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Soil & Tillage Research 180 (2018) 210–221

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Approaches to model the impact of tillage implements on soil physical and T

nutrient properties in different agro-ecosystem models

Ganga Ram Maharjana, , Anne-Katrin Prescherb,c, Claas Nendelb, Frank Ewerta,b,
Cho Miltin Mboha, Thomas Gaisera, Sabine J. Seidela
University of Bonn, Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation (INRES), Crop Science Group, Katzenburgweg 5, 53115 Bonn, Germany
Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Eberswalder Straße 84, 15374 Müncheberg, Germany
Thünen-Institute of Forest Ecosystems, Alfred-Möller-Str. 1, 16225 Eberswalde, Germany


Keywords: Tillage is a primary field operation aiming to modify the soil structure to favour agronomic and soil related
Agro-ecosystem model processes such as soil seed contact, root proliferation, water infiltration, incorporation of residues, break down of
Tillage operation soil organic matter and land forming. The modification of the soil physical and chemical properties especially in
Bulk density the upper soil layers after a tillage operation can be huge. The application of field-scale crop growth models is a
Soil organic matter
widely accepted tool for process understanding but also to support an efficient and sustainable crop production.
Residue decomposition
Agro-ecosystem models are composed of different sub-modules for certain processes related to crop growth and
soil-nutrient and water dynamics in response to atmospheric conditions. In this study, the approaches to simulate
the impact of tillage on soil physical properties and on vertical distribution of organic matter and nutrients
implemented in 16 different agro-ecosystem models (APEX, APSIM, CropSyst, DAISY, DayCent, DNDC, DSSAT,
EPIC, HERMES, HYDRUS-1D, LPJmL, MONICA, SALUS, SPACSYS, STICS, and SWAT) are reviewed. Some of the
reviewed agro-ecosystem models simulate the tillage effects on soil bulk density, soil settlement, soil texture
redistribution, and several soil hydraulic properties. To some extent, the changes in soil porosity, soil aggregates,
and the soil organic matter content are considered. Most models simulate the incorporation or/and redistribu-
tion of organic matter, residues or/and nutrients in the soil. None of the models consider the changes in bio-
chemical properties such as changes in soil microbial biomass and activity or redistribution of weed seeds after a
tillage operation. This study indicates the urgent need to improve the tillage components in crop modelling due
to its obvious impact on various soil and nutrient processes and consequently, on crop growth and yield.

1. Introduction pest suppression and the incorporation of residues (Amézketa, 1999;

Köller, 2003). Furthermore, tillage operations aim to improve the plant
The global population growth has led to intensive farming systems root penetration and soil nutrient redistribution for an efficient nutrient
aiming to achieve a high level of food security (Connor and Mínguez, uptake while reducing nutrient leaching (Wang et al., 2015). Tillage is
2012; Foley et al., 2011; Robinson and Sutherland, 2002). However, defined as a physical manipulation of the soil (Köller, 2003) involving
intensive agriculture is often accompanied by negative environmental the disturbance of soil aggregates and soil structure, the compaction of
impacts like freshwater pollution through nitrate leaching, fade of soil, as well as the redistribution of organic matter and microbial ac-
biodiversity and increase of soil erosion (Uri et al., 1998; Foley et al., tivity (Bronick and Lal, 2005). On the short-term, tillage was found to
2011; Stoate et al., 2009). The efficient use of the plant available nu- generally reduce soil bulk density in the topsoil or tilled layer (Dam
trients for agricultural production is of prime importance to diminish et al., 2005; Tebrügge et al., 1999; Unger, 1992; Wang et al., 2015) and
the negative impacts on the environment caused by unsustainable to increase soil porosity, followed by a natural reconsolidation (Pelegrin
cropping systems (Cassman et al., 2003; Foley et al., 2011). Tillage is a et al., 1990). The breaking up of soil crusts and dense layers and the
primary field operation in cropping systems and has been part of most increased porosity associated with tillage, were found to increase hy-
agricultural systems throughout history (Köller, 2003). Its objectives draulic conductivity and infiltration (Lampurlanés and Cantero-
include seed bed formation, soil aeration, soil evaporation reduction, Martínez, 2006; Schwen et al., 2011; Unger, 1992). The incorporation
improving plant water availability, fracturing of soil crusts, weed and of crop residues with tillage generally also reduces soil bulk density due

Corresponding author. Present address: YARA- Crop Nutrition Research and Development, Hanninghof 35, 48249 Dülmen, Germany.
E-mail addresses:, (G.R. Maharjan).
Received 6 August 2017; Received in revised form 19 February 2018; Accepted 11 March 2018
Available online 23 March 2018
0167-1987/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
G.R. Maharjan et al. Soil & Tillage Research 180 (2018) 210–221

to the formation of voids between the aggregates and clods (Allmaras clay-humus complexes and the increase of charged surfaces for nutrient
et al., 1996; Guėrif et al., 2001). Below the tilled layer, different studies binding.
showed no differences in bulk density between tillage treatments (Wang In conjunction with this, several researchers observed an increase of
et al., 2015) or a stronger compaction in the subsoil, countervailing the soil organic matter (SOM) and carbon (SOC) with conservation tillage
mean bulk density of the soil profile (Dimassi et al., 2013). In addition, practices in the top soil layer (Unger, 1992; Pinheiro et al., 2015;
soil compaction due to heavy traffic and plough pan development may Powlson et al., 2012; Schjønning and Thomsen, 2013; Vogeler et al.,
occur below the tillage layer impeding root growth and soil water 2009). In the lower soil layers no difference or a decrease in SOC with
movement (Kay and VandenBygaart, 2002; Sheaffer and Seguin, 2003). conservation tillage were found, suggesting a balanced budget across
Despite this, long-term studies suggest that different tillage systems do the soil profile (Álvaro-Fuentes et al., 2013; Roldán et al., 2005). In
not affect the long-term average bulk density and total porosity special cases, conservation tillage can achieve same effect in a different
(Blanco-Canqui et al., 2017; Green et al., 2003). At the end, the effect of way, e.g. by reducing the exposition of unmineralised peat (organic
tillage on soil hydraulic properties is controversially discussed, as it soil) to the atmosphere and thereby decreasing total C loss (Gambolati
depends highly on the site-specific pedo-climatic conditions and man- et al., 2005). In the upper 10 cm soil layer, accumulation of consider-
agement (Green et al., 2003). able amounts of total nitrogen, phosphorus (P) and potassium with
Regarding aggregate stability, tillage showed a reducing impact conservation tillage was observed (Calegari et al., 2013; Spiegel et al.,
(Bottinelli et al., 2017; Roldán et al., 2005; Tebrügge et al., 1999). In 2007). However, Calegari et al. (2013) found in the same soil profile
comparison to other land uses, croplands under conventional tillage higher availability of Phosphorous (P) and Potassium (K) below the
hold a higher proportion of aggregates of > 10 mm than meadows or 10 cm layer. The presence of higher amount of nutrients in the very top
forests and substantially lower amounts in the favourable aggregate size soil (0–5 cm) under conservation tillage is also supported by different
classes 2–3 mm and 3–5 mm (Ćirić et al., 2012). Massive aggregation long-term experiments (Gómez-Rey et al., 2012; Ji et al., 2015; López-
has a negative impact on soil structure by increasing bulk density while Fando and Pardo, 2012). On the other hand, Roldán et al. (2005) ob-
decreasing water retention capacity (Boix-Fayos et al., 2001). Soil served no tillage impact on available P. Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions
structure characterized by the structure coefficient, Ks was also found and nitrate (NO3−) leaching can be reduced by the application of
to be lower under cultivated croplands than under forests or meadows conservation tillage methods compared to conventional tillage in the
(Ćirić et al., 2012). The effect of tillage on aggregate size and stability cropping system (Del Grosso et al., 2001; Benoit et al., 2015), but N2O
varies in different soils since the process of aggregation is driven by emissions were also found to be increased following conservation til-
different factors depending on soil type and texture (Bronick and Lal, lage depending of soil aeration status (Rochette, 2008). Consequently,
2005; Ćirić et al., 2012). the understanding of nutrient availability and crop nutrient uptake for
Next to physical soil properties, tillage also affects biochemical agricultural production requires in-depth knowledge of different and
properties. Different studies found that tillage has a negative impact on complex interacting processes among soil, plant and environment.
soil microbial biomass, community structure and enzymatic activities Several mathematical simulation models have been developed to
(Álvaro-Fuentes et al., 2013; Roldán et al., 2005; Willekens et al., simulate crop development and growth at the field and regional scale
2014). Álvaro-Fuentes et al. (2013) observed significant differences for on the basis of numerous biophysical and chemical processes. Besides
tillage and depth in microbial biomass carbon and soil enzyme activities being separated in sub-modules for crop phenology, biomass accumu-
finding a reduction in the surface layer with tillage, but an increase in lation and yield formation, most crop models also exhibit different
the 10–25 cm layer and no difference below the 25 cm soil depth. mechanistic sub-modules for soil nutrient and water dynamics and field
Depending on the local site conditions and requirements, different management, which upgrade crop models into full agro-ecosystem
tillage types and methods are used (Morris et al., 2010). Historically, models with abilities to also contribute to soil fertility and groundwater
conventional tillage is the common soil tillage practice which is char- issues. However there are distinctions between crop models and agro-
acterized by the complete inversion of soil through ploughing. In con- ecosystem models. Crop models and agro-ecosystem models can be
trast, conservation tillage (minimum tillage) includes non-inversion interchangeably used to simulate crop growth and development in-
tillage practices and no-tillage (El Titi, 2003). In comparison to con- cluding other environmental processes. Hereafter, all models are am-
ventional tillage, conservation tillage and no-tillage were found to in- biguously referred to in this study as agro-ecosystem models or models.
crease soil bulk density and penetration resistance across the tillage The different approaches of some models to representatively describe
layer (Chassot et al., 2001; Deubel et al., 2011; Villamil and Nafziger, SOM turn-over in the virtual soil has been reviewed (Manzoni and
2015), to increase soil water content (Alvarez and Steinbach, 2009; Porporato, 2009) and tested in Smith et al. (1997). Soil moisture dy-
Deubel et al., 2011; Villamil and Nafziger, 2015), to reduce erosion (Uri namics and SOM turn-over with its subsequent N release from miner-
et al., 1998), to improve soil structure (Ćirić et al., 2012; Dal Ferro alisation are essential simulation steps for a meaningful simulation of
et al., 2014) and to increase microbial component and cation exchange crop responses to its environment. Tillage affects both, which makes a
capacity (Derpsch et al., 2010). However, the impact on soil physical reasonable representation of tillage impact on the soil–crop system
properties due to conservation tillage varies significantly with soil type mandatory for e.g. investigating climate change adaptation and miti-
and texture (Green et al., 2003; Strudley et al., 2008; Morris et al., gation options for agriculture. In some agro-ecosystem models, tillage
2010). Hansen and Djurhuus (1997) observed no significant effect of sub-modules are implemented and connected to other sub-modules
tillage on nitrate leaching on coarse sand, but the authors observed (water balance, nutrient cycle and crop growth), accounting for the
significant effect on nitrate leaching on sandy loam after tillage. The impact of changes in the soil physical and nutrient properties. However,
impact of tillage on saturated hydraulic conductivity and infiltration these sub-modules are often not well documented and the model user
rate also varies significantly with soil type (Alvarez and Steinbach, has no good basis to judge on the model’s ability to simulate tillage
2009; Arvidsson et al., 2013; Gomez et al., 1999; Vogeler et al., 2009). effects, e.g. in supporting the discussion of conservation tillage versus
The tillage impact on nutrient redistribution and availability on ploughing.
plant nutrient uptake is much less covered in the literature compared to On the basis of the mathematical pool concept that almost all of
the impact on soil physical properties. In general, tillage improves the these models use (Campbell and Paustian, 2015), in theory the accu-
decomposition of crop residues by facilitating contact between plant mulation of SOM in the uppermost layer under conservation tillage
tissue and soil aggregate surfaces, the primary biome of soil micro- practices leads to faster SOM decomposition and, consequently, to an
organisms (Bronick and Lal, 2005; Cambardella and Elliott, 1992). In increase of carbon (C) losses from the total soil profile as compared to
addition, tillage distributes organic matter in the soil and thus improves conventional ploughing. Experiments on fields with a legacy of less
the availability of nutrients for plant growth through the formation of than 10 years of no-till practice report the opposite (Mangalassery et al.,

G.R. Maharjan et al. Soil & Tillage Research 180 (2018) 210–221

2014; Tanveer et al., 2013), suggesting conservation tillage being a approaches to simulate the impact on soil bulk density are distinguished
general C-saving option. Long-term tillage experiments have rarely and described in the following section.
been investigated on their total CO2 emissions, but the few analyses
that exist point in the same direction (Omonode et al., 2007; Ussiri and 3.1. Effects on soil bulk density and soil settlement
Lal, 2009). This leads to the assumption that tillage affects the system in
a way that a pure temperature and moisture-dependent decomposition The effects of tillage on the soil bulk density and soil settlement of
approach (Campbell and Paustian, 2015) is not sufficient to describe its tilled soil due to subsequent rainfall are both considered by five models,
impact. Apparently, there are more feedback relations that determine namely APEX, DSSAT, EPIC, SALUS and STICS. Moreover, in DSSAT
the final effect of tillage on the soil–crop system which need to be bulk density decreases, when crop residues as soil organic matter are
considered in such models. In order to capture the current state of the added to the soil (see Eq. (21)). A change in aggregate stability to water
art, the main objective of the study is to review agro-ecosystem models erosion (which is correlated to the mixing of soil organic matter by
and their methodological approaches to account for different tillage tillage) is only considered by SALUS (see Eq. (5)).
implementations and to simulate the effects of tillage on the soil phy-
sical and nutrient properties. 3.1.1. Approach 1
The approach of the parameterization of the tillage depth and the
2. Overview of agro-ecosystem models mixing efficiency of the tillage implements for the simulation of
changes in bulk densities after tillage operations are considered in the
Crop growth models are a simplified representation to represent the APEX and the EPIC model (Eq. (1)). The database for different tillage
agro-ecosystem and as such they are based on simplifying assumptions. implements is provided with appropriate tillage implement parameters.
Different models have various levels of complexity to consider agro- The tillage components in APEX and EPIC model are designed to mix
ecological processes of crop growth, water and nutrient dynamics for nutrients and crop residues within the tillage depth (see Chapter 4) and
different soil and climatic conditions (Manzoni and Porporato, 2009). for simulating the changes in bulk density. The mixing efficiency of the
To review the methodological approaches of tillage implementations, assigned tillage implements ranges from 0 (no mixing) to 1 (100%
only agro-ecosystem models with options for tillage operation were mixing) depending on the type/operation of the tillage implement. The
chosen. Table 1 is providing an overview over the considered agro- change in bulk density within the tillage depth/plough layer is simu-
ecosystem models. lated for each tillage operation by using the following equation:
The different agro-ecosystem models reviewed in this study are used
at different spatial scales from field level to global application. The BDT (l) = BDC (l)−(BDC (l)−0.667 × BDol ) × EF (1)
agro-ecosystem models APSIM, CropSyst, DAISY, DayCent, DNDC, −3
where BDT(l) (ton m ) is the bulk density at the day after tillage in the
DSSAT, EPIC, HERMES, MONICA, SALUS, SPACSYS, and STICS are one- respective soil layer l, BDc(l) is the current bulk density in soil layer l at
dimensional models with water and nutrient flowing through a multi- the day before the tillage event, BDol is the bulk density of the soil when
layered soil profile, to which crop growth and development respond in it has completely settled after tillage, EF is the mixing efficiency of
simulation. However, these models are often applied to different spatial tillage operation (0–1). APEX and EPIC have further considered the
simulation units, ranging from fields to the global scale by aggregation amount of rainfall to model soil settlement after tillage due to sub-
of point-based simulations. In exception to this, APEX and SWAT are sequent rainfall event. The settlement of the tilled soil to update the
hydrological models which are applied at watershed level. HYDRUS impact on bulk density is considered by the following equations:
simulates water, heat, and solute movement in one, two- and three-
dimensional variably saturated media. The model LPJmL is applied at Ol − 1 ⎛ 2 × SANl ⎞⎟
SZl = ⎜1.0 +

global level with spatial resolution of 0.5° (50 km) grid cell. Zl0.6 ⎝ SANl + exp(8.597−0.075 SANl ) ⎠ (2)
All the considered models are able to represent the main above-
ground and below-ground processes in agro-ecosystems. There have BDT (l)i = BDT (l)i − 1 + (BDol−BDT (l)i − 1)
been numerous reviews on comparison and analysis of different agro- SZl
ecosystem models and implemented biophysical processes (Kumudini × ⎜⎛ ⎞⎟
⎝ l + exp(3.375−0.008835 SZl ) ⎠ (3)
et al., 2014; Van Ittersum et al., 2003; Vanuytrecht and Thorburn,
2017). However, a review on the different methodological approaches where SZl is a scaling factor for soil layer l, Ol-1 is the percolation rate
to simulate tillage operations is lacking. This study has reviewed tillage into the overlaying soil layer (mm d−1), Z is the layer thickness (m), i is
modelling approaches implemented into various agro-ecosystem the number of days after the tillage event and SANl is the percentage of
models (Table 1). The implemented tillage implements include the sand in the layer. Eqs. (2) and (3) cause fast settling when rainfall is
plough (deep, soil-turning tillage), harrow (soil-breaking tillage at large, soils are sandy and have been tilled recently. Settling under these
various depths) and cultivator (shallow, aggregate-crushing tillage), conditions is faster at the soil surface that allows simulation of long
often in various sub-categories, such as mouldboard plough, chisel term deep chiselling effects. The settling is relatively slow for soils with
plough, manure injector, harrow tine, rotary hoe, bedder, discer, tine, a low sand content, especially in low rainfall areas. Other functions of
disc harrow and others. the tillage component in EPIC also include simulating ridge height,
In the following, the reviewed approaches to simulate the tillage interval and surface roughness after tillage with a ridge cultivator.
impact on soil physical properties, soil organic matter and nutrients are
presented. Fig. 1 shows which soil properties are affected by tillage in 3.1.2. Approach 2
the models. A summary of the presented equations can be found in The tillage implementation in SALUS is represented by tillage date,
Appendix A in Supplementary material. tillage implement and tillage depth. The soil properties in the model
that vary with tillage are bulk density (g cm−3) and subsequently the
3. Approaches to model the effects of tillage implements on soil soil water content at saturation (cm3 cm−3) (see Chapter 3.3).
physical properties The related soil physical properties (e.g. bulk density) are user in-
puts which are then dynamically changed with subsequent precipita-
The accurate modelling of the soil physical properties is crucial for tion events. The soil properties change form an initial value to a settled
reliable predictions of the soil water dynamics. Some of the reviewed value following an exponential curve which is a function of cumulative
agro-ecosystem models simulate the tillage effects on soil bulk density rainfall kinetic energy since the last tillage operation (Basso et al.
(5 out of 15) and soil texture redistribution (1 out of 15). Hereby, five 2006).

G.R. Maharjan et al.

Table 1
Overview of models considered for the review. The acronym and full name of the model, the version that was reviewed, a key reference for the model, the scale, the dimension (D), the number of tillage implements considered in the model (No) and
the considered variables are given.

Acronym Name Version Reference Scale D No. Considered variables

APEX Agricultural Policy/Environmental extender Version:0604 Williams et al. (2012) field 1D 72 Tillage depth, Fraction mixing efficiency, Ridge height, Ridge interval,
Fraction machine efficiency
APSIM Agricultural Production Systems Simulator Version:7.7 Holzworth et al. (2003) field 1D 31 Fraction incorporated, Tillage depth
Build date: 11-Dec-2014
Build number: r3615
CropSyst Cropping Systems simulation model CropSyst Suite 4 Stockle and Nelson (1993) field 1D 66 Surface residue, Shallow residue
DAISY – Version 5.18 (Sep 24 2013) Abrahamsen and Hansen field 1D, 2D 5 Tillage depth, Mixing efficiency
DayCent daily version of the CENTURY ecosystem model DayCent 4.5 Del Grosso et al. (2001) field 1D – –
DNDC Denitrification-Decomposition Version: 9.5 Li et al. (1992) field 1D 5 Tillage depth

DSSAT The Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Version: Tsuji et al. (1994) field 43 Tillage depth
EPIC Environmental Policy Integrated Climate Version: 0810 Sharpley and Williams (1990) field 72 Tillage depth, Fraction mixing efficiency, random roughness, Surface
roughness factor
HERMES – Version: 2.01 Kersebaum (1995) field – Tillage depth
HYDRUS-1D* – – Mallmann et al. (2014) field 1D
LPJmL Lund-Potsdam-Jena managed Land Bondeau et al. (2007) global – –
MONICA Model for Nitrogen and Carbon in Agro-ecosystems Version 2.0 Nendel et al. (2011) field 2 percentage of residue incorporation for slowly and rapidly decomposing
residue, tillage depth
SALUS System Approach to Land Use Sustainability – Basso et al. (2006) field 34 percentage of residue incorporation for fragile and non-fragile residue
SPACSYS – Version: 4.0 Wu et al. (2007) field 3D – Tillage depth
STICS Simulateur multidiscplinaire pour les Cultures JavaStics Version: 1.31/ Brisson et al. (1998) field – Tillage depth,
Standard Stics Version:8.41
SWAT Soil and Water Assessment Tool Version: 2009 Neitsch et al. (2011) Watershed 2D 77 mixing depth, mixing efficiency

* HYDRUS-1D was modified in Mallmann et al. (2014).

Soil & Tillage Research 180 (2018) 210–221
G.R. Maharjan et al. Soil & Tillage Research 180 (2018) 210–221

Fig. 1. Modelled impacts of tillage on soil properties (*soil hydraulic parameter include saturated hydraulic conductivity, actual soil water content, soil water content at saturation, at
field capacity, and at wilting point).

Xvar = Xstl + (Xtill −Xstl ) × EXP (−RSLT × SUMKE ) (4) (AS, 0.0–1.0). Water aggregate stability (AS) is correlated to soil or-
ganic matter (Tisdall and Oades, 1982):
where Xvar represents the dynamic soil property, Xtill is its value just
after a tillage operation, Xstl is the settled value of the property, RSTL is AS = 0.005 × OC (l) (5)
the rate change of the soil property (per J cm−2 of rainfall kinetic en-
RSLT = 10 × (1−AS ) (6)
ergy), and SUMKE is the cumulative rainfall kinetic energy since the last
tillage operation (J cm−2). In SALUS, the rate of change of the soil where OC (l) is the percentage organic carbon content of soil layer l.
property is assumed to be a function of soil water aggregate stability The soil aggregate stability value of 1 represents the greatest stability

G.R. Maharjan et al. Soil & Tillage Research 180 (2018) 210–221

while a value of 0.0 represents no stability to destructive forces. A re- the addition of crop residue or the change in total soil organic matter
lationship was used to estimate the cumulative rainfall kinetic energy affects the soil bulk density (see Eq. (21) in Chapter 4). As in approach
SUMKE from cumulative rainfall. 2, settling of tilled soil by rainfall and irrigation is estimated by as-
SUMKEt = 0.00217 * CRAINt (7) suming its kinetic energy (Eqs. (7) and (8)) and damping effect of soil
cover due to residue is also considered as in Eqs. (9) and (10).
As proposed in the CROPGRO-Soybean model (Andales et al., 2000),
where SUMKEt is cumulative rainfall kinetic energy from the start of 3.1.4. Approach 4
simulation to time t (J cm−2) and CRAINt is the cumulative growing- In STICS, the use of tillage implements causes soil fragmentation
season rain (mm). which generally results in a reduction of the bulk density of the top soil.
The kinetic energy for any day after the last tillage operation is the The depth to which tillage implements affect soil structure depends on
difference between the current value of cumulative kinetic energy the type of implement. It may be very superficial (0–10 cm; e.g. im-
(SUMKEt) and the value at the time of the latest tillage operation plements designed to remove stubbles) or affect the whole topsoil
(SUMKEt=last tillage date) calculated by horizon (10–30 cm; e.g. the mouldboard plough). STICS assigns a top-
SUMKE = SUMKEt − SUMKEt = last tillage date (8) soil bulk density associated with the use of each tillage implement (e.g.
1.1 g cm−3 for the Chisel plough and 1.3 g cm−3 for the mouldboard
The kinetic energy of rainfall is decreased in the presence of soil plough). The modification of the bulk density leads to a modification of
surface cover from residue left after tillage and crop canopy. Therefore, the topsoil thickness, the infiltration capacity and the redistribution of
the decrease of energy reaching the soil surface is proportional to the soil water and nitrogen with the assumption that the distribution is
coverage of soil surface (SOILCOV). homogenous within the concerned horizon (Chapter 4).
SOILCOV = CANCOV + FC *(1−CANCOV ) (9) The temporal variation of the bulk density of the soil layers within
the tillage depth is not simulated in the SWAT model. At the start of the
where CANCOV is canopy coverage, FC is the fraction of soil surface simulation, the user can manually define the soil bulk density in SWAT
covered by the remaining residue and is calculated by: within the affected soil layer due to tillage implementation while a
FC = 1.0−EXP (−AM * MULCH ) , as AM is the area covered per unit dry temporal variation of bulk density is not considered. In CropSyst, the
weight of residue (ha kg−1), MULCH is residue remains after tillage functioning of the tillage operation is only to incorporate the residue
calculated by MULCH = RESAMT *(1.0− 100 ) , RINP is percent of sur- within tillage depth, but it lacks a routine to consider the temporal
face residue incorporated by the tillage operation (model is provided variation of the bulk density of the tilled soil. The application of tillage
with data base of RINP for different types of tillage operations). implementation in the APSIM model includes the incorporation of soil
In addition, the effect of rainfall intensity decreases with soil depth. organic matter into soil layers down to the tillage depth (Chapter 4).
The decrease of the effect was assumed exponential with depth (Z, cm). The incorporated soil organic matter is to update respective soil nu-
Hence the effect of rainfall kinetic energy is estimated as: trient pool. There is no update of soil physical characteristics due to
SUMKE (l) = (1−SOILCOV )* SUMKE * EXP (−0.15 * Z ) (10) tillage operations. DAISY model is provided with a list of tillage im-
plements. The tillage operations in DAISY homogenize the top soil in-
Where SUMKE (l) is the effective kinetic energy for soil layer l (J cm−2), cluding the soil water content (Chapter 3.5), soil temperature, organic
SOILCOV is the fraction of the soil surface covered, SUMKE is the cu- or inorganic matter (Chapter 4) and pesticides, if defined as a soil
mulative kinetic energy from Eq. (9) and Z is the depth of soil layer l turning operation. The HERMES and MONICA models act accordingly.
(cm). The change of bulk density in the model is used to update soil In all three models the change of bulk density after tillage operation is
water content at saturation (cm3 cm−3) (see Chapter 3.3). not considered. The STICS model has an option to activate the variation
in the soil properties due to tillage. However the algorithms to account
3.1.3. Approach 3 the variation of soil physical properties were not documented in STICS.
DSSAT considers the properties of soil structural dynamics for every The LPJmL model uses soil structure, which is related to soil bulk
soil layer which might have been affected after a tillage operation. The density, as a static value at coarse spatial resolution for global simu-
tillage routines in DSSAT model are based on the CERES-Till model for lations. The tillage operation in SPACSYS does not model the change in
maize (Dadoun 1993) and refined by Andales et al. (2000) for the bulk density while the soil organic matter and residues are uniformly
CROPGRO-Soybean model. The tillage type and operation time is pro- distributed in the litter pool down to the tillage depth (Chapter 4).
vided to implement the tillage routine for subsequent changes in dif- DNDC characterizes soil physical parameters for 12 different soil tex-
ferent soil parameters. A database of percentage changes of soil curve ture classes (Li et al., 1992) which are not affected by tillage operation.
number, residue incorporated, soil surface disturbed, mixing efficiency,
change in bulk density, change in soil hydraulic conductivity and the 3.2. Effects on soil texture
tillage depth for different tillage implements is provided and can be
modified based on tillage implements and soil conditions. The mixing Amongst the reviewed models, changes of the soil texture within the
parameter of the tillage implement is executed to redistribute soil tillage depth are considered only in SWAT and HYDRUS. The redis-
constituent mainly soil organic matter, carbon, nitrogen and phos- tribution of the soil particles is important if layers with different tex-
phorus (see Chapter 4). tural composition are included in the tillage depth. The algorithm to
The changes in soil bulk density to each soil layer are simulated in simulate the changes in soil texture after tillage in SWAT model is
DSSAT by the following equation: considered as explained in Appendix B in Supplementary material. The
BD%(implement ) ⎞ ⎞ change of the soil texture after a tillage operation modelled by SWAT is
BDT (l) = ⎛BDC (l)* ⎛1.0 +
⎜ ⎟
exemplarily shown in Appendix C in Supplementary material. The re-
⎝ ⎝ 100 ⎠⎠ (11)
distribution of the soil texture after tillage is only important for sites
where, BDT(l) is the bulk density after tillage for the soil layers effected with non-homogeneous top-soils which are tilled for the first time. At a
by tillage, BDc(l) is the current bulk density of the soil layer which is site with frequent tillage practice, single tillage events do not have an
considered to decrease after tillage, and BD%(implement) is the per- impact on the soil texture.
centage change for the specific tillage implement. The model is pro-
vided with a database of negative percentage change of bulk density 3.3. Effects on soil hydraulic properties
(BD%(implement)) which can change to positive percentage change if
the type of tillage operation can increase the bulk density. In DSSAT, Some models simulate the impact of tillage on the saturated

G.R. Maharjan et al. Soil & Tillage Research 180 (2018) 210–221

hydraulic conductivity and on the soil water content at saturation, field ∫ (θ (Y )* dY )

θ =
capacity and at wilting point. In the SALUS model, the saturated hy- D (15)
draulic conductivity (cm day−1) and the soil water content at saturation 3 −3
where, θ (Y ) is the soil water content (cm cm ) at a depth Y at time of
(cm3 cm-3) may vary after tillage. The change of bulk density in the
tillage, D is the depth (cm) of tillage and θ , is the average soil water
model is used to update the soil water content at saturation (SAL(T)) for
content (cm3 cm−3) over tillage depth after tillage.
each layer using the following equation relating porosity and soil bulk
The HERMES, MONICA, EPIC and DAISY models use similar ap-
proaches to update the soil water content in the tilled soil layers. The
BD (l) soil water content in APEX and SWAT is not affected by the tillage
SAL (T ) = 0.92 * ⎛1.0− T ⎞
⎝ 2.66 ⎠ (12) operation.
Where BDT(l) is the bulk density of layer l (g cm ) updated after tillage 4. Approaches to model the effects of tillage on soil organic matter
operation, soil particle density is assumed to be 2.66 g cm−3. Only 92% and nutrients
of the total porosity is assumed to be effective due to air entrapment
(Dadoun, 1993). 4.1. Effect on soil organic matter and nutrients contents
In DSSAT, a database is used which provides changes in soil hy-
draulic conductivity for different tillage implements and soil condi- The impacts of tillage operations on soil organic matter and nu-
tions. The saturated water content of each soil layer changes with up- trients include the incorporation of residues into the soil, the nutrient
dated bulk density after tillage and is calculated by redistribution in the tilled soil layers, and hence the changes in avail-
BD (l) ability of nutrients for the plants.
θs (l) = 0.95 * ⎛1.0− T ⎞ The soil organic matter and nutrients are redistributed within the
⎝ 2.66 ⎠ (13)
tillage depth. Depending on the model, the variety of the soil con-
where, θs (l) is the saturated soil water content of the soil layer l by stituent such as nitrate, phosphorous, carbon, or residues are redis-
assuming that soil particles have a density of 2.66 g cm−3 and soil space tributed after each tillage operation.
of 95% is occupied by water. A similar method is applied in Eq. (14)
while assuming 92% of soil pores filled by water. 4.1.1. Approach 1
In DSSAT, the effect of tillage on the saturated hydraulic con- The models APEX and EPIC have a similar approach to consider the
ductivity is estimated as change in SOM and nutrients due to tillage. The equation associated to
the final content of different materials in the affected soil layer is as
K %(implement ) ⎞
KT (l) = K 0 (l)* ⎛1.0 + follows.
⎝ 100 ⎠ (14)
Zl−Zl − 1
KT (l) is the saturated hydraulic conductivity after tillage of soil layer l, Xl = (1−EF ) Xol + ⎛
PD ⎠
⎞ EF ∑ Xok
⎝ k=1 (16)
K0(l) is the initial hydraulic conductivity for the layer l and K%(imple-
ment) is the proportional change in hydraulic conductivity to the spe- where Xl is the amount of the material in layer 1 after mixing in kg
cific tillage implement. The impact of an addition of soil organic matter ha−1, EF is the mixing efficiency of the tillage operation (0–1) and
on the soil water content at field capacity and at wilting point is pre- distributed uniformly within the tillage/plow depth D (m), Xo is the
sented in Eqs. (21)–(23). amount of the material before mixing (kg ha−1), Z is the depth to the
MONICA uses empirical modifiers for the soil hydraulic properties. bottom of the plow layer in m and M is the total number of soil layer
Categorised in five classes, SOM above 1.5% increases field capacity, effected by tillage depth. The value of X refers to amount of different
plant-available water and air capacity using modifiers from a table soil nutrients fractions such as organic nitrogen and nitrate or different
presented by Wessolek et al. (2009).Values between these nodes are phosphorus fractions (all in (kg ha−1) which are updated in the soil
interpolated. In cases where tillage events alter the SOM values, the soil layers affected by tillage.
hydraulic properties change accordingly.
4.1.2. Approach 2
3.4. Effects on soil surface roughness and run-off curve number The redistribution of the soil components in the DSSAT model is
considered by the following equation:
Tillage affects soil surface roughness. In particular, ploughing sig- M%
XM (l) = X0 (l)
nificantly increases soil surface roughness resulting in an increase in 100 (17)
soil evaporation. However, the soil water balance of tilled soils is
where, X0(l) in the initial soil constituent representing soil nutrients,
usually positive because deep ploughing results in an increase in the
carbon and organic carbon among others. XM(l) is the proportion of the
soil infiltration capacity. In EPIC the changes in surface roughness by
mixed constituent, M% is the mixing percentage and the remaining
tillage operations are defined in the database for the respective tillage
XU(l) is unmixed soil constituent. XU(l) is calculated as the remaining
operation and can be modified by the user. The estimation of curve
portion of X0(l), and XM(l) is added to the total amount to be mixed
number in STICS, SWAT, APEX models is not directly affected by tillage
(over all layers affected by tillage), ∑XM. The mixed portion is then
event. The runoff curve numbers in these models are obtained by using
added back into each layer to give XT(l), the amount of the soil com-
the SCS hydrology handbook (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil
ponent after the tillage event in a soil layer l,
Conservation Service 1972) considering soil type, land use and man-
agement. Z (l)
XT (l) = ∑ XM * D
+ XU (l)
3.5. Effects on actual soil water content where, Z(l) (cm) is the thickness of the layer l. Z(l) is reduced if only a
portion of a layer is tilled. D (cm) is the tillage depth. The units for soil
The soil water content after tillage in HYDRUS-1D as modified in components (X) vary according to soil property
Mallmann et al. (2014) simply homogenizes the surface layer subjected Surface residues are incorporated separately in routines for soil
to tillage. The water content within tillage depth is integrated to assign organic matter, recognizing separate components of carbon, nitrogen
the average water content to this entire soil layer as follows: and phosphorus. Thus for carbon, the incorporated residue carbon, RT,

G.R. Maharjan et al. Soil & Tillage Research 180 (2018) 210–221

is allocated from the total residue mass, R0, as: θ′ ( θLL or θDUL) = θ0 + Δθ (24)
R% ′
where θ is the updated water holding limit for either θLL or θDUL and θ0
RT = R 0 *
100 (19) is the corresponding original water holding limit at the reference BD
where R% is the portion of R0 incorporated, as specified for the im- and SOM quantities.
plement. RT (kg ha−1) is then allocated uniformly through the soil The SALUS model consider similar approaches to the DSSAT model
layers up to tillage depth D (cm). for modelling the effect of tillage on SOM, residue incorporation, and
The soil organic matter (SOM) pool is divided into two fresh organic nutrient redistribution (Basso et al., 2006; Senthilkumar et al., 2009). In
matter (FOM) pools and three soil organic matter pools. Once the sur- addition to crop growth and water balance modules, SALUS also in-
face and soil residues are uniformly distributed after tillage, the fresh cludes SOM and nutrient cycling modules. The SALUS model considers
organic matter of soil organic matter pools are updated. The fresh or- two fresh organic matter pools (structural and metabolic) to represent
ganic matter is divided into a structural and a metabolic pool depending difficult and easily decomposable crop residues based on lignin and N
on the lignin content of the residue. The SOM consists of microbial or content. The SALUS model also considers a surface SOM pool associated
active material (SOM1), recalcitrant material (SOM2) (i.e. decomposed with conservation tillage. Similar to the DSSAT model, the SALUS
from SOM1) and inert material and stabilized microbial material model simulates SOM and N mineralization or immobilization from
(SOM3). The fresh organic matters (FOM) and humic organic matter three carbon pools. These carbon pools are characterized by their
(i.e. SOM1, SOM2, SOM3) are summed up to the total organic matter turnover rates and C:N ratios.
content. The carbon content of the total organic matter is partition into
carbon content of SOM1, SOM2 and SOM3. The stable organic carbon 4.1.3. Approach 3
in SOM3 [g(C) (100 g(soil))−1] is estimated by The soil tillage module for HYDRUS-1D as developed in Mallmann
et al. (2014) developed a new model for HYDRUS-1D to simulate tillage
StableC = 0.015 *(Clay + Silt ) + 0.069 (20)
impact on soil properties (water content and non-reactive solute). The
Where Stable C is the stable organic C (SOM3), Clay is the soil clay tillage module firstly integrates water content over the tillage depth to
content, and Silt is the soil silt content, all in units of mass percent or [g assigns the average water content to the entire soil layer as in Eq. (15).
(soil component) (100 g(soil))−1]. Then a similar method is applied to homogenize for a nonreactive so-
The carbon content in other two pools in SOM1 and SOM2 are as- lute over the tillage depth as follows.
sumed to be 5% and 95% of the remaining total organic carbon.
∫ θ (Y ) C (Y )* dY
The addition of crop residue as soil organic matter decreases the soil C =
θD (25)
bulk density. The decrease of bulk density in each soil layer in DSSAT is
3 −3
considered by the following equation: where, θ (Y ) , is the water (cm cm ) at a depth Y at time of tillage,
C(Y) is the liquid phase concentration (mmol cm−3) at a depth Y at time
BD = of tillage, θ is the average water content (cm3 cm−3) over the tillage
( SOM %
100 − SOM %
BDmineral ) (21) depth after tillage and C is the average liquid phase concentration
(mmol cm−3) over the tillage depth after tillage.
where BD, BDmineral, and BDSOM are the bulk densities of the soil, mi-
neral soil and SOM components, respectively, all in g cm−3. SOM% is
4.1.4. Approach 4
the total soil organic matter content [mass percentage or g(dry organic
The nutrients are redistributed in the CropSyst model based on the
matter) (100 g(soil))−1]. The value for bulk density of the mineral soil
extent of the incorporation of the crop residue after the tillage im-
component is estimated by the Eq. (22) based on initial values for initial
plementation. The CropSyst model has a defined database for each
BD and initial total SOM percentage by the following equation:
primary tillage and secondary tillage implement with the respective
100− SOM %init residue percentage left on the soil surface. The nutrients in the soil are
BDmineral =
( )−( 100
SOM %init
BDSOM ) (22)
not directly affected by a tillage event in CropSyst. The redistribution of
the residues and the decomposition of the residues indirectly change
where SOM%init and BDinit are the initial SOM content [g(dry organic the amount of soil nutrients in the nutrient pool.
matter) (100 g(soil))−1] and initial bulk density (g cm−3) of the soil. It Residuesurface × Tillagesurface
is assumed that the bulk densities of organic matter and mineral soil Residuesurface =
100 (26)
components remain unchanged throughout the simulation. The overall
soil BD is updated daily based on Eq. (21) using the static values of where Residuesurface (kg m ) is the surface residue. Tillagesurface (%) is
BDmineral and BDSOM and the current SOM content. Hence the mod- the percentage of residues remaining on the surface after the tillage
ification of BD due to addition of soil organic matter is the base value operation (tillage database). Shallow incorporated residue is accumu-
onto which the tillage effect on BD is subsequently considered as de- lated when a portion of the surface residue is buried. The total shallow
scribed in Chapter 3.1 (Approach 3). incorporated residue after each tillage operation is estimated by:
In DSSAT, the changes to the soil water holding capacity (field ca-
Residuesurface × Tillageshallow
pacity and wilting point) on a daily basis are due to changes in SOM and Residueshallow = Residueshallow +
100 (27)
BD by following the relationship:
where Residueshallow (kg m−2) is the incorporated residue.
∂θ ∂θ
Δθ = Δ(SOM ) + *Δ(BD) Tillageshallow (0–1) is the fraction of surface residue that is buried at
∂ (SOM ) ∂ (BD) (23)
5–8 cm by the tillage operation. The status of other nutrients after til-
where Δθ represents the overall change in water content at either field lage is not defined in the model’s documentation.
capacity or wilting point due to changes in SOM content (%) and BD
(g cm−3), ∂θ and ∂θ are the rates of change of θ with respect to 4.1.5. Approach 5
∂ (SOM ) ∂ (BD)
SOM and BD; and Δ (SOM) and Δ (BD) are the changes in SOM and BD The soil nutrients as soil constituent that ranges from soil organic to
over a fixed time period. The values of the differential coefficients are inorganic constituent in SWAT model is subjected to change due to
provided by DSSAT as an input database. Then, the soil water holding tillage operation. The algorithm to simulate changes in soil constituent
limit is updated as follows. after tillage operation in SWAT model is considered as follows.

G.R. Maharjan et al. Soil & Tillage Research 180 (2018) 210–221

soilconstituentT (l) = soilconstituent (l) *(1−thtill (l)) 4.2. Effect on decomposition of organic matter
+ solconstituent (l) * thtill (l) * (1. − emix ) + smix (1) * thtill (l) *
In general practice, the implementation of tillage can accelerate the
(28) decomposition of organic matter. The break-down of bigger aggregate
where, soil_constituent_T is soil nutrients (organic, inorganic, residue) into smaller units during tillage increases the surface area of the ag-
after tillage, smix is amount of soil constituent in soil profile that is gregates and provides better access to habitats for soil microbes and
being redistributed between mixed layers, integer as smix(1) (integer in facilitates the intrusion of oxygen which is required in the process of
smix parenthesis range from 1 to 11 to represent soil constituents) soil organic matter decomposition. According to our analysis, the de-
correspond to soil nitrate which is 0 for the absence of tillage operation composition rate of organic matter is not directly impacted by tillage
and estimated as follows for the presence of tillage operation. thtill(l) implement in any of the investigated agro-ecosystem models. In ex-
fraction of soil layer that is mixed, D is the depth of tillage depth, Z ception, DSSAT considers the impact of tillage on the decomposition
thickness of soil layer. rate of organic matter by modifying the cultivation factor (CF, Eq. (32))
to 1.6 and accelerate the decomposition of organic matter in different
smix (1) = smix (1) + thtill (l)* emix * solconstituent (l) (29) pools for the period of 30 days after tillage operation (Porter et al.,
2010). The decomposition rate of the metabolic component of organic
Z = sollayer (l) − sollayer (l−1) (30) matter is not affected by tillage (Parton et al., 1994 and Gijsman et al.,
if sol_layer(l) > D < ol_layer(l − 1),
kt = k 0 * TF * WF * CF * TXF (32)
D −sollayer (l−1))
thtill (l) = −1
(sollayer (l) − sollayer (l−1)) (31) where K0 is base decomposition rate (day ), Kt is the modifier rate
constant (day−1), TF is the temperature factor, WF is the water factor,
Where soil_layer(l) is the depth of soil layer in mm, l is to represents soil CF is the cultivation factor.
layers in the soil profile. The decomposition rates and nutrient mineralisation in the agro-
ecosystem models are updated daily and calculated as a function of the
C:N ratio of crop residue, temperature and soil water content. Tillage
4.1.6. Approach 6
effects are indirectly considered via the incorporation/re-distribution of
In APSIM, the tillage effect on soil organic matter is by adding
crop residue due to tillage operations and changes in bulk densities
surface organic matter into the fresh organic matter pool of the tilled
which leads to changes in soil water content. However, the agro-eco-
soil layers. The nutrients related to the surface organic matter — ni-
system models (Table 1) are lacking detailed algorithms and parameters
trogen and carbon — are incorporated over the tillage depth after the
of tillage effects on soil aggregate surfaces and microbial activity to
tillage event. The method for incorporation of the surface organic
simulate direct impact of tillage on the decomposition of organic
matter into the fresh organic matter pool of the tilled soil layers is not
available in the model documentation.
The overview of the parameters or variables which are affected by
tillage operation, considered in different agro-ecosystem models are
4.1.7. Approach 7 presented in Table 2. The tillage module in different agro-ecosystem
In MONICA and HERMES, tillage operations with non-turning models are intended to simulate the effect of tillage operation. None of
character have no impact on soil properties or state variables, as above- the single model considers all the parameters or variables to simulate
surface residues are transferred into the top soil layer as soon as they the effect of tillage in the respective modelling platform. The detail
appear. Soil-turning operations lead to an averaging of soil water and extent of the tillage module in different crop model is based on the
nutrient contents over the given tillage depth, as well as of the contents model structure and their object to simulate different management
of the two SOM pools (HERMES, MONICA), the two soil microbial impact on the environmental processes.
biomass pools and all pools that contain added organic matter from
previous amendments (MONICA). Processes that involve a response to 5. Summary and conclusions
surface-layer residues, such as reduced soil evaporation or seed emer-
gence, are not implemented. This study presents different modelling approaches to account for
The STICS, DAISY, LPJmL models have not explicitly documented the effects of tillage on the soil properties implemented in the crop si-
the nutrient and organic matter redistribution after tillage. However, mulation models APEX, APSIM, CropSyst, DAISY, DayCent, DNDC,
the models consider different nutrient turnover processes to account for DSSAT, EPIC, HERMES, HYDRUS, LPJmL, MONICA, SALUS, SPACSYS,
different biophysical processes of nutrient uptake, nitrification and STICS, and SWAT. In the field, tillage operations influence various soil
denitrification, among others. Mineral fertilizer, manure and plant re- physical properties including the soils’ infiltration rate, evaporation,
sidues are the main source of nutrients. The approach of soil tem- aeration, bulk density, porosity, saturated hydraulic conductivity, soil
perature and moisture-dependent decomposition rates for manure and aggregate size and stability, structure, or soil compaction. Some of the
plant residues affecting nutrient mineralization/immobilization and reviewed models simulate the tillage effects on soil bulk density, soil
thus plant nutrient availability is common in all agro-ecosystem settlement, soil texture redistribution, and several soil hydraulic prop-
models. The residue management in the LPJmL model considers residue erties (saturated hydraulic conductivity, actual soil water content and
inputs (as litter) and residue outputs (removal of 90% of above ground soil water content at saturation, at field capacity and at wilting point).
biomass at harvest) only in the carbon cycle. LPJmL does not yet con- To some extent, the changes in soil aggregation and in soil surface
sider other nutrient cycles. In the DNDC model, tillage can redistribute roughness are considered. The models covering most of the mentioned
the organic matter leading to uniform concentrations within the tilled processes are the models DSSAT, HYDRUS, SALUS and STICS.
layer. The fraction of a resistant humus pool in the DNDC model is Moreover, tillage operations often influence the soil organic matter and
transferred into labile humus due to tillage which enhances rapid de- soil nutrient contents in the tilled soil layers (incorporation of nutrients
composition. The decomposition rate of the organic matter is de- and residues, nutrient redistribution and availability). All of the pre-
creasing with time after tillage. The DayCent model considers tillage as sented models except LPJmL simulate the incorporation or/and redis-
a disturbance event which affects both the quantity of litter and the tribution of organic matter, residues or/and nutrients in the soil. None
nutrient concentration in the litter which in turn affects the soil organic of the presented models explicitly considers tillage effects on soil bio-
matter pool of the model. chemical properties (e.g. on microbial biomass and activity, community

G.R. Maharjan et al. Soil & Tillage Research 180 (2018) 210–221

capacity, θWP for soil water content at wilting point, and update OM stands for an update of the fresh organic matter pool. √ (Eq) means this parameter or variable is affected by tillage and the model equation(s) is/are available, √ (no Eq) means this
Overview of the directly affected variables and parameters by tillage. BD stands for soil bulk density, Ks for saturated hydraulic conductivity, θa for actual soil water content, θs for soil water content at saturation, θFC for soil water content at field
structure, or enzymatic activities). This review study presents the dif-

√ (no Eq)
√ (no Eq)
parameter or variable is affected by tillage but the model equations were not available, and × means that this parameter or variable is not affected by tillage in the model. IND stands indirect impact (depends on update of other variables). ferent methodological approaches allowing the reader to select the

√ (Eq)

√ (Eq)
√ (Eq)
√ (Eq)
appropriate models to simulate the tillage effect on the soil properties


according to their research scope. Further studies may conduct an
√ (no Eq)


analysis of the tillage approaches implemented in the different models

√ (no
√ (no

√ (no
√ (no
√ (no
by conducting simulation runs and analysis of model outputs.

Soil tillage is probably the most important management event in

agriculture, being applied in very different manners in all agricultural

√ (Eq)
√ (Eq)
√ (Eq)
systems across farm sizes, cropping systems, climates and cultures. It

serves many purposes and can be adjusted fairly easily to the different
situations and needs of an agricultural production system. By tillage,
IND/√ (Eq)
√ (no Eq)

√ (no Eq)

√ (no Eq)
√ (no Eq)
√ (no Eq)
farmers facilitate stubble decomposition and seed bed preparation,
√ (IND)

√ (Eq)

√ (Eq)
√ (Eq)

control pests and diseases, prevent evaporation, turn moist soil layers

up to the surface for sowing, crack surface crusts, stimulate organic
matter mineralisation, and much more. Tillage therefore provides one
√ (no Eq)

of the most important measures for the farmer to adapt the production
√ (Eq)
√ (Eq)
√ (Eq)

system to variable weather conditions by changing the tillage mode or



timing. Especially for moisture-saving soil management, tillage options

√ (no Eq)
√ (no Eq)

such as mulching, strip tillage or conservation tillage, are under dis-


cussion, but so far with little scientific evidence for support (Horel

et al., 2015; Schwartz et al., 2010; Steiner, 1989). Also stubble man-

agement and OM mineralisation are in focus (Hou et al., 2016), often

√ (no Eq)

discussed in relation with the trade-offs between the different goals of

√ (Eq)
√ (Eq)

√ (Eq)
√ (Eq)
√ (Eq)

tillage (Kong et al., 2009). From a global perspective, carbon seques-



tration options dominate the discussion (Powlson et al., 2014), in most

cases boiling the complex issue down to the question of conservation


tillage versus ploughing. However, carbon sequestration provides little

√ (no

√ (no
√ (no
√ (no

intrinsic motivation for farmers to adjust their management, and if they



do, sequestered carbon remains highly exposed to the risk of reversion,

√ (no Eq)
√ (no Eq)

as soon as the fields are taken over by a different farmer with a different
√ (Eq)

√ (Eq)
√ (Eq)
√ (Eq)

management philosophy. Tillage options that improve the direct eco-




nomic return of the production system are therefore much more ac-
cepted. Practitioners of modern agriculture often try different tillage
√ (no Eq)

methods that they observe from fellow farmers of other countries,

√ (Eq)

√ (Eq)
√ (Eq)

√ (Eq)
√ (Eq)
√ (Eq)
√ (Eq)

sometimes learning after a while that in different climates and soils




these promising methods have a completely different effect (Pittelkow

√ (no Eq)

et al., 2014) and fail to achieve what the farmers expected to improve.
√ (Eq)
√ (Eq)

Some of these trade-offs of tillage effects could be tested with dy-


namic agro-ecosystem models (e.g. Corbeels et al., 2016), which are so

far well established to investigate climate change effects on crop growth
√ (no Eq)
√ (no Eq)
√ (no Eq)

and development, also in response to some important soil processes,

such as water and nitrogen provision, and management, such as sowing

dates, crop sequences and irrigation (e.g. Nendel et al., 2014). How-


ever, this review shows that the minority of available models are fit for

√ (no

√ (no
√ (no
√ (no

this purpose. In fact, none of the models covers all of the observed


impacts of tillage on the soil, not even many of them. We found that the

reflection of the impact of tillage on soil physical properties varies

* Consider only in HUDRUS-1D modified by Mallmann et al. (2014).
√ (Eq)
√ (Eq)
√ (Eq)

widely between the considered models and that many known soil

processes that are affected by tillage (e.g. soil compaction; Sillon et al.,
2003) are only roughly portrayed in the majority of models. Most
√ (no Eq)
√ (no Eq)
√ (no Eq)

models simulate the incorporation or/and redistribution of soil organic

matter, residues or/and nutrients, but rarely any impact on soil physical

properties. This is contrary to expectation since the various impacts of

√ (Eq)

√ (Eq)
√ (Eq)
√ (Eq)

tillage on soil physical properties are well covered in the literature. Our

study indicates the urgent need to improve the simulation approaches

of soil tillage in recent agro-ecosystem models to better balance con-
Residue incorporation/redistribution

sideration of the various important processes. At the moment, espe-

Water content at saturation (θs)

Actual soil water content (θa)

cially the spatial and temporal changes of the soil physical properties
soil surface roughness (CN),
Runoff (curve number: CN)

decomposition rate of OM
Soil texture redistribution

and the impacts of soil microbial activity, including the physical access
nutrients redistribution

to organic matter after tillage are still challenging for the crop model-

aggregate stability

ling community, while probably more process knowledge is available in

the soil modelling community. Both research communities often pursue
Bulk density

update OM

different goals and driven by their objectives, develop models with

different focus and abilities. The topic of soil tillage and how it has been
Table 2


implemented and used so far in the context of crop yield simulations for

climate change and food security assessments calls for a closer

G.R. Maharjan et al. Soil & Tillage Research 180 (2018) 210–221

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