Report 1 Work Physiology

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International Program

Odd 2018/2019


Group : Tutorial Date :

Name / NIM : Tutorial Day :
Submission Day :
Class :
Assistant : Yogyakarta, .............................2018
Scoring Criteria (filled by assistant)
Report Format : Max (10)
Tutorial Objectives & : Max (10) Assistant
Literature Review : Max (10)
Input : Max (20) ( )
Output : Max (45)
Conclusion, Attachment, : Max (5)
& Bibliography


International Program
Odd 2018/2019


1.1 Tutorial Objective

1. Able to perform measurements and analyze the results of physical
workload measurements using pulse rate method, CVL%, and
2. Able to calculate the amount of energy spent (energy expenditure)
on a particular job based on the intensity of heart rate (pulse rate).
3. Able to determine the ideal resting time based on the amount of
energy spent while working.
4. Able to perform the classification of workload by using Brouha

1.2 Tutorial Task

1. Measure the physical workload with 10 pulse method,% CVL, and
2. Measure the energy that released from the body and the ideal resting
3. Know and analyze the output results of the Spirometer tool.
1.3 Literature Review

Table 1 Literature Review

No Title Methods Result Conclusion
1. Journal of Physical activity, Promotes From all the methods
Profesional regular exercise, health and are aim to reduce pain
Exercise treatment service of wellness, and improve or restore
Physiology analysis, prevents illness cardiorespiratory
improvement, and and disability, function and
maintenance of restores health musculoskeletal
physical and mental and well-being, mobility.
health and fitness. and helps
the rehabilitation of athletes reach
heart disease and their potential
other diseases in sports
and/or disabilities, training and
and the performance.
guidance and
counsel of athletes
and others
interested in
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Odd 2018/2019

athletics and sports

2. Endurance Preliminary testing, Subject 1.Endurance training
Training, biopsy preparation, characteristic, increases expression of
Expression, biochemical assay, MHC isoform MCT1 in muscle
and MHC isoform distributions, because of insertion of
Physiology of analyses, LDH MCT1 into both
LDH, MCT1, immunobloting, isozymes, sarcolemmal and
and MCT4 in and lactate MCT mitochondrial
Human exchange and expression, membranes.
Skeletal metabolism in vivo cellular 2. Training has variable
Muscle and statistical localization of effects on sarcolemmal
analyses. MCT1, MCT MCT4.
expression in 3. both MCT1 and
SL fractions, MCT4 participate in the
MCT and Cox cell-cell lactate shuttle,
expression in whereas MCT1
MI fractions, facilitates operation of
and MCT the intracellular lactate
expression and shuttle.
lactate kinetics.
3. Human 1. Cardiovascular 1. Maximal In summary, a general
Cardiovascular adjustments to energy principle is that any
Adjustments exercise. compsuntion condition that
to Exercise 2. Cardiovascular and accentuates the stress of
and Thermal adjustments to heat cardiovascular a given level of
Stress stress during rest. mechanism. exercise (such as a low
3. Cardiovascular 2. Natural Voz max or addition of
adjustment to environments heat stress, dehydration,
combined thermal and indirect hypovolemia, etc.), and
and metabolic heating, in turn raises
stresses. Cardiovascular sympathetic nervous
adjustments to outflow to cause
direct, whole- increased HR, would
body heating, also be expected to
and cause increased
Cardiovascular sympathetic vasomotor
adjustments to outflow. Greater
cooling decrements in SBF and
previously RBF would be
heated predicted. Under such
subjects. conditions, then,
3. increments in HR
Cardiovascular reflect increased
International Program
Odd 2018/2019

adjustments toreliance of the

chronic heat
cardiovascular system
stress on redistribution of CO
to meet the greater
and demands on it. The
Cardiovascularextent to which
adjustments tounheated skin and
controlled nonworking- muscle
changes in skin
respond to such stresses
temperature. c is not known. If they
do not respond then the
question is whether
sympathetic vasomotor
outflow in man is
highly discrete or
whether local
conditions in skin and
muscle can effectively
counteract the stimulus.
4. The Two bicycle Oxygen 1. The physiological
Physiological ergometers were consumption cost of negative work
Cost of placed back to back and ratio of has been studied using
Negative and coupled by a excess oxygen a pair of subjects on
Work chain; when one consumptions two bicycle ergometers
cyclist (A) pedalled above resting coupled in opposition.
in the conventional value. The oxygen
forward direction, consumption for
the legs of the other positive work was
cyclist (B) were compared with that for
driven backwards. the same negative
This is not 'back- work, the leg muscles
pedalling' in the exerting the same
conventional sense, forces, in similar
but normal movements at the same
pedalling reversed. speed.
During the 2. Positive work always
experiment the costs more than
forward cyclist negative work. At a
pedalled at an pedalling speed of 35
agreed -speed set rev/min the ratio of
by a metronome oxygen consumptions
and the other for the two tasks was
resisted sufficiently 3.7. This ratio increased
to maintain an with speed of pedalling.
International Program
Odd 2018/2019

agreed force read 3. The results are

on a gauge. A and discussed in terms of
B necessarily the characteristic
exerted the same relationship between
force, otherwise the force and velocity for
system would have muscle.
accelerated or
slowed down.
1.4 Input
1.4.1 Subject Description 1
a. Name : Verrel Imansyah P
b. Age : 18
c. Gender : Male
d. Weight : 90 kg
e. Height : 170,7 cm
f. Disease History : Mild asthma
g. Type of Activity : Static bicycle
1.4.2 Subject Description 2
a. Name : Verrel Imansyah
b. Age : 18
c. Gender : Male
d. Weight : 92 kg
e. Height : 175 cm
f. Disease History : Mild asthma
g. Type of Activity : Spirometer
1.4.3 Subject Description 3
a. Name : Muhammad Rizki
b. Age : 21
c. Gender : Male
d. Weight : 98 kg
e. Height : 185 cm
f. Disease History :-
g. Type of Activity : Spirometer

1.4.4 Object Description

Table 2 Result
Working Time for 10 pulse (second) Pulse (bits per minute)
Time (minute) Resting Pulse Working Rest Work
International Program
Odd 2018/2019

3 04,67 03,87 128,48 155,04

4 04,67 03,71 128,48 161,71
6 04,67 03,70 128,48 162,16

Resting Working Brouha Calculation (in 30 Brouha Calculation P1,P2,P3

Time Time second) (second per minute)
(minute) (Minute) 1 2 3 1 2 3
4 3 55 52 55 110 104 110
4 4 57 60 54 114 120 108
4 6 57 58 55 114 116 110
1.5 Output
1.5.1 Cardivascular Load (%CVL) Calculation
100∗(working pulse rate−resting pulse rate)
%CVL = maximum pulse rate−resting pulse rate
a. 3 Minutes
%CVL = 202−128,48
%CVL = 73,52 = 36,12% (30<X≤60%)
b. 4 Minutes
%CVL = 202−128,48
%CVL = 73,52 = 45,2% (30<X≤60%)
c. 6 Minutes
%CVL = 202−128,48
%CVL = 73,52 = 45,81% (30<X≤60%)
1.5.2 Energy Expenditure Calculation
Upper limit pulse rate−working pulse rate Upper limit energy ex−energy expenditure
= Upper limit energy ex−lower limit energy ex
Upper limit pulse rate−lower limit pulse rate
a. 3 Minutes
170−155,04 12,5−𝑋
170−150 12,5−10
14,96 12,5−𝑋
20 2,5
12,5-X = 1,87
X=14,37 (Extremely heavy)
b. 4 Minutes
170−161,71 12,5−𝑋
170−150 12,5−10
8,29 12,5−𝑋
20 2,5
12,5-X = 1,04
X=13,54 (Extremely heavy)
c. 6 Minutes
International Program
Odd 2018/2019

170−162,16 12,5−𝑋
= 12,5−10
7,84 12,5−𝑋
20 2,5
12,5-X = 0,98
X=13,48 (Extremely heavy)
1.5.3 Rest Time Calculation
Tr = Ts(𝑀−1,5)
a. 3 Minutes
Tr = 3(14,37−1,5)
Tr = 3(0,73)
Tr= 2,19 minutes
b. 4 Minutes
Tr = 4(13,54−1,5)
Tr = 4(0,71)
Tr= 2,84 minutes
c. 6 Minutes
13,48 −5
Tr = 6(13,48 −1,5)
Tr = 6(0,71)
Tr= 4,26 minutes
1.5.4 Brouha Calculation
a. 3 Minutes
It is known that: P1=110, P2=104, P3=110
P1-P3 = 0 which <10ppm
P3>90ppm, Thus the classification of the workload is heavy.
b. 4 Minutes
It is known that: P1=114, P2=120, P3=108
P1-P3 = 6 which <10ppm
P3>90ppm, Thus the classification of the workload is heavy.
c. 6 Minutes
It is known that: P1=114, P2=116, P3=110
P1-P3 = 4 which <10ppm
P3>90ppm, Thus the classification of the workload is heavy.
1.5.5 Cardiovascular Load (%CVL) Analysis
a. 3 Minutes
%CVL = 202−128,48
%CVL = 73,52 = 36,12% (30<X≤60%)
b. 4 Minutes
International Program
Odd 2018/2019

%CVL = 202−128,48
%CVL = 73,52 = 45,2% (30<X≤60%)
c. 6 Minutes
%CVL = 202−128,48
%CVL = 73,52 = 45,81% (30<X≤60%)
Based on all the 3 datas Cardiovascular Load (%CVL) that we got, all
of them are classified into the range of 30<X≤60%. On that range, the treatment
that should be done is need to be improve. From that, we know the activity is still
quite good but based on the classification which stated that it is must be improve,
Because with some improvement like add more daily exercise it can change the
cardiovascular load percentage.
1.5.6 Energy Expenditure and Rest Time Analysis
a. 3 Minutes
170−155,04 12,5−𝑋
170−150 12,5−10
14,96 12,5−𝑋
20 2,5
12,5-X = 1,87
X=14,37 (Extremely heavy)
Tr = 3(14,37−1,5)
Tr = 3(0,73)
Tr= 2,19 minutes
b. 4 Minutes
170−161,71 12,5−𝑋
= 12,5−10
8,29 12,5−𝑋
20 2,5
12,5-X = 1,04
X=13,54 (Extremely heavy)
Tr = 4(13,54−1,5)
Tr = 4(0,71)
Tr= 2,84 minutes
c. 6 Minutes
170−162,16 12,5−𝑋
170−150 12,5−10
7,84 12,5−𝑋
20 2,5
12,5-X = 0,98
X=13,48 (Extremely heavy)
13,48 −5
Tr = 6(13,48 −1,5)
International Program
Odd 2018/2019

Tr = 6(0,71)
Tr= 4,26 minutes
Based on all 3 datas about energy expenditure and rest time, we got some
analysis. First, all of the classification of energy expenditure is in extremely
heavy. From that we know the workload that done by our operator is extremely
heavy compared to their capability for doing that activity on that time range.
Second, for the resting time. From 3 datas above we can conclude that the more
time taked to do an activity so the more needed time to take a rest.
1.5.7 Brouha Analysis
a. 3 Minutes
It is known that: P1=110, P2=104, P3=110
P1-P3 = 0 which <10ppm
P3>90ppm, Thus the classification of the workload is heavy.
b. 4 Minutes
It is known that: P1=114, P2=120, P3=108
P1-P3 = 6 which <10ppm
P3>90ppm, Thus the classification of the workload is heavy.
c. 6 Minutes
It is known that: P1=114, P2=116, P3=110
P1-P3 = 4 which <10ppm
P3>90ppm, Thus the classification of the workload is heavy.
Based on 3 datas above that used with brouha method. Brouha
method is used to estimate the cardiovascular strain using pulse rate recovery.
From this method we can classified the workload. For the analysis datas that we
got, our operator has done the activity which that activity is heavy for him and
need to design work system.
1.5.8 Overall Analysis
From all datas that we got that used by several method which are
cardiovascular load (%CVL), energy expenditure, rest time calculation, and
brouha analysis. Based on all result in several methods, we can conlude that our
operator are do the activity which caused him into excessive fatigue. It can be
know by several classification of all result which almost of that classification are
show that the activity is very heavy for him and as a result the resting time is long
enough because of that. Because of that heavy activity, we suggest the
improvement and redesign must be done to reduce the workload.
International Program
Odd 2018/2019

1.5.9 Spirometer Analysis

based on observations of spirometers represented by Verrel Imansyah 18th
years old with weight 92 Kg and height 175 cm as non-smoker subject and
Muhammad Rizki 20th years old with weight 98 Kg and height 185 cm as smoker
subject. If we look from graphic in the test result Verrel Imansyah was classified
as suffering from mild restriction and mild obstruction because the parameter of
FVC is 66 % and FEV1/FVC is 67 % from prediction.
While the result from Muhammad Rizki was classified as normal because
FVC 95 % and FEV1/FVC 94 % which is above 80 %. Restriction is a disorder of
lung development. The lungs become stiff inward force stronger so the chest wall
shrinks, the ribs narrow and lung volume shrinks. The cause of this disease is the
presence of abnormalities in the pulmonary parenchyma such as lung infections
(pneumonia, pulmonary TB), atelectasis, lung abscess, pulmonary edema, etc.
While the obstruction is a category of respiratory disease characterized by
airway obstruction. Many obstructive diseases of the lung result from narrowing
(obstruction) of the smaller bronchi and larger bronchioles, often because of
excessive contraction of the smooth muscle itself. It is generally characterized by
inflamed and easily collapsible airways, obstruction to airflow, problems exhaling
and frequent medical clinic visits and hospitalizations. Types of obstructive lung
disease include; asthma, bronchiectasis, bronchitis and chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD). Although COPD shares similar characteristics with
all other obstructive lung diseases, such as the signs of coughing and wheezing,
they are distinct conditions in terms of disease onset, frequency of symptoms and
reversibility of airway obstruction.

1.6 Conclusion

Result of physical workload measurement using pulse rate method is, in 3 minute
the result is 14,37, in 4 minute result is 13,54, and for 6 minute result is 13,48. Which all
there result are categorize as extremely heavy. Result from CVL% method is, in 3
minute is 36,12%, 4 minute is 45,2 %, and for 6 minute is 45,81%. Which all result are
(30<X≤60%) which means need to be improve. The last result is from Brouha method in
3 Minutes: P1=110, P2=104, P3=110, P1-P3 = 0 which <10ppm P3>90ppm. 4 Minutes:
P1=114, P2=120, P3=108, P1-P3 = 6 which <10ppm P3>90ppm. 6 Minutes: P1=114,
P2=116, P3=110, P1-P3 = 4 which <10ppm P3>90ppm. So all the result is classificated
as heavy workload. So the point is, the subject which is Verrel Imansyah are performing
heavy work.
International Program
Odd 2018/2019

The calculation of energy spent from subject Verrel Imansyah is

The ideal resting time for the subject is, in 3 minute is 2,19/minute. In 4 minute is
2,84/minute. And the last is 6 minute result is 4,29/minute. All the result interpretation is
extreme heavy.

Classification of workload using Brouha method is, 3 Minutes: P1=110, P2=104,

P3=110, P1-P3 = 0 which <10ppm P3>90ppm. 4 Minutes: P1=114, P2=120, P3=108,
P1-P3 = 6 which <10ppm P3>90ppm. 6 Minutes: P1=114, P2=116, P3=110, P1-P3 = 4
which <10ppm P3>90ppm. And all of the interpretation result is the workload is heavy.

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