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Hим – столица Италии, огромный многонациональный город, история которого насчитывает почти

три тысячи лет. Его архитектура и произведения искусства оказали огромное влияние на мировую
культуру. Развалины античного Форума и Колизея демонстрируют былое величие Римской
империи. Ватикан, резиденция руководства Римско-католической церкви, пользуется огромной
популярностью у туристов благодаря собору Святого Петра и многочисленным музеям. Среди них
– Сикстинская капелла, где можно увидеть знаменитые фрески Микеланджело.

As in 2019 Rome is ranked as an Alpha - global city in the Globalization and World Cities Research
Network.[12] In 2016, Rome ranked as the 14th-most-visited city in the world, 3rd most visited in the
European Union, and the most popular tourist attraction in Italy.[13] Its historic centre is listed by
UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.[14] Host city for the 1960 Summer Olympics, Rome is the seat of
several specialized agencies of the United Nations, such as the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO),
the World Food Programme (WFP) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The
city also hosts the Secretariat of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean[15]
(UfM) as well as the headquarters of many international business companies such as Eni, Enel, TIM,
Leonardo S.p.A., and national and international banks such as Unicredit and BNL. Its business district,
called EUR, is the base of many companies involved in the oil industry, the pharmaceutical industry, and
financial services. Rome is also an important fashion and design centre thanks to renowned international
brands centered in the city. Rome's Cinecittà Studios have been the set of many Academy Award–
winning movies.[16]


1 1Etymology

2.1Earliest history

1 2.1.1Legend of the founding of Rome

2 2.2Monarchy, republic, empire
3 2.3Middle Ages
4 2.4Early modern
5 2.5Late modern and contemporary

3.1Local government

1 3.1.1Administrative and historical subdivisions

6 3.2Metropolitan and regional government
7 3.3National government

8 4.1Location
9 4.2Topography
2 5Climate

1 6.1Ethnic groups

2 7.1Vatican City
3 7.2Pilgrimage


1 8.1.1Ancient Rome
2 8.1.2Medieval
3 8.1.3Renaissance and Baroque
4 8.1.4Neoclassicism
5 8.1.5Fascist architecture
4 8.2Parks and gardens
5 8.3Fountains and aqueducts
6 8.4Statues
7 8.5Obelisks and columns
8 8.6Bridges
9 8.7Catacombs
3 9Economy
4 10Education

1 11.1Entertainment and performing arts

2 11.2Tourism
3 11.3Fashion
4 11.4Cuisine
5 11.5Cinema
6 11.6Language
5 12Sports
6 13Transport
7 14International entities, organisations and involvement
15International relations

1 15.1Twin towns and sister cities

2 15.2Other relationships
8 16See also
9 17Notes
10 18References
11 19Bibliography
12 20External links

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