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Title Synthesis The Ni Substituted Mn Ferrites And Study The

Applications Of Ferrite
Kind of Journal Teknik Kimia
Volume and Page IEB Vol. 30, No. 1 21-26
Year 2017
Writer Sharifa Nasrin1, Md. D. Rahaman2, A. K. M. Akther Hossain3
Reviewer Fadhillah Shandy
Date of Review 22 Oktober 2019

Aim This study tried to get the high density, high purified, larger grain
size of the compositions. The results are greatly affecting as this
types of composition has high permeability, high RQF, high
magnetization and low relative loss factor.

Experimental Details By combustion method compositions were prepared for

Nanocrystalline formation. The raw materials were
Ni(NO3)2.6H2O, MnCl2.4H2O, Cu(NO3)2.3H2O and
Results and Discussion Variation of the complex permeability is influenced by its grain
size and DC magnetization property. With increase in frequency
there is a decreasing trend in permeability. This is because at
higher frequencies non magnetic impurities between
intragranular pores and grains act as pinning points and
increasingly hinder the motion of spin and domain walls thereby
decreasing their permeability

Conclusion Spinel ferrites are widely used in several technological

applications i.e. data storage, sensors, transformers,
telecommunications, microwave and biomedical applications.
Recently, mobile data wireless transmission was draw attention
in the electronics industry. The insulating property of ferrites is
used in electric motors; they are also used as flat rings for loud
speakers and correction magnets for TV. Ferrites are also used in
thermal sensing switches which can be used in refrigerators, air
conditioners, electronic ovens etc.
Title Popularizing Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) As An
Alternative To Piped Natural Gas For Domestic Use:
Bangladesh Perspective

Kind of Journal Chemical Engineering

Volume and Page IEB Vol. 30, No.1 16-20
Year 2017
Writer Engr. Md. Anisur Rahman1, Engr. Md. Ariful Islam1, and Dr. A
K M Nazrul Islam
Reviewer Fadhillah Shandy
Date of Review 22 Oktober 2019

Aim To carry out comparative cost analyses for popularizing

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) as a commensurate alternative
to piped natural gas for domestic use in Bangladesh..

Experimental Details Sources of LPG are crude oil refining, natural gas extraction,
hydrocarbon (HC) compounds reforming and higher HC
molecules cracking. LPG is a mixture of propane and butane.
Results and Discussion The costing of different methods of using LPG as an alternative
of piped natural gas - LPG in pipeline network, LPG in
reticulated system and LPG in bottle system - have been
estimated for 1000 households. The cost of LPG in pipeline
network has been calculated based on the cost involved for LPG
supply through pipe line network in KAFCO. Analyzing the
costs of different methods of using LPG as an alternative of piped
natural gas it is found that initial investment is the highest and
the lowest for the LPG in pipeline network and LPG in bottle
system respectively, while LPG cost per month is the same for
the LPG in pipeline network and LPG in reticulated system and
the highest in bottle system. Noteworthy that reticulated LPG
system is semi-automatic and in this case the LPG is stored in a
central place of a multi-storied building and individual flat owner
use metered LPG from that common source and thus safety risks
are minimized.
Conclusion LPG should be used as a commensurate alternative for piped
natural gas, a scarce resource having more diversified and more
value generating uses other than its domestic use. For LPG,
reticulated system, which is a semiautomatic system, can be
deemed to be an appropriate alternative for piped natural gas in
domestic use. It is preferred to LPG bottle system because of
serious safety issues intertwined with the later. LPG through pipe
line network is a costly option indeed.
Title Mercury Removal From Produced Water Using Subcritical
Water Assisted 1-Etyl-3- Methylimidazolium Chloride Ionic
Kind of Journal Chemical Engineering
Volume and Page IEB Vol. 30, No. 1 12-15
Year 2017
Writer Dr. Pradip Chandra Mandal1, and Ahmad Fahmi Ridhuan bin
Reviewer Fadhillah Shandy
Date of Review 22 Oktober 2019

Aim To explore the capability of EMIM to remove mercury from

produced water using subcritical water assisted ionic liquid (IL)
for the first time.

Methodology Materials
The EMIM was collected from Ionic Liquid Center of Universiti
Teknologi PETRONAS. Mercury (II) chloride was synthesized
by reaction of elementary mercury and acid. The produced
mercury (II) chloride was then used to produce produced water
for the potential experiments.

Results and Discussion In this study, the kinetics data were utilized and evaluated up to
98.1% mercury removal because the kinetics data were more
fitted with the first order kinetics at this extent. Finally, an
Arrhenius type temperature dependency mercury removal rate
constant.Then, the activation energy and a pre-exponential factor
were calculated by exploring this plot. The calculated values of
activation energy and pre-exponential factor were 2.52 kcal/mol
and 1.093 s-1 respectively. Thus, the rate constant equation for
this process can be rewritten as follows: k EMIM Cl = 1.093e
−2.52 RT
Conclusion The extraction of mercury ion from produced water using
subcritical water assisted [EMIM][Cl] IL is reported. The
[EMIM][Cl] IL was thermally stable up to the experimental
condition. Mercury extraction efficiency increases as the
temperature increases and maximum 99.50% mercury was
removed from produced water by the action of sub-critical water
assisted [EMIM][Cl] IL with in a 10-min interval. The extraction
kinetics follow first order kinetics with respect to mercury
removal. Environmental benefits of ILs should be carefully
considered. Not all ILs are nontoxic and safe. Therefore, the
continuity of the development of real green ILs extraction should
be carried on.
Title The Effect Of Graphic Organizers And Text Types On The
Students’ Reading Competency At Sman 8 Denpasar
Kind of Journal Chemical Engineering
Volume and Page Volume 2 No.1
Year 2014
Writer Sudarmawan, IPY1, Tantra, DK2, Marhaeni, AAIN3
Reviewer Fadhillah Shandy
Date of Review 22 Oktober 2019

Aim To find out the effect of graphic organizers and text types upon
the students’ reading competency.
Experimental Details This study is an experimental research. In this study, there are
three variables to be studied. First, the independent variable is
reading strategy (A) with two levels namely; Graphic Organizers
and conventional strategy. While the moderator variable was the
text types (B) with three levels; narrative, procedure, and recount
texts. In addition, the dependent variable is reading competency
Results and Discussion Due to the consistent better result of graphic organizers on
students’ reading competency for each type of text, English
teachers at SMAN 8 Denpasar are encouraged to apply this
strategy in teaching reading for any types of texts, and the
students should also practice this strategy in attempting to
comprehend reading text in any types since this strategy comes
in many shapes and designs which administer the characteristics
of the text’s structure. Thus, the effectiveness of graphic
organizers could benefit both teacher and students when they
deal with reading course.
Conclusion Based on the research findings discussed in Chapter IV, the
conclusion can be drawn as follows: a. There is an effect of
graphic organizers upon students reading competency. Students
treated by graphic organizers consistently gained higher score
than the scores gained by those treated by conventional strategy
b. There is an interaction between graphic organizers and types
of text upon the students reading competency

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