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Personal Statement: Medical School Admission

Student’s Name


Personal Statement: Medical School Admission

The first day I walked into a medical center as an intern, I was not only unsure of what to

expect, but I also felt like a soldier in a foreign land armed with biological text and concepts as the

only ammunition. A heap of questions ran through my mind instantaneously: Will I be able to

provide the care needed by the patients? Am I pursuing the right discipline? Will I enjoy what I

do? Several hours later these questions evaporated slowly as I tied surgical notes. Moments later,

I was presenting patients. By the end of the shift, I experienced a sense of personal fulfillment and

satisfaction after the whole experience and interactions.

Taking an internship program in Athens, Greece was tough due to cultural differences.

Working amongst people with different social and cultural history may be challenging, but I used

the relief in the patients’ eyes to reflect my passion of wanting to be a physician. The cultural

diversity also compelled me to learn more about the people and areas the clinic served. Throughout

the clinical rotation, I shadowed a doctor who introduced me to the significance of teamwork in

caregiving environment. During the internship, I also got to perform specific tasks such as drawing

blood to help out during the caregiving process. My experience as an intern improved my

awareness to cultural diversity, enabled me to acquire skills I could not access through class works

such as integrity, accountability and teamwork as well as giving me more reasons to want to pursue


My interest in the medical profession was intensified and became a driving force in my life

following the passing of my mother during my senior year towards earning my Bachelor of Science

degree from pancreatic cancer. Through her fight with the disease, dedicated physicians spent a

significant amount of time to provide the needed care. They also made their selves available to our

entire family explaining every single detail we did not understand and recommending experimental

treatments. It was the sincerity, compassion, and care shown by the physicians involved that it

became undoubtedly clear in my mind that I wanted to pursue medicines. Currently, I am a mother

of two children, and my motivation is to give them a better life while caring for other patients the

way my mother was cared for by her physicians.

During my early undergraduate years, my learning attitude flourished with exceptional

grades. I maintained a high GPA corresponding to my passion for medicines. However, my GPA

dropped tremendously after the death of my mother in August 2017, followed by the passing of

my grandmother June 2018. Despite these devastations and tough times, I did not give up. I kept

pursuing my goal despite grieving my loss. Throughout my senior undergraduate and the period

after graduation, I have continuously explored the medical field to acquire as much knowledge as

I can on becoming a physician in addition to hours of shadowing during my internship. I have

learned how effective communication, compassion, teamwork, and thorough note taking improve

the caregiving process.

Every opportunity and challenge that I have to stumble upon since my first day in a health

institution as an intern has eliminated every doubt on my mind concerning my career path. My

mother death has only intensified my passion for the profession as well as unveiling a new way of

gratitude for the life that I hope to experience with my patients and society at large. I believe that

with my passion for helping others and the skills I will gain from the program will equip me with

the required tools to make a mark in the profession.

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