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MAC Protocols in Wireless Networks

Research paper

Tesmia shafiq_190905
Moarije ihtesham_190911

This Medium access protocol (MAC) helps in reducing energy consumption of nodes and improves
adaptability to variations occurs in a wireless network due to addition and reduction of nodes.This paper
will also discuss some existing MAC protocols and analyses their performances.
This paper will focus and analyses Mac protocols in Wireless networks, energy efficiency of nodes and
discuss the Improved Sensor Mac protocol (IS-MAC) a new protocol designed to make nodes energy
efficient and adaptable to changing conditions especially when date rate is high.
Ordinary illustrations incorporate the time division various get to (TDMA), code division different access
(CDMA), and dispute based conventions like IEEE 802.11. To achieve long lifetime of sensor nodes in
wireless networks we have to design MAC protocol smartly.
the medium access control (MAC, also called "media access protocol sub layer is the layer that controls
the hardware responsible for interaction with the wired, optical or wireless transmission medium.


The IS-MAC convention utilizes a few techniques including multiplicative increment and
multiplicative/direct diminishment to alter the conflict window.
This examination proposes another MAC convention in view of powerfully changing the estimation of
conflict window by compressing the burdens of back off calculations specified in Section 2.
[3] At the same time, the IS-MAC convention progressively modifies the span of the conflict window as
per the heap of the system


Depending on the load on the network if the number of failed transmissions

reach the maximum limit then the size of contention window will change
to cope with the collision.

Maximum of contention window CWmax: The maximum limit to which the

contention window from the current contention window size can be
extended to that is, CWmax > CWmin > 0, is also fixed at the

The initial value of contention window CWinit: CWinit = (CWmin +

CWmax)/2, values of CWmax and CWmin will be set according to the
network conditions.

(2) Minimum of contention window CWmin: The lowest limit at which the
contention window can be reduced is defined at the beginning.
By these values set at initial the parameters (Energy rate and Network throughput) with different
number of nodes is compared. The parameters of energy efficiency and throughput were measured in
different experiments. The parameters were combined with different values of number of nodes and in
different time intervals. For the analysis of performance of different energy efficient protocols there are
several networking simulators used.

It is noted that the increase in number of nodes degrades performance of both protocols but in the
long run IS-MAC is better because than S-MAC because it can handle large number of nodes in better
managed way than the S-MAC protocol.
For IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol there is no much betterment to handle the number of nodes and it is
seen that IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol is not much powerful to handle the increasing traffic because
collision increases when the traffic due to nodes increases.

S-MAC protocol, collision happen which leads to more usage of energy to maintain packet
As we can see in IS-MAC protocol, there is adoption of the method of dynamic contention window
and obviously it uses less energy.
[3] The energy usage of IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol is high all the time, this is because IEEE 802.11 MAC
protocol does not follow periodic sleep/active mechanism and the nodes using IEEE 802.11 MAC
protocol keep listening all the time of connection [11] [12] so the energy usage is high.
Therefore, the energy consumption of IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol is almost double the consumption
of S-MAC and IS- MAC protocols.
At first when connection is established, the contention is at higher rate and collision occurs mostly,
this consumes much energy.

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