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abstract relationship of community behavior in risk factors for hypertension with the incidence of

hypertension in the community in the hamlet of savory village jenang jenang sub-district jenang by: dedy
ekva mustova Hypertension is a disease with various medical conditions. In most patients the etiology of
the pathology is unknown, in general hypertension Hypertension is arising due to the interaction of
various risk factors. The relative risk of hypertension depends on the number and severity of controlled
factors such as stress, nutritional obesity and lifestyle, all risk factors that cannot be controlled such as
genetic, age, sex and ethnicity. The influence of the times has an impact on people's lifestyles. Tend to
be more dynamic lifestyle community. consume instant food. consuming high-fat smoking foods and
lack of exercise is very influential on health. Increased blood pressure is influenced by several risk factors
including: age of sex, family history, obesity. diet and lifestyle. Therefore lifestyle modification and living
a healthy behavior are very important in preventing high blood pressure. especially controlling risk
factors and is a response or reaction that is still closed from someone to the stimulation or object of the
behavior. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of community behavior in
hypertension risk factors with the incidence of hypertension in the community. In Pelem Gurih Hamlet,
Jenang Village, Jenang District. Quantitative research, using a type of correlation design that examines
and knows the relationship between variables using a cross sectional approach, with 52 respondents.
The relationship of community behavior in hypertension risk factors with the incidence of hypertension
in the community in Pelem Gurih Hamlet, Jenang Village, Jenang District. The results of the data were
analyzed using Chi-Square with p value 0.007 with alpha 0.05. The conclusion of this study is the p value
(0.007) <a (0.05) which means that H0 is rejected and HI is accepted, which means there is a relationship
between community behavior about the risk of hypertension with hypertension in Pelem Gurih Hamlet,
Jenang Village, Jenangar District, Ponorogo Regency

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