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 Algorithms
 Flowcharts Ex. #3 (how to lose weight)
 Heuristics 1. Reduce your daily caloric intake to 1,500 calories per day.
2. Weight yourself on the scale every evening, at 8:00 pm.
Algorithms Question: Do you satisfy class in this algorithm?
- According by the Merriam-Webster dictionary, it is a step by Answer #3: No, the instructions are clear and executable but
step procedure for solving problem. they are not finite.
- It is pretty much the same to a computer that need a precise
instruction to do what is they need to do. Ex. #4 (how to change the light bulb)
1. Get a ladder tall enough for you to reach the bulb.
Algorithms – The basis of ICT 2. Carry the new bulb in your hand.
 Algorithm – is derived from the word “algorism”. 3. Climb the ladder.
 Algorism – originally referred only to the rules of 4. Reach for, and then unscrew, the blown bulb.
performing arithmetic with Hindu-Arabic numerals, but in 5. Screw in the new bulb in your hand.
time developed into definition we use 6. Climb down the ladder.
7. Click on the light switch. The new bulb will light up.
Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Musa al-Khwarizmi (c. 780- Question: Do you satisfy class in this algorithm?
850 AD) – the first Persian mathematician who derived
algorithms to algorism Flowchart
- are essentially visual representations of algorithms and
Ada Byron – the countess of Lovelace, she made an algorithm computer programs.
for Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine, which was actually a - flowcharts of computer programs are made before the
theoretical programmable computer in 1842. programs are typed out, so that the programmer can see
what needs, input, and decision to be done to create an
Alan Turing – a British mathematician in 1936, he proved output.
that certain theoretical machine could do any kind of - are also effective tools for guidance because they are
mathematical computation if these machines were given visually easy to appreciate and understand.
what were essentially programs based on algorithms, which - A flowchart is a programming tool which describes a
are used today’s computers. program algorithm using symbols and words.

3 conditions must be satisfied for a set of instruction to be Symbols in flowchart

considered as algorithm. Terminator – start and end point of the
1. The algorithm must be unambiguous, that is, it should be system
clear and precise as far as far as the computer is
2. The algorithm must be executable, which means that it Action – activity within the larger process
can be carried out fully by the computer.
3. The algorithm must be finite. It must have a definite start
and end point.
Ex. #1 Decision – point where a decision must be
1. Announce that you are running for class president. made.
2. Campaign.
3. Get elected. Input / Output Box – information entering
Question: Do you satisfy class in this algorithm? or leaving the system
Answer: No, the instructions are not clear and unambiguous.
* How do you get elected? Connector – the flow continues where a
matching symbol appears
Ex. #2 (age-old joke of how to put an elephant inside a
refrigerator) Flow Line – direction of flow
1. Open the refrigerator door.
2. Put the elephant inside. Off page – the process continues off page.
3. Close the refrigerator door.
Question: Do you satisfy class in this algorithm?
Answer #2: No, the instructions are clear but they are clearly
not executable.
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1. Deep Blue – which beat then chess world champion Garry
Kasparov at his own game in 1997.

2. Chinook – won the 1994 Man-Machine World

Championships in checkers.

II. Making Visual Sense of ICT

Example of flowchart (to add three numbers) • Which set of number gives you understandable

Both examples show a set of one and zeros....

• The first one is simply stringed. A computer
might be able to make sense.
• The second one is organized to make people
Heuristics sense visually. Being visually oriented, we would be able to
- is defined as a speculative formulation that serves as a guide make more sense of things if we see a picture of what’s
when solving the problems. going on.
- is useful when simplifying a set of probable solutions that Note: This is why we use graphs to make it easier for us to
are poorly understood. visualize.

Heuristics involve in… Charts

• Learning by trial and error and through accumulation of - are actually graphic account of any given information
experience. -used by various form of media such as newspaper.
• It relies on common sense. -make large amount of data understandable to the average
• Relating it to a situation or a problem which we do person.
- is a branch of the field of artificial intelligence (AI). Kind of Charts
1. Pie chart
Artificial Intelligence 2. Bar graph
- used for text analysis and sorting, speech recognition, and 3. Line graph
mathematical calculations.
- was used in a major way prior to the Persian Gulf War Pie charts (Pie graph)
1990-1991 by the United States military to plan troop - describes information as parts of a whole.
movements and logistic employment, which saved millions -easily understandable information on relative percentage
of dollars’ worth of manual preparation.

Heuristics with AI Programming

- make it possible for computers to essentially learn from
experience by enabling them to create a solution based on
past mistakes or success.

Example of AI-programmed
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1st Qtr
4th Qtr 2nd Qtr
3rd Qtr 3rd Qtr
4th Qtr
2nd Qtr 1st Qtr Topological graphs (topologies)
• Used to show the geometric shape or layout of a network
by determining various vertices connect to each other.

Ex. Graph of computer network

• Star
• Ring
• Bus
Bar graph • Tree
- describes information in terms of magnitudes and
frequency. Star topology - each
computer is connected to
6 a central hub, which can
be a server.
5 Ring topology - each
computer is connected to
4 two others, one on either
Series 1 side of it.
Series 2 Bus topology - each
2 Series 3 computer is connected to
a central cable, which is
called the bus.
0 Tree topology - each star network is connected to a central
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 backbone.

Line graph Computer network topology can be classified according to

- used to show and compare information that is ongoing size:
progress. • LAN (Local Area Network) – computers in
the same building.
• WAN (Wide Area Network) – computers
that might be in Makati and Quezon City.
5 • CAN (Campus Area Network) – computer
network within a single university/college.
4 • MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) –
Series 1 computer that spread throughout the city.
Series 2 • HAN (Home Area Network) – computers at
2 Series 3 home.
Social Graph
0 • Refer only to the social network of relationship between
Ana Aida Fe Lorna the users and to the social networking site like Facebook.

Graph Theory

Are objects which are made up of vertices or dots, and which

are connected by edges or arcs (lines)

B 1 1 1
C 1 1
D 1 1 1
NAME: (type your name here)
 Graph theory  Try this problem. Let’s say you are in one of eight groups in
 Euler path and circuit your class, assigned to build chairs. Each chair requires two
 Problem solving using graph group to build, and instructor has specified that each group
 Intersection and edges needs to work four other groups, no more, no less. How
 Adjacency matrix many chairs can your class produce?
 Adjacency distance matrix
Group 1 Group 2
Graph Theory – Classic Konigsberg Riddle - began in 18
century, when people of Konigsberg, a city in East Prussia
(now part of Russia called Kaliningrad), wondered if it was Group 3
Group 8
possible to cross each of the seven bridges within the city
only once.
Group 4
A Group 7

Group 5
Group 6


The intersection of the edge

 Let’s say you’re the person in charge of traffic and
E transportation for six towns. These towns (the vertices) are
Leonhard Euler - The Swiss mathematician solved the puzzle
by using diagram. He reduced the problem to vertices and connected to each by roads (edges) in the following way.
edges by using graph. Euler proved that it wasn’t possible to How can you solve the problem of traffic congestion
have a path where each bridge was without building new highways (creating new edges)?
crossed only once. In the end, the
citizens of Konigsberg built another
bridge in Euler’s honor in 1815. This
8 bridge was made it possible for anyone to cross of the
bridges within the city only once. (pronounced as “Oiler”).
The Adjacent Matrix
- is used to show the relationships among the vertices in a
Euler Path and Circuit
given graph.
Eulerian path - is the path that traverses each edge of a graph
1. Consider the ff. graph…
exactly at once.
Eulerian circuit – is a path that lets you traverse each edge
once, and ends up at the same vertex where you started, D
no matter which vertex that is.


Problem: If you have a package to deliver from the town at

vertex D which you want send to the town at vertex G. It has a
choice of going through:
1. The town at vertex B
2. Town vertices B, A, C, E
3. Town vertices F and E
Which is the fastest route?

Create the adjacency matrix which represent this graph, make

a table with the letters of the vertices at both the header and
down the left side of a table.

Problem Solving using graph Solve the adjacency matrix table.

NAME: (type your name here)
Answer: ? 1. Speech Recognition Technology – or “speech recognition
software” allow users to convert spoken words to text
A B C D E F G (Speech to text).
B Example:
C A. People who have difficulty using their hands - they use
D computer by speaking up. The computer can hear and
E understood the words and executes instruction
F accordingly.
G B. Deaf people – they understood what was spoken, because
this comes out as “written text”.
The Distance matrix C. Ordinary people – also used the assistive software and
- is exactly the same as the adjacency matrix, except that harware.
distances between vertices are factored in. * driver – who need to use cellphone while driving.
D. People with ALS (Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis)

Stephen Hawking
- a physicist with ALS, his twisted body is virtually confined to
a wheelchair. He used a speech synthesizer for his lecture and
1 7 write books.
2 D
b 2. Speech Synthesizer – which also called as text reading
system used to convert “text to speech”. It translate words
A 5 from an electronic document to audible computer speech.
3. Screen Reader program – a program that can identify and
2 G
C E interpret what is displayed on a computer monitor and pass
1 3 this information on to the user in the form of “text-to
speech” or Braille displays.
Let’s say you have to deliver from Town D to Town G. Taking
the direct route through: Adaptive Hardware
1. Town B would take 13 kilometers. 1. Braille Display – a keyboard device which produces Braille
2. Town B, A, C, E would take 9 kilometers. letters line by line, accordingly to a computer monitor text
Which is the fastest route? display.

Implication to ICT
- The discussion has been in the terms of roads, town and
packages to be sent.
- Now, change the town / vertices to computers, and the
distances / edges to the connection.
- Try to visualize the links between all the computer and
servers in the world that make up the World Wide Web.
You can see how vital graph theory is in ICT. Braille Alphabet

IV. Assistive Access to ICT 2. Pointing Devices – for those people who cannot use their
• Assistive Computer Technology – refers to the electronics-
3. Head-controlled pointing devices – sense the change in
based equipment designed for disabled person.
position of a small reusable dot planted on the user’s
• Assistive Computer Technology, Inc – defines assistive
technology as “any item, piece of equipment, product or
4. Foot-controlled pointing devices – devices that rely on
system” to helps make life easier for a person who has a
two foot pedals, one to move the cursor and the second
one to click.
* grasping devices (to help the handicapped operate the
5. Others
* eye movement devices * infrared
* visual aids ( for visually impaired person)
* ultrasound * brain waves
Adaptive Software
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Website Accessibility for disabled
1. There is adaptive software that can create a text alternative
to the file, which requires less memory and which can be
more easily to read.
2. The browser will try to produce a similar color by dithering
which is an attempt by the browser to approximate a color
from a mixture of color.
3. Web developer use cascading style sheet (CSS) to separate:
a.) design, layout, font style
b.) content, information, media
4. Frame divide in two or more independent parts…
a. navigation areab. information area.
Note: Consideration of the developers to make their website
available to disabled person.

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

- is the organization that develops web standard and set up
guidelines for making the content accessible to disabled

Basic guidelines of W3C

1. Provide equivalent alternatives to auditory and visual
2. Don’t rely on color alone.
3. Use markup and style sheet
4. Clarify natural language usage.
5. Create tables that transform gracefully.
6. Ensure that pages featuring new technologies.
7. Ensure user control of time-sensitive content changes.
8. Ensure direct accessibility of embedded user interface.
9. Design for device-independence.
10. Use interim solutions.
11. Use W3C technologies and guidelines.
12. Provide context and orientation information.
13. Provide clear navigation mechanism.
14. Ensure that documents are clear and simple.

Republic Act No. 7277– Magna Carta for disabled person

Chapter V
Sec. 22 - broadcast media. Television station shall be
encourage to provide a sign-language inset or
subtitle in at least one newscast program a day.

Sec. 23 - telephone services. Telephone companies shall

be encouraged to install special telephone
devices or units for the hearing-impaired
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