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Global Warming

Good day ladies and gentleman, I am Kar Michael Esmane, here in front of you to deliver
my speech about global warming. I assume you all know what causes global warming and the
effects but I'm still going to discuss these to be able to reach the speech's minimum duration
which is three minutes. I'm going to tell you what causes and effects of global warming.

One common act why the sudden increase in the earth's temperature is pollution.
Pollutionz greatly contributes to global warming as we use more and more inventions that
produce carbon dioxide in exchange for comfort. Second is deforestation. People are cutting
staggering amount of trees for money, that's human nature for you. We usually think ourselves
first before anything else because the human instincts are all like "I am the center of the
universe, god's special creation so everything revolves around me, I don't care if others are
suffering as long as I am living a comfortable life." As ironic as things can be, I am also
contributing to pollution and not doing anything about it but I need today's invention to live a
comfortable life and to live however, my instincts are not like that but "I don't care what's
happening around me, as long as I'm living my life by my choices is the best life I can ever ask for
and to die with no regrets is the best death I could ever imagine". I believe you know what trees
contribute to the world and what happens if their numbers decline rapidly but some of you don't
so I will say it. The trees' job is to collect greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, produce
oxygen, food, shelter to animals, prevents soil erosion, and keeps the earth surface's
temperature cool. As more and more trees chopped down and turned to something like fuel and
furnitures then that particular area will be replace with infrastructures to benefit "us" the
world's temperature is rising and you know what happens when it continues to rise.
Phytoplanktons are single-celled microorganism found in bodies of water like the ocean and
rivers are the world's number one oxygen provider and they will die due to the increase of the
planet's temperature. It is the first course of the ocean's food chain then gets eaten by
zooplankton then eaten by larger types of fish. Aquatic lives are also in danger since the bigger
fishes are relying on smaller fishes to survive. That leaves the planet plenty amount of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere, extreme temperatures and much deadlier storms. Storms act like the
counter for global warming, the hotter the ocean's temperature the deadlier storms get and
deadly storms are capable of ending plenty of lives which is great but not great for animals and
plants since they don't have anything to do with global warming and now facing the
consequences of our actions. We have strayed so far from protectors of the rarest planet as the
most intelligent species ever existed known to man to responsible of mass extinction. I certainly
hope I haven't offended a single soul just by listening to me but it's true and the STIer's creed is
all like "I am an STIer, I keep an open mind" plus, if I offended some of you just means what I just
said is true.

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