Starkville Dispatch Eedition 10-24-19

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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Thursday | October 24, 2019

Demand outweighs supply of new smoke detectors

300 residents have requested smoke The Red
Cross pro-
safety, which is especial-
ly important at this time
have them.”
Fire Safety Week was
alarms in District 5 alone vides free
smoke de-
of year, County Fire Ser-
vices Coordinator Kirk
Oct. 6-12. According to
Red Cross data, there is
By Tess Vrbin District 5, the southeast- tectors to Rosenhan said. a house fire every eight ern part of the county, entities that “It’s the start of the minutes and residents
have signed up for new can install heating season, where have only two minutes to
Oktibbeha County smoke detectors through them, such people fire up their fur- get out of a burning house
leaders say they are work- Williams Rosenhan Campanella
a partnership between as city and naces and portable heat- safely. Nearly two-thirds
ing as efficiently as pos- county government and county fire services and Mississippi chapter as ers and stuff like that,” he of all fire-related deaths
sible to meet the demand the American Red Cross, emergency management. part of the national Home said. “We’re asking people occur in homes with
for new smoke detectors Supervisor Joe Williams Oktibbeha County EMS Fire campaign to install to check their detectors to no functioning smoke
while the supply is limited. said at Monday’s board of began working in April smoke detectors and make sure they work and alarms.
About 300 residents in supervisors meeting. with the Red Cross’ North teach families about fire we’ll give some out as we See Smoke alarms, 3A

West Point Columbus schools partner with African-American

woman charged leaders for mentorship program
with felony
child abuse
following death
of her infant
Investigation could
result in more arrests

A West Point woman
has been charged
with felony child
abuse following the
death of her infant.
Deputies with Clay
County Sheriff’s Of- Fitzgerald
fice arrested Court-
ney Fitzgerald, 28, on Tuesday.
Officials did not release many de-
tails, but Clay County Sheriff Eddie
Scott confirmed the victim was Fitz-
gerald’s 6-month-old child. He said Jennifer Mosbrucker/Dispatch Staff
there were traces of methamphet- Director of Planning and Community Development George Irby speaks to Columbus Middle School football players during the
amine in the child’s system. kickoff for a new mentorship program on Wednesday at the school. The new program, called Next Generation, hopes to intro-
See Fitzgerald, 3A duce men who have taken on roles in the community to the teens.

Local officials kick off ‘Next Generation’ get mentors in the com-
munity into the schools

initiative by meeting with CMS football players and form relationships

with students.

I’m assistant fire chief now.”
He used the story to press on them
“Whenever we have
community leaders in
school, it’s a win-win for
faces additional COLUMBUS — Co-
lumbus Middle School
the importance of surrounding them-
selves with successful people.
“If you look at these men that (are)
students, for teachers,
for the community,” La-

embezzlement football players all got a bat said.

in this room, we all know each other Brooks said he got the
chuckle Wednesday af-
because we associate with each oth- idea from a similar pro-
ternoon when Columbus

er,” he said. “Surround yourself with gram at schools in Flor-
Fire and Rescue Assis-
tant Chief Duane Hughes successful people. Instead of flaming ida and he, Shelton and
told them Mayor Robert people (insulting them), push them to Labat have been “tweak-
Hughes succeed.” ing” it to fit local needs.
DISPATCH STAFF REPORT Smith used to “paddle
him” when he was at school back in It was just one piece of advice the “This is just the first
team heard from the men in the room, Brooks
L O W N D E S 1980. stage of what we hope
COUNTY — A for- The team had gathered in a CMS who talked about the importance of fo- will get us going on this
mer Lowndes Coun- classroom to be introduced to about a cusing on academics and setting goals, program,” he said.
ty auxiliary deputy dozen business leaders, ministers and particularly goals that don’t necessari- Shelton said he wants to focus on
fired from his posi- public officials, including Hughes and ly have to do with football. getting police officers, who have spe-
tion at the sheriff’s Smith, all of whom were African-Amer- It was the first step in the “Next Gen- cific training in mentoring, into the
office and arrested ican men who had volunteered to be po- eration” program Columbus Municipal schools to work with the students.
for embezzlement tential mentors to the football players School District Superintendent Cherie “(We want them to know) they have
last month is facing Banks and their fellow students. Labat has been working on for about options,” he said. “... Everybody’s not
additional charges. “He paddled me for having a pack of a year with public officials, including going to make it in professional foot-
Jeffery Allen Banks, 47, of For- cigarettes,” Hughes said. “That stuck District 5 Supervisor Leroy Brooks and ball, but (there are) other careers.”
See Banks, 3A with me all my life, so I stuck with him. Columbus Police Chief Fred Shelton to See Mentoring, 6A

Weather Five Questions Calendar Local Folks Public

1 What was the slowest the bus could Today through Sunday meetings
go without exploding in the movie Nov. 1:
■ “Southern Fried Funeral”: The West
“Speed”? Starkville Board
2 How many flag-raisers are depicted Point/Clay County Arts Council presents
this comedic play at 7 p.m. Oct. 24-26, of Aldermen
on the Iwo Jima Memorial near Arling-
ton National Cemetery? and 2 p.m. Oct. 27, at the Louise Camp- work session,
3 What is Charlie’s last name in bell Center for the Arts, 521 Commerce 1:15 p.m., City
Preston Pridmore “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”? St., downtown West Point. Tickets are Hall
4 What is the common name for tibial $12 (cash or check only) at Petal Push-
First grade, Caledonia Nov. 4:
stress syndrome, an affliction that ers, First United Methodist Church and

74 Low 57
often affects athletes? Oktibbeha
5 What car maker made the Aspire, the Growth Alliance, all in West Point.
High Probe and Tempo? Limited seating.
County Board
Sunny of Supervisors
Full forecast on Answers, 6B meeting, 5:30
page 2A. Friday p.m., Chancery
■ MSU/Bahamas National Youth Cliff Morton likes to play Courthouse
Choir: Mississippi State choirs and the the guitar. He also enjoys
Inside Bahamas National Youth Choir present playing sports and being
Nov. 5:
Starkville Board
Business 4B Dear Abby 3B a free concert at 7 p.m. at Starkville’s outdoors. Morton lives
First Baptist Church, 106 E. Lampkin St. in Reform, Alabama, and of Aldermen
Classifieds 5B Obituaries 5A
Comics 3B Opinions 4A For more information, contact the MSU commutes to his job at meeting, 5:30
Crossword 6B Department of Music, 662-325-3070. Kroger in Columbus. p.m., City Hall


2A Thursday, October 24, 2019 The Dispatch •

Say What?
Did you hear? “We know when Friday at 7 o’clock comes, the
friendship and the love will still be there. But we’re
Zuckerberg defends Facebook’s not talking about football when we’re talking.”
currency plans before Congress Columbus High football coach Joshua Pulphus on
Friday’s game against West Point. Story, 1B.

CEO: Company won’t move forward

Business briefs
with Libra without explicit approval
from all U.S. financial regulators
By MARCY GORDON, the panel appeared uncon-
and KEN SWEET Rep. Maxine Waters,
AP Business Writers
the California Democrat
who chairs the panel, said
Facebook CEO Mark the Libra project and the
Zuckerberg endured digital wallet that would be
hours of prickly ques- used with it, Calibra, “raise
tioning from lawmakers many concerns relating
Wednesday as he defend- to privacy, trading risks,
ed the company’s new discrimination ... national
globally ambitious project security, monetary poli-
to create a digital curren- cy and the stability of the
cy while also dealing with global financial system.”
widening scrutiny from Furthermore, Waters
U.S. regulators. told Zuckerberg, “You
Representatives also have opened up a discus-
grilled Zuckerberg on sion about whether Face-
Facebook’s track re- book should be broken
cord on civil rights, hate up.”
speech, privacy and mis- The social media giant
information — not sur- has sparked public and of-
prising given the litany of ficial anger at every turn,
Courtesy photo
scandals Facebook has from its alleged anticom-
SNELL NAMED EMPLOYEE OF THE QUARTER: Barry Keel, center, North Mississippi Medical Center-West
been dealing with over the petitive behavior to its shift Point administrator, and Howard Rumore, right, director of Facility Operations, present the most recent Employ-
past two years. into messaging services ee of the Quarter award to Jamie Snell, a systems technician with Facility Operations. A graduate of Oak Hill
The House Financial that allow encrypted con- Academy in West Point, Snell earned a bachelor’s degree in management of construction and land development
Services Committee’s im- versations, to its refusal to from Mississippi State University. He joined the NMMC-West Point staff in 2006.
mediate focus was Face- take down phony political
ads or doctored videos. Tupelo, JBHM maintains offices in Columbus and
book’s plans for the cur-
rency, to be called Libra. The breakup specter —
JBHM Architecture celebrates 50 years Jackson and has previously operated in Southaven,
JBHM Architecture is launching a yearlong
Zuckerberg took pains to the worst-case scenario for Hattiesburg, Biloxi and Memphis, Tennessee. JBHM
celebration to reflect on its 50-year history and the
reassure lawmakers that Facebook and other tech also serves clients in dozens of communities through-
individuals and innovations that helped shape the out the Southeast and has won more than 60 awards
his company won’t move behemoths — has been
company’s success. Founded by Jim Johnson in Tu- for outstanding design in educational, industrial,
forward with Libra with- raised by prominent poli-
ticians , notably Sen. Eliz- pelo on Oct. 28, 1970, JBHM now stands as one of the healthcare, civic and corporate sectors.
out explicit approval from
all U.S. financial regula- abeth Warren, a leading region’s most respected and prolific multi-discipline In 1991, JBHM Architecture President Richard
tors. Democratic presidential design firms. McNeel was named partner along with Joseph H.
Still, many members of candidate. JBHM has deep roots in Mississippi, where the Henderson, who now serves as JBHM Architecture’s
firm has completed 5,000+ projects and worked in vice president and principal-in-charge of the firm’s
nearly all of the state’s 82 counties. In addition to office in Columbus.
Office hours: Main line:
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Most states not giving driver’s license data to Washington
n Toll-free 877-328-2430 n 662-241-5000 Census Bureau seeking records as part of White Trump’s administration plan to add
a citizenship question to the 2020
n Operators are on duty until
5 p.m. Mon.-Fri.
Submit a calendar item?
n Go to
House’s effort to gather citizenship info census, and the president instead
ordered citizenship data compiled
Buy an ad? community By MIKE SCHNEIDER an Associated Press survey of the through federal and state adminis-
n 662-328-2424 The Associated Press 50 states. The effort over the past trative records.
Submit a birth, wedding
couple of months has alarmed civil At least 13 states have refused
Report a news tip? or anniversary announce- ORLANDO, Fla. — An effort by rights groups, which see it as part to share the driver’s license data,
n 662-328-2471 ment? the U.S. Census Bureau to collect of a backdoor move by the Trump 17 are still deciding what to do, and
n n Download forms at www. state driver’s license records as administration to reduce the politi- 17 haven’t yet received a request, part of President Donald Trump’s cal power of minorities. according to the AP survey. Three
order to gather citizenship informa- In August, the bureau began states didn’t respond to multiple AP
Physical address: 516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39701 tion has been a bust so far. requesting five years’ worth of queries.
Mailing address: P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703-0511 As of Wednesday, the vast major- driver’s license records, promising Republican and Democratic
ity of state motor vehicle agencies the information would be kept con- states alike have said no, citing pri-
Starkville Office: 101 S. Lafayette St. #16, Starkville, MS 39759 had not agreed to share their re- fidential. The effort began after the vacy concerns and prohibitions in
cords with the bureau, according to U.S. Supreme Court rejected the state law.
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The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Thurs. Fri.
Major 9:32p 10:26p
Minor 3:41a 4:50a
Major 9:59a 10:52a
Minor 5:07p 5:44p
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
Thursday, October 24, 2019 3A

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Smoke alarms
Continued from Page 1A
EMS has installed 90 where they can draw out Thompson, who oversees cant right now thanks to total of more than 10,000 Chief Charles Yarbrough
new detectors through- the layout of their house, eight counties and is the 10-year batteries, he people, according to data said. The next drive will
out the county since the so they can talk it over based in Columbus. said. provided by Rosenhan. be in early November on
partnership with the Red with their family and The new smoke detec- The department was This part of the county Northside Drive.
Cross began in April and try to have those two es- tors have durable batter- already discussing a has the most low-income Funding fire depart-
received a new shipment cape routes determined,” ies and are sealed shut collaboration with the individuals and therefore ments is a key aspect of
of 60 on Tuesday, EMS Campanella said. “We so they will last a full 10 Red Cross in February the oldest structures and fire prevention that Ro-
director Kristen Cam- don’t just put up the de- years, Rosenhan said. when a house near the the most fires, he said. senhan said should not
panella said. The county tector and leave.” All seven rural fire intersection of Mt. Olive District 2 Supervisor be forgotten.
distributed the sign-up EMS also provides departments within Ok- Road and Oktoc roads and Board President “A mantra I’ve got is
sheet to the supervisors flooding and tornado tibbeha County Fire caught fire, Campanella Orlando Trainer said he
and is working its way Services have been re- said. The house was com- that fires are not put out
safety information, she does not know how many
down the list. District 5 said. ceiving and installing pletely destroyed, but with water. They’re put
people in his district have
is unique with its 300 ap- smoke detectors from the three residents got signed up for new smoke out with dollars,” he said.
plicants, she said, com- the Red Cross for years. out safely because they “It’s not the gallons per
pared to about 75 in the
The partnership Rosenhan received 100 in heard the smoke alarm,
minute on the fire. It’s
The Starkville Fire
rest of the county com- between EMS and the August and is waiting for Campanella said. Department regularly the dollars per year in the
bined. Red Cross more, he said. The fire happened in holds smoke detector fire departments. Trucks
Most residences re- The Red Cross pro- About 25 of those 100 District 5, the area with drives, most recent- aren’t cheap, and even
ceive more than one new vides as many new smoke smoke detectors went not only the most people ly in the Green Oaks though all our guys are
smoke detector at a time, detectors at a time as it to District 3, Supervisor signed up but also with neighborhood on Oct. volunteers, I’ve still got
and the most they can can, partly depending Marvell Howard said. the biggest need for new 12, where 24 houses re- to equip them and train
have is three. on how many people are He helped distribute smoke detectors, Rosen- ceived new detectors, them.”
“We provide them with available to install them, several detectors a few han said. Districts 5 and
a little bit of fire safety said Red Cross disas- years ago, so the need in 2, the eastern part of the
information, a floor plan ter relief specialist Gail District 3 is not signifi- county, have a combined

Continued from Page 1A
Clay County Coroner Investigators are A nyone with informa- Stoppers at 800 -530 -
A lvin Carter declined expecting to make ad- tion on the case is en- 7151.
to identif y the child and ditional arrests in the couraged to call CCSO Fitzgerald is being
referred all questions to case, according to a at 662- 494 -2896 or held in Clay County Jail
CCSO. CCSO press release. Golden Triangle Crime on $100,000 bond.

Continued from Page 1A
rest Glenn Road, has part-time auxiliary depu- ey for his personal use. tion is asked to call LCSO
been charged with four ty at LCSO from 2017 un- He faces a total of five at 662-328-1136 or Corey
new counts of embez- til September, is accused embezzlement charges Herring Automotive at
zlement, according to a of using his position at for allegedly misappropri- 662-328-2114.
Lowndes County Sher- Corey Herring Automo- ating more than $10,000 Banks has been re-
iff’s Office press release. tive on Gardner Boule- from the business. leased from custody after
Banks, who worked as a vard to convert cash mon- Anyone with informa- posting $20,000 bond.

Building permits
dale Plumbing ■ Fox Run Apts. of Columbus, ■ Oak Manor Community,
City of Columbus ■ Joyce Latham; 105 23rd LLC; 636 31st Ave. N., Bldg. LLC: 901 11th St. S., Apt.
Oct. 7-17, 2019 St. S.; Plumbing permit; Tabor 3; Reroof; J Miller Roofing O3; Plumbing permit; P & H
■ BH Properties, LLC; 416 Plumbing ■ JYD Partners, Ltd; 939 Ala- Plumbing
17th St. S.; Demolition; DAV- ■ Robert Smith; 1615 7th bama St.; Signs for Marvin’s ■ Alexander Blunt; 2404 6th
CO, LLC Ave. S., Apts. A & B; Plumbing Simmons Sign & Graphics Ave. N.; Plumbing permit;
■ Castle Columbus II, LLC; permit; Tabor Plumbing ■ Flora Nicholson; 1008 & Tabor Plumbing
3539 Bluecutt Rd.; Signs for ■ Charles Colvin; 201 23rd 1010 6th Ave. N.; Reroof; ■ Willie Latham; 1812 7th
Optum Pharmacy; Mid-South St. S.; Plumbing permit; Tabor Billings Roofing Ave. N.; Plumbing permit;
Signs Plumbing ■ Lehmberg Properties, LLC; Tabor Plumbing
■ Ralph Null; 423 9th St. S.; ■ JYD Partners, Ltd.; 939 Ala- 720 N. Lehmberg Rd., Ste. 3;
Reroof; Doug Wheeler Roofing,
bama St.; Fire sprinkler/alarm;
McIlwain Services
Sign for Shades ‘N Company;
Sign Design Plus
Lowndes County
■ David Knoop; 114 Sand Rd.; ■ Grey Car Properties, LLC; ■ Fox Run Apts. of Columbus, Oct. 23, 2019
Remodel; Same 3522 Hwy. 45 N.; Remodel LLC; 636 31st Ave. N., Bldg. ■ Jim Ray; 2337 Phillips Hill
■ Illuminating IV, LLC; 419 bathrooms; Curtis Bordenave 5; Reroof; J Miller Roofing Rd.; Remodel s/f residence;
Wilkins Wise Rd.; Signs for ■ Johnnie B. Latham; 1820 ■ Betty Bryan; 901 7th Ave. Owner
Zion Church; Mid-south Signs 6th Ave. N.; Demolition; Same N.; Electrical permit; George ■ Jefferson Davis Jordan;
■ Grey Car Properties, LLC; ■ Londa LeBrun; 2629 Can- Beavers 3370 Old West Point Rd.; Con-
3255 Hwy. 45 N.; Fence; terbury Rd.; Remodel; Bostick ■ Jackson Square, LLC; 2013 struct storage/shop; Owner
Curtis Bordenave Construction, LLC Hwy. 45 N., Ste. 1; Electrical ■ Robertson; Sterling Drive;
■ Charles Coleman; 201 23rd ■ David & Sharon Dickerson; permit; Advanced Electrics, Construct s/f residence;
St. S.; Electrical permit; Vertis 411 Dickerson Ln.; Reroof; Inc. Clardy Home Development
Lee Doug Wheeler Roofing, Inc. ■ Court Square Tower, LLC; ■ Hill; Terraceview Lane; Con-
■ Betsy Taylor; 91 Stokes Rd.; ■ Sarah Sanders; 2734 602 2nd ave. N., 2nd Fl.; Elec- struct s/f residence; Clardy
Electrical permit; Weathers Canterbury Rd.; Reroof; Doug trical permit; Joseph Harris Jr. Home Development
Electric, Inc. Wheeler Roofing, Inc. ■ James & Paula Gable; 214 ■ Mike Oglesby; 1310 Steens
■ Robert L. Harris; 678 S. ■ Bo Jarrett; 212 2nd Ave. N.; Airline Rd.; Plumbing permit; P Vernon Rd.; Construct pole
Pickensville Rd.; Electrical Demo block building;Same & H Plumbing barn; Owner
permit; Vertis Lee ■ Chuck Staten; 301 1st St. ■ Carolyn Moore; 3301 5th ■ Richard Heard; South Front-
■ Willie Carter; 1103 Ash St.; S.; Reroof; Doug Wheeler St. N.; Plumbing permit; Trues- age Road; Construct storage/
Mechanical permit; James Roofing, Inc. dale Plumbing shop; Potts Metal Building
Williams Heating & AC ■ Deanna McIntyre; 724 19th ■ Mary Alice Stewart Family ■ Bailey; Sterling Drive; Con-
■ Earlie B. Walls; 507 Spring- Ave. N.; Reroof; Doug Wheeler Trust; 924 3rd Ave. N.; Plumb- struct s/f residence; Clardy
dale Dr.; Plumbing permit; Roofing, Inc. ing permit; Benny Shelton Home Development
Same ■ Edward Bonner; 1415 6th ■ Dennis Long; 111 King ■ Spec; Old Wolfe Road;
■ Kevin Brickey; 101 Brown Ave. N.; Rebuild front porch; St.; Plumbing permit; Larry Construct s/f residence; Frye
St.; Plumbing permit; Trues- Excellent Roofing Funderburk Tile & Exterior
4A Thursday, October 24, 2019
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

In Starkville, it’s the Montagues vs. Capulets
I have great make sure resi- able coverage of the other city Photos were treated much short-term renters and resi-
empathy for dents felt it was or critical coverage of their the same: How come the big dents alike is something she
Starkville’s city of- “their newspaper.” own. photo on the front page was could live without.
ficials as they try to When the after- Nowhere was this more from the Biloxi game? Why The mayor and board of
appease all those noon Daily Herald prominent than in the sports did you use a photo of a Biloxi aldermen have been doing
who are up in arms added a morning section because sports has a player getting tackled when back-flips trying to find
about how — or edition, The South way of making people aban- you used a photo of a Gulfport common, peaceful ground
if — the city should Mississippi Sun, in don all sense of perspective. player breaking a tackle? Why between the two parties —
regulate short-term the early 1980s, the The term “fan” — short for is the Gulfport photo grainy the plan has been amended 10
property rentals in entire operation “fanatic - was created as a and poorly-lit while the Biloxi times in the past three weeks
residential neigh- moved to a new sports term. So you get the photo is clear, sharp? alone. But there is no peace
borhoods. location on DeBuys picture. Headlines were viewed in the valley to date. The lion
Notice, I used Slim Smith Road, which by no As sports editor, there critically. Stories were picked will not lay down with the
the word “empa- coincidence is the wasn’t a week — and some- apart in the search for any lamb. Swords have not been
thy” instead of road that separates times not a day — that I didn’t slight, real or imagined. Any beaten into plowshares. Biloxi
“sympathy.” Way back in the Biloxi from Gulfport. Even an angry call or five from a adverb or modifier, was con- despises Gulfport. Gulfport
previous century, when I was that wasn’t entirely satisfac- Gulfport or Biloxi fan certain sidered an assault by stealth. wishes Biloxi would just go
the sports editor on The Sun tory. The building had to be that I hated one city and loved It didn’t take long to realize away.
Herald on the Mississippi erected on one side of the the other, even though I grew that defending our work was So ultimately, I think the
Coast, I found myself in the road or the other, after all, up 300 miles away in Tupelo. pretty much an exercise in city will reach same conclu-
middle of a similar fight. and Biloxi people cynically I never lived down the futility, like breaking up a dog sion that I came to all those
Since its inception, the noted that the offices were damning fact that I lived in fight with your bare hands. years ago: Carefully consider
newspaper served a divided built on the Gulfport side. Gulfport, though. All you get for your efforts is a all the arguments, adopt a
readership, based on geogra- But even then, the news- Football season was the mauling. plan that is as fair as you can
phy. You were either on the paper did all it could do: It worst. Fans from either city So finally, I just decided to make it, then let the chips fall
Biloxi side of our circulation chose to have a Biloxi mailing would scrutinize our coverage be as fair as I could be and where they may.
area or the Gulfport side and address — which meant the of the Biloxi Indians or Gulf- let the chips fall where they There is no solution that
that was no small matter. mail had to be picked up at port Admirals like linguists would fall. will satisfy both parties.
Remember Shakespeare’s the post office in Biloxi — and examining the Rosetta Stone. It didn’t end the criticism, So the best alternative is
Montagues and Capulets? It a Gulfport delivery address. People would go so far as but I did sleep better. to choose a plan that evenly
was that kind of dynamic. Readers in both cities get out a ruler and measure I don’t know how Starkville distributes the grumbling.
The camps were bitterly pored over the pages of the the lengths of the stories Mayor Lynn Spruill sleeps Slim Smith is a columnist
divided that The Sun Herald’s newspaper with grave sus- devoted to the teams and cite these days, but my guess and feature writer for The
predecessor had offices in picion, jumping on anything whatever disparity there was is that this dispute over the Dispatch. His email address is
both Biloxi and Gulfport to that remotely suggested favor- as proof of bias. city’s efforts to please both

Cartoonist VIew

The Nation

Democratic debate: 10 questions left on the cutting room floor

The New York Times Democrats like Rep. David How much more income should govern- ing rising incomes and record-low un-
and CNN co-sponsored the Cicilline, D-R.I., claim that ment take from the American people? employment for blacks and Hispanics?
recent Democratic presiden- 83% of the benefits would 5. In 2017, nearly 40,000 Americans 9. Rep. Beto O’Rourke, you say
tial debate. The New York go to “the top 1%, richest were murdered or committed suicide you’ve benefited from “white privilege”
Times has not endorsed a people in this country, and by firearms, so you’ve demanded that and that America is built on “endemic”
Republican for president the most powerful corpora- Congress pass “commonsense gun con- and “foundational” racism. On the stage
since 1956. Prior to the tions.” But the Washington trol laws” to save lives. But how many with you are Sen. Cory Booker, of Afri-
Mueller report, the influen- Post fact-checker said: “The Americans are alive each year because can descent; Andrew Yang, of Chinese
tial paper published story nonpartisan Tax Policy Cen- they used firearms in self-defense? descent; Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, who is
after story about alleged ter found that initially more 6. Some of you have proposed a Samoan American; and Sen. Kamala
Russian collusion with the than 80 percent of taxpayers “buyback” of AR-15s and other “weap- Harris, whose background is Jamaican
Trump presidential cam- would get a tax cut, with less ons of war.” In 2018, according to the and Indian. Why didn’t “endemic” and
paign. Larry Elder than 5 percent getting a tax FBI, there were 297 people killed by ri- “foundational” racism prevent these
Project Veritas, the increase.” Why, then, do you fles — all rifles, not just AR-15s. But 443 candidates of color from being on the
investigative reporting outfit that uses keep restating what The Washington people were killed by hammers, clubs same stage with you, on the same night,
undercover video, recorded CNN Post said isn’t true? and other blunt objects. And 672 were competing for the same job?
employees complaining about the cable 2. Sen. Bernie Sanders, for years, killed by “fists, feet and other ‘personal 10. About Charlottesville, where a
news organization’s anti-Trump agen- you’ve said, “We are now spending weapons.’” Gun rights advocates argue woman was killed by a white nation-
da. On one video, a voice, identified as twice as much per capita on health care that these numbers show you have lost alist, you claim President Trump said
CNN president and CEO Jeff Zucker, as do the people of any other country.” perspective. Please comment. there were good white nationalists and
can be heard all but instructing his And for years, PolitiFact has said that’s 7. You criticize President Donald good neo-Nazis on “both sides.” In fact,
staffers to focus on impeachment, to false. So why do you keep saying it? Trump’s decision to withdraw troops at that very same press conference,
the exclusion of what taped staffers say 3. Many of you support reparations, from Syria. But when President Obama Trump said, “I’m not talking about the
they considered other important news. but former President Barack Obama withdrew troops from Iraq, Democrats white nationalists and the neo-Nazis
“There’s a lot of people out here just said, “Children who grow up without supported the policy — even though it — because they should be condemned
trying to do what they think is the best a father are five times more likely to ran counter to the advice Obama got totally.” Why do you keep misquoting
of journalistic integrity,” said one CNN live in poverty and commit crime, nine from his national security team. The the President?
staffer. “Then you get on the 9 a.m. call times more likely to drop out of schools withdrawal allowed ISIS to grow and Compared to previous Democratic
and big boss Jeff Zucker f—ing tells you and 20 times more likely to end up in metastasize. Obama sent back about debates, this recent three-hour long one
what to do.” prison.” Isn’t family breakdown a far 4,000 troops, and the troop level re- aired on CNN rated pretty bad. Who
So if viewers assumed the debate bigger problem than a need for repara- mains about 5,000. Is it not hypocritical knows? A tough question or two might
moderators’ questions wouldn’t be tions? to criticize Trump for doing the same have generated a bit more interest.
tough, they weren’t disappointed. Here 4. In 1900, government at all three thing that Democrats applauded Obama Larry Elder is a best-selling author
are just 10 questions that were not levels — state, local and federal — took for? and nationally syndicated radio talk-
asked: less than 10% of Americans’ income. 8. Does President Trump deserve show host. To find out more about Larry
1. About the Trump tax cuts, Today, government takes close to 31%. any credit for an economy that’s produc- Elder, visit
The Dispatch • Thursday, October 24, 2019 5A

Continued from Page 2A
Dorothy Foster Ricky Mills Friday at the funeral the several area furni- Chris Caldwell, Kenny Brown, Anthony Brown,
HAMILTON — Dor- SMITHVILLE — home. Cleveland-Mof- ture factories. Tipton, Evan Hardin, Avery Mills and Shane
othy Fay Cook Foster, Richard Craig “Ricky” fett Funeral Home of In addition to his Ray Blaylock, Brock Mills.
72, died Oct. 22, 2019, at Mills, 56, died Oct. 21, Amory is in charge of father, he is survived by

Haskell Robbins
her residence. arrangements. his wife, Denise Mills;
2019, at Missouri Bap-
Services will be at Mr. Mills was born son, Eric Mills of Smith-
tist Medical Center in
11 a.m. Saturday at Feb. 11, 1963, in Mon- ville; daughters, Ally
St. Louis, Missouri.
Tisdale-Lann Memorial roe County, to James Kissemme of Ft. Myers, Haskell Robbins, 81, of
Services will be at Mills and the late Ger- Florida, Ashley Hardin
Chapel, with Robert Columbus, MS, passed away
11 a.m. Saturday at aldine Harris. He was and Myranda Frederick,
Earl Fowlkes officiating. Monday, October 21, 2019,
Cleveland-Moffett Fu- a graduate of Hamilton both of Hamilton, Ala- at Baptist Memorial Hospi-
Burial will follow at
neral Home, with Kevin High School and was bama; brothers, Randy tal-Golden Triangle.
Pleasant Hills Ceme-
Crook officiating. Burial formerly employed as Mills of Hamilton and Visitation will be Friday,
tery. Visitation will be
from 5-8 p.m. Friday will follow at Pearce owner and operator Rodney Mills; and two October 25, 2019, from 6:00-
at the funeral home. Chapel Cemetery in driver with Landstar grandchildren. 8:00 PM at Lowndes Funeral
Tisdale-Lann Memo- Smithville. Visitation and as a supervisor in Pallbearers will be Home. Funeral service will
rial Funeral Home of will be from 5-8 p.m. be Saturday, October 26,
Aberdeen is in charge 2019, at 2:00 PM at Lowndes
of arrangements. Funeral Chapel, with Bro. Jerry Robbins officiat-
Mrs. Foster was born ing. Mr. Robbins will lie in state on hour prior to
Feb. 27, 1947, in Moore- the service. Interment will be in Springhill Cem-
ville, to the late Crosby etery, Millport, AL, with Lowndes Funeral Home
Lee Cook and Mary directing.
Nolan Cook Yarbrough. Mr. Robbins was born on October 6, 1938, in
She was a graduate of Louisville, MS, to the late Lillie Green and Fant
Hamilton High School Robbins. He was a member of Fernbank Baptist
and was formerly em- Church. Mr. Robbins married the love of his life
ployed as a seamstress Martha Lucille on October 10, 1959, at Spring-
with TIL and a manager hill Baptist Church, Millport, AL. He enjoyed the
with Jr. Food Mart. outdoors, going to the smoky mountains, gar-
In addition to her Dean Young dening, and feeding and watching his humming-
parents, she was pre- Visitation: birds. Mr. Robbins loved his family and spending
ceded in death by her Thursday, Oct. 24 • 9-11 AM time with them. He was a caregiver to his wife of
College St. Location
husband, Jessie Ray Services: 53 years until her passing in 2013. Mr. Robbins
Foster; and daughter, Thursday, Oct. 24 • 11 AM worked as a customer service agent for North-
College St. Chapel west Airlines for 30 years.
Sandy Foster. Burial
She is survived by Woodlawn Church of In addition to his parents, Mr. Robbins is pre-
Christ Cemetery ceded in death by his wife, Martha Lucille Rob-
her daughters, Tina Steens, MS
Smith of Aberdeen, bins; brother, E.G. Robbins; daughter-in-law,
Tammy Blakeney of Dawn Butz Nancey Robbins; and sisters-in-law, Delaine Rob-
Calhoun City and Ar- Visitation: bins and Helen Robbins.
Saturday, Oct. 26 • 10-11 AM Mr. Robbins is survived by his sons, Jerry
lene Hissong of Ham- 2nd Ave. North Location
ilton; son, Christopher Services: Haskell (Terisa) Robbins of Carrollton, AL, and
Foster of Hamilton; one Saturday, Oct. 26 • 11 AM James Michael (Joyce) Robbins of Columbus,
2nd Ave. North Location
brother; seven grand- MS; grandchild, Kayla (Jason) Junkin of Gordo,
children; and eight Friendship Cemetery AL; sister, JoAnn (Bobby) White of Okeechobee,
great-grandchildren. Columbus, MS FL; and brother, Harold Robbins of Okeechobee,
Fred Kerby Pallbearers will be Lee Shackelford, Bobby
Gail Pritchard Incomplete White, David Robbins, Jason Junkin, Chris Peaks,
COLUMBUS — College St. Location
Juanita Gail Pritchard, Ricky Ussery, Don Clay and JT Beard. Honorary
57, died Oct. 23, 2019, at Gail Pritchard pallbearers will be Members of Fernbank Baptist
Baptist Memorial Hos- Held At A Later Date Church, Megan Gann and Kindred Home Nurs-
pital-Golden Triangle. 2nd Ave. North Location es, Kelley Harris and Baptist Hospice Golden Tri-
No services will angle Staff, Dr. Ana Hilda Bonetti Lugo, MD and
be held at this time. Staff, Lifelong co-workers of Southern Airways
Memorial Gunter Peel and Golden Triangle Regional Airport.
Funeral Home and Compliments of
Crematory, Second Lowndes Funeral Home
Avenue North location,
is in charge of arrange-

Dean Young
Ms. Pritchard was
born March 21, 1962,
in Maben, to Thomas Edna Dean Logan Young, age 89, of Steens,
Pritchard and the late MS, passed away October 22, 2019, at her resi-
Patsy Ruth Weaver. dence.
In addition to her Funeral services will be Thursday, October
father, she is survived 24, 2019, at 11:00 AM at Memorial Gunter Peel
by her stepmother, Lou- Chapel, College St. location, with Allen Jones
ise Pritchard; sisters, officiating. The interment will immediately fol-
Wanda Harris, Donna low at Woodlawn Church of Christ Cemetery of
Johnson, Janet Curry Steens, MS. Visitation will be from 9:00 AM un-
and Sheila Cantrell; til the time of the service. Memorial Gunter Peel
and brother, Thomas E. Funeral Home & Crematory, College St. location,
Pritchard Jr. has been entrusted with the arrangements.
Mrs. Young was born December 11, 1929, in
James Wright Sr. Fayette, AL, to the late Willis B. and Dona Hall
CARROLLTON, Ala. Logan. She was a graduate of Caledonia High
— The Rev. James Carl School. At age 5, she started singing with her fa-
Wright Sr., 73, died Oct. ther’s quartet. At age 11, she started singing on
22, 2019, at Pickens WCBI Radio with the Lowndes County Quartet
County Medical Center until age 20, when she married her husband, the
in Carrollton. late Murl T. Young, Sr. Mrs. Young worked for
Home Going Cele- American Bosch, Young’s Twin Oak Grocery, E.
brations services will L. Robinson & Sons Grocery, and retired from
be at 11 a.m. Saturday Gunter & Peel Funeral Home as an insurance
at Mt. Hebron Baptist and prearrangement counselor.
Church. Burial will In addition to her parents and husband, she
follow at Pine Grove was preceded in death by her son, John David
Memorial Gardens. Young; brothers, Albert Logan, Richard Logan,
There will be no visita- and Jimmy Logan; sister, Merlene Yarbrough;
tion. Lavender’s Funeral brothers-in-law, Raymond Higdon and Billy Yar-
Service of Aliceville is brough; and sister-in-law, Virginia Logan.
in charge of arrange- Survivors include her children, Tommy Young,
ments. Frankie Young and wife, Kathy, Gloria Taylor and
husband, Donald, and Louis Denney and wife,
Theresa; brothers, Elbert Logan, Wayne Logan
and wife, Joyce, and Willis Logan and wife, To-
nyaa; sisters, Bobbie Winters and husband, Ar-
thur, and Beverly Logan Higdon; grandchildren,
Rep. Elijah Kimberly McNorton and husband, Patrick, Murl
T. Young, III and wife, Angela, Dewayne Young
Cummings to lie and wife, Robyn, Derrick Young and wife, Court-
ney, Lora Taylor Anderson and husband, Shawn,
in state at US and David Allen Taylor and Brandy Murphy; sis-
ter-in-law, Rae Logan; 17 great-grandchildren;
Capitol ceremony and 1 great-great-grandchild.
Pallbearers will be Dewayne Young, Murl
The Associated Press Young, David Taylor, Stephen Young, Steve
Yarbrough, Ronnie Jones, Chandler Young and
WASHINGTON — The Shawn Anderson.
late Maryland Rep. Elijah Honorary pallbearers will be members of the
Cummings will be remem- Woodlawn Church of Christ, patrons and the
bered by congressional Footloose Band of The Junction, staff of Legacy
leaders and colleagues as Hospice, employees of Memorial Gunter Peel Fu-
he lies in state at the Cap- neral Home & Crematory, Jamey Denney, Tim
Hudson and Dr. Harold Roy Thomas, Jr.
House Speaker Nancy
Memorials may be made to the Alzheimers
Pelosi, Senate Majority
Leader Mitch McConnell
Association, 207 W. Jackson St., Suite 1, Ridge-
and other congressional land, MS 39157.
leaders will speak at an ar-
rival ceremony Thursday
before Cummings lies in
state at Statuary Hall. The
public will be allowed to Sign the online guest book at
pay their respects to Cum-
mings later Thursday. 903 College Street • Columbus, MS
6A Thursday, October 24, 2019 The Dispatch •


Jennifer Mosbrucker/Dispatch Staff

Ethel Taylor Stewart was sworn in as Ward 1 Columbus City Councilwoman during a ceremony Wednesday at the
Columbus Municipal Complex. Stewart is the sister of Gene Taylor, Ward 1 councilman who passed away earlier
this year. She is the first woman to have a seat on the council in more than 10 years.

Continued from Page 1A
While the program is Irby specifically encour-
still in the works, Labat aged the players to reach
said she hopes the men- out to them if they wanted
tors will be in and out of to know about what each
the schools having lunch of the visitors do.
with the students. “I don’t know if you
Wednesday’s event heard somebody in here
lasted about 30 minutes, today that kind of touched
just long enough for the you that you want to know
potential mentors to in- more or you feel like
troduce themselves, but there’s somebody in this
several of the visitors said group that you would like
that if nothing else, they to one-on-one, get togeth-
hoped it made an impres- er, talk to your teacher
sion for students to see or principal or somebody
fellow African-American to get in touch with Mr. Jennifer Mosbrucker/Dispatch Staff
men in successful commu- Brooks and everybody Columbus Middle School Principal Kimberly Gardner
nities here in Columbus, here will make them- asks members of the eighth grade football team to close
many of whom, Brooks selves available,” he said. their eyes and visualize themselves in the future during
pointed out, were the first “If we get one or two out a mentoring program held Wednesday at the school.
African-American men in During the event, male leaders in the community came
of here that become suc- to speak with the boys about making good decisions
their positions. cessful because of some-
“(These are) leaders, and setting themselves up for future success.
thing that we said, that
men, professional men of would be a good thing.”
color who have achieved,
and you can do that,”
Brooks said after the
event. “You don’t have to
resort to drugs, crime.
... You can be successful
through hard work.”
City Planner George

Clerks have
Saturday hours
for Mississippi
absentee voting
The Associated Press

JACKSON — Circuit
clerks’ offices in Missis-
sippi are open on Satur-
days for people to cast ab-
sentee ballots.
Nov. 5 is the election
for governor and other
statewide races; transpor-
tation and public service
commissioners in three
regions; legislative seats;
and county offices.
The secretary of state’s
website says circuit clerks’
offices are open for nor-
mal business hours Mon-
day through Friday and
from 8 a.m. to noon the
two Saturdays before the
election. The deadline for
in-person absentee voting
is Nov. 2. Mail-in absentee
ballots must be received
by Nov. 4.
Mississippi law says ab-
sentee voting is available
to people who will be out
of town on election day, in-
cluding college students.
It is also available to any-
one who has a temporary
or permanent disability or
who is 65 or older.

Buckle up...
and your child, too

Aka embracing role after long-awaited opportunity

BY BEN PORTNOY defender for the game’s decisive score.
“You work so hard for
STARKVILLE — Josh those moments, and it
Aka’s daily post-practice seems like it may happen
routine was simple. or it may never happen.”
After concluding the he said. “But I just can’t
day with his teammates stress enough — I put in
in the early evenings at so much time, so much
Starkville High School, effort, countless hours
Aka would ask Yellow on the field, countless
Jackets coach Chris Jones hours at home doing stuff
to throw him an extra 50 around the house and vi-
passes. sualizing myself doing it.
“Any type of extra And for it to become real,
work we did or wanted to at first it seemed like it
do, he was first in line be- was a fantasy.”
cause he wanted to show “He’s that kind of play-
us he wanted to get bet- er,” Altmyer said of Aka’s
ter, he was willing to do ability to break the extra
what it took to get better,” tackle. “He’s strong, and
Jones said. he’s such a good asset for
Now nearing the end this team.”
of his senior season, Aka While three regu-
has become a mainstay lar-season games and the
in the Starkville offense Mississippi High School
after nearly two years of Activities Association 6A
preparation. playoffs are ahead, Aka’s
“It’s been one heck of a football future should ex-
ride,” he conceded Tues- tend far beyond this fall.
day. With offers from Austin
Looking back, Aka Peay, East Mississippi
is the first to admit he Community College and
needed the time to de- Mississippi Valley State,
velop. While classmate he’ll make his collegiate
and fellow receiver Rufus decision come spring.
Harvey took significant And like Memphis’
snaps as a sophomore, he Austin Frayser/Dispatch file photo Rodrigues Clark and
was relegated to the scout Starkville receiver Josh Aka hurdles an Oxford defender during an Aug. 30 game at Starkville High School. Mississippi State’s Kobe
team. actually contributing on with 251 yards and three that ability has persisted. son Central. Jones and Willie Gay, it
Despite that, Aka Friday nights when it mat- touchdowns on 23 recep- A complement to Har- Racing from the right will be Aka who joins the
took his opportunities in ters, that I’m really glad to tions last season. vey’s field-stretching abil- side of the formation to long lineage of collegiate
stride, both on the field have such a role.” Despite that, Aka re- ity, Aka has found a niche the left upon the snap, football players to come
and in the weight room — Entering his junior focused. With the injury as an interior/slot receiv- Aka crossed into Alt- out of the Yellow Jacket
where he estimates he’s program — a thought that
season, Aka had reason behind him and an offsea- er in Jones’ offense. In myer’s view. Seeing the
put on between 20 and 25 just two years ago seemed
to believe he’d step into son to prepare, there was this role, he’s totaled 467 late-developing crossing
pounds of muscle. improbable at best.
“With me, I just want- a more prominent role. a noticeable shift in his yards and seven touch- route, Altmyer took an
“I don’t have anything
ed to play my role,” he Senior receivers Cam game during spring ball. downs on 30 catches. extra step and tossed the bad to say about Josh,”
said. “Anything I could Gardner and Cameron “He’s always been a Of his seven scores, ball toward his receiver. Jones said. “He’s the guy
do to help the team at the Hines had both departed. hard worker, he’s always perhaps none was more Making the catch who went from not being
time I made sure I did it That said, a nagging ham- been a playmaker, so he’s important or meaning- around the Madison ‘the guy’ to being one of
at 100 percent, and I made string injury hampered had a chance to step up ful than his 12-yard Central 3-yard line, Aka ‘the guys’ through per-
sure that I put my best Aka’s ascent into an offen- and show it,” Harvey said. fourth-quarter reception fought, turned and willed severing, hard work and
effort forward. And now sive fixture, leaving him Through nine games, against then-No. 1 Madi- his way through a Jaguar busting his butt.”


With No. 1 West Point set to visit, Pats must stay focused
Columbus gears up for rivalry game to finish off perfect year
By Theo DeRosa take care of the football,” By Theo DeRosa with them.” Chambless said. “Both of Washington, Harri-
us will have to get men- son said, has a strong
Joshua Pulphus is no Heritage Academy
tally prepared for that.” quarterback and a couple
longer an assistant coach coach Sean Harrison is good receivers, but the
West Point star se-
at West Point, but his de- proud of his team’s abil- Generals lack strength
nior Brandon Harris is a ity to block out the noise
parture doesn’t mean the where the Patriots have
game-time decision for no matter the opponent.
end of his friendship with it: along the offensive and
the contest, Chambless “Friday nights don’t
Green Wave coach Chris defensive lines. That’s a
said, adding more in- matter as far as who’s on
Chambless. matchup Harrison likes
trigue to a local rivalry the other side,” Harri-
“He’s just an all-around to see.
game. son said. “Every Friday
good guy,” Chambless No matter how the
But the Green Wave night’s an opportunity to
said of Columbus High’s Pats fare Thursday,
have typically dominat- go out and get better.”
first-year head coach. they’re assured a first-
This week, that men-
“He’s a good friend.” ed the matchup, winning round bye in the MAIS
tality will have to apply
55-6 at Columbus to open Class 5A playoffs and a
The two coaches give to Thursday nights as
David Miller/Dispatch file photo
the 2018 season and 42-14 home game Nov. 8. As
each other advice on life, Columbus sophomore Michael Mosley returns the well, as the Patriots’
in West Point to kick off regular-season finale the current No. 1 seed,
school and family, but ball during the Falcons’ loss to Grenada on Oct. 11. they’ll be hosting again
ahead of Friday’s match- 2017. against Washington was
to us to go out and com- casted for Friday night, moved up a day because on Nov. 15 “unless some-
up between their two pro- With the Falcons now
pete and beat them,” said Columbus’ defense will of weather concerns. thing crazy happens,”
grams, one thing isn’t on part of Class 5A, Pulphus
Pulphus, who coached have the chance to shine, The Generals (2-7) Harrison said.
the agenda. can only hope for a differ- So though Heritage
tight ends at West Point and Chambless knows it. ent result. But no matter and the Patriots (10-0)
“We know when Fri- in 2018. “Any time you “You’ve gotta take ad- have played five of the Academy has at least one
day at 7 o’clock comes, how lopsided Friday’s more guaranteed home
get the opportunity to vantage of your opportu- same opponents this sea-
the friendship and the final score is, no matter son, with Washington game in the playoffs,
step up and beat the best, nities when the weather’s
love will still be there,” how many inches of rain losing all but its match- the Pats’ seniors will be
that’s all that matters.” bad from a defensive
Pulphus said. “But we’re accumulate on the field, up with Bayou, but that playing their final regu-
After a big road win standpoint,” Chambless lar-season home contest
not talking about football in overtime against Lake said. both coaches know the doesn’t mean Harrison’s
rivalry will deliver an en- team can afford to over- Thursday, and Harrison
when we’re talking.” Cormorant and a “great” To counter the deluge,
look its opponent. is sad to see them go.
His Falcons (3-5) are week of practice that fol- West Point again worked tertaining game — just
“They’re not a team “This year everybody
looking for a signature lowed it, the Falcons feel on overcoming the men- as it always has.
that we just show up knew that this year could
home win against a West good about their chances tal and physical road- “The teams know be the year, and they
and play,” Harrison said.
Point program that Pul- against the Green Wave blocks playing in the rain each other, and it’s good kept that focus on this
“We’re gonna have to go
phus said “sets the stan- (8-1), winners of seven tends to present. bragging rights for the out and play our game year,” Harrison said.
dard” in high school foot- straight. “You gotta be mental- Golden Triangle,” Cham- and do what we’re sup- “This group means a lot
ball in the region. In the inclement ly prepared for that and bless said. “It’s just a big posed to do and execute. to me.”
It would mean a lot weather conditions fore- take extra precautions to game. It always is.” We don’t need a dogfight See CAPSULES, 2B
2B THURSDAY, October 24, 2019 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1B
Prep Football Young has stressed all “Okolona always has
Starkville at Murrah, 7
Noxubee County (5-4) year will be keys to a good athletes,” King said.
p.m. at Choctaw Co. (6-3) big road win Thursday: “They lost quite a bit of
Caledonia at South Pon- For Noxubee County controlling possession, seniors, so they’re kind
totoc, 7 p.m. head coach Teddy Young, finishing drives and limit- of young, but they’re also
Washington at Heritage Thursday’s road district ing turnovers on offense; dangerous.”
Academy, 7 p.m. game at Choctaw County winning in the trenches, If the Panthers can
Calhoun Academy at is about control. gang-tackling running beat the Chieftains,
Columbus Christian Acad- Control of the clock backs and playing physi- they’ll earn an automatic
emy, 7 p.m. on offense. Control in the cally on defense. playoff berth. West Lown-
Noxubee County at Choc- trenches on defense. And “It’s gonna take play- des’ chances of hosting a
taw County, 7 p.m. what Young called “full ing great ball in all three playoff game are all but
West Lowndes at Okolo- control” of the No. 1 seed phases of the game,”
na, 7 p.m.
gone with the loss to Nox-
in Class 3A, Region 4, for Young said. apater, but the Panthers
Prep Volleyball
Thursday’s winner. are still fighting for the
Caledonia vs. Vancleave,
MHSAA Class 4A semifi-
The Tigers are 2-0 in West Lowndes (7-2) No. 3 seed in Region 2.
their region games this
nal, Starkville, 2 p.m.
year; so are the Chargers.
at Okolona (3-5) If they can win this week
New Hope vs. Long Last week’s 31-17 loss and beat Tupelo Christian
Beach, MHSAA Class 5A Young said Noxubee at No. 2 Noxapater told Prep, King said, they’ll
semifinal, 4 p.m. County is already guar- West Lowndes coach An- secure the third spot and
College Football anteed a playoff spot in thony King something would likely play Bald-
Itawamba Community its five-time region, but important about his team. wyn, the No. 2 team in Re-
College at Northwest Thursday’s game will be “Noxapater let us know gion 1, in the first round.
Mississippi Community huge in deciding the re- that we weren’t physically A win there would likely
College, 7 p.m. gion’s top team. strong,” King said. ”They set up a rematch with
Women’s College Soccer And on the road were physically a lot Noxapater.
Mississippi State at LSU, against a solid opponent, stronger than we were.” If the Panthers get the
7 p.m. it won’t be an easy game Spending time in the No. 4 seed, they’d face
for the Tigers, either. weight room has been Biggersville, the top team
Friday “They’re a great team critical for the Panthers in Region 1. King said he
Prep Football running the ball offensive- this week as they prepare was encouraged by Big-
West Point at Columbus, ly,” Young said. “They’re to take on Okolona in a gersville’s loss to Tupelo
7 p.m. fast on the defensive side road game on Thursday Christian Prep with the
Starkville Academy at of the ball.” that has implications for Panthers still battling
Jackson Academy, 7 p.m. The same things the Class 1A playoffs. TCPS for playoff position.
Oak Hill Academy at Win-
ona Christian, 7 p.m.
Hebron Christian at Hum-
phreys Academy, 7 p.m.
Lafayette at New Hope,
7 p.m.
College Volleyball
Auburn at Mississippi
Kyrie scores 50 in Brooklyn debut
State, 8 p.m. The Associated Press Jayson Tatum had 21. year extension that will go
Kemba Walker scored 12 through the 2022-23 sea-
Saturday NEW YORK— Kyrie points on 4-of-18 shooting son, with a player option
College Football Irving scored 50 points after that.
in his Boston debut, and
Mississippi State at in a record-setting Nets Al Horford had 16 in his
Texas A&M, 11 a.m. debut but lost his balance
Southern Miss at Rice, and missed a potential
first game with the 76ers. Heat 120, Grizzlies 101
Furkan Korkmaz and MIAMI — Justise
Noon winning shot that allowed Tobias Harris buried con- Winslow scored 27 points,
Northeast Mississippi the Minnesota Timber- secutive 3-pointers for rookie Kendrick Nunn
Community College at wolves to pull out a 127-
East Mississippi Commu-
Philadelphia — after the scored 24 in his NBA de-
126 victory over Brooklyn Sixers had missed 21 of
nity College, 2 p.m. but and Miami ran away
in overtime Wednesday 24 through three quar-
Arkansas at Alabama, 6 in the fourth quarter to
night. ters — to stretch the lead
p.m. beat Memphis.
Karl-Anthony Towns to 10.
College Volleyball Goran Dragic scored
had 36 points and 14 re-
Mississippi University for 19 points for Miami,
bounds for Minnesota,
Women at Central Baptist and Andrew Wiggins add- Mavericks 108, which played without Jim-
College, 1 p.m.
Men’s College Golf
ed 21 points, including Wizards 100 my Butler because of per-
sonal reasons. Nunn and
the go-ahead basket with DALLAS — Luka
Mississippi State at 1:19 remaining. Doncic had 34 points and fellow rookie Tyler Herro
Steelwood Intercollegiate,
Irving had the ball in nine rebounds and Kri- started in the backcourt
All Day
his hands with a chance staps Porzingis scored instead.
to cap his dazzling debut 23 points in the European Bam Adebayo had 14
on the air with a victory, following a pair’s long-awaited first points and 11 rebounds
for Miami, and Winslow
Nets timeout. He ran the game together, leading
COLLEGE FOOTBALL added seven rebounds
clock down and then be- Dallas past Washington.
6:30 p.m. — SMU at and seven assists.
gan his drive, but lost his Porzingis missed his
Houston, ESPN Ja Morant, the No. 2
balance near the foul line. first four shots before tak-
6:30 p.m. — Jackson pick in this year’s draft,
He retained his dribble, ing a break and coming
State at Prairie View scored 14 points and had
got up and shot, but his back to score nine points
jumper missed. in the final 2:45 of the first four assists for Memphis.
COLLEGE SOCCER Jaren Jackson Jr. had 17
After signing with the quarter. The 7-foot-3 Lat-
Nets in July, Irving broke vian acquired in a block- points.
6 p.m. — Minnesota at
Northwestern, BTN Kiki Vandeweghe’s re- buster deal with the New
6 p.m. — Florida at Ten- cord for most points by York Knicks before the Pistons 119,
nessee, SEC a player in his first game trading deadline last sea- Pacers 110
7 p.m. — Wisconsin at with a team. Vandeweghe son was 7 of 16 from the INDIANAPOLIS —
Illinois, BTN scored 47 points for Port- field. Andre Drummond had 32
COLLEGE VOLLEYBALL land at Kansas City on Doncic and Porzingis points and 23 rebounds,
(Women’s) Oct. 27, 1984. traded long 3-pointers and Luke Kennard made
9:30 p.m. — San Diego Irving finished with throughout the game, three 3-pointers in the
at Pepperdine, ESPNU eight rebounds and seven finishing 7 of 16 between final six minutes in De-
GOLF assists. Caris LeVert add- them (4 of 9 for Doncic, 3 troit’s opening victory
5:30 a.m. — EPGA Tour: ed 20 points. of 7 for Porzingis). Doncic over Indiana.
The Portugal Masters, was 12 of 19 overall. Kennard scored 30
first round, Quarteira, 76ers 107, Celtics 93 Washington rookie Rui points, a career best, and
Portugal, GOLF PHIL A DELPHI A Hachimura, the first Japa- matched his career high
9:30 a.m. — EPGA Tour: — Joel Embiid had 15 nese-born player drafted with six 3s.
The Portugal Masters, points and 13 rebounds, in the first round, had 14 Domantas Sabonis had
first round, Quarteira, Ben Simmons scored 24 points and 10 rebounds. 27 points and 13 rebounds
Portugal, GOLF points and Philadelphia Bradley Beal scored 19 for Indiana. Myles Turner
12:30 p.m. — LPGA Tour: beat Boston. points less than a week added 25 points, and Mal-
The BMW Championship, Gordon Hayward led after the All-Star guard colm Brogdon had 22 in
first round, Busan, South the Celtics with 25 points. signed a $72 million, two- his Pacers debut.
Korea, GOLF
9 p.m. — PGA Tour: The
ZOZO Championship, sec-
ond round, Tokyo, GOLF
5:30 a.m. (Friday) — Eu-
ropean Tour: The Portugal
Masters, second round,
Quarteira, Portugal, GOLF
Noon — Belmont Park:
From Elmont, N.Y., FS2
7 p.m. — Milwaukee at
Houston, TNT
9:30 p.m. — LA Clippers
at Golden State, TNT
7:20 p.m. — Washington
at Minnesota, FOX/NFL
7 p.m. — MLS Playoffs:
Philadelphia Union at
Atlanta United, Eastern
Conference Semifinal,
9:30 p.m. — MLS
Playoffs: LA Galaxy at LA
FC, Western Conference
Semifinal, ESPN
6 a.m. — ATP/WTA: The
Swiss Indoors Basel, The
Vienna Open & The Elite
Trophy Tournament, Early
Rounds, TENNIS
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, October 24, 2019 3B


Strasburg stars as Nats rout Astros for 2-0 Series lead

HOUSTON — Stephen home to Washington for but, Strasburg allowed a phies, and three no-hit-
Strasburg’s time had three games — if needed. two-run homer to Alex ters on his resume.
come. Adam Eaton paraded Bregman in the first be- He struck out six to
Famously held out around the bases point- fore throwing five shut- become the career leader
of the postseason sev- ing to the Houston crowd out innings to improve in postseason Ks with 202
en years ago, Strasburg after a late home run as 4-0 this postseason. He — another impressive sta-
delivered on the biggest the Nationals won their allowed seven hits and tistic on a stellar resume
stage of all Wednesday eighth in a row. They’ve struck out seven. that is still missing that
night. won 18 of 20 overall dat- Verlander, so good in elusive World Series win.
The right-hander out- ing back to the regular the regular season, fell Their dominance
dueled fellow ace Justin season, with the last two to 0-5 in six World Series
against Houston’s best
Verlander, overcoming over AL Cy Young Award starts. He gave up seven
pitchers turned the un-
a shaky start to give the favorites Gerrit Cole and hits and four runs, and
Washington Nationals a Verlander. derdog Nationals into
Troy Taormina/USA TODAY Sports was lifted after walking a
12-3 win over the Houston Game 3 is Friday night Washington Nationals starting pitcher Stephen Stras- batter following Suzuki’s heavy favorites to win
Astros and a command- when Aníbal Sánchez burg throws against the Houston Astros during the first home run. the title. Only three of
ing 2-0 lead in the World opposes Houston’s Zack inning of Game 2 of the 2019 World Series on Wednes- Verlander led the ma- the previous 25 teams to
Series. Greinke in the first World day at Minute Maid Park in Houston. jors with 21 wins this lose the first two games
Kurt Suzuki hit a tie- Series game in the na- he was about two years re- portant than pitching him season and struck out a at home under the 2-3-2
breaking homer in what tion’s capital since 1933. moved from Tommy John in the playoffs, so he was career-high 300 to reach format have come back
became a messy six-run The 31-year-old Stras- surgery when Nationals shut down late in a season 3,000 in his career. He to win the Series. No one
seventh inning, and the burg had waited years for brass decided protecting full of promise. has a World Series ring, has done it since the 1996
Nationals headed back this chance. Back in 2012, his elbow was more im- Making his Series de- MVP and Cy Award tro- New York Yankees.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: feeling flat- it. (They do acknowledge our
I recently tered. Cassie’s birthdays.) I always make
started a motivation may sure I don’t miss an occasion
romantic relation- be she’s sorry by calling or sending a card.
ship with “Doug,” she fixed you When the one couple needs
a guy I have been up with Doug something (like money), they
chasing for a because he has always call. I feel if we disap-
while. My friend begun looking peared, they wouldn’t notice.
“Cassie” helped more and more Our anniversary is the tip of
to set us up, and appealing to the iceberg. All the rest I can
I am grateful. her. It appears let go of.
Doug and I talk she is trying to How can I tell them how
ZITS every night and manipulate you much it hurts without sound-
are very close. and Doug into ing like a whiner? I’m not
Cassie has breaking up, asking for much more than an
a reputation for and that’s not unsolicited “Happy Anniver-
being a flirt, but friendship. sary.” Our “golden” one is
I didn’t think
Dear Abby Tell her you coming up soon. Some peo-
much of it. As and Doug are ple’s kids give them parties
the months have progressed, happy together, you’re NOT for such a special occasion.
I notice her talking to my boy- “too good” for him and you I’m actually embarrassed. We
friend more often. I’m OK with understand each other very do have a life. We travel. But
her being friendly, but when well. Tell her to back off a little acknowledgment from
she hugs him or tries to al- and stop flirting with your our kids would be a big mo-
ways sit next to him, it makes boyfriend, and if she doesn’t, rale-booster. Advice? — LET
me uncomfortable. I’m scared recognize it’s time to distance DOWN IN THE WEST
she’s trying to come between yourself. DEAR LET DOWN: Your
GARFIELD us. Recently she told me that DEAR ABBY: I have three adult children are not mind
she thinks he’s cute. grown sons we don’t see readers. They appear to
She’s always telling me often. They’re married or live be very much centered on
I’m too good for him or I need with a girlfriend, and they themselves and their own
someone who understands work a lot. I understand they lives. TELL them how hurt
me better. Doug tells me that have their own lives, but it you are when they overlook
Cassie is giving me strange seems their partners’ families your anniversaries. If nothing
looks and telling him that I’m take priority over us. I feel changes, the next time you
too good for him. I am flat- bad about it, but I understand are hit up for money, say no.
tered that she thinks this, but that this is just how it is. If you do, it may lessen their
I am scared about her true We feel unimportant in sense of entitlement, which
motivations. — NERVOUS IN their lives. When our anni- would be doing them a bigger
NORTH CAROLINA versary comes around, they favor than dispensing dough
DEAR NERVOUS: Stop don’t bother to acknowledge like an ATM machine.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Oct. there for people without being your ingredients so that you can
24). The older you get, the there with them. use them at the exact optimum
younger your mind becomes as TAURUS (April 20-May 20). time they will taste the best.
your sense of curiosity keeps The aim that a person attains LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
the inspiration flowing through without forethought is not his The path before you will be
the solar year. Your need to own. Having a thing is different smoothed by people who like
explore is as real as your need from achieving it. You will most you and want you to have an
for food, and you’ll find a way to enjoy the processes you’ve long easier time than you’ve had.
adventure wondrously. Conflict imagined and anticipated. Accept the special attention.
resolves in February. Family GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’ve earned it.
will be the source of surprise, You’ll adjust your energy to VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
delight and support. Gemini that of the others in the room, Enthusiasm is an attractive
BABY BLUES and Taurus adore you. Your subduing it somewhat, and then emotion, especially when it’s
lucky numbers are: 8, 60, 4, 40 slowly turning it up to arrive at dialed to a level that the other
and 1. a more joyful and expressive person can accept. People will
ARIES (March 21-April 19). place together. be skeptical if they feel they
Your spirit is so big that its CANCER (June 22-July 22). haven’t earned the level of
warmth breaks down barriers Things have more impact when support on offer.
and defies the boundaries of they are fresh. You’re like a LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
space and time. So you can be chef, managing the ripeness of You’ll be dealing with a wide
variety of communication styles,
some of which will be rather
vague and imprecise, though
still not impossible to under-
stand. Most likely, they mean
what you think they mean.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
BEETLE BAILEY 21). Bad habits have their
rewards. To stay oblivious to
those or ignore them is to let
the habit rule unchecked. Once
you recognize the reward, you
can start to find other ways of
reaching that end.
21). You’re better off assuming
that you can improve the world
than believing you can’t. In all
likelihood, you have far more
power than you know. You’ll only
find out what you can do after
you’ve made your move.
19). You’ll be waving goodbye
to an unwanted burden soon
enough, so you may as well
make the most of its presence.
There are gifts inside even the
most inconvenient facts of
life. Why not savor them while
they’re still on offer?
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). Don’t use every aspect of
your presentation at once. Keep
some novelty in the back of the
closet so you can bring it out
to dazzling effect later when no
FAMILY CIRCUS one is expecting it.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Outsiders mistakenly
assume that success depends
on certain factors that may or
may not have anything to do
with the matter. Drop your pre-
vious notions and get in a little
deeper. Things are different on
the inside.

Haul over the coals

4B THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2019 The Dispatch •

Business moves with Mary

Steel Forest Furniture Store

in downtown slated to close
fter three years in tivities will be Friday at 8 a.m.
downtown, Steel Forest AFFCU first opened in
Furniture Store is 1952 at Lackland Air Force
closing its doors. Base in San Antonio, Texas,
Chip Gerber, owner of the with only 10 servicemen
handmade furniture shop at pooling together $5 shares.
124 Fifth St. S., announced Nearly 70 years later, it has
the Columbus store’s closure expanded to serving more
on the company’s Facebook than 47,000 members world-
page. Gerber said although wide.
the physical location is clos- Whew, business has been
ing, he will continue selling booming while I’ve been
custom furniture for custom- Mary Pollitz gone. In medical news, Rhett
ers who reach him through Family Dental held its grand
Facebook. opening. Dr. Cali Rhett opened her office
“I get a tremendous amount of joy do- at 2102 Fifth St. N. Suite. 2. Hours are
ing it,” Gerber said. “...Basically this was Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m.-5
a hobby that turned into a business.” p.m. Dr. Rhett is accepting new patients
The store will remain open Tuesday with a simple phone call at 662-328-6953.
through Friday from 11 a.m.-6 p.m. and With football season in full swing
Saturdays 10 a.m.-3 p.m. likely through and tailgates galore, thank goodness
the end of November. Towne Liquor, 507-1 18th Ave. N., has
“I appreciate the support that the finally opened shop this week. Drown
community has given us, I know a lot of your tears for the Bulldogs or celebrate
people are sad to see the store go,” Ger- the New Orleans Saints miraculous stint
ber said. “We’re not going away forever, without Drew Brees Monday through
we’re going to come back a little differ- Saturday from 10 a.m.-10 p.m.
ent. ...We will be back, but we are going Moving to Starkville, one of the
to come back in a different fashion. We Cotton District’s coffee shops has closed
are going to have a presence somewhere. and is going mobile. The People’s Cup
I know I’m going to change it up, I’m just MicroRoastery has served its final cup
not sure how yet.” of coffee at its 12-1/2 Lummus Dr. shop,
Over in east Columbus, Kallie Stacy and owner Blair Edwards said he will
Phillips opened an accounting firm ear- start pushing his ethically sourced prod-
lier this year. K.S. Phillips PLLC serves uct with daily pop-up shops throughout
any accounting or tax need including Starkville.
business management, bookkeeping, Check Instagram each day to find out
payroll and tax returns. where Edwards will be.
“If you have an accounting need, we Starkville has also added a prosthetics
pretty much do it,” Phillips said. clinic. Methodist Orthotics and Pros-
Her office at 105-B Alabama St. is thetics opened this month at 101 G.T.
open Monday through Friday from 9 Thames Dr. Suite A. The clinic offers
a.m.-5 p.m. The four-woman accounting braces and artificial limbs to patients
firm is up and ready to help its custom- of all ages. Methodist Orthotics and
ers. For all inquiries call 662-328-4919. Prosthetics first opened in Flowood
In other financial news, the Air Force and has expanded with satellite offices
Federal Credit Union opened its Colum- in Meridian, Hattiesburg, Cleveland,
bus location at 1908 Hwy 45 N. Suite 1. Oxford, Monroe, Louisiana and now
The credit union is open Monday Starkville. Those in need of care can call
through Friday 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 800-223-6672, extension 8899 for a free
and Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. to noon. consultation.
Celebrating its grand opening, a ribbon Got business tips? Email them to mpol-
cutting with refreshments and other fes-


Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch, LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS-
CEL NO. 61W080008800,

E.R.M., DEFENDANT To place ads starting at only $12,
NO. 2019-0002-ED2
You have been made a defend-
ant in the suit filed in this
call 662-328-2424 or visit

Court by Chester Keith Maxey, NO. 2019-0001-ED2 TO: THE UNKNOWN HEIRS-AT-
Plaintiff, on an Adoption of your
OCTOBER 24, 2019
known Father, as a Defendant. PERSONS OR ENTITIES HAV-
hand-deliver a copy of a writ- WILLIAMS, DECEASED, THE TAIN REAL PROPERTY LOC-
Legal Notices Legalresponse
ten Notices to the Complaint Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices HEIRS-AT-LAW AND
UNKNOWN Legal Notices

covery & Towing, 4009 HWY O. BOX 369, VERNON, SIPPI ING OR CLAIMING A LEGAL OR CEL NO. 61W080008800,
Call us: 662-328-2424 373, Columbus, MS 39705: ALABAMA, 35592.
Mining and Reclamation Divi-
Legal Notices Vin#1C4NJPBA9HD211459 MAILED OR DELIVERED NOT P. O. Box 2279 SHIP 18 SOUTH, RANGE 18
State of Mississippi County Of 2013 TOYOTA TACOMA SILVER AFTER THE24TH DAY OF OCTO- TIONER (601) 961-5527 MISSISSIPPI, BEING TAX PAR- ants in a lawsuit filed in this
Lowndes Vin#3TMLU4EN5DM132610 BER, 2019, WHICH IS THE CEL NO. 61W090004700, Court by the Columbus Re-
Vin#5FNYF3H96BB023602 YOUR RESPONSE IS NOT SO SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Public Notice No. 1703AAA Oc- SIPPI tain real property located in
WHEREAS, the following ten- MAILE OR DELIVERED, A tober 21, 2019 Block 22 North of Main, Colum-
ants entered into leases with 2005 MALIBU MAX JUDGEMENT BY DEFAULT WILL THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Application No. A1703AAA You have been made Defend- bus, Mississippi, and being
The Grove Mini Warehouses for Vin#1G1ZU64835F102761 BE ENTERED AGAINST YOU ants in a lawsuit filed in this Lowndes tax parcel
storage space in which to store FOR THE MONEY OR OTHER TO: FNU LNU, child of Charles TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Court by the Columbus Re- 61W080008800. The property
personal property and IF THESE VEHICLES ARE NOT RELIEF DEMANDED IN THE MO- Bean; development Authority to con- is necessary to renew and re-
CLAIMED THEY WILL BE PUT TION FOR CITATION FOR CON- The Office of Geology has re- demn by eminent domain cer- develop blighted conditions in
WHEREAS, default has been UP FOR SALE ON THE 15TH TEMPT. You have been made a Re- ceived an Application for a Sur- tain real property located in accordance with the Urban Re-
made in the payment for rent DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2019 AT spondent in the suit filed in face Mining Permit pursuant to Block 22 North of Main, Colum- newal Plan (Burns Bottom) of
and The Grove Mini Ware- 6:00 A.M. AT ATLAS RECOV- You must also file the original this Court by Dorothy Rhoades, Sections 53-7-27 and 53-7-29 bus, Mississippi, and being the City of Columbus, Missis-
houses pursuant to said ERY & TOWING, 4009 HWY of your Response with the clerk in a Petition for First and Final of the Mississippi Surface Min- Lowndes tax parcel sippi.
leases is authorized to sell the 373, COLUMBUS, MS 39705. of this Court within a reason- Accounting, Discharge of Ad- ing and Reclamation Act of 61W090004700. The property
personal property to satisfy the able time afterward. ministratrix, Etc. in the Estate 1977, as described below: is necessary to renew and re- You are summoned to appear
past due rent and other Witnessed under my hand on of Mary Rounsaville. develop blighted conditions in and defend against the com-
charges owed to it by the fol- this the 21st day of October, Issues under my hand and the APPLICANT: W G Yates and accordance with the Urban Re- plaint or petition filed against
lowing tenants: 2019. seal of said Court, this the You are summoned to appear Sons Construction Company newal Plan (Burns Bottom) of you in this action at 9:30
22nd day of October, A. D., and defend against the com- dba Baldwin Sand and Gravel, the City of Columbus, Missis- o’clock a. m. on the 10th day
Sandreike Mitchell /s/Frank Stump 2019. plaint or petition filed against Lowndes County Mine Number sippi. of December, 2019, in the
A5 you in this action at 9:00 A.M. 3 County Court courtroom of the
$156.70 PUBLISH: 10/24 & LISA YOUNGER NEESE on the 29th day of January, PO Box 456 You are summoned to appear Lowndes County Courthouse in
10/31/2019 CHANCERY CLERK OF 2020, in the courtroom of the Philadelphia, Mississippi and defend against the com- Columbus, Mississippi, and in
Asia Meady LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- Lowndes County Courthouse at 39350 plaint or petition filed against case of your failure to appear
A44 IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF SIPPI Columbus, Mississippi, and in you in this action at 9:30 and defend, a judgment will be
$296.85 LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- (SEAL) case of your failure to appear LOCATION: Northwest ¼ of o’clock a. m. on the 21st day entered against you for the
SIPPI BY: Tina Fisher, D. C. and defend a judgment will be Section 5 and Northeast ¼ of of January, 2020, in the County money or other things deman-
Barbara Anderson entered against you for the Section 6, Township 18 South, Court courtroom of the ded in the complaint or peti-
B4 IN RE: THE ADOPTION OF OF COUNSEL: money or other things deman- Range 17 West, Lowndes Lowndes County Courthouse in tion.
$286.85 E.R.M., A MINOR FEMALE ded in the complaint or peti- County (Lat. N33° 31’ 49.59”, Columbus, Mississippi, and in
CHILD MOSE LEE SUDDUTH, JR. tion. Long. W88° 20’ 48.09”) case of your failure to appear You are hereby further given
Edwin Summerville ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF and defend, a judgment will be notice that not less than ten
B10 CHESTER KEITH MAXEY P. O. BOX 369 You are not required to file an DESCRIPTION: The Operator entered against you for the (10) days prior to the date of
$160.55 PLAINTIFF VERNON, ALABAMA 35592 answer or other pleading, but proposes to open pit mine 25 money or other things deman- the trial on December 10,
OFFICE: 205-695-0053 you may do so if you desire. additional acres to a total ded in the complaint or peti- 2019, you are required to file
Cyretha Ball VS. FAX: 205-695-8352 depth of 50 feet for sand and tion. the Statement of Values pursu-
B25 MISSISSIPPI BAR NUMBER: ISSUED UNDER MY HAND AND gravel. This is in addition to the ant to Miss. Code Ann. §11-27-
$166.85 KRISTINA MARIE MAEY AND #8039 THE SEAL OF SAID COURT¸ this to the previously permitted 180 You are hereby further given 7, which shall be treated as
THE UNKNOWN FATHER OF EMAIL: the 21st day of October, 2019. acres for a total of 205 acres. notice that not less than ten pleadings in this action. The
Thomas Bailey E.R.M. Sediment and erosion will be (10) days prior to the date of date of the filing of the Com-
B35 DEFENDANTS PUBLISH: 10/24, 10/31, & /s/ Lisa Younger Neese by controlled by settling ponds, di- the trial on January 21, 2020, plaint herein is the 10th day of
$156.80 11/7/2019 Tina Fisher, D.C. version berms and drainage you are required to file the September, 2019, and the
CIVIL ACTION NUMBER; 2019- LISA YOUNGER NEESE, Chan- ditches. Reclamation will con- Statement of Values pursuant name and address of the attor-
Walter Smith Jr. 20DE cery Clerk Lowndes County, sist of ponds with 3 to 1 to Miss. Code Ann. §11-27-7, ney for the Plaintiff is Martha
C5 Mississippi grassed cover slopes. which shall be treated as Bost Stegall, P. O. Box 7120,
$326.10 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION pleadings in this action. The Tupelo, Mississippi 38802.
PUBLISH: 10/24, 10/31, & This public notice is being dis- date of the filing of the Com- Other than the Statement of
NOW, THEREFORE, notice is THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI 11/7/2019 tributed to interested persons plaint herein is the 10th day of Values you are not required to
hereby given that The Grove and agencies to assist in devel- September, 2019, and the file an Answer or other plead-
Mini Warehouses liquidation TO: THE UNKNOWN FATHER OF oping facts on which a de- name and address of the attor- ing but you may do so if you de-
sale will take place at 510
Lehmberg Road, Columbus, MS
E.R.M., DEFENDANT All notices must be It’s a classified cision by the Office of Geology ney for the Plaintiff is Martha
can be based. You are reques- Bost Stegall, P. O. Box 7120,

39702 on November 8, 2019

at 10:00 A.M.
You have been made a defend-
ant in the suit filed in this
emailed to rule-of-thumb: ted to communicate the inform-
ation contained in this notice
Tupelo, Mississippi 38802.
Other than the Statement of
Issued under my hand and the
seal of said Court, this 15th
classifieds@ to any other parties whom you Values you are not required to day of October, 2019.
PUBLISH: 10/24, 10/31 &
Court by Chester Keith Maxey,
Plaintiff, on an Adoption of your
We tell readers deem likely to have interest in file an Answer or other plead-
11/7/2019 minor child, E.R.M., the Un- the matter. All agencies and ing but you may do so if you de- TERESA BARKSDALE, CLERK
known Father, as a Defendant. what they need persons shall have until
November 4, 2019, to submit

Read local. You are required to mail or

hand-deliver a copy of a writ-
to know to buy comments, recommendations, Issued under my hand and the LOWNDES COUNTY, MS
or evaluations to the Office of seal of said Court, this 15th ten response to the Complaint
or Petition to MOSE LEE SUD-
what they need. Geology. Comments by an
agency shall include an enu-
day of October, 2019. BY: Ann Marie Langford, D.C.

DUTH, JR., ATTORNEY FOR meration of permits or li- TERESA BARKSDALE, CLERK Publish: October 17, 24 and

Service Directory
PLAINTIFF, whose address is P. censes required under the SPECIAL COURT OF EMINENT 31, 2019
O. BOX 369, VERNON, agency's jurisdiction. DOMAIN,
If further information is COUNTY OF LOWNDES
YOUR RESPONSE MUST BE needed, an agency may be fur- BY: Ann Marie Langford, D.C.
MAILED OR DELIVERED NOT nished a copy of the notice of NOTICE OF SALE
LATER THAN THIRTY (30) DAYS intent or permit application. Publish: October 17, 24 and
AFTER THE24TH DAY OF OCTO- Any person may inspect the 31, 2019 WHEREAS, the following ten-
Promote your small business starting at only $25
BER, 2019, WHICH IS THE permit application as specified
in Section 104 of the Rules
ants entered into leases with
TION OF THIS SUMMONS. IF and Regulations.
Carpet & Flooring GeneralRESPONSE
YOUR Services IS NOT SO Lawn Care / Landscaping Painting & Papering INENT DOMAIN which to store personal prop-
MAILE OR DELIVERED, A In the event comments are not erty and
the Office of Geology will con- SIPPI WHEREAS, default has been
Bucket truck AGAINST YOU
& stump LAWN SERVICE. Ext/Int Paint.
removal. Free est.OTHER Mowing, cleanup, Sheet Rock Hang & Finish. sider that the agency has no made in the payment of rent
Serving IN THE MO-
Columbus landscaping, sodding, Free Estimates. AUTHORITY PLAINTIFF
FOR CITATION FOR CON- and/or evaluations that the HOUSES pursuant to said
1987. Senior & tree cutting. Ask for specials! Larry agency deems necessary and
TEMPT. Leases is authorized to sell the
citizen disc. Call Alvin @ 662−356−6525 Webber 662−242−4932. proper based upon the effect VS. personal property to satisfy the
must also file the original of the proposed operation on
past due and any other
of"We’ll go out onwith
your Response a limb for
the clerk matters within the agency's jur- charges owed to it by the fol-
of this Court you!"
within a reason- lowing tenants.
able time afterward.
$99 WHOLE HOUSE Issues
hand and the Cutting Edge Lawn Service Interior and Exterior 11/4/2019 hereby given that FRIENDLY
Slagof− said
$350Court, this the Residential & Commercial Painting. 662−435−6528 EQUITABLE INTEREST IN CER-
UPHOLSTERY 22nd day of October,
Clay Gravel − $250A. D., Mowing, Edging, Trimming, fer for sale, and will sell at auc-
IN THE SPECIAL COURT OF EM- TAIN REAL PROPERTY LOC- tion to the highest bidder for
Driveway & Trailer Park Blowing, Mulching, Clean INENT DOMAIN ATED IN SECTION 16, TOWN-
Ups, Leaf Removal, Bush Tree Services cash all personal property in
Grating. Columbus. SHIP 18 SOUTH, RANGE 18
storage units leased by the fol-
2 Rooms − $70 Walter, 662−251−8664.
Rugs−Must Be Seen SIPPI Estimates. Licensed & Work from a bucket truck. Highway 69 South, Columbus,
Insured. 662−386−9559. Insured/bonded. Call COLUMBUS REDEVELOPMENT LOCATED AT 311 5TH AVENUE MS. Auctions will begin at 8:30
Car Upholstery WORK WANTED:
Cleaning Available BY: Tina Fisher,
Licensed D. C.
& Bonded− Jimmy for free estimate, A.M. on the 1st day of Novem-
SIPPI DEFENDANTS ber, A.D. 2019 at 308 Shoney
662−722−1758 carpentry, painting, & 662−386−6286. VS.
OF COUNSEL:Landscaping,
demolition. Drive, Columbus, MS and will
NO. 2019-0002-ED2 continue to all FRIENDLY CITY
gutters cleaned, bush MELODY BARRY WILSON, ET
Excavating MOSE LEEclean−up
hogging, AL. DEFENDANTS SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION the following sequence: 903
pressure washing,
P. O. BOX 369 moving Alabama Street, Columbus,
help & furniture FOR THE HOLIDAYS! NO. 2019-0001-ED2 TO: THE UNKNOWN HEIRS-AT-
35592 Commercial Bush−Hogging. MS; 44 Beatty Road, Colum-
LAW AND DEVISEES OF FRANK bus, MS; 4504 Highway 69
CLAY GRAVEL, fill clay, 662−242−3608.
OFFICE: 205-695-0053
& top soil for sale! We level parking areas & SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION OWEN, DECEASED, AND ALL South, Columbus, MS. All auc-
Easy access off 82 East MISSISSIPPI BAR NUMBER: driveways. Free estimates. tions are with reserve and
Can load & deliver. Quote: per job, not acre. TO: THE UNKNOWN HEIRS-AT- ING OR CLAIMING A LEGAL OR therefore all units can be with-
Stokes Excavation: EMAIL: moselee@bellsouth.netOwner operated. Licensed drawn from the sale at any
Grow your business.
plumber in the classifieds. & Insured. 21 years exp. WILLIAMS, DECEASED, THE TAIN REAL PROPERTY LOC- time by the auctioneer/man-
PUBLISH: 10/24, 10/31, & 662−242−8809. ager.
11/7/2019 AMS, DECEASED, AND ALL WEST, LOWNDES COUNTY, Title to the personal property to

Just a click away!

PERSONS OR ENTITIES HAV- MISSISSIPPI, BEING TAX PAR- be sold is believed to be good,
ING OR CLAIMING A LEGAL OR CEL NO. 61W080008800, but at such sale, FRIENDLY
TAIN REAL PROPERTY LOC- NORTH, COLUMBUS, MISSIS- convey only such title as is ves-
ATED IN SECTION 16, TOWN- SIPPI ted in it pursuant to its lease
SHIP 18 SOUTH, RANGE 18 with the following and its al-
WEST, LOWNDES COUNTY, You have been made Defend- lowed under Mississippi Code
MISSISSIPPI, BEING TAX PAR- ants in a lawsuit filed in this Annotated Section 85-7-121 et
CEL NO. 61W090004700, Court by the Columbus Re- seq (Supp 1988).
LOCATED ON 5TH AVENUE development Authority to con-
NORTH, COLUMBUS, MISSIS- demn by eminent domain cer- Heather Verdin
SIPPI tain real property located in 58
Block 22 North of Main, Colum-
You have been made Defend- bus, Mississippi, and being Julie Weathers
ants in a lawsuit filed in this Lowndes tax parcel 39, 55, 56
Court by the Columbus Re- 61W080008800. The property

The best place for personalized

development Authority to con- is necessary to renew and re- Kristen Reeves
demn by eminent domain cer- develop blighted conditions in 80
tain real property located in accordance with the Urban Re-
Block 22 North of Main, Colum- newal Plan (Burns Bottom) of Ramona Greene

advertising in your community.

bus, Mississippi, and being the City of Columbus, Missis- 100
Lowndes tax parcel sippi.
61W090004700. The property Roy Pate
is necessary to renew and re- You are summoned to appear 18
develop blighted conditions in and defend against the com-
accordance with the Urban Re- plaint or petition filed against Shawnta Ross
newal Plan (Burns Bottom) of you in this action at 9:30 44
the City of Columbus, Missis- o’clock a. m. on the 10th day sippi.

You are summoned to appear

and defend against the com-
of December, 2019, in the
County Court courtroom of the
Lowndes County Courthouse in
Columbus, Mississippi, and in
Tanasha Roland

Wendy Blunt
plaint or petition filed against case of your failure to appear 60, 104
you in this action at 9:30 and defend, a judgment will be
o’clock a. m. on the 21st day entered against you for the WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on
of January, 2020, in the County money or other things deman- this the 10th day of October,
Court courtroom of the ded in the complaint or peti- A.D. 2019.
Lowndes County Courthouse in tion.


Columbus, Mississippi, and in FRIENDLY CITY
case of your failure to appear You are hereby further given MINI-WAREHOUSES
and defend, a judgment will be notice that not less than ten By: L.O.
entered against you for the (10) days prior to the date of

Featured ads $5 Sponsored ads $3

money or other things deman- the trial on December 10, Publish: 10/11, 10/18, 10/24
ded in the complaint or peti- 2019, you are required to file & 10/25/2019
tion. the Statement of Values pursu-
ant to Miss. Code Ann. §11-27-
You are hereby further given 7, which shall be treated as
Premium placement Preferred placement in search
notice that not less than ten
(10) days prior to the date of
pleadings in this action. The
date of the filing of the Com-
on classifieds home page. results and highlighted online.
the trial on January 21, 2020,
you are required to file the
plaint herein is the 10th day of
September, 2019, and the
Statement of Values pursuant name and address of the attor-

Highlight $3 Graphic $10.50

to Miss. Code Ann. §11-27-7, ney for the Plaintiff is Martha
which shall be treated as Bost Stegall, P. O. Box 7120,
pleadings in this action. The Tupelo, Mississippi 38802.
date of the filing of the Com- Other than the Statement of
Highlight your ad Enhance your ad with
plaint herein is the 10th day of Values you are not required to
September, 2019, and the file an Answer or other plead-
with a dash of color. an attention getter.
name and address of the attor- ing but you may do so if you de-
ney for the Plaintiff is Martha sire.
Bost Stegall, P. O. Box 7120,
Tupelo, Mississippi 38802. Issued under my hand and the ADS STARTING AT

Other than the Statement of seal of said Court, this 15th
Values you are not required to day of October, 2019.
file an Answer or other plead-
ing but you may do so if you de- TERESA BARKSDALE, CLERK
Issued under my hand and the LOWNDES COUNTY, MS
seal of said Court, this 15th
day of October, 2019. BY: Ann Marie Langford, D.C.
South, Columbus, MS. All auc-
are with reserve and
therefore all units can be with-
24, 2019 The Dispatch •
drawn from the sale at any
Legal by the auctioneer/man-
Notices General Help Wanted Apts For Rent: Other Lots & Acreage
Title to the personal property to FALL SPECIAL. 1.75 acre
PATCH seeks a motivated,
be sold is believed to be good,
but at such sale, FRIENDLY contracted carrier for the RENTALS
lots. Good/bad credit. 10%
down, as low as $299/mo. ON THE WEB
CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will Brooksville & Macon area.
convey only such title as is ves-
ted in it pursuant to its lease
Excellent opportunity to
662−361−7711. Visit
with the following and its al-
earn money for college. 1 BEDROOM for a printable copy of
Must have good transporta-
lowed under Mississippi Code
tion, valid driver's license 2 BEDROOMS LOWNDES CO. 72 ACRES
Annotated Section 85-7-121 et
seq (Supp 1988). & insurance. Delivers on 3 BEDROOMS
On Sobley Rd. Part in cut
over. Part in timber.
these puzzles.
Sunday morning and Mon.- Excellent hunting tract.
Heather Verdin Fri. afternoons. Apply at LEASE,

© The Dispatch
58 $1475/acre. For more info,
The Commercial Dispatch,
516 Main Street in Colum- DEPOSIT call 205−799−9846 or
Julie Weathers 205−695−2248.
39, 55, 56 bus. No phone calls AND
Kristen Reeves

Ramona Greene
Medical / Dental
662-329-2323 Garage Sales
100 LPN/RN needed for fast
paced Medical Clinic. 5 2411 HWY 45 N Two free signs
Roy Pate years experience required. COLUMBUS, MS
18 Email resume and Estate Sales
references to Commercial Property For Rent
Shawnta Ross medicalclinic39705
Tanasha Roland NEAR DOWNTOWN. 3,000 Pitty Pat’s Gift Shop &
21 sq. ft. truck terminal, Home. 74 Crescent Dr.

9,500 sq. ft. shop & 3,200 Oct. 25 & 26 9a−4p.
Wendy Blunt sq. ft. office/shop. Oct. 27 1p−4p.
60, 104 View pics on
Buildings can be rented
WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on together or separately. All
this the 10th day of October, Ads starting at $25 w/ excellent access & Hwy. Beard & Walker Estate
A.D. 2019. 82 visibility. 662−327− Sales.
Apts For Rent: North 9559.

MINI-WAREHOUSES Houses For Rent: North
1 & 2 BR near hospital. ESTATE SALE OF
Publish: 10/11, 10/18, 10/24 $595−$645 monthly. Sara Andrews Younger
& 10/25/2019 Military discount, pet area,
RD. $900/mo. No pets. 303 Hospital Drive, Sudoku is a number- Yesterday’s answer
pet friendly, and furnished
No HUD. 662−549−2302. Columbus, MS 39705 placing puzzle based on
IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF corporate apts.
Leave message. Sat. Oct 26, 8am−5pm, Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 5 1 4 2 7 6 8 9 3
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- 24−HOUR PROFESSIONAL Sun. Oct 27, 1pm−5pm ber-placing
given numbers.puzzleThe object 2 9 6 3 5 8 1 7 4

2019 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

SIPPI 3BR/2BA. 26 Noblin Rd. Mon. Oct 28, 8am−5pm
ON SITE MAINTENANCE. Central HVAC, carport, near Selling contents of based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 7 3 8 9 1 4 2 5 6
ON SITE MANAGEMENT. CAFB. $650/mo. $500 home and storage grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 1 4 7 6 3 5 9 2 8
24−HOUR CAMERA dep. Call 662−889−1122. building, hundreds of given
so thatnumbers.
each row, each The 9 6 3 8 2 1 5 4 7
items, antiques,
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
Ashleigh, 662−386−4446. 3BR/2BA CH/A Hwy. 45 N. collectibles, furniture,
numbers 8 2 5 7 4 9 6 3 1
contains the1same to 9 number
Caledonia Schools. No household items,
CAUSE NO.: 2017-0133-RPF pets. $1,000/mo. $1,000 washer/dryer, freezer, the empty spaces so 3 8 2 5 6 7 4 1 9
only once. The difficulty 4 7 9 1 8 2 3 6 5
Studio apartment for rent. dep. 1 yr. lease. Weathers fine china, pottery, too that each row, each
SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION much to list, view level increases from
Hwy 45 between Columbus Rentals, 662−574−0345. column and each 6 5 1 4 9 3 7 8 2
and CAFB. No pets. No Open Mon.−Fri. 8a−4p. photos @ Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 10/23

smoking. $400 rent and

TO: MARIE LNU, child of $400 deposit. COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES. Benny Shelton, the same number only once. The difficulty level
Frances Drumm; 662−328−2340 2 & 3 bedroom w/ Stewart’s Antiques, increases from Monday to Sunday.
2−3 bath townhouses. Appraisals & Estate
You have been made a Re- $600 to $750. Sales, Columbus, MS
spondent in the suit filed in
Apts For Rent: West 39701
this Court by Dorothy Rhoades, Ask for Glenn or text. 662−251−1515.

in a Petition for First and Final
Accounting, Discharge of Ad- Houses For Rent: East

ministratrix, Etc. in the Estate Garage Sales: North
of Mary Rounsaville.
You are summoned to appear located on large lot w/ 2 HUGE YARD SALE.
and defend against the com- Apartments & Houses car garage. Fresh paint & 4494 Ridge Rd. Thurs. &
plaint or petition filed against tile floors in kitchen & Fri. 8a−6p & Sat. 8a−1p.
you in this action at 9:00 A.M.
on the 29th day of January,
1 Bedrooms bathrooms. $1,200/mo + Furn., plants, etc.
2 Bedroooms
dep. 770−658−7726.
2020, in the courtroom of the
Lowndes County Courthouse at Houses For Rent: Caledonia
3 Bedrooms
Columbus, Mississippi, and in
case of your failure to appear
and defend a judgment will be Furnished & Unfurnished
2BR/1BA. Caledonia area.
1 yr lease. $650 rent plus
entered against you for the
money or other things deman- 1, 2, & 3 Baths
dep. No pets. No smoking. Ads starting at $12
ded in the complaint or peti- 662−574−0227 or
tion. Lease, Deposit 662−356−4958.
Bargain Column
You are not required to file an & Credit Check
answer or other pleading, but
you may do so if you desire. HOME. 2−car garage,
Recorder, VHS player,
fenced yard. Caledonia compact disc player,
ISSUED UNDER MY HAND AND School District. $1200 mo. $20 each. Columbus.
THE SEAL OF SAID COURT¸ this $1200 dep. Absolutely no 662−245−3635.
the 21st day of October, 2019. Apts For Rent: Other pets. Year lease. Call or
text 662−630−0774.
/s/ Lisa Younger Neese by Furniture
Tina Fisher, D.C. 1ST MONTH − Rent Free! Mobile Homes for Rent
LISA YOUNGER NEESE, Chan- 1BR Apt − $350−$385 Two Piece Living Room Set
cery Clerk Lowndes County, 2BR Apt − $395−$495 2BR MOBILE HOME A loveseat and chaise for
Mississippi 2BR TwnHome − $625 $400 mo./$400 dep. In sale. Brown and blue.
Lease, Dep & Credit Check. between West Point & New!!! Leave a message.
PUBLISH: 10/24, 10/31, & Coleman Realty
11/7/2019 Columbus on Hwy. 50. $300.00 662−242−2884
662−329−2323. 662−275−0666.
Sporting Goods
Office Spaces For Rent
LOCATION! Office space for 9−5: Tues−Fri &
Call us: 662-328-2424 lease at 822 2nd Ave. N. 9−12: Sat.
662−574−3970. Over 50 years experience!
General Help Wanted Repairs, cleaning,
OFFICE SPACE FOR refinishing, scopes
LEASE. 1112 Main St., mounted & zeroed,
COLUMBUS VACCUM Ste. 5. 3700 sq. ft. Plenty
& SEWING CENTER handmade knives.
of private parking. 662− Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North
is looking for a 327−9559. of West Point, turn right on
REPAIR PERSON & Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn
SALES PERSON Storage & Garages left on Darracott Rd, see
for Full or Part Time. sign, 2.5mi ahead, shop on
left. 662−494−6218.
* Be neat in appearance Four convenient self ACROSS
* Have own Transportation storage locations in the 1 Quiche start
* Be Mechanically minded Columbus & New Hope 5 Center
* Have computer skills areas for household &
commercial storage.
Sell idle items 10 Lively folk
* MUST pass drug test
* Be 18 years or older Rent online at with a quick action dance 11 Nursery
Call 662-327-7420 or call 662−327−4236. classified ad. rhyme start
9-11am for appointment. DOWNTOWN 1BR 12 Concerning
This large 1 bedroom 13 Freeway
GENERAL LABORER apartment has been
needed. Valid driver's
license, transportation &
recently renovated. It
features great natural light, Real Estate Five Questions:
14 African nation
experience required. Call hardwood floors, tall 16 Asian nation
Jesse & Beverly's Lawn ceilings and access Ads starting at $25 20 Useful skills
1 50 mph
Service at 662-356-6525. to a shared laundry room.
$750 rent and $750 23 Cut drasti-
deposit. Utilities included. Houses For Sale: Other cally
Dispatch is seeking a
No pets please. Call Peter,
3BR/1BA HOUSE w/ 1.5
24 Tale tellers
662−574−1561. 25 Hawks
2 Six
mechanically-minded ACRES IN ACKERMAN. Lg
individual to work in its yard. Investors welcome, 27 Yale rooter
pressroom. Applicants DOWNTOWN APT on 5th potential residential & 28 Orchard crop 4 Surprise hit 26 Shoulder dec-
must be comfortable work- commercial. $45,000 obo.
ing around heavy ma-
St. 2BR/1BA. 1100 sqft
29 South Ameri- 5 Vietnam’s oration
$700/mo. W/D. Deck on
3 Bucket
chinery, adhering to tight back. Avail Aug 1st. 662−
can nation capital 28 Garfield’s
deadlines and must have Lots & Acreage 32 European 6 Brings in middle name
an eye for detail & quality. nation 7 Lawyers’ org. 30 Milky gems
Flexible hours are a must. 36 Soaked bread
Must pass drug test. Email
200 ACRES 8 Zodiac animal 31 — operandi
4 Shin splints
resume to CH&A, 1 story, W/D,
− Monroe County, MS −
9 Phone bug 33 “The Naked or historic district, 1 block Abundance of wildlife 39 Crazy 11 Library Maja” painter
drop resumes off at 516 from downtown. $300,000.00 at 40 Refuge contents 34 Served well
Main St, $575/mo. + $575 dep. 41 Looks over
$1,500.00/Acre 15 “Doggone!” 35 Red-ink
5 Ford
Columbus, MS 39701. NO PETS. 662−574−8789. Call: 615−719−8329
No phone calls please. Peaceful & Quiet area. 42 Mating game 17 Statuesque amount
43 Young ones 18 Car bar 36 Ocean off
19 Mysterious Cal.
DOWN loch 37 Furniture
1 Rocker 20 Guinness of wood
Clapton film 38 TV’s “Science
2 Rowlands of 21 Rural sight Guy” Bill
film 22 Go to sea
3 Disease cause 25 Rotisserie

Whether you’re buying or selling a home,

put classifieds to work for you.

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