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Sustainability is defined as addresses the ongoing capacity of Earth to maintain all life and meet the

needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
Actions to improve sustainability are both individual and collective endeavors shared across local and
global communities (Australian Curriculum, 2019)

It is essential to educate the future generation on the knowledge, skills, values and world views
necessary for people to act in ways that contribute to more sustainable patterns of living (ACARA,
2019.) It is import for students to understand sustainability at a primary school level, addressing what
changes can be implement in their school e.g. recycled vertical garden to reduce water used for a real
garden. At a local level, addressing ways their neighbourhood can make small differences e.g. having
more than two types of bins. At a national level e.g. plastic bag ban and at a world issue for example
the massive gathering of rubbish in the middle of the ocean. By addressing the issue at all levels,
students understand the reasoning behind changing aspects of their lives and the impacts they can
make individually (ACARA, 2019.)

The vertical garden addresses the third key concept which is aimed at building the capacities for
thinking and acting in ways that are necessary to create a more sustainable future (ACARA, 2019.)
The concept seeks to develop reflective thinking processes and empower young people to design
action that will lead to a more equitable, respectful and sustainable future (ACARA, 2019.)
The vertical garden design encourages students to solve a given problem using a sustainable method,
by using recycled and natural materials to create a project that is usually adds to the destruction of
the earth.

The vertical garden design brief addresses the organising ideas of:
OI.6: The sustainability of ecological, social and economic systems is achieved through informed
individual and community action that values local and global equity and fairness across generations
into the future.

OI.7: Actions for a more sustainable future reflect values of care, respect and responsibility, and
require us to explore and understand environments.

OI.9 Sustainable futures result from actions designed to preserve and/or restore the quality and
uniqueness of environments.

The Sustainable development goals were designed to achieve a better and more sustainable future
for all. The Goals are adopted by the United Nations who work together to address the current issues
in the world and find ways to better the world for people and our planet by 2030 (sustainability
development goals 2019.)

The Sustainability development goals that the vertical garden relates too are:
Goal 9- Industries, innovation and infrastructure
9.1 Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and trans
border infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on
affordable and equitable access for all (United Nations, 2019).

Goal 12- Sustainable consumption and production

12.2 By 2030, achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources
12.5 By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and
reuse (United Nations, 2019.)
The Vertical Garden Design Brief relates to the school context of Falls Road primary school as they
wanted a community garden and a veggie patch since the school opened, however due to the
bushland surrounding the school the school knew it was essential not to ruin any natural bush land.
By creating a vertical garden out of natural and recycles materials the school is able to maintain a
thriving bush land around the school and the innovation by the year 4 students will help start the well
needed suitability conversation in the school community, particularly during the school’s moonlight
markets. There was a demand for a space saving, sustainable and recycled garden and the year four

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