(Vidal) ENG 147 Topic Proposal - JE and WSS

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Jaquelyn F.


Option 2: Close reading ofon Wide Sargasso Sea and Jane Eyre to focus on the
differences of women’s experiences Commented [MLS1]: Narrow this down further. Choose a
specific type of experience – say, maybe, marriage.

Research Question: While intersectionality is highlighted among different experiences

of women in Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea, how is intersectionality experienced
among Filipinas across time? Commented [MLS2]: The topics are too disparate and
general. See my suggestions.

<For this option, you need to focus specifically on how Wide Sargasso Sea engages
with or converses with Jane Eyre. Choose one specific topic or theme such as women’s
identity, women’s agency versus lack of agency, confinement, madness, marriage, etc. Formatted: Font color: Red

I intend to do a close reading onf Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea to identify the
intersectionality ofn the various experiences of women in these novels. I ought want to Commented [MLS3]: This is too vague and general.
do a comparison ofn the main characters of these novels, who are women – Jane Eyre
and Antoinette Cosway. The goal is to identify the differences of their circumstances
that are very reflective of intersectionality in the cases of women, in general. Hence, Commented [MLS4]: Please be more specific. How are
the research will most likely tackle the intersectionality on these novels in order to their experiences reflective of intersectionality?
compare it the cases of the Filipina women across time. These cases of Filipinas will Commented [MLS5]: What do you mean? This is so
be backed by certain academic journals such as in the field of sociology where vague.

intersectionality is widely discussed and anticipated. Commented [MLS6]: This is outside of the scope of the
requirement. If you want to bring up the experiences of
Filipinas, this’ll have to be mentioned only briefly in the
conclusion, but it cannot be the meat or main content of the
paper, which is supposed to focus on literary criticism.

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