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Bulacan State University

City of malolos

Constitution and By-laws


The name of this organization shall be called the Overcomers’ Club.


The purposes of this club are:

a. To present the truth of the gospel on the campus;

b. To preach the gospel of grace and of the kingdom to unbelievers that they may be
c. To minister the life supply to believers that they may grow in Christ;
d. To release the living and rich Word of God from the Holy Scriptures that the
believers may be nourished to grow and mature;
e. To pay full attention to character building, that is to develop a proper character;
f. To develop a sense of unity and responsibility among the members in the particular
and of the students in general;
g. To assist the faculty and other members of the academic in the promotion of moral,
spiritual, social and intellectual development of the members in the particular and
of the students in general;
h. To promote academic and extra-curricular excellence;
i. To safeguard and promote the welfare of the members in particular and of the
students in general; and
j. To plan and coordinate, direct and implement student’s project and promote
cooperation with different segments of the academic community and society for the
purpose of maintaining common interest for the good of the members of the
Overcomers’ Club in particular, and of the students and the nation in general,
subject to Article III, Section 6.


Section 1. We shall stand on the Holy Scriptures, not according to any traditional
interpretation, but according to the pure Word of God.
Section 2. We shall stand only on Christ, the living rock, the foundation stone.
Section 3. We stand on the ground of oneness of all believers, that is, all the blood-
redeemed and Spirit-generated believers in Christ.
Section 4. We recognize the vital role of the youth on God’s eternal and divine purpose
and in nation building and shall promote their spiritual, intellectual, physical well being.
Section 5. The Overcomer’s Club shall at all times, strive to:
a. Encourage members to flee youthful lusts and pursue righteousness, faith, love,
peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart (1 Timothy 2:22)
Bulacan State University
City of malolos

b. Encourage all members to be aware and sensitive to the needs of their time, that is
to redeem the time for the days are evil (Ephesians 5:16).
c. Encourage all members to exercise the spirit, that is, to live and walk always in the
Section 6. All purposes and activities shall be subject to the policies and guidelines stated
in the Bible.


Section 1. The club shall be composed of all Christians from all sectors to the University
who are of all ages and racial backgrounds.
Section 2. There shall be three kinds of membership:
a. Regular members for students with the right to a voice, to vote, and to hold office.
b. New members for the students with right to discuss, but not right to vote or hold
c. Honorary membership for faculty members and non-academic personnel of the
University with the right to discuss, but no right to represent the club.
Section 3. Rights, duties and privileges. The rights, duties, privileges and requirements of
each membership shall be determined by the Board, and may be modified from time to
time by the same. Members shall be given notice of such changes in a manner determined
by the Board.


Section 1. The coordinators of the club shall be composed of five members.

Section 2. The coordinators shall be elected during the annual business meeting for a term
of one academic year, to be held every March.
Section 3. The duties of the coordinators are:
a. Be responsible for relations with the public;
b. Sign all the documents and communications of the club;
c. Act as official representatives of the club;
d. Delegate work, assignments, and responsibilities of the members;
e. Be responsible for the safekeeping of the records and documents of the club;
f. Handle financial matters; and
g. Perform such other functions inherent in their service.


Section 1. The committee shall be composed of the coordinators of the chapter and one or
two representatives from the office of the regional directors.
Section 2. The responsibilities of the Committee are to plan, organize, lead , and evaluate
goals and activities throughout the semester.

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Bulacan State University
City of malolos


Section 1. Meetings shall be held by the elected coordinators and members of the club five
(5) school days after assumption of office to plan program/activities and thrusts of the club
for the school year.
Section 2. the club shall be holding a regular weekly meeting for Life and Truth pursuit.
Section 3. The Life and Truth pursuit of the club shall be under the direct supervision of
the regional directors covering their region.
Section 4. A simple majority of the membership of the club shall be required to be present
in order to constitute quorum for the conduct of business.
Section 5. Simple majority members of the Committee shall be required to be present in
order to constitute a quorum for the conduct of business.
Section 6. Special meeting of the club may be called by the Committee or upon request of
a majority of all the members.
Section 7. The Committee shall determine the manner or schedule of their regular and
special meeting.
Section 8. There shall be an annual meeting of which shall be held during the month of
April and October, at place to be decided by the regional directors.


Section 1. Election/Appointment - Immediately after their election, the body shall formally
organize by electing its Officers. The Officers of the corporation shall include the
President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Auditor and the PRO.

Section 2. President - The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the corporation
and shall exercise the following functions:

(a) To preside at the meetings;

(b) To initiate and develop corporate objectives and policies and formulate long range
projects, plans and programs for the approval of the Body;

(c) To supervise and manage the extra-curricular affairs of the organization upon the
direction of the Body

(d) To represent the organizations at all functions and proceedings;

Section 3. The Vice-President - He shall have such other power and duties, as may from
time to time be assigned to him by the body.

Section 4. The Secretary – He shall have the following specific powers and duties.

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City of malolos

(a) To record the minutes and transactions of all meetings of the organization and to
document its activities;

(b) To attend to the giving and serving of all notice of the organization required by
law or these by-laws to be given;

(c) To perform such other duties as are incident to his position or as may be assigned
to him by the body.

Section 5. Treasurer - The Treasurer of the organization shall have the following duties:

(a) To keep full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements;

(b) To have custody of, and be responsible for, all the funds of the corporation;

(c) To exercise such powers and perform such duties and functions as may be
assigned to him by the body.

Section 6. Auditor – The Auditor of the organization shall have the following duties:

(a) To ensure compliance with established internal control procedures by examining

records, reports, operating practices, and documentation;

(b) Communicates audit findings by preparing a final report; discussing findings with

the officers and advisers;

(c) Maintains up-to-date knowledge by attending campus workshops and

participating in campus societies.

(d) Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed.

Section 7. PRO - The two PR Officers of the organization shall have the following duties:

(a) To be responsible for handling all aspects of planned activities and campaigns;

(b) To plan inviting strategies;

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City of malolos

(c) To write and produce presentations and reports whenever needed;

(d) To deal with enquiries from the public and related organizations;

(e) To organize and attend promotional events such as conferences, campus activities,

open days, exhibitions, tours and visits;

(f) To speak publicly at campus activities, conferences and presentations;

(g) To provide members and students with the latest information regarding the


Section 8. Terms of Office - The term of office of all officers shall be one (1) year and
until their successors are duly elected and qualified.


Section 1. The Regional Director shall be the adviser of the Overcomers’ Club, thus known
as Regional Adviser.
Section 2. The Overcomers’ Club Committee shall recommend a faculty member of the
club according to the accreditation policy on student organization of the University with
the approval of the Regional Director of the club.
Section 3. The Adviser of the Overcomers’ Club and the Regional Director shall:
a. Receive and study reports from the Overcomers’ Club, through the Overcomers’ Club
Committee, such as periodical financial, accomplishment, and other special reports that
may be required of the authorize person/ office; and
b. Serve as liaison between the University Administration and the Overcomers’ Club.


Section 1. Vacancies/Removal- Any vacancy occurring in the body caused by their

removal by the members or by expiration of term, may be filled by the vote of at least a
majority of the remaining officers, if still constituting a quorum; otherwise, the vacancy
must be· filled by the officers at a regular or at any special meeting of stockholders called
for the purpose. An officer so elected to fill a vacancy shall be elected only for the
unexpired term of his predecessor in office and until his successor is duly elected and

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City of malolos

The vacancy resulting from a cause other than the removal of an officer or adviser by the
body in the manner provided by law may be filled by election at the same meeting of
members without further notice, or at any regular or at any special meeting of members
called for the purpose, after giving notice as prescribed in these by-laws.


Section 1. The Committee shall act also as the nominating body and shall present its slate
of nominees to the regular members of the club the week before the election.
Section 2. At all elections of advisers and officers, which shall be held every March of the
year, there must be present, either in person or through a representative authorized to act
by written proxy, the members and advisers of the organization.

If no election is held, or the members and advisers are not present in person, by proxy, or
through remote communication or not voting in absentia at the meeting, such meeting may
be adjourned and the organization shall proceed in accordance with subsequent planning
at a special meeting.


Section 1. Quorum - No Meeting of the Body may proceed to transact any business or
finalize any plan unless a quorum is present at the start of and throughout the meeting.
Except where the circumstances require the presence of a greater number, the presence
of four (4) officers and (1) adviser shall constitute a quorum.

Except where the relevant law requires a greater number, a majority vote of the
officers and advisers present in a meeting where a quorum as described is present shall be
necessary to decide any matter that may come before any meeting of the Board.

Section 1. The funds of the club shall come from the projects agreed upon by the body
provided effort would be exerted by the members. Also, the funds of the club shall come
from the offerings of the local churches in the Philippines and abroad. (Subject to Article
III, Section 6)
Section 2. The Committee shall prepare the budget for campus and programs and projects.
Section 3. The funds shall be deposited in a bank in the name of the Overcomers’ Club.
Section 4. The Committee shall submit financial reports of the funds to the members in a
written form at the end of each academic year.


Section 1. Amendments to this Constitution shall be adopted upon receiving two-thirds

majority vote of the regular membership.

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Bulacan State University
City of malolos

Section 2. This Constitution shall be amended only upon receiving two-third majority vote
of the regular membership except: Article III, Section 2 which will require three-fourths
majority vote.
Section 3. Amendments to this constitution shall not be valid unless a copy of such has
been placed in the Office of Student Affairs of the University and in the regional office of
the Overcomers’ Club.

Chloe Anne Sy Galita

Nikka Vhea Diaz

Jan Ella Mae Villanueva

Dr. Warlito M. Galita

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