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Motions Description What do you say?

Interrupt Vote
“Honorable Chair, (Country speaker or required?
Name)... chair?

Motion to Allows delegates to sign “Honorable Chair, (Country No Yes, simple

Open​ the up for the Speakers List by Name) moves to open the majority
Speakers List raising their placards. Speakers List.” required

Motion to​ ​Set Specifies the time allowed “Honorable Chair, (Country No Yes, simple
the Speaker’s for speeches during Name) moves to set a majority
Time caucusing. speaker’s time of (x) (usually required
>2 minutes).

Motion to Enters into informal “Honorable Chair, (Country No Yes, simple

Suspend debate. A specific time Name) moves to suspend majority
Debate must be included. debate for the purpose of a required
(for a moderated/unmoderated
moderated or caucus for a totoal of
unmoderated ……..minutes and a speaking
caucus) time of ………. seconds

Motion to Ends debate and moves “Honorable Chair, (Country No Yes, 2/3
Close Debate into voting procedure. Name) motions to end majority
debate on the topic of (x).” required

Motion to Ends the meeting for a “Honorable Chair, (Country No Yes, simple
adjourn specific purpose (e.g. Name) motions to adjourn majority
debate lunch, dinner, etc.) the debate for the purpose of required

Description What do you say? Interrupt Vote

Points “Honorable Chair, (Country speaker? required?

Point of Addresses any personal “Honorable Chair, (Country Yes No

Personal discomfort (e.g. can’t hear, Name) has a point of
Privilege room is too hot...) personal privilege...”

Point of Addresses other delegates “Honorable Chair, (Country No No

Information to ask them questions Name) has a point of
about speeches and draft information...”

Point of Order Addresses a procedural “Honorable Chair, (Country Yes No

matter. Doesn’t allow Name) has a point of
delegate to speak on the order...”
topic of debate.

Point of Addresses any clarification “Honorable Chair, (Country No No

Inquiry of parliamentary Name) has a point of
procedure. inquiry...”

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