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Name :Ainun Mardiyah

1. Berikut ini salah satu kegiatan listening dan speaking secara

terpadu untuk upper class yaitu roleplay. Dimana roleplay merupakan
aktivitas yang merangsang siswa untuk berbicara dan melatih kelancaran
dengan menggunakan bahasa inggris dengan roleplay masing-masing
siswa berusaha untuk menyimak temannya.
Contoh roleplay:
Oneday at the break time, Dwiky met Nandi at the cantin. They are from
diftrent class. But they are so close.
Dwiky : Hi..... how are you?
Nandi : Hi.... I am fine. How about you?
Dwiky : I am fine too. Ohh yes I have a good news for you.
Nandi : wait.... if it is a good news you may tell me about it. But if
it’s a bad news I think it’s better if you don’t tell me about
Dwiky : Hahaahahah.... ok, if you won’t to hear a bad news. See
Nandi : wait!!! What is that?
Dwiky : hahaha... Congrat.. you’re reasonable to be a futsal player
for our school futsal team.
Nandi : ohh.... are you sure???
Dwiky : Em... I am afraid if I’m wrong, actually. Because I Just
heard it from my classmate.
Nandi : ohh... ok Em... could you help me to make it sure??
Dwiky : ohh... I’m sorry, actually I want to help you. But if I have
many tasks in my class now.
Nandi : ok....
Dwiky : but if you want to make it sure, you can ask it tu Mr Bayu
the coach of our school futsal team. Ok see you.
Nandi : thanks. See you.

2. The first difficulty that I found when I listen to spoken English

discourse is vocabulary. Sometimes I don’t know what someone say in
spoken English because I have a little vocabulary and my vocabulary that
I have is so simple. The second difficulty is concentrate, when I listen to
spoken English discourse sometimes I don’t focuses and my mind goes do
everywhere so that’s make me become difficult to listen to spoken
English discourse.

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