Chapter Iv

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PINTAKASI Events aims to provide exceptional event experiences with

undoubtedly dedicated service. We aspire to deliver fascinating designs and execute the

momentous aspect of every occasion to move people emotionally and provide positive

and long-lasting memories.


PINTAKASI Events envisions itself to become the leading events management

firm in the Southern Luzon known for delivery of highest quality and remarkable



4.1.1. Personnel

Rendering events organizing services will hold PINTAKASI Events as a

service-oriented business. Evidently, personnel form an integral part in the

initiation and continuance of such business operations. Without hiring the

adequate and qualified persons for each position in the organization, the purpose

and objective of the business will be impossible to achieve.

Accordingly, PINTAKASI Events will hire a total of ten (10) employees

on its initial operation. It will consist of an event director, an emcee, a driver, four

(4) personnel for the setup crew, a photobooth operator, a photographer, and an

accounting staff. The allocated working hours for said staffs consist of at least

eight (8) hours a day, which coincides with the office hours from nine o’clock in

the morning until six o’clock in the evening. The owner of the business will serve

as the manager and will be responsible in supervising the said employees to

achieve coordination for the success of business operations.

4.1.2. Organizational Structure


Organizing Accounting Documentation

Team Staff Team

Director Photobooth Photographer

Emcee Driver

Setup Crew

Chart 1. PINTAKASI Events Organizational Chart

The organizational structure to be adopted by the business is specifically

designed to align the employees with the team that incorporates their function.
The owner will employ an accounting staff and supervise two service teams:

Organizing team and Documentation Team. The event director will lead the

organizing team and oversee the actions of the emcee, driver and setup crew. On

the other hand, the documentation team will consist the photobooth operator and

the photographer. This structure will highlight the purpose of every employee as

well as their accountability.

4.1.3. Staffing Requirements

Maximum monthly
Owner/Manager 1 drawings of 60% of
the net income
Accounting Staff 1 5,000 5,000
Event Director 1 18,000 18,000
Emcee 1 7,500 7,500
Driver 1 9,000 9,000
Setup Crew 4 6,000 24,000
Photobooth Operator 1 7,500 7,500
Photographer 1 15,000 15,000
TOTAL 11 ₱86,000.00

Table 1. Basic Monthly Salaries of Employees of PINATAKASIN Events

The basic monthly salary is based on the daily wage of each personnel. The salary

of the driver appears to be larger than the setup crew for it consists of his wage as a setup

crew and a driver. The owner will have a monthly allowable withdrawal equivalent to

sixty percent (60%) of the month’s net income.

4.1.4. Duties, Responsibilities and Qualifications

Job Title: Owner/Manager

Duties and Responsibilities:

 Oversees the performance of the whole business operations

 Supervises, motivates and evaluates personnel under his administration

 Provides and implement business policies and regulations

 Deals with clients of the business

 Takes the responsibility of safeguarding the assets and depositing the business’

cash in the bank


 Graduate of any business course

 Has good communication and business skills

 Must have critical thinking for decision-making

 Possess adequate leadership skills and can be an effective team member

 Has a pleasing personality

Job Title: Accounting Staff

Duties and Responsibilities:

 Performs weekly book keepings of the business’ transactions

 Hold and safeguard the books of the business

 Prepares financial statements for the business

 Keeps records of cash receipt and disbursements

 Prepares the tax requirements

 Maintains employee work records

 Manages the payroll for all personnel


 Must be a graduate of BS Accountancy or any management course

 With or without experience

 Has excellent verbal and communication skills

 Proficient with MS Office and computer software

Job Title: Event Director

Duties and Responsibilities:

 Leads the entire organizing team during events

 Assigns and directs the tasks of his/her subordinates

 Creates and manages the program of every event

 Initiates, formulates, and executes the venue design

 Personally interacts with the client, together with the owner


 Must be creative and wise in designing event locations

 Possessespolished leadership and communication skills

 Must be a hard-working and patient person

 Has the ability to be a reliable team member

 Computer literate
Job Title: Emcee

Duties and Responsibilities:

 Hosts the clients’ events

 Partners with the Event Director in organizing the layout for the program of every


 Provide entertainment in the duration of the program


 Must be fluent in English and Tagalog

 Must be a confident speaker

 Has a pleasing and friendly personality

 Creative and knowledgeable about hosting

Job Title: Driver

Duties and Responsibilities:

 Drives the business vehicle to deliver the designs and equipment to the venue

 Works as a part of the setup crew upon arrival at the location

 In-charge of maintaining sufficient fuel level and assures the safekeeping of the

business vehicle

 Maintain vehicle interior and exterior cleanliness

 Map out driving routes ahead of time to determine the most expedient trip

 Must have a professional driver’s license

 Must have proven experience as a driver

 Possess good driving records with no traffic violations

 Must be trustworthy and hardworking

Job Title: Setup Crew

Duties and Responsibilities:

 Lifting designs and equipment to the event location

 Installing the venue decorations

 Arranging tents, tables, and chairs


 Must be physically fit and healthy

 Initiative, hard-working and reliable at work

 Works as an effective team member

Job Title: Photobooth Operator

Duties and Responsibilities:

 Controls and monitors the photobooth equipment

 Facilitates the visitors in-line for the photobooth


 Patient and hard-working

 Computer literate
 Either knowledgeable of operating the photobooth equipment or a quick learner

during trainings

 Has an approachable personality

Job Title: Photographer

Duties and Responsibilities:

 Takes professional photographs of the clients’ events

 Edits the photographs captured for the clients


 Has sufficient professional skills in photography

 Extensive experience with Photoshop and other editing softwares

 Knowledgeable with the use of cameras

 Passionate and hard-working in taking photos

 Must be willing to work at locations depending on the event venue

 Exceptional creativity and innovation


According to Harold Koontz, “Management is the art of getting things done

through and with people in formally organized groups. It is the art of creating

environment in which people can perform as individuals and yet cooperate towards

attainment of group goals.” This statement emphasizes that through skillful application of

management principles, management is able to direct the employees achieve the

organization’s goals and supervise their performance and efficiency in the workplace. In

accomplishing results, management promotes employee growth and development, creates

opportunities, and provides guidance and assistance whenever necessary.

The management approach to be implemented in the business is a combination of

team and servant management. Team arrangement involves teamwork, communication,

objective setting and performance appraisals. The manager is a guiding hand to help the

members of the team work together in order to solve problems and the entire team

receives the reward of meeting those goals. In servant leadership, the manager helps

provide resources that the employees need to meet company goals and the organization

recognizes employees as experts in their field and help them work efficiently.

Effective leadership, being a principle feature of good management, providesthe

benefits of having highly engaged and motivated employees. Through this, the

organization’s operations are improved and a higher quality of output is achieved.


Management policies set the rules of conduct within an organization, outlining the

responsibilities of both employees and employers. These are based on the principle that

employees are the most important resources for achievement of business objectives and

growth. Policies provide direction to employees about the conditions of their employment

agreement with the company.

The following organizational policies will be implemented by the business:

Working Hours and Days

Employees must follow established work schedule. The usual work schedule is 48

hours per week, Monday through Saturday during the hours between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.,

excluding special and legal holidays. Working hours include an hour of lunch break for

the employees.

Attendance and Punctuality

Employee morale and productivity is strengthened when employees work

regularly and comes to work on time. To facilitate recording of employee attendance the

business will be using a logbook. Recording of time-in and time-out requires the

employee signature and his superior. Grace period of five (5) minutes will be given to

each employee. Salary deduction will apply to those arriving five (5) minutes after the

grace period. Tardiness of one hour is equivalent to a half-day absent. Any employee

caught tardy for three consecutive times is subject to disciplinary action.


Management will not tolerate frequent lack of attendance. Same day notice of

absence to the immediate superior is needed in case of medical problems and

emergencies of immediate family. Same rule applies in case of accidents, fire, earthquake

and flood. Presentment of necessary documents as evidence is mandatory.

Unexcused absence without leave for numerous times is subject to disciplinary

action and may further lead to dismissal from the job. Contrariwise, employees have paid

time-off of ten (10) days each year provided that advance notice is given to his superior.
Standard Payday

Employees will receive their salaries in envelopes twice a month. Salaries are to

be paid on the 15th day and 30th day of the month. If the date falls on a non-working day,

payment will be done on the day before the standard payday.

Uniform/ Attire

The way the clients, customers and public see our staffs is essential for our

reputation. Employees will be expected to come in office in smart casual attire.

Presentable appearance will be observed all the time; everyone must be well-groomed

and wears clean clothes. However, during events employees must wear the prescribe

uniform for ease of identification.

Any employee who wears clothes that is deemed inappropriate will be dealt with

on an individual basis.

Benefits and Incentives

Employees are the pillar of the business. It is important to give them support

beyond mere salary thus providing them solid employee benefits package. Incentives,

based on studies, improve employee’s performance and it help them retain their


The following are the mandated benefits that will be given to its full-time


Social Security System –The Social Security Program provides a package of

benefits in the event of death, disability, sickness, maternity, and old age. Basically, the
Social Security System (SSS) provides for a replacement of income lost on account of the

aforementioned contingencies.

Philippine Health Insurance - PhilHealth is administered by the Philippine

Health Insurance Corporation, and provides employees with a practical means of paying

for adequate medical care in the Philippines.

Home Development Mutual Fund (Pag-IBIG Fund) - The Home Development

Mutual Fund, otherwise known as Pag-IBIG (Pagtutulungansakinabukasan: Ikaw,

Bangko, Industriya at Gobyerno) Fund is a mutual provident savings system for private

and government employees and other earning groups, supported by matching mandatory

contributions of their respective employers with housing as the primary investment.

Overtime Pay – An additional 25% of the regular wage will be given to those

employees worked for more than eight (8) hours a day.

Maternity Leave -This benefit applies to all female employees, whether married

or unmarried.Every pregnant employee in the private sector, whether married or

unmarried, is entitled to maternity leave benefit of sixty (60) days in case of normal

delivery or miscarriage, or seventy-eight (78) days, in case of Caesarian section delivery,

with benefits equivalent to one hundred percent (100%) of the average daily salary credit

of the employee as defined under the law.

Leave for Violence Against Women and Their Children (VAWC) - Private sector

women employees who are victims as defined in RA 9262 shall be entitled to the paid

leave benefit under such terms and conditions provided herein. The leave benefit shall

cover the days that the woman employee has to attend to medical and legal concerns.
13th Month Pay – The business is required to pay the employees thirteenth-month

pay, regardless of the nature of the employment and irrespective of the methods by which

the wages are paid, provided they worked for at least one (1) month during a calendar

year. The thirteenth - month pay will be given to the employees not later than December

24 of every year.

Vacation Leave – Employees that rendered at least one year of service will be

entitled to have a yearly paid vacation leave of five (5) days.

Sick Leave – Employees who have rendered more than six (6) months of service

for the business will be entitled to a maximum of eight (8) days paid sick leave.

Safety and Sanitation Policy

Safety Policy

The following rules should be implemented to provide safety for the

employees and clients inside the business premises:

1. The employees must be properly trained as to business’s guidelines and policies.

2. The manager must always check the employees and the entire premises regularly.

3. The office must always have a functional fire extinguisher located in most

convenient area.

4. The office must be properly lighted and ventilated.

5. First aid kit must always be maintained in the establishment.

6. Deadly weapons inside the premises are strictly prohibited.

7. Log book is maintained at all times within the office area.

8. Emergency lights and fire sprinkler are installed within the office area.

9. The functionality of the vehicle used must observe at all times.

10. Illegal materials and alcoholic drinks are strictly prohibited in the establishment.

Sanitation Policy

The following policies will be implemented to maintain the cleanliness

within the office area:

1. The business premises must be cleaned every after office hours.

2. Restrooms must always be kept clean.

3. The wastes must be well segregated and properly disposed.

4. Employees must observe overall organization at all times.

Hiring/Recruitment Policy

Having competent employees can be the reason behind the business’s success.

And to have a competent one, it is necessary to have an efficient hiring process. The

recruitment process must set forth guidelines in choosing applicant with attributes and

skills necessary for the work.

The following are the procedures in hiring employees:

1. The applicant must submit Curriculum Vitae to the manager, the latter has the

discretion in choosing among applicants who to hire.

2. Chosen applicant will undergo further screening – interview. The manager will be

responsible in conducting the interview.

3. Applicants who passed the interview screening will now perform medical

examination to further confirm the ability in physical aspect.

4. The applicant is qualified upon passing the interview and medical phase and he

needs to pass certain requirements such as Barangay Clearance, Medical

Certificate, NBI Clearance, Police Clearance, Community Tax Certificate, SSS,

PhilHealth, TIN number.

5. Hired applicant will attend an orientation about the business’s policies, discussing

work descriptions, salary method, and the workplace itself. Aside from that, the

employee, together with the manager, will sign an employment contact.

Disciplinary Actions

The PINTAKASI Events“Disciplinary Action Policy” explains the steps that it will take

to address our employees’ misconduct or inadequate performance. Employees must be

aware of the consequences of their actions. This policy will be applied to all PINTAKASI

Events’ employees.

Disciplinary action steps

Our disciplinary process below is to be followed when deemed necessary:

1. Verbal warning

2. Written warning

3. Disciplinary meeting

4. Final written warning

5. Suspension or demotion

6. Termination

The PINTAKASI Events progressive discipline plan may begin at any step depending

on the severity of the violation. For example, going to work with the influence of alcohol

can begin at step 1 but if it’s not the first time, it can begin at step 3. Intentional mistakes

that cause a major problem can begin at step 4.

The following scenarios indicate where the disciplinary procedures start depending on

the violation:

Starts at stage 1

Performance Issues

Includes but not limited to:

 Failure to meet performance objectives

 Attendance issues

 Failure to meet deadlines

One-time Minor Offense

Includes but not limited to:

 Minor mistakes

 Rude behavior

 Starts at stage 4

Misconduct/Frequent offender
Includes but not limited to:

 Loss of temper in front of customer or partner

 Major mistake

 Starts at Stage 6

Severe Offensive Behavior

Includes but not limited to:

 Workplace violence

 Fraud

 Harassment

The disciplinary actions may repeat the stage as appropriate. It depends on the

employees’ reaction as well as the manager’s decision.

Our disciplinary procedure will begin where there is a sufficient evidence to justify it.

The manager will investigate the matter if there are any suspicious actions of misconduct.

The manager will also document every stage of the disciplinary procedure (except the

verbal warning). It may include necessary information like testimonies or evidences.

Termination/Separation policy

The PINTAKASI Termination/Separation Employment policy refers to the time

that an employee ends to be part of the company`s employees. This is prepared to prevent

misunderstanding and suspicion between the employee and the company. This
termination/separation of employment policy will be applied to all potential or current

employees of the company in regards to possible separation of employment.

Termination happens when a contract of employee is stopped due to their actions.

It may be classified as voluntary or involuntary

Voluntary dismissal

 Resignation

 Retirement

 Expiration of contract

Involuntary dismissal

 Discharge for a cause

 Discharge without cause

Discharge for a cause refers to the termination of the contract due to employee`s

misconduct. Examples of such termination include the following but not limited to:

 Breaches their contract of employment

 Guilty of fraud or other illegal actions

 Guilty of harassment

 Guilty of negligence of job responsibilities

 Continuously ignores company policy

The list is not absolute as discharge for cause remains at manager`s decision.
Discharge without a cause can happen when the company decides that the services of the

employee are no longer needed. Examples of discharge without cause include the

following but not limited to:

 Layoffs

 Rearrangement of department

The company may compensate the terminated employee for accrued benefits if


Resignation procedure

The employee must submit an official written resignation letter to the manager in case of



Business Formation Process

The entity will undergo the mandatory process of legal registration before it

officially commence its business operations and undertakings. Registration must be

complied in several government agencies including Department of Trade and Industry

(DTI), Local Government, Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and Social Security System


Registering the business name with Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) is

the first step to becoming a sole proprietor as it gives the owner the sole right to use the

business name. The entity will secure and accomplish its business name, PINTAKASI
Events, through filling out the “Business Name (BN)” registration application form. It

will then be submitted to the DTI – TreceMartirez City, Cavite branch office and secure

the DTI Certificate of Registration.

After acquiring the DTI Certificate of Registration, the proprietor will proceed

and register to Local Government Units (LGU) such as Barangay and Mayor’s Office. It

will fill out an application form in the barangay of Poblacion Uno, Indang, Cavite, the

firm’s principal place of business. It will submit, together with the completed application

form its copy of Certificate of Business Registration from DTI, two (2) valid IDs and a

proof of address, a contract of lease. Meanwhile, in securing a Mayor’s Permit or

Municipal License, the owner will submit the requirements such as Application Form,

DTI Certificate of Registration, Community Tax Certificate, Barangay Business

Clearance, Contract of Lease and Location Sketch of Business to the Municipality of

Indang, Cavite. It will also follow several procedures such as submission of clearances

namely BIR Certificate of Payment, Sanitary Permit, Building Permit, Fire Clearance and

Zoning Clearance. Upon assessment and issuance of Tax Order Payment (TOP), which

will be approved by the Municipal Mayor, it will subsequently secure its Certificate of

Registration and have its Mayor’s Permit released.

Furthermore, in application for Tax Identification Number (TIN) and business

taxes, all the requirements will be secured from the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)

particularly to the Regional District Office of TreceMartirez City, Cavite as a primary or

initial form of registration. Finally, employer registration shall be made through

Employer Registration Form in Social Security System (SSS).

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