UTS - 11555 Masters Architectural Design Thesis - Design, Architecture and Building, UTS Handbook

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11555 Masters Architectural Design Thesis

Warning: The information on this page is indicative. The subject outline for a particular session, location and mode of offering
is the authoritative source of all information about the subject for that offering. Required texts, recommended texts and
references in particular are likely to change. Students will be provided with a subject outline once they enrol in the subject.

Subject handbook information prior to 2019 is available in the Archives.

UTS: Design, Architecture and Building: Architecture

Credit points: 12 cp
Subject level:


Result type: Grade and marks

Requisite(s): 11551 Masters Architectural Design Studio 1 AND 11552 Masters Architectural Design Studio 2 AND 11553 Masters
Architectural Design Studio 3 AND 11319 Masters Architectural Design Pre-thesis
There are course requisites for this subject. See access conditions.


This subject aims to further architectural design skills through the integration of a specific research agenda of the student's own
area of interest that may be tested through project-based speculations under the supervision of an advisory academic. The
research agenda is developed by the student as part of a preceding special research project and may include topics such as, but not
limited to, computation and digital design in architecture and manufacturing, material and construction in architecture,
environmental and performance based design in architecture, urban design, and activism and the role of the architect and design
within critical cultural discourse. The subject also develops a critical understanding of architecture as both a discipline with an
existing body of knowledge and a set of practices that continuously challenge and add to that body of knowledge. The subject
requires the testing of ideas and modes of practice in architectural design, and the production of design proposals that accurately
and persuasively convey the most relevant ideas and practices. This subject is the fourth of four studio subjects required to
complete the Master of Architecture degree.

Subject learning objectives (SLOs)

On successful completion of this subject, students should be able to:

A.1. Demonstrate a capacity to take autonomous responsibility for actions and decisions

A.3. Demonstrate a capacity to position work within an extended disciplinary context

C.2. Demonstrate a capacity to communicate ideas effectively in a variety of ways including oral, written, visual, physical and
digital modes

C.4. Demonstrate a capacity to engage in, and contribute to, debate at the highest professional level

I.1. Demonstrate a capacity to develop innovative approaches

I.2. Demonstrate a capacity to understand and challenge disciplinary conventions

I.3. Demonstrate a capacity to initiate and execute meaningful self-directed iterative processes

P.2. Demonstrate a capacity to apply relevant digital and/or manual techniques and technologies to architectural practice

P.4. Demonstrate knowledge of current architectural practice

R.2. Demonstrate a capacity to independently select and apply appropriate research methodologies to carry out investigative

R.3. Demonstrate a capacity to analyse, synthesise and formulate complex ideas, arguments and rationales to initiate
alternative approaches

R.5. Demonstrate a capacity to reflect and engage in self-critique and critical thinking

Course intended learning outcomes (CILOs)

This subject also contributes to the following Course Intended Learning Outcomes:

Establish and develop an informed and ethical position towards social, technical and environmental issues and practices (A.1)
Communicate ideas professionally and effectively through a variety of mediums: oral, written, visual, physical and digital
Produce inspirational responses that demonstrate the successful integration of sub-disciplinary areas of knowledge: history,
theory, tectonics and/or practice (I.1)
Creatively use architectural media, technologies and materials (I.2)
Thoughtfully apply disciplinary learning in work, with a continuing commitment to personal professional development (P.2)
Define, develop and apply an appropriate design method in the execution of an architectural project (R.2)
Independently analyse, synthesise and formulate complex ideas, arguments and rationales and use initiative to explore
alternatives (R.3)


Assessment task 1: Assessment Task 1

Intent: This assignment task is intended to bring the student thesis project into an advanced draft state for review and in
depth public critique, leading to the final thesis outcomes.

Objective(s): This task addresses the following subject learning objectives:

A.1, C.2, I.1, I.3, P.2, P.4, R.2, R.3 and R.5

This task also addresses the following course intended learning outcomes that are linked with a code to indicate
one of the five CAPRI graduate attribute categories (e.g. C.1, A.3, P.4, etc.):

.3, .4, .5, A.1, C.2, I.1, P.2, R.2 and R.3

Type: Design/drawing/plan/sketch

Groupwork: Individual

Weight: 40%

Criteria: To be developed as part of the thesis topic by the thesis supervisor.

Assessment task 2: Assessment Task 2

Intent: This assessment task will bring the thesis into a professional form, acceptible for public exhibition and debate.

Objective(s): This task addresses the following subject learning objectives:

A.1, C.2, I.2, I.3, P.2, R.3 and R.5

This task also addresses the following course intended learning outcomes that are linked with a code to indicate
one of the five CAPRI graduate attribute categories (e.g. C.1, A.3, P.4, etc.):

.3, .5, A.1, C.2, I.2, P.2 and R.3

Type: Design/drawing/plan/sketch

Groupwork: Individual

Weight: 45%

Assessment task 3: Assessment Task 3

Intent: To create a printed record of the thesis project, with scope for critial reflection.

Objective(s): This task addresses the following subject learning objectives:

A.3, C.4, I.2, P.2 and R.5

This task also addresses the following course intended learning outcomes that are linked with a code to indicate
one of the five CAPRI graduate attribute categories (e.g. C.1, A.3, P.4, etc.):

.3, .4, .5, I.2 and P.2

Type: Portfolio

Groupwork: Individual

Weight: 15%
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