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Good morning to one and all present here. I oppose this motion.

I strongly disagree with the

notion that contemporary feminism has lost the essence of feminism in a country like India
where a few days back women were not allowed to enter into the temple premises. We are
talking of a country where vices of Triple Talaq were subdued recently.

In the real world inequalities are exploited by those better positioned in social, familial,
political, economic hierarchies such that the views of the less powerful go unheard.
Feminism is a range of social movements, political movements, and ideologies that share a
common goal: to define, establish, and achieve the political, economic, personal, and
social equality of the sexes. Feminism incorporates the position that societies prioritize the
male point of view, and that women are treated unfairly within those societies. The movement
started with the religious reforms such as abolition of Sati, laws passed such as Widow
Remarriage Act etc. Later on feminist movements in India have posed challenges in India have
posed challenges to established patriarchal institutions such as family, and to dominant social
values and structures, most significantly in the arena of legal interventions in the areas of
violence against woman. Feminists have intervened in the area of law in at least three ways.

 One to expose the working of patriarchal controls and structures within law, for instance,
critiquing civil marriage and divorce laws which extends more rights to men than woman.
 Two, to unpack the plural ways in which law operates, including offering some redress to
women in situations of domestic violence and,
 Finally to campaign to extend rights to women, such as campaigns against sexual
assault and rape.

It was feminists who pointed out that laws relating to marriage, divorce, inheritance, succession,
guardianship, preserve the family as it exists, that is a system based on male dominance and
control of female sexuality and reproduction. It lead to enactment of series of law which was
made to curb this social menace and create a level playing field for women in overly established
patriarchal society.

My worthy opponents might interrupt me here and raise an issue that laws have been enacted
which is established on the principles of equality the role of feminism is reduced to minimal like
the West and hence abuse of the same is reflected in the recent times. But, here is the fallacy in
their arguments the situation of west is quite different from what is practiced in India. Who would
have thought that we need to fight not only for giving woman right to employment and equal pay
but also for the protection inside the office premises. The major problem of sexual harassment at
work places and many more problems in un organised sectors have emerged as recent areas of

It is pertinent to note my dear friends that law and society are so interwined with each other that
both cannot stand separately. There cannot be a good piece of legislation if society doesn’t
accept it. Society world never know where the problem lies unless there is some awareness and
voices raise via organisations and movements like Feminism for equal rights for men and

Feminism doesn’t mean -favour woman rather it talks curbing inequalities and discrimination.
Let’s hear this out- Article 375 of Indian Penal Code defines rape and excludes marital rape
within its ambit. Patriarch will see not see this as a problem. Anti- Feminists would say marriage
is union of two souls and hence you have subjected your rights to that union. Hundreds of cases
wherein women are abused sexually have no rescue neither by law and nor by the society. And
this is why we need feminist movement even in contemporary world. They are paving way to a
new meaningful world.

My worthy opponents may point out the misuse of various women centric legislations and the
(me too) movement which was based on frivolous grounds at many occasions and resulted in
destruction of many jobs and reputations. To them I would like to say that misuses cannot
outcaste the good this movement brought to the society. The subdued voices of abused girls
reflected the injustices which are still prevalent in our society. There will be a rift between
patriarchism and feminism and we need to strike a balance between the two to lead a meaningful

Gender justice and sex discrimination outrightly diminishes the valuable essence of humanity
and belittle the fortunate birth of humans on this planet. Hence, equalising by way of empowering
a less privileged class of members is the need of the hour.

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