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Marino 1

Research Assessment #8

Date: ​10/24/19

Subject: ​Sport Injuries and Prevention


“Common Sports Injuries and Sports Injury Prevention Tips.” ​Patient Resources​,




In the article, “Common Sports Injuries and Sports Injury Prevention Tips,” the author

analyzes the most common injuries in various high-impact sports and some prevention or

recovery techniques. The author discusses frequent injuries in football, gymnastics, and

cheerleading. Common injuries in football include overuse injuries, concussions, heat injuries,

and traumatic injuries. The article recommends to consistently keep the body fit by incorporating

strength-training, hydrate, and properly warm-up and cool-down to help prevent injuries within

the sport. Common injuries in gymnastics are labral tears, wrist injuries, ACL injuries, achilles

tendinitis and foot or ankle injuries. Some prevention tips for injuries among gymnasts are

warming up muscles, insisting on spotters, and not practicing though any pain. Finally, the article

discusses injuries and prevention in the sport of cheerleading. Although, frequent injuries are not

as common in cheerleading but the injuries are much more catastrophic. To prevent these

detrimental injuries the article recommends regular stretching and resistance training to improve
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flexibility and gain strength. In addition, training among coaches and stunt restriction help to

avoid injuries among the sport.

The information displayed in this article is beneficial to me in my Independent and Study

Mentorship (ISM) because I can use the information for my original work. In my Independent

and Study Mentorship class, I plan to hopefully shadow an orthopedic sports medicine physician

assistant. The article helped me to expand my knowledge upon the speciality of orthopedic sports

medicine. I already have a vast knowledge upon the profession of physician assistants but I am

wanting to further my knowledge of the orthopedic sports medicine field. This information will

better prepare me for mentor visit in the orthopedic sports medicine clinic.

This article is broken down by various sports then the author further describes common

injuries and prevention techniques for each sport analyzed. This article is an informative, reliable

article because it comes from the University of Washington Orthopedics and Sports Medicine

website. This is a credentialed company that actually practices medicine, therefore the

information discussed in the article is factual. The information does not change any previous

knowledge I had, it just adds additional knowledge to my prior understanding.

I will be able to utilize the knowledge I gained from this article when developing my

original work. For my original work I am planning to create an informational pamphlet regarding

the importance of recovery or rehabilitation. The article outlined some prevention techniques I

can use to help further establish data for my informational pamphlet. From this article, I am

planning to research more into recovery, rehabilitation, and prevention techniques and their

importance in the orthopedic sports medicine world. Although, this article has no mention of

physician assistants it was still beneficial to me due to the primary discussion of common
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injuries and prevention or recovery strategies. Overall, the article was a great, reliable source that

will be greatly impactful on me throughout my Independent and Study Mentorship program.

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