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Name of Student

Jen Eduard Tayag

Title of Research
Sleep Deprivation

Sleep is one of the basic neccessities of
a human. Sufficient sleep is a
biological need for each and every one
in order for the body to function well.

Statement of the Problem

How to prevent/cure sleep deprivation?

Significance of the Study

Senior High Students: This study aims
to help students to cope up to their
academic performances despite of
sleep deprivation

Definition of Term
Periorbital puffiness: also known as
puffy eyes, or swelling around the
eyes,Minor puffiness usually detectable
below the eyes only is often called eye

Research Locale
This research is conducted at
Columban College Inc. ( Asinan Main)
and Columban College is known for a
Catholic Institution

Scope and Delimitation

This study scopes the sleep of students
sleep health and if it affects the
academic performances of the selected
TVL-ICT-12 Students

Foreign Literature (Give one) Sleep deprived suffer performance

loss- Tracie White (Stanford White) -
January 26, 2017

Results showed that over the first 24

hours, having one insufficient night of
sleep is associated with 1.2 percent
slower performance on average
keystroke timing.

Two insufficient nights of sleep are 4.8

percent slower compared to two nights
with longer than six hours of sleep each
(2.7 percent and 7.3 percent increases
for click times respectively.)

Local Literature (Give one) The Game of my Life - Bill Velasco

(The Philippine Star) - September 25,

One major phenomenon that has been

gradually eroding the health of the
Philippines is lack of sleep.

From the effects of unbearable traffic

to the explosion of the business process
outsourcing industry to the geometric
rise of Internet usage nationwide,
millions of Filipinos are choosing to
sleep less and less, with dangerous

10 Possible Questions
1.How many hours should the average
person sleep per night?

2.How can exercise and good sleep

work together to create better health?

3.Why is sleep important for

4.What role does sleep play in
preventive healthcare?

5.How does sleep change as we age?

6.What steps can older adults take to

make sure they get the sleep they need?

7.How can sleep affect someone’s

desire or ability to exercise?

8.Is it bad to exercise right before bed?

9.Is it bad to eat just before bed?

10.How does napping affect a good

night’s rest?

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