Barangay Notifier Information System

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Barangay Notifier System: An information system for the Barangay of Poblacion

District III.


- Information Technology in our country is in demand for progress.

- The computer serve as a general service tool is in the field of information
retrieval and operations the search for facts.
- Computer-based information retrieval operates through the use of
software that can offer information services for an institution.
- Information Technology is also significant in process of upgrading
leadership through services that every Barangay are working with.
- Barangay Notifier Information System provides the Administrator with
information for decision-making.
- Developing this project is very essential for the residing obliged practically
to those barangay’s that has a huge area, they can easily monitor their
place inaction or effortless.

- It is proposed to save time and efforts in producing information.

- Authorized person are disseminating updates about the information to the
- This Barangay Notifier System Information System will provide the people
up-to-date detailed information: View, Search, Add, Update
- This system serves as an assistance of the information that was gathered in
this said barangay such as the population growth, economic
development, personal information, barangay certificates, etc.
- Short Message Service (SMS) is text messaging service component of
phone, web or mobile communication systems.
- It uses standardized communication protocols to allow fixed line or mobile
phone devices to exchange short text messages.

Project Context
- Develop a Barangay Notifier Information System with SMS support. This
provides a record keeping and updating information and it also allows
the users to search or view records.

- Upgrade the office transactions
- Enhance the quality of service of the barangay office
- Provide features on record keeping and updating.
- Viewing of certain record and searching of certain recorded data files
accessed just by name of the user.
- This system will help to process and visualized data to get information
- Provides a database and statistical analysis of the present profile of
- Updated database of barangay data.
- SMS support which used when there is an information need to disseminate
to the residents.

- To develop a Barangay Notifier Information System for the Barangay of
Poblacion District III with SMS support that helps them to have more
effective method in delivering information as well as in keeping useful
records and giving good services.
- To build a modernized Barangay record information system and to make
the records reliable, accurate, complete, more accessible and therefore
easy to find.
- To maintain their residents record as complete and up-to-date as possible
for verification.
- To minimize the time in writing the record, to eliminate the use of paper.
- To have a good quality service that is fast and accurate.
- To broadcast the information through SMS support.
- It provides specific information about the said Barangay.
- This includes the features of location and their information such as:
Population, Land Area, Household, Education, Officials.
- It prepares and prints Barangay Permits, Certifications and Clearances.
- It also processes fee such as Barangay Clearance fees and others.
- It also enables easy searching of records.
- This system also allows for other barangay related functions as those
including security such as incident reporting and other related services.
- It is also designed to maintain an updated record of residents for easy
- This Barangay Notifier Information System will focus only in the Barangay
Poblacion District III, constituents and it will doesn’t care about its
neighboring Barangay’s.

- Only the significant events/information that will be useful and can help in
the said Barangay shall be recorded in the system.

Significance of Study
- To the Barangay Officials
- To the Constituents/Residents
- To the researchers and future researchers

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