. His language and
social development, however, was severely delayed, and he was noted to be resistant to changes
in routine and unusually sensitive to aspects of the inanimate environment. Brett’s play skills were
quite limited, and he played with toys in repetitive and idiosyncratic ways.

What is the clinical diagnosis?

C.Autism spectrum disorder
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child Psychiatry, Autism spectrum disorder, pag. 1058.)

13. According to previous case, what is a risk factor that has been observed in this condition?
B. Elderly parents at birth
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child Psychiatry, Autism spectrum disorder, pag. 1055.)

14. All of the following ones are seen in individuals with Asperger’s syndrome except:
B. Eccentric lifestyle
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child Psychiatry, Autism spectrum disorder, pag. 1066.)

15. The majority of students with learning disabilities are identified in:
C. Second or fourth grade
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child Psychiatry, Speciffic learning disorder, pag. 1079.)

16.- Es el principal antipsicótico ocupado ______Risperidona ________

para la irritabilidad del trastorno del
espectro autista
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child
Psychiatry, Autism spectrum disorder, pag. 1061.)

17.- Es el trastorno caracterizado por un Trastorno de déficit de atención e

patrón de disminución en la atención hiperactividad
sostenida, y aumento de la impulsividad y
la hiperactividad.
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child
Psychiatry, Attention-defficit/hyperactivity disorder, pag.

18.- Es el lóbulo del cerebro que se ha

descubierto que esta más implicado _Lóbulo frontal/ Corteza prefrontal
en el TDAH
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child
Psychiatry, Attention-defficit/hyperactivity disorder, pag.

19.- De acuerdo con el DSM-V, es la edad ____Antes de los 12 años___

máxima en que pueden aparecer los
síntomas del TDAH
((Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child
Psychiatry, Attention-defficit/hyperactivity disorder, pag.
20.- Es el género predominante en el __Niñas/ femenino/ mujeres__
síndrome de Rett
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child
Psychiatry, Autism spectrum disorder, pag. 1064.)

21.- Es el trastorno del neuro desarrollo Trastorno de déficit de atención e

que tiene una heredabilidad de hasta el hiperactividad
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child
Psychiatry, Attention-defficit/hyperactivity disorder, pag.

22.-Por frecuencia, es el principal síntoma _Hiperactividad ____

del trastorno de déficit de atención e
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child
Psychiatry, Attention-defficit/hyperactivity disorder, pag.
23.-Trastorno psiquiátrico que tiene alto
riesgo de desarrollar durante la
adolescencia los pacientes con TDHA
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child ___Trastornos de la conducta ___
Psychiatry, Attention-defficit/hyperactivity disorder, pag.

24.- Es el mecanismo de acción de la Inhibidor de la recaptura de la

atomoxetina noradrenalina
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child
Psychiatry, Attention-defficit/hyperactivity disorder, pag.

25.- Es el principal síntoma del TDAH en ___Inatención _______________

(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child
Psychiatry, Attention-defficit/hyperactivity disorder, pag.

26.- (L98H) Multiple lines of evidence support the role of which

neurotransmitter in the etiology of ADHD and in the T89R.- Asperger’s
response to treatment? Dopamina disorder
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child Psychiatry,
Attention-defficit/hyperactivity disorder, pag. 1069.)
27.- (A95J) It is a non-stimulant medication for ADHD
management. Atomoxetine L98H.- Dopamina
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child Psychiatry,
Attention-defficit/hyperactivity disorder, pag. 1072.)
28.- (J01H) What is the ICD-10 equivalent of the DSM-V
diagnosis of ADHD? Hyperkinetic disorder T00H.- Impairment in
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child Psychiatry, mathematics
Attention-defficit/hyperactivity disorder, pag. 1068.)
29.- (C03D) It is characterized by persistent difficulty learning
academic skills in reading, written expression, or
mathematics, beginning in early childhood, that is
inconsistent with the overall intellectual ability of a A95J.-Atomoxetine
child. Speciffic learning disorder
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child Psychiatry,
Speciffic learning disorder, pag. 1077.)
30.- (K07Ñ) It is the psychiatric disorder most associated with
learning disorder? Attention-deficit hyperactivity B03N.-Childhood
disorder disintegrative
Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child Psychiatry, Speciffic disorder
learning disorder, pag. 1078.)
31.- (D04F) What is the subtype of the learning disorders that has G05J.- Autism
errors characterized by omissions, additions, and spectrum disorder
distortions of words. Impairment in reading
Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child Psychiatry, Speciffic
learning disorder, pag. 1078.)
32.- (T00H) What is the subtype of the learning disorders that
have diffiiculty learning and remembering numerals,
cannot remember basic facts about numbers. H06K.- Impairment in
Impairment in mathematics written expression
Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child Psychiatry,
Speciffic learning disorder, pag. 1081.)
33.- (H06K) What is the subtype of the learning disorders tha
has poor ability to use punctuation and grammar
accurately in sentences, inability to organize K07Ñ.- Attention-
paragraphs, or to clearly articulate ideas in writing. deficit hyperactivity
Impairment in written expression disorder
Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child Psychiatry,
Speciffic learning disorder, pag. 1083.)
34.- (T94P) What is the syndrome that is characterizedby the
loss of purposeful hand, the loss of previously
acquired speech; the head circumference growth
decelerates and produces
microcephalymovements, which are replaced by L09Q.- Depressive
stereotypic motions. syndrome
Rett syndrome
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child Psychiatry,
Autism spectrum disorder, pag. 1064.)

35.- (B03N) What is the disorder that is characterizedby the

LOSS of communication skills, marked regression
of reciprocal interactions, and the onset of
stereotyped movements and compulsive behavior. D04F.-Impairment in
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child Psychiatry,
Autism spectrum disorder, pag. 1065.)
Childhood disintegrative disorder

learning disorder
J01H.- Hyperkinetic
T94P.- Rett
Y01U.- Serotonin

I03I.- Schizophrenia

36. ¿Según el DSM V, que trastornos integran el espectro autista?

Trastorno autista, Sindrome de Asperger, sidrome de Rett, Trastorno desintegrativo
infantil y trastorno del desarollo no especificado.
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child Psychiatry, Autism spectrum disorder, pag. 1054.)

37. ¿Cuáles son los síntomas clave que definen al espectro autista?
Deficit en la comunicación social y conductas restrictivas y repetitivas.
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child Psychiatry, Autism spectrum disorder, pag. 1054.)

38. ¿En que género predomina el espectro autista?

Niños/ varones/ hombres
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child Psychiatry, Autism spectrum disorder, pag. 1054.)

39. ¿Cuál es la principal comorbilidad neurológica en el espectro autista?

Epilepsia/ Crisis convulsivas
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child Psychiatry, Autism spectrum disorder, pag. 1056.)

40. ¿Cuál es el nivel de IQ que define la Discapacidad intelectual profunda?

Por debajo de 25
(Kaplan and Sadock Synopsis of psychiatry 11ed.; Child Psychiatry, Intellectual Disability, pag. 1029.)

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