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Experiment No.

112: Thin Lenses

Esteves, Ralph Gerald D.
Mechanical Engineering-1

Experiment No. 112 is about thin lenses. A lens is a transparent material that has two non-
parallel curved edges or one plane and one curved edge. A lens that is thick in the middle
part of it is called converging lens. If the lens is thinner, it is called diverging lens. And the
focal length is the one dictating the magnifying ability of the lens. In this experiment the
group was asked to determine the focal length of a converging lenses using the equation of
the thin lens equation and to compute the magnification using height of the image and object
and its distance.

Results and Discussion

First the group did the set-up for the experiment and computed for the value that they would
want to achieve. And after that they did the exact experiment and wanted to see the most
solid image and got its value. What the group got is that if the image is too far from the lens
the image produce is not clear or solid. An the further the object from the lens the
magnification of the object becomes smaller.

Overall the group performed the experiment well they obtained or calculated for the image
magnification. And got the focal length of the converging lens with the use of thin lens

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