HealingHabit44-Think That All Your Problems Are Small

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Volume 1, Number 44 • January 2012

Habit #44:
Think That All Your Problems
Are Small
Dr. Mehmet Oz says that hypertension doesn’t only have the ability to
kill you—hypertension ages you. He says that if your blood pressure is above
140/90 compared with the optimal 115/75, you stack up an incredible 12 years
onto your real age.
If you’re 40—do you want your body to be 52?
But what causes hypertension?
We’ve already established that clearly here at 52 Healing Habits: Most
are caused by emotional difficulties.
Just last week, I was talking to a friend who’s going through pesky
relationship conflicts. And he told me, “Bo, my blood pressure is shooting up
every morning. I can’t understand it…”
Oh, I do.
Been there, done that.
Three years ago, I was facing a huge problem. I felt so troubled, I didn’t
know what to do. I was already having sleepless nights. My wife would wake up
at 3 a.m. and she’d find me still awake, tossing and turning in bed.
My emotional state was clearly affecting my health. It was lowering my
immune system. I knew I had to do something or I’ll get sick in no time.
So I called up one of my mentors. I described the problem. Every detail I could remember, I shared to him.
My mentor was very patient listening to my story.
And then he said something that I’ll never forget. He said, “Is that all? Bo, that’s nothing! That problem
is so small, you’re bigger than this. You’re so big, that problem is like dust in your shirt. Like lint in your clothes.
Like mud on your shoes. You’re so much bigger! And Bo, you’ll have more of those tiny problems. They’re so
small, just flick them…”
This wasn’t a nice friendly counseling session. He was my mentor and he had my permission to be brutal
with me.
His words changed me. That night, I slept like a babe.
Because he made me realize I was a giant! Why be bothered by tiny problems?
And soon enough, those problems that I thought were gigantic blew away like mist. I troubled myself for

Neither the author, the publisher nor any of their respective affiliates make any guarantee or other promise as to any results that may be obtained from using this Report.
No reader should make any health decision without first consulting his or her own personal physician and conducting his or her own research and due diligence. To the
maximum extent permitted by law, the author, the publisher and their respective affiliates disclaim any and all liability in the event that any information, commentary,
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Volume 1, Number 44 • January 2012

Here’s what I learned. The reason why we think our problems are big is because we think we’re small. But
when we change the way we think about ourselves, we change how we think about our problems too.
And remember: To God, all your problems are small.

The Secret to a Long Life

Fr. Georges-Etienne Beauregard is an old Jesuit priest.

How old? He is 100 years old.
He’s led an incredible life: imprisoned in China, built churches in the Philippines for 12 years, and worked
with the aborigines in Taiwan for the last 42 years.
What is he doing today at 100? Still very busy, working in a parish and hospital (which he also built)
among the aborigines in Taiwan.
How healthy is he? When he was 95, he was still riding his motorbike!
I asked him, “Father, what is the secret of your long life?”
He chuckled and said, “I have no problems. Others have problems with me, but I have no problems.”
In other words, he didn’t focus on his problems.
That was it.
The secret to his long life was no secret at all. It was very obvious. He had a light, jolly heart.
Because he had no problems.

Do You Believe in God or in the Mountain?

Mountains seem big. They’re one of the biggest things our eyes can see.
And mountains seem immovable. You don’t wake up each morning asking, “Hmm, I wonder where Mount
Everest travelled today…”
Some of us think of our problems as mountains because they’re big and they’re immovable. You see your
financial problem, as a mountain, your physical sickness as a mountain, your relationship
problem as a mountain…
Many times, problems seem permanent.
But they’re not.
I believe God is permanent. And God’s love is permanent. And God’s plan to
bless you is permanent. And you are permanent! But all problems are temporary.
It’s really your choice.
Will you have faith in God or in your mountains?
Jesus tells us what we should choose, “Have faith in
God,” Jesus answered. “Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this
mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt
in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it
will be done for them (Mark 11:22-23).

Don’t Dwell on the Mountain

Once upon a time, David faced a mountain named Goliath.

When young David came into the scene of the battle, all the soldiers were Complainers. Every single one!
Everyone was saying, “My gosh, look at the giant! Look at those giant legs. Look at those giant arms. He’s so big.
He’s a monster. He probably eats his own children for breakfast! And when he’s still hungry, he eats his nephews
and nieces!”

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Volume 1, Number 44 • January 2012

But David wasn’t a Complainer. He was a Conqueror. He didn’t dwell on the mountain. He dwelt on the
Mountain-Mover. He said, “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the Living
God? You come to me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord Almighty.”
Don’t focus on the mountain.
Focus on the mountain mover.

Dwell on How Big Your God Is

Let me say it again: What you focus on grows (I will never grow tired of reminding you of this powerful
spiritual principle. This law rules this universe.)
If you focus on the mountain, the mountain will grow. If you focus on your God, God will “grow” in your
perspective. So focus on God.
Don’t dwell on how big your mountain is. Don’t dwell on how big your problem is. Don’t dwell on how
big your difficulty is. Don’t dwell on how big your sickness is.
Stop telling God how big your mountains are; start telling your mountains how big your God is!
Dwell your thoughts on the big God and say, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Behind the Scenes, God Is at Work

Friend, are you suffering right now?

Do you have emotional pain?
Do you have financial difficulties?
Relationship problems with family?
Work problems?
Believe that God is at work, behind the scenes. He is connecting the
“odd” pieces of the jigsaw of your life into a glorious bigger picture. Believe me.
He’ll make all things work for your good. Your deepest pain will be your most
glorious blessing.
Do not be anxious.
Pray with thanksgiving instead.
For your trial is temporary. It will come to an end.
But His love is permanent. It will last forever.
Do you want to live a long and happy and healthy life?
Think that all your problems are tiny.

May your dreams come true,

Bo Sanchez

P.S. The next Habit is about a daily practice that will protect you from harm and danger. Watch for it.

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