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Experiment No.

103: Moment of Inertia

Esteves, Ralph Gerald D.
Mechanical Engineering-1

Experiment No. 103 is about the moment of inertia. It is a number that shows the object
resistance to angular acceleration or rotational motion in a specific axis this is equal to the
mass. The group was asked to find the moment of inertia of a disk through its center
perpendicular to the plane and an axis through its diameter.

Results and Discussion

The group first did the setup required for the experiment to be performed. And while other
members of the group were setting up the equipment other members was computing for the
theoretical value that we are aiming. And after completing the setup we made many trials
until we get the value we wanted for us to have a low percent error, the same thing happened
for the part b of the experiment. Here we found out that the moment inertia of the disk
rotating about an axis through its center is larger than the moment of inertia acting when it
is rotating on an axis through its diameter.

Overall the group performed the experiment well they obtained or found out the moment of
inertia of a disk through its center perpendicular to the plane and through its diameter. The
group also prove that the equation for the moment of inertia to be through and we can
achieve this if we would have the perfect setup of the experiment.

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