Why Is Patriotism Lacking Nowadays?: 3 Answers

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9/29/2019 Why is patriotism lacking nowadays?

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Aren;t We Not Very Patriotic Now? Patriotism and Allegiance Society Countries of the World Related Questions

What makes many Pakistani's lack sheer patriotism
for their country?
Why is patriotism lacking nowadays?
What is against patriotism?

3 Answers What is the importance of patriotism?

What is patriotism all about?

Aman Sinha, Ex Coordinator, Qutopia, Quizzing society @ KIIT
Answered Mar 6, 2018 · Author has 53 answers and 96.3k answer views
What does patriotism do?
Originally Answered: why is patriotism lacking nowadays ?
What is patriotism?
To answer this question, we need to understand what patriotism really is.
Patriotism is the ideology of attachment to a homeland. This attachment can be a
combination of many different features relating to one's own homeland, including ethnic,
cultural or political aspects.

Since I am an Indian, I would like to talk from India’s point of view.

Let’s take into account all the factors that I mentioned:

1. Ethnic: India has more than 50 ethnic group in it’s land. Patriotism, in respect to
the ethnic group, would mean considering all of them as our own. To have equal
amount of respect and love for all the ethnic groups that reside on the same land
as us would be something that would add up to a person’s patriotism. If we
consider one ethnic group to be superior than the other, that feeling is not

2. Cultural: India boasts of a diverse cultural heritage. Just like ethnicity, patriotism
cannot be confined to a person’s culture. Patriotism must encompass the diversity
of our culture.

3. Political: This can be the point of all controversy. In a country like India, we have a
number of political parties. Each party has its own supporters. Suppose there is a
person supporting a party A says that he is patriotic but the ideas conveyed by
party B is unpatriotic. Hence, B should be eradicated from the country. This is not
patriotism. One person’s ideology doesn’t define patriotism. What you consider
unpatriotic may be patriotic for the other. The party B is also a part of the system.
It is the voice of many other people of the country. To consider B unpatriotic
because of its ideology is extremism. The patriotic approach would be to
understand the ideology of the other party and come to a more widely accepted
solution. If you claim to be patriotic, you cannot try to suppress the voice of the
other people belonging to your homeland.

I would like to conclude that patriotism is a very subjective term. Different people may
have different views about patriotism and it is completely patriotic.

Judge your country on the basis of above points and figure out for yourself what
patriotism is lacking in your country.
792 views · View 1 Upvoter

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Shad Raza, An Enthusiast Strategist & Tech loving guy

Answered Sep 25, 2015

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Originally Answered: why is patriotism lacking nowadays ?
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Patriotism isn't lacking today everybody loves his or her motherland & will do so. In early
days there were just team of good leaders with one mission, one party with common
dream & objectives. However, it is today's majority of politician who have high aspirations
to achieve power by hook & crook. They can create distances based on religion, castism,
regionalism, or sect or anything which cut no one can think of or if they don't find any
reason then they starts questioning historical events without knowing the facts. Another
side is due to high aspirations of achieving more  & waves of globalization a well educated
professional think of big picture what he  see is a boundary less geographies to cater.
Hence, country plays not an important role rather becoming more global citizen is his
1.1k views · View 1 Upvoter

John Gerard
Answered Oct 26, 2017 · Author has 3.9k answers and 1.7m answer views

Originally Answered: why is patriotism lacking nowadays ?

Mostly because it has served it purpose. The world has some stability and while people
love their countries the idea that you join an army and fight people in far off places is not
so important globally.

Patriots also come in different shapes and sizes these days people represent their countries
with good deeds and positive actions.

In many countries people do national service. You will notice this is most evident in
countries that have the strength in their governments.

I’m old now but I live in Australia. You will find Australians love their defence forces but if a
former union boss or a mega rich barrister tried to send us in a mission from God to save
the country you would be surprised how short their political careers would be.

Unfortunately today patriotism looks to much like a bar fight. A madman calls another
mad man a little rocket man the other guy wants to smack him one so he launches another
empty missile over the first guys friends backyard.

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