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RESEARCH TITILE…………………………………...…………………………………1

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION AND ITS BACKGROUND......................................................2

INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................. 2

CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK............................................................................4

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM.......................................................................5

RESEARCH HYPHOTHESIS................................................................................6

SIGNIFICANT OF THE STUDY...........................................................................6

SCOPE AND DELIMINATION.............................................................................7

DEFINITION OF TERMS......................................................................................7

CHAPTER 2: RELATED LITERATURE………………………………………………………..9

RELATED LITERATURE.....................................................................................9

CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY.................................................................................................12

RESEARCH DESIGN..........................................................................................12

LOCALE OF THE STUDY……………………………………………………..12


RESEARCH INSTRUMENT……………………………………………………13

DATA GATHERING PROCEDURE...................................................................14

DATA ANALYSIS................................................................................................14

SURVEY QUESTIONS................................................................................................................15


The researcher would like to expand his deepest gratitude to the following people who

help me with all of their heart and in accomplishing this research study named the learning styles

and academic performance of the students in Saint William school of san Marcelino Inc. They

are the one who helped and contributed much for the success of my research study.

It is always to god, for the wisdom and knowledge and also for guiding the researcher

until the end of this research.

The researchers parents, Mr. Ronnie and especially to the very support and helpful

mother of the research Lulu Belle Padrique who helped me in financial and boosting the

researchers confidence.

To Ms. Bernadette A. Vento, English teacher and at the same time the

researchers teacher, who guided the researcher truth out the whole research study, she always

guided the researcher in every mistakes that the researcher done and she boost my confidence

that the researcher can finish it all.

To the grade 10 saint peter students in Saint Williams school of san Marcelino Inc. For

actively participating and answer the question and for they are very helpful and supportive


To the researcher inspiration KJRB, of grade 6 St. Lorenzo thank you for your smiles.
To the researcher Bestfriends Florence Anne Piga, Mona Lia Piocos, Allyssa Flynn Lanuza, and

Shyrine Jardin thank you so much

And lastly, the researcher would like to acknowledge to all people who made a part and made

this research study successful.

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