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I want to become an expert

From intermediate to advance

By : Ferryanto
array, function, object,
constructor, method, oop, DOM, ... Start 22 November 2015

9 page
from 100 page

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How Javascript display output.....................................................................................................3

Dialog box and input box............................................................................................................4
Function with parameter..............................................................................................................5
Function with parameter return a value (number).......................................................................5
Function with parameter return a value (string)..........................................................................5
Function with parameter return a value (using DOM)................................................................6
Function return value with condition if outside function............................................................7
Function return value with condition if inside function..............................................................7
Count buy, pay, refund using function with DOM event onkeyup (technique 1)........................8
Count buy, pay, refund using function with DOM event onkeyup (technique 2)........................8
Count buy, pay, refund using function with DOM event onkeyup (technique 3)........................9

Javascript, I want to become an expert 2

How Javascript display output

1. Using window.alert()

<! DOCTYPE html>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>


</body> window.alert()

2. Using document.write()
<button onclick="document.write(5 + 6)">Try it</button>

3. Using innerHTML
<p id="demo"></p>
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = 5 + 6;

4. Using console (F12 at browser firefox)

console.log(5 + 6); console

Javascript, I want to become an expert 3

Dialog box and input box

Dialog box

A : <input type = "text" id = "a"><br/>

B : <input type = "text" id = "b">
<button type="button" onclick = "proccess()">Process</button>
<p id = "result"></p>

var proccess = function()
var a = document.getElementById("a").value;
var b = document.getElementById("b").value;
if (confirm("You want to count number ?"))
var c = Number(a) + Number(b); //+a + +b
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = c;

Input Box : Using length and substring (built in method)

var a = prompt("Please, enter your name");

document.write("Length of character include space: ", a.length);

document.write("5 first character :" , a.substring(0,5));
document.write("Get 3 character start from second character : ", a.substring(1,4));

Length of character include space: 9

5 first character :spide
Get 3 character start from second character : pid

Javascript, I want to become an expert 4

Function with parameter

Function name : dividedByTree
var dividedByTree = function(number)
{ Parameter : number
var myNumber=number/3;
</script> Call function with new parameter : 6

Function with parameter return a value (number)

var dividedByTree = function(number)
{ Function name : dividedByTree
return number/3; Parameter : number

var myNumber = dividedByTree(6); Call function with new parameter : 6

document.write(myNumber); Include function in variable myNumber
</script> Then print variable myNumber

Function with parameter return a value (string)

var yourName = function(name)
{ Function name : yourName
return "Your name is " +" "+ name; Parameter : name

var printMyName = yourName("Wokki"); Call function with new parameter : Wokki

document.write(printMyName); Include function in variable printMyName
</script> Then print variable printMyName

Javascript, I want to become an expert 5

Function with parameter return a value (using DOM)

Number : <input type = "text" id = "a"> / <input type = "text" id = "b"><br/>

<button type="button" onclick = "processDivide()">Process</button> DOM
<p id = "result"></p>

var process = function(numberA, numberB)
{ Function process
return numberA / numberB; parameter numberA, numberB

var processDivide = function() Function processDivide

{ With no parameter
var A = document.getElementById("a").value;
var B = document.getElementById("b").value;
Call function : process
var resultDivide = process(A,B); New parameter A,B
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = resultDivide;

DOM (Document Object Model)

Javascript, I want to become an expert 6

Function return value with condition if outside function

Function : div3
var div3 = function(number)
Parameter : number
return number/3;

var yourNumber = prompt("Your number ?");

if (div3(yourNumber) % 3 === 0)
document.write("result 0"); If number/3 then
} result divide(%) 3 again
else result === 0
Print result 0 Result 0
document.write(div3(yourNumber)); Else
} Print number/3

Function return value with condition if inside function

<script> Function : div3

var div3 = function(number) Parameter : number
var myNumber = number/3;
If number/3 then
if (myNumber % 3 === 0)
result divide(%) 3 again
result === 0
return "result 0";
Return result 0
Return number/3
return myNumber;
var yourNumber = prompt("Your number ?");
var printDiv3 = div3(yourNumber);
document.write(printDiv3); Call function : div3
</script> New parameter : yourNumber
(connect with parameter : number)

Javascript, I want to become an expert 7

Count buy, pay, refund using function with DOM event onkeyup (technique 1)

Total Buy : <input type="text" id="buy">
Pay : <input type="text" id="pay" onkeyup="count()">
Refund : <input type="text" id="refund" readonly>
var count = function()
var youBuy = document.getElementById("buy").value;
var youPay = document.getElementById("pay").value;
var youRefund = youPay - youBuy;
document.getElementById("refund").value = youRefund;

Count buy, pay, refund using function with DOM event onkeyup (technique 2)

Total Buy : <input type="text" id="buy">
Pay : <input type="text" id="pay" onkeyup="count()">
Refund : <input type="text" id="refund" readonly>
var counting = function(youBuy, youPay)
var youRefund = youPay - youBuy;
return youRefund;
var count = function()
var youBuy = document.getElementById("buy").value;
var youPay = document.getElementById("pay").value;
var weCounting = counting(youBuy, youPay);
document.getElementById("refund").value = weCounting;

Javascript, I want to become an expert 8

Count buy, pay, refund using function with DOM event onkeyup (technique 3)

Total Buy : <input type="text" id="buy">
Pay : <input type="text" id="pay" onkeyup="count()">
Refund : <input type="text" id="refund" readonly>
var counting = function(youBuy, youPay)
var youRefund = youPay - youBuy;
document.getElementById("refund").value = youRefund;
var count = function()
var youBuy = document.getElementById("buy").value;
var youPay = document.getElementById("pay").value;
counting(youBuy, youPay);

for, if .. else, with operator &&, !=, ===

Continued ….....

Javascript, I want to become an expert 9

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