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MCA18R5103- Soft Computing Techniques

Question Bank

2 marks

S.No Question Bloom’s Characteristics

1. Define SoftComputing. Remember
2. How Neuro-Fuzzy computing takes major part in real Understand
3. Propose an AI for handwriting character “Cat” Create
4. List out 3 constituents of Soft computing . Remember
5. Justify :Neuro-Fuzzy Modelling Evaluate
6. Compare Neural network and Brain. Analyse
8. How many intervals are used in Downhill search? Analyse
9. List out 3 move sets of Simulated Annealing in Understand
Traveling Sales Man problem
10. List out Major Components of Genetic Remember
(Encoding,Fitness Evaluation,mutation and
11. What are all the methods used in Step-Size Understand
(Initial Bracketing,Line Searches,Termination Rules)
12. How Derivative Optimizations are performing in Remember
(GA,Simulated Annealing(SA),Random
Search,Downhill Simplex Search)
Unit -II
1 Define Fuzzy set with one own example Remember
2 Contrast Fuzzy set and Crisp boundary Analyse
3 Define 1.Membership Function 2. Universe Remember
4 Contrast Fuzzy set and Probability theory Evaluate
(subjectivity and non-randomness of fuzzy set)
5 Comment on following in fuzzy set definition Analyse
a. Support
6 Illustrate “ 45 years old” I fuzzy singleton Create
(graph between MF and age with single line)
7 Illustrate cross over points and Support with any Understand
8 How Demorgan’s law define in fuzzy set? Remember
Define the following terms, Understand
9 a. Linguistic variable
b. Fuzzy Reasoning
10 Comment on Fuzzy Reasoning System Analyze
(definition, other names)
11 List out the different types of Models using in fuzzy Remember
(Mamdani FM,Sugeno FM,Tsukamoto FM)
12 Justify: Automatic Washing Machine is an expert Analyse
8 & 16 Marks

S.No Question Bloom’s Characteristics

1. Illustrate Conventional AI Expert system. Analyse
2. Discuss the followings, Understand
a. Neural Network
b. Evolutionary Computation

3. Describe Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing Remember

(Listing of any 10 characteristics)
4. Draw a block diagram for “an Intelligent System” Create
5. Compare and Contrast Classical Newton’s method Analyse
and Modified Newton’s Method
6. Write note on Quasi-Newton’s method Remember
7. Describe Newton’s Method in Derivative based Remember
8. Explain “Gradient-Based Descent Method” Remember

9. Evaluate StepSize Determination as a part of soft Evaluate

10. Illustrate the following in Derivative free Analyse
a. Genetic Algorithm
b. Simulated Annealing
1. Illustrate Membership Functions in Fuzzy systems Analyse
2. Explain Fuzzy set relations with own examples Understand
3. Describe Fuzzy Inference System Remember
4. Discuss different types of models in Fuzzy Expert Understand
System or FRS
5. Discuss Single input –Single output Mamdani fuzzy Analyse
6. Criticize on TSK Fuzzy model Evaluate
7. Compare: Fuzzy and Non-fuzzy set Analyse
(explain Sugeno model example)
8. Explain Input –Space Partitioning Understand
(Grid,Tree,and Scatter Partition
9. Opinion on Medical Image Processing with fuzzy set Evaluate
(general about fuzzy set and where its applying in
medical image processing with their own example)
10. Discuss Fuzzy Decision System Remember

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