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Case: 5:17-cr-00104-DCR-CJS Doc #: 93 Filed: 10/08/19 Page: Rtt~trrn

1 of 6 District
- Page ID#: 342
of Kentucky
-~. OCT O8 2019

U IJ I. T c I> S 7 II 7 6".S 'i>Z. S 1 R~GT Co "4 h. T

EASt tli!N PZ S7/a'ICT Kc;
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o R. c.,a~~~T SeNTIS"tJCC '-'""D6R. ~8 u.S'.C.~:JJ.s-s
14/'Jo CNfell taRAt6" P Cl&l'1:9CdNll;,,b:J

Pe ti 1;,1 {}~ e ,) t; YI"'- (!I,,,!' 'tof 4 e,; a(,JN,~

oct,"c) ),-J a. p,o
C:a-f~J Se J t.4?.--eh'J. ed
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.OY Cot;'ec:.~ 1,t;s- S.z~'t.,/J<-*) t,,,,JUcJ...,,,.- ~y
:U. s·. C. Se <- ,ti O..J ~ J. 5 5 ~ ·, ~ /,,. I I" c- a ✓ ('Ii,; .:v6LJ
tf1 e r+f> r 1,, ,.,J~,.,. '
'rt.e l'e~t,,lli✓ -1»~ jfl'l4JS'"6 cl t.,J· aJ.,1t;
'./;/,2 Wti5' a l,,:,,,.J,r-.1-J tJit"ll',Jl:1 i': tJ.e th,~/#'ll)lf)-
1,.J,. _, 1 el, of K ~ 1-1-l"'.e k;J- ~ a ;JJ b ,e,.Jo,, e.. tJ,,;.s: e~,--t,I
Ho., e.J t,,F_, l'e i.; ti o,.; er Ii' ~ .,cz.ru1-ti;J f ro S e. •
Case: 5:17-cr-00104-DCR-CJS Doc #: 93 Filed: 10/08/19 Page: 2 of 6 - Page ID#: 343

AAGi4,-,1e1t1 T f
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As i-/6 ~4.s (AIJi>/;~ z/tJtJG"sr .x fiiA Tr~

! /Jo wN.S el Sc o i 6 IA.> J,;-t e ( 11 dc.,~~e./

:~ la i t e. '') Y '2 I' r e .I e/\J t ed i; '1 e.. I-, fl 6 6 a..ut ✓
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JfeI th ~ I a c e ,r f. e Yi oJ I Ji C'1 e. / tlill t-
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jl,.)°t,, k .fld o'-6t 'b rrl ~ e.Q.,J C,o u;JS.e I
jl,.) aµd f::.i.e. ?\ 0 ver/UMetJt, '-'"-5"
i a Jo rt eJ ... t.1- C,N;J M) # Q,I' t!/,-J eS;

1/!.o~N~e/ '4J/,,,;t,e✓ a/S~. r-ep,t!!-~.2"' t d ~

11'-eti l,j),..,e✓ Mi l,,s f't"r-t "tt-.>a
~ "' "" ~ -6- It f f e c,,1-J '-' r 0,.. 4 '.J t e 6,., ;-,J
A, ,, ,u,I

1/,o,., Ho NdwrAS, ,
. The f-'ei; -6, c,;e, tlfe>Ai h.,.J.., ~~~,Al
[o _,., H oNd_.. , .,,s h s;,J a f r,r, f fe ,r
Ses.C; o~ w,-t"' rt,,,~-e t::tss; .1:t~~t
LI.>~ I/ UC/,/ eas_, C; ;., / F 8.r INV~J t;d·~
Case: 5:17-cr-00104-DCR-CJS Doc #: 93 Filed: 10/08/19 Page: 3 of 6 - Page ID#: 344

It w O .ss A oz 6 ,/~~pis_,, ~,vJ 1,AJlt/,

jtJo.,,,.,.r,1 i,,Ji/J;s e,,f'Pe-'1, 7/,,e el,;~/
IFR..r .z ,._, iJ eJ t,; ~~ fo ,- 0 IAi 4.! a"" a .re
jt'.!o"N.{.i( wtt~t-¼ h a-J lefl +r:, ✓
{;e,..rlf'11-/ A Me;; ca t;he Ja~ 4-(le✓ /Jtd, tu>ltit;
!a d, J 11 e. vJ a r-J t eJ t,JJ K /Jr; i,J
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of aou~.Se/ I.JIA./i.e'.i jJJ ;J :;tue,~e,.rt. .z
ldi d l,v tit e. (:)~ t s Cl Pf'/ e.✓ u ,-,d Ci ;.J PIJ.r
iA~~Nt et11He ~ 6he Gr~~~r,l ~41"~
C.e1Jte.,,, C'D o~~,,-, rt.
AR. , ,,,, ,,,, 6 J.J r ::r;c
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FoP- Ai:) 4J rs L J-1 G- ft7 TI. r ~o,.,e-il. Jo
PLcA~ G~~1..,ry ro esc1rP6

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f.01ttN.Se/ wl,/,te O t'JS t!o"ll.(e/ JJl
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/fl" HoNd~l'.:,J. Ce.'"-'· e.o-,.,-.,, Coffi.d-"
:.aJ,;1s.J re-b1t'i,ol'Je..r to fie.rt.I
:~ w i I id
bo " ,J es CA re C I,,, a ,.. i ~
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1 Not be f /J'j j N O e"-rio~1 ,, 4/;
'.tL.e /;;r.,,CJ a
· T J. e ~ o v -e ., JJ M ,,., -6 har 4 / ,- II' .. .I;l.
Case: 5:17-cr-00104-DCR-CJS Doc #: 93 Filed: 10/08/19 Page: 4 of 6 - Page ID#: 345

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'r~ t.·. t,1 c, H ,,, a.s h ,t, W t:,,J; i"" e I e gs·t ✓
(>~NJJjtj3 lri ~, .,s.,.J,.je,t -1;,o t.J "4,;"Jt;"",S
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hiMSell o,JJ zJ,,e M,ddle of t::1
u/o~K Jo~,~ ·' tJ t tl,:·s . e1J 61,e /"a.c;~-6-t
1\ ; Wl <1 Q. J. e a.d {i ,J e. 1s ftl , "\ 1'.. rJ
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:f.,tt-t;MfiL l,.J,;;;t1J<eJ a11J iJJtt,, .. c~.r iJJ
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tl.~ Pel,t,t,,..Ji ✓ dot.?$ NC't hav~
OIJ~ of hi.S f'fZf#t.fd JtJ<.;t..Me--;v·t;S
a/J'JJ M a,,6f..,-;~/r 4.JAi /.·l,/e, ),J h,·i· Cell
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:t /,. e ·h) r'"e.., D, I""} 4 N .J J.t,/i CJ i'-J 4 I/
'. iM f,/£ i t,rJ' 'Ire JL 6J·ve h, i ~ e f.f-.'kc~hJ 11..

uS"I',,J't,4,1-J,.:2 o{" t!ouNs.ti-1 ,~ -t,/_;;.j· M~t"~

Case: 5:17-cr-00104-DCR-CJS Doc #: 93 Filed: 10/08/19 Page: 5 of 6 - Page ID#: 346

. \.) i,..,,e~r~ 6t.e , Pet; f ri,NL✓ ;1~.Jf)Lc:th/l'J

iMdVllJ t,/,;J 6Qw~'& ~o ~,r4,wt t4,,,r
(', ~ t' e t "l..f .I'eN~eN ~ e
/f1 ot, ~/J /!or t ow

U. 1>1d ,t,r d r Le. .. f .. C. .re(, t,; 0 4'J c).~s-:

t - .I h,e , c1 ,c ta~f2 t,t..t ~,..e!I ii, H 'i .
1/ j t,~we.e. IL~ C.,".r""et.6.fu✓ i'•>lllftl tr> ~ '-CS°C .,r..,ef/T,;N 17"'·
! This t J,,,e.. J_o d ~ ~.+'
i''2/'hel't~ ~ol'l.
Re~~t 121~ s'-1,~, t-&~

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f'. o. Bo)( Sooo

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IA 1v ti ;) 8 Lt .. .s·, C, ...J' ~ c -6 J--r:,N J ?'I"
~ ':::i F: I' J
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A,✓ f' ,.,..s; i.11 fje /"~a;;✓
I a/ tJ N t-J, ✓-1 m Ja1
I" f .{~~ c e/lJf I, e~ ,;;J, o/ 9 k, &he (/
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Case: 5:17-cr-00104-DCR-CJS Doc #: 93 Filed: 10/08/19 Page: 6 of 6 - Page ID#: 347

!V:,,, j oN Ji ~l/ J;., .WJJr1;/,AJj -to -tt.e

;h/ll'w;,.,J .'

(; /4, K ()I ti.~ (],._,,,~+

l,t. S, 'i)'; Ji ,ri ci /Jo...,.rl,
.r l/ Ni GeJ ri~ le.I C,c..,,, -(;--/,,.,o.,_1-(! 1/i 11d

f'~ ~ i:; o.f-'('; c:e.

lo/ 8a1v' .
..ftt'e.e-t / ~"" Fl.:;ov
i.. e X 1- ,v J bo iJ_,, I< Y 'to So 7- IsIS
t J,, e lf,j·, A ttP"' /J ~ s o I' /1,c<.. C,.J; ti
, be )j o t ~ r, e.J b'1 f/l1L CD ..,,_J -t ~
; e/12?t,rt:1~jt:, "cJ-'tu,,,,, cJ.;;
//a,,1/4·1 l.J o,J lo,KJ,1,1;J ~
;the .1A1;'14,f-e Y>f;~✓ lf i,,-,;K"I".

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