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The committees of our school are deciding
whether or not our school should become more energy efficient by using more
energy from the Sun. They are looking for someone to present them with an idea
and plan on where are the best and most efficient place is to put in solar

Your role is to design and present, to the
committees of the school, a new efficient solar energy
school plan by using your very own solar food cooker!

Generating Design:
You will need to design a solar energy
school plan that shows everyone where solar panels should be placed in the
school and your reason why. You will need to determine where in school does
the sun give the most solar energy, with the help of your cooker.

Project Specification:
You are first to design a draft copy of your solar energy plan using an A4 piece of
paper. This plan will need to be labelled Also on your draft copy, you must include your
reasons why a solar panel should be placed there. After that, you are then to create
your own solar food cooker with given materials such as aluminium foil, cardboard
boxes and pieces, and items from the recycling box. An instruction sheet will be
provided. You will then begin to design your final copy of your solar energy plan using
an A3 piece of paper and coloured pens and pencils. This will also need to be labelled
and must be drawn neatly with a ruler. It should also include your observation notes
and your reasons of why a solar panel should be placed there.

Project Management:
You will begin to start creating their
solar food cooker in the classroom using specific materials to
create it. You MUST
read and follow the instructions carefully for your cooker to work
properly. Scissors, rulers and sticky tapes can be used to help
produce the design. Before creating the cooker, you will need to design and
present a 3D draft model of your cooker using pencil. It does not have to be scaled but
it must be labelled. This will be checked by the teacher. From
there, you can begin to start creating the solar food cooker once it
has been approved.

Also, at the end of the project, the you will be given
an exit ticket to finish and complete each. The
questions will include:

‘Which areas of the school did your solar food cooker worked?
Which areas did not?’·
‘What is one fact that you have learnt or already knew about solar
‘What is one thing you and your partner could have improved on?’

Each group will talk to different committees of
the school including other teachers in the school, the parents of the
classroom, the P and C, the councillor and the deputy principals. You will
present your school plans to them and discuss your reasons and the
importance of solar energy, and you will also provide videos of your solar
food cooker experimenting on a food item.

Lesson 1 - Introduction to solar energy and solar panels.

Lesson 2 - Researching efficient places for solar panels and drafting up a plan.

Lesson 3 - Creating and designing your very own solar food cooker.

Lesson 4 - Experimenting the solar food cooker with an egg around the school.

Lesson 5 - Designing the final copy of your solar energy school plan.

Lesson 6 - Continuing with your final copy school plan.

Lesson 7 - Preparing a speech to give to the committees.

Lesson 8 - Present the plans and evaluate on them.

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