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Nowadays, many people specially the younger ones committing suicide. Why?

is it because of their
surroundings, they are suffering to speak theirselves, they are struggling to fight their depression. They
are alone facing the challenges and problems. Bullying, discrimination, gender stereotyping, face-
shaming and other causes to be depressed.

According to Kim Namjoon, leader of BTS on his UN speech, "So, let’s all take one more step. We have
learned to love ourselves, so now I urge you to “speak yourself."

"I would like to ask all of you. What is your name? What excites you and makes your heart beat?

"Tell me your story. I want to hear your voice, and I want to hear your conviction. No matter who you
are, where you’re from, your skin colour, gender identity: speak yourself.

"Find your name, find your voice by speaking yourself.

Being suicidal is very alarming, it can end your life any time. In order to prevent this is to ask for guidance
and have a consultation to the psychiatrist, and start to build again your self, start to love yourself. All of
us have a rights to express how we feel and what we feel, to love and be loved, be happy and free.

Don't mind those negativity, and always be positive in life. Pray and have faith in God.

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