Dilg Memocircular 2019911 - 30ef55496b PDF

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goth OF yg « OFFICIAL “hy, Republic of the Phippines DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT DILG-NAPOLCOM Conte, EDSA comer Quezon Avenue, Wes Trae, Quezon Cy ee gov MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR 4 No, 2019-151 10 SEP 2019 70 : ALL PROVINCIAL GOVERNORS, CITY AND MUNICIPAL MAYORS, PUNONG BARANGAYS, SANGGUNIANG —_ KABATAAN CHAIRPERSONS, MEMBERS, SECRETARIES, TREASURERS AND PEDERASYON OFFICERS, PROVINCIAL, CITY AND MUNICIPAL YOUTH DEVELOPMENT OFFICERS, LOCAL YOUTH DEVELOPMENT COUNCILS AT ALL LEVELS, DILG REGIONAL DIRECTORS AND FIELD OFFICERS, BARMM MINISTER OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND ALL OTHERS CONCERNED SUBJECT = GUIDELINES ON LOCAL YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PLANNING, COMPREHENSIVE BARANGAY YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PLANNING, AND ANNUAL BARANGAY YOUTH INVESTMENT PROGRAMMING OF THE NATIONAL YOUTH COMMISSION eee Republic Act 10742, otherwise known as the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) Reform Act of 2015, provides for the formulation of the Local Youth Development Plan (LYDP), the Comprehensive Barangay Youth Development Plan (CBYDP), and the preparation of the Annual Barangay Youth Investment Program (ABYIP) by the concerned SK and Local Officials. This Department, together with the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) and the National Youth Commission (NYC) issued DBM-DILG-NYC Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 01, Series of 2019 dated 23 January 2019 re: Guidelines on the Preparation, Release, Planning and Budgeting Process for the SK Funds. Item of the cited JMC mandates the National Youth Commission to formulate policies and guidelines in the preparation of the CBYDP and ABYIP, which shall be observed by the SK. On the bases of the above-mentioned law and JMC, the National Youth Commission approved on the 1* day of August 2019, the Guidelines on Local Youth Development Planning, Comprehensive Barangay Youth Development Planning, and Annual Barangay Youth Investment Programming in NYC Resolution No. 46, Administrative Series of 2019. In this regard, all concerned SK Officials, Provincial, City and Municipal Officers of the Pederasyon ng mga Sangguniang Kabataan and Youth Development Councils at all levels, are enjoined to observe the guidelines, processes, and indicative timelines in the preparation of their respective LYDP, CBYDP and ABYIP. ‘Templates and sample resolution are attached for the ease in the preparation of the above-mentioned plans and other SK documents, Likewise, all Provincial, City and Municipal Youth Development Officers are directed to perform their mandated functions pursuant to Section 26(d) of RA 10742, DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2017-36 dated 24 February 201, and NYC Resolution No. 46, Series of 2019. All DILG Regional Directors, Field Officers and BARMM Minister of Local Government are directed to cause the immediate and widest dissemination of this Circular within their respective areas of jurisdiction, For inquiries and clarifications on the matter, all concerned are directed to contact the National Youth Commission at telephone numbers (02) 426-8760 or (0943) 731-0244 or at e-mail address: sk@nycgov.ph. \ce and compliance of all concerned. jARDI Se, © Me Office of the Presigent of the Philippines NATIONAL YOUTH COMMISSION “The Voice and Advocate of the Youth" ‘August 202019 EDUARDO M. ARO. Secretary Department of the Interior and Local Government DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA Cor. Quezon Ave. West Tangle, Quezon City ‘Attention: KARL CAESAR R. RIMANDO, CESOV Director National Borangay Operations Office Dear Secretary Afi, Greetings from the National Youth Commisson! The Notional Youth Commission, in its thrust fo lead the full implementation of the RA No. 10742 or Sangguniang Kabataan Reform Act of 2015, is consistently coordinating ‘with concemed agencies to addkess the sues surounding the operations of the ‘Sangguniang Kabataan (Sk). In this regard, may we humbly request the support of your office through the Issuance ‘of ¢ Memorandum Circular of the attached Guidelines on Local Youth Development Planning, Comprehensive Barangay Youth Development Planning, ond Annual Barangay Youth Investment Fi For more detals, your office may coordinate with Ms. Gillian Sagadall or Mr. Marton Petia of the Regional Youth Development Division through (02) 426 6760 or {0943} 731 (0244 or email us at sk@nve.cov.ph. We look forward to your positive response on this matter. Thank you very much! is he are e usec. UE CChaiperton or ¢40 >! 7 a ESET aaa aN eect ene ee & Office of the President of the Philippines NATIONAL YOUTH COMMISSION = me “The Voice and Advocate of the Youth” RESOLUTION NO. 46 ‘iniaive Series of 2019 478 Commission "ARESOLUTION APPROVING THE GUIDELINES ON LOCAL YOUTH DEVELOPHENT PLANNING, (COMPREHENSIVE BARANGAY YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PLANNING, AND ANNUAL BARANGAY YOUTH INVESTMENT PROGRAMMING ‘SPONSORED BY: COMMISSIONER JAMES CEASARA VENTURA ‘CO-SPONSORED BY. COMMISSIONER VICTOR DEL ROSARIO WHEREAS, Secion 20 of Republe Aet No. 10742 provides tat ten percent (10%) ofthe gaeral fund ofthe ‘barangay shal be set asde forthe Sangcunang Kebetsen which sal be disbursed by te SK solely for youth evelopment and empowement purposes, WHEREAS, the some secfon further proves thatthe SK shel have fhanci independence in bs operators, Siengihen youth paridpation [= inerease subscription Yo Yarily | intesponsible sexual and planning | reprouaive ‘Increase safe motherhood pracioes | Lower the incidence of “early eexual ‘debut teenage pregnancy, “uninendied pregnancy,” end maternal mortality = Lower the inedence of casual sox, STUHIVIAIDS, end abortion Decreave cigarete smoking Decrease underage ard excessive stinking increase mental ealin weiness anion Tn accessible, dovelopmental ually, and relevant formal, naw | Tieveabe and improve youth ‘> Decrease youth notin omployinant, formal and infermal long leaning ans ring that prepares | paricipation in education ‘education or traning (NET) ‘graduates tobe globally compeltve but responsive to national = _Inorease efcenoy rate ‘Reods and fo prepare thom forthe workplace and the emergence of | Taprove educational quay and Therese functional ierasy rate ‘now media and ether technologies performance ‘Improve ecademic perlemance, ‘Stop yout ‘inerable employment ‘+ Decrease the tricking of youth ‘© Lessen the number of youth who work | ‘unpaid endtor without bensfits ‘= Lessen the abuso of WY ‘+ Decrease work related hazards end linass0s Promate youth participation in Tratease the number of youth entroprenuria activites entrepreneurs [ Strengthen youth participaion in ['» ~ Increase number of school break ‘employment enrichment support Internship jobs systoms ‘+ Increase counseled youth regarding their carser options: ‘Social inclusion and | n'a peaceful and just society that aiforde them wih equal and Promate the prosocial parisipation |» Decrease the rumbor af youths ving ‘oguity ‘squitable eppertunity, social security and protection in all aspects of | of youth with specific needs: in poverty evelopment, regardless Of ther gender, cisabilty, specific needs, | abused, neglected end exploted | « Decroasa the number of abused, ‘oltical beliefs, ethnilty, religion, and socio-cultural economic ‘85 woll a8 street youth ‘neglected, and exploited (ANE) you we __| + Decrease the number of street yout exiize pariipation of youth with | increase the fecities and services for the isabilty in sociaty {following youth wih disabilties (YWD) ‘+ Communication aisabilty ‘+ Disability dusto chronic ines ‘* Learning aisablty ‘+ _Intelectual disability ‘ANNEX OF ADMINISTRATIVE RESOLUTION NO. 46, SERIES OF 2019 n Orthopedic eisabity Psychosocial disability ‘Visual eistity ‘Bromote the parcpation of indigenous peogle (1) youth in society Improve the economic and socal ‘cenaitons of P youth Increase the presence of IP youth in society Decrease vilence against warmer IVAW) ane ehicren ‘orientation and gender identity (SOG!) Push forthe enactment of law on ant-iseriminaton based en SOGI Increase enrolment among mala students Decresse dropout rate among male students Pace balling and |i promoting hunian soauriy, ckdng parkcpation ‘Sirengihen youth pariepation ir Increase the numberof communiy ‘secury peacebuiidng and cof prevention and management inttatves, | promoting peace and order brigade (barangay tanod) workers ‘ard publc order and safety effors, as wel as In safeguarding Increase momborship in BADAG ‘ational integrity and sovereignty to cortibut to alton peace Increase the rumber of youth inthe ‘aunty. police force and the armed forces ‘Oplinizs yout Youth DDecrmase the numbor of youth offenders, dalinquent youth, and youth in confit withthe law Docraase the incidence of rcivam 1ner6350 partspain in sri-crug sodty, social mobiizaton, volunteerism (inceaing cla ‘snareness and socio-cviemindednaes), and valuoe formation {such as having concern for others and being socialy responsible) partepaton ‘ampaiosanong te youn ard | _youth organizations Proleche you frm violence |» Increase the nunbor af your suatons of srmed confet and ‘rotted fom stuns of eamed ‘fom human rights vlan, antes fensug te protection ot youth | 6 Decrease human rights violations ffomredcalzation fo violence and |" agate te youth vclentexremism snd feciiae | Increase support for youth eplacod Integration, healing and by aod cont recoreiiaton offormer youth |. _Deraaee yuh rasicaization nt + Increase inlogrtion of former youth = combate. ‘Governance Tnvgpvernance tough her invavemant is esa and rational Enwure urveralpariapaion inh [+ Promote 100% regavalon of youth polis, and fe government bureaueracy trough programs, ‘Sangguniang Kabataan andin non: |" votors Frojects and avis by and forte yuh ‘Sk ecal andnatona elections |+ Promote 100% tumcut of registered + Increase the puter of frsttime youth poiiciane + Diveraythe bese of youth candidates Increase the ruber ef you in slecve local and nator postions roma youhparpatonn—[+ nsrease urbe c yuh government ‘goverment and bureaucracy workers ‘+ Increase involvement in Local Youth Development Gouncs (LDCs) + Increase numberof youth delegates Indiscussions about government _ feform (OGR) (Le, Federals) ‘Reve Gizonchip | cormuniy development ana nelon Bulag foagh mean, | Sena enabling machariemé | > inroase faring resarces ft YOU ‘ctv, sustainable, productive, end patc engagement inci" | for youh organization and groups + Inccease facies avaliable for youth groups + Increase resource speakers end ANNEX OF ADMINISTRATIVE RESOLUTION NO. 46, SERIES OF 2019 13 Evronment Tithe planning, implementation, monitoring, aid evaluation oF ela ‘and youthrendy programs, polices and sivas on environmental protection, climate change adzptation and mitigation ‘and DRI, wih the use of rw technologies end indigenous knowiedge, 60 a fo promote sustaingbe natal ecosystoms and ‘smarter locale, bioaivaratycenservation wate management fend polution contr cana eal cra Biodiversity conservation Intigtion & adaptation smart | Climate a ‘ion, easter bk reduction and pelea manegement + Smart ettes Disaster ik eduction and management Froncle environment fiendy | Thewase numberof you pacing ‘practices among the youth: waste | propor ‘management and Potution contol, | +" "Waste management and pation contro! ‘errronmental rotecion, reduction |« Resource conservation and ‘ard management of cbmote ard ‘ervronmental protection sear rok + Reduction and management of ‘late and disaster risks ‘Giabal ROBT Tn yeuth mobility wihin and beyond ASEAN trough balanced and | With education: Tnereave nunbor of mutualy-benefical cross-border cultural, educational, sientiic. | Promote youth partspationn | «Exchange students ‘axchanges; qualification equivalencies, employment opportunites, | cross-border exchanges: Artistic and solentfic exchanges {and continuing professional development iteration cooperation Youth with qusifcatione ANNEX OF ADMINISTRATIVE RESOLUTION NO. 46, SERIES OF 2019 “ ‘and other insttustonalrkages and partership Srtcoweae tense nd lta ow lara end or the county For overseas Filpino youth to etrengthon thir es with ‘ho Philppines. ‘equivalences ‘Overseas Flipino youn on exchange to te Phiiopnes. Wit aaive bonefica you iizenship™ Enoourage and support mutually ah volurteerim Io Terease number of outbound volunteers Inoraace the qualty and impact of ‘volunteerism effor Sip yum petpoten ‘cross-border economic activities Thevease rumiber of intemational Increase ruber of ance iterate ‘overseas Filnas/ilpino workers {OF/OFWa) ‘waffcking ‘With pause baling & eocuniy: ‘Adsroes and mitigate youth Increase ruriber of youth ‘professionals who meet international $andards of practice af profession ANNEX OF ADMINISTRATIVE RESOLUTION NO. 46, SERIES OF 2079 8 ANNEX 2 | COVERAGE OF THE 9 CENTERS OF PARTICIPATION | Center of Participation Coverage Priority Youth Development and | Empowerment | = Programs * Health Healthy living (exercise, nutiton, medical Sports ‘and dental attention); sexual, | development ‘reproductive and psychosocial health; risk-taking Education ‘Universal participation; intemal efficiency; | Equitable access to {qualty and performance gualty education Economic | Labor force participation; vulnerable ‘Youth employment Empowerment employment, entrepreneurial activities; | and ivelhood | employment enrichment ‘Social Inclusion and | Youth with specific needs; youth with | Gender sensitivity Equity isabiity, indigenous youth; violence gainst "' women; gendered job | discrimination; LGBTQ; male enrolment | and enrolmeni ation Peace-building and | Peace and order; the peace process; Anti-drug abuse Security | youth in conflict withthe law: drug | dependent youth Governance —_| Sangguniang Kabataan (SK); local and rational elections; government and the bureaucracy Active Citizenship | Accreditation, awareness and assistance; culture and arts; volunteerism | Environment | Environmental activities and practices | Environmental protection Climate change ‘adaptation Disaster risk reduction and resiliency Global Mobility | Cross-border exchanges and activities; youth trafficking ‘Taian oH ot te 9 Canter of Paco of the PYOP 201-2022 Tals 2 pape 1) 2 Pity You Dalopmart sad Empower Programs a eitednDBADUG-VO AMC 201, fem 2.223 ANNEX OF ADMINISTRATIVE RESOLUTION NO. 48, SERIES OF 2019 6 ‘ANNEX 3 | LOCAL YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PLAN (LYDP) Region: Province Ctyiuripaiy LOCAL YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PLAN (LYDP}CY___ = (CENTER OF PARTICIPATION: ‘Agenda Statement [you Objectives | Performance Ta | gst Peas | Priority Areas | Anmval Dovolopment Indicator iVeor 1) ear z] (Year) _ | <7 | Approved by: Noted by: LYDC Head (SK Pederasyon President) Local Youth Development Officer ANNEX OF ADMINISTRATIVE RESOLUTION NO. 46, SERIES OF 2019 v7 ‘ANNEX 4 | ANNUAL YOUTH DEVELOPMENT ACTION PLAN Region: Province Cynic: AYDAP CY, Centerof Participation | Program’ Projectsi Targets Location Period of ‘Annual Budget ‘Activities L Implomentation Approved by: Noted bys LYD¢ Head (SK Pederasyon President) Local Youth Development Omicor ANNEX OF ADMINISTRATIVE RESOLUTION NO. 46, SERIES OF 2019 18 ‘ANNEX 5 | COMPREHENSIVE BARANGAY YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PLAN (CBYDP) Region: Province Cynic COMPREHENSIVE BARANGAY YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PLAN (CBYDP)CY —_—_«_ CENTER OF PARTICIPATION: ‘Agenda Statement: ‘Youth ‘Objective Pert. Indicator Target PAS Budget Person Peeenowet [rear 1) {Year} Tear} ee Prepared by: Sk Secretary 8K Chairperson “ANNEX OF ADMINISTRATIVE RESOLUTION NO. 46, SERIES OF 2019 1° ‘ANNEX 6 | ANNUAL BARANGAY YOUTH INVESTMENT PROGRAM (ABYIP) Region: CENTER OF PARTICIPATION: ANNUAL BARANGAY YOUTH INVESTMENT PROGRAM (ABYIP) CY. Province Prepared by: City Municipaty, PPAS: Expected Result Indicator Period of SK Troasurer ‘SK Chairperson ANNEX OF ADMINISTRATIVE RESOLUTION NO. 48, SERIES OF 2019 7” ‘ANNEX 7 | SAMPLE LOCAL YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PLAN (LYDP) Region Province itymunicipality: [LOCAL YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PLAN (LYDP) CY 2020 - 2023, (CENTER OF PARTICIPATION: EDUCATION sauna Sarit Fo 5s tas Stl inn at ea ad pL sd ie feet aera 5 ze ry mr stare ye rte se rd rg el at nt mae ‘Youth ‘Objectives Performance “Target PPAS Priority Areas | Annual onset a = Pl Sea | Spaceel [Wee |wpmas [i ceean | Reems | peewee che agent [Seeman [ae Tr [eee ‘ne - Slip a peer Teche ning | Vos murgcerter” | cystic nin | maspanioh te | fepencen ad ‘province with # proviece with 1 “functional raining Saal Eel” Ses Sn ca (Se = panera Net ad eden Peed Tod Yost bordered? ANNEX OF ADMINISTRATIVE RESOLUTION NO. 46, SERIES OF 2019 a ‘ANNEX | SAMPLE ANNUAL YOUTH DEVELOPMENT ACTION PLAN wae a comet aroaror [enter tarpon | PROBRTPRIER | Taras Locaton Pei ot | Annual Bagt inpmetaton Education TVET Program/Project | 10 percent decrease in | Municipality of San | 2020-2022 bates hutorctaanpoyed |i Bag” | yan youth; ‘Apleya October 2020) to percent ‘Municipalities in the pons tone fing ear pr municipality ‘Approved by: Noted by: Le Hee (SK Peerosyon Pasir) Local Youn Delopment meer ANNEX OF ADMINISTRATIVE RESOLUTION NO. 46, SERIES OF 2017 2 ‘ANNEX 9 SAMPLE COMPREHENSIVE BARANGAY YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PLAN (CBYDP) Region: ‘CENTER OF PARTICIPATION: EDUCATION ‘Agenda Statement: For the yout to participate in accessible, developmental, qualty and relevant forma, non-formal and informal lifelong foaming and training that Bapare racic to be tly competitive but response to nana nes: arc fe prepartham fr Be wokgace andra emerpenc of Tew media and oer Provinoe ‘COMPREHENSIVE BARANGAY YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PLAN (CBYDP) CY 2020 - 2023 CtyMunicpalty Youth ‘Objective | ~ Performance Target PPAS Budget Faeci—) "a nt Indicator ‘2020 ‘2021 ‘aE Responsible | High punber of | Trsttuonalize @ ji ~ a ET WHOOE ‘SK Commies on ow Tonataytmts [N2.2105YS [qo ogys | 20008" | 20008% | samaga |Oncesupiee | ion | Tray? | Mint Tech an | Eeemmaniaton es Sam ee 080 pyar co. Pesan 8x Socrtary 8k chatperson ANNEX OF ADMINISTRATIVE RESOLUTION NO. 44, SERIES OF 201 2 ‘ANNEX 10 | SAMPLE ANNUAL BARANGAY YOUTH INVESTMENT PROGRAM (ABYIP) Regie: Province: Cy Municipality. [ANNUAL BARANGAY YOUTH INVESTMENT PROGRAM (ABYIP) CY. ‘CENTER OF PARTICIPATION: EDUCATION Reference PPAS Description | Expected | Portormance | Period ot nna Person Code Recut | Inaloator | tmplamentation soe Teo aa Responsible 000) Wer ‘AProject thet |20908¥e | No.of OS¥e | Jan-Dee, 60,000 6000 | SK Commitee Programroject | ims to provide | refered othe | refered on edveaton ‘Teenvoo. | acess Wtiee | Aknispal Refer System | Tecivoo | Tectvec trough referal | Trang _systors Propared by: 8K Treasurer 8K Chairperson ANNEX OF ADMINISTRATIVE RESOLUTION NO. 46, SERIES OF 2019 Py ANNEX 14 | TEMPLATE RESOLUTION RESOLUTION NO. _ ‘Series of _- ARESOLUTION APPROVING THE 2019 ANNUAL BARANGAY YOUTH INVESTMENT PROGRAM (ABYIP) OF BARANGAY [NAME OF BARANGAY] WHEREAS, Aticle 2 Section 12 ofthe 1967 Philippine Consittion states that "the State recognizes tho vital role ofthe youth in nation-building and chal promote and protect ther physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and socal; wol-being. tt stall inaucate in the youth, parrtsm and nationalism and ‘encourage ther involvement in pub and cv airs WHEREAS, Implementing Rules end Regulations of Repube Act 10742 also known asthe Sangguniang Kabataan Referm Act of 2015 provides in Chaptr I! Section 8 paragraph (a) sales that “n consuttion ‘and withthe concurrence of the Katipunan ng Kabataan. and within tree (3) mons frm the assumption of offee, formulate a tee (3)yearroting plan, which shall be known as the Comprehensive Barangay Youth Development Pian, which shal sarva os bess in preparation of the Annual Barangay Youn Irvestmont Program WHEREAS, the Sangguniang Kabataan, with he concurrence of he Katipunan ng Kabataan of Barangay [Name of Berengay] crefted and approved a Comprehensive Barangay Youth Development Pan for (te ‘durston of plen, last DD Ml YY, WHEREAS, the Sangguniang Kabatasn of Barangay [Nemo of Barangay] has prepered the 2019 Annual Barangay Youth investment Program in accordance wih the approved Comprehensive Barangay Youth Investment Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE SANGGUNIANG: KABATAAN OF BARANGAY [NAME OF BARANGAY] to approve its 2019 Annual Barangay Your Irveeiment Pregram. ‘Adopled tis [D0} day of [Month 2018 at Barangay [Name of Barangay) ll, [Address of Barangay Hall, [Ciynuniepatty, Province) INAME OF SK OFFICIAL] |INAMME OF SK OFFICIAL] ‘Sk Kegawad ‘Sk Kapewad NAME OF SK OFFICIAL] INAME OF SK OFFICIAL] ‘Sk Kegewed ‘Sk Kogawad NAME OF SK OFFICIAL] NAME OF SK OFFICIAL Sk Kegawad ‘Sk Kepawed NAME OF SK OFFICIAL] INAME OF SK OFFICIAL} ‘SK Kogewad ‘SK Chaiperson ‘Attested by: NAME OF SK SECRETARY] ANNEX OF ADMINISTRATIVE RESOLUTION NO. 46, SERIES OF 2019 ‘SK Secretary 25

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