Basic Use of Microscopes

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SBU 3013




STUDENT’S NAMES (D20182085918)





Eye is one of the sensory organ that human need to sense the environment. Human can
study many things and discover the world through what they see. However, human sight has
fundamental limits and we cannot see tiny things such as microorganisms, cell, crystalline and
molecular structure. Thus, the scientist have invented microscope to study the structure that
cannot be seen by human naked eyes.

Microscopes have opened up a whole new dimension in science. We are able to study the
structure that are too tiny and beyond the sight of human naked eye. There are many types of
microscopes such as the light compound microscopes, the digital microscope, the electron
microscope and etc. Proper use of microscopes requires the basic knowledge about the
component parts, the functions of every part, the resolution and proper handling.

In this experiment, there are only two types of microscopes that we will learn which are
the light compound microscope and the dissecting microscope. We will learn about the basic
techniques, the procedure and the proper way of handling the microscope. We will observe the
types of images produce by the light compound and dissecting microscopes. We will also try to
identify the depth and the size of the microscope field and actual magnetism of microscope.


To observe types of images produce by the compound microscope.


 Microscope
 Prepared slide with ‘e’ alphabet



To identify the depth and the size of the microscope field.


 Microscope
 Prepared slide with crossed threads
 Ruler cutting slide



To identify the actual magnetism.

Ocular lens magnification Objective lens magnification power
power 4x 10x 40x 100x
5x 20 50 200 500
10x 40 100 400 1000
15x 60 150 600 1500


To observe cells from different types of tissues.


 Microscope
 Cork tissue
 Blade / knife
 Slide
 Cover slip
 Toothpicks
 Prepared plant slide



To learn how to prepare a wet mount and to observe the fresh specimen using a wet mount.


 Microscope
 Pond water
 Slide
 Cover slip



To learn how to use a dissecting microscope.


 Dissecting microscope
 Book
 Pen
 Thread

Turned from left to right Turned from top to bottom

Page of book No No

A pen No No

A piece of thread No No



To learn how to use an oil immersion objective.


 Microscope
 Prepared bacteria slide
 Oil (immersion oil)


In exercise 1.1, that is to observed types of images produce by the compound microscope.
The ‘e’ alphabet at the slide has been observed without using a microscope (real size). The image
of ‘e’ alphabet at the middle slide was just small images. That image also not overturned because
observed by naked eyes and real size.

The ‘e’ alphabet has been observed by using 10× objective lens. The type of image ‘e’ that
been produce by compound microscope is inverted, large and clear. By observed the ‘e’ alphabet
through the ocular, the slide movement is vice versa. An objective forms a real inverted image of
an object, which is a finite distance. At low magnification, working distance is longer and more
focus is needed to get a clear image.

In exercise 1.2, that is to identify the depth and the size of the microscope field.
Consisting of 3 different coloured threads crossed over each other. We focused the lens on where
the threads intersected to determine what order overlapped in. The crossed thread with the
microscopes was record which thread colour is at the top is green thread colour, then in the
middle is black colour and at the bottom is red colour of crossed thread. That is used the
microscopes with 4× objective lens by focussing upwards and downwards.

When removed the slide from the stage and that was observed the threads order with
naked eye. The tread colour is at the top is also green colour, in the middle is black colour and at
the bottom is red colour. The difference between looking at an object using a microscope
compared to the naked eye is that through a microscope, the object has been magnified
significantly and we can see it in much more detail than we would normally be able to see just
using our eyes.

In the part field size, we measured some objects lengths using the microscopes. First, we
measured the microscopes field of view using a ruler cutting slides. Under low power, we
identify the field area for 4× objectives lens the microscopes field of view had a diameter is 7

When look through the lens of a microscope we see a circular area, the diameter of which
is known as the field of view. To work out the field of view we need to know the field number
and the magnification of the objective lens. The field number is the diameter of the image area
when seen under the eyepiece.

In exercise 1.3, magnification is simply function of making an object appear bigger, such
as when we use a magnifying glass to enlarge printed words. In this experiment, we calculate to
get actual magnification by objective lens magnification power multiply with ocular lens
magnification power. The minimum for the actual magnification power is 20 and for the
maximum actual magnification power is 1500. As we all can see, the number getting higher or
increase according to this calculation.

In exercise 1.4a, we conducted the experiment by used a piece of cork and saw it under
the microscope. The cork tissue is sliced to find the detail. The observation obtained, it is very
similar with the cell that was observed by Robert Hooke. Robert Hooke is the one discovered
empty space contained by walls, and theorized them pores or cells. The term cells stuck and
Hooke gained credit for discovering the building blocks of all life. The cell looks like a thin
cloth. The magnification of the cell is 100x.

In exercise 1.4b, we conducted the experiment by used a piece of cheek from our
teammates by using toothpick and put it under the microscopes. On mounting the wet slide, the
following we observed is there are large irregularly shaped cell with distinct cell walls. Then,
there a distinct nucleus at the central part of each individual cell. Lastly, a lightly stained
cytoplasm can be seen in each cell.

In exercise 1.4c, we conducted the experiment by use a sample of plant cell that have
been prepared by lab. As we all can see, there are red circle with holes that connected each other
that made a form of large circle in the plant tissue. The inner parts of the red circle we also can
see a helix chain that stick together and there are many spaces between those helix form in the
plant tissue. In Figure 1.4c (4x) and Figure 1.4c (10x), the plant tissue can be seen completely
but when used lens 40x, we only see a little part of it like Figure 1.4c (40x).

In exercise 5, single celled organisms can be found all around the world. They are largely
composed of the members of the plant kingdom, fungi, bacteria and protozoa. As such, they are
only visible under the microscope. However, as is the case with some species, microorganisms
may cluster together in large numbers (colonies), which allows them to be visible to the naked
eye or when using a magnifying glass. To observe this, we had use pond water in this experiment
to observe various types of organism in the water. Pond water contains variety of microorganism
with a drop that contains a thousand of single cells organism. We had observed that there are
various types of organisms in pond water like arthropod, bacteria, algae and protozoa. By using a
4x magnification, it can be seen clearly that bacteria and protozoa that contain in the pond water.

In exercise 1.6, we conducted the experiment by learning how to use a dissecting

microscope. Dissecting microscope is also known as stereomicroscope. Typically, a dissecting
microscope involves taking a sample and pinning it down to a table or directly onto the stage of
the microscope. During the experiment, we observed three different types of object, which is, a
page of book, a pen and a thread. From the results that we obtained, the images that we observed
are clearly three dimensional and the image does not inverted or reversed as with the compound
microscope. In other words, the images formed does not turned from left to right as stated in(a)
and also does not turned from top to bottom as stated on (b). Apart from that, the images
observed are much larger than those viewed with a compound microscope as for numbers on the
magnification knob are usually range from 0.7 to 3, but can vary from microscope to microscope.

During the experiment, precaution steps should be taken during using a microscope. First
of all, make sure to carry the microscope by using both of our hands. Grasp the arm with one
hand and place the other hand under the base for support. This is to prevent any damage to the
microscope and prevent ourselves from injury. Next, do not touch the lens of the microscope as it
will cause the microscope to malfunction. Instead, clean the lens by using the lens tissue or
xylene. After using the microscope, make sure to clean the slide off and wipe down the
microscope by using a damp cloth. Apart from that, we need to make sure the light has been
switched off before unplugging it from the outlet.

In exercise 7, the task is carried out to learn how to use the oil immersion objectives in
microscope. As we know that, different medium will resulting refraction whenever light pass
through it. For instance, from glass to air or from air to glass, it bends. Light of different
wavelengths bends at different angles, so that as objects are magnified the images become less
and less distinct. This is the same goes as the experiment carried out. An immersion oil
objective has been formulated so that it has a refractive index identical to that of glass. Thus
there is no refraction of light when it passes from glass to oil and vice versa. With "dry"
objective lenses, it results in loss of resolution that even happen when using higher
magnifications. The images obtained of very small objects are badly distorted.

To use an oil immersion lens, it is just the same step as to focus on the specimen on
microscopes, but revolve the nosepiece so that the objective lens (100x) on its half way on the
specimen. The experiment was carried out by firstly placing a drop of immersion oil on the cover
slip over that area, and very carefully swings the oil immersion lens into place. Focus carefully,
preferably by observing the lens itself while bringing it as close to the cover slip as possible, then
focusing by moving the lens away from the specimen. When in focus the lens nearly touches the
cover slip. The focal plane is so narrow that it is very easy to focus right past it. It is high
recommended to use an oil immersion lens when to observe a fixed or dead specimen that is no
thicker than a few micrometers. Even then, use it only when the structures to view are quite
small (one or two micrometers in dimension). Oil immersion is essential for viewing individual
bacteria or details of the striations of skeletal muscle.

However, there is also a disadvantage of using oil immersion objectives. Oil immersion
viewing is that the oil must stay in contact, and oil is viscous. A wet mount must be very secure
to use oil. Oil immersion lenses are used only with oil, and oil cannot be used with dry lenses.
Lenses of high magnification must be brought very close to the specimen to focus and the focal
plane is very shallow, so focusing can be difficult. Oil distorts images seen with dry lenses, so
once the oil is placed on a slide it must be cleaned off thoroughly before using the high dry lens
again. Oil on non-oil lenses will distort viewing and possibly damage the coatings. Thus, by
reducing the number of such passages to a minimum, the clarity, brilliance and resolving power
is preserved.


Based on experiment 1.1, the compound microscope image is an optical instrument which
is used to obtain high magnification. The objective is used to enlarge and invert the object into a
real image that can be formed. Considering the wave nature of light, we can conclude that an
object point does give accurate point on the image plane. The compound microscope achieves
higher levels of magnification than a stereo or low power microscope. It is used to view smaller
specimens such as cell structures, microorganism and objects which cannot be seen at lower
levels of magnification.

Based on experiment 2, the relationship is inverse. As the magnification increases, the

field of view decreases. The more you magnify an object the clearer you see a smaller part of it.
The microscope field functioned to help view the parts of microorganism cells and at this part
experiment is slide with crossed threads that invisible to the naked eye in more detailed. Every
part of the microscopes is needed for perfect adjustment to view the specimen. We conclude that
an image viewed through the microscope had much more detail than one viewed with the naked
eye. Also, an image viewed through the microscope was inverted left was right and top was
bottom. Sometimes, only part of the object being viewed would be in focus. This was because
there were variations in the objects altitude that made it hard for the microscope to focus.
Based on exercise 1.3, we can conclude that the higher the objective lens and ocular lens
magnification power, the higher the results for actual magnification.

Based on exercise 1.4, the students have the opportunity to observe the different type of
tissue. From the observation through microscope, we will be able to learn the differences
between the structures of animal and plant tissue. In addition, we can also differentiate the size of
the image of every structure because of the different objective and magnification was applied
during the experiment.

Based on exercise 1.5, we can conclude that by using a 4x magnification, we can see
bacteria and protozoa that contain in the pond water. Being animal like, protozoan are very
similar to simple animals. These microorganisms make up the largest group of organisms in
terms or numbers, diversity as well as biomass. As such, protozoa widely vary in terms of shape,
size and features. Protozoa are also an example of microorganisms that may form clusters
(colonies. With the other microorganisms found in pond water, protozoa makes up the bio-film
that coats sediments as well as other had surfaces. Their ability to move makes it possible for
them to move from one place to another without heavily relying on water movement. As such,
they can move around consuming other organisms. So we can conclude that protozoa can move
by a variety of methods and they can change shape. Some of the most common protozoa that can
be found in pond water include amoebas and paramecium.

Based on exercise 1.6, we can conclude that the image formed under the dissecting
microscope does not inverted nor reversed. In contrary, the images formed were larger and
clearer than using a compound microscope.

Based on exercise 1.7, we managed to learn how to use the oil immersion objectives and
gain knowledge about the advantageous and disadvantage of using it. By using the oil immersion
objectives, the magnifications from greater index can be achieved while still preserving good
resolution. Oil immersion microscopy is essential to any microbiology lab. Stained smears of
mixed bacteria are recommended for practice.

A) Books

1) Starr C, Starr L, Evers, C.A and Taggart, R. (2018). Biology: The Unity &
Diversity of Lifes, 10th Edition. Australia Cengage Learning Publishing.

2) Mader, S.S & Windelspecht, M. (2015). Biology, 4th Edition. McGrawHill

Education Publishing.

B) Internets

1) Mathi. 2014. Microscope Lab Report.

(Retrieved date: 17 March 2019).

2) Magnification Experiment.

(Retrieved date: 17 March 2019).

3) Determine Magnification.

(Retrieved date: 17 March 2019).

4) Different type of tissue.

(Retrieved date: 17 March 2019).

5) MicroscopeMaster.

(Retrieved date: 17 March 2019).

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