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Basic Science for Students of

Paint Technology
R Stanfield FTSC

OCCA Student Monograph No. 1

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Basic Science for Students
of Paint Technology
R Stanfield FTSC

OCCA Student Monograph No. 1

Oil & Colour Chemists’Association

Published by the Oil & Colour Chemists’ Association,
Priory House, 967 Harrow Road, Wembley HA0 2SF, United Kingdom
© OCCA 1998
First Published 1993
Second Edition 1998

ISBN 0 903809 01 4
Printed by The Burlington Press, Foxton, Cambridge CB2 6SW, United Kingdom
Typeset by My Word!, 138 Railway Terrace, Rugby, CV21 3HN, United Kingdom

This monograph is part of a series of Student Monographs published by the Oil and Colour Chemists’
Association, and is part of a collaborative project with the British Coatings Federation to produce
additional reading material for students wishing to take up studies on the Federation’s distance learning
programme – the Open Tech. The monographs are also suitable for those persons seeking basic
background information on aspects of the science and technology of surface coatings.
The monographs have been written by authors nominated by the British Coatings Federation and
approved by that Federation’s Tutors and Assessment Boards. The series has been published with the
help of a grant by the Trustees of the Ellinger-Gardonyi Fund, an educational trust administered by the Oil
and Colour Chemists’ Association and established to enhance education and training in surface coatings
Basic Science for Students
of Paint Technology
R Stanfield FTSC
General Introduction
Technical developments in the Paint Industry over the last 70 years or so have made it essential for
students in this field to have a sound understanding of basic scientific principles.
This monograph is directed towards those students who have had limited opportunities to acquire such
an understanding.
In selecting the subject matter for this work, two main problems were anticipated – which subjects to
include and in how much detail should each be covered.
On the first point, the greatest problem proved to be what to leave out rather than what to put in.
On the second point, an attempt has been made to go into each topic in just sufficient depth to provide
students with a good understanding on which they can build by further reading.
The object has been to familiarise the reader with the important basic scientific principles and then
develop just some of these along selected areas of paint technology.
By taking this approach, I have tried to meet the needs of as many students of paint technology as
possible, and hope that you find most, if not all, of this monograph both useful and interesting.
Some additions have been made to this latest edition of the Monograph, including some material on
pigments, colour and energy.
This project could not have been completed without the help of others, and I wish to record my
appreciation to Alan Vickers and Ken Arbuckle, who kindly read through my draft text, pointed out errors
and made valuable suggestions which have greatly improved the final version.
Ron Stanfield
September, 1998

Introduction 1
The nature of matter 1
The states of matter 3
Energy 7
Compounds 7
Organic compounds 10
Organic and inorganic pigments 19
Inorganic compounds 20
Organic polymers 24
Properties of organic polymers 28
Colour 33
Further reading 33

Basic Science for Students of Paint

Introduction The next sections of the monograph utilise some
The monograph begins by introducing the primary of the earlier work to explain both the formation
particles from which all matter is formed and and properties of organic polymers. The
goes on to explain the structure of atoms and mechanism of addition and condensation
molecules. The way that the elements have been polymerisation is shown and the difference
classified to form the Periodic Table is then between linear, branched and network polymer
illustrated and an indication given as to how this molecules illustrated. Functionality and its
table can be used to identify properties of the importance in determining the type of polymer
elements. produced and the properties of the polymer is
After this, the gaseous, liquid and solid states of
The section on the properties of the polymers
matter are reviewed with reference to the mobility
relates their component parts, their structure,
of the atoms and molecules present in them.
their size and their functionality to the
The relationship between the arrangement of characteristics they exhibit as film formers.
atoms and molecules within a material in the solid
To complete the monograph there is a short
state and its properties is introduced with
section in which the subject of colour is
reference to pigments.
The nature of energy is discussed before moving
on to an explanation of how individual elements
combine to form compounds. The nature of the
The nature of matter
bonds within this formation is given and reference We will start by considering the “building blocks”
is also made to the secondary bonding forces of matter, the composition of these building
between individual molecules. blocks and how their structure influences the
materials which they can produce.
This is followed by a short historical review of the
All matter is made up of tiny separate particles
division of compounds into organic and inorganic
called atoms and molecules.
classifications and a look at the structure of the
carbon atom and its importance in organic The simplest forms of matter are referred to as
compounds. The methods used to name organic elements, and elements contain only one sort of
compounds generally is explained and each of the matter.
most important classes of organic compound is
considered. Particular emphasis is placed on
organic compounds containing functional groups.
The last part of the section deals with organic and Atoms are very minute particles. Some indication
inorganic pigments and how their composition of their size is shown by the weight of one atom
influences their colour and other properties. of hydrogen, which is 1.673 x 10–24 grams. They
contain within their structure three types of
A section on inorganic compounds reviews the particles. (In fact there are also some other
types of bonding involved and the varying valency particles present which we need not concern
of some of the elements which they contain. An ourselves with in this paper.)
explanation of isotopes, a study of acids and
The three particles in the atom are protons,
bases, hydrogen ion concentration and electro-
neutrons and electrons.
negativity then follows. The last part of this
section deals with oxidation and reduction The arrangement of these in the atom can be
reactions. illustrated as in Figure 1.

Figure 1 The Atomic Number is often given the symbol Z in


Electrons Atomic weight

This refers to the number of protons plus the
number of neutrons in the atom. The number of
P protons in a specific atom is constant, but the
(neutrons and
protons) number of neutrons may vary.
We should also note that the size of the particles
Notes within an atom are minute when compared with
● The electrons, which are negatively charged, the overall size of the atom. In fact, atoms consist
orbit at high speed around the nucleus. mainly of a lot of space!
● The neutrons, as their name implies, are The arrangement of electrons orbiting the atomic
electrically neutral. nucleus needs to be considered to enable us to
● The protons each have a positive charge. understand how atoms can link up to form larger
● There are always an equal number of protons pieces of matter. These electrons are arranged in
and electrons, so that the atom is electrically shells or groups around the nucleus, these being
neutral. referred to as quantum groups. These shells may
● The neutrons and protons are relatively much be numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on, but the usual
heavier than the electrons. convention is to describe them as the K, L, M, N
This is a simple illustration of atomic structure etc shells.
which we will enlarge upon to help us understand The two examples in Figure 2 will help to explain
how atoms join together. this.
But first we need to define two further terms used The location of the electrons around the nucleus
in referring to atoms. of the atom has been the subject of extensive
studies and it has been shown that there is a
Atomic number maximum number for each group. This maximum
This refers to the number of protons in the atom. is 2 for the first group and then 8, 8, 18, 18 and
(As the number of electrons is equal to the 32 in each successive group. Electrons fill up
number of protons, we can also say the Atomic each inner group to its maximum before starting
Number is the number of electrons in the atom). to fill the next outer group. (This statement is not

Figure 2

Carbon atom Chlorine atom

6P 6P 17P 17P
+ + + +
6N 6N 18N 18N

Nucleus Protons 6 17
Neutrons 6 18
Electrons 1st group (K shell) 2 2
2nd group (L shell) 4 8
3rd group (M shell) – 7
Atomic Number 6 17
Atomic Weight 12 35

completely correct, but it helps us in our basic Elements

understanding of this subject.) Our basic building blocks for all matter are,
therefore, atoms plus the simplest molecules,
When the outermost quantum group of an atom
those formed from like atoms. The overall terms
has its full complement of electrons then that
for these are the elements, which contain only one
atom is very stable.
sort of matter.
If you refer back to Figure 1 you will see that this
In nature, there are 92 of these elements and all
atom has 2 electrons in its outer group (in this
matter which exists is built up from combinations
case its only group). It has the maximum for this
of these 92 elements. (There are some additional
group and so we would expect it to be stable with
elements which do not occur naturally, but we will
regard to reacting with other atoms. This is in fact
not concern ourselves with these).
the case, as this figure shows the structure of
Helium, one of a group of atoms known as the
inert gases. Periodic table
The 92 elements have been classified into the
Now refer to the carbon atom in Figure 2 and you Periodic Table, which is based on the electron
will see that whilst the first group has its full arrangement within each element. These are
complement of 2 electrons, its second group has listed in order of their atomic number and a new
only 4 electrons, whereas the maximum is 8. line is started from each element which has all its
The fact that carbon has a valency of 4 results groups filled with electrons and none partly filled.
from this electron arrangement, but we will That is to say, there are 2, 8, 8, 18, 18, and 32
discuss this later. electrons in each group.

The chlorine atom in Figure 2 has the full The Periodic Table is shown in Table 1, and it
complement of electrons in the first and second provides a remarkable guide to the properties and
groups (ie 2 and 8), but the third group is one behaviours of elements.
short, having only 7. Again, this arrangement of Note that in each vertical column of the Table,
electrons determines how chlorine behaves in its elements which are very much alike in their
reaction with other atoms. behaviour are listed. For example, under Group 0
you will see helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon
Molecules and radon. All of these, known as the inert gases,
Molecules are created by the linking together of have all their electron groups filled. In Group VII
two or more atoms. This is an important are listed fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine and
definition, because all the materials around us are astatine. All these have one electron deficient in
the result of atoms linking or combining together. their outer group. These elements, known as the
We need to differentiate between molecules halides, all behave in a similar manner in their
formed by the linking together of like atoms and reactions with other atoms and molecules.
those created by the combination of two or more
different atoms.
The states of matter
In the first case, the molecule formed is still Every substance is a mass of separate atoms or
referred to as an element and, for example, molecules. These atoms or molecules are in
oxygen exists in nature as the molecule O2, an constant motion and the hotter they are, the
element. quicker they move. As they approach each other,
their atomic structure results in a strong
When the molecule contains atoms of at least
repulsion. When they are some distance apart
two different elements it is defined as a
there is a weak attraction between them. At a
certain point, there is a balance between
For example, a molecule of water contains 2 attractive and repulsive forces. If we consider the
atoms of hydrogen and 1 atom of oxygen and is, physical state, at normal temperature, of the
therefore, a compound. Similarly, ethyl alcohol, elements in the Periodic Table, we will see that
whose molecule is formed from 2 carbon atoms, some exist as gases, some as liquids and others
6 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom (C2H5OH), as solids. For example, in Group VII both fluorine
is a compound. and chlorine are gases, bromine is a liquid, whilst

Table 1: Periodic table of elements

Group Group
II Periodic table of Group Group Group Group Group Group
3 4
elements 5 6 7 8 9
Li Be B C N O F Ne
6,940 9.02 10.82 12.010 14.008 16.000 19.00 20.183
11 12 Transition elements 13 14 15 16 17 18
Na Mg Al Si P S CI A
22.997 24.32 26.97 28.06 30.98 32.06 35.457 39.944
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
39.096 40.08 45.10 47.90 50.95 52.01 54.93 55.85 58.94 58.69 63.57 65.38 69.72 72.59 74.91 78.96 79.916 83.7
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
85.48 87.63 88.92 91.22 92.91 95.95 (99) 101.7 102.91 106.7 107.88 112.41 114.76 118.70 121.76 127.61 126.92 131.3
55 56 57 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg TI Pb Bi Po At Rn
132.91 137.36 138.9 178.6 180.88 183.92 186.31 190.2 193.1 195.23 197.2 200.6 204.39 207.2 209.00 (210) (210) (222)
87 88 89 58 – 71
Fr Ra Ac 90 – 103
(223) 226.05 (227)

Lanthanide 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
series 138.92 140.13 140.92 144.27 (145) 150.43 152.0 156.9 159.2 162.46 163.5 167.2 169.4 173.04 174.99

Actinide 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103

Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lw
series (227) 232.12 231 238.07 237 (242) (243) (243) (245) (246) (254) (255) (256) (253) (257)

Rare earth elements

iodine and astatine are solids at room We have made reference to the volume, the
temperature. temperature, and the pressure of a gas and the
general relationship between them is given by
The gaseous state Boyle’s Law. This states that the volume of a
In a gas, the atoms are a long way apart and we given mass of gas is directly proportional to its
can illustrate this by reference to the conversion temperature and inversely proportional to its
of water (a liquid) to steam or water vapour (a pressure, or simply:
gas). One cubic centimetre of water makes 1700 V is proportional T / P or PV = RT
cubic centimetres of steam – so there is clearly a
lot of empty space between the molecules of a where P = pressure
gas! T = temperature (absolute)
V = volume
The atoms or molecules in a gas are not arranged R = a constant
in any order and they are moving randomly at
speeds of several hundred miles an hour. The only
The liquid state
constraint on their movements is the wall of the
Now, if we decrease the temperature of a gas, the
containing vessel.
energy of the molecules is reduced and their
As the temperature is increased, the energy speed of movement slows down. Instead of
possessed by the atoms or molecules increases, travelling at high speed, colliding with the walls of
the faster they move and the greater the impact the vessel and with each other, they move more
with the vessel. The end result is gas pressure slowly and tend to remain close together. As their
which increases with temperature. speed decreases, the attractive forces referred to
earlier will begin to operate and these will further
If the lid of the container is removed, the gas will
restrict their movement.
start to escape. In fact, a gas has normally no
boundary surface and completely fills any At a suitably low temperature, there will be a
available space. We will note how liquids and jostling mass of molecules, in constant motion,
solids differ in this respect in a moment. but held together by the attractive forces between

them. The gas will have changed into a liquid, and First, it is possible to carefully place a needle on
as the molecules are much closer together, the the surface of water where it will float. The “skin”
overall volume will have been greatly reduced. on the surface, which is really a higher
concentration of water molecules, will enable the
It is these forces of attraction or cohesion,
“heavier than water” needle to float.
operating when the molecules are relatively close
together, which are responsible for matter Secondly, if we drop water onto a greasy surface
existing as a liquid. it will not flow out and wet the surface but will
remain as tiny drops of water. Grease molecules
Like a gas, a liquid has no definite shape and will
do not attract water molecules, so the surface
take up the form of the vessel it is in. However,
tension of the water pulls it into small drops.
the space it occupies has a limit shown by the
These drops will not be spherical as another
surface of the liquid.
force, gravity, tries to flatten the drops.
Within the bulk of the liquid, each molecule is
Another phenomenon which occurs on liquid
surrounded by other molecules so, on average,
surfaces is that of evaporation. As we have
irrespective of their movement, each molecule is
discussed, the molecules in a liquid are in
attracted equally in all directions – see A and B in
constant motion and inevitably some will travel
Figure 3 below. However, on the surface there is a
upward and move into the space above the
resultant downward attraction, as there are no
surface. These molecules will escape the
liquid molecules above the surface, which is
attractive forces within the liquid and act as
illustrated by C in Figure 3.
gaseous molecules. This loss of liquid at the
surface is referred to as evaporation.
Figure 3. If circles indicate spheres of
attraction between molecules then in C The rate of evaporation will be decided by the
attraction only occurs on that part of the specific liquid we are dealing with and also its
sphere beneath the liquid surface temperature. In addition, the pressure of the air
above the liquid will affect the rate at which the
liquid evaporates.
If we increase the temperature of the liquid, the
rate of evaporation will increase and the
molecules will move faster, attractive forces will
B be reduced, and so more will be lost to the
When a specific temperature is reached by the
liquid, the forces of attraction will be completely
eliminated and the molecules will act like a gas
As a consequence of this downward pull, the
again. In other words, the liquid will boil. The
concentration of molecules at the surface is
temperature at which this occurs for each liquid,
greater than in the bulk of the liquid and the
the boiling point, will be influenced by the
surface is in a state of tension. This surface
atmospheric pressure, or by a pressure which is
tension has a specific value which can be
applied. (For example, liquids will boil at a lower
determined for each liquid. This surface tension
temperature when a vacuum is applied).
also gives rise to the spherical shape of drops of
liquid as the tension at the surface of the drop Before we move on to solid matter, please note
causes it to contract to give the minimum volume, that, in addition to defining gases and liquids, we
namely a sphere. have made reference to surface tension, wetting,
evaporation and boiling point.
The surface tension of a liquid is a vital factor in
preparing surfaces for painting and in formulating
paints, with regard to how effectively they can wet
The solid state
Solids are quite different from gases and liquids in
the surface.
that they possess rigidity and a tendency to
Two simple examples will illustrate surface tension maintain both their shape and volume. The
and wetting. molecules in solids, though always in motion,

remain in a fixed pattern. The forces of attraction hexagonal shape (as graphite). These crystals of
are strong enough to overcome the main motion the same atom have very different physical
of the molecules, which are close packed in a properties.
regular pattern.
A form of polymorphism which is relevant to the
In some materials, which are apparently solid, the paint industry is that of titanium dioxide, which
distribution of atoms or molecules is not may be used as a pigment in two crystalline
altogether regular. Such materials, like glass or forms, anatase and rutile. Both of these are
bitumen, are said to be amorphous, that is without identical in chemical composition but differ in
shape. crystal structure and in some of their properties.
The regular form of the solid state is called the Pigments generally are discussed later in the
crystalline state. monograph but it is useful to make reference to
them here as they come within the category of the
Crystalline solids consist of atoms set in a regular
solid state of matter. The pigments used in paints
pattern within a specific geometric shape. One
are normally supplied as a fine powder – although
example of this is the cubic shape of the common
in some cases they are supplied already
salt (sodium chloride) crystal.
dispersed in a liquid of some kind. They are, in
Figure 4: Crystal structure of fact, chemical compounds with a crystalline
sodium chloride structure and these compounds contain various
combinations of atoms held within this crystalline
structure. The properties of each type of
compound is determined by:
= sodium ● the specific type of atoms in the molecule of
= chlorine
the compound
● the numbers of atoms in the molecule of the
● how these atoms arranged in the crystal
A simple illustration of this is shown by the
properties of various iron oxides. “Red iron oxide”
is essentially two atoms of iron combined with 3
atoms of oxygen (Fe2O3) whereas magnetite,
There are many other shapes including diamond,
which is black, has 3 atoms of iron combined with
octahedron etc. Within these crystal structures,
4 atoms of oxygen (Fe3O4). The iron oxides found
the individual atoms are vibrating very rapidly,
in nature usually contain a mixture of several
rather like a pendulum, but the overall positioning
compounds and the properties are determined by
remains the same.
the ratios of these different compounds. In
If the solid is heated, the energy introduced into addition, they often contain impurities which will
the crystal by this heat causes the molecules to affect their colour.
speed up and the vibrations to become longer,
It is not only the overall arrangement of the atoms
until the atoms swing out so far that no pattern
which is important but also the presence of
remains. The pattern is destroyed, the solid has
certain groups of atoms in a molecule that can
melted and has changed into the liquid state. The
influence the colour of the pigments. This is of
temperature at which the solid changes into a
particular significance when dealing with pigments
liquid is the melting point of that substance.
which come under the heading of “organic”, a
Some substances exist in more than one term which is explained later. Certain chemical
crystalline form, a phenomenon known as groupings known as chromophores contribute to
polymorphism. Polymorphism occurs in both the colour of the pigment.
elements and compounds, and among elements it
To summarise, in the solid state it is the atoms
is referred to as allotropy.
and the manner by which they are held together in
One example of allotropy is carbon which exists in crystalline structures which largely determines the
the diamond shape (as diamonds) and the planar properties of the material. Some of the factors

which influence the properties include every way. One way that it affects paints is the
polymorphism, allotropy, general crystal structure tendency for heavy pigments to be “pulled down”
and the presence of specific groupings referred to and settle in a can of paint.
as chromophores.
Finally, mass is energy. All matter can be
destroyed and can become another form of
Energy energy. For example coal can be burnt and
The next important topic to look at in this study of becomes heat and light (radiation) energy. In fact
basic science is energy. Matter may be defined as energy can never be destroyed but can be
“that which has mass and inertia”, while energy changed from one form to another. This is the
may be roughly described as “forces” of one kind Law of Conservation of Energy.
or another. By saying that a piece of matter has
inertia we mean that it takes some force to get it
moving. Energy is a capacity for doing work and
We have examined the building blocks of matter
may appear in a number of different forms but all
and referred to these as atoms and molecules of
energy is either potential or kinetic. A simple
a single substance, and we grouped these
illustration of this is a steel ball resting on a
together as elements. Now we need to start
bench. The ball is a piece of matter at rest but it
looking at the buildings we can form, or
has potential energy due to its height above the
compound, from these elements.
floor and the force of gravity. It also has inertia. If
it is given a gentle tap so that it rolls off the edge A compound is matter which has been formed
of the bench it will drop down and hit the floor with from two or more different elements.
some force. The gentle tap is the force required Many compounds occur naturally on Earth, whilst
to overcome inertia. The force of its impact with others can be prepared by chemical reactions. A
the floor is kinetic energy – the energy of motion. study of chemistry includes the numerous
Potential energy is the capacity for doing work procedures which may be used to make different
which a piece of matter possesses because of its compounds. This study revolves around the types
position. Water at the top of a waterfall is a good of linkages required to join one element to another
example of having potential energy. Kinetic energy and we will now consider these linkages.
is the energy of motion. A bullet, a moving train,
the water pouring from the top of a waterfall, a Below is a table showing a few of the elements
particle of paint being moved around in a paint with their electron configuration.
mill – all have kinetic energy.
Table 2: Electron configuration of some elements
The steel ball on a bench is one example of
Quantum group
mechanical energy, but energy may also exist as _ ____________________________________________________________________________________

heat energy, electrical energy, radiation and Element Symbol Atomic K(1) L(2) M(3)
chemical energy, and all these forms of energy number
occur in areas of paint technology. Hydrogen H 1 (1) – –
Mechanical energy is involved in the refining of Helium He 2 (2) – –
earth pigments and in paint manufacturing Lithium Li 3 2 (1) –
processes. Manufacturing resins requires both
Carbon C 6 2 (4) –
heat energy (a basically kinetic energy) and
chemical energy (potential energy) and both of Nitrogen N 7 2 (5) –
these forms are required to cure stoving paints. Oxygen O 8 2 (6) –
Radiation energy covers visible light, ultra-violet Fluorine F 9 2 (7) –
(UV) and infra-red (IR) radiation, all of which are Neon Ne 10 2 (8) –
important to the paint technologist. UV and IR
Sodium Na 11 2 8 (1)
radiation are used to cure certain types of coating
and visible light is one of the elements of colour Chlorine Cl 17 2 8 (7)
The force of gravity, mentioned above when The bracketed figures we refer to as the valence
describing potential energy, influences our lives in electrons.

Let us first consider sodium (Na), which has a electrons in its outer group and hydrogen has 1
single electron in its outer quantum group. To electron.
achieve the optimum number of electrons in its
outer group, the sodium atom requires to either
gain 7 electrons, or to lose one electron. If we
consider chlorine (Cl), this needs to either lose 7 C H
or gain 1. The loss or gain of 7 electrons requires
considerable energy and is unlikely to take place.
However, the loss or gain of 1 electron from an
atom is relatively simple.
By linking 4 hydrogen atoms to 1 carbon atom we
If we draw the sodium and chlorine atoms with obtain methane CH4.
their outer electron shells we have:
4H + C H C H
The carbon atom then has 8 electrons in its outer
orbit – a stable level. Similarly, each of the 4
hydrogen atoms has 2 electrons in its outer
group, which is again a stable state. The carbon
Now if sodium loses one electron and chlorine has formed 4 linkages and is said to be
takes this electron, then both atoms have a stable tetravalent – it has a valency of 4. The hydrogen
situation in their outer shells. But neither of them atom is monovalent. Carbon almost invariably
are electrically neutral. The sodium will now have forms covalent compounds and is almost always
a positive charge, with more protons than tetravalent. Hydrogen is usually monovalent.
electrons, while the chlorine has a negative
charge, with more electrons than protons. Some atoms are capable of exhibiting more than
one valency and, for example, sulphur can be 2, 4
We can show this as: or 6 covalent, as it is possible for 1, 2 or 3 pairs
of electrons in the outer group to be involved in
Na + CI + _ the valency bonds. This is why compounds such
as sulphur dioxide and sulphur trioxide exist.
We need to make brief reference to a special type
This type of linkage or valency is electrovalency. of covalency known as co-ordinating valency
and its special feature is that both of the shared
Electrovalency involves the transfer of electrons
electrons are provided by one of the atoms.
to form an electrovalent or ionic bond.
In this type of valency, the molecule formed will, Dipoles and dipole moments
overall, be electrically neutral, the optimum level The existence of dipoles in molecules, and the
of electrons in the outer groups will have been general effects of electron displacement when
achieved but the molecules will have a small atoms link together, are important indicators to
positive charge at one end and a small negative the behaviour of compounds and groups within
one at the other end. the compounds.
The second form of linkage we will examine is the By comparing molecules formed by covalent
covalent link. bonding between like atoms and between unlike
Covalency – instead of the transfer of electrons atoms, we can further explain what we mean by
which occurs in electrovalent links, covalency dipoles.
involves the sharing of electrons. Each atom A covalent link between two like atoms, for
contributes one electron to form a shared pair. instance hydrogen, will result in a symmetrical
We can illustrate this by the covalent bonds arrangement of the bonding pair of electrons:
between carbon and hydrogen. Carbon has 4 H H

This is because the electron affinity – the power although this effect will be less than the shift
to attract electrons – of both atoms is identical. between C-1 and Cl. As C-2 is now slightly
positive, it will attract the electron pair away from
Now, if we look at a covalent bond between two
C-3, and so on.
unlike atoms, for instance hydrogen and chlorine,
we find that the electron affinity of chlorine is The overall effect (called the inductive effect) will
much greater than that of hydrogen. be a small negative charge in the chlorine atom
and a small positive charge towards C-4. The
molecule will have a dipole and a measurable
dipole moment.

Polar and non-polar compounds

The covalent bonding pair of electrons are pulled The existence and strength of a dipole moment
towards the chlorine atom. The hydrogen will be will tell us whether a molecule is polar or non-
slightly positive and the chlorine slightly negative polar and how strong is its polarity.
which we can depict as:
Examination of two compounds, which happen to
δ+ δ– δ+ δ– have solvent properties, will illustrate polarity.
H—Cl or as H → Cl Octane

This arrangement, somewhat analogous to the
poles of a magnet, is called a dipole and the H C C C C C C C C H
molecule of HCl is said to have a dipole moment.
Dipole moment is defined as the product of the H H H H H H H H
electron charges (e) and the distance (d) between
the charges. The symmetry of the octane molecule means that
any electron affinity differences between C and H
Note that in the HCl molecule above there is no
atoms is equalised. There is no electron shift
separation of the H and Cl atoms and they remain
towards either end of the molecule. It has no
joined together, as with the poles of a magnet. It
dipole and is non-polar.
is the distribution of the electrons which result in
the formation of the dipole. Butyl alcohol
(Mention should be made of the fact that in certain
circumstances the H and Cl atom will not remain
joined together, for example if the HCl is in
aqueous solution. At this point we want to
concentrate on the covalent bond between H H H H
molecules and will deal with solutions at a later
stage). We have referred to the different electron affinity
There are other forms of electron displacement in between different atoms, but we can also refer to
addition to that described above and we will the different electron affinity between specific
consider one of these. groups of atoms.
If we take a molecule which contains a chain of In the butyl alcohol molecule above, the “OH”
atoms such as: group has a greater affinity for electrons than
carbon and so it will attract the bonding pair away
4 3 2 1 from the adjacent atom of carbon. The inductive
—C—C—C—C—Cl effect referred to earlier will come into play and
the whole molecule will have a dipole. Butyl
then the strong electron affinity of the chlorine
alcohol is a polar compound and has a significant
atom will attract the electron pair away from the
dipole moment.
adjacent carbon atom (C-1). However, this
electron shift will make C-1 slightly positive and it In this section we have considered the methods
will cause an electron shift from C-2 to C-1, by which atoms may link up to form large

molecules or compounds. The type of bonds or Now, if this polar OH group approaches another
valency links have been explained as electro-negative atom, there will be attraction
electrovalent, covalent and co-ordinating. between the positive and negative charges. This
attraction is, in some cases, sufficient to form a
The electron affinity of specific atoms and
weak chemical bond between the two groups.
chemical groups, and the effect that this has on
the electron displacement which occurs, has been Using water as an example:
discussed, together with the resultant polar or + –
non-polar character of a molecule. H O
We will use this background of the bonding of + – +
atoms to form compounds in subsequent sections
of this monograph. H
where the dotted line denotes a hydrogen bond.
Secondary valency forces
Before we leave this section, we need to refer to This association of molecules created by
forces which attract molecules to each other. The hydrogen bonding results in changes in the
type of bonds already discussed are referred to properties of some materials. For example, the
as primary valency bonds and the forces which rate at which some solvents evaporate is much
they exert in holding atoms together are quite slower than would be expected for the simple
strong. unassociated molecule.

In addition to these primary valency forces, there Hydrogen bonding occurs in some polar organic
also exists some much weaker ones which attract compounds as well as inorganic compounds such
whole molecules to each other. These are known as water and ammonia.
as secondary valency forces or intermolecular
forces. They are also called van der Waals Organic compounds
forces, after the man who carried out a detailed
study of them. Division of organic and inorganic
The explanation of van der Waals forces is quite
The study of chemistry is usually classified into
complex, as they depend not only on the
two sections, organic compounds and inorganic
existence of dipoles within polar molecules, but
also on dipoles which are induced in non-polar
molecules by the motion of electrons. An understanding of both classes is necessary in
the study of paint technology, and in this section
For the purposes of this monograph, an
we will deal with the organic compounds.
awareness of the existence of these secondary
valence forces is more important than a detailed Before doing so, we will spend a few moments
understanding of what causes them. discussing the difference between an organic and
an inorganic substance.
We will be referring to these forces when we
discuss the properties of polymers used in paints. A brief historical background may help us to
appreciate how this division of chemistry came
Hydrogen bonding about.
We have referred to hydrogen and its An early classification of substances from natural
monovalency. With its single electron, the sources was that of Lemery in 1675, who stated
formation of a single bond would be expected, but that there were three groups which he called:
properties such as boiling points and evaporation ● mineral
rates of some liquids indicate that more than one ● vegetable
linkage may occur. ● animal.
In a polar –O– –H+ bond, the difference in This was widely accepted until Lavoisier, in 1784,
electron affinity (electro-negativity) results in a demonstrated that all compounds from both
shift of the hydrogen electron towards the oxygen vegetable and animal sources always contained
atom. carbon and hydrogen.

Then, as analytical methods improved, it was been found since that carbon can, in special
found that the same compound could sometimes cases, exhibit other valencies, but for most
be obtained from both animal and vegetable purposes we may consider that Kekulé’s views
sources. As it became difficult to justify the still hold good.
difference between compounds from animal and
Carbon invariably uses its valency electrons to
vegetable sources, substances from nature were
form covalent bonding, and between carbon
called either “organic” – from living organisms (ie
atoms either a single, a double or a triple covalent
animal and vegetable), or “inorganic” – from non-
bond is possible.
living organisms.
We can illustrate this by considering three
Until the early 1800s, there was a widely held
compounds which all contain two carbon atoms.
belief that organic compounds could only be
produced under the influence of some “vital force” Ethane (C2H6)
or “life force”. The idea of a “vital force” began to
be eroded when Wöhler, in 1828, prepared urea H H
from ammonium cyanate. Up to this time urea had
only been obtained from animal sources. H C C H

The “vital force” theorists took some time to H H

convince but, as methods of syntheses
progressed, many so-called organic compounds
Single bond between carbons
were made from inorganic sources. However, the
terms inorganic and organic were retained and Ethylene (C2H4)
chemical substances continue to be studied under (or ethene)
the two different headings.
Today we understand organic chemistry as the
chemistry of carbon compounds, and all organic
compounds contain carbon. The compounds of
carbon are far more numerous than the H H
compounds of all the other elements put together.
The ability of carbon to combine with other carbon Double bond between C atoms
atoms to form long chains is another factor in
classifying compounds as organic. Acetylene (C2H2)
(or ethyne)
There are some carbon containing compounds
which are not classified as organic mainly
because their origins were from inorganic H C C H
sources. Examples are carbon monoxide, carbon
dioxide and calcium carbonate, all of which Triple bond between C atoms
contain carbon but are called inorganic.
In each of the examples above, the tetravalency
To summarise, the division of chemistry into of carbon is satisfied, with 4 covalent bonds being
organic and inorganic is not a precise one but it formed.
has proved useful for the purposes of study.
The ethane molecule is said to be saturated, and
Carbon compounds both the ethylene and acetylene molecules are
All organic compounds contain carbon, so we will unsaturated.
start by reviewing this element.
Carbon has an atomic number of 6, with The term unsaturation refers to the presence of
2 electrons in its inner quantum group and multiple bonds between adjacent carbon atoms of
4 electrons in its outer group. a molecule. A molecule which contains one or
These 4 valency electrons were referred to earlier more double or triple bonds in its carbon chain is
and it was Kekulé, in 1857, who first postulated said to be unsaturated. One that has no multiple
that carbon always exhibits tetravalency. It has carbon/carbon bonds is described as saturated.

Organic molecules with long carbon chains may If we consider the compound butane, then a
contain a number of unsaturated bonds. This is a problem does arise. To write C4H10 does not
feature of, for example, the drying oils used in differentiate between possible chemical
airdrying paints. structures, where we can have:
Conjugation H H H H
Where these unsaturated bonds are positioned
between alternate carbon atoms as in: H C C C C H


or (ii)
then the compound is said to be conjugated and
to possess conjugated double bonds. H H H
The term unsaturation is only applicable to
adjacent carbon atoms, and the double bond H C C C H
–C=O in ethanal (acetaldehyde):


Both (i) and (ii) contain the same number of C and
is not unsaturation.
H atoms but they exhibit different properties.
The double and triple bonds in an organic
Three systems of naming organic compounds
compound are very reactive and this reactivity is
exist and an outline of each system is given
utilised in a number of processes used in paint
technology. For example, some polymerisation
reactions in paint resins depend on the existence (i) Trivial System – the straight chain compounds
of double bonds. The existence of conjugated are called normal or n- and so (a) above is
double bonds impart special properties to n-butane. If the compound contains the group:
compounds enabling them to readily polymerise
and form larger molecules. CH3
Nomenclature of organic compounds
Early chemists named a compound on the basis
of its history. For example, methyl alcohol was
called wood spirit as it was obtained by the it is known as the iso-compound and (b) above is,
destructive distillation of wood. Later the term therefore, iso-butane.
methyl was used from the Latin methu (wine) and
hule (wood). But as the number of organic (ii) A system which regards, for example, a
compounds increased, more specific names hydrocarbon as a substitution product of
became necessary. For a simple compound such methane. The simplest compounds retain their
as methane we can refer to its name, its chemical trivial name but longer chains as in the “iso-
formula CH4, or to its chemical structure. pentane” example following can adopt this
H (iii) The “IUPAC” system developed by the
International Union of Chemists. In this, the
H C H longest chain possible is chosen and the
compound is named as a derivative of the
H n-hydrocarbon.

Examples of the three systems for naming Paraffins range from gases, with methane boiling
hydrocarbon are as follows: at –161°C, to liquids and solids, with octadecane
melting at 28°C.
(i) (ii) (iii)
The liquid paraffins are used as solvents in the
CH3CH2CH2CH3 n-butane n-butane n-butane
paint industry, generally as mixtures rather than
CH3–CH–CH2–CH3 iso- dimethyl 2-methyl specific compounds. For example, white spirit,
pentane ethyl butane obtained by fractional distillation of petroleum, has

CH3 methane a boiling range between 150 and 190°C. White

It is important to be aware of the various systems spirit also normally contains some non-aliphatic
of naming compounds although we will use compounds.
descriptions in common use by the paint industry Some points to note regarding the paraffins is
wherever possible in this monograph. that all the valency bonds are single links and that
the existence of isomers becomes possible when
Isomers there are more than two carbon atoms in the
The ability of a compound to exist in more than molecular chain.
one form, that is to have more than one chemical The fact that each paraffin differs from its
structure, is called isomerism. neighbour by –CH2 leads to the definition of a
The normal and iso-forms of butane shown earlier homologous series.
is an example of a compound having more than
one isomer. Homologous series
A series of compounds in which each differ from
Classification of organic compounds its immediate neighbour by –CH2.
Organic compounds have been classified into We will see that homologous series exist in other
specific groups based on: classes of organic compound, and within each of
● the elements they contain these series patterns of chemical behaviour are
● the arrangement of these elements within the similar. However, it should be noted that quite
compound often the first member of a homologous series is
● the type of valency bonds holding the not typical of the series as a whole.
elements together.
Alkyl groups
Aliphatic or open-chain compounds If we remove one hydrogen from methane we get
These contain only carbon and hydrogen with the a CH3– group, and similarly with ethane we get a
carbon chains being open – as opposed to being C2H5– group. CH3 is called the methyl group or
closed and forming rings. radical and C2H5 the ethyl group. Other common
ones are C3H7, propyl, and C4H9, butyl.
These aliphatic compounds may be further sub-
divided into saturated and unsaturated These univalent radicals formed by the removal of
hydrocarbons. one hydrogen from a paraffin are known as the
alkyl radical or group, a terminology which we
Saturated hydrocarbons or paraffins need to utilise in later sections of this paper.
Saturated hydrocarbons are called the paraffins,
and the chief source of these compounds is Unsaturated hydrocarbons or olefins
mineral oil, petroleum or natural gas. These are also referred to as alkenes. These
contain only carbon and hydrogen atoms but they
Their general formula is CnH2n+2 and examples are: also contain a double bond. Again these form a
Methane CH4 homologous series starting with ethylene –
Ethane C2H6
or H H
Propane C3H8
Butane C4H10 C C
Octadecane C18H38 H H

A list of the first 3 olefins or alkenes in the For example:

homologous series together with their chemical
Cyclo pentene (C5H8) CH
formula and description is shown below:
Ethylene CH2=CH2
Propylene CH2=CH–CH3
Butylene CH3CH2CH=CH2 1-Butylene* (the -ene ending indicating the olefin
CH3CH=CH–CH3 2-Butylene*
A number of alicyclic compounds occur in
* Note that two isomers of butylene can exist and
petroleum and some of these are used by the
that the -ene ending denotes an olefin or alkene.
paint industry as solvents.
Some olefins find a place in the paint industry in
The solvency power of these alicyclic
the preparation of resins and in the syntheses of
hydrocarbons is generally slightly higher than the
raw materials for later use in resins.
corresponding aliphatic equivalents and the ring
There is a further group of unsaturated compounds usually boil at a higher temperature.
hydrocarbons which contain a triple bond and
these are called the acetylenes or alkynes. Terpenes
Examples are: A special group of ring compounds we need to
mention are the cylcic terpenes.
Acetylene HC CH
These contain 6 carbon atoms and one
Methyl acetylene CH3C CH unsaturated bond in the ring, and members of this
group have been used as solvents in paints for
The triple bond makes these compounds very many years. These solvents are, in fact, a mixture
reactive. of terpenes but some of the main ingredients are:

Alicyclic hydrocarbons CH3 CH3

Up until now we have discussed organic
compounds with an open chain structure, but C C
there are many compounds which contain closed CH CH3 CH CH2 CH
rings. C CH
One group of closed ring carbon compounds is CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2
the aliphatic cyclic or alicyclic type. CH
Examples of these are:
Cyclo butane (C4H8) CH2 CH2 CH3 CH2
α pinene limonene
Note that the tetravalency of the carbon atom is (turpentine) (di-pentene)
satisfied but the molecule contains 2 hydrogen As the ring contains 6 carbon atoms these are
atoms less than the aliphatic, open chain butane. sometimes referred to as the hydroaromatic
Cyclo hexane (C6H12) compounds, but their properties are quite
CH2 different to the true aromatic compounds we will
CH2 CH2 discuss shortly. (There are also some non-cyclic
or linear terpene compounds but we will not deal
with these.)
Again this has 2 hydrogen atoms less than the Heterocyclic compounds
aliphatic hexanes. Some alicyclic hydrocarbons Alicyclic and cyclic terpenes contain only carbon
contain unsaturated bonds and may be atoms in their rings. There are some ring
considered as cyclic olefins. compounds which contain other elements as well

as carbon, and these are named the

heterocyclics. The most common elements, other
than carbon, in these compounds are oxygen, CH CH
nitrogen and sulphur.
Examples of heterocyclic compounds are: CH CH
Furan (furfuran) CH

CH CH or sometimes as

Furan is a low boiling liquid (BPt 32°C). Furan has
no field of application in paints but two of its
derivatives, tetrohydrofuran and furfuraldehyde,
are strong solvents which may be used in oil
extraction. The early aromatic compounds obtained from
natural sources were termed “aromatic” because
Pyrazole they had a pleasant odour (for example, the
balsams and natural resins). Later it was shown
CH CH that these compounds contained the benzene
CH ring, and the current definition is based on this
fact and not on the aroma of the substance.
The structure and the electron configuration of the
benzene (C6H6) molecule has been the subject of
(The azoles as a group are 5 membered rings, much study, but there are some points which we
with at least 2 hetero atoms, one of which is should note to help our understanding of the
nitrogen.) behaviour of aromatic compounds.
● Although benzene can be shown as having 3
double bonds, in fact each of its carbon
CH atoms has identical properties.
● The double bonds do not behave in the same
way as the alternate double bonds in a
conjugated aliphatic molecule.
CH CH ● The benzene ring is extremely stable and
while it is possible to substitute other groups
N in place of hydrogen atoms, it is very difficult
to break the ring.
Pyridine, a liquid with an unpleasant odour, is of
no specific interest in paint formulation, but its One theory is that benzene is in a continuous
structure is worth noting. It has a six membered state of oscillation between two isomeric forms,
ring with alternate double bonds and, as we will as:
see in a moment, this structure is similar to that
of benzene. Pyridine has properties similar to
benzene and is a good example of how the
structure of a compound influences its properties.

Aromatic hydrocarbons
All the compounds in this group have, within their
structure, one or more 6 membered carbon rings For our purposes the stability of the benzene ring
with alternate double bonds. That is, they contain and the comparatively strong solvent power of
the benzene ring, usually shown as: aromatic based solvents are points to note.

The hydrogen atoms in benzene can be Alcohols

substituted and when more than one substitution An alcohol is a compound that contains one or
occurs then isomers are obtained. more hydroxyl (–OH) group in its carbon chain.
Example of mono substitution:
Monohydric alcohols
CH3 OH These contain one –OH group and have the
general formula CnH2n+1OH.
They form a homologous series, which are named
after the alkyl radicals referred to earlier.
Methyl alcohol CH3OH
Ethyl alcohol C2H5OH
Propyl alcohol C3H7OH
Toluene (C6H5CH3) Phenol (C6H5OH) Note that from propyl alcohol onwards, there will
be more than one isomer for each compound.
There are no isomers, as each of the 6 carbon There are three types of alcohol as follows:
atoms is identical.
(i) primary
Example of di-substitution: –CH2OH eg CH3CH2CH2CH2–OH
(ii) secondary

ortho-xylene meta-xylene para-xylene (iii) tertiary

or or or
1,2 dimethyl 1,3 dimethyl 1,4 dimethyl
benzene benzene benzene C OH eg CH3 C OH
In this section we have referred to aromatic
compounds with single benzene rings. More
complex structures with multiple benzene rings (i) is named butyl alcohol or butan-1-ol
occur, for example in some of the naptha solvents (ii) is secondary butyl alcohol or butan-2-ol
used in paints and also in many organic pigments.
(iii) is tertiary butyl alcohol or butan 1:1 dimethyl
Organic compounds containing
functional groups The hydroxyl group has a strong electron
The classes of organic compounds we now need affinity compared with the carbon atom, with the
to consider may be regarded as being based on result that alcohols have a dipole and are quite
the hydrocarbons but which also have a functional strongly polar. The strength of the dipole
group in their structure. decreases with the increase in the number of
carbon atoms in the carbon chain of the
Functional groups molecules.
These are chemical groups within a molecule One important property of solvents which are
which are capable of reacting with functional highly polar is that they will dissolve polar
groups in other molecules. Many such groups can materials but not non-polar substances. Also, the
exist but we will restrict our work to those which hydroxyl group is reactive and is capable of
are important in paint technology. chemical reaction with other suitable groups.

The presence of more than one hydroxyl group in and if R1 and R2 are CH3 we have:
a molecule gives rise to other types of compound
as follows: CH3
Glycols CH3
Glycols contain two –OH groups
eg ethylene glycol CH2OH–CH2OH
Both ketones and aldehydes are polar and the
H H –C=O group is reactive. In general, the ketones
have a role as paint solvents whilst the aldehydes
HO C C OH are used for their reactivity in the production of
paint resins.
Carboxylic acids
Trithydric alcohols The carboxyl group has the formula –CO2H and its
These have three –OH groups structure is written as:

eg glycerine (or glycerol) O

C or CO.OH
Organic compounds containing the carboxyl group
are classified as carboxylic acids.
The term “acid” is found in both organic and
inorganic chemistry and it can sometimes be
Tetrahydric alcohols difficult to relate the properties of acids from the
These contain four –OH groups two groups. The inorganic sulphuric acid is an oily
eg pentaerythritol liquid which will attack metals and destroy skin
and tissues, whilst the organic citric acid is
CH2OH consumed as lemonade powder.

HOCH2 C CH2OH One definition of an acid is a substance which

yields hydrogen ions. The hydrogen atom contains
CH2OH 1 electron and 1 proton and if the electron is lost
we are left with a single proton, which is the
positively charged hydrogen ion written as H+.
Aldehydes and ketones
Organic compounds containing the general group It is better to regard an acid as a substance which
has a tendency to lose a proton or hydrogen ion.
R1 This tendency varies with different acids and, for
C O example, the strong inorganic acids such as
R2 hydrochloric, nitric and sulphuric have a very
strong tendency to lose protons. In aqueous
are classified as ketones or aldehydes. solution these acids will completely separate or
If R1 is a hydrogen atom, the compound is an dissociate into their hydrogen ions and their
aldehyde. For example, when R1 is H and R2 is negative radicals.
CH3 we have: HCl → H+ + Cl–
H This degree of separation, normally referred to as
C O the dissociation constant, is the explanation of
the strength or weakness of an acid.
As a general guide, inorganic acids have a high
acetaldehyde dissociation constant and are referred to as

strong acids. The organic acids are generally these fatty acids are oleic, linoleic, and linolenic
weak with a low dissociation constant. acids, all of which can be obtained from both soya
bean oil and linseed oil. These three fatty acids
There is a large family of carboxylic acids in
differ in the numbers of double bonds they have in
existence, starting with formic acid HCOOH and
their carbon chains.
then acetic acid CH3COOH.
Before leaving this section on we will look at two
The monobasic acids can be written as:
dibasic carboxylic acids which are used in the
O manufacture of paint resins.
R C Maleic acid is an unsaturated dibasic acid.
where “R” is an alkyl radical,
and the dibasic acids as:
maleic acid
The alkyl radical may be large and contain a long Ortho-phthalic acid, which is normally used in the
chain of carbon atoms. This chain may be fully anhydride form.
saturated or it may contain double or triple bonds
and so be unsaturated.
When the carboxylic acids dissociate they behave COOH CO
→ O + H20
like other acids to form:
CH3COO– + H+
but as they are weak acids, their tendency to
dissociate is small. o-phthalic acid phthalic anhydride + water
It is possible to produce strong acids by or
substitution of the alkyl hydrogen atoms by benzene 1.2.
halides. For example, trichloracetic acid dicarboxylic acid
(CCl3COOH) is a very strong acid. The term anhydride refers to the compound
The most common monobasic acids used in the formed when a molecule, or molecules, of water
paint industry are, in fact, those derived from are removed.
vegetable oils. In addition to the ortho form, two other isomers of
These oils are esters of the trihydric alcohol, phthalic acid exist, these being iso-phthalic acid
glycerol and long chain monobasic carboxylic (benzene 1.3. dicarboxylic acid) and tere-phthalic
acids. acid (benzene 1.4. dicarboxylic acid). Both of
these isomers are used in modern paint resins.
CHOH + 3R–COOH → CHOOCR We referred to this class of compound above,
when we described oils as being esters of
CH2OH CH2OOCR glycerol and fatty acids.
Any reaction between a carboxylic acid and an
glycerol + monobasic triglyceride
alcohol results in the formation of an ester, the
acid (vegetable oil)
general formula for which is:
The acids derived from these oils invariably have
18 carbon atoms in their molecular chain and they
are known as the fatty acids. Typical examples of where R represents alkyl radicals.

To complete our classification of organic typical examples being the oxide of iron called
compounds, the list below shows the “red oxide”, and ultramarine blue from lapis lazuli.
characteristic grouping of the remaining relevant Natural extenders include whiting (chalk), barytes
types. In each of the below, R represents an alkyl (barium sulphate) and numerous metal silicates
radical. which exist as clays. The colour and other
properties of these pigments and extenders is
Class Characteristic group dependent upon their molecular composition and
atomic structure. The natural earth pigments are
Ethers –C–O–C– not usually pure chemical compounds but tend to
Epoxides contain contaminants and these also have an
effect on the colour. The methods of refining
R CH CH2 and/or producing these inorganic pigments
synthetically has provided better quality and more
consistent products.
Amines R–NH2 primary amine
The chemistry of the early organic pigments was
R very much based on the chemistry of dyestuffs
NH secondary amine derived from natural plants but they are now all
R synthetically manufactured. The structure of these
pigments is based on a combination of organic
R and physical chemistry. Their chemistry involves
teritiary amine reactions which produce compounds with a high
proportion of carbon to carbon bonds, and usually
R including benzene rings. The physical chemistry is
related to the way they adsorb and transmit light
to produce the colours required. Their formulation
Amides –CONH2
may also include the incorporation of
chromophores, such as >C=C< , –N=N– , NO2 ,
>C=O , –N=NO , as part of their colour
Organic and inorganic pigments constitution.
We referred to pigments when we dealt with the
solid state of matter. Pigments are insoluble This phenomena has resulted in a very great
powders which, when dispersed in the film-former, number of organic pigments being developed
contribute important properties to the dried based on chemical compounds whose structure
coating of the paint. One of the most important of incorporates these chromophores.
these properties is colour but they can also The presence of long –C–C– bonds in organic
contribute other properties including opacity, pigments means that they have generally poorer
viscosity control, gloss control, and corrosion resistance to high temperatures than the inorganic
resistance. Extenders are also insoluble powders pigments. The C–C bond is more easily broken
but they are virtually transparent when dispersed down under the influence of high temperatures.
in the film-former and make little or no However, advances in organic pigment chemistry
contribution to colour and opacity. They are has resulted in pigments with heat resistance
included to modify certain physical properties properties being available to the paint industry
such as flow and degree of gloss. which are suitable for many applications.
The difference between the chemical structure of Some pigments which come within the organic
organic and inorganic compounds, described category because of their numerous –C–C– bonds
earlier, applies to pigments which are classified as also contain a metal within their structure.
being organic or inorganic. Important examples of this group are the
The earliest paints used pigments which were “phthalocyanine” pigments which contain a copper
obtained by digging certain minerals out of the atom in the centre of their structure. Such
earth and grinding them to a fine powder. These compounds tend to have superior heat resistance
natural pigments are all inorganic compounds, than organic pigments not containing a metal.

Inorganic compounds This delocalised swarm of electrons, referred to

Apart from the few exceptions referred to earlier, as metallic bonding, results in typical properties of
we can regard inorganic chemistry as that area metals such as high electrical and thermal
which deals with compounds formed from conductivity.
elements other than carbon. This metallic bonding behaviour is observed in
Early research work which led to the theory of compounds other than metals and alloys, for
atomic structure was carried out on inorganic example in tungsten carbide (W2C).
compounds, probably because of their simple
structure when compared with the complex Formulae and valence
organic substances then available. Many elements exhibit more than one valency; for
example iron may be divalent as in ferrous oxide
Inorganic compounds may be formed as a result
(FeO) or trivalent as in ferric oxide (Fe2O3). (Note
of electro-valent or co-valent bonding which has
that the modern terminology for these is iron (II)
been explained earlier.
oxide and iron (III) oxide).
This is a convenient point at which to stress the
Valence numbers, also known as oxidation
differences between compounds and mixtures.
numbers, of elements refer to the number of
electrons of an element which are involved in the
Compounds formation of a compound.
Compounds are pure substances made up of
elements which are chemically combined. Some indication of valence numbers is provided
Compounds are homogenous and have a specific by referring to the Periodic Classification of
composition, for example H2SO4, KOH, or elements (Table 1).
Na2CO3. Group 1 elements normally have a valency of +1.
Group II elements normally have a valency of +2.
Mixtures Group VII elements normally have a valency of –1.
Mixtures, as the name implies, are mixtures of
(This provides only a general indication and there
pure substances obtained by physical processes.
are exceptions.)
Their composition may vary widely and the
individual components may be separated by The net sum of valence numbers in a compound is
physical means (for example, by distillation or the zero, which will result in an electrically neutral
use of magnetism). compound.
So if we combine magnesium with its valence
Spacial structure of inorganic number of +2 with chlorine, which has a valence
compounds number of –1, we will get magnesium chloride
The arrangement of the elements in an inorganic (MgCl2) with a net sum of zero.
compound will be dictated by the types of bond
and the nature of the elements present. We should Radicals
note that the structure will be 3-dimensional and In many chemical compounds, there are clusters
that for each single compound the spacial of elements which behave as if they were a single
arrangement is fairly specific. element. We referred earlier to the alkyl radicals
such as methyl (CH3), ethyl (C2H5) and so on.
Metallic bonding If we consider the inorganic compounds:
Simple ionic or covalent bonding does not explain sodium chloride NaCl
the special properties exhibited by the metallic sodium hydroxide NaOH
elements. These metallic elements readily lose sodium nitrate NaNO3
their valency electrons and these electrons
become delocalised with no underlying directional we can see that the hydroxide (OH) radical and the
bonds. Although the whole system remains nitrate (NO3) radical have behaved in the same
electrically neutral, the valency electrons may be way towards sodium as the single chlorine atom.
regarded as existing as a swarm around the The atoms in a radical are held together by
positively charged atoms. covalent bonds, but the radical contains either an

excess or a deficiency of electrons, and so has an and these simple definitions are adequate when
electrical charge. dealing with aqueous solutions.
In the examples above, the hydroxide and nitrate Before expanding on these definitions we should
radicals, like the chlorine, contain an excess of remind ourselves of what we mean by:
electrons and have a single negative charge.
ions – these are electrically charged atoms or
Other examples of radicals are:
groups of atoms
ammonium (NH4)+1 1 positive charge electron affinity – the ability of an atom or group
carbonate (CO3) –2
2 negative charges of atoms to attract electrons.

phosphate (PO4)–3 3 negative charges. Atoms or groups have differing abilities to attract
electrons, and this difference has been
determined and listed as the electro-negative
Isotopes series.
In the section on the Nature of Matter, we defined
the atomic weight of an atom as the sum of its If we consider the strong inorganic acid
protons and neutrons. For each element, the hydrochloric, we know that there is an
number of protons is constant but the number of electrovalent or ionic bond between the H and Cl
neutrons may vary. atoms and that the Cl has a stronger electron
affinity than the H atom. The molecule exists as Cl
Chlorine, for example, can exist in nature in two with an extra electron in its shell and H with an
isotopic forms with its atoms containing either 18 electron deficit. However, the strong ionic bond
or 20 neutrons. holds these two oppositely charged ions together.
Not all elements exist in more than one isotopic If this hydrochloric acid is dissolved in water then
form, but where isotopes do occur the proportion the ions dissociate and exist as separate ions in
of each may vary depending on the source of the the water. We can illustrate this separation by
element. passing a small direct current from a battery
The proportions of the two chlorine isotopes across two electrodes placed in the water. The
normally occur in nature as: process, known as electrolysis, will result in
hydrogen bubbles which appear at the negative
● 75.4% of isotope with 17 protons and electrode (the cathode).
18 neutrons giving an atomic weight of 35
If we repeat the electrolysis with a basic
● 24.6% of isotope with 17 protons and substance then oxygen bubbles will form at the
20 neutrons giving an atomic weight of 37 anode – the positive electrode.
From this, the average atomic weight or relative This type of experiment is, of course, not possible
atomic mass can be calculated as 35.46. with those acids or bases which are not soluble in
For most purposes the relative atomic mass water and that is why there is a need to use the
quoted in text books is perfectly adequate for proton donor and proton acceptor definition of
chemical calculations. acids and bases.
The degree of dissociation of the positive and
Acids and bases negative ions is an indication of the strengths of
We discussed acids earlier when dealing with the different acids and bases. Most of the inorganic
carboxylic acids and we stated that an acid is a acids such as hydrochloric, nitric and sulphuric
substance with a tendency to lose protons or have high degrees of dissociation and are strong
hydrogen ions. acids.
A base may be defined as a substance with a There are some weak inorganic acids such as
tendency to gain a proton. nitrous acid (HNO2) and carbonic acid (H2CO3).
Simpler definitions of acids and bases are: The strong bases are called the alkalis and these
acid – a substance which yields hydrogen ions (H ) include sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and potassium
hydroxide (KOH). Ammonia (NH3) when dissolved
base – a substance which yields hydroxyl ions (OH–) in water becomes a base (NH4OH) which is

relatively weak. In aqueous solution, these bases An excess of either KOH or HNO3 will ensure that
ionise to form separate particles of, for example, the “left to right” reaction predominates.
the Na4+ ion and the –OH– ion.
Measurement of acidity or basicity
Salts It is often necessary to measure whether a
When an acid and a base are mixed a chemical substance in solution has an excess of acid or
reaction occurs, which is not surprising in view of base or whether it is neutral.
the opposing definition of these two types of
substance. As our definitions of acids or bases refer to their
ability to lose or gain hydrogen ions, a
For example: measurement of hydrogen ion concentration
NaOH + HCI → NaCl + H20 provides a valuable method of assessment.

Sodium Hydrochloric Sodium Water Hydrogen ion concentration or pH can be

hydroxide acid chloride determined by using a specifically designed glass
probe which is immersed in the solution being
The product formed from the reaction between an tested, and is connected to a meter. The meter
acid and a base is called a salt. In the example, measures the pH on a scale from O to 14, where
above, sodium chloride or “common salt” is readings towards zero indicate a strong acid and
formed, but the term salt is applied generally to readings towards 14, a strong base. Neutrality is
the products formed. (When acids and alkalis shown as a pH of 7.
react with each other they give out heat and the
reaction is said to be exothermic). An alternative method of measuring acidity is to
use certain organic compounds called indicators
Salts are named from the acids involved and so, which change colour depending on whether they
for example, a nitrate will be formed from nitric are in an acid or basic solution. For example,
acid. litmus changes from red in acid solution to blue in
KOH + HNO3 → KNO3 + H2O a basic solution and vice versa.
Potassium Nitric Potassium Water By using a known strength solution of a base and
hydroxide acid nitrate titrating this into an acid solution containing one of
these compounds known as indicators, the
With some acids, more than one salt is possible.
strength of the acid can be determined.
An example of this is ortho phosphoric acid
(H3PO4) which is capable of using one, two or all These indicators do not change colour at
three of its H atoms to produce: precisely pH7. The point at which colour changes
occur varies for each of these indicators and
NaH2PO4 mono sodium phosphate
usually occurs over a range of pH. For example,
Na2HPO4 di sodium phosphate cresol red changes from yellow to red over a pH
range of 7.2 to 8.8.
Na3PO4 tri sodium phosphate
with sodium hydroxide.
Acidic and basic oxides
The salt produced by the reaction between an In addition to those substances which are
acid and base will dissociate in water to form obviously acidic or basic from their chemical
ions. structure, there are other compounds which act in
an acidic or basic manner.
KNO3 → K+ + NO3–
The oxides of non-metals such as boric acid
If the water is evaporated we will get solid
(B2O3) are acidic whilst oxides of metals are often
crystals of the salt, in this case potassium nitrate.
basic or amphoteric.
In solution, it is possible for the salt forming
reaction to go in reverse. By amphoteric we mean that the substance can
exhibit both acidic and basic characteristics.
KNO3+ H20 → KOH + HNO3
Aluminium oxide is amphoteric and will react with
and such reversible reactions are shown as:
hydrochloric acid to form aluminium chloride or
KOH + HNO3 KNO3 + H2O with sodium hydroxide to form sodium aluminate.

Neutrality where the iron atom has changed from being

In a reaction between an acid and a base where divalent to being trivalent, is an oxidation reaction.
there is no excess of either reactant, we can To complete our definition we must add that an
expect to obtain a solution of pH7, that is, it is element which is caused to increase its valency
neither acidic nor basic. has been oxidised, while an element which is
For example: caused to reduce its valency is said to be
2KOH + H2SO4 → K2SO4 + 2 H2O
A more precise definition of oxidation of an atom
Potassium Sulphuric Potassium Water
is when, in the course of a chemical reaction, the
hydroxide acid sulphate
atom loses control over one of more of its valency
Note that the proportions of the reactants are electrons.
based on the atomic weights.
If you refer back to the copper oxide example you
should note that while the copper oxide has been
Atomic Number Atomic weight
reduced, the hydrogen has been oxidised. In fact,
Potassium 19 39.1 oxidation and reduction reactions always
Hydrogen 1 1 occur together.
Oxygen 8 16
A good example of oxidation which has to be dealt
Sulphur 16 32
with in the coatings industry is the oxidation of
Potassium hydroxide Molecular Wt. = 56.1 iron to form rust.
Sulphuric acid Molecular Wt. = 98.0
So in the example above, we would require 2 × We have made frequent reference to the differing
56.1 gms of KOH and 98 gms of sulphuric acid. electron affinity of elements, the stronger ability of
Caution: The reaction between a strong acid and some atoms to attract electrons compared with
a strong base or alkali is exothermic – it other atoms.
generates a lot of heat. Unless both the acid and Elements with a strong electron affinity are said to
alkali are used in a diluted form in water, this type be highly electronegative, and a chemist named
of reaction is highly dangerous. Pauling determined the eletronegativity values
of all the elements. Some of these are shown
Oxidation and reduction below.
The simplest definition of oxidation is the addition
of oxygen to an element or compound or the Values of electronegativity of some elements
removal of hydrogen. So if aluminium reacts with
oxygen H 2.1 K 0.8
4Al + 302 → 2Al2O3 C 2.5 Ca 1.0
to form aluminium oxide, an oxidation reaction has N 3.0 Ti 1.5
taken place.
O 3.5 Fe 1.8
Similarly, reduction can be the removal of oxygen
Na 0.9 Z 1.6
from a compound such as:
Al 1.5 S 1.8
CuO + H2 → Cu + H2O
Cl 3.0 Pb 1.9
Copper oxide
– the copper oxide has been reduced to copper. These values are a useful guide to the electron
distribution in a bond and the degree of polarity
The simple definitions are unfortunately
which exists. A large electronegativity difference
incomplete, as the reaction:
favours the formation of ions – for example in the
2FeCl2 + Cl2 → 2FeCl3 sodium and chlorine bond.
Ferrous Chlorine Ferric In addition, the electronegativity of an element
chloride chloride increases with its oxidation state. For example,

the ferric ion Fe3+ is more electronegative (i.e. it reversible. An excess of acetic acid or an
has a stronger affinity for electrons) that the added acid will encourage ester formation but
ferrous ion Fe2+. a deficiency of acid or an excess of water will
result in the reaction going in reverse (from
right to left). In the latter case hydrolysis of
Organic polymers the ester occurs to form ethyl alcohol and
A polymer is a large molecule made up of similar acetic acid. Hydrolysis will also take place if
or dissimilar molecules joined together. an alkali is present.
To join these molecules together chemical Many organic reactions are reversible and
reactions have to take place. So before we appropriate steps need to be taken to ensure
consider the types of polymeric reactions involved that the maximum yield of the desired
in the preparation of synthetic resins we need to products is achieved.
examine what occurs when a chemical reaction
takes place. An example of this is in the preparation of oil
modified alkyds, which involves the formation
We can illustrate a chemical reaction by a simple of many ester linkages. The water formed by
equation. For example, the reaction between a the reaction is continuously removed in a
carboxylic acid and an alcohol to form an ester separator which minimises the reverse
may be shown as : reaction of hydrolysis of these esters.
R1COOH + R2OH R1COOR2 + H2O ● The equation indicates the initial and final
or, to take a specific case: products of the reaction but does not tell us
how the reaction proceeds. Most chemical
reactions go through successive steps before
Ethyl Acetic Ethyl Water the end products are reached. (The
alcohol acid acetate esterification reaction is no exception and it is
thought that an intermediate step involving
This simple equation does not give the full picture
the formation of an addition compound of
of what is occurring in a chemical reaction and we
acid and alcohol first occurs).
need to consider the following factors:
The rate of the overall reaction is controlled
● When a chemical reaction takes place bonds by the slowest step – known as the “rate
between atoms of the molecules involved are determining step”.
broken and formed. In the reaction above the
A knowledge of the mechanism of a reaction –
points of breakage and formation may be
how it proceeds – is useful in determining the
shown by dotted lines:
optimum conditions for achieving the maximum
yield of the desired end product. Before we study
C2H5 OH + CH3COO H C2H5 OOC.CH3 + O OH these reaction mechanisms it needs to be pointed
out that organic reactions are often slow and the
● Energy is involved in the breaking and forming maximum theoretical yield is rarely achieved.
of bonds. This energy, known as the “energy
of activation”, is related to the atoms involved
Functional groups (also referred to as
and the velocity of their electrons. In many of
the reactions concerning polymerisation the reactive groups)
energy required is provided by heat. As In the simple esterification reaction we have
temperature increases the velocity of the discussed each of the two reactants has only one
electrons increases and the rate of the reactive group – the carboxylic acid group
reaction increases. (–COOH) and the hydroxyl group (–OH). This
means that only one new linkage can be formed
Arrhenius, in 1889, calculated that the rate of and although we achieve a larger ester molecule,
a reaction approximately doubles for each we cannot produce a polymer.
10°C rise in temperature.
The number of reactive groups in molecules
● In the equation above we have shown the sign taking part in a reaction will determine the size
which indicates that the reaction is and structure of the resulting molecule.

This can be illustrated by the following: contain such reactive groups which are then
capable of cross-linking in the paint film after it
No. of reactive groups has been applied. We will refer back to this aspect
Molecule Molecule Resulting after we have looked at the reactions involved in
A B molecule polymerisation.
(i) 1 1 A–B
Definition of polymerisation
(ii) 1 2 A–B–A “Intermolecular combinations that are functionally
(iii) 1 3 A–B–A capable of proceeding indefinitely.”
A Although the above statement is correct, in
practice other factors prevent the reaction
(iv) 2 2 –A–B–A–B–A–B– proceeding indefinitely and producing polymers of
infinite size.
(v) 2 3 –A–B–A–B–A Such factors include the increase in viscosity as
A A B–A– the polymer becomes larger, thus reducing its
mobility and the opportunities for reactive groups
to come together.
In addition, our objective is to obtain a polymer
In (i), the resulting molecule will be a relatively suitable for paint formulations, therefore we plan
simple one with a finite size. It will certainly not be our process to give polymers within a specific
a polymer. range of molecular size.
Even in (ii) and (iii), where only one of the reacting Mechanism of polymerisation
molecules is monofunctional, the molecule formed There are two distinct mechanisms used to
will have a small and a finite size. produce polymers, addition and condensation.
However, in the case of (iv) and (v) it is possible to
form very large molecules which, in theory, could Addition polymerisation
grow to an infinite size. This occurs mainly between molecules containing
double or triple bonds, and in addition
With the reactants shown in (iv), this large
polymerisation there is no liberation of small
molecule would be a linear polymer whilst the
reactants in (v) would normally give a three
dimensional network polymer. If, however, the tri- Example – Polymerisation of vinyl chloride
functional molecule B in (v) is present in only small
quantities, the polymer formed will be mainly
linear but with some branched chains.
This may be summarised as: CH2 C → CH2 C
● When each of the two reacting molecules Cl Cl
have 2 reactive groups then a linear polymer n
can be formed.
● When one of the reactants has at least 2 vinyl chloride polyvinyl chloride
reactive groups and the other has at least 3, monomer
then a three dimensional polymer can be The principal steps in this type of polymerisation
formed. are:
● When the tri-functional molecule is present in (i) Initiation of the reaction (or activation)
only very small amounts a branched chain (ii) Growth or progression
polymer can be formed. (iii) Termination
It is useful to note that in examples (iv) and (v) we
have shown some unlinked reactive groups in the (i) Initiation or activation
resultant molecule or polymer. When polymers are Often the monomer is liquid and can be
prepared it is possible to design them so that they polymerised in bulk. Alternatively a solution of the

monomer is prepared and polymerisation carried The foreign molecule supplying the hydrogen
out in this solution. A third method is to emulsify atom can be a chain transfer agent, sometimes
the polymer and carry out emulsion polymerisation. called a chain stopper, which is introduced into
The initiator used is one that can generate free the system. The chain transfer agent is designed
radicals. Usually these are organic peroxides to absorb its free radicals within itself and so
which decompose to give free radicals on heating. prevents them from taking part in further
Organic peroxide e.g. Benozoyl peroxide
The polymer molecules produced are vary large
(RCO2)2 C6H5COO.OCO C6H5 but they will not all be of the same size. Some
(RCO2)2 → 2RCO 2 free radicals → 2R•+ CO2
• polymer chains will be terminated early in the
reaction whilst others will continue to grow. It is
possible to achieve some control of the average
size of polymer chains by the amounts of initiator
R• + C C → R C C• and chain transfer agents used and the practical
conditions employed.
H Cl H Cl The polymer molecule size is defined by its
molecular weight which is arrived at by adding
Vinyl Monomer
together the atomic weights of all the atoms in
chloride free radical
the molecule.
(ii) Growth or progression When only one type of monomer molecule is
If M represents the free radical of the monomer involved in the polymerisation reaction this is
then the series of growth can be represented as: referred to as homopolymerisation.
● M → M• It is possible to use more than one type of
(Monomer Monomer free radical) monomer, and the reaction is then referred to as
copolymerisation or interpolymerisation.
● M + M• → MM•
Many of the resins used in emulsion paints use
● M + MM• → MMM• combinations of monomers with the objective of
(Polymer free radical) achieving optimum coating properties.
and so on to Mn•, where n represents the number Copolymers of, for example, vinyl acetate and
of monomer units in the polymer. ethyl acrylate or other acrylates have largely
superseded the homopolymer of vinyl acetate
(iii) Termination alone in this field of coatings.
There are several ways in which the growth of the Although the preparation of addition polymers is
polymer chain may be stopped, all of which carried out with the aid of initiators like the
involve the removal of the free radicals: organic peroxide, the reaction can occur at a
● Two free radical units may combine slower rate without such “catalysts”.
M• + MM• → MMM In storage, the monomers can slowly form free
radicals by a dimerisation process:
● One free radical removes a hydrogen atom
from another free radical to become an
unsaturated compound.

2 C C → •C C C C•
R1 CH CH2• + R• → R1 CH CH2 + RH

and this can lead to a slow polymerisation of the
● Transfer of a hydrogen atom from a “foreign”
monomer. To prevent this, a small addition of chain
transfer agent is usually made to the stored
M• + R1H → MH + R1• monomer.

Condensation polymerisation Glycerol CH2 OH a trifunctional

In the definition of addition polymerisation, alcohol
the point was made that no small molecules CH2 OH
are liberated in this process.
With condensation polymerisation the process does CH2 OH
involve the liberation of small molecules. Although
the small molecules concerned are often water, the Phthalic anhydride
term condensation polymerisation covers reactions
where other small molecules such as ammonia and CO
hydrogen chloride are freed. CO
A definition of condensation polymerisation
reactions is the condensation of bi- or which behaves as a dibasic acid
polyfunctional molecules to form linkages with the
elimination of small molecules. COOH
A good example, and one which occurs frequently COOH
in the preparation of resin polymers for paints, is
polyesterification. Fatty acids such as linoleic acids
Earlier, we examined the esterification between a CH3(CH2)4CH=CHCH2CH=CH(CH2)7COOH
mono functional acid and alcohol.
a monobasic acid derived from linseed oil where it
Now, if we consider difunctional molecules we can exists as the trigyceride.
illustrate a condensation polymerisation reaction.
If linoleic acid is written R COOH then the
HOOC–R–COOH + HO–R1–OH → triglyceride which occurs in linseed oil is:
dibasic acid dihydric alcohol

One ester linkage has been formed together with CH OOCR

one molecule of water. The molecule formed still
contains functional groups capable of further CH2 OOCR
esterification reactions, as shown at the foot of
Using such a combination of multi functional
this page*.
groups can result in a series of esterification
Each reaction produces a further ester group and reactions leading to cross-linked, three
a molecule of water and, in theory, the length of dimensional polymers and the liberation of water.
the polymer chain can increase until all the
Suitable conditions have to be provided and the
functional groups present have esterified.
energy of activation for these chemical reactions
Polymers formed by multiple esterifcation is achieved by carrying out the process at an
reactions are called polyesters. elevated temperature.
Some of the earliest synthetic resins developed Also, the water produced is continuously removed
for use in surface coatings were the oil modified which assists the progress of polymerisation.
If we used equal ratios of acid and alcohol
These are products formed by polyesterification functional groups at the start of the process, we
from polyhydric alcohols, polybasic acids and should in theory be able to continue
monobasic acids. Examples of the reactants used polymerisation until no functional groups are left.
in alkyd preparations are: This does not happen.



With addition polymerisation, we noted that ● Process conditions

polymer growth proceeds primarily by the The temperature of the condensation process will
continuous addition of the small monomer have an effect not only on the rate at which
molecules. This progressive growth continues, at polymerisation proceeds but also on the average
a very fast rate, until termination occurs. size of the polymer formed.
In contrast, the ordinary chemical reactions in the
condensation polymerisation process result in the ● Addition of reactants
original molecules joining together and effectively A late addition of one or more of the reacting
doubling their size. Then these larger molecules materials or a steady feed of one of them into the
join together and so on until very large and very reaction vessel can give closer control of average
viscous polymer molecules are formed. molecular weight or polymer size.
At this rate, the numbers of remaining functional There are many other factors involved in the
groups will have fallen steeply and it becomes formulation and manufacture of synthetic resin
difficult for them to locate each other and react. polymers but the above are useful general points.
The rate of reaction will become very slow.
In practice the whole polymerisation process is Properties of organic polymers
normally controlled by checking the viscosity and In the previous section of this Monograph we
stopping the reaction at a specified point. described how relatively small molecules or
monomers can, by a series of chemical reactions,
The final product from the condensation poly-
merisation process will contain polymers of differing link together to form the large molecules we refer
sizes and molecular weight. By careful selection of to as polymers.
the type of reactant, the relative quantities of All the resins or binders used in paint formulations
reactant and the process conditions, the properties are organic polymers and the properties of these
of the polymer resin can be predetermined. polymers play a vital role in the performance of
Some factors involved in the design of the coating systems in which they are used.
condensation resin polymers are: Choosing the most suitable binder for a particular
type of paint from the wide range of commercially
● Functionality of reactants available resins is an essential part of the paint
By including some mono-functional material (eg a formulating process. To do this, it is necessary to
fatty acid) we can control the size of the polymer. understand the composition, the structure and the
Once the fatty acid carboxylic acid group reacts chemical and physical properties of the various
with a hydroxyl group it effectively acts as a types of polymer.
“chain stopper”. Using tri or tetra functional
An in-depth study of polymer chemistry is not
reactants will lead to rapid polymerisation and
required at this stage, but it will be useful to look
high molecular weight.
at types of polymer and to consider some of the
parameters which determine their properties.
● Ratios of reactants
To ensure that the final polymer has few Before doing this there are two points we need to
unreacted carboxylic acid groups (ie a low acid clarify.
value) we can use an excess of the polyol in the ● Our earlier discussions on the polymerisation
process. This excess of functional hydroxyl process were concentrated on the initial
groups increases the odds of the remaining manufacture of polymers. We will see that
carboxylic acid groups being esterified. many resin systems are designed to undergo
Most alkyd or polyester resins are designed to have a further polymerisation process after the
a low acid value, as any free acidity may impair the paint has been applied.
performance of the coating produced from it. ● The viscosity of these resin polymers is
For most polyesters, however, an excess of usually very high and they are often solid at
hydroxyl groups is designed into the polymer, as room temperature. After manufacture they
these functional groups are required for cross are generally thinned with a suitable solvent
linking reactions after the coating has been applied. to make them easier to handle.

When discussing the properties of a resin polymer Network or cross-linked polymers.

we will be referring to it in its solvent free form.
The major factors which determine the chemical
and physical properties of a polymer may be
listed as:
● The arrangement or geometry of the
chemical groups within the final polymer.
● The total number of small molecules or
monomer units linked together to from the Each of these three forms of polymer are created
polymer. by chemical reactions which, you will recall,
● The type and chemical composition of these involve the breaking and formation of bonds.
The bonds which are formed to link the monomer
● The presence or absence of functional groups
units together are electron sharing or covalent
in the manufactured polymer molecule.
bonds. These covalent links are most often single
We shall now look at these in more detail. bonds although double bonds may be formed.
Polymer chains do not have a stiff, rigid form
The geometry of polymer molecules because there is some freedom of movement of
If we refer back to the addition polymerisation of the atoms forming a bond. This movement will be
the unsaturated monomer vinyl chloride, we will greatest with a single bond, less with a double
note that the monomer molecules join together to bond and if a triple bond is present it will have
from a long chain. This long chain consists of a considerable rigidity.
series of repeating identical units which may be
represented as: The movement of atoms around a single bond
results in the chain being flexible – rather like a
CH2 CH CH2 CH CH2 CH CH2 metal
CH link chain or telephone cord. The chain will
have a crinkled shape, somewhat like the
Cl Cl Cl illustration
Cl below, and it will be three dimensional
and may be crumpled into a coil shape.
the identical repeating units being:



The linear or chain structure of polyvinyl chloride

is just one of three possible geometric
arrangements found in polymer molecules. Each of these linear chains is one molecule of the
polymer and its size may be measured by its
We can distinguish these arrangements as:
molecular weight. In a synthetic polymeric resin
A linear chain structure as above: there will be a very large number of these chain
molecules but they will not all be of the same
length and will not all have the same molecular
weight. Individual chains may contain just a few
monomer units or many hundreds of monomer
units linked together.

Branched polymers In a chain polymer resin, the individual chains will

intertwine and be attracted to each other by
secondary valency forces. These secondary
forces, also known as van der Waals or
intermolecular forces, play an important role in
giving the polymer its mechanical strength.
Although these forces are relatively weak, the

attraction between polymer molecules is Alkyds of this kind, prepared from unsaturated
significant at low temperatures. fatty acids, are used as the resins in many
domestic air-drying paints. After these paints are
However, because these secondary
applied, further chemical reactions take place
intermolecular forces are weak, they are easily
involving atmospheric oxygen. These reactions,
broken by the action of suitable solvents or by the
application of heat. This results in some specific which result in further cross-linking and growth in
properties of linear molecules which we will polymer size, convert the coating to a dry tough
explain in a moment. film.

The next type of polymer geometry is the Number of units in the polymer
branched chain pattern. These have similarities The size of a polymer molecule is determined by
with the simpler chain polymers but the chains the number of small molecules which go into its
have “branches” from which side chains grown. As creation. The polymerisation process will produce
stated earlier, the presence of only a small a large number of polymer molecules which will
quantity of a tri-functional component will enable not all be of the same size.
these branched chains to form on a linear
polymer. Again these branched chain polymers If we start with chain polymers, the size is
will be three dimensional in space and will not determined by the number of monomer units
have a rigid structure. which it contains, rather like the number of links in
a metal chain.
It is the convention that the molecule must contain
at least 10 monomer units for it to be called a
polymer. In practice, organic polymers contain
very large numbers of these units.
The term “degree of polymerisation” refers to
the number of units which link together to form a
The third type is the network or cross-linked polymer. When manufacturing a resin, the degree
configuration which may be considered as linear of polymerisation is controlled to give polymer
chains which have become linked by the formation molecules which have an average size capable of
of covalent bonds across the chains. This cross- giving the properties we need in a particular paint
linking results in three dimensional structures with formulation.
greatly increased rigidity. Ideal polymers are those with a small size
The strength of the covalent bonds in the network distribution and not those which contain polymer
polymer means that it is less affected by solvents molecules with sizes ranging from very small to
and does not soften and melt on heating. very large.
There are a great number of network polymers in Small polymer molecules exhibit poor solvent
use in the coatings industry including those resistance and poor resistance to mechanical
polymers known as oil modified alkyds. For wear. Very large molecules have very high
example, one type of alkyd can be produced from viscosities and will need to be thinned with a lot of
the chemical reactions between: solvent to enable then to be used in paint
production and application.
Phthalic anhydride – 2 reactive carboxylic
acid groups (Large molecular sized polymers are used in
certain types of paint systems. For example,
Glycerol – 3 reactive hydroxyl water based emulsion paints use very large
groups polymers but instead of dissolving them in large
Linseed oil fatty acids – 1 reactive carboxylic quantities of solvent, they are dispersed in water
acid group to form an emulsion. This technique gives
handleable products without the need for
This combination of reactants satisfies the
excessive amounts of solvent).
parameters for a network polymer and in addition
the unsaturated bonds in the linseed oil fatty acids The average polymer size may be expressed in
provide reactive points for further cross-linking. terms of the molecular weight, and this may be

given as either “number average molecular Polyvinyl chloride is a hard stiff polymer resin with
weight” or the “weight average molecular good resistance to water, whereas polyvinyl
weight”. acetate is a somewhat brittle plastic polymer with
relatively poor water resistance. Polyvinyl acetate
For chain polymers, there is a third method of
was one of the first polymers to be used in
measuring average polymer size called the melt
emulsion paints but because of its sensitivity to
flow index which we will explain in a moment.
water, modern paints use a copolymer resin
As the size of the polymer molecule grows, the produced by copolymerisation of vinyl acetate
forces of attraction within the molecule become with, for example, an acrylic monomer.
stronger and the viscosity increases until eventually There are many types of monomer used to produce
the polymer becomes solid at ambient temperatures. addition homo-polymers and co-polymers, the
For chain polymers there is a relationship between choice of monomer used depending on the type of
the viscosity and the length of the polymer chain. paint in which the final resin is to be used.
However, the secondary valence forces which When we come to the polymers produced by
attract these chains to one another also influence condensation reactions we find that there is an
the viscosity and the softening properties of the even larger range of starting point materials.
The manner in which these starting point
These secondary valence forces are greatly materials influence the properties of the final
weakened at higher temperatures and the polymer can be illustrated by considering two
application of heat allows the polymer chains to typical paint resins.
move relative to one another. The viscosity of the
melt will then depend on the average length of the Airdrying decorative paints use oil modified alkyd
polymer chains and not be influenced by the resins as the medium or binder. These alkyd resins
secondary valence forces. This is the basis of the are condensation polymers produced from reactions
melt flow index method of measuring average between monobasic acids, polybasic acids and
molecular weights of chain polymers. polyalcohols. The polymerisation of these raw
materials results in the formation of multiple ester
groups in the polymer molecule. Ester linkages are
Type and chemical composition of susceptible to attack by alkalis and so this type of
molecules used to build polymers polymer is not good for alkali resistance.
The nature of the monomers or small molecules
which form a polymer not only give the polymer its Epoxy resin molecule
name but also give it many of its properties. Both In contrast, epoxy resin polymers (see formula
polyvinyl chloride and polyvinyl acetate are chain below*) contain only carbon-carbon and ether
polymers but they have quite different properties. linkages, both of which remain strong in the




● Absence of ester groups Good alkali
Only –C–C– and –C–O–C– linkages resistance

● Presence of polar groups – hydroxyl (–OH) and epoxy C C Good adhesion

● Aromatic (benzene) rings along molecule
aids mechanical strength
● Chains of 5 single bonds between hydroxyl groups Aids flexibility

presence of alkalis, and this explains their A different situation exists with condensation
excellent alkali resistance. polymers such as the oil modified alkyds and
epoxy resins. This type of resin will still have
Epoxy resins also have excellent adhesion
properties which is due to the presence of functional groups in its molecules when the
hydroxyl and epoxide groups. These are polar polymerisation process has finished. The alkyd
groups and they provide “anchor” points to the polymer molecules may contain reactive double
substrate. bonds and unreacted hydroxyl and carboxlic acid
groups. These remaining functional groups enable
Finally epoxy resins exhibit good hardness and the polymer to undergo further chemical
flexibility, which is explained by the presence of reactions, to cross-link and so become converted
specific chemical groupings in the polymer to a higher polymeric state.
molecule. Each molecule contains a large number
of aromatic rings and these strongly stable Polymers of this type are called convertible
groups contribute to the hardness of epoxies. polymers.

The epoxy polymer also contains chains of five The cross-linking occurs either between different
single bonds. Rotation of the atoms about these functional groups in the original polymer, or
single bonds give the polymer its good flexibility. between groups in the original polymer and
groups in another, added, polymer or chemical.
Functional groups – convertible and For example, the polymer added to an epoxy resin
non-convertible polymers could be an amino resin such as a butylated urea
The process of polymerisation proceeds until, for formaldehyde resin. In this case the hydroxyl and
reasons explained earlier, polymer growth comes epoxy functional groups in the epoxy resin are
to a halt. capable of reacting with the functional groups in
the amino resin. (The amino resin will have
Once the polymerisaton process is completed, reactive hydroxyl groups, methylol groups and
linear polymers do not possess any functional
some reactive hydrogen groups in its molecule.)
groups and so these linear polymers lack the
facility to crosslink across their chains. They are After blending the epoxy resin with the amino resin
incapable of undergoing further chemical in suitable proportions, applying the coating and
reactions with other functional groups to form allowing the solvents to evaporate, cross-linking
larger polymer molecules. reactions can take place.
When such polymers are incorporated into a paint To effect this cross-linking of convertible coatings
and applied, the paint dries by solvent evaporation some form of energy has to be introduced into the
alone. After the solvent has been removed no system. This “energy of activation” is often
chemical reactions are possible within the polymer supplied in the form of heat by stoving the paint,
and no cross-linking can occur. but the conversion may also take place at ambient
or only slightly elevated temperatures.
The strength of these linear polymers depends on
their high molecular weight and the interchain For example, the epoxy/amino combination
attraction provided by the secondary valence referred to above will require the action of heat to
forces. effect cross-linking but an airdrying alkyd will
polymerise at ambient temperatures by an
Polymers of this type, which cannot be converted
oxidation process involving atmospheric oxygen.
to a higher polymeric state and dry by solvent
evaporation alone, are described as non- Such “post application” polymerisation results in
convertible polymers. the applied film being converted to a highly cross-
linked structure with extremely high molecular
Non-convertible polymers
weights. Once it has cross-linked the paint film will
When paints based on such non-convertible
be resistant to the solvents in which it was
polymers are applied and allowed to dry, they can
originally dissolved and it will not soften on
be easily re-dissolved in the type of solvent used
to prepare the resin solution in the first place. A
simple example of a non-convertible polymer is There are two more terms applied to organic
shellac solution (French polish). polymers which need to be defined before we

close this section. These are “thermoplastic” and measure colour precisely using optics, science
“thermosetting”. and mathematics. Although the aesthetics of
Thermoplastic polymers fall into the same colour preference and appreciation remain,
category as non-convertible polymers as they science has provided us with a very
have no reactive or functional groups in their comprehensive understanding of colour.
polymer molecules and so cannot undergo further Colour is defined as a sensation produced in the
chemical cross-linking. human brain by the inter-action of light on an
They are linear polymers and as their name object, and the three essential requirements for
implies they soften on heating. On cooling they producing a colour sensation are a source of light,
return to their original hardness and this softening an object and an observer. If any one of these
and rehardening can be repeated many times. three is taken away, the colour sensation is taken
away. If any one of these three essentials are
Their hardness at ambient temperature is partly altered then the colour sensation will alter.
due to the molecular size and its viscosity and
partly due to the van der Waals forces. The radiant energy in the form of visible light
directed at the object may differ in its composition
Thermoplastic polymers are used in many over the range of 400 nanometres (violet) to 700
applications today and include “plastics” such as nanometres (red) depending on its source. The
polyproplene, nylon and polythylene. most common form of light is daylight, provided
Thermosetting polymers are convertible polymers by the sun, but other sources of light may be
which require the action of heat to provide the used including artificial ones. Some of the
energy of activation necessary for the functional wavelenghs of this radiant energy will be
groups present to react and crosslink. Once heat absorbed by the object while some will be
has been applied and cross-linking has occurred reflected.
the polymer cannot be softened by reheating but
The composition and structure of the compounds
becomes permanently converted to a hard tough
which make up the dye or pigment are the main
and solvent resistant material.
factors which determine what light is absorbed
and which is reflected. As a result of the radiant
Colour energy exciting groups of atoms in the crystal
This monograph would not complete without structure of the pigment molecule, the object
some reference to “Colour”, a topic already selectively absorbs some of the incident light and
mentioned earlier when matter in the solid state reflects the remainder, which is then perceived by
was discussed and also in the section on organic an observer.
and inorganic compounds.
Although colour is defined as a sensation
The perceived colour of an article derives from produced in the human brain, measurement of
the chemical structure of the colorant it contains. colour is increasingly carried out instrumentally.
It is this chemical structure that determines the The “observer” is a colour computer containing a
colour which appears as a result of the interaction spectrophotometer which measures the colour
of light and matter. This subject, colour physics, is and a computer which calculates the data
introduced here but is dealt with in more detail in required to define the colour.
OCCA Student Monograph No 4.
For a more detailed explanation of Colour Physics
Goethe wrote, in 1810, “The theory of colours, in the reader is referred to OCCA Monograph No.4.
particular, has suffered much, and its progress
incalculably retarded by having been mixed up
with optics generally, a science with cannot Further reading
dispense with mathematics; whereas the theory of There are so many textbooks on chemistry and
colour, in strictness, may be investigated quite physics, ranging from elementary to advanced,
independently of optics” (Faber Birren – History of that it is not easy to provide a reading list to suit
Painting). all students.
This is certainly not the case nowadays when However, the following suggestions may be of
colour physics is used to explain, define and value.

1. Principles of organic chemistry, 6. Modern surface coatings. Nylen P and

Murray PRS, Heinemann Sutherland E. J Wiley and Sons 1975
2. Success in organic chemistry. Hawkins MD,
This is a comprehensive and advanced book on
John Murray 1981
surface coatings.
3. A guide to modern organic chemistry. Owen
SM and Brooker AT, Longman,1991
7. Alkyd resins. Martens R. Rheinhold Publishing
The above three titles are examples of the many Co, 1961.
good textbooks on basic chemistry.
Useful as a guide to one important type of
convertible polymer.
4. Introduction to paint chemistry.
Turner GPA. Chapman and Hall, 1988 8. Colour physics. OCCA Student Monograph
This contains a useful section on general science.
9. The basics of resin technology. OCCA
Student Monograph No.10
5. Introduction to paint technology. OCCA
10. The basics of solvents and thinners. OCCA
Useful all round introduction Student Monograph No.9


Surface Coatings International

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Oil & Colour Chemists’ Association

Priory House, 967 Harrow Road, Wembley, HA0 2SF, England
Tel: 0181 908 1086 Fax: 0181 908 1219

Titles in the Student Monograph Series

No. 1 Basic Science for Students of Paint Technology

No. 2 Corrosion
No. 3 Water-borne Resins
No. 4 Colour Physics
No. 5 Dispersion and Dispersion Equipment
No. 6 Additives for Water-borne Coatings
No. 7 Standards
No. 8 Water-borne Coatings
No. 9 The Basics of … Solvents and Thinners
No. 10 The Basics of … Resin Technology

Honorary Technical Education Officer: A T Hopgood FTSC

Honorary Editor: P S Thukral PhD CChem FTSC
Chairman Special Publications Committee: R H E Munn BSc LRSC FTSC

Oil & Colour Chemists’ Association

Priory House, 967 Harrow Road, Wembley HA0 2SF, England
Tel: +44 (0)181 908 1086 Fax: +44 (0)181 908 1219

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