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Being a student nurse in the Out-Patient Department has been a great experience. I had a longer
exposure in the triage section in where I learned to identify where to refer the patients by asking about their
complaints and assessing their condition. During my exposure in the area, I was able to appreciate the
patience that I have in me. In this area, I was able to meet a lot of people with different kinds of complaints
as well as personalities. As a nurse, I believe that we are entitled to understand everyone who is placed in
our care and provide them with the best service that is available. Communication is really important in order
to be effective in interacting with the patients to improve overall healthcare that can lead to patient’s
satisfaction. Sadly, there are times that we need to limit interaction with them in order to cater everyone in
the line but still, we make an effort to make them feel important. Also, the setting in the Out-patient department
is inconvenient for people who are really old as well as for those are really ill.

I was also assigned in the surgery section where I was able to remove and insert an indwelling
catheter, dress wounds, remove sutures, and administer medication. In this section of the Out-Patient
department, I realized how important it is to hone our skills every now and then to have a smooth flow when
working. Also, it is important that we know what we are doing to be able to explain the reason for doing an

From this experience, I became mindful of the importance of being assertive and professional in my
practice. Through this, I am more aware of the importance of acting in the best interest of the patient. In the
future, I hope to always recall this experience and apply it in situations that best fit.

in consortium with



(Out- Patient Department)

Submitted by:

Nathalie Kate C. Petallar

Submitted to:

Mr. Richard O. Lam

Clinical Instructor

October 23,2019

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