Minutes Apr 2019

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Meeting held on 10 April 2019 in the Ted Allen room
In attendance: Mike Cobley (MC)(Chair); Carole Pamphlett (CP)(Treasurer); Roger Glanville
(RMG)(Dep. Chair); Jim Machin (JM); Alan Stevenson (AS); Jane Keech (JK); Linda Gahagan
(LG); Rod Cooley (RC); Albert Calleawert (AC), Chris Wilson (CW), Hazel Upton (HU), John
Myers (JM), Keith Davison (KD) and Marcia Dorey (MD).
Apologies: Peter Hicks (Secretary), Chris Overton, Irene Boogerman, Roger Gillett, Dominic
Houlihan, Fraser Gordon, Jenny Stevenson, Mark Sanders and Roger White.
1.1 Review of minutes from March
The minutes of the March meeting were approved as a true record by those present.
1.2 Action Points:
1) Mike Cobley had spoken to the Fire Brigade who were unable to provide anyone locally to come
and advise us in person, however their advice was as expected which is not to fight fires and to
dispose of old fire extinguishers.
Action Point: Site Reps to deliver fire extinguishers to the PH site where they will be disposed of
when the Ted Allen Room extinguishers are next serviced.
2) Jim Machin suggested sending an e-mail out to plot-holders asking if they wanted a 50th
anniversary celebration and, if so, what would they want.
Action Point: Mike Cobley to draft a specific e-mail to members asking for feedback on a proposed
50th Anniversary celebration.
COMPLETED See item 6. Projects/New Developments
3) Topstreet Way plot-holder Stephen Moss has suggested that we invite worm-expert Dr Jackie
Stroud from Rothamsted Research to give a talk/dig on earthworms at a convenient time for us.
Mike Cobley said he would investigate further as the committee were enthusiastic about this
Action Point: Mike Cobley to arrange a suitable date for the worm-talk.
COMPLETED, date arranged for Saturday 27th April
4) Jim Machin asked about signs fixed to site gates that advertised vacant plots. Carole Pamphlett
said the laminator was working perfectly and we could make some new signs for any sites that
need them.

Action Point: Site reps to contact Carole to request new signs for their gates.

5) Jim Machin asked if we wanted to organise a coach trip for the autumn.

Action Point: Jim said he would investigate and send an e-mail out to gauge interest.
Jim hadn’t sent the e-mail because he had researched the costs and felt that there was an obvious
choice. Of the two suggested options, Audley End would cost more than visiting Hyde Hall
because it is an English Heritage site whereas Hyde Hall is RHS and therefore free to get in. Jim
pointed that Hyde Hall’s flower show is held on Sunday, 4th August which would be a good day to
visit, and the meeting agreed to that option.

6) From January: Jim Machin asked for a progress report on the list of wayleaves that had been
provided by site reps, Mike Cobley said he would chase Phil Wright of HTC to get news.
Action Point: HTC to provide list of wayleaves.
This is still outstanding, but Sarah Brimley at HTC has started on the process so we are hopeful that
we will get completion of this relatively soon.
After significant discussion, MC confirmed he would set up a meeting with HTC as soon as possible
to clarify the procedure for both the Society and the council.
Action Point: MC to arrange meeting with HTC.
2. Finance
CP reported that a long-standing plot-holder, Roland Dibben, passed away recently. His family had
requested the use of the Ted Allen Room for a wake, which The Society agreed to. The family kindly
made a donation of £40 for the use of the room. HU said she had spoken to the family who had
expressed an interest in providing a bench, in Roland’s name, at Aldwickbury but have not yet
CP confirmed that we have received £10,133.38 in rent, with seven plots still outstanding. CP
clarified that if we have e-mailed non-paying plot-holders and have not received a response we
cannot assume that they are giving up the plot: there is a legal procedure which we must adhere to.
We have made considerable savings on some of the budget items, for example machinery service
and repairs, and haven’t spent very much on site improvements. CW had requested a new shed for
Sibley Avenue in her report for this meeting and CP is looking at funding this as part of the annual
The shop has provided £50 in manure money so far, against the total cost of £300.
3. Site Matters
See Reports circulated.
MC reported that he had had a complaint from one of the Aldwickbury plot-holders regarding the
gravel that had been delivered to the entrance in order to provide a pathway across the muddy
driveway. HU said she would talk to the plot-holder.
KD asked if contact had been made with the new manager of Co-op regarding the parking across
the Churchfield entrance.
Action Point: MC agreed to make contact with HTC to get their update on the Co-op parking.
Plot Numbers: MC told the meeting that we have got the materials for 140 numbers. We will
provide a stake and a plastic number on a plaque and the site reps can liaise with plot-holders to
place them on their plots.
A poly-tunnel application has been received from Simon Scott at PH47. The application was
approved by the meeting.
Worm Day: Mc told the meeting that we had about 12 interested people who had signed up for the
Worm presentation by Dr Jacqueline Stroud of Rothamsted to be held on Saturday 27th April.
Steven Moss, a plot-holder from Topstreet Way, will be talking about slug pellets at the same
4. Lettings
MC reported that renewals are almost complete. Based on the assumption that all outstanding
renewals will complete, occupancy will be 95%.

5. Machinery

AS ran through the machinery report itemising some machinery that has been damages since the
servicing was completed over the winter.
6. Projects/New Developments

MC suggested bringing the date of the 50th Anniversary celebration to Sunday 14th July.

RMG said that he has spoken to Heather Scott and we will have an item in the news section of the
Harpenden Forum saying that the Society is celebrating 50 years with a day in July for plot-holders

After much discussion about the style of the event we would want to hold, it was decided that we
could focus on a wildlife/environmental theme for the day. 3

AS suggested setting up a small sub-committee together to create a plan for the day. CW and JK
volunteered to join RMG on a sub-committee.

7. Shop

MC reported that the mushroom compost has sold out a second delivery. More has been ordered.

8. Communications

RC confirmed he has sent out various e-mails as requested, and as detailed in his report.

9. Awards

LG confirmed that the hall has been booked for 11th October for 2019 Awards evening.

10. A.O.B.

10.1 AGM:

CP made it clear that the AGM is a vital part of the year for her as it is the occasion when the
accounts are formally presented and approved.

10.2 Dorothy Mills Tribute:

MC asked if we should do some sort of tribute to our Hon. Vice President following her passing
last month. CW told the meeting that although Dorothy was an Associate member, she was an
important conduit between the society and the council; and was brilliant at presenting the society’s
case in meetings with the council.

CW had attended her funeral in Garstonon our behalf and said it was a lovely celebration of her
life, rather than being a religious ceremony.

In terms of a tribute, it was agreed that a donation of £50 would be made to the James Marshall
Foundation, a local charity that awards grants to support young people aged under 25 years living
in Harpenden and Wheathampstead, who need financial help for educational and career
development purposes.

10.3: President of The Society

MC asked the committee to think of a suitable person to hold the position of Hon. President or
Vice President. CW asked if we really needed one, as she believed that the position was created
to honour Stan White and we should consider if the position was still relevant to the society.

It was agreed that, at the AGM, we should put it to a vote whether we want to retain the title.

Date of Next Meeting: 8th May 2019 at 19:15 in the Ted Allen Room

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