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BS English

Roll No: 038


Morphology and Syntax

Supervised By:

Sir Najam

Presented to:

School of English

Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University

Shaheed Benazir Abad


05- 04- 2019


 What is lexicon or Lexis??

 Lexicology
 Lexeme
 Lexicographer
 Lexicography
 Lexicolization

How lexicon are interconnected with grammer?

 Are lexicon depends on grammar..

Connection between lexicon and morphology

 Role of lexicon in morphology

Connection between lexicon and syntax

 Role of lexicon in syntax

Word vs lexeme

Difference between lexeme and morpheme



The word "lexicon" is a adapt version of Greek word λεξικόν which means 'dictionary'. It is the term used
by linguists to refer those aspects of a language which related to the words, known as lexical aspects.
Lexicon is basically based on the term Lexis , whose Greek meaning is 'word'. Everyone have there own
vocabulary. In this world there are number of occupations and all occupations have different
vocabulary. All the vocabulary are known as lexicon in the linguistics.

For example: Doctors use this type of vocabulary_ organs, liver, heart beat, blood pressure
etc... And on the other hand literature's student have different vocabulary, they use this type of
words_ feelings, emotions, desire, happiness, sadness etc...

The term lexicology is from Greek 'lexis' and 'logos'. Lexis mean 'word' and logos means
'learning'. Lexicology is the branch of linguistics in which we study about the vocabulary of the
languages and the properties of the word as the main unit of language. In lexicology we study
about the foam, meaning and the behavior or the words.

For example: All the single word have many synonyms. The word 'bank' have different
meanings.on the other hand broad other name of broad is 'wide'. This type of study about
words is known as lexicology.


A basic lexical unit of a language consisting of one word or several words, the elements of
which do not separately convey the meaning of the whole.


A lexeme is an abstract unit of morphological analysis in linguistics, that are roughly

corresponds to a set of form taken by a single word.

For example: Run, runs, ran and running are form of the same lexeme. Naturally written as

A person who writes a dictionary or editor of the dictionary is known as lexicographer.

For example: Shoes were made at a time by hand in known as show maker, and the writer of
the dictionary is known as lexicographer.


Lexicography is the process of writing, editing, or compiling a dictionary. The processes involved
in the compilation and implementation of digital dictionaries (such as Merriam-Webster Online)
is known as lexicography.


Lexicalization is the process of adding words, set phrases, or word patterns to a language – that
is, of adding items to a language's lexicon. Whether or not word formation and lexicalization
refer to the same process is a source of controversy within the field of linguistics.

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