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Name: Ben Clark Student #: 100861523 Section: A

Lecture #: 5 Lecture title: Engineers Canada

In Canada, you cannot legally call yourself an engineer or be responsible for professional
engineering work unless you are licensed. This license makes you part of a national community
of over 290 000. It is an assurance of dedication, skill, and quality. Engineers Canada is the
national organization for bringing together for collaboration and advocating on the behalf of the
twelve provincial and territorial engineering regulators in Canada. They work together with the
regulators to advance the profession in the public interest and to promote and maintain integrity,
honour, and interests of the profession. A board of directors composed of representatives from
the regulators determine the direction and the strategic plan of the organization. This strategic
plan outlines four strategic priorities for 2019-2021: accreditation improvement program,
accountability in accreditation, recruitment, retention, and professional development of women
in the engineering profession, and competency-based assessment project. The Accreditation
Board is mandated to accredit Canadian undergraduate engineering programs that meet or exceed
educational standards acceptable for professional engineering registration in Canada. The
Qualifications Board oversees promoting mobility, consistent practices, and shared programs for
the regulation of the practice of engineering. Engineers Canada works the ensure that the
mobility of engineers across Canada is easy and effective.
Engineers Canada initiates and maintains relations with the federal government to ensure
their needs and concerns are considered when the government acts or drafts legislation and
present the engineering profession as a resource for policy-makers. This government relations
program publishes national position statements on issues that relate to engineering and the public
interest. It also prepares government submissions. To consider the implications from climate
change in recommendations and plans for design, operation, and maintenance of infrastructure,
Engineers Canada along with Natural Resources Canada developed the public infrastructure
engineering vulnerable comity protocol.
Engineers Canada is working to ensure that the engineering profession reflects the
demographics of Canadian society. The 30 by 30 goal program aims to increase the number of
female newly licensed engineers to 30% by 2030.
To obtain a license, you must adhere to the requirements associated with the following
criteria: academics, work experience, language, good character, and professionalism and ethics.

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