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or the Nosferatu the Embrace is a journey targets, we’re the easiest to identify. It’s not like my face is a
through abjection, as the Blood of the hor- subtle examination in horror. Yeah, once they learned to look
ror gradually deforms the struggling tissues at us without fleeing, they started posing a few problems.
of the human body into grotesque abomi- Still, what’s fucking new? If we weren’t hunted by our bet-
nations. Weeks of pain result in deformities similar ters, by mortals, shapeshifters, or our ancestors, we’d come
to terrible birth defects, cancer growths, crippling up with something else to run away from.
injuries, and leper-like sores. Those who endure it Does that make us cowards or doomed to final
find themselves as monstrous echoes of Murnau’s death? No, on both counts. Of all the clans, we’re
silver-screen vision. But perhaps pain and humiliation the most likely to survive this new purge. Roaches
teaches compassion. The Nosferatu, as they jokingly and nuclear bombs, baby. We screwed it up with
call themselves, are the most humane of the Kindred, SchreckNET being compromised, but guess who took
wearing their curse on the outside rather than the the brunt of that blast? Not us, because we were long
inside. To blend in, some call on the Blood to wear gone by then.
the borrowed faces of their victims or disappear from We know to go to ground before the panic
sight, while others rely on prosthetics and heavy starts spreading. Why would we go and try to
make-up. explain our case in a crowded Elysium used as a
hideout when we can just as well send a servant
I guess those inquisitorial cunts can be thankful to the good and not risk the anger of our more attractive
Lord above for the curse we Nosferatu bear. Of all their cousins? No, we’ll kindly refuse the outreached


hands of those who would throw us in domain gumshoe with minimal effort. With many of
the path of danger. And as of right now, Nosferatu make superb inves- the Brujah and Gangrel gone from
that doesn’t just mean the Brujah, it tigators as long as they stick to the Camarilla, Nosferatu now ex-
means everyone outside our clan. the shadows and wear plenty of ercise their capacity for brutality
We wait. We put up walls, take layers. The gumshoe is comfort- at much higher rates. Often Em-
stock, and adapt to the new reali- able stalking the streets, darting braced from criminal or survivalist
ties. And that’s why we’re a clan of from doorway to doorway in the stock, such Nosferatu suffer little
survivors because we’ve learned to like rain, and shows no qualms about conscience over beating an enemy
it underground, in sewers, catacombs, breaking into homes, havens, or to ash.
and deserted subway stations. Person- vaults for that precious last piece
ally, I prefer an abandoned rowhouse of the puzzle. Sometimes recruited rat
basement, while my sire occupies an as domain sheriffs, this Nosferatu The comparison of Nosferatu
old bunker, but the concept is the emphasizes research and inves- to rats goes further than sewer-
same. tigation, preferring to take the dwelling and extended incisors.
We may not be pretty or able thinker’s route to most answers History reveals repeated instances
to blend in with the kine. We can’t over violent means. The domain when horrors turned on their
pretend to be anything but degenerate gumshoe likely comes from law en- masters for their own preserva-
monsters. But you know what? That forcement, was an amateur sleuth, tion, betrayed their own for a little
gives us perspectives every one of those or has an academic background. extra, or attempted to play both
other deluded bastards lacks. sides of a conflict. The rat may be
more animal than man involved in corporate espionage or
This Nosferatu identifies more claim to be Anarch but scurry to
Nosferatu Archetypes closely with the creatures scurrying their Camarilla prince at the first
beneath the city or flying through sign of trouble. Some rats do what
information hub the suburbs at night than with the they do just to stay alive and are
When the Second Inquisition kine wandering the streets. Maybe not beyond sympathy.
found SchreckNET, many of the a former pest controller, vet, or
Toreador secretly proposed a toast simply an antisocial individual

to the collapse of Clan Nosferatu. this Kindred speaks to animals,
The clan lost credibility and many controls them, and likely acts like
members, but those who endured one. Some Nosferatu do not limit
and flourished had mastered the their animalistic urges to behavior Animalism: The Nosferatu treas-
arts of secure archiving, physically but become literal hives for bugs ure the Discipline of Animalism
and online. They bolstered their and nests for rats. They reason that for its utility in increasing their
existing bonds with contacts and their stomach and lower abdominal spy network, gaining familiars,
clients, and steadily regained the cavities were being used for little allowing the delivery of messages,
trust of Kindred who value a cen- before, and at least the infestation and granting the ability to sud-
tral information hub for research benefits from the vitae. denly swarm an opponent with
and the exchange of secret mes- a horde of rats, bugs, or birds. Ani-
sages. In an era when contact and hunter of monsters malism also assists the Nosferatu
movement between domains grow Having for so long been associ- who wishes to feed from animals
more precarious by each night, ated with animals and isolation, – it is often easier, and arguably
Nosferatu like these have become many forget that the Nosferatu more moral, to summon a pigeon
invaluable. If they can guarantee can smash through a wall, break a and drain it than to stalk a mortal
privacy, they can name their price. spine, or rip a door off its hinges and feed from their neck.


Obfuscate: The Nosferatu have

mixed opinions on Obfuscate, as
the Discipline enables them to
blend in with others, but also mas-
querades that which defines their
clan – some Nosferatu are proud
of their unconcealed monstrosity,
while others take every effort to
hide it. Regardless of the contro-
versies, Obfuscate is an excellent
tool for hunting and feeding, as
few other methods allow a sewer

rat to interact with the kine.

Potence: Nosferatu use Potence Hideous and vile, all Nosferatu

to rapidly neutralize foes. The count as having the Repulsive
Nosferatu understand the merit Flaw (-2) and can never increase
of hit and run, incapacitating a their rating in the Looks Merit. In
vessel before feeding and fleeing, addition, any attempt to disguise
or breaking the Anarch Baron’s themselves as human incur a
head before vaulting away from penalty to your dice pool equal
their hangout. Many Sewer Rats to your character’s Bane Severity
hesitate to use Potence before the (this includes the Obfuscate pow-
kine, as its unfiltered might op- ers Mask of a Thousand Faces and
poses their deceptions. Impostor’s Guise) ■


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