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Kate Concha.


Oedipus is one of the tragic hero not just because he suffer a lot of pain, He
was a typical tragic hero and not a perfect character he also has some flaws just like
anybody else. Through his arrogant and pride he become known and be a tragic hero he
makes an error, and consequently he is destroyed. In the end, he realizes that this
destruction of his life is his own fault Oedipus who is the protagonist in the play is
characterized as a tragic hero. As he is a man of high estate and suffers from a tragic
story combined with his own fate he is a man who is destined for his downfall. Despite all
this, prior to his death, Oedipus shows redeeming qualities and order is finally restored.
For be he is really a tragic hero because he didn't want that to happened he
was just a victim of lack less cursed but even though he is destined to kill his father he is
also make a move to find the respobsible for killing King Laius but little did he know he is
the one who killed King Laius unknowingly. I consider him as tragic hero because if he
wasn’t, he should run away,escape the problems and get a new life but he didn't do that
instead he stay away and blinded himself as a sign that he already accepted his fate.
In my own point of view I can say that he is a tragic hero he did not run away
from his responsibility if we base in todays generation men run away from a woman when
they know they cannot bear their responsibility. You can easily find out if the character is
good or bad because of his or her characteristics and Oedipus didn’t deserve to threat in
that way because in the first place he left his adopted parents to stop the prophecy but it
didn’t work out and it turns out fulfilling the prophecy of what he did because Oedipus
didn’t know that his foster parents is just his adoptive parents not his biological parents if
he really wants to fulfill the prophecy and he really a bad guys he shouldn’t leave his
foster parents but because of his goodness he willing to leave his poster parents and live
alone even though it is hard for him to activate himself or take care of himself.
For my conclusion even before the people begin complaining, Oedipus has
already consult the oracle this shows that he is a great man and as a king, he knows the
right thing to do for his people. Another virtuous quality in Oedipus is shows when he
decides. to inflict himself with blindness just to fulfill the punishment that he had curse
would be given to the king’s killer. Oedipus posses and did this heroic acts for personal
glory he did ta heroic acts to win everlasting honor and usually on a quest for something
of personal benefit an ordinary person can also be a great hero just like my mom
especially my dad i adore him so much because of him I am here like Oedipus he didn't
run to his responsibilities so I have my family now I'm proud of my father. We should not
run away from our mistake specially when we did nothing wrong because if we does it
shows that we have a mistakes and we're guilty about that. One thing I learned from
Oedipus its okay to make mistake don't mind if you born not perfect and someone likes
and loves you, you're just hurting them because of your own insecurities that what’s wrong.

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