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Recurrent Pregnancy Loss:

Etiology, Diagnosis, and Therapy
Holly B. Ford, MD,* Danny J. Schust, MD†
*Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women’s Health, and †Division of Reproductive Endocrinology,
Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women’s Health, University of Missouri-Columbia School of
Medicine, Columbia, MO

Spontaneous pregnancy loss is a surprisingly common occurrence, with

approximately 15% of all clinically recognized pregnancies resulting in
pregnancy failure. Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) has been inconsistently
defined. When defined as 3 consecutive pregnancy losses prior to 20 weeks
from the last menstrual period, it affects approximately 1% to 2% of women.
This review highlights the current understanding of the various etiologies
implicated in RPL, including factors known to be causative, as well as those
implicated as possible causative agents. The appropriate diagnostic
evaluation, therapy, and prognosis are also addressed.
[Rev Obstet Gynecol. 2009;2(2):76-83]

© 2009 MedReviews®, LLC

Key words: Recurrent pregnancy loss • Spontaneous abortion • Habitual abortion

pontaneous pregnancy loss is a surprisingly common occurrence. Whereas
approximately 15% of all clinically recognized pregnancies result in spon-
taneous loss, there are many more pregnancies that fail prior to being
clinically recognized. Only 30% of all conceptions result in a live birth.1
Spontaneous pregnancy loss can be physically and emotionally taxing for
couples, especially when faced with recurrent losses. Recurrent pregnancy loss
(RPL), also referred to as recurrent miscarriage or habitual abortion, is historically
defined as 3 consecutive pregnancy losses prior to 20 weeks from the last men-
strual period. Based on the incidence of sporadic pregnancy loss, the incidence of
recurrent pregnancy loss should be approximately 1 in 300 pregnancies. However,


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Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: Etiology, Diagnosis, and Therapy

epidemiologic studies have revealed

that 1% to 2% of women experience 2%–5%
recurrent pregnancy loss.2 Defining 10%–15%
RPL as a clinical entity requiring diag- Anatomic
nostic testing and therapeutic inter-
vention rests on knowledge of the
elevation of risk for subsequent fetal
loss and the probability of finding a
treatable etiology for the disorder. 40%–50%
Unexplained 20%
Although no reliable published data Including Non-APS Autoimmune
have estimated the probability of find- Thrombophilias
ing an etiology for RPL in a population
with 2 versus 3 or more miscarriages,
the best available data suggest that the 0.5%–5%
risk of miscarriage in subsequent preg-
nancies is 30% after 2 losses, com- 17%–20%
pared with 33% after 3 losses among Endocrine
patients without a history of a live Factors
birth.3 This strongly suggests a role for
Figure 1. Etiology of recurrent pregnancy loss. APS, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome.
evaluation after just 2 losses in pa-
tients with no prior live births. An
earlier evaluation may be further
indicated if fetal cardiac activity was Table 1
identified prior to a loss, the woman is Suggested Diagnostic Evaluation of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
older than 35 years, or the couple has Based on Etiology
had difficulty in conceiving.
The high baseline rate of sponta- Etiology Suggested Diagnostic Evaluation
neous isolated and recurrent preg-
Genetic Parental karyotype
nancy losses in the general population,
the lack of consistent definition for Anatomic HSG or office hysteroscopy 2D or 3D ultrasound
RPL, limited access to tissues allowing Saline-infusion sonohysterography
study of the disorder, and the remark- Endocrine TSH
ably good prognosis for live birth Possible testing for insulin resistance, serum
among patients with RPL combine to prolactin level, ovarian reserve testing, antithyroid
frustrate aims at diagnostic and thera-
peutic recommendations. At present, Infectious No evaluation recommended unless patient has
there exist a small number of accepted evidence of chronic endometritis/cervicitis on
examination, or is immunocompromised
etiologies for RPL (Figure 1). These in-
clude parental chromosomal abnor- Autoimmune Anticardiolipin antibody levels (IgG and IgM)
malities, untreated hypothyroidism, Lupus anticoagulant
uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, certain Non-APS Homocysteine, factor V Leiden, prothrombin
uterine anatomic abnormalities, and thrombophilias promoter mutation, activated protein C resistance
antiphospholipid antibody syndrome APS, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome; HSG, hysterosalpingography; IgG, immunoglobulin G;
IgM, immunoglobulin M; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone.
(APS). Other probable or possible eti-
ologies include additional endocrine
disorders, heritable and/or acquired
thrombophilias, immunologic abnor- Genetic Etiologies Robertsonian translocations. Addi-
malities, infections, and environmental Approximately 2% to 4% of RPL is tional structural abnormalities associ-
factors. After evaluation for these associated with a parental balanced ated with RPL include chromosomal
causes (Table 1), approximately half of structural chromosome rearrangement, inversions, insertions, and mosaicism.
all cases will remain unexplained. most commonly balanced reciprocal or Single gene defects, such as those


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Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: Etiology, Diagnosis, and Therapy continued

associated with cystic fibrosis or ing RPL is unclear. The presence of docrinologic disorders implicated in
sickle cell anemia, are seldom associ- intrauterine adhesions, sometimes as- approximately 17% to 20% of RPL.2,8
ated with RPL. sociated with Asherman syndrome, Traditionally, LPD has been pro-
Appropriate evaluation of RPL may significantly impact placentation posed to result from inadequate pro-
should include parental karyotyping. and result in early pregnancy loss. In- duction of progesterone by the corpus
Genetic counseling is indicated in all tramural fibroids larger than 5 cm, as luteum and endometrial maturation
cases of RPL associated with parental well as submucosal fibroids of any insufficient for proper placentation. It
is diagnosed when there is a persis-
Single gene defects, such as those associated with cystic fibrosis or sickle cell tent lag of longer than 2 days in the
histologic development of the en-
anemia, are seldom associated with recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL). dometrium compared with the day of
the menstrual cycle. Today, the true
chromosomal abnormalities. Depend- size, can cause RPL.6 Although con- role of LPD in RPL is controversial
ing on the particular diagnosis, di- genital anomalies caused by prenatal and endometrial biopsies for LPD di-
rected therapy may include in vitro exposure to diethylstilbestrol are agnosis are rarely indicated. Some
fertilization with preimplantation clearly linked to RPL, this is becoming studies have noted abnormal eleva-
genetic diagnosis. The use of donor less clinically relevant as most af- tions in luteinizing hormone or in an-
gametes may be suggested in cases fected patients move beyond their re- drogens (both features associated with
involving genetic anomalies that al- productive years. PCOS) among patients experiencing
ways result in embryonic aneuploidy Diagnostic evaluation for uterine RPL, suggesting that these abnormal-
(ie, Robertsonian translocations in- anatomic anomalies should include ities may result in premature aging of
volving homologous chromosomes). office hysteroscopy or hysterosalpin- the oocyte and/or dyssynchronous
gography (HSG). Hysteroscopic resec- maturation of the endometrium.9,10
tion of intrauterine adhesions and This hypothesis is not without ques-
Anatomic Etiologies intrauterine septa are indicated if these tion. Studies have found evidence of
Anatomic abnormalities account for abnormalities are identified. Patients PCOS in at least 40% of women with
10% to 15% of cases of RPL and are undergoing successful hysteroscopic RPL.11 Insulin resistance and the re-
generally thought to cause miscar- septum resection seem to enjoy near sultant hyperinsulinemia that is often
riage by interrupting the vasculature normal pregnancy outcomes, with present in cases of PCOS (as well as
of the endometrium, prompting ab- term delivery rates of approximately type II diabetes mellitus) may also
normal and inadequate placentation. 75% and live birth rates approximat- play a role in RPL, as evidenced by
Thus, those abnormalities that might ing 85%.7 Myomectomy should be the decreased rate of spontaneous
interrupt the vascular supply of the
endometrium are thought to be po- Patients undergoing successful hysteroscopic septum resection seem to enjoy
tential causes of RPL. These include
congenital uterine anomalies, in-
near normal pregnancy outcomes, with term delivery rates of approximately
trauterine adhesions, and uterine fi- 75% and live birth rates approximating 85%.
broids or polyps. Although more
readily associated with second considered in cases of submucosal fi- pregnancy loss when patients un-
trimester losses or preterm labor, con- broids or any type fibroids larger than dergo therapy with the insulin-
genital uterine anomalies also play a 5 cm. Resection has been shown to sensitizing drug, metformin.12 Poorly
part in RPL. The uterine septum is the significantly improve live birth rates controlled type 1 diabetes mellitus is
congenital uterine anomaly most from 57% to 93%.6 Myomectomy can also associated with an increased risk
closely linked to RPL, with as much as be performed via open laparotomy, of spontaneous abortion.13 Although
a 76% risk of spontaneous pregnancy laparoscopy, or hysteroscopy. untreated hypothyroidism is clearly
loss among affected patients.4 Other associated with spontaneous miscar-
Müllerian anomalies, including uni- Endocrine Etiologies riage and RPL,14 the connection be-
cornuate, didelphic, and bicornuate Luteal phase defect (LPD), polycystic tween antithyroid antibodies and RPL
uteri have been associated with ovarian syndrome (PCOS), diabetes in euthyroid patients is currently
smaller increases in the risk for RPL.4,5 mellitus, thyroid disease, and hyper- under great debate.15,16 There are data
The role of the arcuate uterus in caus- prolactinemia are among the en- to suggest that euthyroid women with


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Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: Etiology, Diagnosis, and Therapy

antithyroid antibodies, especially causative factor in RPL. Those partic- has been clearly linked with many
those undergoing fertility therapy, are ular infections speculated to play a poor obstetric outcomes, including
likely to become clinically hypothy- role in RPL include mycoplasma, ure- RPL. The discussion of APS could also
roid very soon after the onset of preg- aplasma, Chlamydia trachomatis, L appear within the context of throm-
nancy.17 Because pregnancy outcomes monocytogenes, and HSV.19 The most bophilias, given that it is the most fre-
in these women may improve with pertinent risk for RPL secondary to quently acquired risk factor for
early (possibly prenatal) thyroid hor- infection is chronic infection in an thrombophilia, with a prevalence of
mone replacement,18 similar ap- immunocompromised patient. 3% to 5% in the general population.
proaches are presently being studied Evaluation and therapy should be APS is characterized by the presence
among women with RPL. tailored to individual cases. If a pa- of at least 1 clinical and 1 laboratory
Evaluation of endocrine disorders tient with RPL has a condition that criterion22:
should include measurement of the leaves her immunocompromised or a • Clinical
thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) history suggestive of sexually trans- – 1 or more confirmed episodes of
vascular thrombosis (venous, ar-
terial, or small vessel)
Therapy with insulin-sensitizing agents for the treatment of RPL that occurs
– Pregnancy complications includ-
in the presence of polycystic ovarian syndrome has recently gained popularity. ing either 3 or more consecutive
pregnancy losses at less than
level. Other testing that might be in- mitted diseases, evaluation for 10 weeks of gestation, 1 or more
dicated based on the patient’s presen- chronic infections may be warranted. fetal deaths at greater than
tation include insulin resistance test- There is no evidence that routine in- 10 weeks of gestation, or at least
ing, ovarian reserve testing, serum fectious evaluation is appropriate or 1 preterm birth ( 34 weeks) due
prolactin in the presence of irregular productive. to severe preeclampsia or placen-
menses, antithyroid antibody testing, tal insufficiency
and, very rarely, luteal phase en- Immunologic Etiologies • Laboratory (repeated at least 2
dometrial biopsies. Therapy with Because a fetus is not genetically times, more than 12 weeks apart)
insulin-sensitizing agents for the identical to its mother, it is reasonable – Positive plasma levels of the anti-
treatment of RPL that occurs in the to infer that there are immunologic cardiolipin antibodies (IgG or
presence of PCOS has recently gained events that must occur to allow the IgM) at medium to high levels
popularity. mother to carry the fetus throughout – Positive plasma levels of the
gestation without rejection. In fact, lupus anticoagulant
Infectious Etiologies there have been at least 10 such The mechanisms by which APS re-
Certain infections, including Listeria mechanisms proposed.20 It therefore sults in RPL are incompletely under-
monocytogenes, Toxoplasma gondii, follows that there may be abnormali- stood. A complete evaluation for RPL
rubella, herpes simplex virus (HSV), ties within these immunologic mech- should include testing for anticardi-
measles, cytomegalovirus, and cox- anisms that could lead to both spo- olipin antibodies and lupus anticoag-
sackieviruses, are known or suspected radic and recurrent pregnancy loss. ulant. Once diagnosed, treatment
to play a role in sporadic spontaneous Despite the intense interest in this po- recommendations include low-dose
pregnancy loss. However, the role of tential etiology for RPL, there is no aspirin (LDA, 81-100 mg/d) plus pro-
infectious agents in recurrent loss is consensus on appropriate diagnostic phylactic low-molecular-weight hep-
less clear, with a proposed incidence workup or therapy. Therapies such as arin in otherwise healthy women (ie,
of 0.5%2 to 5%.8 The proposed mech- paternal leukocyte immunization, in- absence of a systemic autoimmune
anisms for infectious causes of preg- travenous immune globulin, third- disease such as systemic lupus erythe-
nancy loss include: (1) direct infec- party donor cell immunization, and matosus, or a history of thrombosis).
tion of the uterus, fetus, or placenta, trophoblast membrane infusions have LDA should be started before concep-
(2) placental insufficiency, (3) chronic been shown to provide no significant tion or with a positive pregnancy test.
endometritis or endocervicitis, (4) am- improvement in live birth rates, and Heparin should be started with a pos-
nionitis, or (5) infected intrauterine are only available for use in approved itive pregnancy test.22 Heparin is a
device. Because most of these are iso- studies.3,21 large complex of molecules that do
lated events, it appears that there is a One specific autoimmune disorder, not cross the placenta and, as such, is
limited role for infections as a APS, requires particular attention as it regarded as safe during pregnancy.


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Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: Etiology, Diagnosis, and Therapy continued

Thrombotic Etiologies mutations, and antithrombin muta- to be retrospective and confounded

Both inherited and combined inher- tions. Acquired thrombophilias asso- by alternative or additional environ-
ited/acquired thrombophilias are ciated with RPL include hyperhomo- mental exposures.3,8
common, with more than 15% of the cysteinemia and activated protein C Three particular exposures—smok-
white population carrying an inher- resistance. Although definite ing, alcohol, and caffeine—have
ited thrombophilic mutation.23 The causative links between these herita- gained particular attention, and merit
most common of these are the factor ble and acquired conditions have yet special consideration given their
V Leiden mutation, mutation in the to be solidified, the best available widespread use and modifiable na-
promoter region of the prothrombin data suggest testing for factor V Lei- ture. Although maternal alcoholism
gene, and mutations in the gene en- den mutation, protein S levels, pro- (or frequent consumption of intoxi-
coding methylene tetrahydrofolate re- thrombin promoter mutations, homo- cating amounts of alcohol) is consis-
ductase (MTHFR). These common mu- cysteine levels, and global activated tently associated with higher rates of
tations are associated with mild protein C resistance, at least in white spontaneous pregnancy loss, a con-
thrombotic risks, and it remains con- women.26-28 nection with more moderate ingestion
troversial whether homozygous Appropriate therapy for heritable or remains tenuous.30 Studies linking
MTHFR mutations are associated with acquired thrombophilias should be moderate alcohol intake with preg-
vascular disease at all.24 In contrast, initiated once the disorder is diag- nancy loss have shown an increase in
more severe thrombophilic deficien- nosed. Therapy is disorder specific risk when more than 3 drinks per
cies, such as those of antithrombin and includes (1) supplemental folic week are consumed during the first
and protein S, are much less common acid for those patients with hyperho- trimester (odds ratio [OR] 2.3)31 or
in the general population. mocysteinemia, (2) prophylactic anti- more than 5 drinks per week are con-
The potential association between coagulation in cases of isolated de- sumed throughout pregnancy (OR
RPL and heritable thrombophilias is fects with no personal or family 4.8).32 It seems logical that cigarette
based on the theory that impaired history of thrombotic complications, smoking could increase the risk of
placental development and function and (3) therapeutic anticoagulation in spontaneous abortion based on the
secondary to venous and/or arterial cases of combined thrombophilic de- ingestion of nicotine, a strong vaso-
thrombosis could lead to miscarriage. fects. Homocysteine levels should be constrictor that is known to reduce
Based on studies that have shown retested after initial treatment, and uterine and placental blood flow.
maternal blood to begin flowing prophylactic anticoagulation consid- However, the link between smoking
within the intervillous spaces of the ered when hyperhomocysteinemia is and pregnancy loss remains contro-
placenta at approximately 10 weeks refractory to dietary intervention.29 versial, as some, but not all, studies
of gestation, the link between throm- have found an association.32-34 Al-
bophilias and pregnancy losses at Environmental Etiologies though still not undisputed,35 there
greater than 10 weeks of gestation is Because of its propensity to result in appears some evidence that caffeine,
more widely accepted than a link to feelings of responsibility and guilt, even in amounts as low as 3 to 5 cups
those that occur prior to 10 weeks of patients are often particularly con- of coffee per day, may increase the
gestation. However, evidence that the cerned about the possibility that envi- risk of spontaneous pregnancy loss
transfer of nutrition from the mater-
nal blood to the fetal tissues depends
Patients are often particularly concerned about the possibility that environ-
on uterine blood flow, and thus may
be affected by thrombotic events oc- ment exposures may have caused their pregnancy losses.
curring there, suggests a role for
thrombophilias in pregnancy losses ronmental exposures may have caused with a dose-dependent response.32,36,37
regardless of gestational age.25 their pregnancy losses. Links between The association of caffeine, alcohol,
The heritable thrombophilias most sporadic and/or RPL and occupational and nicotine intake with recurrent
often linked to RPL include hyperho- and environmental exposures to or- pregnancy loss is even weaker than
mocysteinemia resulting from MTHFR ganic solvents, medications, ionizing their associations with sporadic loss.
mutations, activated protein C resis- radiation, and toxins have been sug-
tance associated with factor V Leiden gested, although the studies per- Unexplained Etiologies
mutations, protein C and protein S formed are difficult to draw strong Directed interventions for patients
deficiencies, prothrombin promoter conclusions from because they tend with RPL are outlined in Table 2.


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Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: Etiology, Diagnosis, and Therapy

Table 2
Therapeutic Interventions for Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Based on Etiology

Disorder Therapy
Genetic Genetic counseling
Balanced translocations IVF with preimplantation genetic diagnosis
Donor gametes
Müllerian anomalies Hysteroscopic resection of septa, adhesions, and submucosal fibroids
Asherman syndrome Myomectomy for those intramural and subserosal fibroids 5 cm
PCOS Metformin
Hypothyroidism Thyroid hormone replacement
Luteal phase defect/unexplained Progesterone supplementation
Diabetes mellitus Appropriate management of diabetes, insulin if indicated
Infectious Antibiotics for endometritis or underlying infection
Autoimmune Low-dose aspirin plus prophylactic LMWH in women without a history of a systemic
APS autoimmune disease such as SLE, or a history of thrombosis
Other Combined thrombophilic defects—therapeutic anticoagulation
Non-APS thrombophilias Isolated defect and no personal or strong family history of thrombotic complications—
Environmental exposures prophylactic anticoagulation
Hyperhomocysteinemia—supplemental folic acid (0.4-1.0 mg/d), vitamin B6 (6 mg/d), and
possibly vitamin B12 (0.025 mg/d)
Consider prophylactic anticoagulation if hyperhomocysteinemia refractory to dietary
Limit exposures that could be factors (eg, tobacco, alcohol, caffeine)
APS, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome; IVF, in vitro fertilization; LMWH, low-molecular-weight heparin; PCOS, polycystic ovarian syndrome; SLE,
systemic lupus erythematosus.

However, when all known and poten- only been proven to increase live birth Prognosis
tial causes for RPL are accounted for, rates among those women with previ- Although the diagnosis of RPL can be
almost half of patients will remain ous miscarriages beyond 13 weeks of quite devastating, it can be helpful for
without a definitive diagnosis. The op- gestation.39,40 In fact, the most effec- the physician and patient to keep in
timal management of these patients is tive therapy for patients with unex- mind the relatively high likelihood
often as unclear as the etiology of their plained RPL is often the most simple: that the next pregnancy will be suc-
cessful. A particular individual’s
prognosis will depend on both the
The most effective therapy for patients with unexplained RPL is often the
underlying cause for pregnancy losses
most simple: antenatal counseling and psychological support. and the number of prior losses. Cor-
rection of endocrine disorders, APA,
RPL. Progesterone has been shown to antenatal counseling and psychologi- and anatomic anomalies enjoy the
be beneficial in decreasing the miscar- cal support. These measures have been highest success rates, approximately
riage rate among women who have shown to have subsequent pregnancy 60% to 90%. Patients with a cytoge-
experienced at least 3 losses.38 LDA has success rates of 86% when compared netic basis for loss experience a wide
also been investigated as a potential with success rates of 33% in women range of success (20%-80%) that de-
therapy for unexplained RPL. Its use provided with no additional antenatal pends on the type of abnormality
prior to and during pregnancy has care.41 present.42,43 Overall, the prognosis for


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Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: Etiology, Diagnosis, and Therapy continued

RPL is encouraging. Even with the di- hysteroscopic treatment results. Hum Reprod women with recurrent pregnancy loss but not in
Update. 2001;7:161-174. women undergoing assisted reproduction. Fertil
agnosis of RPL and as many as 4 to 5 8 Fox-Lee L, Schust DJ. Recurrent pregnancy loss. Steril. 1999;71:843-848.
prior losses, a patient is more likely to In: Berek JS, ed. Berek and Novak’s Gynecology. 16. Rushworth FH, Backos M, Rai R, et al. Prospec-
carry her next pregnancy to term than Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; tive pregnancy outcome in untreated recurrent
2007:1277-1322. miscarriers with thyroid autoantibodies. Hum
to have another loss.44 9. Bussen S, Sutterlin M, Steck T. Endocrine abnor- Reprod. 2000;15:1637-1639.
malities during the follicular phase in women 17. Poppe K, Velkeniers B, Glinoer D. The role of thy-
References with recurrent spontaneous abortion. Hum Re- roid autoimmunity in fertility and pregnancy. Nat
1. Macklon NS, Geraedts JPM, Fauser BCJM. Con- prod. 1999;14:18-20. Clin Pract Endocrinol Metab. 2008;4:394-405.
ception to ongoing pregnancy: the “black box” 10. Watson H, Kiddy DS, Hamilton-Fairley D, et al. 18. Negro R, Formoso G, Coppola L, et al. Euthyroid
of early pregnancy loss. Hum Reprod Update. Hypersecretion of luteinizing hormone and ovar- women with autoimmune disease undergoing
2002;8:333-343. ian steroids in women with recurrent early mis- assisted reproduction technologies: the role of
2. Stephenson MD. Frequency of factors associated carriages. Hum Reprod. 1993;8:829-833. autoimmune disease and thyroid function. J
with habitual abortion in 197 couples. Fertil 11. Rai R, Backos M, Rushworth F, Regan L. Poly- Endocrinol Invest. 2007;30:3-8.
Steril. 1996;66:24-29. cystic ovaries and recurrent miscarriage—a reap- 19. Summers PR. Microbiology relevant to recurrent
3. The American College of Obstetricians and Gy- praisal. Hum Reprod. 2000;15:612-615. miscarriage. Clin Obstet Gynecol. 1994;37:722-729.
necologists. Management of Recurrent Early 12. Glueck CJ, Wang P, Goldenberg N, Sieve-Smith 20. Thellin O, Coumans B, Zorzi W, et al. Tolerance
Pregnancy Loss. Washington, DC: The American L. Pregnancy outcomes among women with of the feto-placental “graft”: ten ways to support
College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; polycystic ovary syndrome treated with met- a child for nine months. Curr Opin Immunol.
2001. ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 24. formin. Hum Reprod. 2002;17:2858-2864. 2000;12:731-737.
4. Lin PC. Reproductive outcomes in women with 13. Mills JL, Simpson JL, Driscoll SG, et al. Incidence 21. Porter TF, LaCoursiere Y, Scott JR. Immunother-
uterine anomalies. J Womens Health. 2004; of spontaneous abortion among normal women apy for recurrent miscarriage. Cochrane Data-
13:33-39. and insulin-dependent diabetic women whose base Syst Rev. 2006;(2):CD000112.
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impact of congenital Müllerian anomalies. Hum conception. N Engl J Med. 1988;319:1617-1623. tiphospholipid syndrome. J Reprod Immunol.
Reprod. 1997;12:2277-2281. 14. Vaquero E, Lazzarin N, De Carolis H, et al. Mild 2008;77:41-50.
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nancy wastage. Hum Reprod Update. 2000; abortion: diagnostic and therapeutical approach. pregnancy outcome. Thromb Res. 2003;109:73-81.
6:614-620. Am J Reprod Immunol. 2000;43:204-208. 24. Lane DA, Grant PJ. Role of hemostatic gene
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ical implications of uterine malformations and prevalence of antithyroid antibodies identified in botic disease. Blood. 2000;95:1517-1532.

Main Points
• Spontaneous pregnancy loss is common, with approximately 15% of all clinically recognized pregnancies resulting in miscarriage.
• When recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) is defined as 3 consecutive pregnancy losses prior to 20 weeks from the last menstrual period,
1% to 2% of women will be affected.
• Because the risk of subsequent miscarriages is similar among women that have had 2 versus 3 miscarriages, and the probability
of finding a treatable etiology is similar among the 2 groups, most experts agree that there is a role for evaluation after 2 losses.
• Accepted etiologies for RPL include parental chromosomal abnormalities, untreated hypothyroidism, uncontrolled diabetes
mellitus, certain uterine anatomic abnormalities, and the antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (APS). Other probable or possible
etiologies include additional endocrine disorders, heritable and/or acquired thrombophilias, immunologic abnormalities, and
environmental causes. After evaluation for these causes, more than 33% of all cases will remain unexplained.
• Diagnostic evaluation should include maternal and paternal karyotypes, assessment of the uterine anatomy, and evaluation for
thyroid dysfunction, APS, and selected thrombophilias. In some women, evaluation for insulin resistance, ovarian reserve, an-
tithyroid antibodies, and prolactin disorders may be indicated.
• Therapy should be directed toward any treatable etiology, and may include in vitro fertilization with preimplantation genetic di-
agnosis, use of donor gametes, surgical correction of anatomic abnormalities, correction of endocrine disorders, and anticoagula-
tion or folic acid supplementation.
• In cases of unexplained RPL, progesterone has been shown to be beneficial in decreasing the miscarriage rate in women who had
experienced at least 3 losses. Low-dose aspirin benefits those with a history of losses at more than 13 weeks of gestation.
• Antenatal counseling and psychological support should be offered to all couples experiencing RPL, as these measures have been
shown to increase pregnancy success rates.
• Prognosis will depend on the underlying cause for pregnancy loss and the number of prior losses. Patients and physicians can be
encouraged by the overall good prognosis, as even after 4 consecutive losses a patient has a greater than 60% to 65% chance of
carrying her next pregnancy to term.


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Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: Etiology, Diagnosis, and Therapy

25. Burton G, Hempstock J, Jauniaux E. Nutrition of abortion. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2003;82: 39. Rai R, Backos M, Baxter N, et al. Recurrent
the human fetus during the first trimester—a 182-188. miscarriage—an aspirin a day? Hum Reprod.
review. Placenta. 2001;22:S70-S76. 33. Kline J, Levin B, Kinney A, et al. Cigarette 2000;15:2220-2223.
26. Kovalevsky G, Gracia CR, Berlin JA, et al. Eval- smoking and spontaneous abortion of known 40. Tulppala M, Marttunen M, Söderström-Anttila V,
uation of the association between hereditary karyotype: precise data but uncertain inferences. et al. Low-dose aspirin in prevention of miscar-
thrombophilias and recurrent pregnancy loss. Am J Epidemiol. 1995;141:417-427. riage in women with unexplained or autoim-
Arch Intern Med. 2004;164:558-563. 34. Ness RB, Grisso JA, Hirschinger N. Cocaine mune related recurrent miscarriage: effect on
27. Rey E, Kahn SR, David M, Shrier I. Throm- and tobacco use and the risk of spon- prostacyclin and thromboxane A2 production.
bophilic disorders and fetal loss: a meta- taneous abortion. N Engl J Med. 1999;340: Hum Reprod. 1997;12:1567-1572.
analysis. Lancet. 2003;361:901-908. 333-339. 41. Stray-Pedersen B, Stray-Pedersen S. Etiologic
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