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y World
Introduction to

Prof. Maria Jewdaly L.

Costales, LPT, MBA
Globalization refers to the process by
which more people across large
distance become connected in more
and different ways.
The meaning of Globalization to different people
• To a Korean Pentecostal missionary, it means a new
opportunity to spread the faith and convert lost soul abroad.
• To Dominican immigrant in the United States, it means
growing new roots while staying deeply involved in the home
• To Indian television viewer, it means sampling a variety of
new shows, some adapted from foreign formats.
• To a Chinese apparel worker, it means a chance to escape
rural poverty by cutting threads off designer jeans.
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•To an American shoe company executive, it means
managing a far-flung supply chain to get products to stores.
• To a Filipino global justice advocate, it means rules of the
global game that favor the rich North over the poor South.
Theories of Globalization
1. World system Theory – A perspective that
globalization is essentially the expansion of the
capitalist system around the globe.
• Marx was writing in the mid-nineteenth century,
the world has becoming unified via thickening
networks of communications and economic
• A world economy, guided by liberal philosophy
aS lideaspirations,
Title - 1provided the framework
for a single world that since has grown more
integrated and standardized.
2. World Polity theory

Is the theoretical perspective, state

remains an important component of
world society, but primarily attention
goes to the global cultural and
organization environment in which
states are embedded.
This perspective agrees that world culture is
indeed new and important, but it is less
homogeneous that world polity scholars
Globalization is a process of relativization.
Societies must make sense of themselves in
relation to a larger system of societies, while
smCaukletusere thoef othreymselves in
relation to a sense of humanity as a larger

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