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English 2 : Module 03 : Fear: 03.07 Surprise!

It was Halloween day in the town of Howling's, Indiana. Dustin and his
friends, William, Dex, Susan, and Roxan were planning to meet up late at night.
They all wanted to dress up as The Addams Family since they weren’t your usual
“normal” family. Later that night, everyone met up at the spot they agreed to meet
up in when suddenly William felt a weird sensation down his arms that gave him
goosebumps. He didn’t say anything at the moment because he didn’t want to
frighten his friends but William did want to find out what touched or walked by
him. The night went on and everyone was having a fun time but William was still
thinking about happened to him earlier so he told his friends that he would catch up
with them later so he can go explore what might have caused this.
When William was walking alone at night, he felt the weird, chilling
sensation going through his whole body now. He turned around quickly and
standing there in front of him was a big weird black shadow figure that looked like
a monster. It had three red eyes, a body that looked like it was on fire, claws on his
hands, and two feet that each had three sharp toes on them. William screamed so
loud and ran to his group of friends to tell them what he had just seen. They, of
course, did not believe him one bit. For the rest of the night, William was terrified
for his life. When the night was over, William and his friend Dex strayed away
from their group of friends to go look for this scary shadowy creature. They
walked for miles until something snatched both of them by their waste. They both
ended up in a hole underground that was freezing cold and gave off an eerie vibe.
William and Dex kept trying to find a way out of this hole when all of a sudden,
they felt that chilling sensation across their body once again, they turned around
and they see the shadow creature.
They run and run as fast as they can when Dex trips, William ran back to try
and help her when the shadow creature pulls her by the legs and takes her. She
screams, “Will help, he’s going to kill me.” Time passes by and William is already
desperate to find her, he has no luck so far. He keeps walking and thinking until he
sees an open hole, he walks through it and he sees at least a dozen other people
trapped there. Some were yelling for help and others were unresponsive. He tried
his best looking for Dex, he yells “Dex! Dex!” But nothing. He doesn’t give up but
all of a sudden, he isn’t looking at where he's stepping, when he falls into another
hole. He looks over to his right, he sees the shadow creature. Will gets up speedy
quick because he sees the creature bending over something. He goes to see what it
is and to his surprise it......was......Dex. The shadow monster killed his friend!

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